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Sample MAT 1332B Final Exam,

Duration: 3 hours.

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Take your time to read the entire paper before you begin to write, and read each question
carefully. Remember that certain questions are worth more points than others. Make a note
of the questions that you feel confident you can do, and then do those first: you do not have
to proceed through the paper in the order given.

• The exam consists of two parts. Part A contains multiple choice questions. There are
no part marks for multiple choice questions. Part B contains long-answer questions.

• Cellular phones, unauthorized electronic devices or course notes are not allowed during
this exam. Phones and devices must be turned o↵ and put away in your bag. Do not
keep them in your possession, such as in your pockets. If caught with such a device or
document, the following may occur: you will be asked to immediately leave the exam
and academic fraud allegations will be filed, which may result in you obtaining a 0 (zero)
for the exam. By signing below, you acknowledge that you have ensured that you are
complying with the above statement: Signature:

• Only the faculty-approved calculators (TI-30X, TI-34X, Casio FX-260X and Casio FX-
300X) are allowed. All others will be confiscated.

• The correct answer requires justification written legibly and logically: you must con-
vince me that you know why your solution is correct. Answer these questions in the
space provided. Use the backs of pages if necessary.

• Do not tear any pages from this exam.

• Where it is possible to check your work, do so. Good luck!


Question 1. Determine whether the following improper integral converges or diverges. If

it converges, find its value.
Z 0
ze2z dz

A: It diverges; B: 1/2; C: 1/2; D: 1/4 ; E: 1/4.

Question 2. Determine the form of the partial fraction decomposition (without calculating
the values of the coefficients).

t3 + 1
t2 + 3t + 2
A B At + B A B
A: + ; B: ; C: + ;
t+1 t+2 (t + 32 )2 + 14 t + 1 (t + 1)2

A B At + B A B
D: t 3+ + ; E: t 3+ ; F: 11t + 7 + + ;
t+1 t+2 (t + 32 )2 + 14 t + 1 (t + 1)2

Question 3. Consider the separable di↵erential equation

dy ln x
= , y(1) = 2.
dx xy

Evaluate y(e).
p p
A: 5; B: 5; C: 2; D: 2; E: 0.

Question 4. Among complex numbers below, which is not a result of one of the following
( 1 + 2i)( 3 + 2i), , (2 + i)2 , (1 + i) 1 , 2ei⇡/3 ⇥ 3e i⇡/2
1 + 2i
1 3 1 1 p
A: 1 8i; B: + i; C: 3 + 4i; D: + i; E: 3 3 3i.
5 5 2 2

Question 5. For the system of linear equations

x + 3y + 9z = 3
2x + 7y + 23z = 2
x + ay + az = b

determine the numbers a and b for which the system has no solution.
A: a 6= 3/2, b = 9; B: a = 3/2, b 6= 9; C: a 6= 3/2, b 6= 9;

D: a = 3/2, b = 9; E: a = 3/2, b= 9.

Question 6. Find the matrix A such that

✓  ◆T 
1 1 3 4 3
3A =
6 5 3 4
    
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2
A: ; B: ; C: ; D: ; E: .
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Question 7. Which of the following is NOT an eigenvalue of the matrix
2 3
4 5 14
4 13 4 2 5
0 0 9

A: 9; B: 7i; C: 7i; D: 4; E: They are all eigenvalues.

Question 8. Find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface at the point specified.
z= xy, (x, y) = (1, 1)

A: x y 2z = 0; B: x+y 2z = 0; C: x + y + 2z = 0;

D: x + y 2z = 0; E: x y + 2z = 5.

Question 9. Consider the system of di↵erential equations:
= x2 y + 2exy + e2 y
= ln(x2 ) 1 ey

Which of the following is an equilibrium point for this system?

A: (x, y) = (0, e); B: (x, y) = (1, e); C: (x, y) = (1, 0);

D: (x, y) = ( e, 1); E: (x, y) = (e, 0).

Question 10. Consider the vector-valued function

sin(y) cos(x)
F (x, y) = .
yx x2

Calculate the Jacobian matrix of F evaluated at the point (⇡/2, ⇡/2).

  
1 0 1 0 1 0
A: B: ; C: ;
⇡/2 ⇡/2 ⇡/2 ⇡/2 ⇡/2 ⇡/2
 
1 0 1 0
D: ; E: .
⇡/2 ⇡/2 ⇡/2 ⇡/2


Question 11. [5 points] Determine whether the following integral converges or diverges. If
it converges, find its value. Z 1 2
3x + 2x
5 x2 1

Question 12. [6 points] There is a model of the growth of a limited population called the
Gompertz function, which is a solution of the di↵erential equation
✓ ◆
dP M
= c ln P.
dt P

Consider a moose population for which c = 0.05 and M = 1000.

(a) Find all biologically reasonable equilibrium points.

(b) Determine the stability of each biologically reasonable equilibrium.

(c) Draw a phase-line diagram.

(d) If ten moose are introduced into the environment, how many moose will there be even-

(e) Again supposing an initial population of P (0) = 10, use Euler’s method with a step size
of t = 1 to estimate P (5).

Question 13. [3 points] Solve the system

2x1 + 2x2 x3 = 1
x1 4x2 + 2x3 3x4 = 1
x1 + x2 2x3 = 1
x3 + x4 = 1

Question 14. [8 points] Consider the real-valued function z = ln(36 4x2 4y 2 ).

(a) Find the domain and range of the function.

(b) Sketch the domain.

(c) On a separate graph, sketch three distinct level curves.

(d) Find the linearization of the function at the point (x, y) = (2, 1).

(e) Use the linearization to determine the approximate value of the function at the point
(2.1, 0.9).

Question 15. [8 points] Consider the linear system of di↵erential equations:

= 3x 4y
= x 2y
(a) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with this system.

(b) Write down the general solution of the system.

(c) Find the equilibrium, classify it and determine its stability.

(d) Draw the solution curve that has initial point x(0) = 1, y(0) = 1 in the plane.

Question 16. [10 points] There is a war for survival between werewolves (L) and vampires
(V ) that thankfully leaves humans una↵ected (phew!). Since a vampire can infect a werewolf
and turn it into vampire, and vice versa, the population of these two monstrous species is
modelled by the following system:
= 100L 5V L
= V (100 V ) V L
(a) Find all biologically meaningful equilibrium points.

(b) Show that the Jacobian is given by

100 5V 5L
V 100 2V L

(c) For each of the biologically meaningful equilibria from (a), find the eigenvalues of the
Jacobian matrix.

(d) Classify each equilibrium and determine its stability.

(e) Draw the nullclines in the region L 0, V 0

(f) Sketch several solutions on the same graph as (e) that start in the interior (i.e., not on
the axes).

(g) If there are 20 vampires and 5 werewolves initially, what happens eventually?


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