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HEAD OF BOARDING’S WELCOME 3 DINING AND KITCHENS 13 Dear Students, Parents and Guardians,

BBIS MISSION AND GUIDING STATEMENTS 4 ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS 14 It is my pleasure to welcome you to BBIS Boarding; we are
so thrilled to have you as part of our international commu-
Mission 4 Weekend Activities 14 nity. Whether this is your first year or your last, my team and
Guiding Statements 4 Culture Nights 14 I will do everything we can to make the boarding experi-
Values 5 Overnight Trips 14 ence the best it can be.
Definition of Learning 6 Boarding Bicycles 14
Learning Principles 6 BBIS Boarding is a growing community of international stu-
IB Learner Profile 6 BOARDING BEHAVIOUR POLICY dents who come together to share cultures and experi-
AND EXPECTATIONS 17 ences and live in a diverse and enriching environment.
BBIS BOARDING PHILOSOPHY 7 Boarding with us means embracing diversity and differ-
Alcohol, Illicit Substance Screening 17 ences and we all work together to achieve our very best.
VISAS AND RESIDENCE PERMITS 7 Tobacco, Shisha and E-Cigarettes 17 Leading a team of boarding staff who dedicate themselves
Living in a Community 17 to caring for young people is a real privilege and I look
Visas for Parents & Visitors 8 Electronic Devices 17 forward to helping each individual boarding student over
Residence Permit 8 Significant Behaviour Violations 17 the course of the year. Everything that we do is student-fo-
cused and we are committed to student wellbeing. All of
HEALTH INSURANCE 9 STUDENT ROOMS 18 the BBIS Boarding features including living space, projects,
daily routines and after school and weekend activities are
HEALTH AND WELLBEING 9 Room Inspections 18 designed to provide the boarding students with a vibrant,
Single Rooms 18 nurturing, safe and enriching experience.
Emergency Contact Details 9 Valuable Items and Safes 18
Getting Sick 9 Boarding at BBIS creates exciting opportunities for young
Medication 10 GENERAL INFORMATION 19 people to widen their perspectives and prepare for future
Health Records 10 challenges in today’s dynamically growing global society.
General Health and Wellbeing 10 Dress Code 19 We hope that our boarding students will experience great
Boarding Students Relationships 10 Recycling 19 success in school, enjoy their lives together in Berlin, and
Shopping 19 forge lifelong friendships with other BBIS students.
DAILY SCHEDULE 11 Bank Account 19
Graduates 19 Welcome to your new home away from home!
Weekday Schedule 11 Internet / WiFi 19
Weekend Schedule 11 Phone Calls for Students 19 Warmest regards,
Attendance & Punctuality 12 Pocket Money 19
Sign-Outs and Overnight Stays outside Boarding 12 School and Boarding Reports 19 Steve Crossley
Using Public Transportation 12 School Supplies 19 Head of Boarding
Maintaining Healthy Focus on Academics 12 Schulbescheinigung
(Document certifying enrolment) 19
CALENDAR AND HOLIDAYS 13 Student Support Services 19

Leaving for Holidays 13 GERMAN WORDS AND PHRASES 21

Permission to Leave 13
Arrival and Departure Information CONTACT INFORMATION 22
and Airport Transfer 13

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MISSION Global citizenship VALUES Excellent

Global citizens are knowledgeable about the world. A Excellent students have high expectations of themselves.
To inspire everyone in our learning community to be re- global citizen is confident about their own identity and cul- BBIS Berlin Brandenburg International School’s enduring They are passionate about learning, embrace opportuni-
sponsible, compassionate global citizens who make a dif- ture, and is motivated to learn about and understand the values are Pioneering, Reflective, Excellent and Caring. ties, and take steps to improve themselves. They are driven
ference through inclusion, innovation and action. identities, cultures and languages of others. They are to be their best selves. They take learning seriously through
open-minded and welcome multiple perspectives. Global Pioneering high levels of engagement, and commitment to self-devel-
This can be summarised as: we are inclusive, innovative citizens have an understanding of global sustainability is- Pioneering students are courageous, determined and resil- opment. Excellent students welcome and respond to feed-
and active. sues and challenges. They cooperate with others, and use ient. They explore the unfamiliar. They question assump- back.
their critical thinking, problem-solving and communication tions. They seek creative solutions to the challenges they
GUIDING STATEMENTS skills to make a positive difference in their communities discover. They collaborate with others to achieve personal Caring
and in the world around them. and shared goals. They put ideas into action. Caring students are empathic, and principled. They take
International education and intercultural learning responsibility for self, others and the environment around
At BBIS, we aim to make a positive impact on a local and BBIS is committed to actively developing global citizenship Reflective them. They are committed to service. They learn strategies
global scale. We believe we can achieve this by actively through the following aspects: Reflective students are thoughtful, open-minded and con- to overcome impulsiveness and manage their emotions.
developing global citizenship. To this end, our attitudes, siderate. They evaluate feedback and evidence of learning, They build and develop relationships. They manage and
values and principles are informed by and support: Ethics – research about, discussion of, and action related recognising their successes and setting goals for further resolve conflict. They act as responsible digital citizens.
to issues of principle of personal, local, and global impor- development. They inquire into their approaches to learn- They consider how they can share their skills to help their
· The UN Declaration of Human Rights 1949 tance ing, identifying conditions and strategies that help them peers. Caring students take a stand for diversity, equity,
learn well. They learn from mistakes by analysing and at- inclusion and justice.
· The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Diversity – the understanding of and respect for the simi- tributing causes for failure. They develop growth mindsets.
(Ratified in Germany 1992) larities and differences of a range of individuals and peo- They take responsibility for their own learning.
ples, in order to create an inclusive environment that strives
· The UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 for equity, practices anti-racism, and seeks justice

· The CIS Code of Ethics Global Issues – the understanding of multiple perspectives
of local and global events and issues
· The IB Mission statement, outlining the aim
of creating a more peaceful world through Communication – the development of fluency in multiple
intercultural understanding and respect languages, including mother tongues, used to communi-
cate within and across cultures
· The IB Learner Profile
Service – the development of the understandings, skills
Principles we maintain are: and dispositions to serve the local and global community
through engagement in meaningful service learning
· Respect for our differences and our diversity as a
source of immaterial wealth in our community Leadership – the acquisition and refinement of the skills of
leading and following within different cultural contexts
· Curiosity to understand our interconnectedness
through local, national and international perspectives Sustainable Lifestyle – a personal commitment to a life-
on global issues style which supports local and global sustainability dis-
played through example and advocacy
· Action to design and engage in authentic learning
experiences which have an impact

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DEFINITION OF LEARNING IB LEARNER PROFILE Individuals who live in successful international communities Our international boarding community challenges its mem-
nurture an attitude of consideration and respect for people bers to contribute actively by:
Learning is a lifelong and active process of inquiry in which BBIS is an IB World School. As IB learners we strive to be: from other nations and cultures. This positive attitude is
the learner constructs new meaning about themselves and demonstrated through thoughtful, consistent effort in a · Embracing a healthy lifestyle
the world around them by connecting prior knowledge Inquirers carefully structured, safe environment. Our international
with new information and experiences. Learners’ knowl- We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and boarding community aims to provide the necessary struc- · Achieving their academic potential to the fullest
edge, conceptual understanding, skills and attitudes de- research. We know how to learn independently and with tures in order for each of our members to contribute to the
velop and deepen over time. Learning is demonstrated others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of community’s overall success. In this way, the members’ · Sharing cultures and fostering intercultural
when learners apply, transfer, and adapt their learning to learning throughout life. shared experiences support the development of compe- understanding
new situations and problems in original ways. tencies for constructive and caring global living.
LEARNING PRINCIPLES We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring
knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with
High quality learning happens best when … issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

... learners feel safe in a positive, supportive and nurturing Thinkers VISAS AND RESIDENCE PERMITS
learning environment where their ideas are valued and re- We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and
spected. take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise
initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
... learning is individualised, using learners’ prior knowl- The BBIS Boarding School administration office will sup- · BBIS documents in original
edge, interests, learning strengths, linguistic and cultural Communicators port you to obtain the correct visa for your child if required.
backgrounds and identities. We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more Once all documents and the payment are complete, you · Receipt of registration payment
than one language and in many ways. We collaborate ef- will receive a confirmation of the payment as well as the
... learners have the right balance of challenge and com- fectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other in- enrollment letter for the Embassy stamped and signed · Confirmation of enrollment
fort, knowing that success is attainable through persever- dividuals and groups. from the boarding school administration office.
ance. · Signed boarding and school contracts; power of
Principled You will receive two copies of the contracts and other doc- attorney
... learners receive specific, frequent and timely feedback We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of uments and you should have one original left for the au-
through a variety of assessments connected to stated fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and thorities. The “power of attorney”, which allows our em- · 2 filled in application forms in German with 2 photos
learning objectives and outcomes, and use that feedback rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our ployees of the BBIS Boarding School to be responsible for
to practice, retry, rethink, and revise. actions and their consequences. the students while they are in Germany, is an important · Health Insurance confirmation at least for the first 12
document. Please make sure that the boarding address is months (see information below), proof that you will pay
... learning is a social activity that allows learners to collab- Open-minded correct for the contact details. for all living costs
orate, communicate their thinking, and understand and We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal his-
connect ideas from diverse perspectives. tories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We Please get in contact with the German Embassy in your · A confirmation for German course enrollment
seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are country as soon as possible. You will need to download the
... learners reflect purposefully on their learning, evaluating willing to grow from the experience. visa application (“nationales Visum”) from their website · Passport valid for at least one school year
the effectiveness of their learning and developing an un- and get an appointment. Please get all your documents
derstanding of how they learn best. Caring ready for this appointment. A detailed list of required doc- · Proof of your home address
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a uments can be found on the embassy website.
... learning is embedded in authentic, real-world contexts, commitment to service, and we act to make a positive dif- · Birth certificate of child
allowing students to achieve personal and shared goals as ference in the lives of others and in the world around us. The “nationales Visum” will be valid for 90 days in Ger-
they discover innovative ways to solve local and global many. We will apply for a residency permit for the whole · Motivation letter of student
challenges through the inquiry learning cycle. Risk takers school year about 3 weeks after your child’s arrival at BBIS.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determina- For a number of countries, a confirmation of living cost · Copy of parents’ passports for the power of attorney
tion; we work independently and cooperatively to explore coverage (“Verpflichtungserklärung”) needs to be issued
new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful by BBIS. The yearly fees must be paid in advance for this
and resilient in the face of challenges and change. confirmation to be written. Please confirm at your local
German Embassy regarding the documents needed for the
Balanced visit. Our experience is that the following may be required:
We understand the importance of balancing different as-
pects of our lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional - to ·
achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize
our interdependence with other people and with the world
in which we live.

We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and
experience. We work to understand our strengths and
weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal

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VISAS FOR PARENTS & VISITORS RESIDENCE PERMIT Health insurance is compulsory for all boarding students Parents/guardians who wish to provide their own health in-
while living and travelling in Germany and Europe. BBIS surance must provide the school with an official confirma-
Parents who would like to visit their child during the school Your child must have a residency permit granted by the can provide health insurance (incl. liability) and this can be tion of health insurance coverage in Germany and Europe
year may need a visa to travel to Germany. Please contact German foreign authorities in order to be able to live in our discussed with the boarding administration, but proof of for the student. Parents/guardians shall provide a letter in
the boarding school administration office to receive an of- boarding house and study at our school. Once your child health insurance coverage must be provided upon arrival German or English from the company listing the insurance
ficial invitation letter from the school to support your visa arrives at BBIS, we will work on obtaining the residency of the student at BBIS Boarding. policy number, the company address and any other rele-
application. permit for the whole school year. The BBIS Boarding school vant details. If no proof of health insurance coverage is pro-
administration office will prepare all documents and will vided beforehand or upon arrival, the boarding school ad-
ask your child to accompany the boarding staff to the im- ministration office will automatically take out health
migration office. The fees for the residence permit are be- insurance for the current school year at the parents’/guard-
tween 80 and 100 Euros (depending on the age) and will ians’ expense. The parent/guardian will be invoiced for this
be charged to your account. during the school year.

Official confirmation of health insurance coverage in Ger-

many and Europe is required in order to obtain a residency
permit for your child.

The residency permit must be extended every year during HEALTH AND WELLBEING
the month of May. In order for the permit to be extended,
BBIS must submit a written statement to the immigration
office which guarantees the coverage of living costs while
your child is living at and attending BBIS Boarding School Embracing a healthy lifestyle is one of the fundamental GETTING SICK
in the next school year. This letter can only be submitted principles of boarding at BBIS and we will work together to
once confirmation has been received that this has been ensure that boarding students remain healthy and safe, If a boarding student feels sick and cannot attend school
paid in advance. The boarding school administration office both physically and mentally. We offer a range of support they will be assessed by the school nurse and boarding
will send you a proforma invoice in this regard at the begin- services in addition to the care we provide students who staff team before school. They will be cared for throughout
ning of March/April of each school year. are unwell. Health and wellbeing is as much about preven- the day by the boarding staff. If sick at school, boarding
tative care as is it reacting to situations and we aim to put students must follow the school sickness procedure and be
Your child’s residence permit is granted on condition of be- the health and wellbeing of boarding students first. assessed by the school nurse before returning back to
ing a boarding student and attending the school. Any time boarding.
spent away from being in Germany, residing at BBIS Board- EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS
ing and attending school may lead to a withdrawal of the Boarding staff will care for boarding students and arrange
residence permit by the authorities. It is extremely important that we have up-to-date contact a doctor’s appointment if necessary. Boarding students are
details, especially phone numbers of parents, in case of an asked to please follow the instructions of the doctor and/or
If your child leaves BBIS Boarding, the visa and residence emergency, preferably the mobile phone number and the local health authority. Boarding students can bring any
permit are not automatically transferable and may result in e-mail address of each parent. All changes of telephone prescription (Rezept) that they receive from the doctor to
the withdrawal of the school place and withdrawal of the numbers, addresses, etc., should be sent to the BBIS any pharmacy (Apotheke). They must then inform boarding
residence permit and/or visa by the authorities. Boarding School administration office. It is the parents’ re- staff.
sponsibility to keep contact information up-to-date.
Your child will be de-registered from living in Kleinmach- Whenever a boarding student needs to see a doctor during
now when they leave BBIS Boarding. school hours, he/she needs to bring a certificate attesting
the doctor’s visit. A doctor’s sick note or certificate will be
required if there is any time taken off school. This must be
handed in to the boarding administration office.

Generally, boarding students visit the doctors on their own

as doctors in Germany speak very good English. However,
the boarding staff will organize support when needed and
may accompany a boarding student to an appointment if

After being absent from school due to illness to ensure

boarding students recover in a timely manner, weekend
sign-out permissions may be limited to encourage active
rest. If a boarding studnet is absent for one day, there will
be no overnight sign-out and only one extended sign-out
the following weekend permitted. If two or more days of
absences occur, boarding students will have no extended
sign-out permission the following weekend. For those
boarding students who have been ill and therefore have
weekend sign-out restrictions, one two-hour sign out will
be allowed each weekend day.

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MEDICATION GENERAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING The weekday begins at 7 am when boarding students wake WEEKDAY SCHEDULE
up and breakfast is served in the dining room. Boarding
Boarding students will be assessed by the boarding staff to The health and wellness of our community depends on students are expected to eat breakfast, and then get them- 07:00 Boarding open – all boarding
determine if they can keep modest amounts of non-pre- each student’s ability to maintain proper hygiene as well as selves ready for school before signing-out to school. students wake
scription medication in their rooms and self-administer. to lead a healthy, nutritious and active lifestyle. The board- 7:15 – 7:45 Breakfast in dining room
This will also be done with respect to some common pre- ing mentors and staff work to support and encourage stu- Boarding students will receive a hot lunch at school which 07:50 All boarding students depart for school
scription medications. dents to live in accordance with such objectives. is included in the boarding fee and boarding students may 08:00 All boarding students register in
also purchase drinks, sandwiches and other snacks with home room
Boarding students may not keep prescription medication We expect all the boarding students to maintain healthy their own pocket money. 11th and 12th grade students, 08:00 – 15:00 Boarding students at school
in their rooms which is regulated under German legislation. eating habits and sleeping routines. Boarding students are with good academic and behavioral standing in school and 15:00 Boarding students return to
This medication will be stored in the medical room and expected to attend all meals that are offered in the board- boarding, may sign out of school during the school lunch boarding house
dispensed by the boarding staff in accordance with the ing house dining room and be a part of the community. break or after the lunch break, their last class, mandatory 15:00 – 17:30 Activites, free time, duties and
prescription. There are numerous opportunities to give feedback about meeting or assembly. The boarding house is closed during sign outs
the food through the food committee and the boarding the day to 9th and 10th grade students. 17:30 – 18:30 Dinner with house meeting at 18:20
Boarding students may bring with them any other non-pre- staff is continually working toward accommodating stu- 18:30 – 20:00 Study hall
scription medication which they may wish to take from dents’ wishes. The boarding community kitchens are 20:00 – 21:00 Evening activities and sign outs
time-to-time to alleviate common ailments, such as parac- stocked with supplies for boarding students but atten- 21:15 Evening duties
etamol, ibuprofen, allergy and travel sickness medication. dance at meal times is a key focus. 21:45 All students to rooms
This medication will be stored in the medical room and 22:00 Staff check and lights out
dispensed according to instructions determined by parents Boarding students must maintain a generally calm atmo-
and guardians in advance. sphere in BBIS Boarding. Roommates must be respected WEEKEND SCHEDULE
and if a student wants to go to sleep earlier than 10:00 pm,
BBIS reserves the right to collect any medications from stu- this must be possible. Playing loud music, computer gam- Saturday (and Friday night)
dents if it deems such collection necessary. ing, Skyping or any other activity in the room which could 08:00 Boarding open
disturb roommates will not be accepted. 08:00 – 11.30 Free time/activities/sign outs
HEALTH RECORDS 11:30 – 12:15 Brunch and house meeting
BOARDING STUDENTS RELATIONSHIPS 12:15 – 17:30 Free time/activities/sign outs
Parents are requested to keep the medical and immuniza- 17:30 – 18:20 Dinner with house meeting at 18:20
tion records up-to-date and inform BBIS of any changes Relationships are a natural part of adolescent development 18:30 – 23:00 Free time/activities and sign outs
immediately. but must be managed in an appropriate manner in keeping 22:30 Curfew 9th and 10th Grade
with the expectations and boundaries of a boarding school. 23:00 Curfew 11th and 12th Grade
Parents of new and returning boarding students who have Physically intimate sexual relationships are prohibited in 23:00 Staff check and lights out
not yet completed a health record are asked to complete a the boarding house.
health form (incl. copies of immunization passes or book- Sunday
lets usually with English language translations) at the be- BBIS is an inclusive school, however student rooms are ar- 09:00 Boarding open
ginning of the year and inform the boarding staff of any ranged by gender according to males and females. Board- 08:00 – 11.30 Free time/activities/sign outs
changes throughout the year. ing students are not permitted to visit a room of a member 11.30 – 12:15 Brunch and house meeting
of the opposite sex at any time. 12:15 – 17.30 Free time/activities/sign outs
17:30 – 18:20 Dinner with house meeting at 18:20
Disciplinary action may result if boarding students are 18:30 – 20:00 Study hall
found to have visited a room of a member of the opposite 20:00 – 21:00 Free time/school prep/sign outs
sex. Boarding students must respect the use of common 21:15 Evening duties
areas and conduct themselves appropriately at all times. 21:45 All boarding students to their rooms
22:00 Staff check and lights out

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ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY USING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The annual school calendar is finaliased usually mid-year PERMISSION TO LEAVE
for the following year by the BBIS School Association. The
All boarding students are expected to attend school regu- The city of Berlin is easily accessible via public transporta- school calendar is given out to all the parents prior to the German law states that all children must attend school. If
larly and on time. Please be aware that absences for social tion, and boarding students all use the local bus network. If start of the new school year. The holidays at BBIS are set to special leave is necessary, parents must apply to the school
reasons are usually marked as unexcused for reporting pur- boarding students are travelling alone or with some friends, reflect both the usual holiday procedures of German and prior to the leave of absence. All requests for special leave
poses, as they can create difficulties and disruptions for the they can purchase a single ticket on a bus or on a train international schools, and are likely to differ from the holi- must be in writing and handed in to the school a full week
student and their peers regarding group and class projects platform. When they buy a ticket on the platform, they day schedules of the Federal States of Berlin and Branden- in advance. Any leave must be approved by the school
being completed. A medical certificate/doctor’s note is re- must use the stamp machine (validate) before getting on burg. principal. Please inform the boarding school administration
quired to excuse absences of more than three days. the train, or as they get on the bus. Tickets bought from the office once permission from the school principal has been
bus driver do not need to be validated. There are no ticket The boarding house is closed during the October, Winter, given.
SIGN-OUTS AND OVERNIGHT STAYS checks at the metro and underground entry areas. How- February and Spring breaks and boarding students must
OUTSIDE BOARDING ever, your child might be checked by the public transporta- depart during those times. Arrangements can be sup- ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE INFORMATION
tion personnel while riding. There is a substantial fine ported for boarding students who wish or need to stay in AND AIRPORT TRANSFER
According to German law, children are allowed to use pub- found traveling without a ticket or a ticket that has been the Berlin-Brandenburg area during those breaks.
lic transportation and move about in public without being validated. It is very important that parents inform us about their child’s
accompanied by an adult from a young age. There are The boarding house is also closed completely during the departure plans at least two or three weeks before any hol-
some restrictions for young people under 18 (16–17 year The school can be easily reached by public transport. Stu- summer break and all boarding students must depart for iday. It is important to inform the BBIS Boarding adminis-
olds may not stay out after midnight) and children between dents can take the S-Bahn S7 from Berlin or from Potsdam the summer when essential cleaning and maintenance tration if your child will fly with an escort agent because
14 and 15 years old may only stay out until 10pm. There to Wannsee station; the S-Bahn S1 to Zehlendorf or Mex- takes place. special arrangements are necessary in this case.
are also restrictions for young people regarding visiting ikoplatz, as well as the underground U3 to Krumme Lanke.
restaurants and pubs. BBIS Boarding students are required At these stations there are busses which will take students LEAVING FOR HOLIDAYS BBIS Boarding offers a limited airport transfer service at no
to follow German law and not to drink alcohol on or off to the bus stop “Rathausmarkt Kleinmachnow.” BBIS is extra cost. Approximately one hour after school finishes
campus. We also expect them to be non-smokers at all very near this bus stop. If students are going to or coming While it is understandable that boarding students will have before a holiday, we will provide free bus service to a Berlin
times on and off the BBIS campus. from Berlin, they must buy a “Berlin ABC” ticket which in- to make special travel arrangements, the school policy airport. Further transfers will be provided at set times.
cludes the areas of Berlin and Potsdam. does not accept early departures or late arrivals before and
Boarding students are able to spend the night at a friend’s after breaks.. In all cases the school principal will need to A travel request form will be sent out several weeks before
house if the student has submitted permission from the MAINTAINING HEALTHY FOCUS ON ACADEMICS be informed about and only in very exceptional, urgent every break by the boarding administration.
parents/guardians, and the host has contacted boarding cases will the absences be excused. Absences will not be
administration and supplied the address and telephone All boarding students are expected to maintain a strong recorded as excused for flight scheduling reasons, birthday
number where the student will be. We expect the boarding focus on their academics. At all times the boarding house or family gatherings. Please be mindful of this and set the
students to spend no more than one night at a friend’s must be a calm and quiet space so that any student will be departure time (from our campus and not the actual flight
house during a weekend. We also check with the hosting able to study. During study period Sundays through Thurs- time) for your children after the end of the last hour of in-
parents to make sure that they are in their home when the days from 6.30 pm – 8:00 pm, the entire boarding house struction before holidays. Please note that the boarding
BBIS Boarding students are present. must remain especially quiet and conducive to studying. house will be closed from the day after school ends at mid-
All 9th and 10th grade boarding students who study in day, until the day before school starts again at approxi-
Permission requests for weekend overnights should be their rooms must leave their room doors open during study mately 2:00 pm. We expect the boarding students to re-
submitted to the boarding administration on Wednesday period. If boarding students demonstrate that they have turn on the day before school starts by 5:00 pm. For
for a Friday night stay, and by Thursday for a Saturday difficulties maintaining a strong focus on their academics, boarding students travelling especially long distances,
night. This is to ensure the appropriate information is made they may have to study in the supervised study hall where special arrangements can be made for an earlier arrival.
available in advance and can be checked if required. they must request permission to use electronic devices.
Electronic devices may also be confiscated overnight if
Please note that unsupervised overnight stays are not per- they appear to be a distraction to effective study and main-
mitted for any BBIS Boarding student regardless of their taining a healthy lifestyle.


age. We require the boarding students who spend nights
outside of the BBIS Boarding house to always be responsi-
bly supervised by an adult 25 years of age or older. This
older adult must be present in the hotel, apartment or
house where the boarding student is spending the night.
All meals are included in the boarding tuition fee and take Community kitchens are available on each floor of the
place in our boarding dining room, the school cafeteria boarding house and are available for boarding students to
and in the community kitchens in the boarding house. Meal use to make their own meals, drinks and snacks. They are
times are an important time for building community and stocked by the boarding house but boarding students
are mandatory. must keep these areas clean and tidy. Due care and atten-
tion must be given to ensuring that the kitchens remain a
shared space and boarding staff will monitor the kitchens.
The cleaning of the kitchens remains the duty of the clean-
ing team, but daily duties take care of the general tidying
of the kitchens and disposal of the waste bins at the end of
each day.

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The year begins with a Welcome BBQ a few days before OVERNIGHT TRIPS
the school officially starts in mid August and all boarding
students and their parents are invited to attend. This is an Twice a year, in September and in May/June the BBIS
opportunity to meet other boarding students and their Boarding organizes a weekend retreat or trip for all board-
families and to begin to build our boarding community for ing students which may take place locally, nationally or
the year. abroad. A specific trip form will be sent to the parents for
signature and part of the costs for the overnight trips are
WEEKEND ACTIVITIES billed in addition to the BBIS Boarding school fee.

Many boarding students participate in sports, excursions We expect all BBIS Boarding students to participate in
and the various activities offered on Saturdays and Sundays these trips as they are important for maintaining and in-
in boarding. Some of the main events and activities include creasing the strength of the BBIS Boarding community
football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, use of the fitness spirit.
room, riding bikes, crafts, painting, ping-pong, table foot-
ball matches, museum and park visits and culture nights. BOARDING BICYCLES

Activities take place throughout the week and are planned Cycling is a popular mode of transport in Germany and
in cooperation with boarding students. Not all activities boarding students have access to bicycles while at BBIS
and trips are compulsory, but some are reflecting the need Boarding. Bicycles are used at the student’s own risk and it
to socialise and spend time with the boarding community. is their duty to check that a bicycle is functioning properly
before riding. The students must wear helmets – also avail-
CULTURE NIGHTS able in boarding – and should always be left locked. If
there is a bike lane on the sidewalk, you are expected to
Culture nights are a big part of the programme at BBIS ride on it in the same direction as road traffic. If there is not
Boarding is a great opportunity to share our cultures with a bike lane, you are expected to ride in the road or street.
each other. Boarding students and staff work together to
choose a culture to showcase and will include food, music,
language and examples of customs plus a group activity.
Cultural decorations and costumes are often included and
all members of the BBIS Boarding community assist and
attend culture nights.

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The BBIS Boarding Behaviour Policy explains all the expec- SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIOUR VIOLATIONS
tations and sanctions in place to ensure a safe and secure
boarding house. Please refer to this document as well as Boarding students are responsible for their own behaviour
information listed below: and must expect to face the consequences of their actions.
Sanctions for serious and persistent violations will be han-

As per written agreement signed by the parents and board- Boarding students may be suspended or their boarding
ing students, testing for alcohol and screening for illegal place withdrawn for the following behaviours:
drugs or any mind altering substances may take place. The
testing takes place unannounced and the boarding stu- · Repeated violations of the behaviour policy and
dents must comply. Refusal to be tested will be considered expectations
a positive test and will be dealt with accordingly. A positive
test for illegal drugs or mind altering substances will likely · Theft
result in immediate expulsion.
· Physical aggression and violence
· Sexual activity
All boarding students are expected to refrain from smoking
or consuming tobacco or any other similar substance in any · Abusive language towards others
manner, anywhere and at all times. Any violation will result
at a minimum in a warning letter and sign-out restrictions · Defacing school property and/or personal property
and major or repeated violations will likely result in expul-
sion. · Dangerous behaviour to oneself and towards others


Boarding students are expected to contribute to the · Bullying (including cyber-bullying)

boarding community by maintaining a healthy, safe and re-
spectful living environment individually and as a group. · Possession of dangerous items
This includes cleaning of their rooms, group set-up and
clean-up at meal times, tidying common spaces such as · Possession and use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes/
the TV lounge, fitness room, kitchens, and outside areas. tobacco, including outside of the school campus
Cleaning up after using these areas is mandatory.
A more comprehensive explanation of the boarding be-
ELECTRONIC DEVICES haviour expectations is available in the BBIS Boarding Be-
haviour Policy.
Boarding students are allowed to use electronic devices in
our boarding house. However, they should not bring any
electronic devices to meal times, activities or meetings
which the general boarding community attends. If the
boarding staff determines that a student is not responsibly
using any electronic device, the staff will confiscate that
device or all devices if necessary and return the devices at
a later time to be determined by the staff.

16 17

BBIS Boarding offers single and double rooms with a pri- ROOM INSPECTIONS DRESS CODE GRADUATES
vate shower and toilet. Each student will be provided with
a single bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and a desk lamp. Please Boarding students’ rooms may be inspected by the board- Students must be neatly dressed in clothing appropriate Grade 12 students must depart boarding within 48 hours
note that we can’t allow students to bring their own furni- ing staff at any time. Room inspections may include open- for a multicultural, international school environment. following the school graduation.
ture. ing desks, bureaus, closets, trunks, etc. While the boarding Boarding students dress for the school day according to
staff respects student privacy, circumstances may occasion- the school day dress code. Boarding students must dress in INTERNET / WIFI
Students’ rooms are to be kept clean and organised. Beds ally require a complete and thorough room search. Room a manner which respects each other and other cultures, tra-
must be made daily, and clothing must be off the floor and searches will take place in front of the boarding student by ditions and norms. Wifi is available throughout the boarding house and com-
properly stored. Floors must remain clear of all clutter and two members of the boarding staff team. puters with internet access are available for use in the con-
the bathrooms kept in an orderly condition. Perishable RECYCLING ference room.
food, dirty pans, dishes, or food containers may not be left SINGLE ROOMS
in the students’ rooms and the following items are not per- Recycling is the law in Germany and is encouraged in PHONE CALLS FOR STUDENTS
mitted in student rooms: refrigerators, unapproved electri- 12th grade students are given the option to reserve a sin- boarding to help contribute to a healthy environment. Ev-
cal devices, plants, candles or incense, animals or insects of gle room for the upcoming school year for an additional erything that can be recycled should be recycled and most All boarding students should be in possession of a mobile
any kind, knives, toy or actual weapons, prescription drugs fee. If there are any rooms remaining, the 11th grade stu- bottles operate on a deposit (Pfand) and refund system. phone with a German number.
that fall under the narcotics legislation law or any possibly dents will then have the option to reserve a single room. When you purchase a bottle at the store you pay a deposit.
harmful substances, alcohol, cigarettes, illegal drugs, Generally, we will not offer this option for students in grade POCKET MONEY
empty alcohol containers, and pictures with unacceptable 9 or 10. BBIS Boarding reserves the right to have the final Bring your bottles back to a store, place them in the return
sexual or violent imagery or images showing alcohol or il- decision on all room assignments. machine, and receive either cash back or a credit slip de- Parents should arrange pocket money for their child ideally
legal drugs. pending on the store. through a bank account. If this is not possible, parents will
Once a single room has been approved and the student have the opportunity to get the pocket money through the
Boarding students must report anything damaged or bro- has moved into the room, the yearly fee for the single room There are recycling bins throughout the boarding house. boarding administration office. Please contact the board-
ken in the room immediately. The windows and insect becomes non-refundable. Applications for single rooms ing school administration office for assistance. One time
screens must not be manipulated or damaged in any way. will take place in the summer after grade 12 graduation. · Common bins for “trash” payments to boarding students can be organized without
If an insect screen is damaged, the replacement cost will · Cardboard/paper = Papier that form.
be 300 EUR. No nails can be hammered into the furniture VALUABLE ITEMS AND SAFES · Plastic/metal/packaging = Verpackung (Gelber Sack)
and no sticky putty or strong adhesive tape should be used · Biodegradable = Bio (food leftovers) SCHOOL AND BOARDING REPORTS
on the furniture or walls. Any damages to the rooms and/or A safe is installed in every student room. Passports, smaller · Other trash = Restmüll
furniture will be charged to the boarding student. amounts of money, and exceptionally valuable items Reports are issued twice a year in February and June for all
should be kept in the student room safe. Larger amounts of SHOPPING students, and you will receive a BBIS Boarding School re-
If rooms are not in an acceptable condition, students will money should be given to the BBIS Boarding administra- port at the same time.
not be able to sign out until they have properly tidied their tion office. Despite these precautions, BBIS cannot be held At the nearby “Rathausmarkt”, a max 10 min walk, you will
rooms. If students do not properly prepare their rooms for responsible for any money or valuables that go missing. find smaller shops for daily needs, like food stores, a phar- SCHOOL SUPPLIES
the weekly and biweekly cleaning done by the cleaning macy, a store for school materials, a drugstore and restau-
personnel, they will have to complete special duties as de- In addition, the room doors must always be locked when rants. The school does not provide school equipment such as
scribed above. Untidy rooms will not be cleaned by the the students are not in their rooms. No student should ever folders and pens. Individual class teachers will recommend
cleaning team. be in another student’s room if the host student is not pres- Most shops are open 9:00 am until 8:00 pm (Monday – Fri- which equipment is needed. Therefore, please make sure
ent. day) that your child has extra money to pay for supplies at the
Boarding student rooms must always remain locked when beginning of the school year.
not in use. Requests for room arrangements will be consid- On Saturdays some shops are open until 1:00 pm, some
ered, however BBIS Boarding determines all room assign- until 6:00 pm, others until 8:00 pm. SCHULBESCHEINIGUNG
Additionally, there are several big shopping malls in Berlin
and Brandenburg which usually are open from 9:00 am un- If students are in need of a Schulbescheinigung, then
til 8:00 pm from Monday through Saturday. please contact the boarding school administration office.


Students may want to open their own bank account in Ger- School counsellors are available to assist parents and
many. This will have to be arranged via the parents as BBIS teachers in guiding the personal and academic growth of
Boarding can not take responsibility for students’ individ- the students in school. Services include consultations with
ual bank accounts. parents and staff members and diagnostic evaluations to
determine students’ individual needs. The school counsel-
lor may work with individual children and small groups on
such goals as improving social behavior, building self-con-
fidence, concentration training and study skills. The school
counsellor may also help obtain professional assistance
from the surrounding community if necessary and avail-

18 19


suitcase backpack/sport bag handbag Montag Monday ja (yah) yes

IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Dienstag Tuesday nein (nine) no

passport visa travel insurance/health insurance credit card Mittwoch Wednesday bitte please

money in cash passport photos Donnerstag Thursday Danke schön! (shuhrn) Thank you!

TOILETRIES Freitag Friday Ich möchte bezahlen, bitte. I would like to pay, please.

shower gel and shampoo toothbrush and toothpaste comb or brush deodorant mirror Samstag Saturday Guten Morgen! Good morning!

nail file razors washcloths hairdryer Sonntag Sunday Guten Tag! Good day!

FIRST AID Wie viel kostet es? How much does it cost?

pain reliever personal medicines NUMBERS Wo ist die Toilette? Where is the toilet/bathroom?

CLOTHES eins one die Karte/n ticket/tickets

underwear (10) socks (10) pyjamas/sleepwear (2) sport clothes (2) zwei (tsvy) two die Kasse box office/cashier

blouse/shirt (2) skirt, dress (2) t-shirts (10) sweater (10) drei (dry) three

jeans/long trousers (5) shorts (2) belt (2) light jacket (1) raincoat vier (fear) four

winter jacket scarf (1) gloves (1) towel for beach (1) swimming suits (1) fünf (foonf) five

SHOES sechs (zex) six

inside sneakers for sport (1) sneakers for free time (1) shower shoes (1) boots sieben (zeebn) seven

OTHER THINGS acht (ahkt) eight

laptop and charger alarm clock photos (friends/family) neun (noyn) nine

address list and list of important contacts or numbers glasses/sunglasses zehn (tsayne) ten

umbrella games paper/pen dictionary calculator


Sheets and towels are provided by BBIS Boarding. links left

rechts right

geradeaus straight

die Ampel traffic light

Wo ist …? Where is …?

die Strasse street

geöffnet open

geschlossen closed

20 21

The boarding team at school is happy to receive communi-

cation from you at any time. Please use the following con-
tact details:


Head of Boarding
Steve Crossley
Telephone +49 (0)33203 8036-767

Boarding Assistant
Margit Schmeisser
Telephone +49 (0)33203 8036-328

Boarding Assistant
Angelika Heidt
Telephone +49 (0)33203 8036-178


Boarding Mentors
Telephone +49 (0)33203 8036-325

To discuss anything in relation to your child, you should first

contact your child’s mentor who should be able to assist
you. Their contact details will be shared with you upon ar-

There is a member of staff on duty at all times, and the duty

roster will be updated and shared with you so that you
know who is available on duty and who to contact in an

22 23
As of: September 2021

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