English Project Class 11

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General Awareness:

Have you heard about Artificial Intelligence (AI) before?

How would you rate your understanding of AI (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced)?

32. Have you personally experienced benefits from AI in your daily life?

38.Can artificial intelligence feel emotions?

39.Can artificial intelligence think?

Positive Aspects of AI:

Do you believe AI has positively impacted technological advancements?

Can you cite specific instances where AI has improved efficiency in industries?

Do you think AI has contributed to medical research and advancements?

Has AI played a role in enhancing accessibility to information and services?

1. Do you believe that AI has positively impacted technological advancements?

2. Do you think AI has the potential to reduce human errors in critical tasks?
3. 14.Do you believe that AI has improved accessibility to information and services?
4. 22.Do you feel that AI has improved the efficiency of customer service and support?
5. 23.Do you believe that AI has the potential to enhance the field of autonomous vehicles for
safer transportation?
6. 29.Do you think Artificial Intelligence can reduce costs?

Negative Aspects of AI:

Do you feel that AI has led to job displacement in certain industries?

Are you concerned about ethical issues related to AI, such as privacy and data security?

In your opinion, does AI have the potential to contribute to biased decision-making?

Do you think AI poses any cybersecurity threats?

4. Do you believe that AI has led to job displacement in certain industries?

5Do you think AI poses ethical concerns regarding privacy and data security?

9. Do you believe that AI technologies can be biased in their decision-making processes?

13. Do you think the potential risks and challenges associated with AI outweigh its benefits?

20.Do you believe that AI has contributed to an increase in cybersecurity threats?

25.To what extent do you trust AI systems in making decisions, especially in critical areas like healthcare
or autonomous vehicles

26.Are you comfortable with AI-powered personalization in services like recommendations,

advertisements, and content curation?

28.Are chatbots and robots likely to cause unemployment among humans?

30.Do you think AI can replace human intelligence and creativity?

33. Are you concerned about potential drawbacks or ethical issues related to AI?

40.Can artificial intelligence be hacked?

37.Can AI replace humans?

Social Impact and Inequality:

Do you believe that AI has the potential to exacerbate social inequalities?

Can AI contribute to enhancing or reducing the overall standard of living globally?

11. Do you believe that artificial intelligence has overall been a beneficial force for society?

16.Do you feel that AI has led to an increase in the overall standard of living for people globally?

21.Do you think AI has the potential to exacerbate social inequality by favoring certain groups?

27.Do you think there should be ongoing public debates and discussions about the future development
and deployment of AI technologies?

31. To what extent do you believe AI contributes positively to society?

Environmental and Global Challenges:

Do you think AI has the potential to address global challenges, such as climate change?

Can AI technologies contribute to creating more sustainable solutions?

6. Do you believe that AI has the potential to address global challenges, such as climate change?

17.Do you believe that AI has the potential to contribute to the creation of more sustainable

18.Do you think AI can help in predicting and mitigating natural disasters more effectively?

Education and Innovation:

Do you feel that AI has the potential to enhance education and learning experiences?

Can AI contribute to fostering creativity and innovation?

2. Do you think AI has improved efficiency in various industries?

3. Do you feel that AI has contributed to medical research and advancements?

7. Do you feel that AI has the potential to enhance education and learning experiences?

12. Would you agree that AI advancements have led to positive improvements in various industries?

15.Do you think AI has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry with innovations like
personalized medicine?

19.Do you feel that AI has the potential to enhance creativity and innovation?

34. In your opinion, does AI overall enhance or hinder progress in various fields?

35. How confident are you in the responsible development and use of AI technologies?
36. Do you think AI has the potential to create a more equitable or inequitable world?

Regulation and Governance:

Do you think there should be more regulations in place to govern the development and use of AI?

10. Do you think there should be more regulations in place to govern the development and use of AI?

24.Do you think governments and organizations are doing enough to address the potential negative
impacts of AI and ensure responsible development and use?

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