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American Universal English Department

Sample Writing

Name Grade: 9 Date: / /

The Hazards of Global Warming

The increase in average temperature of earth’s surface is called global warming. Everyday, it becomes
real and underway; the evidence that human induced global warming is clear and compelling, but we can
do something about it. In fact, there are severe causes and hazardous effects of global warming, yet I can
suggest practical solutions to limit its threat.

Initially, global warming has several causes. First, human activities release heat-trapping gases and
particles into the air. To exemplify, millions of people burn fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil every day;
their combustion increases the concentration in the atmosphere. Moreover, deforestation is a direct
cause of global warming. To clarify, clearing forests increases the amount of carbon dioxide and decreases
the amount of oxygen. Finally, the depletion of the ozone layer causes global warming. To explain, the
small opening in the ozone layer allows ultra-violet rays to penetrate into the atmosphere.

Besides, the effects of global warming are threatening. First, the climate will shift in a way that will
seriously disrupt our lives. To simplify, as the earth continues to warm, climatic changes will appear, thus,
natural disasters such as floods and droughts will take place. To add, the level of the sea rises fast. To
illustrate, the global sea level is rising about three times faster over the past one hundred years compared
to the previous three thousand years. At last, global warming threatens our lives. For more clarification,
the risk of injury, illness and death from the resulting heat waves, wildfires, intense storms, and floods

Ultimately, I, myself, with the help of the government and other individuals are parts of the solution.
First, we can control our combustion of fossil fuels. For instance, we can reduce the amount of emissions
wherever possible such as using clean cars. Furthermore, we can protect the world’s forests. To clarify,
the government should issue laws that punish nature destroyers and reward those who stop the clear-
cutting of forests. Above all, we can make awareness campaigns. For example, billboards and slogans can
be displayed to educate the public about causes of global warming, its impacts, and about the available
Although global warming has stern reasons and dangerous effects, useful actions can be taken to
control its risks. As a final word, I advise everyone to cooperate for the purpose of preserving our planet

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