Februar 11 Poruka

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Hi dear friends,
today is Thursday and that , of course, means we have Lichess Quarantäne-Bundesliga Team Battle,
and last time we managed to get back to First Bundesliga, and that was amazing given the limited
capacity we were on Sunday. However, today we will have to do better than we did on Sunday, we
need all our top players to appear and help the team to make a good result. Honestly, I don't know what
that would be given that I expect today's First Bundesliga league to be strongest tournament ever in
Bundesliga, and the most equal between teams from 2nd to 10th place. With recent addition of team
like Papasionates, Lockdownchess, and now Polish and Belarus teams who just arrived to Bundesliga,
and with already well-known strong teams like The House Discord Server team, Hamburger, MSC-
1836-Blitzer, French team of Apprendre les echecs la team, today's Bundesliga will probably be brutal
competition, and unless we represent ourselves with our top players and best team we can assemble, I
am afraid we came to Bundesliga just to say HI and then to go back to Second Bundesliga... It really
depends on how we will answer to this challenge thats ahead of us.
This is the link to tonight's tournament:
Tournament starts in about 2 hours and 30 minutes.
We would really encourage all our players to join the tournament and help us do best we can tonight.

Next thing I want to remind everybody about is tomorrow's Lichess Mega Team Battle:
We would like our team Trio Fantastico and Friends to represent itself in best possible way there, so we
would kindly ask our players to join this tournament already and to reserve this time tomorrow for this
tournament, because last time we were 10th out of 200 teams in this tournament, and there were 7700
players playing this tournament in the end, which makes it probably one of the biggest and best
tournaments ever on Lichess. This tournament is great for streamers and for viewers and players, and
that should be reason itself for players to play it :). It is also very good for the team, but we would like
to be in top 10 teams this time as well, and one of the next times to win in it, why not, it would be a
nice addition to our list of trophies. We can do it together, guys!! :)

And lastly, I would like to remind you all one more time about Charity tournament on Saturday-
It is organized by our friend Angelika Valkova, GM Gyula Pap, and it is came to our attention through
our team leader IM Leon Livaic. We as a team decided to participate in charity events, help people in
need as much as we can. We also organized some events, and Angelika, Gyula and Leon were always
there to help. This time they are organizing the tournament to help 9 month old baby Amelia from
Ukraine diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) type 1(severe) - a genetic disease that causes
muscle failure, which may be deadly by the time a baby becomes 2 years old. So that this does not
happen, Amelia needs a "Zolgensma" injection. It is her only chance to stay alive. Young parents have
no means paying 2.3M$ for this drug and insurance in Ukraine is not covering it.

So, basically Angelika and Gyula are organizing this tournament to help raise some money for Amelia,
here is the tournament link :
To participate in the tournament one needs to donate t least 5$ to the one of the possible ways and send
the confirmation (screenshot) to Angelika : lichess.org/@/AngelikaCan

Here are the ways to donate and other relevant links:

All links on the case and card data for the transfer in USD and EUR: taplink.cc/_mishchenko.alina_
PayPal: www.paypal.com/paypalme/HelpAmeliaSmalik
GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-save-little-baby-amelia?

Instagram: www.instagram.com/help.amelia.smalik/
Documents: drive.google.com/drive/folders/19DXoVUFZ0MNiG2E1YtulQjCpQUEGUbXH

You have all this data in special team on Lichess Angelika and Gyula created:

Sorry for the long message, but I needed to inform you, and I have even cut Trivia part out, even today
are National Foundation Day of Japan, Birthdays and anniversaries of Deaths of such great people like
René Descartes, who is one of the founders of modern Philosophy and Mathematics, and Whitney
Houston, one of the best female vocals of 20th Century:
I will always love Whitney's songs and I will always love Chess, and I will almost always bother you
with Trivia. You are very welcome :) !

And, as usual, Go Trio Fantastico and Friends! Go Chess Lions!!!

Also, please stay safe and healthy, and take care!
Thank you!

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