Geostrat Prospectus 2016 1

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Reg. No: 2009/131724/23 VAT No. 4380253635


SACAS Mining Qualifications Authority

ISO 9001: 2008
Quality management system Accreditation No:

Tel: +27 (0) 11 692 2846 or +27 (0) 83 339 9283

Fax: +27 (0) 86 575 5663





Qualifications 8
• National Certificate: Rockbreaking – Surface Excavations – NQF Level 3 (62869)
• FETC: Mining Operations – NQF Level 4 (74490)

Skills Programmes 11
• Examine & Make Safe – Surface Mines, Quarries, Stockpiles & Dumps (SP-CLA-G015)
• Blasting Assistant – Surface Mines & Quarries (SP-CLA-G017)
• Basic Construction Materials Sampling & Testing (MQA/SP/0013/03)
• Skills Programme Milling Operations (Dry Process) (MQA/SP/0070/08)
• Skills Programme in Crushing & Screening (MQA/SP/0067/08)
• Skills Programme in Handle Explosives in Mines (MQA/SP/0124/10)

Short Courses/Programmes 13
• Statutory Compliance for Surface mines /Quarries Managers
• Aggregate processing
• Technical Supervision and Management in Surface Mines & Quarries

Operator Training – Surface 15

• Skills Programmes or training against individual unit standards for surface mining
machinery and equipment.

Occupational Health & Safety – Surface 16

• Skills Programme - Occupational Health & Safety Representative (MQA/SP/0120/10)


Qualifications 18
• National Certificate: Mining Operations Underground Hard Rock – NQF Level 2 (58739)
• National Certificate: Mining Operations Underground Hard Rock – NQF Level 3 (58760)
• Further Education and Training Certificate: Mining Operations – NQF Level 4 (74490)
• National Certificate: Mining Operations Underground Coal NQF - Level 3 (21812)
• National Certificate: Rock Engineering: Strata Control Operations - NQF level 2 (59549)
• National Certificate: Strata Control Operations - NQF Level 3 (60369)
• Further Education and Training Certificate: Strata Control Operations NQF Level 4 (62796)
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Skills Programmes 30
• Competent B: Installation & maintenance of any support unit & the removal of a
temporary support unit in Underground Hard Rock Operations (MQA/SP/0061/07)
• Rock Drill Operator in Underground Hard Rock Operations (MQA/SP/0069/08)
• Competent A: Examination & declaring safe of a workplace in Underground Hard
Rock Operations (MQA/SP/0063/07)
• Blasting Assistant within Underground Hard Rock (MQA/SP/0064/07)
• Secondary Blasting Operations for Underground Hard Rock (MQA/SP/0062/07)
• Examine & Declaring Safe Workplace in Underground Coal Operations
• Installation, Maintenance & Removal of Support in Underground Coal Mining
Operations (MQA/SP/0017/05)
• Gases & Gas Testing in Underground Fiery (Coal) Mines (MQA/SP/0126/10)
• Flame proofing in Underground Fiery (Coal) Mines (MQA/SP/0127/10)

Short courses/Programmes 34
• Preparation for examinations - Rock Engineering Certificate – UNISA Certification
• Preparation for examinations - Strata Control Certificate – UNISA Certification
• Introduction Strata Control Certificate (Novice)
• Strata Control for Team Workers
• Strata Control for Middle & Senior Management
• Strata Control for Safety representatives
• Strata Control Refresher
• Basic Principles of Block Cave Mining
• Preparation for Mine Overseer’s Certificate

Operator Training 36
• Skills Programmes or training against individual unit standards for underground mining
machinery and equipment

Occupational Health & Safety 38

• Skills Programme - Occupational Health & Safety Representative (MQA/SP/0120/10)


• National Certificate: Mining Technical Support NQF Level 2 (60349)
• National Certificate: Mining Technical Support NQF Level 3 (65549)


Wide range of consultancy expertise available

Page 3
Geostrat Training is uniquely positioned in that it brings together some of the most
knowledgeable people in industry under one roof thus ensuring that the best product is
delivered to our clients.

It had it foundation when it became clear that there is a need in industry for a unique
organization that can deliver a package of products that addresses not only one but
the majority of industry standards which compromise quality standards, health and
safety standards, risk management, auditing and training.

Our services are not limited to South Africa and high quality training has been
conducted in various other countries in Africa.

The company is well positioned to deliver competency standards to the industry,

inclusive of the mining and minerals sector in various areas from quality to health and
safety and many more. We are committed to providing effective training towards an
individual achieving competency in the workplace according to the requirements of the
Mines Qualifications Authority (MQA).

Our Training Vision is to provide a cost-effective training service to the industry,

inclusive of the mining and minerals sector in various areas, with the objective of
enhancing the skills, productivity, competency and safety awareness of their workforce.

Our Strategic Objectives are to:

1. Create a learning organisation.

2. Promote a performance driven organisation.
3. Make GEOSTRAT Training the provider of choice for all learning / training
included in our Training Scope.
4. Create constructive relationships with key stakeholders.
5. Create an excellent competency based organisation.
6. Have a strategic impact with measurable productivity.

Page 4
Our impressive growing list of clients confirms our professional approach and
quality service delivery.

They include:
African Barrick Gold, De Beers, Northam Platinum, BHP Billiton, Optimum
Colliery, Samancor, DRD, Cementation Mining, Gautrain, Department of
Labour, Impala Platinum, Lonmin, Rand Uranium, ThabaNchu Construction
Mining Company, Anglo Platinum, Richards Bay Minerals, Metorex, Rand
Water Board, Master Drilling, Harmony, Anglo Gold Ashanti, Anglo Platinum,
ARM, Xstrata Aloys, Xstrata Coal, Anglo Thermal, Lafarge, Afrisam, Afrimat
plus many contractors, smaller mine/quarry operators and suppliers to the

The main focus of Geostrat Training is to provide a cost-effective training
service to the industry, inclusive of the mining and minerals sector in various
areas, with the objective of enhancing the skills, productivity, competency
and safety awareness of their workforce.

Page 5
In setting and maintaining world class standards, methods of training to

obtain these new qualifications will be far more onerous than that required by

the old government certificates.

Working towards the new QCTO system, the knowledge component is

provided in the form of short courses with written assignments and issue of
Log Books recording and confirming on-the-job/practical training, mini-
projects and specified work experience which are required prior to
assessment being undertaken by registered assessors.

In the above process, Line management is encouraged to take an active part

in the development of skills within their workforce mainly through active and
suitable coaching, mentoring and supervision.

Geostrat Training has developed processes to guide the candidate and

enable completion of qualifications in the most effective and efficient way
(See Process Charts for each qualification).

Quality Assurance processes are strictly adhered to ensuring that the highest
quality training and education can be delivered to our clients.

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• 62869 National Certificate: Rockbreaking – Surface Excavations NQF Level 3

The National Certificate in Rockbreaking for Surface Excavations (NQF Level 3)

is a statutory requirement in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act and
Regulations for persons conducting rockbreaking operations to be deemed
competent and has replaced the Government Opencast Blasting Certificate
which was replaced on 30 June 2009.

Rockbreaking activities involve the breaking of rock in a pre-determined

sequence to maximise the breaking of the advancing bench and at the same
time minimising damage to the surroundings and to ensure a safe working
environment for the production teams. These rockbreaking activities could be
undertaken by means of explosives or mechanical means or a combination of
both. This qualification provides for both primary and secondary rockbreaking
operations in surface excavations in terms of Chapter 4, Explosives Regulations
under the Mines Health and Safety Act.

The Examine & Make Safe Surface Mines/Quarries Skills Programme as well as
Blast Assistant Skills Programme will remain Exit Level Outcomes in their own
right as well as being included in the Rockbreaking Qualification. A third short
course – Blasting Practices – provides the higher order blasting training towards
the remainder of the unit standards to complete the Rockbreaking Qualification.

This will enable those candidates who require these competencies to complete
the individual Skills Programmes as required and also enable them to continue
with their training if they so wish.

Learners acquiring this qualification will have an improved understanding of their

role and will acquire the applied competencies to consistently and effectively
execute their duties by contributing to the surface mining process and adhering
to quality, occupational safety and legislative requirements.

The qualification is designed to be flexible and accessible so that people are

able to demonstrate the competencies required to work in a safe, healthy and
effective manner in a surface mining environment.

Learners credited with this qualification are able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Adhere to occupational safety, health, environmental and legislative
• Conduct primary and secondary rockbreaking operations in a safe and
proper manner in accordance with legislation requirements.
• Take control of rockbreaking operations.
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• 74490 Further Education and Training Certificate: Mining Operations–NQF Level 4

The Production Supervisor plays a critical role in the mining industry. Mining
activities are often conducted under conditions of significant risk, which have to
be managed appropriately in order to preserve the lives of those working in the
industry, and ensure operational efficiency.

The Production Supervisor must adapt continually to changing physical conditions in his
or her area of responsibility e.g. geology and blast damage. He/she is
accountable for the occupational health and safety of the team, as well as for
achieving production targets.
Learners credited with this Qualification will be able to:

• Communicate and solve problems by applying mathematical practical

applications in a variety of ways.
• Adhere to Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental requirements.
• Supervise the extraction of minerals to meet production targets, taking into
account the Occupational Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental
• Interact with Technical Services Departments to optimise the mining

While there are many role players in the mining industry, the Production
Supervisor (Pit Supervisor/Quarry Foreman) can arguably be considered one of
the most important role players in the mining process.

It is vital that the Production Supervisor comes from within the industry, and has
intimate knowledge and experience of all the aspects of mining, such as:

• Occupational Health and Safety.

• Production (technical).
• Environmental (particularly surface mining contexts).
• Management/Leadership Skills.
• Mine Production Scheduling/Planning.

This requires a clear and thorough path of learning, from the basic aspects
through to the more advanced aspects of Production, Occupational Health and
Safety applicable at that particular level. The Production Supervisor has the
accountability for the lives of his team and other support personnel.

This Qualification is the result of collaboration by the various mining domains:

• Underground Hard rock mining (Conventional and Mechanised).

• Underground Coal.
• Surface Excavations (Surface Mining/Quarrying/Dimension Stone/Industrial
• Small Scale Mines (Surface and Underground).
Page 10
Learners registering for this Qualification will typically be qualified Rockbreakers
working within the mining industry; learners will qualify as Production Supervisors
in any of the specific domains in which they have accumulated sufficient
technical and production expertise. Depending on their learning path, before
engaging in learning towards this Qualification, a period of practical work in a
specific domain may be required before appointment as a Production Supervisor
can be made. This Qualification has 4 specialisation streams for learners to

As this is a generic Qualification, it will be possible for learners to articulate

between the respective domains. However an appropriate exposure to the
practical aspects of a particular domain may be required before the learner will
be able to operate safely and effectively in the new context.

Skills Programmes

• The Examination, Making Safe and Declaring Safe of Surface Mines, Quarries,
Dumps & Stockpiles (SP-CLA-G015)

In terms of the Mines Health and Safety Act and Regulations (Act 29 of 1996),
and for purposes of Regulation 14.1 (1) and 14.1 (5), competent person means
a person who has been assessed and found competent to examine, make safe
and declare a workplace safe.

Such competent persons must ensure, if at any time a working place or part
thereof becomes unsafe during a shift, that:

• All persons, other than those examining and making safe, are removed from
such unsafe area
• No persons are permitted to return thereto until declared safe by a
competent person

The design of this Skills Programme however extends beyond Fall of Ground
requirements. A more holistic approach towards ensuring a safe and healthy
working environment has been adopted, whereby the contribution of the
individual extends beyond mere compliance.
People with this skills programme comply with the Fall-of-Ground regulations
promulgated by the Minister of Minerals and Energy. The regulations require a
competent person to examine and make safe a workplace (Competent Person A)
and determine that such competence will vest in a candidate having achieved
the requirements of the relevant skills programme registered with the Mining
Qualifications Authority.

Page 11
Both Skills Programmes relating to FOG Regulations are covered:

• The Examination, Making Safe and Declaring Safe of Surface Mines,

Quarries, Dumps & Stockpiles – Competent A (Blasted) - SP-CLA-G015(A)
• The Examination, Making Safe and Declaring Safe of Surface Mines,
Quarries, Dumps and Stockpiles - Competent A (Un-blasted) - SP-CLA-
G015 (B)

This course is the first step towards the Rockbreaking Qualification and an Exit
Level Outcome in its own right.

• Blasting Assistant – Surface Mines & Quarries (SP-CLA-G017)

In terms of the Explosives Regulations under the Mine Health and Safety Act, a
competent person is required as a blasting assistant.

The competencies required by the Blasting Assistant are:

• Safe receipt, storage, issuing and transportation of explosives (control);

• The preparation of primers;
• The charging of blast holes with explosives or the placing of explosive
• The connecting up of blasting rounds or circuits, and
• To assist with the safeguarding of persons against the significant hazards
associated with the use of explosives.

People with this skills programme will be able to comply with part of the Explosives
Regulations under the Mine Health and Safety Act in terms of the competencies
specified for blasting assistants but excluding the duties covered by the Skills

Programme for the Management of Explosives Magazines on Mines and Quarries.

Persons who have achieved this skills programme can progress towards the National
Certificate in Rockbreaking L3 (Surface Excavations) as well as other similar
qualifications in the Surface Mining/Quarrying sector.

This skills programme would also be useful for responsible persons handling
explosives within the Chemical and Construction sectors.

Following the phasing out of the Opencast Blasting Certificate on 30 June 2009,
the Unit Standards included in this Skills Programme form part of the new
Rockbreaking Qualification - Surface Excavations as well as being an Exit Level
Outcome in its own right.

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People credited with this Skills Programme are able to assist in Blasting Operations.
This course is the second step towards the Rockbreaking.

• Handling of Explosives in Mines (MQA/SP/0124/10//0

In terms of Section 10 of the Mine Health and Safety Act, the employer must
provide information, instruction, training and / or supervision to perform work
safely and without risk to health and each employee must be familiar with work
related hazards and risks as well as the measures to eliminate control and
minimise hazards and risks.

Chapter 4 of the Mine Health and Safety Act Regulations provides for the
competencies of Rockbreakers and Blast Assistants, but there is no specific
regulation governing the competencies of the employees engaged in the handling
of explosives as well as their control between the storage facilities and points of

There are other employees who handle explosives and initiating systems plus
accessories during the charging up and blasting processes, in addition to the Blast
Assistants and Rockbreakers.

People with this skills programme will be able to comply with the Mine Health and
Safety Act in terms of the competencies for handling explosives but excluding the
duties covered by the Skills Programmes for “The control of explosives magazines
on mines and quarries” and “Blasting Assistant” (Underground and surface
mines); and Rockbreaking qualifications.

Short Courses/Programmes

• Blasting Practices

This 3 day course provides the knowledge component for the balance of the unit
standards in the Rockbreaking Qualification that are not covered by the Skills

Programmes Examine & Make Safe and Blast Assistant (Steps 1 and 2 in the
Rockbreaking Qualification).

Following the completion of this short course and prior to assessment for the
Rockbreaking Qualification, the learner will be required to:

• Complete a Log Book (provided by Geostrat Training);

• Work a required number of shifts under suitable supervision/mentoring:
• Obtain a First Aid Certificate;
• Have the required Fundamentals in place;
• Be assessed fully competent on-the-job.
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• Statutory Compliance for Surface Mines and Quarries Managers

This course endeavours to ensure that the candidates are fully aware of their
own responsibilities and duties as well as that of their superiors and
subordinates, particularly in terms of the Mine Health & Safety Act and

This course is directed at Managers, Assistant Managers, Senior Foremen,

Superintendents and others in management or trainee management situations
employed in the Surface Mining or Quarrying industry.

It covers the following modules:

• Applicable Acts & Regulations

• Duties of Employers & Managers
• Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
• Codes of Practice & Procedures
• Staffing & Appointments
• General Occupational Health & Safety

• Aggregate processing

This 4 day course is directed at Quarry Managers, Quarry Management Trainees

and Senior Plant Foremen. There are many common elements for people
engaged in processing of industrial minerals and extraction of other ores.

• The principles of materials handling, crushing and screening are covered

along with all the types and applications of the equipment. The design and
operation of various circuits/installations to produce a wide variety of
products will be discussed as well as the engineering aspects including
maintenance and controls.

• Technical Supervision and Management in Surface mines and Quarries

This course is directed at newly graduated Mining Engineers employed in the

Surface Mining/Quarrying industry, Trainee Quarry Manager/Pit Overseers,
people entering the surface mining industry from underground, Managers newly
employed in the industry who lack a mining background, etc. It provides an
extensive and practical profile of the various processes of the surface mining
and quarrying industries.

This course covers, amongst other subjects, some of the core technical
knowledge in the Surface Mining & Quarrying stream in L4 Mining Operations
Page 14

There has been a growing trend to outsource mobile equipment training services in a
variety of industries. The benefits of this form of training include: reduced
maintenance costs; increased productivity and improved operator awareness and
competency to ensure industry specific safe operating practices.

Training and subsequent on-the-job assessment is conducted on-site using the

client’s own equipment by highly qualified, efficient and effective trainers. Length of
training will be dependent upon operator’s previous experience if any and quotes are
made accordingly.

Skills Programmes

• Operate Mobile Equipment for Surface Excavations (MQA/SP/0119/09)

People credited with this Skills Programme are able to operate mobile machinery in
surface mining and quarrying operations with suitable knowledge of the mining
environment as well as basic health and safety principles in and around the workplace.

Elective unit standards are selected to provide the required competencies to complete
this Skills Programme.

In addition, individual unit standards can be trained and assessed against for a variety
of plant and equipment.


Boom Handler Haul Truck

Cable Reeler Lighting plant
Cranes and Lifting equipment Low bed truck
Dozer (tracked/tyred) Mobile compressor
Drill Rig Mobile scalar
Dump Truck Roof bolter
Excavator Scissor lift
Face Shovel Scraper
Fire fighting equipment Skid steer loader
Flat-bed truck Tractor
Forklift Transport LDV
Front End Loader Water Bowser
Fuel Bowser TLB

Page 15

Skills Programme

• Occupational Health & Safety Representative (MQA/SP/0120/10)

People credited with this skills programme are able to represent employees on all
aspects of occupational health and safety, thereby exercising their rights and
powers in terms of Mine Health and Safety Act (Act 29 of 1996) Section 30, as
well as identify and report on potential hazards and risks associated to
occupational health or safety.

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• 58739 National Certificate: Mining Operations Underground Hard Rock – NQF

Level 2

This qualification will provide qualifying learners with the necessary knowledge,
understanding and competence to work as a first line Team Leader in
underground hardrock mines.

The Team Leader plays a critical role in the mining industry. Mining activities are
often conducted under hazardous and difficult conditions, which have to be
managed appropriately in order to preserve the lives of those working in the
industry, and ensure operational efficiency.

People credited with this qualification are able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Adhere to occupational safety, health, environmental and legislative
• Extract rock/minerals in accordance with production, occupational health
and safety, quality and environmental requirements.
• Lead the activities of mining teams.

Qualifying learners will obtain the National Certificate in Mining Operations for
Underground Hard Rock NQF Level 2 which will enable them to directly lead the
teams involved in the safe breaking, removal and support of rock or mineral.

Depending on their learning path and work experience before engaging in

learning towards this qualification, a period of practical work may be required
before commencing with the National Certificate in Rock Breaking NQF Level 3.

The basic qualification (See Process Chart below) can be extended to offer
additional unit standards to include the various operators at this level as well as
those unit standards seen as vital for both Stoping and ‘Development teams
(See Process Chart for Operators).

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• 58760 National Certificate: Mining Operations Underground Hard Rock – NQF Level 3

The Rockbreaker plays a critical role in the mining industry. Blasting operations
are often conducted under hazardous and difficult conditions, which have to be
managed appropriately in order to preserve the lives of those working in the
industry, and ensure operational efficiency.

While the title 'Rockbreaker' implies activities directly related to blasting,

additional competencies in mining operations and supervision, management and
leadership are also required in order to direct and supervise the activities of first
line Team Leaders/Operators.

The National Certificate Rock Breaking Underground Hard Rock (NQF Level 3) is
a statutory requirement in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act and
Regulations for persons conducting blasting operations to be deemed
competent in an underground hard rock mine.

Learners acquiring this qualification will have an improved understanding of their

role and will acquire the applied competencies to consistently and effectively
execute their duties by contributing to the mining process and adhering to
quality, occupational safety and legislative requirements.

People credited with this qualification are able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Adhere to occupational safety, health, environmental and legislative
• Conduct blasting operations in a safe and proper manner.
• Direct the supervision of the production teams.

The core activity in excavating rock and winning minerals remains safe controlled
blasting operations both off and on the reef horizon. Blasting activities involve
the marking, drilling and charging of shot holes with explosives and then
ensuring these are blasted in a pre-determined sequence to maximise the break
of the advancing face and at the same time minimising blast damage to the
surrounding rock and so ensure a safe underground working environment for the
production teams. Persons conducting blasting operations underground require
sound technical knowledge of the type of rock being mined and its behaviour
with the blast with specific reference to geological disconformities, depth, stress
regimes, proximity to mined out areas and protection existing excavations,
machinery, equipment and people working underground in the vicinity of the

Qualifying learners will obtain the National Certificate in Rockbreaking

Underground Hard rock NQF Level 3 which will enable them to conduct blasting
operations in an underground mine and direct the supervision of the production
teams involved in the safe breaking, removal and support of rock or mineral.
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• 74490 Further Education and Training Certificate: Mining Operations – NQF Level 4

The Production Supervisor plays a critical role in the mining industry. Mining activities
are often conducted under dangerous and difficult conditions, which have to be
managed appropriately in order to preserve the lives of those working in the industry,
and ensure operational efficiency.

The Production Supervisor must adapt continually to changing physical conditions in his
or her area of responsibility e.g. geology and blast damage. He/she is accountable for
the occupational health and safety of the team, as well as for achieving production

Learners credited with this Qualification will be able to:

• Communicate and solve problems by applying mathematical practical applications

in a variety of ways.
• Adhere to Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental requirements.
• Supervise the extraction of minerals to meet production targets, taking into
account the Occupational Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental requirements.
• Interact with Technical Services Departments to optimise the mining process.

While there are many role players in the mining industry, the Production Supervisor (Shift
Boss) can arguably be considered one of the most important role players in the mining

It is vital that the Production Supervisor comes from within the industry, and has
intimate knowledge and experience of all the aspects of mining, such as:

• Occupational Health and Safety.

• Production (technical).
• Environmental (particularly surface mining contexts).
• Management/Leadership Skills.
• Mine Production Planning.

This requires a clear and thorough path of learning, from the basic aspects through to
the more advanced aspects of Production, Occupational Health and Safety applicable at
that particular level. The Production Supervisor has the accountability for the lives of his
team and other support personnel.

This Qualification is the result of collaboration by the various mining domains:

• Underground Hard rock mining (Conventional and Mechanised).

• Underground Coal.

Page 23
• Surface Excavations (Surface Mining/Quarrying/Dimension Stone/Industrial
• Small Scale Mines (Surface and Underground).

Learners registering for this Qualification will typically be qualified Rockbreakers working
within the mining industry; and learners will qualify as Production Supervisors in any of
the specific domains in which they have accumulated sufficient technical and
production expertise. Depending on their learning path, before engaging in learning
towards this Qualification, a period of practical work in a specific domain may be
required before appointment as a Production Supervisor can be made. This
Qualification has 4 specialisation streams for learners to follow.

As this is a generic Qualification, it will be possible for learners to articulate between the
respective domains. However an appropriate exposure to the practical aspects of a
particular domain may be required before the learner will be able to operate safely and
effectively in the new context.

Strata Control

Strata Control forms part of Rock Engineering which may be defined as technical mine
engineering that bridges the gap between mining geology and production engineering. It’s
application turns geological and geotechnical information into rational mine plans, that
facilitate maximum ore body extraction at least safety risk and lowest operating cost for the
prevailing rock mass conditions.

Rock engineering is concerned with the design of mining strategies, excavation layouts and
support systems that ensure safe, stable and productive mining operations.

Strata Control may be defined as a risk management tool, which, in part, ensures the proper
control of the mining environment to minimise the risk of local instability. Effective strata
control ensures that on a local scale, appropriate mining strategies and/or support actions
are employed to overcome local and unforeseen or unpredictable changes to the prevailing
geotechnical environment. This requires on-site training in the mechanics of, and reasons
for, excavation failure and the roles and mechanisms of excavation support.

The role of strata control also extends to ensuring adherence to mining layout and support
standards, as well as the maintenance of quality control in support type selection and
support installation. This is emphasised because the value of even the best available rock
engineering advice is diminished if recommended standards and systems are not properly
understood or implemented underground.

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• 59549 National Certificate: Rock Engineering: Strata Control Operations – NQF Level 2

The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with the theoretical knowledge,
technical skills and practical ability to function as a Strata Control Observer within the
mining environment. Strata Control Observers assist personnel engaged in mining
operations to ensure the stability of mining excavations, thereby providing a safe and
productive mining environment.

It is also intended to provide the basic building blocks upon which to build a further
career in rock engineering. Attaining this qualification will improve the learner's skills,
thus increasing his potential employability. The concept of the four different streams,
with appropriate elective unit standards, means that the learner can move between the
different mining operations areas by completing the necessary elective unit standards.
People credited with this qualification will be able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Demonstrate an understanding of occupational safety, health and environmental
standards in the workplace.
• Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental strata control principles.
• Conduct strata control operations and related activities in mining operations.
On a practical level, learners equipped with this qualification will be able to
conduct the essential operations associated with the:
• Observation and reporting of ground conditions; mining practices; support
measures and requirements.
• Assistance in quality control practices; identification of higher risk areas; collection
of geotechnical and monitoring data.
• Assist production personnel in identification and amelioration of rock related

• 60369 National Certificate: Strata Control Operations - NQF Level 3

This NQF Level 3 Qualification builds on the basic foundation of theoretical knowledge,
technical skills and practical ability applicable to the discipline of strata control and rock
engineering provided by the NQF Level 2 Qualification. The NQF Level 3 Qualification
develops the learner's focus from merely "recording" strata control-related issues
towards recognizing, investigating and interpreting these issues.

It is intended to assist Strata Control Observers to further their career in rock

engineering, as well as serve as the appropriate qualification for a learner to be
appointed as a Junior Strata Control Officer. This Qualification has 4 specialisation
streams for learners to follow, based on different mining environments which vary
significantly in geological composition, geotechnical environment and extraction
Page 26
Learners entering this Qualification will typically be Strata Control Observers working in a
rock engineering department or consultancy, with a NQF Level 2 National Certificate in
Strata Control or similar, although learners with other relevant NQF Level 3 Qualifications
wishing to articulate horizontally will also be considered. While completing the
qualification, learners will ideally act or relieve in the position of Strata Control Officer or
Junior Strata Control Officer as part of their experiential learning.

Upon obtaining the qualification, the learner will be eligible for appointment as a Junior
Strata Control Officer. As such, he/she will be responsible for strata control-related
issues for a small shaft or mine, or a section of a larger mine, either alone or with the
assistance of one or more Strata Control Observers whom he/she will be expected to

This is the second qualification in a learning pathway for Rock Engineering.

The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with the theoretical knowledge,
technical skills and practical ability to function as a Junior Strata Control Officer within
the mining environment. Junior Strata Control Officers assist personnel engaged in
mining operations to ensure:

• The safety and efficiency of mining operations.

• The development of mining personnel skill levels.
• Pro-active reduction in levels of rock related risk in mining operations.

Learners credited with this qualification will be able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Demonstrate knowledge and application of workplace skills.
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strata control principles.
• Apply strata control and risk assessment principles in mining operations.
• Apply geotechnical and strata control methods, procedures, techniques and
equipment to gather geotechnical and strata control-related data.
• Record, interpret and report on observations.

On a practical level, learners equipped with this qualification will be able to conduct the
essential operations associated with:

• Identification and reporting of anomalous ground conditions.

• Gathering and recording of geotechnical and strata-control related data.
• Monitoring and testing of support measures.
• Observation and reporting of sub-optimal mining practices.
• Identification of higher risk areas.

Page 27
• Assist production personnel in identification of rock related hazards; and assessing
the risk associated with the different hazards.
• Conduct on-the-job coaching regarding strata control or rock related issues.

• 62796 Further Education and Training Certificate: Strata Control Operations-NQF Level 4

The purpose of this qualification is to equip learners with the theoretical knowledge,
technical skills and practical ability to function as a Strata Control Officer within the
mining environment. Strata Control Officers assist personnel engaged in mining
operations to ensure:

• The safety and efficiency of mining operations.

• Pro-active reduction in Levels of rock related risk in mining operations.
• The development of awareness regarding rock-related risk among mining
• The qualifying learner should be able to assist the Rock Engineer with the design,
implementation and monitoring of strategies to reduce rock-related risk, such as
mining layouts and support systems.
• The assessment and interpretation of rock mass behaviour and response
Learners credited with this qualification will be able to:
• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.
• Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application of workplace skills.
• Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and application of risk management
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of factors driving rock mass
• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strata control principles, and
apply these when conducting strata control operations and related activities in
mining operations.

On a practical Level, learners equipped with this qualification will be able to conduct the
essential operations associated with:

• Identification of rock-related hazards, quantification of the associated Level of

risk, amelioration of such risk, based on applying risk management strategies.
• Identification and evaluation of deteriorating ground conditions.
• Investigating rock-related incidents and accidents.
• Observation, assessment and reporting of sub-optimal mining practices.
• Extracting, interpreting and transforming information presented on mine plans.

Page 28
• Assessing the stability of excavations, and where necessary recommending
appropriate remedial measures, utilising.
• Knowledge of basic rock mechanics principles.
• Knowledge of rock strength and rock mass behaviour.
• Knowledge of support unit and support system behaviour.
• Knowledge of mining methods and their effects on rock mass behaviour.
• Knowledge of the local geological environment and its effect on rock mass
• Assessment and monitoring of the performance of support systems, utilising.
• An understanding of support design methodologies.
• Knowledge of the various support types commonly used.
• The ability to install and operate instrumentation sites, and record and process
• Providing data and information used in excavation design and monitoring by
executing the following functions:
• Classifying rock masses based on typical rock mass rating systems.
• Installing and operating instrumentation sites, recording and processing data.

This Level 4 qualification rounds off the basic foundation of theoretical knowledge,
technical skills and practical ability applicable to the discipline of strata control and rock
engineering provided by the Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications. The Level 4 qualification
completes the learner's education regarding the recognition and investigation of strata
control-related issues and moves into the areas of interpreting and assessing rock
mass behaviour and response.

Learners registering for this qualification will typically be Junior Strata Control Officers
working in a rock engineering department or consultancy, with a Level 3 National
Certificate in Strata Control or similar, although learners with other relevant Level 4
qualifications wishing to articulate horizontally will also be considered. While completing
the qualification, learners will ideally act or relieve in the position of Strata Control
Officer as part of their experiential learning.

Upon obtaining the qualification, the learner will be eligible for appointment as a Strata
Control Officer. As such, he/she will be responsible for managing strata control-related
issues for a shaft or mine. The learner may fulfil this function alone or with the
assistance of one or more Junior Strata Control Officers and/or Strata Control
Observers, in which case he/she will be expected to also play a supervising,
coordinating and mentoring role.

Learners who have achieved this qualification can progress to qualifications at a higher
Level on the NQF within the established learning pathways of Rock Engineering.

Page 29
• 21812 National Certificate: Mining Operations Underground Coal - NQF Level 3

This qualification is aimed at people who work or intend to work within a coal-mining
context and seek recognition for essential skills in coal mining operations.

Recipients of this qualification have the knowledge and skills to conduct the essential
operations associated with safe mining in any one of the following specialisation areas
in underground coalmines:

• Underground Coal - Blasting operations,

• Underground Coal - Continuous miner operation, or
• Underground Coal - Long Wall mining operations.

The qualification is designed to be flexible and accessible so that people are able to
demonstrate the competencies required to work safely in an underground coalmine in
general and effectively and safely in one of the Blasting, Continuous Mining or Long
Wall specialisation areas.

Skills Programmes

• Installation and maintenance of any support unit and the removal of a temporary support
unit in an Underground Hard Rock Operation - Competent Person B (MQA/SP/0061/07)

Competent Person B Skill s Programme is Step 2 of National Certificate: Mining

Operations Underground Hard Rock (58739) NQF Level 2 (See Process Chart) and is an
exit level outcome in its own right.

People credited with this skill s programme are able to install and maintain any support
unit and remove a temporary support unit in Underground Hard Rock Operations in
accordance with the Fall of Ground Regulations. Persons must achieve competency in
all core unit standards and at least one site-specific unit standard from the unit
standards elective to temporary support in order to obtain the skills programme.

In terms of the Mines Health and Safety Act and Regulations (Act 29 of 1996), and for
purposes of Regulation 14.1 (7), competent person means a person whom:

Has been assessed and found competent to install and maintain any support unit and
remove a temporary support unit.

Page 30
• Rock Drill Operator in Underground Hard Rock Operations (MQA/SP/0069/08)

There is a need in the industry for persons to drill holes accurately into the rock face in
terms of their position, direction, dip and depth in support of the mining process.

If shot holes are not drilled accurately these will cause blast damage to the rock
surrounding the excavation which could result in falls of ground causing injury to
persons or damage to property.

Similarly if support holes are not drilled accurately these would render rock anchors and
other supports useless which could also result in falls of ground causing injury to
persons or damage to property.

It is also important for shot holes to be drilled accurately to ensure optimal advance
when the rock face is blasted.

This Skills Programme is in Step 4 of the National Certificate: Mining Operations

Underground Hard Rock (58739) NQF Level 2 (See Process Chart) and is also an exit
level outcome in its own right. It contains all the learning content that is required for
assessment to become competent as a “Rock Drill Operator” in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 14 of the Mine Health & Safety Act of 1996.

Persons credited with this skills programme are able to drill a variety of holes inclusive
of shot holes and support holes required in stoping and developing mining operations in
underground hardrock mines.

• Examination and Declaring Safe of a workplace in Underground Hard Rock Operations -

Competent A (MQA/SP/0063/07)

This Skills Programme is in Step 5 of the National Certificate: Mining Operations

Underground Hard Rock (58739) NQF Level 2 (See Process Chart) and is also an exit
level outcome in its own right.

People credited with this skills programme are able to examine and declare a working
place safe in accordance with the Fall of Ground Regulations. Persons must achieve
competency in all core unit standards and at least one site-specific unit standard from
the unit standards elective to temporary support in order to obtain the skills programme.

In terms of the Mines Health and Safety Act and Regulations (Act 29 of 1996) and for
purposes of Regulation 14.1 (1) and 14.1 (5), competent person means a person who:

Page 31
(1) Has been assessed and found competent to examine, make safe and declare a
workplace safe
(5) Must ensure, if at any time a working place or part thereof becomes unsafe during a
shift, that all persons, other than those examining and making safe, are removed from
such unsafe area and are not permitted to return thereto until declared safe by a
competent person.

• Blasting Assistant within Underground Hard Rock (MQA/SP/0064/07)

This Skills Programme is in Step 6 of the National Certificate: Mining Operations

Underground Hard Rock (58739) NQF Level 2 (See Process Chart) and is also an exit
level outcome in its own right. It contains all the learning content that is required for
assessment to become competent as a “Blasting Assistant” in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 4 of the Mine Health & Safety Act of 1996.

People credited with this skills programme are able to assist in blasting operations
within the production processing in terms of the following activities:

• The safe receipt, storage, issuing and transportation of explosives (control);

• The preparation of primers;
• The charging of blast holes with explosives and/or the placing of explosive
• The timing and connecting up of blasting rounds or circuits, and;
• The safeguarding of persons against the significant hazards associated with the
use of explosives.

• Secondary Blasting Operations for Underground Hard Rock (MQA/SP/0062/07)

This Skills Programme forms Step 2 of the National Certificate: Rockbreaking

Underground Hard Rock (58760) NQF Level 3(See Process Chart) and is also an exit
level outcome in its own right.

People credited with this skills programme are able to perform blasting operations that
require single shot firing to assist in the production process, i.e. to remove obstructions
in ore-passes, box-holes, tips and travelling-ways, scraper-ways, etc. and also to
blast down hazardous hanging wall and sidewall.

Page 32
• Examination and Declaring Safe of a Workplace in Underground Coal Operations
(MQA/SP/0007/05) – Competent Person A

In terms of the Mines Health and Safety Act and Regulations (Act 29 of 1996) and for
purposes of Regulation 14.1 (1) and 14.1 (5), competent person means a person who:

(1) Has been assessed and found competent to examine and declare a workplace safe
(5) Must ensure, if at any time a working place or part thereof becomes unsafe during a
shift, that all persons, other than those examining and making safe, are removed from
such unsafe area and are not permitted to return thereto until declared safe by a
competent person.

There are three variations possible for this skills programme:

• Conventional
• Continuous mining
• Wall mining

People credited with this skills programme are able to examine and declare a working
place safe in accordance with the Fall of Ground Regulations.

• Installation, Maintenance and Removal of Support in Underground Coal Mining Operations

(MQA/SP/0017/05) – Competent Person B

In terms of the Mines Health and Safety Act and Regulations (Act 29 of 1996), and for
purposes of Regulation 14.1 (7), competent person means a person whom:

(7) Has been assessed and found competent to install, maintain and remove any
support unit.

There are three variations possible for this skills programme:

• Timber Support
• Roofbolter Machine Support
• Compressed air/Hydraulic Support

People credited with this skills programme are able to install, maintain and remove
specific support unit in accordance with the Fall of Ground Regulations.

Page 33
• Gases and Gas Testing in Underground Fiery (Coal) Mines (MQA/SP/0126/10)

There is a need in the mining industry for persons to operate and maintain equipment in
an environment that has flammable gas and explosive atmospheres inherent to it.

These persons must receive relevant learning and be found competent against the
standards and requirements pertaining to the identification and mitigation of these most
common gasses.

This skills program is based on unit standards and will support the relevant
competencies for the identification and testing of gases in an Underground Fiery (Coal)

By successfully completing the skills program learners will be able to identify and test
for gases in Underground Fiery (Coal) mines.

• Flameproofing in Underground Fiery (Coal) Mines (MQA/SP/0127/10)

There is a need in the mining industry for operational persons (mining) and engineering
practitioners operating/practising in an Underground Fiery (coal) mining environment; to
be able to identify sub standards to, and maintenance of flame proof enclosures and
equipment. These persons must receive appropriate learning and be found competent
against the standards and requirements pertaining to specific equipment and

By successfully completing the skills program learners will be able to identify sub
standards to, and maintenance of flame proof enclosures and equipment in an
Underground Fiery (coal) mining environment.


• Preparation for examination - Rock Engineering Certificate – UNISA Certification

This programme is designed to prepare learners for the C.O.M. Rock Engineering
Certificate. Learners must have been accredited with the C.O.M. Strata Control
Certificate and should have studied sufficiently since this programme is presented at a
high level by industry Rock Engineering specialists in final preparation for examinations.

The programme is divided into four training modules in preparation for Rock Engineering
Certification by UNISA.

Page 34
Paper 1: 5 Days (Basic Theory)
Paper 2: 5 Days (Applications)
Paper 3: 5 Days (General)
Paper 4: An underground practical session in preparation for the practical

• Preparation for examination - Strata Control Certificate – UNISA Certification

This programme is designed for learners studying towards the C.O.M. Strata Control
Certificate. Learners must have completed some self-preparation prior to attendance,
since the intervention is the final preparation for the examination. Learners intending to
enrol for the examinations must have at least six months work experience under
mentorship/supervision in a Rock Engineering department to qualify for enrolment.
Learning takes place over five days.

In addition, an underground session can be arranged in preparation for the practical

examination if so required.

The entire prescribed syllabus is covered, including:

* Basic Mathematics * ERR

* Basic Theory * ESS
* Definitions * Pillar Calculations
* Stresses & Strains * Backfill
* Mining methods * Load Deformation
* Support * Rock Strength Testing
* Energy absorption * Stress Distribution

• Strata Control for Team Workers

This practical programme is presented underground in the normal working environment

of the Team Worker. Workers are coached in their regular workplace on Strata Control
issues. Very little production time is lost and the learners can associate the Strata
control concepts and principles to an environment known to them. The workplace is
audited and all related acts and conditions are recorded for discussion and rectification
by the team. The programme is normally presented over a three day period with most of
the tutoring taking place during the normal execution of the workers daily tasks.

Page 35
This programme works well as a tool to promote rock related safety awareness in the
mining team. Follow up assessments after the intervention by a dedicated supervisor
should see accident statistics reduce significantly.

• Strata Control for Rock Breakers

This programme is designed for the Rock breaker. The learner will obtain sufficient
background to identify and control rock related hazards in the underground

The programme is practical, adding value to the development of practical miners related
to safety and improved productivity. The programme duration is four or five days with
one day spent underground for practical exposure and hazard identification.

The programme is based on the Level 3 Qualification for Rockbreakers and deals with
basic rock related hazard identification and control.

• Strata Control for Middle & Senior Management

This programme is designed for decision makers within the mining industry who need to
improve their knowledge of Rock Engineering and Strata Control principles and

The programme is presented at a high level by qualified Rock Engineering Practitioners

and would be suitable for Managers with at least a basic knowledge of applied Strata
Control. The programme is presented over a five day period and deals with basic
stress/strain relationships, energy absorption, energy release rate, support resistance
and other criteria relevant to the daily Management function.

The programme is very useful to Managers in training, learner officials, graduates and
diplomats who have just started their mining careers.


• There has been a growing trend to outsource training services in a variety of industries.
The benefits of this form of training include: reduced maintenance costs; increased
productivity and improved operator awareness and competency to ensure industry
specific safe operating practices.

Page 36
Training and subsequent on-the-job assessment is conducted on-site using the
client’s own equipment by highly qualified, efficient and effective trainers. Length of
training will be dependent upon operator’s previous experience if any and quotes are
made accordingly.

Skills Programmes

• Trackless Mobile Machine Operations-Underground Hard Rock (MQA/SP/0068/08)

This skills programme is designed to provide qualifying learners with the applied
competence to operate trackless mobile machines used in underground mechanized
mining operations.

The skills programme is based on specific unit standards contained in the National

Mining Operations Underground Hardrock L2 qualification specifically for trackless

mobile machine operators.

Prevailing legislation requires persons to be properly trained and assessed competent

before operating any such machine.

The competencies required for the different types of Trackless Mobile Machines differ
quite significantly and these are catered for in the elective component of the skills
programme. In addition, individual unit standards can be trained and assessed against
for a variety of plant and equipment


Boom Handler Haul Truck

Cable Reeler Lighting plant
Cranes and Lifting equipment Low bed truck
Dozer (tracked/tyred) Mobile compressor
Drill Rig Mobile scalar
Dump Truck Roof bolter
Excavator Scissor lift
Face Shovel Scraper
Fire fighting equipment Skid steer loader
Flat-bed truck Tractor
Forklift Transport LDV
Front End Loader Water Bowser
Fuel Bowser TLB
Page 37

Skills Programme

• Occupational Health & Safety Representative (MQA/SP/0120/10)

People credited with this skills programme are able to represent employees on all
aspects of occupational health and safety, thereby exercising their rights and powers in
terms of Mine Health and Safety Act (Act 29 of 1996) Section 30, as well as identify and
report on potential hazards and risks associated to occupational health or safety.

Page 38

• Mine Planning and Design involves the process of establishing optimal, economically
viable and safe strategies and objectives, to extract Mineral Resources from the earth,
utilising all available geological, financial, survey, mining, metallurgical, market and
engineering data.

This includes the application of appropriate engineering designs, mining and

metallurgical methods and processes, equipment selection and extraction schedules
that will accomplish these objectives, and lead to the safe, productive and cost
effective recovery of Mineral Reserves through to final product.

Mine Planning and Design should result in compliance to the planned objectives, from
the short term through to the Life of the Asset, through appropriate control and variance
analysis, taking into account changes in market and economic circumstances, business
objectives and technical input parameters.

Page 39

• 60349 National Certificate: Mining Technical Support NQF Level 2

Surveying, Geology and Sampling are recognised as generic key competencies in the
development of basic skills in the South African mining industry through the
identification and delineation of potential mineral deposits, development of mines and
the safe, profitable and optimal exploitation of mining reserves. Quality standards within
the mining industry have become of vital importance as efficiencies are maximised
within the industry. Maintenance of such standards is a key component in Technical
Support Operations training and serves to extend the life of mines.

This qualification will provide qualifying learners with the necessary skills, knowledge,
understanding and competence, to competently and confidently assist a Surveyor,
Geologist and Sampler in their specific fields related to surface and underground
mining; as well as provide an opportunity for learners to apply appropriate skills in
relation to the workplace.

The Surveying, Geology and Sampling technical support operations assistant is vital to
the smooth running of these disciplines of the mining industry which covers a wide
variety of fields such as Geological Exploration sampling, GPS surveying as well as
structural mapping and hazard identification.

Learners credited with this qualification will be able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental
standards in the workplace.
• Demonstrate an understanding of surveying, geological and sampling principles in
a mining environment.
• Select and use surveying, geological and sampling equipment and tools.
• Perform tape measurements.
• Prepare and collect a sample.

Learners entering this qualification will typically come from mining, survey, geology or
sampling operations, working as Technical support assistants or stope face operators.
In some cases learners will come from other industries such as soil science or civil

Learners from other industries would, however, have to become familiar with the mining
environment, equipment and processes before they can proceed with this qualification.

Page 40
Qualifying learners will be competent support technicians on NQF Level 2 in the
Surveying, Geological and Sampling disciplines in all mining operations, which relates to
assisting with underground or surface surveying and mapping, geological mapping and
core logging and mineral sampling procedures. Learners will obtain the basic theoretical
knowledge pertinent to these mining related environments.

This qualification has 3 specialisation streams for learners to follow.

• 65549 National Certificate: Mining Technical Support NQF Level 3

The Surveying, Geology and Sampling technician is vital to the smooth running of these
disciplines of the mining industry which covers a wide variety of fields such as
Geological Exploration sampling, GPS surveying as well as structural mapping and
hazard identification.

People credited with this qualification are able to:

• Communicate and solve problems in a variety of ways.

• Demonstrate an understanding of Occupational Health, Safety and Environmental
standards in the workplace.
• Demonstrate an understanding of stratigraphic and geological features pertinent to
the mining environment.
• Perform map reading and measuring functions within a mining environment.
• Perform basic survey sampling and geological functions pertinent to the mining

Unfortunately, due to the delay experienced in the development of these qualifications by the
QCTO, we are not able to offer the following qualification until further notice.

QCTO Occupational Skills Certificate

• Junior Mine Planner – NQF Level 4

A Junior Mine Planner will carry out basic mine planning functions, concentrating on the
short to medium term planning function and reporting to Mine Operational Management.
Focus will be on Operational Mine Planning and the Junior Mine Planner will work under
supervision, within a Mine Planning Department.

Page 41
People credited with this qualification are able to:

• Conduct short term mine planning

• Provide MRM inputs to short term mine planning processes
• Analyse past performances against mine planning targets
• Analyse constraints and capacities in underground mining
• Apply appropriate mining methods and designs
• Schedule face advances and calculates tonnages and recovered metal
• Apply mining factors and recoveries
• Apply costs and resources to plans
• Check plans for risks
• Compile monthly plans and variance analyses
• Compile 2 - 5 year business plans

Page 42
Page 43
Stoping & development mining production
Rock Engineering design
Extraction methods and optimum sequencing
Rock Engineering consulting
Fall of Ground COP
Quarry/Open Pit design and development
Learning Materials

Page 44

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