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IEB Dark Web - for the learner

Prologue (Years Ago) Chapter 1 Scream
• Xander was eleven years • Greg Owen is the main character.
old. • He remembers the one night when • Greg was in Venice with four others
he found his father in his study. people.

• There was a yellow envelope and a 9 • One of them is dead. •

mm. There was a report (report/ article) in the
pistol. • Xander's father told him it was Turret Media newspaper that Greg is
their secret. His father's face was deceased . A team of divers retrieved
wet his body from the Grand Canal in
with tears. • 6 months later, Xander Venice. • Greg
is 12. • Xander tells his father that lives in with his parents
there are 2 uncles at the door; they Sandhurst. The house is described as a
came to see him. It's not strange to lonely place without sound. It's not fun
Xander (strange) , because people for Greg at home when he comes
who worked with his father came to their home after the court hearings. (take
house from time to out the red part from home)
time. • What was strange is that the 2 • Time: end of January. A year
men were wearing jeans and black passed after Greg's matric year.
T-shirts. • Xander says it's Tok, then his dad • Greg was at Lawson College, but
corrects him and towards the middle of his matric year he
says it's Doc. • Xander's father stood left the College. • Greg
up, his hands shaking. He tells feels like a traitor. He fed his father to the
Xander he needs to go hide and he wolves. • Greg's bags
should are packed, because he is leaving for
only come out when he calls him. • Xander hears a woman
screaming theinnext
the house.
day. •
(Xander's mother). Xander's father There is a
kisses him on the forehead and says, Conrad Botes painting: The Temptation to
"I love you, remember Exist series. It is a self-portrait.
that, always." • Xander hears his father Greg's mother bought it because
talking to the two men. His father is tense. she knows that Greg likes his hard brush
Xander heard the punch and saw his art.
father collapse against the • Greg's brother, John, passed away.
wall. (He sees the shadow). Greg's mother keeps John's bedroom
as it was when John was still
alive. • Greg remembers the things he
did with his brother. Greg
remembers: bungee jumping at
the Orlando Towers in Soweto,
Bloukrans River and Moses Mabhida
Stadium. He and John jumped
together, John liked the
adrenaline. Also white-water rafting
and rock climbing.
• Greg remembers asking John why they
were doing the jumps. John
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's answer: for the fall, for the fear.

Then John tested the limits of life in a bottle
of pills.
• Mexicans believe you die 3 deaths: the 1st death
when you close your eyes for the last time,
the 2nd when you are buried and the 3rd when
no one remembers you anymore. • It is
now three
years after his brother committed suicide. •
John was a strong guy with
blond hair, ocean blue eyes and he charmed the
girls. • Greg's mother tells him that after John's
death she
closed the doors and windows and screamed and
screamed. • His mother remembers that John
was the restless one when she was
pregnant. Greg
was calm, a thinker and dreamer. His mother says
losing a child is like drowning. • His mother
lost a child and Greg a brother. • The things in
John's bedroom: Photo frame, sports medal
and a
signed rugby ball first in Lawson College's

memorial museum

• His mother says that everyone she loves becomes
taken away from her.

Chapter 2 Departure • Chapter 3 Welcome to Matieland

Greg leaves with his BMW 118i sports • A woman at the guesthouse admits to
model (bought the car from his trust Greg. She mentions that she knows about him
account) to Stellenbosch where because of what she saw in the Huisgenoot
he will study sports science. • Graig also collects and newspapers. She remembers the
the Conrad Botes Butcher, Baker and Candlestick maker.
painting. • Greg also takes a photo with his This upsets Greg. • Greg
cell phone of arrives at the apartment
John's photo in the entrance hall. • Eckardt has a Stellenbosch and meet Chloe Adams and
massive her friends. (Kiana and Lizmari). Chloe wants
to know what number Greg lives in, if he's
a 1st year.
socioengineering attack on Greg and her

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family planning. Why did Eckardt do this? Greg when he stayed in no. 7 on the second
To avenge his father's death; the judge. floor.
• The apartment has furniture and everything
• Greg's father mentioned that the judge's death is stylish. The apartment is fully
was the work of Alec Pienaar, Lawson's furnished, dark kitchen cabinets, marble
principal's boss. • Greg's father was worktop, Smeg
involved in the kitchen appliances, new double bed,
insider trading and bribery deal that led flat screen TV, desk and chair. • Plank,
to the judge's death. • Eckardt taught Greg's
Greg how to school friend, shows up at the apartment. He
to crack (hack) computers. Thus their doc too greets Greg with the Lawson
uncovered Pienaar's involvement in College handshake.
Project Nursery Rhyme. So Greg unknowingly
implicated his father as well, as many • Plank asks if he and Nicole (school sweetheart)
people died as a result of the contaminated are still together. Greg says no and Plank
flu shots. • Court and prison remembers that she also flirted with
cases followed. • Eckardt .
Greg also ran into TJ (his betrayer) in House
Da Vinci. • The school motto, Lux hominum
vita, (light is life for mankind)
no longer means anything to Greg. Then Greg
put the flashlight he got as a Trapper into
the drawer. • Plank ran after Greg them.
Greg and his mother stopped the car and
the 2 friends greeted
each other. • Plank mentions that
he is going to Maties. A year later, Greg
also goes to Maties. • Greg will still write
the final exam with
the home schooling students.

• Greg also thinks about his father's court case,

and about the strange woman who only
attended the court proceedings for 1 day.

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Chapter 4 The loser who gave his father Chapter 5 The man with Google in his head

away • Student life in Matieland, O-week • Greg's classes start. Most classes take
for first-years, Vensters, the Neelsie - place in the Sports
January/February • Science Building. Some of the corridors
Greg is part of the PSO - Private remind him of a hospital. • Greg's
Student organization. • Chloe father and Doc Pienaar would have wanted
knocks Greg awake and he says Greg to become a business
must come and practice together at leader instead (had to swot business
Windows. (1st years hold short instead). • Greg chooses the sports science
performances, music, field which includes psychology.
dance and drama). • Chloe studies art. Greg • The practical part of the course includes
trains with the group for two days, he sport. Rugbly stays tops.
also paints. In a way, Greg enjoys Class attendance for practical
staying busy at Windows. is
• A strange woman asks questions about compulsory. • Plank tells Greg about Lisa, the
Greg, girl with the elf face, blue eyes and
says Plank. • Something about the woman black hair, whom he met. She is
is familiar to Greg. • Conflict with an studying Bcom.
unknown student at Windows' street • Greg sees an artwork, 'Broken Trust' in
theater due to the reference to Greg's front of the SMAC art gallery, while
father's misdeeds and that Greg put waiting for Plank and Lisa. They are
his father in prison. going to meet at Kauai.
• The unknown student remembers • The word TRUST is neatly on it
Greg, because apparently his ex engraved, but a crack runs through the
was in love/had a (crush) on Greg. U. (broken trust). Greg immediately
• The student wants to know if they also have the thought of
Baker went to catch, then everyone Eckardt. • Lisa's father (big with a gray
recognized Greg, because beard) drops Plank and Lisa off at the
he must be the Candlestick maker's state where Greg is
child. The loser who waiting for them. • The uncle greets and
betrayed his father. • Greg is the outsider . asks Greg if he knows him, then the
uncle jumps out of his Hilux and
forces Lisa back into the van because
he recognizes Greg and warns Greg
to stay away from his daughter.

Chapter 6 The Things You Carry With Chapter 7 Time Machine

You • • Greg tries to profile the Baker. He made
Plank mentions that Lisa has not yet the virus, so he has knowledge of
contacted him again. • pharmacology, diseases, virology.
Greg says he is not his father, but he As old as Greg's father, he does not
carries the label . • know if it is a man, there is no personal
Greg is frustrated because his father's
misdeeds cause people to blame him

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judge. He remembers Lisa's father's details, email address was also a

words: 'I know who you are, Greg” temporary fictitious address. •
• Greg is frustrated because his father's Greg begins his Google search.
misdeeds are causing people to judge He looks at reports about his
him. He remembered Lisa's father's father on Netwerk 24. Then he
words: 'I know who you are, Greg. searches on other news websites:
(repeat) You stay away from my News 24, Daily Maverick, Times LIVE,
girl. Do we have each other?' all the newspapers in the Turret Media
• Plank tells Greg that he can't do anything group that
for his father, he's going to stay in jail. belong to his father. • He comes across a
Now it's time for Greg to live his own life. photo of his father with
Plank always gives good advice. • doctor Rian Trollip. • He remembers a party at their place
Greg decides to find out more about the house, when he and John were still
Baker. Dad and Doc refuse to reveal children, where Doctor Trollip
his identity. If he finds the Baker, his and his wife were present. Trollip and
father won't spend the rest of his life his wife danced that night, something
in prison. • Greg moves in front Greg's father never did.
of the laptop. Déjà vu. • Doctor Trollip was part of Plus
He remembers the rhyme from Ultramed.
Project Nursery • John did not hear from dr. Trolllip did not
Rhyme: • Butcher = Doc like. • Greg receives a message from his mother.
Pienaar • Candlestick Maker = Greg's father/Chris She is going away for a
Owen week. • Later, Greg sees a report about
• Baker =? the doctor's arrest for child
pornography, his wife divorcing him
and his subsequent suicide in the jail
cell. •
Rian Trollip hanged himself in prison. Dr.
Trollip's brother was at the funeral as
well as Greg's father and Doc Pienaar.
• Greg looks
at the date on the photo - it happened
during his matric year.
• Could the dead man be the Baker?

Chapter 8 Dark Patterns • Chapter 9 One of Us •

Greg thinks about the reports about One morning before a class test, Greg meets
Trollip's wife. Only information Dain February (a fellow
about the divorce and a student). • Lisa's
report about fundraising for breast cancer. father, Dirk Schutte, shows up at the
• Greg gets Mrs. Trollip's Workout Café. •
mobile number and call her. A Greg asks if the uncle is in the police.
voicemail reply. • Mrs. Dirk tells Greg he has to tell him about
Trollip calls Greg. She sounds like she's the hacker stuff he messed with.
slightly drunk. Greg informs her that • First Greg says that he has already
Chris Owen is his father. • told the police, but Dirk wants to know
Greg wants to know if she might have about the hacking .
knowledge of pharmacology, or a doctor,

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chemist, or someone who knew his father. • Dirk wants to know if Greg is still hacking
computers. •
• Mrs Trollip says her husband was a devil who Dirk tells that he talked to his wife and realized that
played with children. • When Greg asks he was unreasonable to judge Greg like that
about Project Nursery Rhyme, the line goes (judge). He came to say sorry. It is not
dead. • Greg tries to call back, right to judge him for what Greg's father did. •
but she doesn't answer and then she blocks Greg. Dirk warns Greg to leave the hacking ,
because "there are
things in this world that are darker
than dark." There are nasty people who do
nasty things. • Dirk tells that he did work
for the police, but was declared medically
unfit due to too much stress (geboarded) .

Chapter 10 Courier Chapter 11 Valkyrie

• The security man brings a package for Greg. • • Greg stood up and stood on the balcony. • Greg
There sees
are problems again between Plank and Lisa, something (human/stray dog?) moving in Van
because she saw Plank's Tinder Profile . • Riebeeckstraat. • Greg sits down in
Plank informs Greg that front of his computer. Greg types Valkyrie into
someone is watching him. Greg walks out onto Firefox's search engine.
the balcony and sees a guy with a black • Valkyrie were female spirits in the
motorcycle and he's wearing a leather jacket Norse mythology. Goddesses of War. They
and Levi's T-shirt. • Greg opens the use dark magic.
courier • Valkyrie in Afrikaans = Walkures • Dain
pack. The gives Greg a doll house pill. It's Ritalin. • Greg
letter read: "Perhaps this will help you locate flies to
the Baker." • Plank realizes JHB for the long weekend, it's Good Friday.
that Greg is working on the Project Nursery • Greg opens the door to their
Rhyme case again. home in Sandhurst and is shocked.
Greg explains it's unfair that the Baker wasn't
caught and imprisoned.

• Greg also retrieves a notebook with a

brown cover and yellow-white pages from the
box. It looks like it was in a fire or came out of
the war. There are pages that have been
torn out and burned.

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• There are formulas, page numbers and

cryptic notes in it and the word:
Valkyrie. Also a diagram.

Chapter 12 The place of hope and Chapter 13 Broken

despair • • There is a red car parked in front of Greg's
Hope = 'heaps'; despair = 'despair' • house when he arrives home later
There is a man wearing only pajama pants that afternoon. This is Nicole (Greg's
in Greg's mother's house. He has previous girlfriend/
gray hair, looks like a girlfriend). • Nicole had a baby. It's a
stockbroker/lawyer. Greg figures little girl, Colette. •
he's dad's age. The man's name is She got pregnant at a party and can't
André. remember the boy's name.
• Greg and his mother go to the kitchen,
she gives him food and Greg • Nicole feels bitterly unhappy, because
realizes that they are no longer a she wanted to study further, but she
happy family. can't. • Nicole hopes that Greg still loves
• Greg's mother explains that she her, but his feelings have changed.
was lonely The man is André She hoped he would be willing to give
Symington, a Chemical Engineer. • their relationship another chance.
The next day Greg goes to the • Greg's Mother tells him that
Pretoria Central (the Kgosi Mampuru II Thomas Lawson and his wife invited
Prison) to visit his father. • His father him to dinner. Greg doesn't want to go.
wears overalls that hang baggy on him, Greg's mother says that he is an
father's back is bent, hair is grayer, skin important, influential man and that
pale, looks like something is wrong Greg should accept the invitation. Greg
with his father's asks his mother to send him the pin
knee. • Greg greets his father and they ask for drop and time.
each other how are you doing. They • When Greg opened his door in
are almost like strangers. His father Stellenbosch, he realized that someone
asks about his studies and if Greg has was in his place. The screen of
a girlfriend again. • When Greg asks his the laptop is up.
father about how he copes , father He closed it for good. • The desk
becomes very bitter. • Greg's father drawer is also slightly open. • The burnt
accuses him of being the one who put him in prison.
book he hid behind the Conrad Botes
"You dragged our family's good name painting is still there. • So nothing
through the mud." • was stolen. The
Greg feels as if his father hates him. words "You and your hacker buddy must
Greg gets angry, gets up and walks leave me alone", are written in
away. His father apologized to him and blood on the glass of the sliding door
then Greg came to sit with his to the balcony. • Greg wonders
father again. • Greg's inner conflict: He feels who is referred to as his hacker buddy:
very guilty for putting his father in Eckardt (Ekk-0).
prison. • Eckardt Wilken's real name is
Xander Gericke.

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• Greg tells his father that he wants to help him. • Greg makes the blood with water and a
He tells his father that he wants to track scrub brush clean. •
down the Baker and put him Greg wonders if he should Xander
behind bars. • Greg's father says that he has to try to contact and ask to help him catch the
leave the Baker alone and warns Greg not Baker. He thinks it's a ridiculous idea because
to try to track down the Baker. • Xander ruined his family. 'Broken Trust'. •
When Greg spoke of Valkyrie , Greg saw the “Should I make an agreement (deal)
terror in his father's eyes. • Greg with
sees that Doc Pienaar also has a visitor. • the devil make?”
Doc looks at
Greg with hatred in his eyes. • Greg decides to
still track down the Baker.

Chapter 14 Back in the underworld. • Dinner Chapter 15 Sins

date: Lawson's wife's name is Rebecca – a • Greg looks at the strange message.
young trophy wife. Rebecca The message is a play on words. A
thinks Greg looks like his father. • Greg is palindrome: 'Wash away the sins too, not just
introduced the face'.
to the people. • Greg was standing outside and • Greg hangs out with Plank and Lisa and they talk
then Sebastian Stadler invited him to sit about funny things that Plank has done. • Back
down. He says his wife is not there tonight. at his residence,
he sends a message to Xander.
Sebastian is old, thin face with wrinkles,
gray hair combed back. • He tells that his father killed people with a virus;
Greg's father has a hand in Xander's father's
• Sebastian Stadler tells Greg that everyone is death; Greg's brother committed suicide;
there tonight for a reason – everyone has Greg's mother has a scumbag; he studies with
some kind of connection to each other. trust money which was probably
obtained in an illegal way. • Greg ends the
• General Winters does business with the Lawsons; message with: Are you
thanks to their interests in Denel. • Swartz is
a good satisfied now, Xander? will you help me
old man to know if you want to move money out
of the country to a tax haven. • Joggie
Dreyer (member of parliament)
business with the Lawsons and Mildred
Valentine. Also corrupt.

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• Sebastian tells Greg that he had a strict father. He

was afraid of his father and he tells about his
farm in the Free State: UitSchotkraal.
He and his brother chased cats (swimmed
bald bass, shot finches etc.)

Greg tells him all about his father. •

Thomas Lawson interrupts them. He wants to see
Greg in his study.
Laswon wants to know why Greg is
studying Sports Science; his father wanted
him to study something else. • Just
before Greg gets into his car, he sees Sebastian
again. He says: “no one is ever quite as
good as other people say. And no man is
ever quite as bad as they say."

• Greg decides that he should ask Xander to help

him. • Greg sends
Xander a message to contact him. He needs
Xander's help. He doesn't know if he did the
right thing. • Xander earlier told Greg that his
father indirectly
caused John's death. The pills were from

• The next morning, Greg sees a

new entry.

Chapter 16 A Glimpse from the Past Chapter 17 A river of dead water

• A week later there is still none • Greg is startled when Plank and Lisa walk in.
no response from Xander. Greg sends Xander Lisa tells Greg to lock his doors.
a second message. • Another week Chloe also shows up and they share Greg's
passes; no answer yet. dinner and add more food.

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• On Thursday afternoon, Greg sees someone • Lisa says that her father told her that Greg is a
from his past: Tom, Lawson College's hacker . Chloe wants to know if Greg
grounds manager. He helped Xander with can hack the security cameras on
his socioengineering attack. • Tom says campus . She wants to use the footage
nothing, just motions for Greg to follow him. for an art project. p. 88 • Greg says
Greg follows Tom into the Reformed that he no longer compresses/
Church. •
Tom says Xander sent him and computers do not crack (hack) ; but Lisa
calls Greg G-4ce. • doesn't believe
Greg asks if Xander is looking for money before him. • Greg says that he needs the Baker
he will help him. Tom says he's just searching for his family name. It is a matter
like his father, Chris Owen, who Xander's of honor.
father also tried to bribe. Tom tells him • The next morning, Greg is startled
that money doesn't impress Xander. awake. He sees a lot of people at the
Xander has Bitcoins. Eersterivier bridge. The body lying on the
Xander made a lot of money with rocky riverbed is Tom.
cryptocurrency . • Greg tells Tom that His arms and legs are tied. His T-shirt
he is the with the Anonymous logo was torn.
search. Tom tells Greg that you don't always
get everything you want. • Greg
tells Tom that if Xander helps him, he will forgive
him for all the things Xander has done to
his family. • Tom is immediately angry and
he refuses to help Greg and walks away.

Chapter 18 Emergency Chapter 19 The guy with the hoodie

Service • It's a crime scene: police, cameras • Greg concentrates on his studies and
flashing, evidence being sought. All Greg plays wing in rugby practice.
remembers is Tom's lifeless eyes. Greg still hasn't heard from Xander.
Greg, like the other students, makes a short
video. • Greg is on his way to the Neelsie, when
• Greg realizes he is late and quickly goes to someone catches Greg's eye: a guy in
his class. There is a new jeans and sneakers, with a hoodie pulled
philosophy prof (Prof Kadi from UJ). The low over his eyes. • This is
new lecturer asks Greg what his name is. Xander. Xander turned and ran down the
He asks Greg for the answer. Greg didn't sidewalk. Greg chases after him. • Greg
hear the question because he was late. follows
Xander through the Botanic Gardens across
• Prof Kadi asks Greg a question about Victoria Street to a square.
sports cheerleaders. Greg gives Then he lost him.
his answer. Option 3 – everyone is
allowed to use boosters.

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• The prof reckons Greg doesn't know what he's

talking about, because with that option
superathletes' organs will give in. • Dain
says that the lecturer was strange.
Dain asks if Greg saw the body that
morning and tells him that Tom's tongue was
cut out. • Greg wonders why
someone a
person's tongue will want to cut out. Dain
thinks it's a message: Shut up. • The
morning's events haunt Greg all day. Back at
his residence, he uploads the video
he took of Tom to Ekk-0's blog.

• Greg wonders if this was a warning to him or if

Tom was in the wrong place and time.

• A voice inside him says it was the Baker's

• Greg's mother calls him. She says that she was
at the mall and thinks that someone was
following her. Greg tells his mother to make
sure the house is locked and to set the alarm.
She should call Greg if she sees anything

• Still nothing from Xander.

Then he sees there is a
Dropbox notification: 6 new files added to
• Greg goes to look and sees pictures of his
mother at the mall .

Chapter 20 His name in your mouth Chapter 21 Gordian knot

• Greg walks to Plank's residence – • Greg wonders if he should his mother
Wilgenhof – a men's dormitory (the small warn whether to call his father. Maybe he
windows look like a mouth whistle). should contact the head of the prison. •
• Wilgenhof cult (cult). You just get One person might be able to give Greg some
place to stay there if your father was there. advice - Uncle Dirk - A man like you.
Like the Lawson College clone. • People know you.
Plank thought Xander was dead. • Plank • Greg tells that he started looking for the
thinks Greg should leave things in his past Baker. He did not listen to the uncle.
alone. Greg says that someone is watching him.
• 2 o'clock in the morning Greg receives a Someone in the cells also threatened him.
message: Wednesday morning, half past eight

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at the information centre, Market Street. • Greg also tells about Xander and Tom. •
Get you Uncle Dirk swears. Greg tells him all about the
there. • Greg thinks the message is from burned book, dr. Rian Trollip, calls
Xander down. It's like a voice calling out of to Trollip's wife, prison visit and break-
the dark to come and play. • 7:29 in at the apartment. • Uncle Dirk
'Greg Owen' calls someone from the wants
magistrate's office holding someone to warn his father in prison, Greg's
cells. mother can call him if she has trouble. •
• Greg looks at the high window with Uncle Dirk says the
bars. Greg only sees hands wrapped underworld plots (schemes) are like a
around the iron, no face. • The man in massive Gordian knot. A legend of
the cell warns that Greg should stop looking a rope tied tightly to a pole, you
for the Baker. • The man threatens that cannot see the beginning or end of the
they will do something to his father even if he rope. You can't get the rope loose. •
is in prison. A DHL – they have people Greg asks if he should do the Baker thing

leave, Uncle Dirk asks if he is someone

who gives up (quitter is p.
107). • Greg just needs to leave Lisa out
of the whole thing. She must not get hurt.

Hoofsuk 22 A Horrific End • Late Chapter 23 Dangerous packages

Night: Get Telegram App. We need to • Doc is evil. The video proves it. • The
chat. You know my username. flu shots put people on a
• Greg downloads the app and distance killed. The killer looked on with a
registers as G-4ce. • smile. • Greg replies to
'You know my username' – Is it the Xander: “I'm so sorry. I did not know." •
Baker? Xander realizes that it wasn't Greg
• Greg types in Baker. He gets the following who put the video on the server.
results: Materi food – bakery/Sweet bakery
etc. • Greg Xander is going to help Greg find the
goes back to the search field and types Baker. • Greg
Ekk-0. and Xander go for revenge. • Xander is
• Then Xander wanted to know if Greg uploaded going to send Greg 2 packages. • Als is gone
the video to his SFTP server . • on Telegram: Greg and Xander's
Greg asks if he is talking about Tom's conversation also the video. • On
video. Wednesday the 1st package arrives. Greg
• Xander sends Greg the video of his father's receives it from security. It's a laptop
torture and execution . Chris (laptop) packed in bubble
Owen's voice is not heard at all. Doc wrap. • 2 days later the
Pienaar gives the instruction that Judge 2nd package arrives.
Gericke must be strangled. Greg signs for it again at security.
Inside the package is another package.

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• On the side of the package in black

letters is written: Dangerous Things.

Chapter 24 Biohacking • Chapter 25 Photographic Evidence

Inside the box is a plastic package with a • Greg wants Chloe to take a picture of his
sticker: xNT NFC Tag • It's an hand and face. She has to
electronic transponder – the size of a grain photoshop his hand to make it look
of rice. • The other like Greg had the transporter implanted.
things in the box: 2 packs of alcohol wipes, He will help her again with the security
sterile gauze for wound care, cameras.
plaster and plastic gloves. A • Greg helps Chloe to delete her personal
strange injection, with a white information (info) in the background of
handle and massive needle. • The the photo before they send it to Greg.
transponder • Back at the
works at short distances. apartment, Greg sees his apartment door
open. He was so sure he closed it. •
• An electronic reading device can read He hears a noise in the
the information on it. bathroom. • Greg finds a butcher knife in
• Greg focuses on the word; Biohacking. • the kitchen drawer. • It's Plank –
The transponder is implanted in your looks like
hand with the injection. • So he's on a trip. • Plank clamped his hand. •
you crack (hack) your body. You can now Plank has the transponder
open electronic locks. You can put the implanted in his hand.
gym 's access card on it, even shop, you
just load your bank card on the
transponder. • Greg gets an
idea. He
remembers that he has an electronic reader
on the new laptop .

Unfortunately, nothing
happens. • Greg types a message for Xander,
Xander taps back and says that Greg
needs to take the Dangerous
Things package to a tattoo shop so they
can implant the transponder in his
hand. • Greg
thinks Xander is crazy. Xander insists on a
photo once it's implanted.
That's how he can trust Greg. •
Greg refuses to have the transponder
implanted and Xander says the deal is

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• Then Greg agreed and went looking for


Chapter 26 Hack Yourself • Chapter 27 Instructions •

Greg tells Plank that the Plank sleeps on Greg's bed. Greg sends
transponder is coming from Xander, Plank the manipulated photo to Xander.
doesn't feel anything as Greg
cleans the wound, he used marijuana • Xander replies that he passed the challenge
again. • (challenge p. 124) . He says that the
Plank suggests they let them fetch the password is in his hand. • Greg
transponder out, because everyone swipes
makes mistakes. Greg mentions that Plank's hand over the laptop and the
they can't have it done at a computer registers.
hospital. • Plank tells Greg not to tell
Xander anything. • Greg sees the hacking tools
lying on the desktop. He opens the video.

Xander greets G-4ce. •

Xander mentions that Greg should
immediately destroy his old computer
and cell phone. • Xander hopes Greg has a passport.
In 3 days, Greg has to fly to Istanbul.
He is going to forward the plane
ticket. •
Greg needs to apply for a
e-visa on the Republic of Turkey website.
• Greg must
bring the new laptop . • Greg informs
Plank about what
Xander als said. Greg has to choose
between his studies or the Baker
because he will miss the exam. • Plank
will have to go
along, only he can connect the computer
(log in. Pg.
125). Greg gets all the documents right,
he gets more Ritalin from Dain, he
saves his class notes in the cloud,
destroys the laptop .
• Greg loses his cell phone at the
airport after talking to his mother. •
Plank and
Lisa greet each other at the airport with
the words: dream until your dreams
come true.

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• Plank cry.

Chapter 28 Flight to the Strange • The Chapter 29 Sunken Palace

laptop connects through a VPN. • Greg calls his • In history is Istanbul
mother. • Greg taken over by Assyrians, Greeks and
informs his mother that Armenians.
he is going to Turkey • Greg and Plank get off the bus at the Sultanahmet
go. He goes with Plank and that his phone is district. • Greg asks Plank to
going to be off for a while. • Greg resets wait outside when they get to the Basilica Cistern. •
his phone, turns it off, takes out the SIM card and Greg walks across the walkway,
throws the phone in a trash can. • In Turkey heading towards an underground cathedral (also
they known as the Sunken Palace/was also
watch Xander a water reservoir). • Greg is anxious to see
see. Xander again
• Plank logs on to the computer and goes to buy
himself a new SIM card from Turkcell. • At see.
first Greg • Greg sees his reflection in the water.
types 'we' are in Istanbul - but then changes it
to 'I'. • Xander replies, Greg needs • Then another figure appeared next to Greg's. 2
to meet him at Basilica Cistern in two and a half reflections flow into each other.
hours. • Xander asks: 'Are you online, G-force?'

Chapter 30 Trust/distrust Chapter 31 Something Unsaid

• Xander's hair is cut short and he has a stubble. • Greg explains to Plank that
Xander's eyes still look like John's eyes. • Xander realizes (figured p. 138) that the
Xander's hand moves to transponder is not in his hand.
his pants pocket. Greg wonders if he has
a pistol. • Xander followed the court • Greg and Plank find the hotel that
case on the Tripadvisor recommended and sleep there.
news. He believes that Greg's father got what he •
deserved. • Greg has to admit to Xander that Plank is happy they are still friends. • Greg
he is right. • Xander wants believes that one day he will be the
to show who's boss. He's going to help Greg, but will be best man (best man p. 139) at
they're Plank and Lisa's wedding. • One day their
not pals. • Greg says he brought Xander's laptop , children will still play together, they will not go to
destroyed the old one, he threw his cell phone Lawson College. • Greg and Plank decide the
next morning at
away at the airport. Xander asks breakfast to explore the area (sightseeing p.
Greg what happened to his sim card. 140) . • During breakfast, Greg tells
Plank that he still wants to track down the
Baker, then a voice suddenly speaks next to him.

Greg takes out his SIM card. Xander threw

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it in the water. Xander gives Greg a new cell • It's Xander. His girlfriend, Ayla persuaded him to
phone. help Greg. She believes in 2nd chances and
• Xander takes the phone again, swipes the Xander believes in her. • Xander
cell phone over Greg's hand, but nothing remembers Plank as the class clown
happens. • (class clown p. 140). •
Xander does the same with Greg's other hand. • Xander realizes that Plank has the
Xander realizes transponder in his hand. • Xander
Greg lied to him and says: 'You're just like your warns that this is Greg's last chance.
father'. So Xander realized that the
transponder was not in Greg's hand.

• Greg tries to make things right by offering Xander

money. • Xander says Greg is an
idiot and disappears. • Greg and Plank are
now on
their own.

Chapter 32 Ayla • The Chapter 33 Prometheus • Xander

Uber drops them off at the Balat district must tell Greg all about the Baker. • Greg
off. reckons that
• The buildings are colorfully painted. • the police are ignorant (clueless p. 145) . • Xander
The residences have balconies with latticed also mentions that Greg
windows. • At the should not assume that the Baker is a man.
dark door, Xander opens the door with an electronic
panel on the wall. • It's a small, but cozy house. • Xander wants to know why Greg the
Baker wants to locate. Greg feels he is guilty too
and it's only fair. • Ayla mentions
Sleeping: Greg goes to sleep in the attic and that the world is not fair. She refers to
Plank on the couch in the living room. journalists who are jailed every year.
• Xander says that Greg's father is a criminal.
• There is a kitchen, bathroom and Greg feels that Xander's father is just as
terrace. The view is a body of water: The Golden guilty. • Xander stands up for his father. He
Horn. • Ayla is a says his father had a
pretty girl: long dark brown hair curls conscience, that's why he didn't want to work with
on her neck, she wears a gray top, tight jeans Doc anymore.
and is barefoot. She greets in English, but
also understands Afrikaans, her father was
a South African and her mother is originally • Ayla calms Xander down and yells at Greg for
from Turkey. • Xander warns them to accusing Xander's father. • Greg
stay away from her. • Ayla says that he
was in school for a while is sorry. • What do they know about
the Baker:
Back then in Clarence, Greg said he was a
Johannesburg. Her parents are doctors, virologist, he had the lethal

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their work for Doctors Without Borders (p. made flu virus. He can also be a chemist
144). or doctor.
• Greg tells about Rian Trollip and everything he has
already found out about him. • Xander
says the Baker is still alive, that's it
why someone had Tom killed.

• Suddenly Greg wants to know why Xander

was in Stellenboch. •
Xander says he wanted to come see for himself
if Tom was dead, wanted to say goodbye to
him. They must have been hacker buddies. •
Greg also tells about Mrs. Trollip, Uncle Dirk, the
warning from the cell, the stalker, the last
time he saw Tom. He remains silent about the
burnt book. • Xander tells Greg that today they
have the Baker on
the dark web. go start looking

Chapter 34 Dark web Chapter 35 Plans in the dark

• Ayla is wearing one of Xander's T-shirts. • Plank has his Istanbulkart p. 156 for a spin , he
Greg looks at her even though she is out of bounds. spoke to Candon at a fruit and vegetable
Xander then looked at Nicole in J'Bay . • shop who asked about South Africa. • Xander
On the orders Plank that he with
dark web, everything is a secret.
The user remains anonymous and must be no one is allowed to talk about him and he steps
protected. Even criminals. • There are also on Xander's phone. • Xander
forums and chat rooms e.g. is angry, what they are doing is life-threatening.
Netflix accounts, credit card details.
Also social networks such as: Blackbook, • Plank can't even call Lisa. • Xander tells that
Facebook etc. the apps on your phone can be tracked (p. 157).
• Euros and British pounds are also He gives the example of the teacher who
available. was tracked - article in the New York Times.
• You can even find a hitman or a firearm. • The • Xander opens his notebook. Greg thinks about
Baker is therefore the plan Xander had with his family:
protected on the web. • Xander changes his revenge plan started with a social engineering
the setting attack .
so Greg can with a keyword

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record and no longer with the • Xander had information about John as well.
transponder in Plank's hand. • You must He cracked (hacked) the school
use a VPN on the dark web (surf p. 152), systems, enrolled himself in Lawson. • Xander
otherwise you will be locked out. • The created an
Turkish imaginary family with photos and books about
government may block the VPN then you have to depression planted in his room. • The
start over. • They try Baker profile: he is a chemist,
NordVPN. • If that doesn't work, knowledge of viruses, can produce vaccines,
there is also Express VPN, Cyber Ghost. even someone who will kill people. The
• They also download Tor. The Baker may have already experimented with
onion router. laboratory animals. The Baker is now careful,
It's legal, but contains (host p. 153) illegal maybe he is peddling
content. • Rules when drugs such as black market medication or
you are on the dark web: do not download new medication. The Baker builds contacts.
anything, camera + microphone must
be off, do not enlarge screens (maximize
p. 153) , disable Java and Flash, do not Maybe he supplies drugs to the prison
use add-ons . • Tor works like Firefox, only gangs and can ask favors from them that
slower. • The address is way.
usually 16 (random p. 154) letters and numbers.
• Xander types and makes The Hidden Wiki

• Xander went looking for Ayla and Plank went
for a walk.

Chapter 36 The Secret of the Burned Book • Greg Chapter 37 Cease fire
takes • Xander says they must either work together or
a shower and throws his clothes lying around in his move on with their lives. • Greg
suitcase. He realized someone was in his says he's sorry he didn't tell them about the book.
room. • • Xander suggests they still set a
Fortunately, his passport, bank card and money are
still in his wallet. • Greg bait the Baker with the word: poison.
starts the burned book everywhere
search. Ayla enters the room and asks if he • Ayla mentions that the dark web forbids
might have lost a book. Xander sat on the something like poison.
chair. • Xander • The dark web will not poison them
wants to look again at the page in the book with web pages (pages p. 167) do not advertise,
the diagram. • Xander is but you can ask for a DM for that.
convinced that this is the formula for Mandrax. • • Ayla is worried, she doesn't want
A list of deadly Xander should not end up in jail.
chemicals (chemicals p. 163). Xander says he'll be careful. • Ayla
doesn't want to lose Xander.

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• Biopreparat – A Russian agency used it. • Ayla suggests what kind of poison they
It's biological weapons. Also could use. •
project Coast, South Africa. A Xander thinks it's not good enough. • Greg
post mortem will show that it is a talks about a man in England
common agricultural poison. • Mandrax whose wife was poisoned with a strange
– drug of choice substance in a perfume bottle.
Townships (ecstacy and variants p.
164). Perhaps the notebook
belonged to someone who worked there.
• Ayla wants to know where Greg got the
book. •
Greg tells that someone has couriered it.
There was a letter: Maybe it will help
you track down the Baker. • It is
possible that the book rather on
the Baker belonged. He was
involved in Project Coast. •
Xander is angry about the book and says
he knew he couldn't trust Greg.

Chapter 38 Chemical nightmare Chapter 39 Palindrome •

• Xander remembers Novichok; a Project Coast was known for
deadly nerve agent. torture techniques. Xander even
• Novichok poisoning causes damage to your considers watching Red Rooms and
nervous system. Torture Chambers, but it's too
Also foaming at the mouth, unsafe. • Xander takes Greg to the Hagia
convulsions, paralysis, even death. • Sophia 'Holy Wisdom'.
Greg • Hagia Sophia is famous in Istanbul. A large
realizes that the Baker's museum with a domed roof + 4 towers.
flu vaccine also had such side It has a golden spire with a crescent on
effects. • the roof. • The building
Novichok will not be offered openly on the was first used by Christians, then it
web page, the FBI will catch them. • The became a Mosque.
US Navy Today it is a museum. • It's
created the dark web to protect government as if the building forces you to look inside.
communications. • After lunch there To see yourself as you are. • People
are 2 replies on Telegram. outside
Can't help you. Sorry buddy. No can do. • the building gather around Gli – the
If no other messages come, they popular cat. Gli – means
may have to ask for 'covenant of love'. • Greg rubs
Novichok directly. the cat and kisses her on the forehead.

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• Xander says the following words: 'Wash off the sins

too, not just the face.'

• Xander explains the meaning:

water cleans a person, it cleanses.
The palindrome gives it a different
meaning. It is then symbolic of death and
rebirth. Letters are reversed. • Narcissus –
water cancels
forms in nature and so the palindrome cancels
sense and meaning. • Greg wonders if
they shouldn't go back home instead.

Chapter 40 The Risk • Greg Chapter 41 Code and Connection

wonders if Xander is like a palindrome. • • Elsewhere 's web page is black with
Ayla comes to letters that shine and disappear. It's like a story,
say hello, she is barefoot, her body like a cat's nest or a quote from a book. • Orwell's book was
Gli. • Ayla mentions that a warning against totalitarianism. Greg realizes
there is a message it's like a story/quote. English quote on (p.
came through, Plank is sleeping on the 181) • Xander says they can try to find out
terrace. if the author of the quote is
• Greg mentions that he and Xander went the Baker. • Greg doubts because the author uses
looking for the Holy Wisdom. • Plank computer terms. The Baker is a virologist
mentions that it is Holy and Unholy, Good and Evil not a
– both within a human being separated by computer techie .
a thin line. • Greg logs in, he immediately turns
off the messages from the Chinese. • Still messages
like: Cant' help. (Pg. 182)
• Ayla thinks the author is about inflicting pain.
(P. 178) • Codes that are injected into people - like
Then a message with the words: Can be cooked up. Project Coast. • Ayla mentions that Xander
Would need Bitcoin payment first. • Greg had a
realizes the difficult upbringing. • Xander hacks to
message is from a research unit. Maybe it's from survive
the Baker. • Then an answer: If it can't be
found anywhere (cope), he doesn't trust people. He was too
else, look Elsewhere. (Pg. 179) • Xander types hurt. • Xander still
in an address on Tor. Then the word 'Grams' has anxiety attacks when talking about his father's
death. The day Xander found the video of his
appears. The dark web's google for drugs, father was the worst. Ayla cares a lot about
weapons etc. Xander.

• A psychologist taught Xander to control his

anxiety attacks. Ayla

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• Xander type: Elsewhere in the search asks that Greg not say anything about it. If
box. you have an attack, he must focus on his
immediate surroundings with his senses. • Ayla
for Freedom House which
monitor internet freedom worldwide. She met
Xander at a conference. • Greg can't
sleep, he
makes coffee and looks at Elsewhere 's web page
again. So no photos will work for a
steganography program . • Then Greg
looked for something on the Internet that hides
messages in text: (FontCode p. 186)

• You cannot copy and paste the text , you have to

take a photo. Greg has to wait for Xander to
wake up because he doesn't have a cell phone.

Chapter 42 Contact Chapter 43 The Challenge • Greg,

• Xander downloads the FontCode App on his Plank and Xander realize that they underestimated
phone. He takes a picture of the the Baker.
Elsewhere web page. • Greg and Xander search together
• (Processing p. 187) says the screen. Then the ways to determine a dark web user's identity,
message: Greetings my friend. To find me location – anything.
at my private location (p. 187) • Bitcoin. Someone might be able to on the
• Xander is not going to jog anymore. He surface web their Bitcoin address, later
mentions that such is a non-indexed use that same address on the dark web
webpage (p. 187). • Greg - then connect the two addresses. • This is how
types the onion address: Tor. Enter. • Nootropics you get the
are things that hack your brain and make it smarter. geographic information from the post on the forum
Greg thinks it's like Ritalin. Xander wants to • They cannot connect the
know if a doctor prescribed the Ritalin. He tells Baker with a current Bitcoin address. • 2nd plan:
Greg to throw it away. • Xander says they target (target p. 193) the
should send him a DM. software behind the onion address: PHP,
Apache or MySQL. • Xander says they
should look for similar bugs,
• Greg and Xander go jogging. They trot in silence. the malware should be loaded with a
Then a child ran beside them. Xander picks Java Script injection - as he taught Greg at
him up and spins him around. Xander is almost Lawson at the time.
like a father with his child. Maybe his father
has it with

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done him The thought saddens Greg. • • Smart users usually turn off Java.
takes a shower and tells Ayla • The next day, Greg suggests that they should
that Greg figured out the webpage thing . check if the Baker left any crumbs after he
She mentions that the strangest things are uploaded the video of Xander's father on the
hidden in photos, GIFs. She asks if Greg is server . • So everyone leaves
hiding something too. • Xander crumbs about their life.
suggests they install a (Instagram photos, how you check in to
Trojan as the Baker their answer. • Then Facebook, the cookies that follow you
came the Telegram reply. • The sender behind the scenes).
mentions that he is not her • Xander mentions that they are not going to
experience will not reveal. watch the video again. He pulls the video
Xander taps again that they insist into the Exif'Tool program. Nothing. •
on being experienced. • Greg suggests they make a video for it
Then came the answer: Greg and the Baker, Greg first wanted to send the
Xander, who do you think you're playing with? Baker a cat video. Then they decided on
something from YouTube. If the Baker
downloads it, they get his IP
address. • The Baker will need a CODEC.
Once he downloads it, they get his IP

address. • They are going to hide a Trojan

in the
CODEC. • Towards evening they send the
Telegram message: You left me a hideous
video of my father.
I have one for you too. You will definitely
want to see it. The video is waiting on
the SFTP server. I think you still
have the password.
Enjoy! • We got him! Everyone is
happy. • The Baker is in Florence, Italy. •
Greg and Plank can't go without visas.

Chapter 44 Technium • It is Chapter 45 We Can Be a Universe • Greg

more difficult for South Africans to get Visas from and Plank explore Turkey. • Greg buys
Turkey. • You submit a visa his mother a metal oil lamp. •
application 15 days before your departure; that's Greg also goes to
not to say that you're going to be okay. • show Plank the
Xander Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque and the
suggests they get real passports from Topkapi Palace. They eat traditional food.
the Netherlands or Belgium on the dark web.
Xander is on Tor. He • Plank looks at the couple sitting on the wall,
he longs for Lisa.

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order the passports and pay in • Plank wonders why you first from
Bitcoin. someone has to leave, before you realize
• It will take 10 days, so plenty of time to how much they mean to you. •
make travel arrangements. • Plank thinks love is a promise that
Alyla booked accommodation in a small we can be more when we can be with
hotel, also flights. Dates may change someone and your universe in
if necessary. someone else.
• Plank became like a brother to Greg.
• Plank
is afraid he will lose Lisa. • Then one
afternoon the passports arrived in a white
envelope, regular mail. • Greg
looks at the passports. It doesn't seem (dodgy
p. 202) at all. • Plank
mentions that he messed up, he tells Xander
that he's sorry. He thinks they are in
big trouble.

Chapter 46 The Impossible Choice • Chapter 47 Flight to Florence •

Plank tells of Candon, the Greg thinks back to the day his father
greengrocer. He said that people chose against him. • It
came to ask about 3 South was the night at casualty, when his mother
African guys and a Turkish girl. • Greg jumped out and went to the
wants ambulance. • His
to know from Plank who the people are father's words: "It could have been you
is. instead". •
• Plank doesn't know if it's the police or the Greg blames himself for
military, but there were two of them. • Chose Xander over Plank. He thinks he
Greg is just like his
wants to know if they wear uniforms father. • Greg prays for Plank, but really
did, Plank doesn't doesn't know who to believe
know. • Xander wants to know what anymore. • Ayla informs them that it is not the police
Plank did to the Candon wasn't, it must be the Baker's people.
guy. • Plank mentions that their friends got They will have to be careful at the
involved while Greg and Xander were airport. • They change
busy with their hacking . • Plank their flights at the
mentions that Candon gives him a Turkish Airlines.
borrowed a cell phone to call Lisa. • Greg just hopes his fake Belgian
• Xander wants to know if he did call Lisa. passport will work. •
• Ayla asks The officer flips through the fake
Plank if he knows where they live and passport, a man called. Greg thinks it's
Plank just nods. • Greg the 2nd mistake of the night.
introduces their book to a hotel. • Xander • Then the officer stamps the passport. • Greg
mentions that it's too late, they need to get doesn't know if he'll ever see Plank again.
out of the country.

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• Xander breaks the laptops • They land at the airport in Rome,

(laptops). Uber to the train station. Drive past the
• Greg starts packing, clothes, passport in his Colosseum (amphitheatre/fights between
pocket, toothbrush and shaving kit. • gladiators/fights between man and beast/
Greg also packs the oil lamp he bought for his even filled with water for ship battles)
mother in his backpack. • The sun is
setting, knocking on the front door. • Get off the train in Florence. • Ayla
Fists hit the front door harder. • Greg is worried, navigates them to the Hotel Domus
he thinks the police have tracked them down. • Florentiae. • Greg
Xander points to the sleeps and dreams of Plank.
terrace door, everyone must be quiet. • Xander Guys in black uniforms forcefully forcing
throws pillows him into a van. On his knees, hands behind
over the wall, his back, legs tied, pulls a bag over his
Xander is first on the wall, he climbs over a head.
short iron ladder, lands on the platform. Plank yelled Greg's name, the van door
He waits. • Greg and slammed shut. It sounds like a gunshot
Ayla follow Xander. • Plank is still on the that jolts Greg awake. • Greg was taking a
ladder. Xander dropped his backpack and jumped shower, then there was a loud knock on his
from the platform to the pillows. • Greg door. • It's
helps Ayla and says that Xander and Ayla. Xander puts a
Xander will catch her. • Greg is grateful for all the new laptop on the table. • Also new Internet.
(hectic p. Xander
207) things he did with John back then. • Now indicated that
only Plank. • Xander and Greg start running. the Trojan worked. So they have back-door
• The front door access to the Baker's computer.
breaks open and Plank

jump. 'Superman has landed' mocks Plank.

• Greg
and Plank follow Xander and Ayla – they are hiding
at the bottom of a back street. • Xander wants
to know why
Greg waited so long. Greg wants to know what
Plank is doing there. • Xander insists that
Plank is not
allowed to go along. • Xander mentions that
Plank is putting them in
danger: first the transponder, then the calls to his
girlfriend (girlfriend p. 208) and then the
loose talk. • Greg mentions that Plank is
his pal and he can't leave him like that.
• Xander says Greg has to make a decision: He
has to choose between
Xander or Plank.

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• No time – in the moment Greg has to show who

he is. It's an impossible choice. Greg
wants to choose Plank, but how is he going
to untie the Gordian knot without Xander. •
Plank looks shocked, but then
says Greg can go. • Greg realizes that he has
Plank in the

abandoned. • Greg
says Plank should use his new passport and take a
plane to Florence. • An Uber arrives. • Plank
by saying that Greg
should not worry about him (worry p. 209) . Plank
is crying.

• Greg sees the police coming down the street with

black uniforms and bulletproof vests. •
Greg hugs Plank and says goodbye with the
words: "Check you again, buddy - stay safe"
• Greg
hates himself for what he did to Plank. When he
looked back Plank was gone.

Chapter 48 Doors and windows Chapter 49 Perfection from the sub-

• Greg should try Xander's perfect • Greg
change opinion towards Plank. Maybe he still asks if they can talk about Plank. • Greg mentions
shows up at the hotel. No sign of Plank at that Plank is his pal and that Xander threw him to
the hotel. • No e-mail program (email) the lions.
on the Baker's computer. • He must therefore • Xander says it was Greg who had to make
also use Telegram and the choice. •
(online email p. 217) . All his messages and Greg goes to his room. Xander follows him and
Firefox history have been deleted. asks where he was in the morning
Just boring (boring p. 217) stuff: News hours. • Xander is
websites about the world, medical articles, angry when Greg says he was at the Baker's
research, something about CRISPR. • He house. • Greg goes for a
also uses Spotify. He listens to opera and walk and longs for South Africa. • Greg sees the
classical music. • David statue
Only one photo on the Baker's at the
Accademia Museum. A gray-headed old man
says-asks: Beautiful, don't you agree? (Page
computer: a picture of a black dog. 222).
• Then Xander's eye falls on a hidden • The uncle wears a black suit, he looks more like
file. an academic than a tourist.

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• Xander orders Greg to download als. • • Greg reckons he's never seen anything like it
before and the uncle says he'll never know
Dumpster diving, Greg searches in the either. Michelangelo was only 26 when he
(recycle bin. Pg. 118). • made the David statue.
Greg finds one account, no name only: The
Occupant and then he sees the Baker's • Greg wants to know from the uncle how he does it
address. if knows, but the uncle is already moving
• Greg can't sleep. He gets a card from the counter. among the crowd of people. •
The address he found is within walking Then Greg heard a woman's voice saying that
distance. • Greg finally finds the the doctor knows many things. •
street along the Arno River. Things between Xander and Greg are cool now .
• Greg goes to
• The building is an 'apartamento' – part of a show Xander and Ayla where
cluster of houses and hotels. the Baker's house is.
• Ayla wonders if the woman who was with the
• Painted cream and white/shutters in front of the Baker on the terrace is the Baker's wife. • No
windows/terrace with name tag,
plants/pale brown front door. • Greg but a
is standing opposite the hotel on a sidewalk, Italian old lady walks by and says no one is
a light is on. • Greg wishes he had his home. The people left there a while back with
cell phone, to take a picture. There is someone bags.
in front of the window, but he can't make She mentions that they are not Italians and
out the face. • Heavy piano music playing on are also very strange. •
and off Greg realizes they are being followed by a black
car. • Greg, Ayla
Greg saw again, there was a man and a and Xander start running. • They run into a narrow
woman standing on the terrace and they side street, Xander helps Ayla. • The car drives by
looked at him as if they knew him. and Greg sees that it is
Uncle Dirk.

Chapter 50 Teddy Bear • Ayla Vecchio Chapter 51 Palazzo • Greg

wonders what Uncle Dirk is looking for. • finds a note under the door. He
Then Greg wondered if Uncle Dirk might be the walking back to Xander them. “Greg, meet
Baker, he was in the police, army, me tomorrow morning at ten o'clock
he had connections. Maybe he was in the Palazzo Vecchio. We need to talk.
involved in chemical or biological Leave those other two clowns out of
warfare like the guys at the Coast. this thing.
D” • Greg wanted so badly to find the Baker.
• Now they wonder if Plank and Lisa's meeting The knowledge that it might be Uncle Dirk
was planned. • Xander asks scares him. • Xander goes
if the woman at the Baker's house might be Lisa's along. He brings the
mother. pistol and went to watch Greg from a
• Knock on the door. A package for distance.
Xander, a teddy bear, but inside a hidden

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• Xander bought it on the dark web when • The next morning they walk to Piazza
they were in Istanbul. Signoria, in the square is a panel
van. Italian police stand guard. • Greg
buys a ticket at the castle's forecourt.

• Uncle Dirk appears and greets from behind

the massive metal globe.
• Uncle Dirk brings bad news.

Chapter 52 Chapter 53 Fight or Flight

Father • Greg immediately wants to know if • Greg doesn't want to look for the Baker
Uncle Dirk is the Baker, he wants to anymore because his Dad
know what the uncle is doing in Florence. was almost
Why was the uncle at the Baker's house. killed. • Xander still wants the Baker to pay,
He knows the uncle has contacts especially after the video of his father's
(contacts. Pg. 232) - perhaps the military, brutal murder that he forwarded.
chemical and • Greg reckons the Baker has already
biological warfare. • Rina Owen, Greg's won. •
mother, asked Uncle Dirk to come. Greg yells at Ayla and runs away.
Plank called Lisa and that's how He stops at the David - image and then
Uncle Dirk was able to get hold of Greg. sees the sling over his shoulder, the
The uncle is there pebble in his hand. Victory lies in the
for Greg and Plank. • Greg wonders if there power of your mind and not your body.
is • Uncle Dirk
something wrong with his mother. • Then mentions that he used all his
Uncle Dirk said that Doc Pienaar connections (connections p. 237) at
was dead. Someone stabbed him with a sharpened toothbrush.
the Italian embassy to get a visa and he
Left him to bleed to death. • came to help Greg. • Uncle Dirk
Greg shows Xander to put the pistol away. wants to
• Greg know where Plank is, so that Plank can
immediately asks about his father. help Greg. • Greg tells Uncle Dirk
• Uncle Dirk says he warned his father, but he that he is in
was also attacked. He fought back, Istanbul had to be left behind. They had
is stable in the intensive care unit (ICU) in to flee and had to leave Plank
a private hospital (p. 233). behind. • Uncle Dirk is angry. He stresses
that something has happened to Plank,
because his daughter loves that strange
man so much. • Greg's mother wants him to
come back home, she doesn't
want to bury
another child. • This time Greg has to
choose between Xander or his mother.
• It's almost like Russian roulette.

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• Uncle Dirk puts his hand on Greg's

shoulder. He goes to look for Plank
and Greg for the Baker.

Chapter 54 Meterpeter • Chapter 55 City in the water

The plan is also to hack the Baker's • Greg leaves Plank a letter at reception.
webcam. (Page 239) • • Uncle
Hackers take pictures of you without you Dirk knows they are on their way to
knowing. • It's a good Venice, because he heard them talking
idea to close the camera about it on the stairs. He goes
stick together.

• The Baker realized they were on his computer • Xander confronts Greg on the
and closed a (backdoor p. 240) . • bullet train; he asks if Greg already
Xander did upload knows who the
a Meterpeter program, so they can manipulate Baker is. • Xander wonders if Greg might
the webcam from a distance. • They open have been thinking of a revenge
the photo; the Baker is not plan during
in the picture, but the place looks familiar. A the court hearings. • Maybe your plan is that we the Baker
church or cathedral is near water. Xander meet. You want the Baker to kill me.
asks a man in a restaurant where the
church is. He says it's in Venice. • Greg tells Xander that he is wrong
Now they know where the Baker is. and look away first. •
They get tickets for the vaporetto
pontoons/water buses. We are on our
way to the Giglio station.
• We get a place in an Airbnb - uncle Dirk is
also with us - all like one happy family. •
looks on the Meterpeter app – he realizes you
can watch and record a video stream. •
Xander uses
Meterpeter to encrypt the Baker's files.
(Pg. 246) • Uncle Dirk and Greg are
talking alone in the kitchen. Uncle Dirk doesn't
trust Xander and Ayla. • Greg tells that
they made contact
with the Baker through technology. He also
shows uncle Dirk the burnt book.

• Greg mentions that dr. Trollip was a suspect,

but he is dead. • Uncle
Dirk reckons that maybe someone should
be what has been at their house.

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Chapter 56 Two Graves • Greg Chapter 57 Rialto

remembers there was one night • Greg thinks he has to warn Ayla. • Greg knows
during his father's court case that he erupted Ayla will never believe him
in anger. His mother hugged him and said: not.
'The guy who wants revenge must dig two • Greg asks a man outside a restaurant where
graves'. • Greg wonders if there is a Rialto is, he indicates that there is a sign
possibility of another revenge attack. • Greg further on. • Finally, Greg
wonders if Doc the video of finds Ayla. • He mentions that Ayla is
Xander's next victim. Just another one of Xander's
Xander's father gave the Baker. socio-engineering bouts. • Ayla doesn't want
• Then Greg realized that the Baker had to be to believe it, because she and
the cameraman. • Xander may Xander then live together. • Greg mentions
use Ayla to launch his new revenge plan. • Greg that Ayla's father is a doctor
wonders if Ayla's father the and may even be the Baker. • Greg asks Ayla to be
Baker nice about it
• Maybe Xander is busy with a social think. He mentions that it was the Baker who
engineering attack on Ayla . took the video of Xander's father, so
the Baker could be a doctor who travels
the world. • Now Ayla begins to think - she
sees her
parents few She wants to know if they have a
photo of the Baker yet.
• Ayla cries and Greg mentions that snakes stay
snakes. •
Greg held Ayla to comfort her and then he
kissed her. • A voice behind
Greg wants to know if that kiss is revenge for J'Bay .

Chapter 58 Confessions of a Fire Stealer • Greg Chapter 59 Monster in Image • It's

and Xander have words about Nicole – late at night and Greg is still sitting with
another thing Ayla is unaware of. • Xander's laptop and watch the webcam .
mentions that he didn't touch Nicole, he was on • All they need is a webcam photo to determine if
Greg's dad's computer, hacking his Voyager Ayla's father is indeed the Baker..
Miles (hack p. 257) for a plane ticket to go • Greg also still suspects André Symington.
overseas after it's all over. • Greg
remembers the Ritalin. • Greg checks
to see if he can find anything about Xander, but
there is nothing on the laptop .

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• Greg wants to know if Xander is engaged in • Then there is movement, a man and
a social engineering attack against Ayla. woman, piano music, then a hand
• Greg says appears picking up a pen, then a cell
Xander is sick and he says Greg is wrong. phone, Greg hears him dial a number.
Then the man stands in front of the
• Ayla steps back and mentions that she doesn't window, but only his back is
trust Xander or Greg and then walks away. visible. • The man asks in a nice voice if the
• At the time, wife can also bring him something to eat,
in Clarence, Xander was happy that his revenge he sits down in front of the computer. •
plan worked, but later he felt regret when They have him!
Greg's family was torn apart. Xander
repents – he wasn't aware he had such a
dark side. • Xander then tells Greg that he
is sorry and that he loves Ayla and
will never do anything like that to anyone again.

• Unfortunately, Greg doesn't believe Xander


Chapter 60 Ceasefire • Chapter 61 The Taylor Swift tactic

Something about his face looks familiar, hair • Greg mentions that he knows Stadler, a
slicked back, the color of polished psychologist.
steel, waxy skin, bushy eyebrows, prominent • Uncle Dirk says he is not a psychic, but the
nose, pursed lips. • Xander touches devil, he was on the police's radar but
Greg's shoulder, he just disappeared.
startles and mentions that Ayla's father is not • That's why they couldn't commit him to
the Baker. So he realizes that he was Project Nursery Rhyme. • Uncle Dirk
wrong about the socio-engineering asks if they think that Plank is with Stadler. He
attack on Ayla's family. suggests they make a war room (war
• Xander and Greg decide on a shootout. room. Pg. 269). The kitchen turns into a
• Xander war room, notes plastered everywhere.
opens the files (p. 266) and sees • Uncle Dirk pulls strings
that the Baker between photos and clues. • Greg looks for
is an old granny. They go to sleep. • The Ritalin information
keeps Greg awake. He on the surface
web. Uncle Dirk collects information about
wonder where he's seen the Baker, read colleagues. • The Baker's place of
more about Project Coast – there's even growing up, Uitschotkraal, is found on
an article on eugenics. • Coast existed for Google
12 years – it involved subversive activities, arms Maps . • The Baker has chemistry as well as medicine
and drug smuggling, car theft, studied. The Baker's brother did too

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poison killings, experiments on animals, studied virology, but he was different from his
chemical and biological brother. • Later
warfare. • Uncle the Baker worked for the army, the military
Dirk wants to know if they are making progress, hospital - convert operations. • Stadler
they show him the picture of the Baker. • poisoned the animals
Uncle Dirk says the Baker is Sebastian Stadler. on his farm.

Chapter 62 Ritual in the Dark Chapter 63 Camera work

• Xander explains: we're still making • They go close in the area
photos of the Baker, screenshots from the Giorgio Maggiore moves. The scene of the
video (p. 173), so the facial Baker was taken from a window where it
recognition software will be able to was the setting. • Their cell phones are
make a connection (match) . • They charged, extra power banks. Ayla, Greg (cap on
go on a similar program his head) and Uncle Dirk go to the streets. •
Amazon download. "Recognition". In China, Xander stays at the studio
they can recognize you just by the way around the
you walk. • The next morning facial recognition program.
they buy some mobile phones with good cameras
and prepaid data. • The cell phones stream videos to the
laptop. Xander will let them know if the program
• Xander tests the program with a picture of Uncle picks up on anything. •
Dirk. Later lets Xander know that the
• Then a photo of Greg, the photo loads video streams work, but it hasn't picked up
the database, then a live recording with one of the Baker yet. • Greg realizes
the new cell phones while Uncle Dirk and he forgot the 4th power bank . • Greg hides the
Ayla walk down the street together. It works, cell phone, it can still
they celebrate their success with delicious food stream a video to Xander.
and music.
• Greg has a nightmare, he's back at Lawson Greg runs back to the studio. • When
College, he's moving through the tunnels, Xander asks what Greg is doing there, the screen
hands grabbing him, cold wire cutting into the flashes in red 'match'.
wrists of his hands, an inner tube being pulled
over Greg's head. It's the Baker. Greg
dreams he is going to die. • Xander wakes him
up. He has a

pistol in his hand.

Chapter 64 In an unreal moment Chapter 65 The Baker

• Xander grabbed his pistol and yelled, 'Come on • Greg realizes it's Plank. •
G-4ce'. Greg hugs him. Plank smells of sweat and vomit.
• Xander tucks the pistol into the back of his Plank gives Greg his phone.
pants and calls Ayla.

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• Ayla must call Uncle Dirk. Greg left the cell phone • Greg tells Plank that Uncle Dirk is also in Venice. •
at the Ponte della Paglia and they are on their Greg realizes
way there. • When Greg returned to the there is a big mistake. Plank mentions that there
scene, he realized the cell phone was gone. • Then is a woman waiting in the (Giardini Reali), the
a stall peddler asked: Are Royal Gardens. • Her face is covered
you looking for your phone? (Page 281). • with a mask,
Greg must first buy something before the the iron gate slammed shut. Xander realizes
there is trouble. Two men came to stand
peddling him information over the phone before them. Then Greg saw the message
going to on his phone that Plank had typed: It's a trap.
give • Xander lifts his shirt and shows the pistol
and asks if the peddler is going to help • More men appear in the garden. Maybe
them now. • one of the men was watching him on the
He mentions that someone took it and points in the motorcycle at the time and another may have
direction in which the man walked. Past la killed Tom.
Piazza. • Then the peddler gave • The woman says that it is good to see Greg again.
Greg a She says they can call her Valkyrie. • Plank
gift, a cap with a winged lion in front. He took is sorry – they
off Greg's old cap and put the new one on forced him to do it. • Greg whispers that they
Greg's head. • Greg and Xander start will get out of there.
running again, at first Greg thinks he sees the Baker,
but then Xander just shakes his head. • He continues to look for an escape route
They started jogging, then they walked. as Valkyrie leads them through the
Then Greg saw the familiar face, he looked garden. • Plank will not be able to run away due
scared with a cell phone in hand. to his injuries. He mentions that he saw the
Baker and he wants to kill Greg.

• Sebastian Stadler comes out with a tailor's suit, a

folded umbrella under his arm and says: It's
good to see you again Greg.

• Valkyrie was also the woman who was in court

for one day. She was also the woman who
asked Plank about Greg in Stellenbosch.

• Xander says that fathers are the closest thing

to a hero, until someone comes and takes him
away. Stadler wants to know if Xander liked
the video. • A boat stops. Two
people get out, Ayla and Uncle Dirk. Their
hands are tied, mouths taped shut. •
Stadler mentions that one of them is
going to die. One of them was poisoned.

Xander thinks he's going to die. • Stadler

mentions that it was Chris Owen and Doc who
wanted his father dead.

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They enlisted his help and Valkyrie, his Lady

MacBeth, encouraged him. •
Greg pleads for
the Baker to give him an antidote – Atropine –
troops carry it in case of a chemical attack.
• Valkyrie takes an injection, it looks
like something Diabete
uses, from her dress pocket. • The Baker says one
squirts into you

thigh muscle and you soon feel better.

Chapter 66 The sins of the fathers Chapter 67 Justice for the judge • Ayla knows
• The Baker speaks. He says his brother was Rian what Doxware is. • A Trojan gave
Trollip, his wife - Valkyrie - was at the funeral. Xander access to all the computers. • If the Baker
• Rian was actually doesn't give Xander
the Baker's cousin, what he's looking for, all the Baker's data ends up
but after his parents' death he came to live in important people's Inboxes. • Xander
with the Stadlers and thus became his older cracked his code . The farm's name is
brother. • The 'Uitschotkraal'. Behind that name lies
Baker admits that he experimented with poisons on everything the police, FBI want to
the animals. know about the Baker.
Then the hunger to kill people like his
father. • Then my brother
and I started working at Coast - my brother • Xander says that the police all the
didn't know exactly what was going on. • emails he sent to Doc and Greg's father. • All
Greg asks if the notebook to the emails that the
the Baker with
Baker belongs. He thought it had burned. Project Nursery Rhyme sent lies in the
Rian should have taken it out of the fire. So (information dump. Pg. 296).
it was Rian Trollip's wife who sent the book to Also the names of his contacts. •
Greg. Valkyrie is startled, Xander also refers to the
Baker's research into human mind control
• After the Coast, the Baker met Valkyrie. She – the biggest threat to humanity. CRISPR –
introduced the Baker to Chris Owen and Doc. technology. • The worst part,
Then it was Project Nursery Rhyme, chemical Xander
and biological warfare and terrorism. continues, is that you want to do it on babies. This
is how the light-manipulated brains are passed
down from generation to generation. • A devil
• The Baker mentions that Rian then joined him. makes a (deal p. 298)
They were free to discover new things. with the devil. The Baker's men throw their
It was Valkyrie's idea to enter a hemorrhagic weapons into the canal. Ayla and Uncle Dirk
virus take them to the gate. Greg makes

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to hide flu shots and his idea was to turn a let go of Uncle Dirk's hands, he is still
profit. • Greg feels bad, he struggling with his vision and is
realizes he is the one who is going to die. • nauseous. • Uncle Dirk shouts that the circus
Rian wanted to is over, because the young ones are
go to the police, then Stadler planted the child smart guys. Uncle Dirk releases
pornography on his computer. • Greg can't Ayla's hands. • Ayla should only scream if the Baker's
believe that the Baker would do this to his own men try something, then Xander sends the
brother. The Baker reminds that it was information to Doxware. •
only his cousin. Greg snatches the injection from Valkyrie's
• Greg's vision is getting weaker. • hand, Plank injects him in the leg.
The Baker believes his cousin's last Greg began to feel relief. •
moments were unpleasant, like Doc's. Greg threw the cell phone into the canal,
He regrets that Greg's father survived the then realized it was the cap that
attack. poisoned him.
• The Baker warns that his father's time will • The Baker mentions that Greg's father
come, as will Greg's. Uncle Dirk turns guilty of a misdeed, Xander's father
red with anger. succumbed to Mammon. The Baker
• Valkyrie waves the injection in front of Greg. helped remove Xander's father. It was
There are spit threads around Greg's actually Valkyrie's idea. Xander's father
mouth, he is almost nauseous. Uncle Dirk suffocated in his own snot and blood. He
wants to help, but can't, because his hands had to beg for his life.
are still tied.
• The Baker likes chaos – Xander tells the • The Baker mentions that killing Xander's
Baker about Ransomware chaos. The father was like killing his own father. • The
lab calls and Valkyrie answers. • Baker tells that
Xander they tied Xander's father's body in sacks, tied
locked all the Baker's computers with a weights to his ankles and flew across
password. He seeks justice. the ocean. • Xander pulls out his pistol,
Valkyrie screams, he fires
three shots while yelling 'you pig'. One shot
in the head and two in the Baker's heart.

Chapter 68 The Snake •

Xander kicks in the Baker's direction.
Valkyrie is gone, they are going to take the
boat. • Uncle Dirk hugs Xander like a father,
he moves behind the
wheel. • Ayla unties the boat from the
post. • Greg tells Plank that he is sorry about
what happened in Istanbul, he owes Plank
6 beers.

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• Pla nknoemdathy can not wagom for Lis

ate sion, G regmoetsymo ois tepak kle
reregkr y. G regen Plank laughs
together about the good old
ones. • Xander asks if he can talk to Greg.
He mentions that he told him about
Prometheus. Xander is now one of
them. He took revenge, but didn't think
it would feel like this. 'If you want
revenge, you have to dig 2
• Xander throws the pistol over the boat,
scoops up water and washes
his hands. • Ayla is with Xander, he is
holding her. • Uncle Dirk warns,
Valkyrie is coming by with a
speedboat. There are 2 people with
her. The boat hits them, they fall on
the deck. Greg hits the water. Bullets hit the water.
• Greg swims away, helps Uncle Dirk,
more bullets. Greg can no longer hold
his breath. His head breaks through
the surface, more shots and
a cloud of blood. Greg sees Xander
and Ayla. Plank is gone.
• Greg is standing on the bank, blanket
over his shoulder. He watches as
the divers pull Plank's body out of the
water. • A newspaper report about a
murder in the Gardens, no
murder weapon
or suspects. • A social media (frenzy p.
306) when Xander's Doxware hit
the news. • Anger at the mind control of
babies. • 1st newspaper report/Turret
Media in SA – Greg is dead, a team of
divers retrieved his body from the
Grand Canal in Venice. How could
make such a mistake. • They need look no further than the
transporter in Plank's right hand.

• Plank is no longer going to have the

coolest and naughtiest kids.
• Plank fines for the Baker's death. •
Uncle Dirk's contacts in the police come
to help.

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• The South African Embassy gets involved. • Greg

sits in front
of his father at C-Max. • His father asks if
the funeral sad
wash. Greg mentions that everyone was there.
• Ayla and Xander disappeared. When they got to the
studio, they were well gone. Greg realizes
that he never fully knew Xander. • Greg
feels a loss inside him, His father
mentions that he was not a good father to Greg. He
says everyone gets what they deserve,
except Plank says Greg. • His father says
nothing is permanent, there are things like John's
death that you will never understand.

• They should be grateful for the

people whose lives have been touched. •
Greg mentions that he will visit his Dad again, 'no
one can walk out of his story
There are tears in father's eyes.
• His mother and André are waiting by the car,
Uncle Dirk and Lisa are also there. Lisa walks
up to Greg and holds him. •
Greg feels lucky to have these people in his life.

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