Double Ppr3 2012

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BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education any mt < CANDIDATE NAME, CANDIDATE ] NUMBER CENTRE NUMBER SCIENCE : DOUBLE AWARD 0569/03 Papor 3 October/November 2012 2hour Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required, READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST For Examiner's Use Write your Centre number, candidate number and name in the spaces provided at the top of this page. 1 Write in dark blue or black pen You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working 2 Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. 3 Answer all questions. 4 Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question or 5 part question. You may use a calculator. 6 A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on page 20. z 8 9 10 " 12 13 14 15 Total This document consists of 18 printed pages and 2 blank pages. @BEC 2012 [Turn over & 2 1 Fig. 1.1 shows a speed-time graph of a stone thrown vertically upwards. 20° speed m/s 1 2 3 4 time/s Fig. 1.1 (a) Describe the motion of the stone in the four seconds. (3) (b) Calculate the maximum height reached by the stone. height oo 2] {c) Explain how the shape of the graph shows that air resistance was negligible. (1) sec 2012 5910370 1NI12 For lexaminer's Use Examiner's 2 (a) State the principle of moments. i a (b) Fig. 2.1 shows Neo and David on a see-saw pivoted at the centre. Neo has a mass of 30kg and David has a mass of 20kg. (g = 10N/kg) Neo David pivot Fig. 2.1 (i) Calculate the weight of David weight (ii) Calculate the moment of David about the pivot. ‘moment (2) The see-saw is in equilibrium. Calculate the distance of Neo from the pivot. distance (2) osec an osse/osi0mNv12 [Turn over 4 3 Fig. 3.1 shows a set-up used to determine a fixed point of a thermometer. thermometer crushed pure melting ice Fig. 3.1 (a) What are fixed points? (b) Name and state the temperature value of the fixed point to be determined in Fig. 3.1. name temperature ... (6) Explain why (i) ice made from tap water is not suitable for this experiment, (ii) the ice should be melting. Bec 2012 os62/03/01NN12 a) a For Examiners Use 4 Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4.2 show the displacement /time graphs for sound waves X and Y. displacement displacement ae sound X Fig. 4.1 (a) On Fig. 4.2 show (i) the wavelength of sound Y, and label it 2. (ii) the amplitude of sound Y and label it A. 2 (b) (i) Which sound is louder? Explain your answer. (il) Which sound has the higher pitch? Explain your answer. (c) What type of a wave is sound? ‘BEC 2012 (0569/03/0/N12 [Turn over For Examiners Use 5 Fig. 5.1 shows a permanent magnet with a single magnetic field line drawn. Fig. 5.4 (a) Name the pole at X. (b) On Fig. 5.1 draw more field lines to show the magnetic field around the magnet. (c) Describe the electrical method of making magnets. You may draw a diagram as part of your answer. © BEC 2012 ossov0s1on12 - [3] Examiner's Use 7 For 6 (a) Table 6.1 shows radioactive emissions, their nature and penetration powers with some | **ayners information missing. Complete the table. Table 6.1 radiation penetration power nature of radiation highest electromagnetic wave alpha helium nucleus moderate @ (b) Radioactive waste is often stored for a long time in structures with concrete walls. Explain why this is done. [1] (c) Name an instrument used for detecting radioactive emissions. (1) BEC 2012 osear0x/01nr12 [Turn over 8 7 (a) Inanexperiment, 120m? of methane, measured at room temperature and pressure, was n for the reaction is burnt in excess oxygen. The equi CH, + 20, ———> CO, + 2H,0. (i) Calculate the number of moles in 120cm* of methane. (1mole of gas occupies 24000cm*) (ii) Use the equation and your answer to (a)(i) to calculate the number of moles of oxygen that reacted. (iii) Calculate the volume of oxygen, measured at room temperature and pressure, that reacted with* of methane. volume {b) The burning of methane is an example of an exothermic reaction. (i) What is an exothermic reaction? (ii) Give another example of an exothermic reaction other than burning in oxygen. © BEC 2012 osea0310NN/12 em? iu) a (1) (1) For Examiner's Use 9 For (c) Draw a dot and cross diagram to show bonding in a molecule of methane, CHs. een 2] ()_ Explain why it is not safe to burn methane in a limited supply of oxygen. ir) exec a2 osesrooiNni2 [Turn over 10 8 Anion ring can be electroplated with copper as shown in Fig. 8.1 direct current __power supply ( iron ring cathode anode: ‘aqueous copper(I!) sulphate Fig. 8.1 (a) What material is the anode made of? (b) What change would be seen on the iron ring? (c) Write an equation for the reaction at the cathode. (d) Suggest a suitable electrolyte that could be used if the iron ring was to be plated using silver. (e) Give two other uses of copper. 4 © BEC 2012 056910901112 ef] [1 [1] (2) For Examiners Use " For 9 Four powdered metals P, Q, R and S were each placed in dilute hydrochloric acid (HCI). eee Fig. 9.1 shows what was observed dilute az dilute__ dilute__k->} 25 Hcl he? dilute —[— HCI a HCI B Ber ° | bubbles — bubbles, powdered powdered powdered powdered metal P metal Q metal R metal S Fig. 9.1 (a) Use the information in the diagram to arrange the metals in order of increasing reactivity least reactive most reactive . (2) (b) The gas produced in the reaction between metals and dilute hydrochloric acid is hydrogen. Describe the test for hydrogen gas. test result (c) Which of the metals, P, Q, R or S could be copper? Explain your answer. [2] (a) Predict how the rate of reaction will compare with that shown in Fig. 9.1 when lumps of metal Q are used. Explain your answer. BEC 2012 osesvewoni2 [Turn over 12 For 40 (a) Complete Table 10.1 about some organic compounds. Ponent Table 10.1 name | molecularformulae | _ structural formulae HA a ethane esa tears HH ethene CoHe CaHsOH (4) {b) Ethene polymerises to form poly(ethene). Explain why careless disposal of poly(ethene) causes pollution problems. (1) (c) An incomplete equation for the reaction of the compound CH,OH and oxygen is CaHGOH ease # cre Ogeeree PH vere CO: 1,0. (i) Balance the equation and include state symbols. (2 ) State two uses of the compound CHsOH Aas (2) eneca2 os69109/0N'2 13 11. Fig. 11.1 shows an animal cell. Examiners (a) Identify structures W and X. x. (b) State the functions of structures Y and Z. function of Y function of Z. (2) (c) Define the term tissue. nec 2012 oseaiosion2 [Turn over 14 For 42 Fig. 12.1 shows the structure of a leaf. ees Name the structures Q, R and S. For each structure, explain how it makes the leaf an ideal site for photosynthesis. name of Q .. explanation... name of R .. explanation ... name of $ explanation... (6) © BEC 2012 os6s/0a/0nN12 15 For Examiners 43. Fig. 13.1 shows some endocrine glands in the body. a x—) Sidney Fig. 13.4 {a) On Fig. 13.1, label: * anovary * the pituitary gland 1c] (b) Explain how the hormone from gland X may affect blood glucose level. (31 (c) Explain how the body responds to a meal rich in carbohydrate after the digested food is absorbed into the blood. ~~ [4] waec an os69/03/01NN12 [Turn over 16 For Examiner 414 Fig. 14.1 shows a foetus in the uterus. Use placenta foetus Fig. 14.41 (2) The placenta is often described as the ‘lung and kidney’ of the foetus. ‘Suggest the meaning of this description. [2 (b) Suggest one feature of the placenta that helps it to carry out its function. (1) (c) Suggest two ways by which the structure of the umbilical artery differs from that of umbilical vein. te 2 2) (a) Explain why itis important that there is no direct contact of the foetal blood and the mother's blood. BEC 2012 05690310NN2 7 15 Fig. 15.1 shows the different stages of development of two plants from two similar seeds. After germination plant M was left to grow in a dark place while plant N was left to grow in light. mass in, grams time in days Fig. 15.1 (a) How long did it take for the seeds to germinate? (b) Explain why the mass increases for the first two days. (c) (i) Explain the change in mass for plant N between day 4 and day 8. @BEC 2012 05690310NN2 For Examiners 18 BLANK PAGE @ BEC 2012 50910370 1Ni12 19 BLANK PAGE Permission to raproduce ters where third-party owned material protacied by copwight le Included has been sought and Cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort nas been made by the publisher (BEC) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunty, @BEc 2012 oseaosomN'i2 20 13) aunssasd pue aunjesadway woos Ye Lup rz S1 $26 Aue jo ejoW av0 Jo ouunjon Ou =) .) on quran) ced = 7 | oN | Pw ppauteouce-x| x | Key Se seuss plouloy £01-061 my fw | a ‘s0u98 plouewauer 1-85, as 80 ou 4 W ‘dno1S squowiora 919 J0 21924 21 1a3HS Viva os69/03/0NN12 oBeC 2012

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