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damage. (Sec 11, Rule under the Omnibus However, not any person may file the petition. The
66, ROC, as amended) Election Code. person authorized to file the same is the one who
claims to be entitled to a public office or position
NOTE: If the dispute is as to the counting of votes or which was usurped or unlawfully held or exercised
on matters connected with the conduct of the by another person. (Sec. 6, Rule 66, ROC, as amended)
election, quo warranto is not the proper remedy but
an election protest. (Cesar v. Garrido, G.R. No. 30705, Such person may maintain action without the
25 Mar. 1929) intervention of the Solicitor General and without
need for any leave of court. He must show that he
When Government Commences an Action has a clear right to the office allegedly being held by
against Individuals and Corporations another. (Cuevas v. Bacal, G.R. No. 139382, 06 Dec.
An action for the usurpation of a public office,
position or franchise may be commenced by a NOTE: The Solicitor General or public prosecutor
verified petition brought in the name of the may commence the action at the instance of another
Republic of the Philippines against: person. In this case, leave of court is necessary. (Sec.
3, Rule 66, ROC, as amended)
1. A person who usurps, intrudes into, or
unlawfully holds or exercises a public office, Who may Commence (S-P-I)
position or franchise;
2. A public officer who does or suffers an act 1. Solicitor General;
which, by the provision of law, constitutes a 2. Public Prosecutor; or
ground for the forfeiture of his office; and 3. Individuals claiming to be entitled to the office
3. An association which acts as a corporation or position usurped or unlawfully held or
within the Philippines without being legally exercised by another. (Sec. 5, Rule 66, ROC, as
incorporated or without lawful authority so to amended)
act. (de facto corporation) (Sec. 1, Rule 66,
ROC, as amended) NOTE: In order for a petition for quo warranto to be
successful, the suing private individual must show a
When directed by the President of the Philippines, clear right to the contested office. His failure to
or when upon complaint or otherwise he or she has establish this right warrants the dismissal of the suit
good reason to believe that any case specified in the for lack of cause of action; it is not even necessary to
Rules can be established by proof, the Solicitor pass upon the right of the defendant who, by virtue
general or the public prosecutor must commence of his appointment, continues in the undisturbed
the action. (Sec. 2, Rule 66, ROC, as amended) possession of his office. (General v. Urro, G.R. No.
191560, 29 Mar. 2011)
NOTE: Actions of quo warranto against
corporations now fall under the jurisdiction of the NOTE: By analogy with provisions of Sec. 5, it has
RTC acting as Special Commercial Courts. (Sec. 5.2, been held that a public utility may bring a quo
Securities Regulations Code) Quo warranto will only warranto action against another public utility which
lie against de facto corporations. has usurped the rights of the former granted under
franchise. (Cui v. Cui, 60 Phil. 57, 31 Aug. 1964;
When Individual may Commence an Action Regalado, 2010 2017)

A person claiming to be entitled to a public office or Classifications of Quo warranto Proceedings

position usurped or unlawfully held or exercised by
another may bring an action therefor in his own 1. Mandatory – brought by the Solicitor General
name. (Sec. 5, Rule 66, ROC, as amended) or Public prosecutor when:
a. Directed by the President; or



b. Upon complaint or when he has reason to warranto questioning and seeking to stop the
believe that the cases for quo warranto can operations of Cars Co. The latter filed a motion
be established by proof. (Sec. 2, Rule 66, to dismiss the petition on the ground of
ROC, as amended) improper venue by claiming that its main office
and operations are in Cebu City and not in
2. Discretionary – brought by the Solicitor Manila. Is the contention of Cars Co., correct?
General or a public prosecutor at the request Why? (2001 BAR)
and upon the relation of another person,
provided there must be: A: NO. As expressly provided in the Rules, when the
a. Leave of court; Solicitor General commences the action for quo
b. At the request and upon the relation of warranto, it may be brought in a RTC in the City of
another person; and Manila, as in this case, in the Court of Appeals or in
c. Indemnity bond. (Sec. 3, Rule 66, ROC, as the Supreme Court. (Sec. 7, Rule 66, ROC, as
amended) amended)

Court which has Jurisdiction Contents of a Petition for Quo warranto

1. It can be brought only in the SC, CA, or in RTC 1. The petition shall set forth the following:
exercising jurisdiction over the territorial area 2. The name of the person who claim to be entitled
where the respondent or any of the thereto;
respondents resides. 3. If any, with an averment of his right to the same
and that the respondent is unlawfully in
NOTE: The petition may be brought in the SB possession thereof; and
in certain cases but when in aid of its appellate 4. All persons who claim to be entitled to the
jurisdiction. (Sec. 4, P.D. 1606, as amended by public office, position or franchise may be made
R.A. No. 8249; Riano, 2019) parties, and their respective rights to such
public office, position or franchise determined,
2. An action for quo warranto may be dismissed in the same action. (Sec. 6, Rule 66, ROC, as
at any stage when it becomes apparent that the amended)
plaintiff is not entitled to the disputed public
office, position or franchise. Hence, the RTC is Judgment in Quo Warranto Action
not compelled to still proceed with the trial
when it is already apparent on the face of the When the respondent is found guilty of usurping,
Petition for quo warranto that it is insufficient. intruding into, or unlawfully holding or exercising a
(Feliciano v. Villasin, G.R. No. 174929, 27 June public office, position or franchise, judgment shall
2008) be rendered that such respondent be ousted and
altogether excluded therefrom, and that the
3. When the Solicitor General commences the petitioner or relator, as the case may be, recover his
action, it may be brought in a RTC in the City of costs. Such further judgment may be rendered
Manila, in the CA, or in the SC. (Sec. 7, Rule 66, determining the respective rights in and to the
ROC, as amended) public office, position or franchise of the parties to
the action as justice requires. (Sec. 9, Rule 66, ROC,
Q: A group of businessmen formed an as amended)
association in Cebu City calling itself Cars C. to
distribute/sell cars in said city. It did not The court may render judgment for costs against
incorporate itself under the law nor did it have either the petitioner, relator, respondent, relator, or
any government permit or license to conduct its respondent, or the person or persons claiming to be
business as such. The Solicitor General filed a corporation. The corporation may also apportion
before a RTC in Manila a verified petition for quo




the costs, as justice requires. (Sec. 12, Rule 66, ROC, 2. When the action is filed by the Republic.
as amended) (Republic v. Sereno, G.R. No. 237428, 11 May
Rights of a Person Adjudged Entitled to Public
Office NOTE: The periods within which quo warranto
action should be brought are a condition precedent
If judgment be rendered in favor of the person to the existence of a cause of action.
averred in the complaint to be entitled to the public
office, he may, after taking the oath of office and The pendency of administrative remedies does not
executing any official bond required by law: operate to suspend the period of one year within
which a petition for quo warranto should be filed.
1. Take upon himself the execution of the office; While it may be desirable that administrative
2. Immediately thereafter demand all the books remedies be first resorted to, no one is compelled or
and papers in the respondent’s custody or bound to do so, and as said remedies neither are
control appertaining to the office to which the pre-requisite to nor bar the institution of quo
judgment relates; and warranto proceedings, they should not be allowed
3. Bring an action against the respondent to to suspend the period of one year. Public interest
recover damages sustained by such persons by requires that the right to a public office should be
reason of usurpation. (Sec. 10, Rule 66, ROC, as determined as speedily as practicable. (Torres v.
amended) Quintos, G.R. No. L-3304, 05 Apr. 1951)

NOTE: A quo warranto proceeding is one of the The court may reduce the period provided by these
instances where exhaustion of administrative Rules for filing pleadings and for all other
remedies is not required. (Celestial v. Cachopero, G.R. proceedings in the action in order to secure the
No. 142595, 15 Oct. 2003) most expeditious determination of the matters
involved therein consistent with the rights of the
LIMITATIONS parties. Such action may be given precedence over
any other civil matter pending in the court. (Sec. 8,
Period within which a Person Ousted from Office Rule 66, ROC, as amended)
must File a Petition for Quo Warranto
Recovery of Damages against the Usurper of
GR: An action for quo warranto must be commenced Office Allowed
within 1 year after the cause of such ouster, or the
right of the petitioner to hold such office or position, If the petitioner is adjudged to be entitled to the
arose. (Sec. 11, Rule 66, ROC, as amended) The failure office, he may sue for damages against the alleged
to institute the same within the reglementary usurper within 1 year from entry of judgment
period constitutes more than a sufficient basis for establishing his right to the office in question. (Sec.
its dismissal (Alejo v. Marquez, G.R. No. L-40575, 28 11, Rule 66, ROC, as amended)
Sept. 1987), since it is not proper that the title to a
public office be subjected to continued uncertainty.
(Villegas v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. L-23752, 31 Dec. 1965) F. EXPROPRIATION
(RULE 67)
1. If the failure to file the action can be attributed
to the acts of a responsible government officer See discussion on Guidelines for Expropriation
and not of the dismissed employee. (Conchita Proceedings of National Government
Romualdez-Yap v. CSC, et al., G.R. No. 104226, 12 Infrastructure Projects on page 300
Aug. 1993)



Power of Eminent Domain and complete equivalent of the loss which the
owner of the thing expropriated has to suffer by
It is the right of the State to acquire private property reason of the expropriation and is ordinarily
for public use upon the payment of just determined by referring to the value of the land and
compensation. its character at the time it was taken by the
expropriating authority. (Philippine Veterans Bank
NOTE: The scope of the power of eminent domain v. Bases Conversion and Development Authority, G.R.
No. 217492, 04 Oct. 2021, J. Hernando)
as exercised by the Congress is plenary and is as
broad as the police power. Such power however, Properties that are Subject to Expropriation
may also be delegated to local political subdivisions All properties can be expropriated, except money
and public utilities. (Riano, 2019) and choses in action.

Expropriation NOTE: Choses in action – A right to personal things

of which the owner has not the possession, but
It is the procedure for enforcing the right of eminent merely a right of action for their possession. (Black’s
domain. Law Dictionary, 2004)

NOTE: Expropriation is proper only when: Scope of Expropriation

1. The owner refuses to sell; or Expropriation is not limited to the acquisition of

2. If the latter agrees, agreement as to the price real property with a corresponding transfer of title
cannot be reached. or possession. The right-of-way easement resulting
in a restriction or limitation on property rights over
NOTE: It is the actual filing of complaint for the land traversed by transmission lines also falls
expropriation which binds the land, and not a mere within the ambit of the term “expropriation.”
notice of the intent to expropriate. However, the (National Power Corporation v. Vda. De Capin, G.R.
owner of the land may still dispose of said property, No. 175176, 17 Oct. 2008)
despite the filing of the action, as the grantee would
merely be substituted in his place and holds the land Court that has Jurisdiction
subject to the results of the action. (Regalado, 2017)
It is filed with RTC because it is an action incapable
By reason of expediency, counterclaim, cross-claim of pecuniary estimation regardless of the value of
or third-party complaint shall be alleged or allowed the subject property.
in the answer or any subsequent pleading.
Requisites of the Exercise of a Valid IN COMPLAINT FOR EXPROPRIATION
Expropriation (D-C-P)
The right of eminent domain shall be exercised by
1. Due process of law; the filing of a verified complaint, which shall:
2. Payment of just compensation; and
3. Taking must be for public use. 1. State with certainty the right and purpose of
NOTE: In the context of the State's inherent power 2. Describe the real or personal property sought
of eminent domain, there is "taking" where the to be expropriated;
owner is actually deprived or dispossessed of his 3. Join as defendants all persons owning or
property; where there is a practical destruction or a claiming to own, or occupying, any part thereof
material impairment of the value of his property; or or interest therein, showing, so far as
when he is deprived of the ordinary use thereof. On
practicable, the separate interest of each
the other hand, just compensation refers to the just
defendant; and




4. If the title to any property sought to be owners commenced these inverse
expropriated appears to be in the Republic of condemnation proceedings when:
the Philippines, although occupied by private
individuals, or if the title is otherwise obscure 1. Stealth is employed instead of complying
or doubtful so that the plaintiff cannot with with the legal process of
accuracy or certainty specify who are the real expropriation. (National Power
owners, averment to that effect shall be made in Corporation v. Heirs of Macabangkit
the complaint. (Sec. 1, Rule 67, ROC, as amended) Sangkay, G.R. No. 165828, 24 Aug. 2011)
2. There is no intention to pay the owners just
Rule 67 outlines the procedure under which compensation. (National Power
eminent domain may be exercised by the Corporation v. Spouses Saludares, G.R. No.
Government. Yet by no means does it serve at 189127, 25 Apr. 2012)
present as the solitary guideline through which the
State may expropriate private property. For Q: The City of Iloilo (petitioner) represented by
example, Section 19 of the Local Government Code Mayor Treñas filed a complaint for eminent
(RA No. 7610) governs as to the exercise by local domain against Javellana seeking to expropriate
government units of the power of eminent domain two parcels of land. Mayor Treñas filed a motion
through an enabling ordinance. There is RA No. for issuance of writ of possession alleging that it
8974, which covers expropriation proceedings had deposited 10% of the amount of
intended for national government infrastructure compensation. A writ of possession was
projects. (Republic of the Philippines v. Gingoyon, G.R. subsequently issued, and petitioner was able to
No. 166429, 19 Dec. 2005) take physical possession of the properties.
Sixteen (16) years later, Javellana filed an ex
1. TWO STAGES IN EVERY ACTION parte motion/manifestation, where he alleged
FOR EXPROPRIATION that when he sought to withdraw the money, he
discovered that no deposit was made.
1. First stage – the determination of the authority Thereafter, Javellana filed a complaint for
of the plaintiff to expropriate. This recovery of possession, fixing and recovery of
determination includes an inquiry into the rental and damages. The City of Iloilo argues
propriety of the expropriation – its necessity that Javellana could no longer bring an action
and the public purpose. for recovery since the subject property was
already taken for public use. Javallena further
NOTE: The first stage will end in the issuance of filed a motion that before a commission is
an order of expropriation if the court finds for created, the trial court should first order the
plaintiff or in dismissal of the complaint if it condemnation of the property, in the
finds otherwise. accordance with the rules of court. The RTC
denied this motion. The RTC further issued
2. Second stage – the determination of just three orders overturning its previous order for
compensation through the court-appointed the issuance of a writ of possession. The
commissioners. (Riano, 2016) petitioner argued that the trial court cannot
overturn its previous order issuing the writ of
GR: Just Compensation must be reckoned from possession because it was already final. Is the
the time of taking or filing of the complaint, order of expropriation final?
whichever came first.
A: YES. An order of condemnation or dismissal is
XPN: As a measure of simple justice and final, resolving the question of whether or not the
ordinary fairness to them, therefore, reckoning plaintiff has properly and legally exercised its
just compensation on the value at the time the power of eminent domain. Once the first order
becomes final and no appeal thereto is taken, the



authority to expropriate and its public use can no 1. Filing of complaint, serving notice to defendant
longer be questioned. Here, Javellana did not appeal and after depositing the assessed value of
from the RTC’s order issuing the writ of possession. property for taxation purposes with the
Thus, it has become final, and the petitioner’s right authorized government depositary; (Sec. 2, Rule
to expropriate the property for a public use is no 67, ROC, as amended) and
longer subject to review. (City of Iloilo v. Hon. Lolita 2. Tender, or payment with legal interest from the
Contreras-Besana, G.R. No. 168967, 12 Feb. 2010) taking of possession of the property, of
compensation fixed by the judgment and
Q: May Congress enact a law providing that a payment of costs by plaintiff. (Sec. 10, Rule 67,
5,000 square meter lot, a part of the UST ROC, as amended)
compound in Sampaloc Manila, be expropriated
for the construction of a park in honor of former NOTE: Such deposit shall be in money, unless in lieu
City Mayor Arsenio Lacson? As compensation to thereof the court authorizes the deposit of a
UST, the City of Manila shall deliver its 5-hectare certificate of deposit of a government bank of the
lot in Sta. Rosa, Laguna originally intended as a Republic of the Philippines payable on demand to
residential subdivision for the Manila City Hall the authorized government depositary.
employees. Explain. (2006 BAR)
If personal property is involved, its value shall be
A: YES, Congress may enact a law expropriating provisionally ascertained and the amount to be
property provided that it is for public use and with deposited shall be promptly fixed by the court. (Sec.
just compensation. In this case, the construction of 2, Rule 67, ROC)
a park is for public use (See: Sena v. Manila Railroad
Co, G.R. No. 15915, 07 Sept. 1921; Reyes v. NHA, G.R. Once the preliminary deposit has been made, the
No. 147511, 24 Mar. 2003). expropriator is entitled to a writ of possession as a
The planned compensation, however, is not legally matter of right, and the issuance of said writ
tenable as the determination of just compensation becomes ministerial on the part of the trial court.
is a judicial function. No statute, decree or executive (Biglang-Awa v. Bacalla, G.R. Nos. 139927-36, 20 Nov.
order can mandate that the determination of just 2000) The defenses by the owner against immediate
compensation by the executive or legislative possession can be considered during trial on the
departments can prevail over the court’s findings merits. (NAPOCOR v. Jocson, G.R. Nos. 94193-99, 25
(Export Processing Zone Authority v. Dulay, G.R. No. Feb. 1992)
L-59603, 29 Apr. 1987; Secs. 5 to 8, Rule 67, ROC, as
amended). Purposes of Preliminary Deposit

In addition, compensation must be paid in money. 1. It serves as an advanced payment to the owner
(Esteban v. Onorio, AM No. 00-4-166-RTC, 29 June of the property should the court decide in favor
2001) of the plaintiff; and

ENTRY OF PLAINTIFF 2. It shall serve as indemnity against any damage

UPON DEPOSITING VALUE WITH which the owner may have sustained. (Visayan
AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY Refining Company v. Camus, G.R. No. 15870, 03
Dec. 1919)
Requisites in order that Plaintiff may be
Authorized to Immediately Enter into Property NOTE: The preliminary deposit is only necessary if
under Rule 67 the plaintiff desires entry on the land upon its
institution of the action. (Regalado, 2017)
Upon the:




Defenses and Objections property, and he may share in the distribution of the
award. (Sec. 3, Rule 67, ROC, as amended)
1. If a defendant has any objection or defense to
the taking of his property: Declaration of Default

a. He shall serve his answer. The answer shall The defendant cannot be declared in default.
specifically designate or identify the However, failure to file an answer would not bar the
property in which he claims to have an court from rendering judgment on the right to
interest, state the nature and extent of the expropriate, without prejudice to the defendant’s
interest claimed; right to present evidence on just compensation and
b. Thereafter, he shall be entitled to notice of to share in the distribution of the award. (Sec. 3, Rule
all proceedings affecting the same; 67, ROC, as amended)

2. If there are no objections, he must file and serve Effect of Non-Payment of Just Compensation
a notice of appearance and manifestation to
that effect. And thereafter, shall be entitled to The non-payment of just compensation does not
notice of all proceedings. (Sec. 3, Rule 67, ROC, as entitle the private landowner to recover possession
amended) of the expropriated lots, however, in cases where
the government failed to pay just
Effect of Failure to File an Answer compensation within 5 years from the finality of the
judgment in the expropriation proceedings, the
The failure to file an answer does not produce all the owners concerned shall have the right to recover
disastrous consequences of default in ordinary civil possession of their property. This is in consonance
actions, because the defendant may still present with the principle that the government cannot keep
evidence as to just compensation. (Robern the property and dishonor the judgment. (Republic
Development Corporation v. Quitain, G.R. No. 135042, of the Philippines v. Lim, G.R. No. 161656, 29 June
23 Sept. 1999) 2005)

Remedy of Defendant if Answer Omits Some 2. ORDER OF EXPROPRIATION

An order of expropriation (or order of
If the answer omits some defenses, the remedy, in condemnation) will be issued declaring that the
order to prevent a waiver of those defenses not plaintiff has a lawful right to take the property.
alleged, is to seek leave to amend the answer within
10 days from the filing thereof. (Sec. 3, Rule 67, ROC, It is issued when:
as amended)
1. The objections to and the defenses against the
Duty of the Court if the Defendant Waives His right of the plaintiff to expropriate the property
Defenses or Objections are overruled; and
2. No party appears to defend as required by this
If a defendant waives all defenses and objections not Rule. (Sec. 4, Rule 67, ROC, as amended)
so alleged, the court, in the interest of justice, may
permit amendments to the answer to be made not NOTE: After the rendition of such an order, the
later than 10 days from the filing thereof. plaintiff shall not be permitted to dismiss or
discontinue the proceeding except on such terms as
However, at the trial of the issue of just the court deems just and equitable.
compensation, whether a defendant has previously
appeared or answered, he may present evidence as After the rendition of the order of expropriation, the
to the amount of the compensation to be paid for his plaintiff shall not be permitted to dismiss or



discontinue the proceeding except upon such terms Certiorari, enjoining the enforcement and
as the court deems just and equitable. (Sec. 4, Rule implementation of the writ of possession. The
67, ROC, as amended) Supreme Court affirmed the ruling. The
Republic lodged an appeal, claiming that no
3. ASCERTAINMENT OF JUST COMPENSATION commissioners were appointed during the trial
in violation of the Rules of Court. Is the
Appointment of Commissioner Republic’s appeal meritorious?

Upon the rendition of the order of expropriation, the A: YES. Gingoyon’s statement that the appointment
court shall appoint not more than 3 competent and of commissioners may be resorted to, should not be
disinterested persons as commissioners to interpreted to mean that it was merely optional.
ascertain and report to the court the just Such statement meant that the requirement by the
compensation for the property sought to be taken. Rules of appointing commissioners did not
The order of appointment shall designate the time contradict Republic Act No. 8974 and was
and place of the first session of the hearing to be permissible. There was no conflict in this regard, in
held by the commissioners and specify the time contrast with the patently different systems of
within which their report shall be submitted to the deposit and direct payment.
court. (Sec. 5, Rule 67, ROC, as amended)
The Rules provide that the parties are given the
NOTE: Objections to the order of appointment must opportunity to introduce evidence before
be filed within 10 days from service of the order and commissioners, and that the commissioners are
shall be resolved within 30 days after all the empowered to “assess the consequential damages
commissioners received the copies of the to the property not taken.”
objections. (Sec. 5, Rule 67, ROC, as amended)
Indeed, Sec. 5(1) of Rule 67 requires the
Q: Ropa Development, Robinson Yao, and Jovito appointment of commissioners in the
Yao were owners of two parcels of a land. The ascertainment of just compensation:
Republic filed a Complaint with the Regional “SECTION 5. Ascertainment of compensation. –
Trial Court of Bacolod City, seeking to Upon the rendition of the order of
expropriate a total of 32 square meters from the expropriation, the court shall appoint not more
properties. The land was to be used for the than three (3) competent and disinterested
construction of two transmission towers for the persons as commissioners to ascertain and
Northern Negros Geothermal Project. It prayed report to the court the just compensation for
for the immediate issuance of a writ of the property sought to be taken. The order of
possession. However, Ropa Development, appointment shall designate the time and place
Robinson, and Jovito opposed this. They of the first session of the hearing to be held by
admitted to most of the allegations in the the commissioners and specify the time within
Complaint, but alleged that it "failed to show which their report shall be submitted to the
that a number of fruit bearing trees were court.”
planted on the property." Thus, considering the
nature and effects of the construction of The need to conduct proceedings before appointed
transmission towers, they claim that they commissioners becomes more apparent, given the
should be paid not only for the portion actually necessity to compute for consequential damages.
expropriated, but for the entire property as (Republic v. Ropa Development Corp., G.R. No.
well. Moreover, they said that the towers' power 227614, 11 Jan. 2021)
lines will "substantially limit their use of the
land." The Regional Trial Court issued a writ of
possession in favor of the Republic. The CA
rendered a Decision on the Petition for




Mandatory Requirement of Appointing 24.0467 of the said land under the Compulsory
Commissioner Acquisition scheme pursuant to the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law. Land
Appointment of commissioners to ascertain just Bank made an initial valuation of the property at
compensation for the property sought to be taken is P272,347.63 Respondent rejected petitioner's
a mandatory requirement in expropriation cases. valuation. The PARAD of Camarines Sur, after
Where the principal issue is the determination of conducting summary administrative
proceedings, fixed the just compensation at
just compensation, a hearing before the
P1,555.084. Petitioner elevated it to the DARAB,
commissioners is indispensable to allow the parties
which reinstated Land Bank’s valuation.
to present evidence on the issue of just
Respondent received the DARAB Decision on
compensation. May 7, 2008. Thereafter, on May 20, 2008,
respondent moved for the reconsideration of
While it is true that the findings of commissioners the DARAB Decision, but the same was denied by
may be disregarded and the trial court may the DARAB in its October 18, 2008 Order, which
substitute its own estimate of the value, the latter was received by respondent on December 16,
may only do so for valid reasons, that is, where the 2008. Thereafter, on January 5, 2009,
commissioners have applied illegal principles to the respondent filed with the RTC-SAC a complaint
evidence submitted to them, where they have praying that the trial court fix the valuation of
disregarded a clear preponderance of evidence, or the land at P1,681,199. Land Bank argued that
where the amount allowed is either grossly respondent had no cause of action to file an
inadequate or excessive. (National Power action for determination of just compensation
Corporation v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. 156093, 02 Feb. with the RTC-SAC considering that the case is
already barred by prior judgment of the DARAB,
and that the complaint was filed out of time.
Whether respondent’s complaint shall be
Just Compensation
dismissed for being filed out of time?

Just compensation is defined as the full and fair A: NO. Considering that the determination of just
equivalent of the property sought to be compensation is a judicial function, the 15-day
expropriated. The measure is not the taker’s gain prescriptive period under the DARAB Rules is void
but the owner’s loss. The compensation, to be just, as it unduly undermined and impeded the original
must be fair not only to the owner but also to the and exclusive jurisdiction of the RTCs to determine
just compensation in accordance with Section 57 of
taker. Even as undervaluation would deprive the
RA 6657. The jurisdiction of the RTC-SAC in actions
owner of his property without due process, so too
for determination of just compensation is original
would its overvaluation unduly favor him to the
and exclusive, and not merely appellate. Thus, the
prejudice of the public. (National Power Corporation
Court cannot recognize a procedural rule of the
v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. 156093, 02 Feb. 2007) DARAB that requires the court to adjudge as
dismissible an action for having been filed beyond
Just compensation means not only the correct the 15-day period provided in the DARAB Rules. In
determination of the amount to be paid but also the amending Section 17 of RA 6657, Congress provided
payment of the land within a reasonable time from that the factors and the resulting basic formula,
its taking. (Landbank v. Obias, G.R. No. 184406, 14 shall be 'subject to the final decision of the proper
Mar. 2012) court.' Congress thus clearly conceded that the
courts have the power to look into the 'justness' of
Authority of the Court in Determining Just the use of a formula to determine just
Compensation compensation, and the 'justness' of the factors and
their weights chosen to flow into it. (Land Bank of
Q: Expedite is one of the heirs of the registered the Philippines v. Escaro, G.R. No. 204526, 10 Feb.
owner of 24.3990 hectares parcel of land in 2021, J. Hernando)
Calabanga, Camarines Sur. The DAR placed



How Court Determines Just Compensation It refers to actual benefits derived by the owner on
the remaining portion of his land which are the
The trial court should first ascertain the market direct and proximate results of the improvements
value of the property, to which should be added the consequent to the expropriation, and not the
consequential damages after deducting therefrom general benefits which he receives in common with
the consequential benefits which may arise from the community. (Regalado, 2017)
expropriation. If the consequential benefits exceed
the consequential damages, these items should be Q: The Republic sought to acquire the
disregarded altogether as the basic value of the respondents’ private property in relation to the
property should be paid in every case. (Republic v. construction of the North Luzon Expressway
CA, G.R. No. 160379, 14 Aug. 2009) (NLEX) - Harbor Link Project (Segment 9) from
NLEX to MacArthur Highway, Valenzuela City.
The market value of the property is the price that The Republic offered to purchase the subject
may be agreed upon by parties willing but not property for an amount based on its Zonal Value
compelled to enter into the contract of sale. Not i.e., P2,100.00 per square meter or P457,800.00.
unlikely, a buyer desperate to acquire a piece of The offer was rejected by the respondents.
property would agree to pay more, and a seller in Hence, the Republic filed an action for
urgent need of funds would agree to accept less, expropriation. The RTC found that "based on the
than what it is actually worth. (Republic v. Heirs of evidence on records, specifically the current
Sps. Bautista and Malabanan, G.R. No. 181218, 28 Jan. zonal valuation issued by the BIR, it is clearly
2013) established that the amount of P 2,100.00 per
square meter or the total amount of P
NOTE: Among the factors to be considered in 457,800.00 is a just compensation for the
arriving at the fair market value of the property are: subject property with an area of 218 square
meters. The Republic filed a Motion for Partial
1. The cost of acquisition; Reconsideration arguing that the RTC
2. The current value of like properties; committed an error in imposing consequential
3. Its actual or potential uses; and damages. Is the Republic required to pay
4. In the particular case of lands, their size, shape, consequential damages?
location, and the tax declarations thereon.
(National Power Corporation v. Sps. De la Cruz, A: NO. The sheer fact that there is a remaining
G.R. No. 156093, 02 Feb. 2007) portion of real property after the expropriation is
not enough, by and of itself, to be basis for the award
Formula for the Determination of Just of consequential damages. To be sure, it must still be
Compensation proven by sufficient evidence that the remaining
portion suffers from an impairment or decrease in
JC = FMV + CD – CB value. As borne out by a perusal of the subject TCT,
If CB is more than CD, then total area of the subject property is 380 sq. m. As
JC = FMV readily admitted by the Republic, however, the
affected area of the expropriation undertaken was
JC – Just compensation only “218 sq. m.” out of the total area of 380 sq. m.
FMV – Fair market value
CD – Consequential damages A careful review of the records of the instant case
CB – Consequential benefits reveals that the RTC's award of consequential
damages is not supported by any evidence
NOTE: Sentimental value is NOT included. establishing that the remaining 162 sq. m. of the
subject property suffered from any impairment or
Consequential Benefit decrease in value. Therefore, the award of
consequential damages must be deleted. (Republic




of the Philippines v. Juliana San Miguel Vda. De purchase but no agreement could be reached.
Ramos, Et. Al., G.R. No. 211576, 19 Feb. 2020) (NAPOCOR v. Ibrahim, G.R. No. 168732, 29 June
Reckoning Point for Determining Just
Compensation 3. The taking of the property was not initially
for expropriation – There was no taking of the
The value of just compensation shall be determined property in 1985 by Public Estates Authority
as of the date of the taking of the property or the (PEA) for purposes of expropriation. As shown
filing of the complaint, whichever came first. (Sec. 4, by the records, PEA filed with the RTC its
Rule 67, ROC, as amended) petition for expropriation on September 22,
2003. The trial court was correct in ordering the
GR: When the taking of the property sought to be Republic, through PEA, upon the filing of its
expropriated coincides with the commencement of complaint for expropriation, to pay Tan just
the expropriation proceedings, or takes place compensation on the basis of the BIR zonal
subsequent to the filing of the complaint for valuation of the subject property. (Tan v.
eminent domain, the just compensation should be Republic, G.R. No. 170740, 25 May 2007)
determined as of the date of the filing of the 4. The owner will be given undue increment
complaint. (City of Iloilo v. Hon. Lolita Contreras- advantages because of the expropriation –
Besana, G.R. No. 168967, 12 Feb. 2010) The value of the property in question was
greatly enhanced between the time when the
XPNs: extension of the street was laid out and the date
when the condemnation proceedings were
1. Grave injustice to the property owner – Air filed. The owners of the land have no right to
Transportation Office cannot conveniently recover damages for this unearned increment
invoke the right of eminent domain to take resulting from the construction of the public
advantage of the ridiculously low value of the improvement for which the land was taken. To
property at the time of taking that it arbitrarily permit them to do so would be to allow them to
chooses to the prejudice of the land owners, recover more than the value of the land at the
(Heirs of Mateo Pidacan & Romana Eigo v. Air time when it was taken, which is the true
Transportation Office, G.R. No. 162779, 15 June measure of the damages, or just compensation,
2007) and would discourage the construction of
important public improvements. (Provincial
2. The taking did not have color of legal Gov’t. of Rizal v. Caro de Araullo, G.R. No. L-
authority – To allow NAPOCOR to use the date 36096, 16 Aug. 1933)
it constructed the tunnels as the date of
valuation would be grossly unfair. First, it did NOTE: Under Sec. 19 of the Local Government Code,
not enter the land under warrant or color of the amount to be paid for the expropriation of the
legal authority or with intent to expropriate the expropriated property shall be determined based
same. It did not bother to notify the owners and on the fair market value at the time of the taking of
wrongly assumed it had the right to dig those the property. (Riano, 2019)
tunnels under their property. Secondly, the
“improvements” introduced by NAPOCOR, the Q: On 05 Sept. 1980, the Republic of the
tunnels, in no way contributed to an increase in Philippines (RP), through the OSG, filed a
the value of the land. The trial court rightly Complaint for Expropriation before the CFI (now
computed the valuation of the property as of RTC) of Dagupan City against respondents Jorge
1992, when the owners discovered the Castillo (Jorge), Sofia Solis Achacoso (Sofia),
construction of the huge underground tunnels Alipio Fernandez, Sr. (Alipio), Emiliana
beneath their lands and NAPOCOR confirmed Fernandez, Casimera Fernandez, Concepcion
the same and started negotiations for their Fernandez, Benjamin Fernandez (Benjamin),



Juana Galvan (Juana), Estela Corpuz Fernandez prior to the filing of the Complaint, thus, the time of
(Estela) and Germana Suarez, who are co- taking should be reckoned from the filing of the
owners of the subject property located in Complaint. Hence, the value of the property at the
Dagupan City. The parties were ordered to file time of filing of the original Complaint on 05 Sept.
their respective pre-trial briefs. However, only 1980, and not the filing of the Amended Complaint
petitioner RP filed a pre-trial brief on 18 Jan. in 1989, should be considered in determining the
1989. Also, on 02 Feb. 1989, petitioner RP filed just compensation due to the respondents. Since the
an Amended Complaint alleging that the expropriation proceedings in this case was initiated
Dagupan City National High School (the school) by petitioner RP on 05 Sept. 1980, property values
has been in continuous possession of the subject on such month and year should be the basis for the
property since 1947 and that the market value proper determination of just compensation. With
of the said properties during that time was 50 the aforementioned principles in mind, the case
centavos per sqm. The RTC rendered its should be remanded to the lower court for the
Decision fixing the just compensation in the proper determination of just compensation, that is,
amount of P15,000 per sqm which was the the full and fair equivalent of the property taken
current fair market value as of 02 Feb. 1989, that from its owner by the expropriator which simply
is, the date of the filing of the Amended means the property's fair market value at the time
Complaint. The CA agreed with the RTC that the of the filing of the complaint, or "that sum of money
just compensation shall be determined based on which a person desirous but not compelled to buy,
the value of the property on 02 Feb. 1989, which and an owner willing but not compelled to sell,
is the date of the filing of the Amended would agree on as a price to be given and received
Complaint and not on the date of taking in 1947 therefor." (Republic v. Castillo, G.R. No. 190453, 20
which had not been proven. Which is the Feb. 2020, J. Hernando)
reckoning date of the computation of just
compensation: Mere Deposit to the Bank does NOT Satisfy Just
(a) date of taking in 1947;
(b) date of the filing of the original Complaint It is settled that the requirement of just
in 1980; or compensation is not satisfied by the mere deposit
(c) date of filing of the Amended Complaint in with any accessible bank of the provisional
1989? compensation determined, and its subsequent
release to the landowner after compliance with the
A: (b) DATE OF THE FILING OF THE ORIGINAL legal requirements set forth by RA 6657. What is
COMPLAINT IN 1980. As correctly observed by the material is the fact that the landowner remains
unpaid notwithstanding the taking of the property.
CA, other than the testimonial evidence of Perla, no
(Philippine Veterans Bank v. Bases Conversion and
other evidence was presented by the petitioner RP
Development Authority, G.R. No. 217492, 04 Oct.
to establish that the taking of the subject property
2021, J. Hernando)
was in 1947. On the other hand, the evidence of the
respondents, that is, the tax declaration, clearly Effect of Non-Payment of Just Compensation
shows that until the year 1990, they religiously paid
the real property tax of the subject property which Non-payment of just compensation does not entitle
means that they were not dispossessed of the use the private landowner to recover possession of the
thereof. Thus, there is no error in the appreciation expropriated lots. However, in case where the
of facts by the CA. As between the filing of the government failed to pay just compensation within
original Complaint and Amended Complaint, we 5 years from the finality of judgment in the
rule that the computation of just compensation expropriation proceedings, the owners concerned
should be reckoned from the time of the filing of the shall have the right to recover possession of their
original Complaint, that is, on 05 Sept. 1980. property. (Republic v. Lim, G.R. No. 161656, 29 June
Evidently, there was no actual taking in this case 2005)




NOTE: If the compensation is not paid when the Commissioner’s Report
property is taken, but is postponed to a later date,
the interest awarded is actually part of just As a rule, the commissioners shall make their report
compensation, which takes into account such delay. within 60 days from the date they were notified of
(Benguet Consolidated v. Republic, G.R. No. 712412, their appointment. This period may be extended in
15 Aug. 1986) the discretion of the court.

PROCEEDINGS BY COMMISSIONER Upon the filing of such report, the clerk of the court
shall serve copies thereof on all interested parties,
Taking of Oath with notice that they are allowed 10 days within
which to file objections to the findings of the report,
Before entering upon the performance of their if they so desire. (Sec. 7, Rule 67, ROC, as amended;
duties, the commissioners shall take and subscribe Riano, 2019)
an oath that they will faithfully perform their duties
as commissioners, which oath shall be filed in court The court may order the commissioners to report
with the other proceedings in the case. (Sec. 6, Rule when any particular portion of the real estate shall
67, ROC, as amended) have been passed upon by them, and may render
judgment upon such partial report, and direct the
Introduction of Evidence commissioners to proceed with their work as to
subsequent portions of the property sought to be
Evidence may be introduced by either party before expropriated, and may from time to time so deal
the commissioners who are authorized to with such property. The commissioners shall make
administer oaths on hearings before them. (Sec. 6, a full and accurate report to the court of all their
Rule 67, ROC, as amended) proceedings, and such proceedings shall not be
effectual until the court shall have accepted their
Duties of Commissioners report and rendered judgment in accordance with
their recommendations. (Sec. 7, Rule 67, ROC, as
The commissioners, unless the parties consent to amended)
the contrary, after due notice to the parties, shall:
Action upon Commissioner’s Report
1. Attend, view and examine the property sought
to be expropriated and its surroundings; Upon the expiration of the period of ten (10) days
2. Measure the same, after which either party referred to in the preceding section, or even before
may, by himself or counsel, argue the case; the expiration of such period but after all the
3. Assess the consequential damages to the interested parties have filed their objections to the
property not taken; and report or their statement of agreement therewith,
4. Deduct from such consequential damages the the court may, after hearing:
consequential benefits to be derived by the
owner from the public use or purpose of the 1. Accept the report and render judgment in
property taken, the operation of its franchise by accordance therewith; or
the corporation or the carrying on of the 2. For cause shown, it may recommit the same to
business of the corporation or person taking the the commissioners for further report of facts;
property. or
3. Set aside the report and appoint new
NOTE: But in no case shall the consequential commissioners, or
benefits assessed exceed the consequential 4. Accept the report in part and reject it in part;
damages assessed, or the owner be deprived of the and
actual value of his property so taken. (Sec. 6, Rule 67, 5. It may make such order or render such
ROC, as amended) judgment as shall secure to the plaintiff of the



property essential to the exercise of his right of If on appeal the appellate court determines that the
expropriation, and to the defendant just plaintiff has no right of expropriation, judgment
compensation for the property so taken. (Sec.8, shall be rendered ordering the Regional Trial Court
Rule 67, ROC, as amended) to enforce the restoration to the defendant of the
possession of the property, and to determine the
Uncertain Ownership damages which the defendant sustained and may
recover by reason of the possession taken by the
The trial court may decide conflicting claims of plaintiff. (Sec. 11, Rule 67, ROC, as amended)
ownership in the same case. There is no need for an
independent action since the person entitled Appeal
thereto will be adjudged in the same proceeding.
However, the court may order any sum(s) awarded The order of expropriation may be appealed by the
as compensation for the property to be paid to the defendant by record on appeal. This is an instance
court for the benefit of the person that will be when multiple appeals are allowed because they
adjudged as entitled thereto. (Sec. 9, Rule 67, ROC, as have separate and/or several judgments on
amended) different issues, e.g., issue on the right to
expropriate or issue of just compensation.
UPON JUDGMENT AND PAYMENT An appeal does not delay the right of the plaintiff to
enter upon the property of the defendant and
After payment of just compensation, as determined appropriate the same for public use. (Sec. 11, Rule
in the judgment, the plaintiff shall have the right to: 67, ROC, as amended) An appeal from judgment shall
not prevent the court from determining the just
1. Enter upon the property expropriated and to compensation to be paid. (Sec. 4, Rule 67, ROC, as
appropriate the same for the public use or amended)
purpose defined in the judgment; or
2. To retain possession already previously made Multiple Appeals
in accordance with Sec. 2 (Entry of plaintiff
upon depositing value with authorized
government depositary). (Sec. 10, Rule 67, ROC,
as amended)

When Defendant Declines to Receive the

Amount Tendered Appeal must be made 30 days from the receipt of the
order as the proceedings in expropriation involve
If the defendant and his counsel absent themselves multiple appeals.
from the court, or decline to receive the amount
tendered, the same shall be ordered to be deposited Costs, by whom Paid
in court and such deposit shall have the same effect
as actual payment thereof to the defendant or the GR: All costs shall be paid by the plaintiff.
person ultimately adjudged entitled thereto. (Sec.
10, Rule 67, ROC, as amended) XPNs:
1. Those of rival claimants litigating their claims;
NOTE: The payment shall involve the amount fixed or
in the judgment and shall include legal interest from 2. An appeal taken by the owner of the property
the taking of possession of the property. (Sec. 10, and if the judgment is affirmed, in which event
Rule 67, ROC, as amended) the costs of the appeal shall be paid by the
Effect of Reversal




NOTE: Fees of commissioners shall be taxed as part WHEN PLAINTIFF CAN IMMEDIATELY ENTER
of the costs of proceedings. INTO POSSESSION OF THE REAL PROPERTY,

The Judgment shall state: Under R.A. No. 10752, whenever it is necessary to
acquire real property for the right-of-way or
1. An adequate description of the particular location for any national government infrastructure
property or interest therein expropriated; and project through expropriation, the appropriate
2. Nature of the public use or purpose for which implementing agency, through the Office of the
it is expropriated. Solicitor General, the Office of the Government
Corporate Counsel, or their deputize government or
NOTE: When real estate is expropriated, a certified private legal counsel, shall initiate the expropriation
copy of such judgment shall be recorded in the proceedings before the proper court under the
registry of deeds of the place in which the property following guidelines:
is situated, and its effect shall be to vest in the
plaintiff the title to the real estate so described for 1. Upon the filing of the complaint, and after due
such public use or purpose. (Sec. 13, Rule 67, ROC, as notice to the defendant, the implementing
amended) agency shall immediately pay the owner of the
property the amount equivalent to the sum of
Discretionary Execution; does not apply in 100% of the value of the property based on the
Expropriation current relevant zonal valuation of the BIR
issued not more than 3 years prior to the filing
The funds cannot be garnished and its properties, of the expropriation complaint, the
being government properties, cannot be levied via a replacement cost at current market, and the
writ of execution pursuant to a final judgment, then value of the improvements and/or structures,
the trial court likewise cannot grant discretionary the current market value of crops and trees
execution pending appeal, as it would run afoul of located within the property;
the established jurisprudence that government
properties are exempt from execution. (NPC v. Heirs 2. In case the owner of the property cannot be
of Rabie, G.R. No. 210218, 17 Aug. 2016) found, if unknown, or deceased in cases where
the estate has not been settled, after exerting
Power of Guardian in such Proceedings due diligence, or there are conflicting claims
over the ownership of the property and
The guardian or guardian ad litem of a minor or of a improvements and structures thereon, the
person judicially declared to be incompetent may, implementing agency shall deposit the amount
with the approval of the court first had, do and equivalent to the sum provided for in the
perform on behalf of his ward any act, matter, or preceding number;
thing respecting the expropriation for public use or
purpose of property belonging to such minor or 3. In provinces, cities, municipalities, and other
person judicially declared to be incompetent, which areas where there is no land classification, the
such minor or person judicially declared to be city or municipal assessor is hereby mandated,
incompetent could do in such proceedings if he within the period of 60 days from the date of
were of age or competent. (Sec. 14, Rule 67, ROC, as filing of the expropriation case, to come up with
amended) the required land classification and the
corresponding declaration of real property and
improvement for the area. In provinces, cities,
municipalities and other areas where there is
no zonal valuation, the BIR is hereby mandated




valuation of the Bureau of Internal d. The current selling price of similar lands in
Revenue (BIR); and the vicinity;
2. the value of the improvements e. The reasonable disturbance compensation
and/or structures as determined for the removal and/or demolition of
under Section 7; certain improvement on the land and for
the value of improvements thereon;
b. In provinces, cities, municipalities and f. This size, shape or location, tax declaration
other areas where there is no zonal and zonal valuation of the land;
valuation, the BIR is hereby mandated g. The price of the land as manifested in the
within the period of sixty (60) days from ocular findings, oral as well as
the date of the expropriation case, to come documentary evidence presented; and
up with a zonal valuation for said area; and h. Such facts and events as to enable the
c. In case the completion of a government affected property owners to have sufficient
infrastructure project is of utmost urgency funds to acquire similarly-situated lands of
and importance, and there is no existing approximate areas as those required from
valuation of the area concerned, the them by the government, and thereby
implementing agency shall immediately rehabilitate themselves as early as possible.
pay the owner of the property its proffered
value taking into consideration the Factors to Consider in Facilitating the
standards prescribed in Section 5 hereof. Determination of Just Compensation

Upon compliance with the guidelines 1. The classification and use for which the
abovementioned, the court shall immediately issue property is suited;
to the implementing agency an order to take
2. The developmental costs for improving the
possession of the property and start the
implementation of the project. land;
3. The value declared by the owners;
Before the court can issue a Writ of Possession, the 4. The current selling price of similar lands in the
implementing agency shall present to the court a vicinity;
certificate of availability of funds from the proper 5. The reasonable disturbance compensation for
official concerned. the removal and/or demolition of certain
improvement on the land and for the value of
In the event that the owner of the property contests improvements thereon;
the implementing agency’s proffered value, the
6. This size, shape or location, tax declaration and
court shall determine the just compensation to be
paid the owner within sixty (60) days from the date zonal valuation of the land;
of filing of the expropriation case. When the 7. The price of the land as manifested in the ocular
decision of the court becomes final and executory, findings, oral as well as documentary evidence
the implementing agency shall pay the owner the presented; and
difference between the amount already paid and the 8. Such facts and events as to enable the affected
just compensation as determined by the court. property owners to have sufficient funds to
acquire similarly situated lands of approximate
Sec. 5, R.A. No. 8974
areas as those required from them by the
government, and thereby rehabilitate
In order to facilitate the determination of just
themselves as early as possible.
compensation, the court may consider, among other
well-established factors, the following relevant

a. The classification and use for which the

property is suited;
b. The developmental costs for improving the
c. The value declared by the owners;




number of properties. The venue is where the
mortgaged property is located. (Aquino, 2021) NOTE: If the action is brought by the junior
encumbrancer, the first mortgagee or the senior one
Notice and Publication need not be joined. A property is taken subject to the
first lien. What is now required by law is to implead
1. Posting of notices of sale in three public places; the junior mortgagee.
2. Publication of the notice of sale in a newspaper
of general circulation. Judgment on Foreclosure for Payment or Sale

NOTE: Without compliance to the formal It is the judgment of the court ordering the debtor
requirements of posting and publication, the to pay within a period not less than 90 days nor
sale is null and void. The mortgagor may be more than 120 days from the entry of judgment
barred by estoppel or laches from claiming that after ascertaining the amount due to the plaintiff. In
the requirements have not been complied with. default of such payment the property shall be sold
at publication to satisfy judgment. (Sec. 2, Rule 68,
Posting in three public places doesn’t mean to ROC, as amended)
be in the place where the property is. If the
original date of the sale has been moved, the
requirements of notice and publication should
be done again, otherwise, the sale shall be Remedy of Debtor if Foreclosure is not proper
The judgment of the court is considered a final
Personal notice to the mortgagor-debtor is not adjudication of the case and hence, is subject to
necessary for the validity of the extrajudicial challenge by the aggrieved party by appeal or by
foreclosure proceedings, unless there is a other post judgment remedies. (Riano, 2019)
stipulation in the mortgage contract for the
same. NOTE: The period given is not merely a procedural
requirement, it is a substantive right given to the
Notice is for the bidders and to prevent a mortgage debtor as the last opportunity to pay the
sacrifice of the property. There is no debt and save his mortgaged property from final
requirement for the appraisal value, nor for disposition at the foreclosure sale.
minimum bidding prices. (Riano, 2019)
Remedy of Debtor; Extrajudicial Foreclosure
The debtor may, in the proceedings in which
Complaint in action for Foreclosure; Defendants possession was requested, but not later than thirty
that must be joined days after the purchaser was given possession,
petition that the sale be set aside and the writ of
1. The persons obligated to pay the mortgage possession cancelled, specifying the damages
debt; suffered by him, because the mortgage was not
2. The persons who own, occupy or control the violated or the sale was not made in accordance
mortgaged premises; with the provisions hereof, and the court shall take
3. The transferee or grantee of the property; and cognizance of this petition in accordance with the
4. The second mortgagee or junior encumbrancer, summary procedure. (Sec. 8, Act No. 3135)
or any person claiming a right or interest in the
property subordinate to the mortgage sought to Sale of Mortgaged Property; Effect
be foreclosed; but if the action is by the junior
encumbrancer, the first mortgagee may also be If the mortgagor fails to pay the sum due within the
joined as defendant. (Regalado, 2012 2017) period (90-120 days) stated by the court in its



judgment, upon motion of the mortgagee, the court Remedy if the Mortgagor Refuses to Vacate
shall order the property to be sold in the manner
and under the provisions of Rule 39 and other The purchaser may secure a writ of possession,
regulations governing sales of real estate under upon motion, from the court which ordered the
execution. (Sec. 3, Rule 68, ROC, as amended) foreclosure unless a third party is actually holding
the same adversely to the judgment obligor. (Sec. 3,
The purchaser in a foreclosure sale is entitled to a Rule 68, ROC, as amended)
writ of possession and that, upon an ex parte motion
of the purchaser, it is ministerial upon the court to Q: Anita Marquez extended a loan to a certain
issue writ of possession in his favor. He is not Benjamin Gutierrez which was secured by a real
required to bring a separate action for possession estate mortgage over a parcel of land. Since
after the redemption period has expired. Gutierrez defaulted in payment, Anita sought
the extra-judicial foreclosure of the subject
However, where the parties in possession claim property. Upon Gutierrez’s failure to redeem the
ownership thereof and, if there is some plausibility property within the prescribed period, the title
in their claim, issue must first be ventilated in a was consolidated in the name of Spouses
proper hearing of the merits thereof. (Regalado, Marquez, which, however, bore an annotation of
2017) adverse claim in the names of Spouses Alindog.
Spouses Alindog sought for the annulment of the
Notice of Sale real estate mortgage and claimed that they have
purchased the property way back. Meanwhile,
It is a well-settled rule that statutory provisions Anita filed an ex-parte petition for the issuance
governing publication of notice of mortgage of a writ of possession over the property
foreclosure sales must be strictly complied with and claiming that it is ministerial on the part of the
that even slight deviations therefrom will invalidate court following the consolidation of their title
the notice. This is to inform the public of the nature over the property. This was granted and the
and condition of the property to be sold, and of the Spouses Alindog were served notice to vacate.
time, place and terms of the sale. (Riano, 2019) Thereafter, RTC appreciated the initial evidence
adduced by Sps. Alindog, concluding that they
NOTE: The mortgagor is entitled to a notice of appear to have a right to be protected. Thus,
hearing of the confirmation of the sale; otherwise, notwithstanding the consolidation of Sps.
the order is void. Due process requires that said Marquez’s title over the subject property, the
notice be given so that the mortgagor can resist the RTC granted Sps. Alindog’s prayer for injunctive
motion and be informed that his right to redeem is relief, holding that any further dispossession on
cut-off. (Tiglao v. Botones, G.R. No. L-3619, 29 Oct. their part would cause them irreparable injury.
1951) The order of confirmation is appealable. This was affirmed by the CA. Is the grant of
injunctive relief correct?
Effect of Order of Confirmation
A: NO. It is an established rule that the purchaser in
It shall operate to divest the rights in the property an extra-judicial foreclosure sale is entitled to the
of all the parties to the action and to vest their rights possession of the property and can demand that he
in the purchaser, subject to such rights of be placed in possession of the same either during
redemption as may be allowed by law. (Sec. 3, Rule (with bond) or after the expiration (without bond)
68, ROC, as amended) of the redemption period therefor. The issuance of a
writ of possession to a purchaser in a public auction
It is said that title vests in the purchaser upon a valid is a ministerial act. That said, the RTC therefore
confirmation of the sale and retroacts to the date of gravely abused its discretion when it issued the
the sale. (Binalgan Estate v. Gatuslao, 74 Phil 128, 26 injunctive writ which enjoined Sps. Marquez from
Feb. 1943; Riano, 2019) taking possession of the subject property. To be




sure, grave abuse of discretion arises when a lower the sale be sufficient therefor, there being a rebate
court or tribunal patently violates the Constitution, of interest where such rebate is proper. (Sec. 5, Rule
the law or existing jurisprudence. Here, while the 68, ROC)
RTC had initially issued a writ of possession in favor
of Sps. Marquez, it defied existing jurisprudence As soon as the sufficient portion of the property has
when it effectively rescinded the said writ by been sold to pay the total amount that is due and the
subsequently granting Sps. Alindog's prayer for cost thereon, the sale shall terminate because the
injunctive relief. The RTC's finding anent the initial interest of the judgment debtor shall also be
evidence adduced by Sps. Alindog constitutes protected.
improper basis to justify the issuance of the writ of
preliminary injunction in their favor since, in the Deficiency Judgment
first place, it had no authority to exercise any
discretion in this respect. (Sps. Marquez v. Spouses It is the judgment rendered by the court holding the
Alindog, G.R. No. 184045, 22 Jan. 2014) defendant liable for any unpaid balance due to the
mortgagee if the proceeds from the foreclosure sale
Disposition of Proceeds of Sale do not satisfy the entire debt.

1. The proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged Recovery of Deficiency

property shall, after deducting the costs of the
sale, be paid to the person foreclosing the If there is a balance due to the plaintiff after
mortgage; applying the proceeds of the sale, the court, upon
motion, shall render judgment against the
2. When there is any balance or residue after defendant for any balance for which, by the record
paying off the mortgage debt due, the same shall of the case, he may be personally liable to the
be paid to junior encumbrances in the order of plaintiff. Execution may issue immediately if the
their priority. balance is all due at the time of the rendition of the
judgment. If not due, the plaintiff shall be entitled to
3. If there be any further balance after paying execution at such time as the balance remaining
them or if there be no junior encumbrances, the becomes due under the terms of the original
same shall be paid to the mortgagor or any contract, which time shall be stated in the judgment.
person entitled thereto. (Sec. 4, Rule 68, ROC, as (Sec. 6, Rule 68, ROC, as amended; Riano 2019)
NOTE: No independent action need be filed to
How Sale Proceeds in case the Debt is not at all recover the deficiency from the defendant. The
due judgement shall be rendered upon motion of the
mortgagee in the same action. The deficiency
If the debt for which the mortgage or encumbrance judgement can be the subject of appeal.
was held is not all due as provided in the judgment,
as soon as a sufficient portion of the property has Liability of a 3rd Party Mortgagor in case of
been sold to pay the total amount and the costs due, Deficiency Judgment
the sale shall terminate; and afterwards, as often as
more becomes due for principal or interest and If such third person did not assume personal
other valid charges, the court may, on motion, order liability for the payment of the debt, the extent of
more to be sold. recovery in the judgment of foreclosure shall be
limited to the purchase price at the foreclosure sale
But if the property cannot be sold in portions and no deficiency judgment can be recovered
without prejudice to the parties, the whole shall be against said person. (Phil. Trust Co. v. Tan Suisa, 52
ordered to be sold in the first instance, and the Phil 852, 28 Feb. 1943)
entire debt and costs shall be paid, if the proceeds of



Deficiency Judgment, Immediately Executory the foreclosure sale, the land was sold to GAP for
P1.2 million. The sale was confirmed by the
The deficiency judgment is immediately executory if court, and the confirmation of the sale was
the balance is all due. If a third person merely registered with the Registry of Deeds on January
executed a mortgage and did not personally assume 5, 2002.
the personal liability of the debt, the third-party
liability is only up to the extent of the mortgage. On January 10, 2003, GAP filed an ex-parte
There can be no sufficient judgment against the motion with the court for the issuance of a writ
third party. of possession to oust Gretchen from the land. It
also filed a deficiency claim for P800,000 against
Extrajudicial Foreclosure; not Res Judicata Arlene and Gretchen. The deficiency claim was
opposed by Arlene and Gretchen.
In extrajudicial foreclosures under Act No. 3135,
there is no deficiency judgment because the a. Resolve the motion for the issuance of a writ
extrajudicial foreclosure is not a judicial procedure. of possession.
However, the mortgagee can recover by action any
deficiency in the mortgage account which was not A: In judicial foreclosure by banks such as GAP, the
realized in the foreclosure sale. This will not violate mortgagor or debtor whose real property has been
the res judicata rule because the petition for sold on foreclosure has the right to redeem the
extrajudicial foreclosure is not an action in court. property within 1 year after the sale (or registration
of the sale). However, under Sec. 47 of the General
Instances when Court cannot Render Deficiency Banking Law of 2000, the purchaser at the auction
Judgment sale has the right to obtain a writ of possession after
the finality of the order confirming sale. The motion
1. Case is covered by the Recto Law (Art. 1484, for writ of possession, however, cannot be filed ex
NCC); parte. There must be a notice of hearing.
2. Mortgagor is a non-resident and who at the
time of the filing of the action for foreclosure b. Resolve the deficiency claim of the bank.
and during the pendency of the proceedings (2003 BAR)
was outside the Philippines, unless there is
attachment; A: The deficiency claim of the bank may be enforced
3. Mortgagor dies, the mortgagee may file his against the mortgage debtor Arlene, but it cannot be
claim with the probate court under Sec. 7, Rule enforced against Gretchen, the owner of the
86; and mortgaged property, who did not assume personal
4. Mortgagee is a third person but not solidarily liability of the loan.
liable with the debtor.
Q: Is the buyer in the auction sale arising from
Q: Arlene borrowed P1 million from GAP Bank an extra-judicial foreclosure entitled to a writ of
(GAP) secured by the titled land of her friend possession even before the expiration of the
Gretchen who, however, did not assume redemption period? If so, what is the action to be
personal liability for the loan. Arlene defaulted taken?
and GAP filed an action for judicial foreclosure
of the real estate mortgage impleading Arlene A: YES. The buyer in the auction sale is entitled to a
and Gretchen as defendants. The court rendered writ of possession even before the expiration of the
judgment directing Arlene to pay the redemption period upon the filing of the ex parte
outstanding account of P1.5 million (principal petition for issuance of a writ of possession and
plus interest) to GAP. No appeal was taken by posting of the appropriate bond. Under section 7 of
Arlene. Arlene failed to pay the judgment debt Act No. 3135, as amended, the writ of possession
within the period specified in the decision. At may be issued to the purchaser in a foreclosure sale




either within the one-year redemption period upon Q: Suppose that after the title to the lot has been
the filing of a bond, or after the lapse of the consolidated in the name of the auction buyer,
redemption period, without need of a bond. (LZK said buyer sold the lot to a third party without
Holdings and Development Corporation v. Planters first getting a writ of possession. Can the
Development Bank, G.R. No. 167998, 27 Apr. 2007) transferee exercise the right of the auction
buyer and claim that it is a ministerial duty of
Stated otherwise, Section 7 of Act No. 3135, as the court to issue a writ of possession in his
amended, also refers to a situation wherein the favor? Briefly explain. (2016 BAR)
purchaser seeks possession of the foreclosed
property during the 12-month period for A: YES. The transferee can exercise the right of the
redemption. Hence, upon the purchaser’s filing of auction buyer. A transferee or successor-in-interest
the ex parte petition and posting of the appropriate of the auction buyer by virtue of the contract of sale
bond, the RTC shall, as a matter of course, order the between them, is considered to have stepped into
issuance of the writ of possession in favour of the the shoes of the auction buyer. As such, the
purchaser. (Sps. Nicasio C. Marquez and Anita J. transferee is necessarily entitled to avail of the
Marquez v. Sps. Carlito Alindog and Carmen Alindog, provisions of Sec. 7 of Act No. 3135, as amended, as
G.R. No. 184045, 22 Jan. 2014; Sps. Jose Gatuslao and if he is the auction buyer. (Sps. Gatuslao v. Yanson,
Ermila Gatuslao v. Leo Ray Yanson, G.R. No. 191540, ibid.)
21 Jan. 2015)
When the lot purchased at a foreclosure sale is in
Q: After the period of redemption has lapsed and turn sold or transferred, the right to the possession
the title to the lot is consolidated in the name of thereof, along with all other rights of ownership,
the auction buyer, is he entitled to the writ of transfers to its new owner. (Sps. Gallent v. Velasquez,
possession as a matter of right? If so, what is the G.R. No. 203949, 06 Apr. 2016) Ergo, it is a ministerial
action to be take? duty of the court to issue a writ of possession in
favor of the transferee of the auction buyer.
A: YES. The auction buyer is entitled to a writ of
possession as a matter of right. It is settled that the REGISTRATION
buyer in a foreclosure sale becomes the absolute
owner of the property purchased if it is not The buyer acquires title upon finality of the
redeemed within a period of one year after the confirmation sale. The certificate of sale cannot be
registration of the certificate of sale. He is, therefore, registered without the final order confirming the
entitled to the possession of the property and can sale. (Sec. 7, Rule 68, ROC, as amended)
demand it at any time following the consolidation of
ownership in his name and the issuance to him of a Existence and Absence of Right of Redemption
new transfer certificate of title. In such a case, the
bond required in Section 7 of Act No. 3135 is no 1. When no right of redemption exists: the
longer necessary. Possession of the land then certificate of title in the name of the mortgagor
becomes an absolute right of the purchases as shall be cancelled, and a new one issued in the
confirmed owner. Upon proper application and name of the purchaser.
proof of title, the issuance of the writ of possession
becomes a ministerial duty of the court. (LZK 2. When right of redemption exists: the
Holdings and Development Corporation v. Planters certificate of title in the name of the mortgagor
Development Bank, G.R. No. 167998, 27 Apr. 2007; shall not be cancelled, but the certificate of sale
Sps. Marquez v. Sps. Alindog, G.R. No. 184045, 22 Jan. and the order confirming the sale shall be
2014; Sps. Gatuslao v. Leo Ray Yanson, G.R. No. registered and a brief memorandum thereof
191540, 21 Jan. 2015) made by the register of deeds upon the
certificate of title.




judgment or even after property is sold to taxes thereon, if any, paid by the purchaser with
the foreclosure sale redeem the property the same rate of interest computed from the
but prior to within 1 year from the date of registration of the sale;
confirmation. registration of the
Sheriff’s certificate of 3. Written notice of the redemption must be
foreclosure sale. served on the officer who made the sale and a
Governed by Secs. 29- duplicate filed with the proper Register of
Governed by Rule 68.
31, Rule 39. Deeds; (Rosales v. Yboa, G.R. No. L-42282, 28 Feb.
1983) and
Who may redeem
4. Tender of payment within the prescribed
1. Mortgagor or one in privity of title with the period to make the redemption for future
mortgagor; or enforcement. (Sec. 26, Act No. 3135; Sec. 8, Rule
2. Successors-in-interest under Sec. 29, Rule 39, 39, ROC, as amended)

Amount of Redemption Price NOTE: The filing of a court action to enforce

redemption, being equivalent to a formal offer to
1. When mortgagee is not a bank redeem, would have the effect of “freezing” the
expiration of the one-year period. (Heirs of
a. Purchase price of the property; Quisumbing v. PNB, G.R. No. 178242, 20 Jan. 2009)
b. 1% interest per month on the purchase
price from the date of registration of the Period of Redemption
certificate up to the time of redemption;
c. Necessary expenses incurred by the 1. Extrajudicial Foreclosure
purchase for the improvements made by
him to preserve the property during the a. Natural Person – one (1) year from
period of redemption; and registration of the certificate of sale with
d. Taxes paid and amount of purchaser’s prior the Registry of Deeds.
lien, if any, with the same rate of interest
computed from the date of registration of NOTE: The statutory period of redemption
sale, up to the time of redemption. is only directory and can be extended by
agreement of the parties provided:
2. When mortgagee is a bank (Sec. 47, General
Banking Law, 2000): i. The agreement to extend is
voluntary; and
a. Amount fixed by the court or amount due ii. The debtor commits to pay the
under the mortgage deed; redemption price on a fixed date.
b. Interest; and (Gojudo v. Traders Royal Bank, G.R.
c. Cost and expenses. No. 151098, 21 Mar. 2006)

Requisites for valid Right of Redemption: b. Juridical Person – same rule as natural
1. Must be made within twelve (12) months from
the time of the registration of the sale in the c. Juridical Person (mortgagor) and Bank
Office of the Registry of Property; (mortgagee) – three (3) months after
foreclosure or before registration of
2. Payment of the purchase price of the property certificate of foreclosure whichever is
plus 1% interest per month together with the earlier. (Sec. 47, R.A. No. 8791)



2. Judicial Foreclosure – within the period of 90- Period of Redemption is not a Prescriptive
120 days from the date of the service of the Period
order of foreclosure or even thereafter but
before the order of the confirmation of the sale. The period of redemption is not a prescriptive
(Secs. 2&3, Rule 28, ROC) period but a condition precedent provided by law to
restrict the right of the person exercising
NOTE: Allowing redemption after the lapse of redemption.
the statutory period, when the buyer at the
foreclosure sale does not object but even If a person exercising the right of redemption has
consents to the redemption, will uphold the offered to redeem the property within the period
policy of the law which is to aid rather than fixed, he is considered to have complied with the
defeat the right of redemption (Ramirez v. CA, condition precedent prescribed by law and may
G.R. No. 98147, 05 Mar. 1993) thereafter bring an action to enforce redemption. If,
on the other hand, the period is allowed to lapse
3. THE GENERAL BANKING LAW OF 2000 before the right of redemption is exercised, then the
(Sec. 47, R.A. No. 8791) action to enforce redemption will not prosper, even
if the action is brought within the ordinary
GR: Redemption period is one year from prescriptive period. (Sps. Maximo Landrito vs. CA,
registration of the certificate of sale. G.R. No. 133079, 09 Aug. 2005)

XPN: Section 47 of the General Banking Law: Effect of Failure to Redeem

a. Juridical persons are allowed to exercise the
right of redemption until the registration, and Act No. 3135 provides that if the mortgagor or
in no case more than three months after the successors-in-interest failed to redeem within the
foreclosure sale, whichever comes first. redemption period, the title over the property
b. Section 47 did not divest juridical persons of consolidates in the purchaser. The consolidation
the right to redeem their foreclosed confirms the purchaser as the owner entitled to the
properties but only modified the time for the possession of the property. The mortgagor, by
exercise of such right by reducing the one failing to redeem loses all interest in the property.
provided for in R.A. No. 3135. (United Coconut Planters Bank v. Lumbo, G.R. No.
162757, 11 Dec. 2013)
By an amendment by the General Banking Law of
2000, juridical mortgagors like partnerships and Writ of Possession; Possession by Purchaser of
corporations are barred from the right of Foreclosed Property
redemption of mortgaged property sold pursuant to
an extrajudicial foreclosure, after the registration of GR: Upon the finality of the order of confirmation of
the certificate of foreclosure with the applicable sale or upon the expiration of the period of
Register of Deeds. redemption allowed by law, the purchaser at the
auction sale or the last redemptioner, if any, shall be
For purposes of reckoning the one-year redemption entitled to the possession of the property.
period in case of individual mortgagors, or the
three-month reckoning period for juridical XPN: A third party is actually holding the same
persons/mortgagors the same shall be reckoned adversely to the judgment debtor. If so, the writ of
from the date of confirmation of the auction sale possession will not issue as a matter of course.
which is the date when the certificate of title is
issued. (BIR RMC No. 15-2008, 15 Aug. 2008) Ministerial Duty of the Court

The purchaser in a foreclosure sale is entitled to a

writ of possession upon the finality of the order of




confirmation or expiration of the period of mortgagee has prior knowledge of the existence
redemption. That upon an ex parte motion of the and duration of the lease; (Ibasco v. Caguioa,
purchaser, it is the ministerial duty of the court to G.R. No. L62619, 19, Aug. 1986)
issue the writ of possession unless a person is
occupying the property adverse to the interest of 2. Where the mortgagor refuses to surrender
the judgment debtor. property sold. The remedy is to file an ordinary
action for the recovery of possession in order
Therefore, the purchaser need not file a separate that the mortgagor may be given opportunity to
action for possession to acquire possession of the be heard; and
property after the redemption period has expired.
However, where the parties in possession claim 3. When third party is in actual possession
ownership thereof, and there may be possibility of adverse to the judgment debtor. (Sec. 36, Rule
said claim, the issue of ownership must be 39, ROC, as amended; Sec. 6, Act No. 3135)
ventilated in a proper case in the merits. (Sps. Kho v.
VA, G.R. No. L-83498, 22 Oct. 1991) Possession in Extrajudicial Foreclosure

Enforcement against Third Persons The purchaser may petition the Court of First
Instance of the province or place where the
If the purchaser is a third party who acquired the property or any part thereof is situated, to give him
property after the redemption period, a hearing possession thereof during the redemption period,
must be conducted to determine whether furnishing bond in an amount equivalent to the use
possession over the subject property is still with the of the property for a period of twelve months, to
mortgagor or is already in the possession of a third indemnify the debtor in case it be shown that the
party holding the same adversely to the defaulting sale was made without violating the mortgage or
debtor or mortgagor. If the property is in the without complying with the requirements of Act No.
possession of the mortgagor, a writ of possession 3135. (Sec. 7, Act. No. 3135)
could thus be issued. Otherwise, the remedy of a
writ of possession is no longer available to such Petition for Annulment of Foreclosure
purchaser, but he can wrest possession over the Proceedings
property through an ordinary action of ejectment.
(Okabe v. Saturnino, G.R. No. 196040, 26 Aug. 2014) This petition contests the presumed right of
ownership of the buyer in a foreclosure sale and
Pendency of action for Annulment of Sale puts in issue such presumed right of ownership
while an ex parte petition for issuance of a writ of
Any question regarding the validity of the mortgage possession is a non-litigious proceeding.
or its foreclosure cannot be a legal ground for
refusing the issuance of a writ of execution. The Filing of a petition for nullification of foreclosure
right of the purchaser to have possession of the proceedings with motion for consolidation is not
subject property would not be defeated allowed as it will render nugatory the presumed
notwithstanding the pendency of a civil case seeking right of ownership, as well as the right of
the annulment of the mortgage or of the possession, of a buyer in a foreclosure sale.
extrajudicial foreclosure. (De Vera v. Agloro, G.R. No.
155673, 14 Jan. 2005)

When Writ of Possession NOT Available:

1. Where mortgaged property under lease

previously registered in the Registry of
Property or despite non-registration, the



1. Right to compel the partition;
H. PARTITION 2. Complaint must state the nature and extent of
(RULE 69) plaintiff's title and a description of the real
estate of which partition is demanded; and
3. All other persons interested in the property
It is a process of dividing and assigning property must be joined as defendants. (Sec. 1, Rule 69,
owned in common among the various co-owners ROC, as amended)
thereof in proportion to their respective interests in
said property. Who may file

NOTE: It is commenced by a complaint. (Sec. 1, Rule The action shall be brought by the person who has a
69) right to compel the partition of real estate (Sec. 1,
Rule 69, ROC, as amended) or of an estate composed
The determination as to the existence of co- of personal property, or both real and personal
ownership is necessary in the resolution of an property. (Sec. 13, Rule 69, ROC, as amended)
action for partition. (Lacbayan v. Samoy, G.R. No.
165427, March 21, 2011) An action for partition will The plaintiff is a person who is supposed to be a co-
not lie if the claimant has no rightful interest in the owner of the property or estate sought to be
property. (Co Guik Lun v. Co, G.R. No. 184454, 03 Aug. partitioned. The defendants are all the co-owners
2011) who are indispensable parties. (Sepuveda v. Pelaez,
G.R. No. 152195, 31 Jan. 2005)

Nature of Partition NOTE: All the co-owners are indispensable parties.

As such, an action for partition will not lie without
Partition and accounting under Rule 69 is in the the joinder of the said parties. (Sepuveda v. Pelaez,
nature of an action quasi in rem. Such an action is G.R. No. 152195, 31 Jan. 2005)
essentially for the purpose of affecting the
defendant’s interest in a specific property and not to Non-inclusion of a Co-owner in an Action for
render judgment against him. Partition

Kinds of Partition 1. Before judgment – Not a ground for a motion

to dismiss. The remedy is to file a motion to
1. Judicial partition; and include the party.
2. Extrajudicial partition 2. After judgment – Makes the judgment therein
void because co-owners are indispensable
Jurisdiction over Partition parties.

Since the action affects interest in real property, NOTE: Creditors or assignees of co-owners may
jurisdiction shall be determined by inquiring into intervene and object to a partition affected without
the assessed value of the property. Hence an action their concurrence. But they cannot impugn a
for partition may be filed in the MTC, if the assessed partition already executed unless there has been
value is not more than P400,000. If the subject fraud or in case it was made notwithstanding a
matter is personal property, an action should be formal opposition presented to prevent it. (Sec. 12,
filed in the MTC if the value should not be more than Rule 69)
P2,000,000. (Sec. 33, B.P. 129, as amended by R.A. No.
11576) 3. Subject Matter is Real Property: an action for
partition should be filed in the MTC or RTC of
Requisites of a valid Partition the province where the property or part
thereof is situated.




action. (Vda. de Daffon v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
NOTE: If several distinct parcels of land are No. 129017, 20 Aug. 2002)
situated in different provinces, venue may be
laid in the MTC or RTC of any of said provinces. 2. Second stage/phase – commences when it
appears that the parties are unable to agree
4. Subject Matter is Personal Property: in the upon the partition directed by the court. (Riano,
place where the plaintiff or the defendant 2019)
resides, at the election of the plaintiff.
Multiple Appeals
Matters to allege in the Complaint for Partition
The judgment declaring the existence of a co-
1. The nature and extent of his title; ownership may be appealed. This is one of the
2. An adequate description of the real estate of instances in which the Rules allow Multiple Appeals.
which partition is demanded; As such, the record on appeal is required to be
3. Shall join as defendants all other persons submitted. The period to appeal is 30 days.
interested in the property (Sec. 1, Rule 69, ROC,
as amended); and When Court can issue the Order of Partition
4. Demand for the accounting of the rents, profits
and other income from the property which he During the trial, the court shall determine whether
may be entitled to. or not the plaintiff is truly a co-owner of the
property, that there is indeed a co-ownership
NOTE: When the allegations of the complaint allege among the parties, and that a partition is not legally
that the plaintiff asserts exclusive ownership of the proscribed thus may be allowed. If the court so finds
party sought to be partitioned, the nature of the that the facts are such that a partition would be in
action is not one for partition. It is an action for order, and that the plaintiff has a right to demand
recovery of property. (De la Cruz v. Court of Appeals, partition, the court will issue an order of partition.
G.R. No. 139442, 06 Dec. 2006)
Modes of Partition
Issues to be resolved in an Action for Partition
1. By agreement of the parties – where they make
1. Whether the plaintiff is indeed a co-owner of the partition among themselves by proper
the property sought to be partitioned. instruments of conveyance.
2. How the property is to be divided between the
plaintiff and defendant or what portion should NOTE: The court shall confirm the partition so
go to each co-owner. agreed upon by all the parties, and such
partition, together with the order of the court
Two Stages in every Action for Partition confirming the same, shall be recorded in the
registry of deeds of the place in which the
1. First stage/phase – determination of whether property is situated. (Sec. 2, Rule 69, ROC as
or not a co-ownership in fact exists and a amended)
partition is proper
2. By judicial proceedings under Rule 69 (order of
NOTE: An action for partition is at once an partition)—if the co-owners are unable to agree
action for declaration of co-ownership and for upon the partition. (Art. 494 NCC; Figuracion-
segregation and conveyance of a determinate Gerilla v. Vda. De Figuracion, G.R. No. 154322, 22,
portion of the properties involved. If the trial Aug. 2006)
court should find after trial the existence of co
ownership among the parties, it may and should NOTE: Nothing in this Rule shall be construed to
order the partition of the properties in the same restrict or prevent persons holding real estate




court. be confirmed by the 2. Judgment as to the fruits and income of the
court. property;
3. Judgment of partition.
NOTE: The mode of appeal is record on appeal. This
Contents of Judgment and its Effects is one of the instances when the rules allow multiple
appeals. A judgment declaring the existence of co-
1. If actual partition of property is made, the ownership is immediately appealable. Judgment
judgment shall state definitely: directing an accounting is appealable regardless of
whether the accounting is the principal relief sought
a. The metes and bounds and adequate or a mere incident, and becomes final and executory
description; and within the reglementary period. (Miranda v. CA, G.R.
b. The particular portion of the real estate No. L-33007, 18 June 1976)
assigned to each party.
Partition of Personal Property
NOTE: The judgment shall have the effect
of vesting in each party to the action the The provisions of this Rule shall apply to partitions
portion of the real estate assigned to him. of estates composed of personal property, or of both
(Sec. 11, Rule 69, ROC, as amended) real and personal property, in so far as the same
may be applicable. (Sec. 13, Rule 69, ROC, as
2. If the whole property is assigned to one of the amended)
parties upon his paying to the others the sum or
sums ordered by the court, the effect of Prescription of Action
judgment shall be to vest in the party making
the payment the whole of the real estate free GR: An action to demand partition of a co-owned
from any interest in the part of the other parties property does not prescribe as long as there is a
to the action. (Ibid.) recognition of the co-ownership, expressly or
impliedly. (Art. 494, NCC)
3. If the property is sold and the sale confirmed by
the court, the judgment shall state: XPN: A co-owner may acquire ownership thereof by
prescription where there exists a clear repudiation
a. The name of the purchaser/s making the of the co-ownership and the co-owners are apprised
payment; and of the claim of adverse and exclusive ownership.
b. A definite description of the parcels of real (Heirs of Restar v. Heirs of Cichon, G.R. No. 161720, 22
estate sold to each purchaser. Nov. 2005; Riano, 2019)

NOTE: A certified copy of the judgment shall in NOTE: The Supreme Court held that where the
either case be recorded in the registry of deeds of transferees of an undivided portion of the land
the place in which the real estate is situated, and the allowed a co-owner of the property to occupy a
expenses of such recording shall be taxed as part of definite portion thereof and had not disturbed the
the costs of the action. (Sec. 11, Rule 69, ROC, as same for a period too long to be ignored, the
amended) possessor is in a better condition or right than said
transferees (Potior est conditio possidentis). Such
Stages in an Action for Partition could be the undisturbed possession had the effect of a partial
Subject of Appeal partition of the co-owned property which entitles
the possessor to the definite portion which he
1. Order determining the propriety of the occupies. (Vda. de Cabrera v. CA, G.R. No. 108547, 03
partition; Feb 1997)



Instances when a Co-owner may not demand DEFINITION AND DISTINCTION
Partition (A-D-L-U-C)
Forcible Entry
a. There is an Agreement among the co-owners
to keep the property undivided for a certain It is an action to recover possession founded upon
period of time but not exceeding ten years; illegal possession from the beginning when one is
(Art. 494, NCC) deprived of physical possession of real property by
b. When partition is prohibited by the Donor or means of force, intimidation, threat, strategy, or
testator for a period not exceeding 20 years; stealth. It is commenced by a verified complaint.
(Art. 494; Art. 1083, NCC) (Sec. 1, Rule 70)
c. When partition is prohibited by Law; (Art. 494,
NCC) Requisites of Forcible Entry (P-F-I-S-T-S-1)
d. When property is not subject to physical
division and to do so would render it 1. A person is deprived of Possession of any land
Unserviceable for the use for which it is or building;
intended; (Art. 495, NCC) and 2. by Force, Intimidation, Strategy, Threat, or
e. When the condition imposed upon voluntary Stealth (FISTS); and
heirs before they can demand partition has not 3. Action is brought within 1 year from the
yet been fulfilled. (Art. 1094, NCC) unlawful deprivation. (Sec. 1, Rule 70)

Questions to be Resolved in an Action for

I. FORCIBLE ENTRY Forcible Entry (A-O-R)
(RULE 70) 1. Who has Actual possession over the real
2. Was the possessor Ousted therefrom within 1
Ejectment Proceedings year from the filing of the complaint by force,
intimidation, strategy, threat or stealth; and
Unlawful detainer and forcible entry suits are 3. Does the plaintiff ask for the Restoration of his
designed to summarily restore physical possession possession? (Dizon v. Concina, G.R. No. 23756, 27
of a piece of land or building to one who has been Dec. 1969)
illegally or forcibly deprived thereof, without
prejudice to the settlement of the parties' opposing Unlawful Detainer
claims of juridical possession in appropriate
proceedings. It is where one illegally withholds possession after
the expiration or termination of his right to hold
Nature of Ejectment Proceedings possession under any contract, express or implied.
(Riano, 2019)
An action for ejectment (forcible entry or unlawful
detainer) is a real action because it involves the It is commenced by a verified complaint. (Sec. 1, Rule
issue of possession of real property (Sec. 1, Rule 4, 70, ROC, as amended)
ROC, as amended). It is also however, an action in
personam because the action is directed against a NOTE: In a summary action of unlawful detainer,
particular person who is sought to be held liable. the question to be resolved is which party has the
(Domagas v. Jensen, G.R. No. 158407, 17 Jan. 2005) better or superior right to the physical/material
possession (or de facto possession) of the disputed
premises. Whereas in the action for recovery of
ownership, the question to be resolved is which
party has the lawful title or dominical right (i.e.,




owner's right) to the disputed premises. (Bradford demand to pay the rentals in arrears and to
United Church of Christ Inc., v. Dante Ando, et al. G.R vacate the stall was sent to her on May 20, 2014
No. 195669, 30 May 2016) to no avail. Hence, this complaint. In her Answer,
Florita countered that the lot is co- owned by
Requisites of Unlawful Detainer Milagros and her children as heirs to the estate
of Chan Lee a.k.a. Jose Viray, Milagros' late
1. Possession of any land or building is unlawfully husband. The lot used to be part of a bigger lot
withheld from a lessor, vendor, vendee, or other covered by TCT No. 2870, a conjugal property of
person after the expiration or termination of Chan Lee and Milagros. During the pendency of
the right to hold possession by virtue of any the case in the CA, Milagros died and she was
contract express or implied; substituted by her heirs, John, Julito, and
Marcelino, Jr., as represented by John A. Viray.
NOTE: It has been held that prior physical Thereafter, Florita filed a Manifestation with
possession by the plaintiff is not an Motion to Dismiss Appeal praying that the
indispensable requirement in an unlawful ejectment case be dismissed. Petitioner claimed
detainer case brought by a vendee or other that since the property is now under co-
person against whom the possession of any ownership and one of its co-owners is Julito, her
land is unlawfully withheld after the expiration husband, a situation arises where a co-owner
or termination of a right to hold possession. becomes a party against his wife which is a
(William Go v. Albert Looyuko, G.R. No. 19652, strange case. Petitioner claimed that a co-owner
July 1, 2013, citing Sps. Maninang v. CA, G.R. No. cannot be ejected from a portion of an undivided
121719, 16 Sept. 1999) property. Is the action for unlawful detainer
2. Action is brought within 1 year after such
unlawful deprivation or withholding of A: NO. From 1995 to 2009, before the title was
possession; and registered in the name of Milagros, Florita’s
possession of the subject property was by virtue of
3. Demand to pay or comply with the conditions of co-ownership. In an unlawful detainer case, the key
the lease and to vacate is made upon the lessee. jurisdictional fact that should be proved is that the
(Sec. 1, Rule 70, ROC, as amended) acts of tolerance should have been present right
from the very start of possession, and We may
NOTE: If the complaint does not allege facts hasten to add, that such nature of possession by
showing compliance with the prescribed one-year tolerance shall continue up to the filing of the
period to file an action for unlawful detainer, then it ejectment complaint. When Milagros filed a
cannot properly qualify as such action over which complaint for unlawful detainer in 2014, she failed
the MTC can exercise jurisdiction. Such allegations to establish that petitioner's possession of the
are jurisdictional and crucial. It may then be an subject property was tolerated all the way from the
accion publiciana or accion reivindicatoria. (Estate very beginning. In the absence of proof of tolerated
of Manantan v. Somera, G.R. No. 145867, 7 Apr. 2009) possession up to the filing of the complaint for
unlawful detainer, the jurisdictional element of an
Q: Milagros A. Viray alleged that she is the lawful illegal detainer case is not satisfied. (Florita Viray v
owner of a stall space in a commercial building Heirs of Milagros Viray, G.R. 252325, 18 Mar. 2021)
built on the land covered by TCT No. 25216
registered in her name and declared for taxation Formal Contract not a Prerequisite in Unlawful
purposes. In July 1993, Milagros verbally leased Detainer
the said stall to Florita Viray, her daughter-in-
law, the wife of her son, Julito Viray. It was Even if there is no formal contract between the
agreed upon by the parties that Florita will use parties, there can still be an unlawful detainer
the stall for selling dressed chicken only. A because implied contracts are covered by ejectment



Q: Sps. De Jesus filed with the RTC an action for therefore, is the place where the property is
recovery of possession alleging that they are the situated. (Sec. 1, Rule 4, ROC, as amended)
real owners of the said estate evidenced by the
TCTs they were able to present. On the other On the other hand, these actions are not only real
hand, the Heirs of Telesforo through Sps. Julao, actions, they are also in personam because the
argued that they are the lawful heirs of the plaintiff seeks to enforce a personal obligation to
property since they never transferred nor vacate the property subject of the action and restore
conveyed the property to anyone; the claim was physical possession thereof to the plaintiff.
based on an OCT issued by the DENR. The RTC (Domagas v. Jensen, G.R. No. 158407, 17 Jan 2005)
ruled in favor of the Sps. Julao since they were
able to present the proper certificate of titles. On Effect of the pendency of an Action involving
appeal, the CA reversed the ruling and Ownership on an Action for Forcible Entry and
dismissed the complaint stating that the RTC Unlawful Detainer
never acquired jurisdiction in the said case
since the assessed value of the property was It does not bar the filing of an ejectment suit, nor
never mentioned in the complaint. Is the suspend the proceedings of one already instituted.
decision of the CA proper? The underlying reason for this rule is to prevent the
A: YES. In an action for recovery of possession, the defendant from trifling with the summary nature of
assessed value of the property sought to be an ejectment suit by the simple expedient of
recovered determines the court's jurisdiction. asserting ownership over the disputed property.
Jurisdiction is conferred by law and is determined (Tecson v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 152978, 4 Mar. 2005)
by the allegations in the complaint, which contains
the concise statement of the ultimate facts of a Judgment conclusive only on Possession
plaintiffs cause of action.
Where the issue of ownership is raised by any of the
Petitioners’ failure to allege in their complaint the parties, the courts may pass upon the same in order
assessed value of the subject property would equate to determine who has the right to possess the
to failure to establish that the RTC had jurisdiction property. However, the adjudication is only
over it. In fact, it cannot be determined which trial provisional and will not bar or prejudice an action
court had original and exclusive jurisdiction over between the same parties involving title to the
the case. (Heirs of Telesforo Julao v. Sps. Alejandro property. (Esmaquel v. Coprada, G.R. No. 152423, 15
and Morenita De Jesus, G.R. No. 76020, 29 Sept. 2014) Dec. 2010)

NOTE: The amount of rents and damages claimed Jurisdiction in Accion Publiciana and Accion
does not affect jurisdiction of the MTCs because the Reivindicatoria
same are only incidental or accessory to the main
action. (Lao Seng Hian v. Lopez, G.R. No. L-1950, 16 The court that has jurisdiction over the action
May 1949) depends on the assessed value of the property.

If only rents or damages are claimed in an ordinary 1. RTC has jurisdiction if the value of the
action, the action is personal and the amount property exceeds P400,000.
claimed determines whether it falls within the 2. MTC has jurisdiction if the value of the
jurisdiction of the RTC or the MTC. property does not exceed the above amounts.


Forcible entry and unlawful detainer actions are

those affecting possession of real property, hence,
are real actions. The venue of these actions,




WHO MAY INSTITUTE THE ACTION AND WHEN; All pleadings shall be verified. (Ibid.)
MAINTAINED NOTE: Within 10 days from service of summons, the
defendant shall file his answer to the complaint and
Who may Institute the Action serve a copy thereof on the plaintiff. Affirmative and
negative defenses not pleaded therein shall be
1. A person deprived of the possession of any deemed waived, except lack of jurisdiction over the
land or building by force, intimidation, threat, subject matter. Crossclaims and compulsory
strategy, or stealth, or a lessor, vendor, vendee; counterclaims not asserted in the answer shall be
or considered barred. The answer to counterclaims or
crossclaims shall be served and filed within 10 days
2. Other persons against whom the possession of from service of the answer in which they are
any land or building is unlawfully withheld pleaded. (Sec. 6, Rule 70, ROC, as amended)
after the expiration or termination of the right
to hold possession, by virtue of any contract, Q: Aries filed an unlawful detainer case against
express or implied, or the legal representatives Patrick before the appropriate MTC. In his
or assigns of any such lessor, vendor, vendee, answer, Patrick avers as a special and
or other person. (Sec. 1, Rule 70, ROC, as affirmative defense that he is a tenant of Aries’
amended) deceased father in whose name the property
remains registered. What should the court do?
Lessor to Proceed against Lessee only After Explain briefly. (2007 BAR)
A: The court should hold a preliminary conference
Unless otherwise stipulated, such action by the not later than 30 days after the defendant’s answer
lessor shall be commenced only after demand to pay was filed, since the case is governed by summary
or comply with the conditions of the lease and to procedure under Rule 70 of the Rules of Court,
vacate is made upon the lessee, or by serving where a reply is not allowed. The court should
written notice of such demand upon the person receive evidence to determine the allegations of
found on the premises if no person be found tenancy. If tenancy had in fact been shown to be the
thereon, and the lessee fails to comply therewith real issue, the court should dismiss the case for lack
after 15 days in the case of land or 5 days in the case of jurisdiction.
of buildings. (Sec. 2, Rule 70, ROC, as amended)
If it would appear that Patrick’s occupancy of the
When Right to Commence the Action Arises subject property was one of agricultural tenancy,
which is governed by agrarian laws, the court
The action shall commence if the lessee fails to should dismiss the case because it has no
comply with the requisite demand after 15 days in jurisdiction over agricultural tenancy cases.
case of land or 5 days in case of buildings. (Sec. 2, Patrick’s allegation that he is a “tenant” of plaintiff’s
Rule 70, ROC, as amended) deceased father suggests that the case is one of
landlord-tenant relation and therefore, not within
PLEADINGS ALLOWED the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.

The only pleadings allowed to be filed are: (C3-A) Action on the Complaint

1. Complaint; The court may, from an examination of the

2. Compulsory counterclaim; allegations in the complaint and such evidence as
3. Crossclaim pleaded in the answer; and may be attached thereto, dismiss the case outright
4. Answer (Sec. 4, Rule 70, ROC, as amended) on any of the grounds for the dismissal of a civil
action which are apparent therein. If no ground for



dismissal is found, it shall forthwith issue summons. Form of Demand
(Sec. 5, Rule 70, ROC, as amended)
The demand may be in the form of a written notice
When Demand is necessary served upon the person found in the premises. The
demand may also be made by posting a written
Unless there exists a stipulation to the contrary, an notice on the premises if no person can be found
unlawful detainer case shall be commenced only thereon. (Sec. 2, Rule 70, ROC, as amended)
after the demand to pay or comply with the
conditions of the lease and to vacate is made upon It has been ruled, however, that the demand upon a
the lessee. (Sec. 2, Rule 70, ROC, as amended) tenant may be oral. (Jakihaca v. Aquino, G.R. No.
83982, 12 Jan. 1990) Since, the demand is not
The requirement for a demand implies that the written, sufficient evidence must be adduced to
mere failure of the occupant to pay rentals or his show that there was indeed a demand like
failure to comply with the conditions of the lease testimonies from disinterested and unbiased
does not ipso facto render his possession of the witnesses. (Riano, 2019)
premises unlawful. It is the demand to vacate the
premises and the refusal to do so which make Prior Demand in Unlawful Detainer not
unlawful the withholding of the possession and required (T-R-I-D)
gives rise to an action for unlawful detainer. (Riano,
2019) 1. Where the purpose of the action is to Terminate
the lease by reason of expiry of its term;
What Constitutes a Demand in Unlawful 2. Where the purpose of the suit is not for
Detainer ejectment but for the Reinforcement of the
terms of the contract; or
1. To pay and to vacate – If the suit is based on 3. When the defendant is not a tenant but a mere
defendant’s failure to pay the rentals agreed Intruder; or
upon; or 4. When there is stipulation Dispensing with a
2. To comply and to vacate – If suit is predicated demand. (Art. 1169, NCC; Sec. 2, Rule 70, ROC, as
upon the defendant’s non-compliance with the amended)
conditions of the lease contract. (Riano, 2019)
Q: Ben sold a parcel of land to Del with right to
The reckoning point for determining the one-year repurchase within 1 year. Ben remained in
period within which to file the action is the receipt possession of the property. When Ben failed to
of the last demand to vacate and pay. (Sec. 2, Rule 70, repurchase the same, title was consolidated in
ROC, as amended) (2014 BAR) favor of Del. Despite demand, Ben refused to
vacate the land, constraining Del to file a
NOTE: The notice giving the lessee the alternative complaint for unlawful detainer. In his defense,
either to pay the increased rental or otherwise Ben averred that the case should be dismissed
vacate the land is not the demand contemplated by because Del had never been in possession of the
the Rules of Court in unlawful detainer cases. When property. Is Ben correct? (2008 BAR)
after such notice, the lessee elects to stay, he
thereby merely assumes the new rental and cannot A: NO. In an action for unlawful detainer, it is not
be ejected until he defaults in said obligation and required that the plaintiff be in prior physical
necessary demand is first made. (Peñas, Jr. v. CA, G.R. possession of the land subject of the action. In this
No. 112734, 7 July 1994) action by the vendee a retro against a vendor a retro
who refused to vacate the property even after title
has been consolidated in the vendee, the latter, in
contemplation of law, steps into the shoes of the
vendor and succeeds to his rights and interest.




(Pharma Industries Inc. v. Hon. Pajarillaga, G.R. No. A: NO. The existence of implied new lease or tacita
L-53788, 17 Oct. 1980) reconduccion based on the allegations in the
complaint will not divest the MeTC of jurisdiction
Rule in case of Tacita Reconduccion in relation to over the ejectment case. The allegations pleaded in
Unlawful Detainer the complaint and not the defenses set up in the
answer or pleadings filed by the defendant which
Under Art. 1670 of NCC, if at the end of lease, the determines jurisdiction of the court over ejectment
lessee continues to enjoy the property leased for 15 cases. This principle holds even if the facts proved
days with consent of the lessor, and no notice to the during trial do not support the cause of action
contrary has been given, it is understood that there alleged in the complaint. Here, the Complaint
is an implied new lease. sufficiently alleged the elements to be proved and
resolved in an unlawful detainer case i.e. the facts of
When there is tacita reconduccion, the lessee cannot lease and expiration or violation of its terms. (Joven
be deemed as unlawfully withholding the property. Yuki, Jr. v. Wellington Co, G.R. No. 178527, 27 Nov.
There is no unlawful detainer. (Riano, 2019) 2009)

An implied new lease or tacita reconduccion will set Q: The spouses Juan reside in Quezon City. With
in if it is shown that: their lottery winnings, they purchased a parcel
of land in Tagaytay City for P100,000.00. In a
1. The term of the original contract of lease has recent trip to their Tagaytay property, they were
expired; surprised to see hastily assembled shelters of
2. The lessor has not given the lessee a notice to light materials occupied by several families of
vacate; and informal settlers who were not there when they
3. The lessee continued enjoying the thing leased last visited the property three (3) months ago.
for fifteen days with the acquiescence of the To rid the spouses’ Tagaytay property of these
lessor. (Riano, 2019) informal settlers, briefly discuss the legal
remedy you, as their counsel, would use; the
Q: Chua leased a portion of his commercial steps you would take; the court where you
building to petitioner Joven Yuki, Jr. Thereafter, would file your remedy if the need arises; and
the lease was renewed through a series of verbal the reason/s for your actions. (2013 BAR)
and written agreements, the last of which was a
written Contract of Lease covering the period of A: As counsel of spouses Juan, I will file a special civil
one year. Later on, Chua informed Yuki that he action for Forcible Entry. The Rules of Court
sold the property to Wellington Co. and provides that a person deprived of the possession of
instructed petitioner to thenceforth pay the rent any land or building by force, intimidation, threat,
to the new owner. After the expiration of the strategy or stealth may at any time within (one) 1
lease contract, petitioner refused to vacate and year after such withholding of possession bring an
surrender the leased premises. Thus, action in the proper Municipal Trial Court where the
Wellington Co. filed a Complaint for unlawful property is located. This action which is summary in
detainer before the MeTC of Manila. The MeTC nature seeks to recover the possession of the
ruled in favor of Wellington Co saying that there property from the defendant which was illegally
was no implied new lease created when withheld by the latter. (Sec. 1, Rule 70, ROC, as
Wellington accepted the rentals made by Yuki. amended)
On appeal, RTC reversed the ruling of the MeTC
finding no proof that the petitioner actually An ejectment case is designed to restore, through
received the notice to vacate. Can the implied summary proceedings, the physical possession of
new lease divest the MeTC of jurisdiction over any land or building to one who has been illegally
the case? deprived of such possession, without prejudice to
the settlement of the parties’ opposing claims of



juridical possession in appropriate proceedings. filing. (Sec. 15, Rule 70, ROC, as amended; Riano,
(Heirs of Agapatio T. Olarte and Angela A. Olarte et 2019)
al. v. Office of the President of the Philippines et al.,
G.R. No. 177995, 15 June 2011) Grant of Injunction while the case is pending

In Abad v. Farrales, (G.R. No. 178635, 11 Apr. 2011), The court may grant preliminary injunction, in
the Supreme Court held that two allegations are accordance with the provisions of Rule 58
indispensable in actions for forcible entry to enable (Preliminary Injunction), to prevent the defendant
first level courts to acquire jurisdiction over them: from committing further acts of dispossession
first, that the plaintiff had prior physical possession against the plaintiff.
of the property; and, second, that the defendant
deprived him of such possession by means of force, A possessor deprived of his possession through
intimidation, threats, strategy, or stealth. forcible entry or unlawful detainer may, within 5
days from the filing of the complaint, present a
However, before instituting the said action, I will motion in the action for forcible entry or unlawful
first endeavor to amicably settle the controversy detainer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
with the informal settlers before the appropriate mandatory injunction to restore him in his
Lupon or Barangay Chairman. If there is no possession. The court shall decide the motion
agreement reached after mediation and conciliation within 30 days from the filing thereof. (Sec. 15, Rule
under the Katarungang Pambarangay Law, I will 70, ROC, as amended)
secure a certificate to file action and file the
complaint for ejectment before the MTC of Tagaytay NOTE: If judgment is appealed to the Regional Trial
City where the property is located since ejectment Court, said court may issue a writ of preliminary
suit is a real action regardless of the value of the mandatory injunction to restore the plaintiff in
property to be recovered or claim for unpaid possession if the court is satisfied that the
rentals. (B.P. 129 and Sec. 1, Rule 4, ROC, as amended) defendant's appeal is frivolous or dilatory or that
the appeal of the plaintiff is prima facie meritorious.
In the aforementioned complaint, I will allege that (Sec. 20, Rule 70, ROC, as amended)
Spouses Juan had prior physical possession and that
the dispossession was due to force, intimidation and Determination of the Issue of Ownership in
stealth. The complaint will likewise show that the Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer cases
action was commenced within a period of one (1)
year from unlawful deprivation of possession, and In cases where the defendant raises the question of
that Spouses Juan is entitled to restitution of ownership in the pleadings and the question of
possession together with damages and costs. possession cannot be resolved without deciding the
issue of ownership, the court may proceed and
PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION resolve the issue of ownership but only for the
AND PRELIMINARY MANDATORY INJUNCTION purpose of determining the issue of possession.
However, the disposition of the issue of ownership
Remedy of the Plaintiff in order to obtain is not final as it may be the subject of separate
Possession of the Premises during the Pendency proceeding specifically brought to settle the issue.
of an Action (De la Rosa v. Roldan, G.R. No. 133882, 5 Sept. 2006)

The plaintiff may, within 5 days from filing of the NOTE: The only issue involved in ejectment
complaint file a motion in the same action for the proceedings is as to who is entitled to the physical
issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory or material possession of the premises, that is,
injunction to restore him his possession. This possession de facto and not possession de jure.
motion shall be resolved within 30 days from its (Juanita Ermitaño, represented by her attorney-in-




fact, Isabelo Ermitaño v. Paglas, G.R. No. 174436, 13 employees are likewise bound by the judgment
Jan. 2013; Regalado, 2017) even if not impleaded in the suit for ejectment;

The issue of ownership shall be resolved only to 3. Trespassers, squatters or agents of the
determine the issue of possession. Allegations of defendant fraudulently occupying the property
ownership is not material in ejectment cases. to frustrate the judgment; and
Evidence of ownership will be allowed only for the
court to determine the character and extent of 4. Transferees pendente lite and other privies of
possession. the defendant. (Riano, 2019)

Judgment in Forcible Entry and Unlawful NOTE: The plaintiff, in ejectment cases, is entitled to
Detainer cases NOT conclusive as to the Title to damages caused by his loss of the use and
the Property possession of the premises, but not for damages
caused on the land or building, which latter items of
The judgment rendered in an action for forcible damages should be recovered by plaintiff, if he is the
entry or detainer is conclusive only as to possession owner, in an ordinary action. (Santos v. Santiago,
of the property. Said judgment does not bind the G.R. No. 12208, 09 Sept. 1918)
title or affect the ownership of the land or building.
A distinct and separate action between the same However, it has been held that plaintiff can recover
parties respecting title to the land or building may from defendant liquidated damages stipulated in
be had. (Sec. 18, Rule 70; Lim v. Spouses Ligon, G.R. the lease contract. (Gozon v. Vda. De Barrameda, G.R.
No. 183589, 25 June 2014) No. 17473, 30 June 1964)

NOTE: The assertion by the defendant of ownership Q: Teresita is the absolute owner of a parcel of
over the disputed property does not serve to divest land. Lucia, on the other hand, claims that she
the inferior court of its jurisdiction. The defendant and her husband entered the subject land with
cannot deprive the court of jurisdiction by merely the consent and permission of Teresita’s
claiming ownership of the property involved. (Rural predecessors-in-interest under the agreement
Bank of Sta. Ignacia v. Dimatulac, G.R. No. 142015, 29 that they would devote the property to
Apr. 2003; Perez v. Cruz, G.R. No. 142503, 20 June agricultural production and share the produce
2003) with Teresita’s predecessors-in-interest.
Teresita filed a Complaint for Unlawful Detainer
Binding of Judgment against Lucia for refusal to vacate the land
despite several demands. Is Teresita entitled to
GR: Judgment in an ejectment case is binding only damages?
upon the parties properly impleaded and given an
opportunity to be heard. A: NO. The only damage that can be recovered by
Teresita is the fair rental value or the reasonable
XPNs: It becomes binding on anyone who has not compensation for the use and occupation of the
been impleaded in certain instances as in the leased property. The reason for this is that in
following: forcible entry or unlawful detainer cases, the only
issue raised in ejectment cases is that of rightful
1. A sublessee is bound by the judgment against possession; hence, the damages which could be
the lessee because his right to the premises is recovered are those which the Teresita could have
merely subsidiary to that of the lessee; sustained as a mere possessor, or those caused by
the loss of the use and occupation of the property,
2. A guest or a successor in interest, the members and not the damages which she may have suffered
of the family of the lessee or his servants and but which have no direct relation to her loss of




A supersedeas bond is necessary to prevent conclusions in said Decision may no longer be
immediate execution only if the judgment awarded disputed by Sps. Rosario as res judicata by
rents, damages, and costs. Where the judgment only conclusiveness of judgment, which bars them from
ordered the defendant to vacate and to pay challenging the same issues. The said Decision of the
attorney’s fees, a supersedeas bond is not required CA, from which this case arose, has attained finality
to cover attorney’s fees. (Once v. Gonzalez, G.R. No. L- due to the failure of the parties to file a motion for
44806, 31 Mar. 1977) (2017 BAR) reconsideration or an appeal. The elements of res
judicata by conclusiveness of judgment are present:
Rules of Res Judicata and Conclusiveness of first, the November 15, 2006 Decision has attained
Judgment apply in Ejectment case finality; second, the said decision was rendered by a
court having jurisdiction over the subject matter and
But subject to the qualification that judgment is the parties; third, the said decision disposed of the
conclusive with respect to the right of possession case on the merits; and fourth, there is, as between
under and by virtue of a contract the existence of the previous case and the instant case, an identity of
which has been proved in said ejectment suit. parties. (Sps. Rosario v. Alvar, G.R. No. 212731, 6 Sept.
(Penas v. Tuason, G.R. No. L-3404, 02 Apr. 1951) 2017)

Q: After the real estate mortgages over two PROHIBITED PLEADINGS AND MOTIONS
parcels of land over the property of Sps. Rosario
in favor of Priscilla were discharged, Agnes 1. Motion to dismiss the complaint except on the
Rosario sold the same lots in favor of Priscilla's ground of lack of jurisdiction over the subject
daughter, Evangeline but the latter later sold the matter, or failure to comply with a referral to
lots to Priscilla for the same price. When the Lupon Tagapamayapa in cases covered by
Priscilla sought the spouses to vacate the lot, the LGC;
Sps. Rosario instead filed a Complaint for 2. Motion for a bill of particulars;
Declaration of Nullity of Contract of Sale and 3. Motion for new trial, or for reconsideration of a
Mortgage. Priscilla, in turn, filed a Complaint for judgment, or for reopening of trial;
Recovery of Possession. The cases were 4. Petition for relief from judgment;
consolidated and the RTC ruled in favor of 5. Motion for extension of time to file pleadings,
Priscilla. On appeal, the CA reversed the affidavits or any other paper;
Decision of the RTC. In its Decision, the CA ruled 6. Memoranda;
that although the transfers from Agnes to 7. Petition for certiorari, mandamus, or
Priscilla were identified as absolute sales, the prohibition against any interlocutory order
contracts are deemed equitable mortgages. The issued by the court;
CA Decision became final and executory. Due to 8. Motion to declare the defendant in default;
the failure or refusal of Sps. Rosario to satisfy 9. Dilatory motions for postponement;
their outstanding obligation, Priscilla filed a 10. Reply;
Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Real Estate 11. Third-party complaints; and
Mortgage. May the Sps. Rosario, in the instant 12. Interventions. (Sec. 13, Rule 70, ROC, as
petition, question the legal personality of amended)
Priscilla to foreclose the subject property and
claim that the loan obligation has no legal and
factual bases?

A: NO. There is conclusiveness of judgment as to the

issues pertaining to the existence of the loan and the
legal personality of Priscilla to file a case for judicial
foreclosure in accordance with the November 15,
2006 Decision. As such, the factual findings and



of order in judicial proceedings and to the
J. CONTEMPT enforcement of judgments, orders and mandates of
(RULE 71) the courts, and, consequently, to the due
administration of justice.

Definition It is settled that the power is to be exercised with

the end in view of utilizing the same for correction
It is disobedience to the court by acting in and preservation of the dignity of the court, and not
opposition to its authority, justice and dignity. It for retaliation or vindictiveness. It is to be exercised
signifies not only willful disregard or disobedience on the preservative, not vindictive principle, and on
of court’s orders, but such conduct as tends to bring the corrective and not retaliatory idea of
the authority of court and administration of law into punishment. (Laurel v. Francisco, A.M. No. RTJ-06-
disrepute or in some manner to impede the due 1992, 06 July 2010)
administration of justice. (Regalado v. Go, G.R. No.
167988, 6 Feb. 2007; Riano, 2019) Q: A TRO was filed by Custodio against Bro.
Bernardo Oca, et al. in the RTC to prevent
Kinds of Contempt another trustee from calling a special
membership meeting in order to remove the
1. As to nature (depending on the nature and complainant from the Board of Trustees. The
effect of the contemptuous act): case was dismissed, and the petitioner was
subsequently removed from the Board of
a. Civil Trustees and as Curriculum Administrator.
b. Criminal Eventually, a complaint for contempt of court
was filed by the original complainant against the
2. As to the manner of commission: adverse parties for their alleged willful
disobedience to the various orders of the trial
a. Direct court. Are the parties guilty of contempt of
b. Indirect court?

PURPOSE AND NATURE OF EACH A: YES. The purpose of the filing and the nature of
the contempt proceeding show that the original
Functions of Contempt Proceedings complainant was seeking enforcement of the trial
court orders in the intra-corporate controversy
1. Vindication of public interest by punishment of because the adverse parties refused to comply.
contemptuous conduct; and Hence, this is a civil contempt case, which does not
2. Coercion to compel the contemnor to do what need proof beyond reasonable doubt. This Court has
the law requires him to uphold the power of the ruled that while the power to cite parties in
court, and also to secure the rights of the parties contempt should be used sparingly, it should be
to a suit awarded by the court. allowed to exercise its power of contempt to
maintain the respect due to it and to ensure the
Nature of Contempt Power infallibility of justice where the defiance is so clear
and contumacious and there is an evident refusal to
The power to punish for contempt is inherent in all obey. (Oca v. Custodio, G.R. No. 199825, 26 July 2017)
courts; its existence is essential to the preservation



XPN: If he or she is guilty of conspiracy with any one A: NO. Jeff may not be liable for contempt. Under the
of the parties in violating the court’s orders. (Desa Rule on Preliminary Injunction, a TRO is effective
Ent., Inc. v. SEC, G.R. No. L-45430, 30 Sept. 1982) only for a period of 20 days from service on the
person sought to be enjoined. It is deemed
Q: Ray, through Atty. Velasco, filed a complaint automatically vacated if the application for
for quieting of title against Chiz. Chiz, however, preliminary injunction is denied or not resolved
interposed the defense that the documents within the said period and no court shall have the
relied upon by Ray and Atty. Velasco were authority to extend or renew the TRO on the same
forged and falsified. Finding that the said ground for which it was issued. (Sec. 5, Rule 58) Here
documents were indeed forged and falsified, the extension of the TRO by the RTC was invalid
Judge Victoria cited Ray and Atty. Velasco for since it was for the same ground for which the TRO
direct contempt and ordered them to serve 10 was issued. Hence the TRO was deemed
days of detention at the Municipal Jail. Ray and automatically vacated and thus Jeff may not be liable
Atty. Velasco filed a motion for bail and a motion for contempt for ignoring it.
to lift the order of arrest. But they were denied
outright by Judge Victoria. Is Judge Victoria NOTE: A pleading containing derogatory, offensive
correct? or malicious statements submitted before the court
or judge where the proceedings are pending
A: NO. Direct contempt is a contumacious act done constitutes direct contempt.
facie curiae and may be punished summarily
without hearing. Indirect or constructive contempt, It is because the insulting pleading is equivalent to
in turn, is one perpetrated outside of the sitting of misbehavior committed in the presence of or so
the court. near a court or judge as to interrupt the
administration of justice. (Prosecutor Jorge Baculi v.
Here the use of falsified and forged documents is a Judge Belen, A.M. No. RTJ-11-2286, 12 Feb. 2020)
contumacious act. However, it constitutes indirect
contempt not direct contempt. The imputed use of a Remedy against Direct Contempt; Penalty
falsified document, more so where the falsity of the
document is not apparent on its face, merely A person adjudged in direct contempt may not
constitutes indirect contempt, and as such is subject appeal therefrom. His remedy is a petition for
to such defenses as the accused may raise in the certiorari or prohibition against the court which
proper proceedings. Thus, following Sec. 3, Rule 71, adjudged him in direct contempt. (Sec. 2, Rule 71,
a contemnor may be punished only after a charge in ROC, as amended; Riano, 2019)
writing has been filed, and an opportunity has been
given to the accused to be heard by himself and Pending the resolution of the petition for certiorari
counsel. or prohibition, the execution of the judgment for
direct contempt shall be suspended. The
Q: A temporary restraining order (TRO) was suspension, however, shall take place only if the
issued on September 20, 2017 by the RTC person adjudged in contempt files a bond fixed by
against defendant Jeff enjoining him from the court which rendered the judgment. This bond
entering the land of Regan, the plaintiff. On is conditioned upon his performance of the
October 9, 2017, upon application of Regan, the judgment should the petition be decided against
trial court, allegedly in the interest of justice, him. (Sec.2, Rule 71, ROC, as amended; Riano, 2019)
extended the TRO for another 20 days based on
the same ground for which the TRO was issued. Q: Lawyer Mendoza, counsel for the accused in a
On October 15, 2017, Jeff entered the land criminal case, was cited for direct contempt by
subject of the TRO. May Jeff be liable for Judge Tagle and was sentenced to 10 days of
contempt of court? Why? (2017 BAR) imprisonment. Lawyer Mendoza was placed in
prison immediately. Lawyer Mendoza




manifested his readiness to post a bond and to person in direct contempt. (Sec. 1 Rule 71, ROC, as
appeal the order by certiorari to stay its amended; Encinas v. National Bookstore Inc., G.R. No.
execution but Judge Tagle said that the order is 162704, 28, July 2005)
immediately executory. Is Judge Tagle correct?
Indirect Contempt
A: NO. An order of direct contempt is not
immediately executory or enforceable. The Generally, the procedural requisites before the
contemner must be afforded a reasonable remedy accused be punished for indirect contempt are:
to extricate or purge himself of the contempt. Under
Sec. 2, Rule 71, of the Rules of Court, a person a. Charge in writing;
adjudged in direct contempt by any court may not b. Opportunity for the person charged to appear
appeal therefrom but may avail himself of the and explain his conduct; and
remedies of certiorari or prohibition. The execution c. Opportunity to be heard by himself or counsel.
of the judgment shall be suspended pending (Barredo-Fuentes v. Albarracion, A.M. NO. MTJ-
resolution of such petition, provided such person 05-1587; 15 Apr. 2005; Riano, 2019)
files a bond fixed by the court which rendered the
judgment and conditioned that he will abide by and Since an indirect contempt charge partakes the
perform the judgment should the petition be nature of a criminal charge, conviction cannot be
decided against him. (Tiongco v. Judge Salao, A.M. had merely on the basis of written pleadings. A
No. RTJ-06-2009, 27 July 2006) respondent in a contempt charge must be served
with a copy of the motion/petition. Unlike in civil
Remedy against Indirect Contempt; Penalty actions, the Court does not issue summons on the
respondent. While the respondent is not required to
A person adjudged in indirect contempt may appeal file a formal answer similar to that in ordinary civil
from the judgment or final order of the court in the actions, the court must set the contempt charge for
same manner as in criminal case. The appeal will hearing on a fixed date and time on which the
not, however, have the effect of suspending the respondent must make his appearance to answer
judgment if the person adjudged in contempt does the charge. (Silverio Sr. v. Silverio Jr., G.R. No. 186589,
not file a bond in an amount fixed by the court from 18 July 2014)
which the appeal is taken. This bond is conditioned
upon his performance of the judgment or final order There are two ways by which a person can be
if the appeal is decided against him. (Sec. 11, Rule 71, charged with indirect contempt, namely:
ROC, as amended; Riano, 2019)
1. The charge is initiated motu proprio by the
HOW CONTEMPT PROCEEDINGS court against which the contempt was
ARE COMMENCED committed – it is commenced by an order of the
same court or any formal charge requiring the
Due to its primitive aspect, contempt proceeding is respondent to show cause why he should not be
in the nature of a criminal action, hence procedural punished for contempt.
and evidentiary rules of criminal action are applied
as far as practicable. Doubts shall always be 2. The charge is commenced by filing a verified
resolved in favor of the person charged with petition by someone other than the court –
contempt. this petition shall be accompanied by
supporting particulars and certified true copies
Direct Contempt of documents or papers involved therein. The
petition shall likewise comply with the
No formal proceeding is required to cite a person in requirements for the filing of initiatory
direct contempt. The court against which the pleadings for civil actions in the court
contempt is directed may summarily adjudge a concerned. (Sec. 4, Rule 71, ROC, as amended)



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