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Medication Name : Include both generic and trade names .

EXAMPLE: propranolol, Inderal

Classification: Include therapeutic and pharmacological classification.

Therapeutic classification will tell what the drug is meant to do. Some drugs will have more than one therapeutic

EXAMPLE: Antihypertensive, antianginal, antiarrhythmics, vascular headache suppressant

Pharmacologic classification will tell how the drug works

EXAMPLE: Beta blocker

How does the drug work: Use your own words! You need to have at least a partial understanding of what effect this
drug is having on the body which creates the desired or therapeutic effect. This is a good place to use your Kee
pharmacology book which will have more detailed explanations of how these drugs work. Your time won’t be wasted,
there are 13 drugs listed in Davis as beta blockers once you have learned how one works you will understand how they all


Blocks the stimulation of beta 1 and beta 2 receptors in the sympathetic system which cause a reduction in heart rate and
dilation of the vessels.

Side effects/Toxic effects: Look at the underlined and bolded be sure you know how to identify if your patient is
having these side effects or toxic reactions and what nursing interventions you should institute. HINTS : Look at the section
called Nursing Implications it will point you to the more common side effects and what nurses are expected to do.


Fatigue and weakness-keep call light in reach, remind to get up slowly, safety;

Bradycardia, arrhythmias-monitor heart rate before giving, hold if below 50;

CHF, pulmonary edema-monitor daily weight, breath sounds, respiratory effort

Special administration techniques/precautions: Anything we need to do outside the standard of giving all


Monitor BP before giving and throughout therapy including orthostatics;

Best taken with food;

Give carefully to pts with respiratory problems (can cause bronchospasms);

Monitor blood sugar can increase or decrease AND hides symptoms of hypoglycemia

How do you assess if it is working: Sorry but if the drug is not doing what it is supposed to do why give it? Soooo
we want to make sure we are getting the effect we expect to get. Two things you need to be aware of it WHY is YOUR
patient on it and what do we assess to make sure it is working.


The patient is hypertensive-we would expect to see a decrease in the BP

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