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NOTE: If the allegations are deemed admitted, there d) AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES
is no more triable issue between the parties and if
the admissions appear in the answer of the A defendant shall raise his or her affirmative
defendant, the plaintiff may file a motion for defenses in his or her answer, which shall be limited
judgment on the pleadings under Rule 34. (Riano, to the following:
1. Under Sec. 5(b), Rule 6, 2019 Revised Rules on
XPN: Allegations as to the amount of unliquidated Civil Procedure
damages, when not specifically denied, are not
deemed admitted. a. Fraud;
b. Statute of Limitations;
NOTE: The mere statement in the Answer, i.e., that c. Release;
they “specifically deny” the pertinent allegations of d. Payment;
the Complaint “for being self-serving and pure e. Illegality;
conclusions intended to suit plaintiff’s f. Statute of Frauds;
purposes,” does not constitute an effective specific g. Estoppel;
denial as contemplated by law. Verily, a denial is not h. Former Recovery;
specific simply because it is so qualified by the i. Discharge of Bankruptcy;
defendant. Stated otherwise, a general denial does j. Any other matter by way of confession or
not become specific by the use of the word avoidance; and
“specifically.” Neither does it become so by the k. Grounds for the dismissal of the complaint:
simple expedient of coupling the same with a broad i. The court has no jurisdiction over the
conclusion of law that the allegations contested are subject matter;
“self-serving” or are intended “to suit plaintiff’s ii. There is another action pending
purposes.” (Go Tong Electrical Supply Co., Inc. and Go between the same parties for the
v. BPI Family Savings Bank, Inc., G.R. No. 187487, 29 same cause; or
June 2015) iii. The action is barred by a prior
When a Specific Denial Requires an Oath
2. Under Sec. 12, Rule 8 of the 2019 Revised
GR: A denial of due execution and genuineness of an Rules on Civil Procedure
actionable document attached. (Sec. 8, Rule 8, ROC,
as amended) (2000 BAR) a. The court has no jurisdiction over the
person of the defending party;
XPNs: The requirement of an oath does not apply: b. The venue is improperly laid;
c. The plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue;
a. When the adverse party does not appear to be d. That the pleading asserting the claim states
a party to the instrument; or no cause of action; and
b. When compliance with an order for an e. That a condition precedent for filing the
inspection of the original instrument is claim has not been complied with.
Action of the Court on the Affirmative Defenses
NOTE: An answer raising a specific denial The court shall motu proprio resolve the above
based on the above grounds is deemed to be affirmative defenses under Section 12 within thirty
under oath if it contains verification. (30) calendar days from the filing of the answer.
(Sec. 12 (c), Rule 8, ROC, as amended)

NOTE: It is not necessary for the Court to conduct a

hearing before it can resolve these grounds.



Waiver of Affirmative Defenses 4. EFFECT OF FAILURE TO PLEAD
(RULE 9)
Failure to raise the affirmative defenses at the
earliest opportunity shall constitute a waiver GR: Defenses not pleaded in a motion to dismiss or
thereof. (Sec. 12(b), Rule 8, ROC, as amended) in the answer are deemed waived. (Sec. 1, Rule 9)

Summary Hearing for the Resolution of the XPNs: These defenses may be raised at any stage of
Affirmative Defense the proceedings even for the first time on appeal:

The court may conduct a summary hearing within 1. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter;
fifteen (15) calendar days from the filing of the
answer regarding the following affirmative NOTE: It may, however, be barred by laches.
defenses: (Tijam v. Siboghanoy, G.R. No. L-21450, 15 Apr.
1. Fraud;
2. Statute of Limitations; 2. Litis pendentia (2010 BAR);
3. Release; 3. Res judicata; and
4. Payment; 4. Statute of limitations. (Sec. 1, Rule 9, ROC, as
5. Illegality; amended)
6. Statute of Frauds;
7. Estoppel; Failure to Plead a Compulsory Counterclaim and
8. Former Recovery; Crossclaim
9. Discharge of Bankruptcy; and
10. Any other matter by way of confession or GR: A compulsory counterclaim or crossclaim not
avoidance. (Sec. 12(b), Rule 8, ROC, as set up in the answer is deemed barred. (Sec. 2, Rule
amended) 9, ROC, as amended)

Such affirmative defenses shall be resolved by the

court within thirty (30) calendar days from the XPNs:
termination of the summary hearing. (Sec. 12(d),
Rule 8, 2019 ROC, as amended) 1. A counterclaim or a crossclaim which either
matured or was acquired by a party after
Denial of Affirmative Defenses; Prohibitions serving his pleading may, with the permission
of the court, be presented as a counterclaim or
Denial of affirmative defenses shall not be the a crossclaim by supplemental pleading before
subject of: judgment. (Sec. 9, Rule 11, ROC, as amended)
1. Motion for reconsideration;
2. Petition for Certiorari; 2. Counterclaims or crossclaims omitted through
3. Petition for Prohibition; and oversight, inadvertence, or excusable neglect or
4. Petition for Mandamus. when justice requires may be set up by
amendment before judgment. Leave of court is
NOTE: The order of denial of affirmative defense is necessary. (Sec. 10, Rule 11, ROC, as amended)
an interlocutory order.
NOTE: A permissive counterclaim is not barred.
Remedy on Denial of Affirmative Defenses

Assign the order of denial as among the matters to

be raised on appeal after a judgment on the merits.




5. AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTAL PLEADINGS Industrial Sales v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 133657,
(RULE 10) 29 May 2002)

How Pleadings are Amended Even if the motion to dismiss is granted by the court,
the plaintiff may still amend his complaint as a
Pleadings may be amended in the following manner: matter of right before the dismissal becomes final as
long as no answer has yet been served. In the words,
1. By adding or striking out an allegation or the the plaintiff, “may file an amended complaint even
name of any party, after the original complaint was ordered dismissed,
2. By correcting a mistake in the name of a party provided that the order of dismissal is not yet final.”
3. By correcting a mistaken or inadequate (Riano, 2019, citing Bautista v. Maya-Maya Cottages,
allegation; or Inc., G.R. No. 148361, 29 Nov. 2005)
4. By correcting a description in any other respect.
(Sec. 1, Rule 10, ROC, as amended) AMENDMENTS BY LEAVE OF COURT

Amendments as a Matter of Right (2005, 2008 Substantial Amendments

Substantial amendments may be made only upon
1. Once, at any time before a responsive leave of court upon a motion filed in court, after
pleading is served; or notice to the adverse party, and after being given an
2. In the case of a reply, at any time within ten opportunity to be heard. (Sec. 3, Rule 10, ROC, as
(10) calendar days after it is served. (Sec. 2, amended)
Rule 10, ROC, as amended)
NOTE: Leave of court for substantial amendment is
NOTE: It is settled that a motion to dismiss is not the NOT required when it is made as a matter of right,
responsive pleading contemplated by the Rule. A i.e., when it is made before a responsive pleading
plaintiff may file an amended complaint even after had already been served. At this stage, a party has
the original complaint was ordered dismissed, the absolute right to amend his or her pleading
provided that the order of dismissal is not yet final. substantially as when he or she introduces a new
(Riano, 2019, citing Bautista v. Maya-Maya Cottages, cause of action or a change in theory.
Inc., G.R. No. 148411, 29 Nov. 2005)
Amendments by Leave of Court (2003 BAR)
If the court refuses to admit an amended pleading
when its exercise is a matter of right, such error is 1. If the amendment is substantial (Sec. 3, Rule 10,
correctible by mandamus. (Alpine Lending Investors ROC, as amended); or
vs. Corpuz, G.R. No. 157107, 24 Nov. 2006) 2. A responsive pleading had already been served
(Siasoco v. CA, G.R. No. 132753, 15 Feb. 1999)
Amendment Made during the Pendency of a
Motion to Dismiss When Refusal of Leave of Court to Amend is
If a motion to dismiss is filed, an amendment to the
complaint would still be a matter of right during the 1. The motion is made to delay the action;
pendency of the motion to dismiss. Such motion is
not a responsive pleading and its filing does not 2. The motion is made to confer jurisdiction on
preclude the exercise of the plaintiff’s right to the court;
amend his complaint. (Riano, 2019, citing Paeste v.
Jaurigue, G.R. No. L-5711, 19 Dec. 1953; Republic v. 3. When it appears to the court that the pleading
Ilao, G.R. No. L-16667, 30 Jan. 1962; Remington stated no cause of action from the beginning



which could be amended (Sec. 3, Rule 10, ROC, to refute each other’s evidence. (Northern Cement
as amended); or Corp. v. IAC, et al., G.R. No. 68636, 29 Feb. 1988)

4. The cause of action or defense is substantially Effect of Amended Pleading

altered. (Guiang v. Nadayag, G.R. No. 82630, 30
Sept. 1992) An amended pleading supersedes the pleading it
amends. However, admissions in the superseded
NOTE: An action of the court whether to grant or pleading may be offered in evidence against the
refuse leave must be made upon motion, and after pleader. Claims or defenses alleged therein but not
notice to the adverse party, and an opportunity to incorporated or reiterated in the amended pleading
be heard. (Sec. 3, Rule 10, ROC, as amended) are deemed waived. (Sec. 8, Rule 10, ROC, as
Formal Amendments
Effect of Amended Pleading on the Admissions
A defect in the designation of the parties and other in the Original Pleading
clearly clerical or typographical errors may be
summarily corrected by the court at any stage of the They cease to be judicial admissions. Thus, they are
action, at its initiative or on motion, provided no to be considered as extrajudicial admissions and
prejudice is caused thereby to the adverse party. may be proved by the party relying thereon by
(Sec. 4, Rule 10, ROC, as amended) formal offer in evidence of such original pleading.
(Ching v. CA, G.R. No. 110844, 27 Apr. 2000)
OR AUTHORIZE PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE Q: In 2013, the RTC granted the Motion for
Summary Judgment and dismissed Camcam’s
No Amendment Necessary to Conform to or complaint. The RTC ruled that there is no longer
Authorize Presentation of Evidence an issue demanding a full- blown trial as
Camcam’s admitted facts and documentary
When issues not raised by the pleadings are tried evidence on record already confirmed
with the express or implied consent of the parties, Vazquez’s ownership. Aggrieved, petitioners
they shall be treated in all respects as if they had appealed to the CA where they argued that the
been raised in the pleadings. No amendment of such disposition of the case was premature as they
pleadings deemed amended is necessary to cause were still seeking an amendment of their
them to conform to the evidence. (Sec. 5, Rule 10, complaint and that there were genuine issues in
ROC, as amended) the case necessitating a full-blown trial.

NOTE: It does not apply when the case was decided The CA, in CA-GR CV No. 103230 dated
on a stipulation of facts in which case the pleadings September 16, 2016, held that the RTC did not
are not deemed amended to conform to the err in granting the Motion for Summary
evidence. (MWSS v. CA, et al., G.R. No. 54526, 25 Aug. Judgment despite the pendency before the
1986) different division of a related case wherein
petitioners put in issue the propriety of the
The trial court should not be precluded from amendment of the complaint.
awarding an amount higher than that claimed in the
pleadings notwithstanding the absence of the In CA-GR SP No. 129738 dated August 28, 2014,
required amendment, provided that the evidence of the CA decision directed the RTC to Admit the
such higher amount has been presented properly, Amended Complaint and to try the case with
with full opportunity on the part of the opposing dispatch. Was the CA correct in granting the
parties to support their respective contentions and Motion for Summary Judgement in 2016?




11. Extension of Time to File an Answer – A 2. Sending them by Registered mail;
defendant may, for meritorious reasons, be
granted an additional period of not more than 3. Sending them by Accredited courier; or
thirty (30) calendar days to file an answer. A
defendant is only allowed to file one (1) motion NOTE: In both the second and third cases, the
for extension of time to file an answer. (Sec. 11, date of mailing of motions, pleadings, and other
Rule 11, ROC, as amended) court submissions, and payments or deposits,
as shown by the post office stamp on the
NOTE: A motion for extension to file any envelope or the registry receipt, shall be
pleading, other than an answer, is considered as the date of their filing, payment
prohibited and considered a mere scrap of or deposit in court. The envelope shall be
paper. The court, however, may allow any attached to the record of the case.
other pleading to be filed after the time
fixed by these Rules. (Sec. 11, Rule 11, ROC, NOTE: If the courier is not accredited by the
as amended) court (private letter-forwarding agency), the
date of filing of the pleading in court is the
actual date of receipt of the court of the
G. FILING AND SERVICE pleading, not the date of actual receipt by the
(RULE 13) courier. (Miranda v. Miranda, ibid.)

4. Transmitting them by Electronic mail or other

electronic means as may be authorized by the
Court in places where the court is electronically
It is the act of submitting the pleading or other
paper to the court. (Sec. 2, Rule 13, ROC, as amended)
NOTE: The date of electronic transmission shall
be considered as the date of filing. (Sec. 3, Rule
13, ROC, as amended)
It is the act of providing a party with a copy of the
pleading or any other court submission. If a party
Modes of Service (P-A-R-E-F-O)
has appeared by counsel, service upon such party
shall be made upon his or her counsel or one of
1. Personal service
them, unless service upon the party and the party’s
2. Accredited courier
counsel is ordered by the court. (Sec. 2, Rule 13, ROC,
3. Registered mail or
as amended)
4. Electronic Mail
5. Facsimile Transmission; and
Manner of Filing
6. Other electronic means (Sec. 5, Rule 13, ROC, as
The filing of pleadings and other court submissions
shall be made by: (Pe-R-A-E)
NOTE: For purposes of electronic mail, facsimile
transmission or other electronic means, it has to be
1. Submitting Personally the original thereof,
with prior court approval and agreed upon by the
plainly indicated as such, to the court;

NOTE: The clerk of court shall endorse on the

Ordinary mail and substituted service are also
pleading the date and hour of filing.
included as a mode of serving a pleading. (Secs. 7
The date of the filing of the pleading is the date
and 8, Rule 13, ROC, as amended)
of receipt of the court. (Miranda v. Miranda, G.R.
No. 179638, 08 July 2013)



Personal service is done by:
Service by electronic means and facsimile shall be
1. Delivering personally a copy to the party or to made if the party concerned consents to such modes
the party’s counsel, or to their authorized of service.
representative named in the appropriate
pleading or motion; 1. By Electronic Means – made by sending an e-
mail to the party’s or counsel’s electronic mail
2. Leaving it in the counsel’s office with his or her address, or through other electronic means of
clerk or with a person having charge thereof; or transmission as the parties may agree on, or
upon direction of the court.
3. If no person is found in his or her office or his or
her office is not known, or he or she has no 2. By Facsimile – made by sending a facsimile
office, by leaving the copy between the hours of copy to the party’s or counsel’s given facsimile
eight in the morning and six in the evening, at number. (Sec. 9, Rule 13, ROC, as amended)
the party’s or counsel’s residence, if known,
with a person of sufficient age and discretion PRESUMPTIVE SERVICE OF COURT SETTING
residing therein. (Sec. 6, Rule 13, ROC, as
amended) Addressee is from the same Judicial Region of
the Court
There shall be presumptive notice to a party of a
1. Registered Mail – By depositing the copy in the court setting if such notice appears on the records
post office in a sealed envelope, plainly to have been mailed at least twenty (20) calendar
addressed to the party or his or her counsel at days prior to the scheduled date of hearing. (Sec. 10,
his or her office, if known, otherwise at his or Rule 13, ROC, as amended)
her residence, if known, with postage fully
prepaid, and with instructions to the Addressee is from Outside the Judicial Region
postmaster to return the mail to the sender
after 10 calendar days if undelivered; or There shall be presumptive notice to a party of a
court setting if such notice appears on the records
2. Ordinary Mail – if no registry service is to have been mailed at least thirty (30) calendar
available in the locality of either the sender or days. (Ibid.)
the addressee. (Sec. 7, Rule 13, ROC, as amended)
NOTE: Service and filing by mail may be done only OR RESOLUTIONS; SERVICE OF COURT-ISSUED
when personal service and filing is not practicable. ORDERS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS

SUBSTITUTED SERVICE Judgments, final orders and resolutions are served:

If service of pleadings, motions, notices, resolutions, 1. Personally; or

orders and other papers cannot be made through 2. Registered mail.
personal service or by mail, the office and place of
residence of the party or his or her counsel being NOTE: Upon ex parte motion of any party in the
unknown, service may be made by delivering the case, judgments, final orders, or Resolutions may
copy to the clerk of court, with proof of failure of also be served through accredited courier at the
both personal service and service by mail. (Sec. 8, expense of such party.
Rule 13, ROC, as amended) (2009, 2004, 2002 BAR)




When to Serve such Judgments, Final Orders or
Resolution by Publication 3. Service by registered mail – upon actual
receipt by the addressee, or after five (5)
When a party summoned by publication failed to calendar days from the date he or she received
appear in the action, judgments, final orders or the first notice of the postmaster, whichever
resolutions against him or her. date is earlier

NOTE: It shall be at the expense of the prevailing 4. Service by accredited courier – upon actual
party. (Sec. 13, Rule 13, ROC, as amended) receipt by the addressee, or after at least two
(2) attempts to deliver by the courier service, or
Service of Court-Issued Orders and Other upon the expiration of five (5) calendar days
Documents after the first attempt to deliver, whichever is
The court may electronically serve orders and other
documents to all the parties in the case which shall 5. Electronic Service – at the time of the electronic
have the same effect and validity as provided in the transmission of the document or when
Rules. A paper copy of the order or other document available, at the time that the electronic
electronically served shall be retained and attached notification of service of the document is sent;
to the record of the case. (Sec. 18, Rule 13, ROC, as
amended) NOTE: It is not effective if the party serving the
document learns that it did not reach the
Conventional Service or Filing of Orders, addressee or person to be served.
Pleadings and other Documents
6. Facsimile – upon receipt by other party as
There are pleadings and other documents which indicated in the facsimile printout (Sec. 15, Rule
must be filed or served personally or by registered 13, ROC, as amended); and
mail, and NOT electronically:
1. Initiatory pleadings and initial responsive 7. Substituted service – at the time of such
pleadings, such as an answer; delivery. (Sec. 8, Rule 13, ROC, as amended)
2. Subpoena, protection orders, and writs;
3. Appendices and exhibits to motions, or other Q: The Dolor Spouses filed against Gatmaytan
documents that are not readily amenable to and Cammayo a Complaint for Reconveyance of
electronic scanning may, at the option of the Property and Damages. The Quezon City RTC
party filing such, be filed and served rendered a Decision ordering Gatmaytan to
conventionally; and convey the lot to the Dolor Spouses which
4. Sealed and confidential documents or records. prompted the former to file here Motion for
(Sec. 14, Rule 13, ROC, as amended) Reconsideration, which was however denied.
Gatmaytan then filed an Appeal with the CA
NOTE: However, they may be filed or served which, however, dismissed the appeal. It ruled
through other means, upon express permission that the RTC’s Decision had already attained
from the court. finality as Gatmaytan filed her Motion for
Reconsideration beyond the requisite 15-day
Completeness of Service period. Gatmaytan, however, insists that the
RTC’s Decision has not attained finality as the
1. Personal service – upon actual delivery; April 14, 2006 service was made to her counsel's
former address (at No. 117 West Avenue,
2. Service by ordinary mail – upon expiration of Quezon City) as opposed to the address (at Unit
ten (10) calendar days after mailing, unless the 602, No. 42 Prince Jun Condominium, Timog
court otherwise provides; Avenue, Quezon City) that her counsel indicated



in a June 8, 2004 Notice of Change of allegation that delivery was made on 01 June 2006.
Address filed with the RTC which noted such (Gatmaytan v. Dolor, G.R. No. 198120, 20 Feb. 2017)
change in an Order of the same date, and
directed that, from then on, service of papers, PROOF OF FILING AND SERVICE
pleadings, and processes was to be made at her
counsel's updated address at Unit 602, No. 42 Proof of Filing
Prince Jun Condominium, Timog Avenue,
Quezon City. Has the RTC’s Decision already GR: Filing is proven by its existence in the record of
attained finality thus, precluding the filing of the case.
Gatmaytan's appeal with the CA?
XPN: If it is not in the record, and:
A: YES. When a party's counsel serves a notice of
change in address upon a court, and the court 1. If personally filed
acknowledges this change, service of papers,
processes, and pleadings upon the counsel's former Proven by the written or stamped
address is ineffectual. Service is deemed completed acknowledgement of its filing by the clerk of
only when made at the updated address. Proof, court on a copy of the pleading or court
however, of ineffectual service at a counsel's former submission; or
address is not necessarily proof of a party's claim of
when service was made at the updated address. The 2. If filed by registered mail
burden of proving the affirmative allegation of when
service was made is distinct from the burden of Proven by the registry receipt and the affidavit
proving the allegation of where service was or was of the person who did the mailing with a full
not made. A party who fails to discharge his or her statement of:
burden of proof is not entitled to the relief prayed a. The date and place of deposit of the
for. mail in the post office in a sealed
envelope addressed to the court;
In the case at hand, the service made on Gatmaytan’s b. With postage fully paid; and
counsel's former address was ineffectual. However,
that Gatmaytan failed to discharge her burden of c. With instructions to the postmaster to
proving the specific date—allegedly June 1, 2006— return the mail to the sender after ten
in which service upon her counsel's updated (10) calendar days if undelivered.
address was actually made.
3. If filed by accredited Courier Service
In Cortes v. Valdellon, the Supreme Court noted the
following as acceptable proofs of mailing and Proven by an affidavit of service of the person
service by a court to a party: who brought the pleading or other document to
the service provider, together with the courier’s
(1) certifications from the official Post Office official receipt and document tracking number;
record book and/or delivery book;
(2) the actual page of the postal delivery book
showing the acknowledgment of receipt;
(3) registry receipt; and
(4) return card. 4. If filed by Electronic Mail

Gatmaytan could have produced any of these Proven by an affidavit of electronic filing of the
documents or other similar proof to establish her filing party accompanied by a paper copy of the
claim. She did not. All she has relied on is her bare pleading or other document transmitted or a




written or stamped acknowledgement of its transmission, together with printed proof of
filing by the clerk of court; transmittal. (Sec. 17, Rule 13, ROC, as amended)

5. If filed by Other Authorized Electronic Means Notice of Lis Pendens

Proven by an affidavit of electronic filing of the In an action affecting title or right of possession of
filing party accompanied by a copy of the real property, the plaintiff and the defendant, when
electronic acknowledgment of its filing by the affirmative relief is claimed in his or her answer,
court. (Sec. 16, Rule 13, ROC, as amended) may record in the office of the registry of deeds of
the province in which the property is situated a
Proof of Service notice of the pendency of the action. (Sec. 19, Rule
13, ROC, as amended)
1. Proof of personal service
NOTE: Only from the time of filing such notice for
a. Written admission of the party served; record shall a purchaser, or encumbrancer of the
b. Official return of the server; or property affected thereby, be deemed to have
c. Affidavit of the party serving, containing constructive notice of the pendency of the action,
the date, place and manner of service; and only of its pendency against the parties
designated by their real names. (Ibid.)
2. Proof of service by ordinary mail

a. Affidavit of mailer stating the facts showing

compliance with Sec. 7 of Rule 13; and
b. Registry receipt issued by the mailing

3. Registered mail

a. Affidavit; and
b. Registry receipt issued by the mailing office
NOTE: The registry return card shall be filed
immediately upon its receipt by the sender, or
in lieu thereof the unclaimed letter together
with the certified or sworn copy of the notice
given by the postmaster to the addressee.

4. Accredited courier service

Affidavit of service by the person who brought

the pleading or paper to the service provider,
together with the courier's official receipt or
document tracking number.

5. Electronic mail, facsimile, or other

authorized electronic means of transmission

Affidavit of service by the person sending the e-

mail, facsimile, or other electronic




Format of the E-mail NOTE: An e-mail should contain only electronic
documents pertaining to one case.
1. Address Bar GR: All electronic copies of Supreme Court-bound
papers and their annexes pertaining to the same
To: [e-mail address of the appropriate case shall be attached to one e-mail.
docketing office]
From: [filer’s e-mail address] XPN: In case the total file size of the electronic
documents exceeds the maximum size allowed for
2. Subject Bar uploading by the e-mail service provider being used
by the filer, the filer shall send the electronic
Subject: [Case Number or Docket Number AND documents in several batches. BUT, each e-mail
Case Title] – [Pleading or Document Title] must be clearly marked by indicating in the subject
Example: G.R. No. 123456 or UDK No. 11111 of the e-mail the batch number of the e-mail and the
(John Doe v. Juan dela Cruz) – Petition for total batches of e-mail sent (e.g. batch 1 of 3).
Verified Declaration
3. Attachments
The filer shall also attach to the e-mail a Verified
Attachments: [Petition for Review-G.R. No. Declaration that the pleading and annexes
123456.pdf], [Annex A-Petition for Review-G.R. submitted electronically are complete and true
No. 123456.pdf] copies of the printed document and annexes filed
with the Supreme Court.

4. Body of the E-mail NOTE: The declaration attached to the e-mail must
be the PDF copy of the Verified Declaration attached
(a) Manner of Filing: (choose one – personal to the hard copy filed in Court.
filing, registered mail, accredited courier, or
online filing)

(b) Date of Filing or Date of Electronic

Transmission: (indicate the date of filing if filed
personally, by registered mail, or by accredited
courier or indicate the date of electronic
transmission if filed online)

(c) Case Number: G.R. No. 123456

Case Title: John Doe vs. Juan dela Cruz
Name of Filing Party: John Doe
Contact Numbers: (02) 888-9900 (landline),
0900-1112233 (mobile)
Other e-mail address/es, if any: [filer’s other e-
mail address/es]
Title of Attached Documents:
1. Petition for Review on Certiorari
2. Annex A- [Court of Appeals Decision in
CA-G.R. SP No. xxxxx]
3. Annex B- [NLRC Decision in NLRC LAC
No. xxxxx]



c. The summons is to be served outside the
H. SUMMONS judicial region of the court where the case
(RULE 14) is pending. (Sec. 3, Rule 14, ROC, as

Q: Respondent Lagtapon instituted a civil suit

IN RELATION TO ACTIONS IN PERSONAM, against petitioner Yap for a sum of money with
IN REM, AND QUASI IN REM the RTC. Summons was issued and as per return
of service of summons dated 4 November 1997
Nature of Summons prepared by the process server of the
respondent court in the person of Ray R.
It is the writ by which the defendant is notified of Precioso, he served on November 4, 1997 the
the action brought against him or her. (Gomez v. CA, summons on petitioner Yap who, however,
G.R. No. 127692, 10 Mar. 2004) An important part of refused to acknowledge receipt thereof, thus,
that notice is a direction to the defendant that he or compelling him to tender the same and left a
she must answer the complaint within the period copy thereof for her. As no answer was filed,
fixed by the Rules, and that unless he or she so respondent Lagtapon filed a motion to declare
answers, plaintiff will take judgment by default and petitioner Yap in default. The said motion was
may be granted the relief applied for. (Riano, 2019) granted by the respondent court declaring
[petitioner Yap] in default and allowing
Summons in relation to Actions In Personam, In respondent Lagtapon to present her evidence
Rem and Quasi In Rem ex-parte. The respondent court rendered the
challenged Decision in favor of respondent
1. Actions in personam – Lagtapon and against petitioner Yap.
a. To acquire jurisdiction over the person of Respondent Lagtapon filed a motion for
the defendant; and execution which was favorably acted upon by
b. To give notice to the defendant that an the respondent court.
action has been commenced against him
(Umandap v. Sabio, Jr., G.R. No. 140244, 29 Yap claimed that while she used to reside
Aug. 2000) therein, she had already moved out from the
said address sometime in June 1997 and started
2. Actions in rem and quasi in rem – not to leasing out the same on July 1998. Hence, the
acquire jurisdiction over the defendant but Summons could not have been served on her on
mainly to satisfy the constitutional November 4, 1997, as she had already vacated
requirement of due process (Gomez v. CA, G.R. from the said address by then. Thus, Yap filed a
No. 127692, 10 Mar. 2004) Petition for Annulment with the CA, assailing the
RTC Decision on the ground that Summons was
not validly served on her, which thus prevented
the RTC from acquiring jurisdiction over her
person. Is Yap correct?
The summons may be served by the:
A: NO. A public official enjoys the presumption of
1. Sheriff; regularity in the discharge of one's official duties
2. Deputy of the sheriff; and functions. Here, in the absence of clear indicia
3. Other proper court officer; or of partiality or malice, the service of Summons on
4. Plaintiff, provided: petitioner Yap is perforce deemed regular and valid.
a. There must be failure of service of Correspondingly, the Return of Service of Precioso
summons by the sheriff or his deputy; as process server of the RTC constitutes prima facie
b. Authorized by the court; evidence of the facts set out therein.




Hence, as far as the circumstances attendant to the Summons shall remain valid until duly served.
service of Summons is concerned, the Court has the (Ibid.)
right to rely on the factual representation of
Precioso that service had indeed been made on Contents
petitioner Yap in person.
1. Summons shall be:
Yap makes much of the failure of Precioso to include
the place of service in his Return, contrary to Section a. Directed to the defendant; and
18, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court. Moreover, while b. Signed by the clerk of court under seal.
such detail was indeed lacking in the said Return,
the Court cannot ignore the fact that Precioso 2. Summons shall contain: (N-A-Di-N)
subsequently executed an Affidavit supplying the
place of service, which, to the mind of this Court, a. The Name of the court, and the names of the
constitutes substantial compliance with the Rules. parties to the action;
Petitioner Yap's evidence does not constitute clear b. An Authorization for the plaintiff to serve
and convincing evidence to overturn the summons to the defendant, when
presumption of regularity attendant to the Return authorized by the court upon ex parte
of Service. (Yap v. Lagtapon, G.R. No. 196347, 23 Jan. motion;
2017) c. A Direction that the defendant answer
within the time fixed by the Rules; and
3. VALIDITY OF SUMMONS d. A Notice that unless the defendant so
AND ISSUANCE OF ALIAS SUMMONS answers, plaintiff will take judgment by
default and may be granted the relief
When Summons is issued applied for.

GR: The court shall, within five (5) calendar days 3. The following shall be attached to the original
from receipt of the initiatory pleading and proof of and each copy of the summons:
payment of the requisite legal fees, direct the clerk
of court to issue the corresponding summons to the a. A copy of the complaint, and
defendants. (Sec. 1, Rule 14, ROC, as amended) b. An order for appointment of guardian ad
litem, if any. (Sec. 2, Rule 14, ROC, as
NOTE: The issuance of summons is not amended)
discretionary on the part of the court or the clerk of
court, but is a mandatory requirement. (Riano, Duty of Counsel of Record
Where the summons is improperly served and a
XPN: When complaint is on its face dismissible lawyer makes a special appearance on behalf of the
under Sec. 1, Rule 9, i.e., when it appears on the face defendant to, among others, question the validity of
of the complaint that the Court has no jurisdiction service of summons, the counsel shall be deputized
over the subject matter and the action is barred by by the court to serve summons on his or her client.
res judicata, litis pendentia and prescription. (Sec.13, Rule 14, ROC, as amended)

Alias Summons Return

The only time that alias summons may be issued by Within thirty (30) calendar days from issuance of
the court is when summons has been lost or summons by the clerk of court and receipt thereof,
destroyed. The issuance is upon motion. (Sec. 4, the sheriff or process server, or person authorized
Rule 14, ROC, as amended) by the court, shall complete its service. (Sec. 20, Rule
14, ROC, as amended)



Within five (5) calendar days from service of unknown and cannot be ascertained with diligent
summons, the server shall file with the court and inquiry.
serve a copy of the return to the plaintiff’s counsel,
personally, by registered mail, or by electronic Thus, before summons by publication may be
means authorized by the Rules. (Ibid.) allowed, the following requirements must be
Return in case of Substituted Service
1. there must be a written motion for leave of
Should substituted service have been effected, the court to effect service of summons by
return shall state the following: publication, supported by affidavit of the
plaintiff or some person on his behalf, setting
1. The impossibility of prompt personal service forth the grounds for the application; and
within a period of thirty (30) calendar days
from issue and receipt of summons; 2. there must be diligent efforts exerted by the
sheriff in ascertaining the whereabouts of the
2. The date and time of the three (3) attempts on defendant.
at least two (2) different dates to cause personal
service and the details of the inquiries made to Absent compliance with the rigid requirements on
locate the defendant residing thereat; and the service of summons, service by publication is
3. The name of the person at least eighteen (18)
years of age and of sufficient discretion residing Necessarily, the proceedings and any judgment,
thereat, name of competent person in charge of including all issuances rendered are null and void.
the defendant’s office or regular place of (Titan Dragon Properties Corporation vs. Marlina
business, or name of the officer of the Veloso-Galenzoga, G.R. No. 246088, 28 Apr. 2021)
homeowners’ association or condominium
corporation or its chief security officer in How effected
charge of the community or building where the
defendant may be found. (Ibid.) 1. By handing a copy of the summons to the
defendant in person, and informing the
4. PERSONAL SERVICE defendant that he or she is being served; or

Regardless of the type of action—whether it is in 2. If he or she refuses to receive and sign for it, by
personam, in rem or quasi-in rem—the preferred leaving the summons within the view and in the
mode of service of summons is personal service. (De presence of the defendant. (Sec. 5, Rule 14, ROC,
Pedro v. Romasan Development Corp., G.R. No. as amended; Sps. Manuel v. Ong, G.R. No. 205249,
194751, 26 Nov. 2014) 14 Oct. 2014)

Personal service of summons is the preferred mode Locus of the Service is not Controlling
of service of summons. Thus, as a rule, summons
must be served personally upon the defendant or Personal service of summons has nothing to do with
respondent wherever he or she may be found. The the location where summons is served. A
Rules, however, allow service of summons through defendant’s address is inconsequential. The rule is
other modes, such as by substituted service, and by clear in what it requires; personally handing the
publication. summons to the defendant (albeit tender is
sufficient should the defendant refuse to receive
Under Section 14, Rule 14 of the Rules then in force, and sign). What is determinative of the validity of
summons by publication may be effected, by leave personal service is, therefore, the person of the
of court, when the whereabouts of the defendant is




defendant, not the locus of the service. (Sps. Manuel purpose known, with any of the officers of the
v. Ong, ibid.) homeowners’ association or condominium
corporation, or its chief security officer in charge
The rule does not require that the service of of the community or the building where the
summons on the defendant in person must be defendant may be found; and
effected only at the latter’s residence as stated in the
summons. On the contrary, said provision is crystal 4. By sending an electronic mail to the defendant’s
clear that, whenever practicable, summons shall be electronic mail address, if allowed by the court.
served by handing a copy thereof to the defendant; (Ibid.)
or if he refuses to receive and sign for it, by
tendering it to him. Nothing more is required. The Requisites
service of the copy of the summons and the
complaint inside the courtroom was the most When resorting to substituted service, the following
practicable act under the circumstances, and the statutory requirements must be strictly, faithfully,
process server need not wait for respondent to and fully observed:
reach their given address before he could serve on
the latter the summons and the copy of the 1. Indicate the impossibility of service of summons
complaint. Due to the distance of the said address, within a reasonable time;
service therein would have been more costly and 2. Specify the efforts exerted to locate the
would have entailed a longer delay on the part of the defendant; and
process server in effecting the service of the 3. State that the summons was served upon:
summons. (Sansio Philippines, Inc. v. Sps. Mogol, Jr.,
G.R. No. 177007, 14 July, 2009) a. A person of sufficient age and discretion who
is residing in the address, or
5. SUBSTITUTED SERVICE b. A person in charge of the office or regular
place of business, of the defendant
When allowed
4. It is likewise required that the pertinent facts
It is allowed if, for justifiable causes, the defendant proving these circumstances be stated in the
cannot be served personally after at least 3 attempts proof of service or in the officer’s return.
on 2 different dates. (Sec. 6, Rule 14, ROC, as
amended) NOTE: The sheriff’s return must show the
details of the efforts exerted to
How effected personally serve summons upon
defendants or respondents, before
1. By leaving copies of the summons at the substituted service or service by
defendant's residence to a person at least 18 publication is availed. (De Pedro v. Romasan
years of age and of sufficient discretion residing Development Corp., supra.)
Failure to comply with this rule renders absolutely
2. By leaving copies of the summons at the void the substituted service along with the
defendant's office or regular place of business proceedings taken thereafter for lack of jurisdiction
with some competent person in charge thereof. over the person of the defendant (Sandoval v. HRET,
A competent person includes, but is not limited G.R. No. 149380, 03 July, 2000).
to, one who customarily receives
correspondences for the defendant;

3. By leaving copies of the summons, if refused

entry upon making his or her authority and




1. The identity of the defendant is unknown; Any order granting such leave shall specify a
2. The whereabouts of the defendants are reasonable time, which shall not be less than sixty
unknown and cannot be ascertained by diligent (60) calendar days after notice, within which the
inquiry; (Sec. 16, Rule 14, ROC, as amended) defendant must answer. (Sec. 16, Rule 14, ROC, as
3. The defendant is a resident of the Philippines amended)
but is temporarily out of the country; or
4. In case the defendant does not reside and Service upon Residents Temporarily Outside the
cannot be found in the Philippines, the remedy Philippines
of the plaintiff in order to acquire jurisdiction to
try the case is to convert the action into a When any action is commenced against a defendant
proceeding in rem or quasi in rem by attaching who ordinarily resides within the Philippines, but
the property of the defendant. (Philippine who is temporarily outside, service may, by leave of
Commercial International Bank v. Alejandro, G.R. court, be also effected out of the Philippines, as
No. 175587, 21 Sept. 2007) under Sec. 17 of Rule 14. (Sec. 18, Rule 14, ROC, as
NOTE: Those enumerated from 1 to 3 applies to any
action, which necessarily includes personal action. NOTE: “Dwelling house” or “residence” refers to the
(Riano, 2019) place where the defendant was living at the time
when the service was made, even though he was
Summons by publication may be made only with temporarily out of the country. (Domagas v. Jensen,
leave of court. G.R. No. 158407, 17 Jan. 2005)

Service of summons may be effected through 7. EXTRATERRITORIAL SERVICE

publication in a newspaper of general circulation
together with a registered mailing of a copy of the Requisites of Extra-Territorial Service of
summons and the order of the court to the last Summons (2009 BAR)
known address of the defendant. (Riano, 2019) It
can be done as a complementary to service of 1. The defendant is a nonresident;
summons by publication, but it does not mean that 2. He or she is not found in the Philippines; and
service by registered mail alone would suffice. 3. The action against him is either in rem or quasi
in rem.
NOTE: There is no service of summons solely by
registered mail except as an additional requirement NOTE: There is no extraterritorial service of
to service by publication. summons in an action in personam. Hence,
extraterritorial service upon a nonresident in an
Service upon Defendant whose Identity or action for injunction which is in personam is not
Whereabouts is Unknown proper. (Kawasaki Port Service Corp. v. Amores, G.R.
No. 58340, 16 July 1991; Banco Do Brasil v. CA, G.R.
In any action where the defendant is designated as No. 121576-78, 16 June 2000)
an unknown owner, or the like, or whenever his or
her whereabouts are unknown and cannot be Instances when Extra-Territorial Service of
ascertained by diligent inquiry, within ninety (90) Summons is Allowed:
calendar days from the commencement of the
action, service may, by leave of court, be effected 1. The action affects the personal status of the
upon him or her by publication in a newspaper of plaintiff;
general circulation and in such places and for such 2. The action relates to, or the subject is the
time as the court may order. property within the Philippines on which the
defendant has or claims a lien or interest, actual
or contingent;



3. The action in which the relief demanded Service Convention on the Service Abroad of
consists, wholly or in part, in excluding the Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial
defendant from any interest therein (2016 Matters.
BAR); and
4. When the property of the defendant has been Central Authority
attached in the Philippines. (NM Rothschild &
Sons [Australia] Ltd. v. Lepanto Consolidated Central Authority refers to the receiving authority
Mining Co., G.R. No. 175799, 28 Nov. 2011) in charge of receiving requests for service from
Requesting States and executing them or causing
Manner of Service of Summons in cases of Extra- them to be executed.
Territorial Service (P-I-P-O)
NOTE: The Central Authority may decline the
1. With leave of court served outside the request for service if it does not comply with the
Philippines by Personal service; provisions of the Hague Service Convention, or
when compliance with the request would infringe
2. As provided for in International conventions to upon its sovereignty or security.
which the Philippines is a party;
The Office of the Court Administrator (OCA) is
3. With leave of court served by Publication in a designated as the Central Authority in the
newspaper of general circulation, in which case Philippines for judicial documents for purposes of
a copy of the summons and order of court must Art. 2 of the Hague Service Convention (Per SC
also be sent by registered mail to the last known Resolution dated 04 Dec. 2018).
address of defendant (2008 BAR); or
NOTE: For extrajudicial documents, the Central
4. Any Other manner the court may deem Authority is the Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
sufficient. (Sec. 17, Rule 14, ROC, as amended) thus, not covered by these guidelines.

Hague Service Convention Scope of the Guidelines

One international convention by which service of The Guidelines shall govern the operation and
summons in cases of extra-territorial service may implementation of the Hague Service Convention in
be effected is The Convention on the Service the Philippines, insofar as they concern judicial
Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents documents in civil or commercial matters.
in Civil or Commercial Matters, also known as
the Hague Service Convention, which was Application of the Hague Service Convention
concluded on November 15, 1965. It:
1. Establishes a streamlined transmission of The Hague Service Convention shall apply in the
judicial and extrajudicial documents from one Philippines, provided the following conditions are
State party to another; present:
2. Provides transnational litigants with methods
for the service of documents abroad; 1. A document is to be transmitted from one State
3. Simplifies and expedites the service of Party for service to another State Party;
documents abroad; and 2. The address of the intended recipient in the
4. Guarantees that service will be brought to the receiving State Party is known;
notice of the recipient in sufficient time. 3. The document to be served is a judicial
document; and
In relation thereto, the Supreme Court promulgated 4. The document to be served relates to a civil or
Administrative Order No. 251-2020 or the commercial matter.
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Hague




Outbound Request for Service 8. PROOF OF SERVICE

Upon motion for leave of court of a party in a civil or Proof of Service

commercial proceeding, the court shall determine
whether extraterritorial service through the Hague 1. Be made in writing by the server;
Service Convention is necessary, in accordance with 2. Set forth the manner, place, and date of service;
Rules 13 and 14 of the Rules of Court, as amended. 3. Specify any papers which have been served
with the same;
If the court finds that extraterritorial service under 4. Be sworn to when made by a person other than
the Hague Service Convention is warranted, it shall a sheriff or his deputy; and
issue an Order to that effect. 5. If served by electronic mail, a printout of said e-
mail with a copy of summons, and affidavit of
Once all the requirements are submitted by the the person mailing. (Sec. 21, Rule 14, ROC, as
party requesting the extraterritorial service amended)
through the Hague Service Convention, the court
shall coordinate with the Central Authority of the NOTE: Absence in the sheriff’s return of a statement
Requested State and transmit the following: about the impossibility of personal service is not
conclusive proof that the service is invalid. The
1. The Order granting the extraterritorial service; plaintiff may submit proof of prior attempts at
2. The filled-out Request and Summary of personal service during the hearing of any incident
Document to be Served with Warning; assailing the validity of the substituted service. Also,
3. The blank Certificate (to be completed by the the impossibility of service may be established by
Central Authority of the Requested State); evidence.
4. The documents sought to be served; and
5. Certified translations of the Model Form and all Proof of Service by Publication
accompanying documents, where necessary.
1. Affidavit of the publisher, editor business or
Inbound Request for Service advertising manager, to which affidavit a copy
of the publication shall be attached; and
The Forwarding Authority of the Requesting State 2. Affidavit showing the deposit of a copy of the
from which the documents originated shall transmit summons and order for publication in the post
the request, together with all the documents, office, postage prepaid, directed to the
including proof of payment, to the OCA. defendant by registered mail to his or her last
known address. (Sec. 22, Rule 14, ROC, as
Should the request, upon evaluation of the OCA, fails amended)
to comply with any of the above-mentioned
requirements, or there are objections for the
execution of the request, the OCA shall inform the
Forwarding Authority, specifying the objection/s
(RULE 15)
thereto. If the objections are resolved, the
processing of the request shall proceed. Otherwise,
the request shall be denied, and all documents
relating thereto shall be returned to the Forwarding 1. IN GENERAL
Authority, along with a notice of objection or denial,
stating the reasons therefor. Definition of a Motion

When the request is sufficient in form, the OCA shall It is an application for relief other than by a
forward the request to the court having jurisdiction pleading. (Sec. 1, Rule 15, ROC, as amended) (2007
over the area where the intended recipient resides. BAR)




2. NON-LITIGIOUS MOTIONS 1. Personal service;

2. Accredited private courier;
Motions which the court may act upon without 3. Registered mail; or
prejudicing the rights of adverse parties. These 4. Electronic means so as to ensure their receipt
motions shall not be set for hearing and shall be by the other party. (Sec. 5(c), Rule 15, ROC, as
resolved by the court within five (5) calendar days amended)
from receipt thereof. (Sec. 4, Rule 15, ROC, as
amended) NOTE: No written motion shall be acted upon by the
court without proof of service thereof. (Sec. 7, Rule
Non-litigious motions include: 15, ROC, as amended)

1. Motion for the issuance of an alias summons; The opposing party shall file his or her opposition to
2. Motion for extension to file answer; a litigious motion within five (5) calendar days from
3. Motion for postponement; receipt thereof. No other submissions shall be
4. Motion for the issuance of a writ of execution; considered by the court in the resolution of the
5. Motion for the issuance of an alias writ of motion.
6. Motion for the issuance of an order directing The motion shall be resolved by the court within
the sheriff to execute the final certificate of sale; fifteen (15) calendar days from its receipt of the
and opposition thereto, or upon expiration of the period
7. Other similar motions. (Ibid) to file such opposition. (Sec. 5(c), Rule 15, ROC, as

Hearing on litigious motions; discretionary

Litigious motions include: The court may, in the exercise of its discretion, and
if deemed necessary for its resolution, call a hearing
1. Motion for bill of particulars; on the motion. Notice of hearing shall be addressed
2. Motion to dismiss; to all parties concerned and shall specify date and
3. Motion for new trial; time of hearing. (Sec. 6, Rule 15, ROC, as amended)
4. Motion for reconsideration;
5. Motion for execution pending appeal;
6. Motion to amend after a responsive pleading
has been filed;
7. Motion to cancel statutory lien; The following motions shall not be allowed: [6M
8. Motion for an order to break in or for writ of (S-P-A-R-E-D)]
9. Motion for intervention; 1. Motion to Suspend proceedings without a
10. Motion for judgment on the pleadings; temporary restraining order or injunction
11. Motion for summary judgment; issued by a higher court;
12. Demurrer to evidence;
13. Motion to declare defendant in default; and 2. Motion for Postponement intended for delay
14. Other similar motions. (Sec. 5(a), Rule 15, ROC,
as amended) XPN: If it is based on:
a. Acts of God
Resolution of Written Motions b. Force Majeure; or
c. Physical inability of the witness to appear
All motions shall be served by: and testify.



NOTE: If the motion is granted based on such now generally prohibited, except the grounds
exceptions, the moving party shall be warned provided herein.
that the presentation of its evidence must still
be terminated on the dates previously agreed Aside from the allowed motion to dismiss on
upon. the grounds enumerated under Sec. 12(a), Rule
15, there are also other grounds for dismissal of
3. Motion to hear Affirmative defenses actions, such as that in Rule 17 (upon notice by
plaintiff; upon motion of plaintiff; due to fault of
REASON: The court shall motu proprio resolve plaintiff) and that in Rule 33 (Demurrer to
the affirmative defenses within thirty (30) evidence, which is, in effect, a motion to
calendar days from the filing of the answer. (Sec. dismiss). (Sec. 12, Rule 15, ROC, as amended)
12(b), Rule 8, ROC, as amended);
NOTE: As to affirmative defenses under Sec. (RULE 12)
5(b), Rule 6, the court may conduct a summary
hearing. Three Options available to the Defendant upon
receipt of the Complaint (B-A-D)
4. Motion for Reconsideration of the court’s action
on the affirmative defenses 1. Filing of a motion for Bill of particulars;
2. Filing of an Answer to the complaint; or
NOTE: Affirmative defenses, if denied, shall not 3. Filing of a motion to Dismiss. (Riano, 2019)
be the subject of a motion for reconsideration
or petition for certiorari, prohibition or Bill of Particulars
mandamus, but may be among the matters to be
raised on appeal after a judgment on the merits. It is a more definite statement consisting of
(Sec. 12(e), Rule 8, ROC, as amended); amplification or more particularized outline of a
pleading and being in the nature of a more specific
5. Motion for Extension of time to file pleadings, allegation of the facts recited in the pleading. (Sec. 3,
affidavits or any other papers; Rule 12; Herrera, 2007)

XPN: A motion for extension to file an answer PURPOSE AND WHEN APPLIED FOR
as provided by Sec. 11, Rule 11; and
Purpose of a Bill of Particulars
6. Motion to Dismiss
Its purpose is to seek an order from the court
XPNs (Grounds): directing the pleader to submit a bill of particulars
which avers matters with “sufficient definiteness or
a. That the court has no jurisdiction over the particularity” to enable the movant to properly
subject matter of the claim; prepare his responsive pleading. In less technical
b. That there is another action pending terms, a function of a bill of particulars is to clarify
between the same parties for the same the allegations in the pleading so an adverse party
cause; and may be informed with certainty of the exact
c. That the cause of action is barred by a prior character of the cause of action or defense. (Riano,
judgment or by the statute of limitations; 2019)

NOTE: The 2019 Amendments to the Rules of NOTE: The purpose of the motion is not to enable
Civil Procedure deleted the entire Rule on the movant to prepare for trial. Where the movant
Motion to Dismiss. Thus, motions to dismiss are is to enable him to prepare for trial, the appropriate
remedy is to avail of the discovery procedures from




Rules 23 to 29 and even of a pretrial under Rule 18. When Bill of Particulars is Improper (2003 BAR)
(Riano, 2019)
1. Specified with particularity;
Motion for a Bill of Particulars; when Available 2. Within party’s knowledge;
(2003 BAR) 3. Irrelevant to allegations of complaint; or
4. More properly ascertainable by discovery.
Before responding to a pleading, a party may move (Herrera, 2007)
for a definite statement or for a bill of particulars of
any matter which is not averred with sufficient Filing of Bill of Particulars
definiteness or particularity to enable him or her
properly to prepare his or her responsive pleading. It may be filed either through a separate or an
If the pleading is a reply, the motion must be filed amended pleading. (Sec. 3, Rule 12, ROC, as
within ten (10) calendar days from service thereof. amended)
(Sec. 1, Rule 12, ROC, as amended)
Who can avail of Motion for Bill of Particulars
Instances when a Bill of Particulars is Allowed:
Both parties can avail of the Motion for Bill of
1. When the allegations are indefinite and Particulars. It is a motion that applies to any
uncertain that the nature cannot be understood pleading which in the perception of the movant
therefrom; contains matters which are not alleged with
sufficient definiteness or particularity. (Riano,
2. When the allegations are so vague that they do 2019)
not appear therefrom in what capacity a party
sues or is issued; Requirements of Bill of Particulars

3. When the allegations are uncertain as to time, Aside from the requirements for a motion as set
place, quantity, title, person, or any other forth in Rule 15, the motion shall point out:
matter required to be pleaded with certainty;
1. The defects complained of;
4. When the allegations are faulty in duplication, 2. The paragraphs wherein they are contained;
setting out two grounds for a single claim; and
3. The details desired. (Sec. 1, Rule 12, ROC, as
5. When denials are so indefinite and uncertain amended)
that it cannot be understood what is denied and
what is admitted; Action of The Court (2008 Bar)

6. Particulars of details of computation of bank The court may either:

account were allowed; technicalities are
frowned upon; or 1. Deny it outright;
2. Grant it outright; or
7. Conclusions of law – deceit, machination, false 3. Allow the parties the opportunity to be heard.
pretenses, misrepresentations and threats are (Sec. 2, Rule 12)
conclusions of law and mere allegations thereof
without a statement of the facts to which such
terms have references are not sufficient.
(Herrera, 2007)



COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDER particulars, can the trial judge dismiss the
AND EFFECT OF NON-COMPLIANCE case if the plaintiff does not comply with the
order? (2008 BAR)
Motion granted
If the motion is granted, either in whole or in part, it 1. NO. Sec. 2, Rule 12 authorizes the court to either
must be effected within ten (10) calendar days from deny or grant said motion outright or allow the
notice of the order, unless a different period is fixed parties an opportunity to be heard. The court is
by the court. The bill of particulars or a more not mandated to conduct a hearing.
definite statement ordered by the court may be filed
in a separate or in an amended pleading, serving a 2. YES. Sec. 4, Rule 12 authorizes the court to
copy thereof on the adverse party. (Sec. 3, Rule 12, order the striking out of the pleading affected,
ROC, as amended) hence the dismissal of the complaint. To the
same end is the provision of Sec. 3, Rule 17
Non-Compliance with the Order of a Bill of when the plaintiff fails to comply for no
Particulars justifiable cause with any order of the court or
with the Rules.
1. If the order is not obeyed or in case of
insufficient compliance therewith, the court: EFFECT ON THE PERIOD TO FILE
a. May order the striking out of the pleading
or the portion thereof to which the order is After service of the bill of particulars or of a more
directed; or definite pleading, or after notice of denial of his or
b. Make such order as it may deem just. (Sec. her motion, the moving party may file his or her
4, Rule 12, ROC, as amended) responsive pleading within the period to which he
or her was entitled at the time of filing his or her
2. If plaintiff is disobedient, his or her complaint motion, which shall not be less than five (5)
will be stricken off and dismissed (Sec. 3, Rule calendar days in any event. (Sec. 5, Rule 12, ROC, as
17, ROC, as amended); amended)
3. If defendant is disobedient, his answer will be
stricken off and his counterclaim dismissed,
and he will be declared in default upon motion
of the plaintiff. (Sec. 4, Rule 17; Sec. 3, Rule 9,
ROC, as amended) (2003, 2008 BAR)

Q: Within the period for filing a responsive

pleading, the defendant filed a motion for a bill
of particulars that he set for hearing on a certain
date. However, the defendant was surprised to
find on the date set for hearing that the trial
court had already denied the motion on the day
of its filing, stating that the allegations of the
complaint were sufficiently made.

1. Did the judge gravely abuse his discretion in

acting on the motion without waiting for the
hearing set for the motion?
2. If the judge grants the motion and orders the
plaintiff to file and serve the bill of



examine and to object to the
admissibility of evidence.
It is a matter of right.

GR: A dismissal without prejudice

i.e., the complaint can be re-filed

A matter of discretion upon the
1. The notice of dismissal by the
court. A complaint shall not be
plaintiff provides that the
dismissed at the plaintiff's
dismissal is with prejudice; or
instance save upon approval of
2. The plaintiff has once
the court and upon such terms
dismissed in a competent
and conditions as the court deems
court an action based on or
proper. (Sec. 2, Rule 17, ROC, as
including the same claim
amended) (2010 BAR)
(Two-Dismissal Rule) (Sec. 1,
Rule 17, ROC, as amended). Matter of evidence.
GR: It is a dismissal without
3. Even where the notice of
dismissal does not provide GR: Dismissal is with prejudice
that it is with prejudice but it because it has an effect of an
XPN: If the order of dismissal
is premised on the fact of adjudication on the merits.
specifies that it is with prejudice.
payment by the defendant of
(Sec. 2, Rule 17, ROC, as amended)
the claim involved (Serrano v. XPN: Unless otherwise declared by
Cabrera, G.R. No. L-5189, 21 the court. (Sec. 3, Rule 17, ROC, as
NOTE: A class suit shall not be
Sept. 1953) amended)
dismissed or compromised
without the approval of the court.
NOTE: The dismissal as a matter
of right ceases when an answer or
If a counterclaim has been
a motion for summary judgment
pleaded by a defendant prior to
is served on the plaintiff and not
the service upon him of the
when the answer or motion is
plaintiff's motion for dismissal,
filed with the court. Thus, if a
the dismissal shall be limited to
notice of dismissal is filed by the
the complaint.
plaintiff even after an answer has
been filed in court but before the
responsive pleading has been
served on the plaintiff, the notice
of dismissal is still a matter of
GR: It is without prejudice to the
right of defendant to prosecute
Dismissal upon motion of the
his counterclaim in a separate
defendant or upon the court's own
Since there is no answer yet filed action.
motion is without prejudice to the
by the adverse party, no
right of the defendant to prosecute
counterclaim is recoverable. XPN: Unless within fifteen (15)
his counterclaim on the same or
calendar days from notice of the
separate action.
motion he manifests his
preference to have his




counterclaim resolved in the
same action.

NOTE: Failure of the plaintiff to appear at the pre-trial when so required shall cause for the dismissal of the
action. (Suico Industrial Corp. v. Lagura-Yap, G.R. No. 177711, 05 Sept. 2012



a. Mark their respective evidence if not yet
K. PRE-TRIAL marked in the judicial affidavits of their
(RULE 18) witnesses;
b. Examine and make comparisons of the
adverse parties evidence vis-à-vis the
copies to be marked;
c. Manifest for the record stipulations
regarding the faithfulness of the
Nature of Pre-Trial
reproductions and the genuineness and
due execution of the adverse parties’
It is mandatory and should be terminated promptly.
(Sec. 2, Rule 18, ROC, as amended)
d. Reserve evidence not available at the pre-
trial, but only in the following manner:
It is not a mere technicality in court proceedings for
it serves a vital objective: the simplification,
i. For testimonial evidence, by giving
abbreviation, and expedition of the trial, if not
the name or position and the nature of
indeed its dispensation. (The Philippine American
the testimony of the proposed
Life & General Insurance Co. v. Enario, G.R. No.
182075, 15 Sept. 2010)
ii. For documentary evidence and other
object evidence, by giving a particular
Pre-Trial Conference
description of the evidence.

During the pre-trial, the judge shall be the one to ask

NOTE: No reservation shall be
questions on issues raised by the parties and all
allowed if not made in the manner
questions or comments by counsel or parties must
described above.
be directed to the judge. The purpose of this is to
avoid hostilities between the parties. (A.M. No. 03-1-
8. Such other matters as may aid in the prompt
09-SC, July 13, 2004)
disposition of the action. (Sec. 2, Rule 18, ROC, as
Purposes of Pre-Trial

The court shall consider the following purposes: 2. APPEARANCE OF PARTIES;

1. Possibility of an amicable settlement or of a
submission to alternative modes of dispute It shall be the duty of the parties and their counsel
resolution; to appear at:
2. Simplification of the issues; a. Pre-trial,
3. Possibility of obtaining stipulations or b. Court-annexed mediation, and
admissions of facts and of documents to avoid c. Judicial dispute resolution, if necessary.
unnecessary proof; (Sec. 4, Rule 18, ROC, as amended)
4. Limitation of the number and identification of
witnesses and the setting of trial dates; NOTE: Both parties and their counsel are required
5. Advisability of a preliminary reference of issues to attend. Appearance of either only the party or his
to a commissioner; counsel counts as non-appearance, unless:
6. Propriety of rendering judgment on the
pleadings, or summary judgment, or of Excused Non-appearance
dismissing the action should a valid ground
therefore be found to exist; Appearance of a party and counsel may only
7. The requirement for the parties to: be excused for:
a. Acts of God,




b. Force majeure, or It shall be deemed a waiver of the presentation of
c. Duly substantiated physical inability. (Sec. such evidence. (Ibid.)
4, Rule 18, ROC, as amended)
Appearance by Representative EFFECT OF FAILURE TO FILE

A representative may appear on behalf of a party, When Filed

but must be fully authorized in writing:
a. To enter into an amicable settlement, The parties shall file their respective pre-trial briefs
b. To submit to alternative modes of dispute in such a manner as shall ensure their receipt
resolution, and thereof at least three (3) calendar days before the
d. To enter into stipulations or admissions of date of the pre-trial. (Sec. 6, Rule 18, ROC, as
facts and documents. (Sec. 4, Rule 18, ROC, amended)
as amended)
Contents of a Pre-Trial brief
NOTE: It is not sufficient for the written authority to
give to the representative the power to enter into 1. A concise statement of the case and the reliefs
one of the matters mentioned in Sec. 4 of Rule 18, as prayed for;
when the only authority granted is to enter into an 2. A summary of admitted facts and proposed
amicable settlement. The authority must also confer stipulation of facts;
upon the representative the power to enter into 3. The main factual and legal issues to be tried or
alternative modes of dispute resolution and resolved;
stipulations and admissions of fact. An incomplete 4. The propriety of referral of factual issues to
authority does not satisfy the requirements of the commissioners;
Rules and should be deemed the equivalent of 5. The documents or other object evidence to be
having no authority at all. (Riano, 2011) marked, stating the purpose thereof;
6. The names of the witnesses, and the summary
Moreover, only the authorization is required in of their respective testimonies; and
order for a representative to appear on behalf of a 7. A brief statement of points of law and citation of
party. A ground for excused non-appearance need authorities. (Sec. 6, Rule 18, ROC, as amended)
not concur with the written authorization in order
to allow a representative to appear on behalf of the NOTE: The parties are bound by the
party. representations and statements in their respective
pre-trial briefs. (A.M. 03-1-09-SC, 13 July 2004)
The written authorization must be in the form of a Hence, such representations and statements are in
special power of attorney as authority to enter into the nature of judicial admissions in relation to Sec.
amicable settlement must be in such form (Sec. 23, 4, Rule 129.
Rule 138, ROC, as amended; Art. 1878(3), NCC)
Effect of Failure to File a Pre-Trial Brief
Effect of Failure of a Party and Counsel to Appear
without Just Cause despite Notice It shall have the same effect as failure to appear at
the pre-trial. (Sec. 6, Rule 18, ROC, as amended)
It shall result in a waiver of any objections to the
faithfulness of the reproductions marked, or their 1. If plaintiff fails to file a pre-trial brief – such
genuineness and due execution. (Ibid.) failure shall be a cause for dismissal of the
Effect of Failure without Just Cause of a Party
and Counsel to Bring the Evidence Required 2. If defendant fails to do so – such failure shall
be a cause to allow the plaintiff to present his



evidence ex parte. (Sec. 5, Rule 18, ROC, as were missing. In a Decision, the cadastral court
amended) directed the issuance of new owner’s duplicate
copies of TCT Nos. T-27844 and T-26828.

L INTERVENTION Sps. Constantino allegedly purchased the lots

(RULE 19) covered by TCT Nos. T-26828 and T- 27844 from
Ceazar Cu Benitez (Ceazar) who is the son of
Romeo and Lolita Cu (Lolita), both deceased.
Intervention is a remedy by which a third party, not After the purchase of the subject lots, Sps.
originally impleaded in the proceedings, becomes a Constantino learned about the Decision of the
litigant therein to enable him or her or it to protect cadastral court. Sps. Constantino filed a petition
or preserve a right or interest which may be affected for annulment of judgment of the Decision of the
by such proceedings. It is a proceeding in a suit or cadastral court. The Sps. Constantino also filed a
action by which third person is permitted by the Motion for Intervention in the intestate court.
court to make himself a party, either joining the The CA opined that filing a motion for
plaintiff in claiming what is sought by the complaint, intervention was the wrong remedy. For the CA,
or uniting with the defendant in resisting the claims Sps. Constantino should have filed a petition for
of the plaintiff, or demanding something adverse relief from judgment under Section 3, Rule 38 of
from both of them. (Mactan-Cebu International the Rules within 60 days from learning of the
Airport Authority v. Heirs of Minoza, G.R. No. 186045, judgment, final order, or other proceeding to be
02 Feb. 2011) set aside, but not more than six months after
such judgment or final order was entered, or
In claiming the right to intervene, the intervenor such proceeding was taken.
must comply with the requirements laid down by
Rule 19 of the Rules of Court. (Office of the Did the Sps. Constantino correctly avail of the
Ombudsman v. Samaniego, G.R. No. 175573, 11 Sept. proper remedy when it filed a Motion for
2008) Intervention?

NOTE: Intervention is merely optional and A: NO. The remedy availed of by the Sps.
permissive. (Mabayo Farms, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. Constantino is erroneous and cannot be given due
140058, 01 Aug. 2002) Hence, the court has the full course.
measure of discretion in permitting or disallowing
the same. (Yau v. Manila Banking Corporation, G.R. Intervention is not an absolute right and may be
No. 126731, 11 July 2002) secured only in accordance with the Rules.
Noticeably, Sps. Constantino filed their motion for
Q: Alejandria Benitez filed a petition for the intervention more than two years from the date the
settlement, division, and partition of the Decision of the RTC of Batac granting the petition for
intestate estate of her husband Romeo Benitez the settlement of Romeo's intestate estate became
before the RTC of Batac, Ilocos Norte. Romeo left final and executory.
several real estate properties including
properties located in Laoag City such as Lot No. In exceptional cases, the Court has previously
9398-B, and Lot No. 9400-C, covered by T-27844 relaxed the rules on the timeliness of filing an
and T-26828, respectively. intervention. The permissive tenor of the provision
on intervention shows the intention of the Rules to
Meanwhile, Alejandria and Analiza filed a afford the court full discretion in permitting or
petition for the issuance of new owner's disallowing it. However, this discretion should be
duplicate copies of TCT Nos. T-27844 and T- exercised judiciously and only after consideration of
26828 in the RTC of Laoag City, Branch 65 all the circumstances obtaining in the case. Here,
(cadastral court) claiming that said documents



3. Intervention will not unduly delay or prejudice Procedure for Intervention
the adjudication of the rights of original parties;
and 1. The intervenor shall file a motion for
4. Intervenor’s rights may not be fully protected in intervention attaching thereto his pleading-in-
a separate proceeding. (Mabayo Farms, Inc. v. intervention. The following are the pleadings to
CA, G.R. No. 140058, 01 Aug. 2002) be filed depending upon the purpose of the
NOTE: It is recognized that a judgment creditor who
has reduced his claim to judgment may be allowed a. If the purpose is to assert a claim against
to intervene and a purchaser who acquires an either or all of the original parties – The
interest in property upon which an attachment has pleading shall be called a complaint-in-
been levied may intervene in the underlying action intervention.
in which the writ of attachment was issued for the
purpose of challenging the attachment. (Yau v. b. If the pleading seeks to unite with the
Manila Banking Corp, G.R. No. 126731, 11 July 2002) defending party in resisting a claim
against the latter – File an answer-in-
Intervention is NOT an Independent Proceeding intervention. (Sec. 3, Rule 19, ROC, as
(2000 BAR) amended)

It is not an independent proceeding but is ancillary 2. The motion and the pleading shall be served
and supplemental to an existing litigation. (Saw v. upon the original parties.
CA, G.R. No. 90580, 08 Apr. 1991)
3. The answer to the complaint-in-intervention
Its purpose is to enable a stranger to an action to shall be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days
become a party to protect his interest. (Santiago from notice of the order admitting the same,
Land Development Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. unless a different period is fixed by the courts.
106194, 07 Aug. 1997) (Sec. 4, Rule 19, ROC, as amended)

NOTE: Denial of a motion to intervene does not NOTE: A change in theory of the defense is not a
constitute res judicata. The remedy of the proper intervention. Intervention should not alter
intervenor is to file a separate action. the theory of both parties.

Intervention cannot Alter Nature of Action Intervention may be Allowed after Judgment has
(2011 BAR) been Rendered by the Court

An intervention cannot alter the nature of the GR: After rendition of judgment, a motion to
action, and the issues are already joined. (Castro v. intervene is barred, even if the judgment itself
David, G.R. No. L-8508, 29 Nov. 1956) recognizes the right of the movant. The motion to
intervene must be filed at any time before rendition
Period to Intervene of judgment by the trial court. (Sec. 2, Rule 19, ROC,
as amended) Hence, intervention after trial and
The motion to intervene may be filed any time decision can no longer be permitted. (Yau v. Manila
before rendition of judgment by the trial court. A Banking Corporation, G.R. No. 126731, 11 July, 2002)
copy of the pleading-in-intervention shall be
attached to the motion and served on the original XPNs: Although Rule 19 is explicit on the period
parties. (Sec. 2, Rule 19, ROC, as amended) when a motion to intervene may be filed, the
Supreme Court allowed exceptions in several cases
(Rodriguez v. CA, G.R. No. 184589, 13 June, 2013),
such as:



control of the person to Subpoena to a Prisoner
whom it is directed.
(Sec 1, Rule 21, ROC, as The judge or officer shall examine and study
amended) carefully such application to determine whether the
May be served to a Served on the same is made for a valid purpose. No prisoner
non-party. (Sec. 1, Rule defendant. (Sec. 2, Rule sentenced to death, reclusion perpetua or life
21, ROC, as amended) 14, ROC, as amended) imprisonment and who is confined in any penal
Needs tender of institution shall be brought outside the said penal
kilometrage, institution for appearance or attendance in any
attendance fee and Does not need tender court unless authorized by the SC. (Ibid.)
reasonable cost of of kilometrage and
production fee. (Sec. 6, other fees. Form and Contents of Subpoena
Rule 21, ROC, as
amended) The subpoena shall be directed to the person whose
attendance is required. It shall state the following:
When a Party may apply for the Issuance of
Subpoena Ad Testificandum or Duces Tecum 1. The name of the court;
2. The title of the action or investigation,
If the government employee or official, or the 3. A reasonable description of the books,
requested witness, who is neither the (a) witness of documents or things demanded, in case of a
the adverse party nor a (b) hostile witness: subpoena duces tecum. (Sec. 3, Rule 21, ROC, as
1. Unjustifiably declines to execute a judicial
affidavit; or Rule on Subpoena for Depositions
2. Refuses without just cause to make the relevant
books, documents, or other things under his Proof of service of notice to take a deposition, as
control available for copying, authentication, provided in Secs. 15 and 25, Rule 23, shall constitute
and eventual production in court. sufficient authorization for the issuance of
subpoenas for the persons named in said notice by
NOTE: The rules governing the issuance of a the clerk of the court of the place in which the
subpoena to the witness in this case shall be the deposition is to be taken. The clerk shall not,
same as when taking his deposition except that the however, issue a subpoena duces tecum to any such
taking of a judicial affidavit shall be understood to person without an order of the court. (Sec. 5, Rule 21,
be ex parte. (Sec. 5, A.M. No. 12-8-8-SC or the Judicial ROC, as amended)
Affidavit Rule)
Service of Subpoena
The Subpoena may be issued by any of the
following: It shall be made in the same manner as personal or
substituted service of summons.
1. The court before whom the witness is required
to attend; The original shall be exhibited and a copy thereof
2. The court of the place where the deposition is delivered to the person on whom it is served.
to be taken;
3. The officer or body authorized by law to do so Costs for court attendance and production of
in connection with investigations conducted by documents subject of the subpoena shall be
said officer or body; or tendered or charged accordingly. (Sec. 6, Rule 21,
4. Any Justice of the SC or of the CA in any case or ROC, as amended)
investigation pending within the Philippines.
(Sec. 2, Rule 21, ROC, as amended) Rationale for Service of Subpoena




The service must be made to allow the witness 3. If the person in whose behalf the subpoena is
reasonable time for preparation and travel to the issued fails to advance the reasonable cost of
place of attendance. (Ibid.) the production thereof (Sec. 4, Rule 21, ROC, as
amended); or
Personal Appearance in Court 4. That the witness fees and kilometrage allowed
by the Rules were not tendered when the
A person present in court before a judicial officer subpoena was served.
may be required to testify as if he or she were in
attendance upon a subpoena issued by such court or Grounds in Subpoena Ad Testificandum:
officer. (Sec. 7, Rule 21, ROC, as amended)
1. That the witness is not bound thereby; or
Effect of Failure to Comply with Subpoena 2. That the witness fees and kilometrage allowed
by the Rules were not tendered when the
GR: The court or judge which issued the subpoena, subpoena was served. (Sec. 4, Rule 21, ROC, as
upon proof of the service thereof and of the failure amended)
of the witness, may issue a warrant for the arrest of
the witness and require him or her to pay the cost of
such warrant and seizure, if the court should N. COMPUTATION OF TIME
determine that his disobedience was willful and (RULE 22)
without just cause.

The refusal to obey a subpoena without adequate Rule on Computation of Time

cause shall be deemed contempt of the court issuing
it. If the subpoena was not issued by a court, The day of the act or the event from which the
disobedience thereto shall be punished in designated period begins to run is to be excluded
accordance with the applicable law or Rule. (Secs. 8 and the date of performance included. If the last day
and 9, Rule 21, ROC, as amended) falls on a Saturday, or a Sunday, or a legal holiday, in
the place where the court sits, the time shall not run
XPNs: until the next working day.
1. Viatory right – where the witness resides more
than 100 kms. from his or her residence to the The rule applies in computing any period
place where he or she is to testify by the prescribed or allowed by the Rules, or by order of
ordinary course of travel; or the court or by any applicable statute. (Sec. 1, Rule
2. When the permission of the court in which the 22, ROC, as amended)
detention prisoner’s case is pending was not
obtained. (Sec. 10, Rule 21, ROC, as amended) Applicability of Art. 13 of the Civil Code
(2009 BAR)
When the law speaks of years, months, days or
QUASHING OF SUBPOENA nights, it shall be understood that years are of three
hundred sixty-five (365) days; days of twenty-four
Grounds in Subpoena Duces Tecum: (24) hours; and nights from sunsets to sunrise.

Upon motion promptly made and, in any event, at or If months are designated by names, they shall be
before the time specified therein: computed by the number of days which they
respectively have.
1. If it is unreasonable and oppressive;
2. The relevancy of the books, documents or In computing a period, the first day shall be
things does not appear; excluded and the last day included.



Pretermission of Holidays Calendar Month

It is the rule which states that the exclusion of such It is a month designated in the calendar without
holidays in the computation of the period, whenever regard to the number of days it may contain. It is the
the first two rules of Section 1 are present. period of time running from the beginning of a
certain number of days up to, but not including, the
It does not apply to: corresponding numbered day of the next month,
then up to and including the last day of that month.
1. Those provided in the contract;
2. A specific date set for a court hearing or Effect of Interruption
foreclosure of sale; and
3. Prescriptive period (not reglementary) Should an act be done which effectively interrupts
provided by the Revised Penal Code. the running of the period, the allowable period after
Accordingly, in criminal cases the court cannot such interruption shall start to run on the day after
lengthen the period fixed by law to prosecute the notice of the cessation of the cause thereof. (Sec.
the offender. The waiver or loss of the right to 2, Rule 22, ROC, as amended)
prosecute is automatic and by operation of law.
Where the last day to file an information falls on The day of the act that caused the interruption shall
a Sunday or legal holiday, the period cannot be be excluded in the computation of the period.
extended up to the next working day since
prescription has already set in. The event referred to would include force majeure,
fortuitous events or calamities.
It shall apply to:

1. A pleading filed on the last day of the

reglementary period but after office hours is
still considered as seasonably filed if duly
mailed; and
2. Period of redemption of real properties sold at
execution sale, thus, the redemption period is
actually 360 days.

Where the last day of doing any act required or

permitted by law falls on a Saturday, a Sunday or a
legal holiday in the place where the courts sits, the
time shall not run until the next working day.

Reckoning of 15-day Extension

It should be tacked on the original period and

commence immediately after the expiration of such

NOTE: Any extension of time to file the required

pleading should be counted from the expiration of
the period regardless of the fact that the said due
date is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. (Luz v.
National Amnesty Commission, G.R. No. 159708, 24
Sept. 2004)




through the OSG, filed a “Motion for Leave of suppletorily in criminal proceedings so long as
Court to Take the Testimony of Complainant there is a compelling reason. (Ibid.)
Mary Jane Veloso by Deposition Upon Written
Interrogatories under Rule 23 of the Rules of Effect of Substitution of Parties
It does not affect the right to use depositions
Cristina and Julius objected to the motion previously taken; and when an action has been
asserting that such method of taking testimony dismissed and another action involving the same
will violate their right to confront the witness, subject is afterward brought between the same
Mary Jane, and that depositions under Rules 23 parties or their representatives or successors-in-
is limited only in civil cases. Can Mary Jane interest, all depositions lawfully taken and duly filed
Veloso, who was sentenced to death by the in the former action may be used in the latter as if
Indonesian Government and who is presently originally taken therefor. (Sec. 5, Rule 23, ROC, as
confined in a prison facility in Indonesia, testify amended)
by way of deposition without violating the
constitutional right to confrontation of a witness Effect of taking Depositions
by the accused?
A party shall not be deemed to make a person his or
A. YES. It is true that Cristina and Julius have no her own witness for any purpose by taking his or
opportunity to confront Mary Jane face to face in her deposition. (Sec. 7, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
light of the prevailing circumstance. However, the
terms and conditions laid down by the trial court Effect of using Depositions
ensure that they are given ample opportunity to
cross-examine Mary Jane by way of written GR: The introduction in evidence of the deposition,
interrogatories so as not to defeat the first purpose or any part thereof, makes the deponent the witness
of their constitutional right. In this case, the trial of the party introducing the deposition. (Sec. 8, Rule
court required Cristina and Julius, through their 23, ROC, as amended)
counsel, to file their comment and may raise XPN: Introduction of deposition does not make the
objections to the proposed questions in the written deponent his or her witness:
interrogatories submitted by the prosecution. The
trial court judge shall promptly rule on the 1. If the deposition is used for impeaching or
objections. Thereafter, only the final questions contradicting the deponent (Sec. 8, Rule 23, ROC,
would be asked by the Consul of the Philippines in as amended); or
Indonesia or his designated representative. Also, 2. If the adverse party uses the deposition of the
the trial court judge will be present during the other party (Sec. 4(b), Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
conduct of written interrogatories on Mary Jane.
This will give her ample opportunity to observe and Rebutting a Deposition
to examine the demeanor of the witness closely.
Although the deposition is in writing, the trial court At the trial or hearing, any party may rebut any
judge can still carefully perceive the reaction and relevant evidence contained in a deposition
deportment of Mary Jane as she answers each whether introduced by him or her or by any other
question propounded to her both by the party. (Sec. 9, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
prosecution and the defense. (People v. Sergio, G.R.
No. 240053, 09 Oct. 2019, J. Hernando) Persons before whom Deposition may be taken

NOTE: Although the rule on deposition by written 1. If within the Philippines

interrogatories is inscribed under Rule 23 of the a. Any Judge;
Rules on Civil Procedure, it may be applied b. Notary public (Sec. 10, Rule 23, ROC, as
amended); or




Leave of court is not required when the deposition he or she belongs (Sec. 15, Rule 23, ROC, as
is to be taken before a secretary of embassy or amended).
legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul or
consular agent of the Republic of the Philippines NOTE: On motion of any party upon whom the
and the defendant’s answer has already been notice is served, the court may for cause shown
served. However, if the deposition is to be taken in a enlarge or shorten the time. (Ibid.)
foreign country where the Philippines has no
secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, Orders for the Protection of Parties and
consul, vice-consul or consular agent, it may be Deponents
taken only before such person or officer as may be
appointed by commission or under letters rogatory. After notice is served for taking a deposition by oral
(Dulay v. Dulay, G.R. No. 158857, 11 Nov. 2005) examination, upon motion seasonably made by any
party or by the person to be examined and for good
Disqualifications of a Deposition Officer cause shown, the court in which the action is
pending may make any of the following orders for
1. One who is related to the deponent within the the protection of parties and deponents:
6th degree of consanguinity or affinity;
2. An employee or attorney of one of the parties; 1. That the deposition shall not be taken;
3. One who is related to the attorney of the 2. That it may be taken only at some designated
deponent within the same degree or employee place other than that stated in the notice;
of such attorney; and 3. That it may be taken only on written
4. One who is financially interested in the action. interrogatories;
(Sec. 13, Rule 23, ROC, as amended) 4. That certain matters shall not be inquired into;
5. That the scope of the examination shall be held
Stipulations regarding taking Depositions with no one present except the parties to the
action and their officers or counsel;
If the parties so stipulate in writing, depositions 6. That after being sealed, the deposition shall be
may be taken before any person authorized to opened only by order of the court;
administer oaths, at any time or place (Sec. 14, Rule 7. Those secret processes, developments,
23, ROC, as amended). However, they may not research need not be closed;
stipulate as to the manner of taking depositions, as 8. That the parties shall simultaneously file
such should be in accordance with the Rules. (Feria specified documents or information enclosed in
& Noche, 2013) sealed envelopes to be opened as directed by
the court; or
Notice of Deposition upon Oral Examination 9. The court may make any other order which
justice requires to protect the party or witness
A party desiring to take the deposition of any person from annoyance, embarrassment, or
upon oral examination shall give reasonable notice oppression. (Sec. 16, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
in writing to every other party to the action. (Sec. 15,
Rule 23, ROC, as amended) Certain Guidelines for Oral Depositions

Contents of the Notice 1. The officer before whom the deposition is taken
shall put the witness on oath;
It shall state the time and place for taking the 2. The officer shall personally, or by someone
deposition and the name and address of each person acting under his direction and in his presence,
to be examined, if known, and if the name is not record the testimony of the witness;
known, a general description sufficient to identify 3. The testimony shall be taken stenographically
him or her or the particular class or group to which unless the parties agree otherwise;



4. All objections made at the time of the Signing Deposition
examination as to the:
GR: The deposition shall be signed by the witness.
a. qualifications of the officer taking the XPNs:
deposition; 1. Parties by stipulation waive the signing;
b. manner of taking it; 2. Witness is ill;
c. conduct of any party; 3. Witness cannot be found; or
d. any other objection to the proceedings shall 4. Witness refuses to sign (Sec. 19, Rule 23, ROC, as
be noted; amended)

5. Evidence objected to shall be taken but subject NOTE: If the witness does not sign the deposition,
to the objections. the officer shall sign it and state on the record the
fact of the waiver or of the illness or absence of the
NOTE: A deposition officer has no authority to rule witness or the fact of refusal to sign together with
on the objection. Evidence objected to shall be taken the reason given therefor, if any, and the deposition
subject to the objection, which will be ruled upon by may then be used as fully as though signed, unless
the court when the deposition is offered in evidence. on a motion to suppress under Sec. 29(f), Rule 23,
(Feria & Noche, 2013) the court holds that the reasons given for the refusal
to sign require rejection of the deposition in whole
Option of parties in lieu of participating in the or in part. (Sec. 19, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
oral examination
Deposition upon Written Interrogatories
In lieu of participating in the oral examination,
parties served with notice of taking a deposition A party desiring to take the deposition of any person
may transmit written interrogatories to the officers, upon written interrogatories shall serve them upon
who shall propound them to the witness and record every other party with a notice stating the name and
the answers verbatim. (Sec. 17, Rule 23, ROC, as address of the person who is to answer them and
amended) the name or descriptive title and address of the
officer before whom the deposition is to be taken.
Submission of the Deposition to the Witness Within ten (10) calendar days thereafter, a party so
served may serve cross-interrogatories upon the
When the testimony is fully transcribed, the party proposing to take the deposition. Within five
deposition shall be submitted to the witness for (5) calendar days thereafter, the latter may serve re-
examination and shall be read to or by him or her, direct interrogatories upon a party who has served
unless such examination and reading are waived by cross-interrogatories. Within three (3) calendar
the witness and by the parties. (Sec. 19, Rule 23, ROC, days after being served with re-direct
as amended) interrogatories, a party may serve recross-
interrogatories upon the party proposing to take the
Changes in the Deposition which the Deponent deposition. (Sec. 25, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
desires to make
NOTE: The duties of the officer under Secs. 17, 19,
Any changes in form or substance which the 20, 21 & 22 of Rule 23 shall also be followed on
deponent desires to make shall be entered upon the deposition upon written interrogatories. (Secs. 26
deposition by the officer with a statement of the and 27, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
reasons given by the witness for making them. (Sec.
19, Rule 23, ROC, as amended) After the service of the interrogatories and prior to
the taking of the testimony of the deponent, the
court, on motion promptly made and for good cause
shown, may make:




1. Any order specified in Sections 15, 16 and 18 of Notices required before taking a Deposition
Rule 23; before Action
2. An order that the deposition shall not be taken
before the officer designated in the notice; or The petitioner shall serve a notice upon each person
3. An order that the deposition shall not be taken named in the petition as an expected adverse party,
except upon oral examination. (Sec. 28, Rule 23, together with a copy of the petition, stating that the
ROC, as amended) petitioner will apply to the court, at a time and place
named therein, for the order described in the
DEPOSITIONS BEFORE ACTION petition. At least twenty (20) calendar days before
OR PENDING APPEAL the date of the hearing, the court shall cause notice
thereof to be served on the parties and prospective
How Taken deponents in the manner provided for service of
summons. (Sec. 3, Rule 24, ROC, as amended)
Any person who wants to perpetuate his or her own
testimony or that of another person regarding any How to take a Deposition pending Appeal
matter that may be cognizable in any court of the
Philippines, may file a verified petition in the court The party who desires to perpetuate the testimony
of the place of residence of any expected adverse may make a motion in the said court for leave to
party. (Sec. 1, Rule 24, ROC, as amended) take the depositions, upon the same notice and
service thereof as if the action was pending therein.
Contents of the Petition
The motion shall state:
The petition shall be entitled in the name of the
petitioner and shall show that: 1. The names and addresses of the persons to be
1. The petitioner expects to be a party to an action 2. The substance of the testimony which he
in a court of the Philippines but is presently expects to elicit from each; and
unable to bring it or cause it to be brought; 3. The reason for perpetuating their testimony
(Sec. 7, Rule 24, ROC, as amended)
2. The subject matter of the expected action and
his or her interest therein; USES; SCOPE OF EXAMINATION

3. The facts which he or she desires to establish by Parties against whom Deposition may be Used
the proposed testimony and his or her reasons
for desiring to perpetuate it; Any part or all of the deposition, so far as admissible
under the rules of evidence, may be used against:
4. The names or a description of the persons he or
she expects will be adverse parties and their 1. Any party who was present or represented at
addresses so far as known; and the taking of the deposition; or
2. One who had due notice of the deposition. (Sec.
5. The names and addresses of the persons to be 4, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
examined and the substance of the testimony
which he or she expects to elicit from each, and Examination and cross-examination of deponents
shall ask for an order authorizing the petitioner may proceed as permitted at the trial under Secs. 3
to take the depositions of the persons to be to 18 of Rule 132. (Sec. 3, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
examined named in the petition for the purpose
of perpetuating their testimony. (Sec. 2, Rule 24,
ROC, as amended)



Uses of Depositions pending Actions prescribed under Rule 23. (Sec. 7, Rule 24, ROC, as
1. Contradicting or impeaching the testimony of
the deponent as a witness; NOTE: The deposition taken under Rule 24 is
2. Any purpose by the adverse party where the admissible in evidence in any action subsequently
deponent is a party or who at the time of taking brought involving the same subject matter. (Sec. 6,
the deposition was an officer, director, or Rule 24, ROC, as amended)
managing agent of a public or private
corporation, partnership, or association which Scope of the Examination of the Deponent
is a party; or
3. Any purpose by any party if the court finds that: Unless otherwise ordered by the court as provided
(D-R-U-S-E) by Sec. 16 or 18, Rule 23, the deponent may be
examined regarding any matter, not privileged,
a. The witness is Dead; which is relevant to the subject of the pending
b. The witness Resides more than 100 kms. action, whether relating to the claim or defense of
from the place of trial or hearing or is out of any other party, including the:
the Philippines. Unless it appears that his
absence was procured by the party offering 1. Existence;
the deposition; 2. Description;
c. The witness is Unable to testify because of 3. Nature;
age, sickness, infirmity or imprisonment; 4. Custody;
d. The party offering the deposition has been 5. Condition;
unable to procure the attendance of the 6. Location of any books, documents, or other
witness by Subpoena; or tangible things; and
e. Upon application and notice, that such 7. The identity and location of persons having
Exceptional circumstances exist as to make knowledge of relevant facts. (Sec. 2, Rule 23,
it desirable in the interest of justice. (Sec. 4, ROC, as amended)
Rule 23)
NOTE: The depositions under Rules 23 and 25 of the
NOTE: If only part of a deposition is offered in Rules of Court are not designed to replace the actual
evidence by a party, the adverse party may testimony of the witness in open court and the use
require him or her to introduce all of it which is thereof is confined only in civil cases. (People v.
relevant to the part introduced, and any party Sergio, G.R. No. 240053, 09 Oct. 2019)
may introduce any other parts. (Sec. 4, Rule 23,
ROC, as amended)
Use of Deposition Pending Appeal TO ADMISSIBILITY BE MADE

Depositions are taken pending appeal with the view Objections to Admissibility
to their being used in the event of further
proceeding in the court of origin or appellate court. Subject to the provisions of Sec. 29, Rule 23,
(Sec. 7, Rule 24, ROC, as amended) objection may be made at the trial or hearing to
receiving in evidence any deposition or part thereof
NOTE: If the court finds that the perpetuation of the for any reason which would require the exclusion of
testimony is proper to avoid a failure or delay of the evidence if the witness were then present and
justice, it may make an order allowing the testifying. (Sec. 6, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
depositions to be taken, and thereupon the
depositions may be taken and used in the same
manner and under the same conditions as are




Effect of Errors and Irregularities in Depositions transmitted, filed, or otherwise dealt with by
as stated under Sec. 29, Rule 23 the officer under Secs. 17, 19, 20 and 26 are
waived unless a motion to suppress the
1. As to notice – All errors and irregularities in the deposition or some part thereof is made with
notice for taking a deposition are waived unless reasonable promptness after such defect is, or
written objection is promptly served upon the with due diligence might have been,
party giving the notice. ascertained. (Sec. 29, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)

2. As to disqualification of officer – Objection to WHEN MAY TAKING OF DEPOSITION

taking a deposition because of disqualification BE TERMINATED OR ITS SCOPE LIMITED
of the officer before whom it is to be taken is
waived unless made before the taking of the Grounds for Termination of Deposition or
deposition begins or as soon thereafter as the limiting the Scope of Examination
disqualification becomes known or could be
discovered with reasonable diligence. The court in which the action is pending or the RTC
of the place where the deposition is being taken may
3. As to competency or relevancy of evidence – order the termination or limit the scope and manner
Objections to the competency of witness or the of the taking of the deposition at any time during the
competency, relevancy, or materiality of taking of the deposition, on motion or petition of
testimony are not waived by failure to make any party or of the deponent, and upon showing that
them before or during the taking of the the examination is conducted in:
deposition, unless the ground, of the objection
is one which might have been obviated or 1. Bad faith;
removed if presented at that time. 2. Such manner as unreasonably to annoy,
embarrass, or oppress the deponent party (Sec.
4. As to oral examination and other particulars 18, Rule 23, ROC, as amended); or
– Errors and irregularities occurring at the oral 3. When the constitutional privilege against self-
examination in the manner of taking the incrimination is invoked by deponent or his
deposition in the form of the questions or counsel.
answers, in the oath or affirmation, or in the
conduct of the parties and errors of any kind NOTE: If the order made terminates the
which might be obviated, removed, or cured if examination, it shall be resumed thereafter only
promptly prosecuted, are waived unless upon the order of the court in which the action is
reasonable objection thereto is made at the pending. Upon demand of the objecting party or
taking of the deposition. deponent, the taking of the deposition shall be
suspended for the time necessary to make a notice
5. As to form of written interrogatories – for an order. In granting or refusing such order, the
Objections to the form of written court may impose upon either party or upon the
interrogatories submitted under Secs. 25 and witness the requirement to pay such costs or
26 are waived unless served in writing upon the expenses as the court may deem reasonable. (Sec.
party propounding them within the time 18, Rule 23, ROC, as amended)
allowed for serving succeeding cross or other
interrogatories and within 3 days after service
of the last interrogatories authorized.

6. As to manner of preparation – Errors and

irregularities in the manner in which the
testimony is transcribed or the deposition is
prepared, signed, certified, sealed, indorsed,



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