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+ 766358001 * UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge Checkpoint CANDIDATE NAME NUMBER NUMBER CENTRE [ CANDIDATE SCIENCE 1113/01 Paper 4 Apri/May 2009 45 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required. READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working, Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid, DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. ‘Answer all questions. You should show all your working in the booklet. ‘The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The total number of marks for this paper is 50. ‘This document consists of 13 printed pages and 3 blank pages. {B09 05,1115, o1aRP UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE ‘© UCLES 2008 international Examinations [Turn over L embed by NS. 349378 1113) PastPapers 2009. _ Success Groups Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint 4 Lev + 766950001 IMMUN 2 7 The diagram shows some apparatus. water flask A flask B Flask A is kept at 40°C and flask B is kept at 5°C. After some time, water forms in flask B. Complete the sentences to explain why this happens using some of the following words. condenses boils diffuse evaporates freezes melts In flask A, water _- Water molecules from flask A to flask B. The water 8) ICLES 2000 ‘nyo VAnW09 | 380378 Si ans . 1 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint + 766358909 ° UT ; 7 2. (a) The diagram shows a house that uses renewable and non-renewable sources of energy. wind turbine solar panels double glazed windows SIE insulated walls methane gas store (b) Much of the electricity we use is generated by burning coal, which is a fossil fuel. (i) What is a fossil fuel? (ii) Explain why it is important that we find alternative sources of energy rather than rely on coal. ‘©UCLES 2009 11130 VAnW09 381375 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint 3. The diagram shows a section of a flower. (a) Name the part labelled A (b) Explain what is meant by pollination. (c) Tick the boxes that show the features of insect pollinated flowers. Feathery anthers Sticky pollen Contain nectar Small petals Brightly coloured flowers l © UCLES 2008 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint [OND R0 RDM O ROR COCO OODKD ODO ODO DOO OCOOOCOAFARNAAnAARAAeRAA + 768358905 * (QUAL ‘ . ‘4 (a) Use lines to join up the boxes containing the words, element, compound and mixture, to a box containing an example of each. 7 compound gold | MICO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN’ iE element steel 1E mixture water Ee (2) 1E (b) From the list of chemical symbols, select the correct one for each of the elements 1E shown. ne chlorine SIE calcium SIE carbon (2) iE 5 (a) One use for copper is electrical wiring. as Place a tick next to the statement which is not a property of copper. IE good conductor of electricity IE — IE has a high melting point SIE can be bent into a fixed shape BIE — SIE poor conductor of heat i 0 SIE (b) A compound has the formula MgSO. RIE Name the elements contained in it. | ©UCLES 2009 Cambridge Secon * 766358006 * IOAN ‘ . 6 The diagram shows a tuning fork which emits a single tone when it is sounded, The tuning fork was sounded by banging the prongs and then putting the base on a table top as shown tuning fork marked at 512Hz table (a) What does the tuning fork do to produce a sound wave in the air near the fork? Cc | (b) Complete the following sentences by using words from the list. amplitude frequency loudness pitch | ‘ The fork has a _..of 512Hz and the tone produced has a of C. G When the fork is hit harder this increases the to ci the wave produced and increases the ofthe sound, — [4] l © UCLES 2009 s11301NMU08 364/375 se Asseinbled by NS. Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint 5 Groups (1113) PastPapers + 75635801 ION ’ 7 7 The diagram shows part of an African food web. ball Ne grass (a) (i) What do the arrows on a food web show? (ii) Which of the organisms in this web compete for grass? (iii) Which of the organisms in this web are predators? (b) Hyenas are scavengers. They eat the parts of dead zebras and gazelles which other animals have not eaten. Use this information to add hyenas into the food web above. (1) l UCLES 2009 1i13101”AM09 [Turn over | years Science (1113 . c Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint * 766358908 * IORI : . 8 The following materials were used to determine the order of reactivity of copper, magnesium and zinc, Materials supplied: copper ~ _ pink-brown powder magnesium = grey ribbon zine - grey powder copper sulphate solution - blue magnesium sulphate solution - colourless. Zinc sulphate solution - colourless Each metal was added to each solution, Three of the results are shown in the table. mixture results zinc + copper sulphate pink-brown solid formed, colourless solution copper + magnesium sulphate _/ pink-brown solid remains, colourless solution magnesium + zinc sulphate grey powder formed, colourless solution | (a) Put copper, magnesium and zinc in order of reactivity, most reactive least reactive (6) What type of chemical reaction is taking place in these experiments? _ (©) The relative reactivity of metals can also be determined by putting the metals into dilute acid. Which metal or metals listed above will not react with dilute hydrochloric acid? (1) | © UCLES 2009 ‘1tvOVAMNOD | 386375 Science (1113) PastPaper Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint ‘OO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN mmmmmmmmm: —— 7 mm SIE SIE mmm 9 + 766358900" 9 (a) The diagram shows a magnet being brought close to a piece of steel. N s steel The piece of steel is repelled by the magnet. Is this piece of steel a magnet? Explain your answer. (b) The diagram shows the magnetic field pattem around a magnet, Complete the diagram by drawing the magnetic field pattern between the two magnets. sH13quangos (2 [Turn over | Seiense (1113) . Cambridge Secon + 756368010" OANA ‘0 7 10 A student is investigating one of the seven characteristics of living organisms. She uses a drinking straw to bubble some of her breath through limewater. (a) The limewater turns from clear to cloudy. (i) Name the gas in the student's breath which causes the limewater to change. (1) (li) Name the process which produces this gas in living cells. fi The student decides to investigate the same process in some other living things. ‘She uses maggots and germinating seeds. The student puts the same amount of clear limewater in three test tubes A, B and C. She puts 20 crawling maggots in tube A. She does not put any living things in tube B. She puts 20 germinating seeds in tube C. She seals the three tubes using rubber bungs. The tubes are left in the lab until the end of the day. The diagram shows the results of the student's experiment. crawling germinating maggots ~} seeds wire mesh support LY \Y A B c ‘yaygugancs Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint (UNH " 7 (b) (i) How does the limewater in tube A differ from the limewater in tube C? ‘Suggest a reason for this difference. Difference Reason | . 2 (ii) What was the purpose of tube B? (iii) Describe one thing which the student did to make this a fair test Groups “ees aus) Canabridge Se | OUCLES 2090 1113101ANN09 [Turn over | * 765358912" AOU " 7 11. The chemical name for marble is calcium carbonate. Equal masses of marble, marble chips and powdered marble are added to equal volumes of dilute hydrochloric acid as shown in the diagram below. BAA marble marble powdered chips marble (a) (i) Which of them reacts the fastest? (ii) Give a reason for your answer. (b) Complete the word equation for the reaction of dilute hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate. hydrochloric | , | calcium + + acid carbonate (2) 2° o0000000000000 "gggugoe Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint + 756358 Hm ° 7 12 A student investigates the density of different metals. The pieces of metal are all the same size. To find out the density he needs to measure the mass and the volume. (a) What equipment could he use to measure these? Mass: Volume: He places one of the metals in a very hot oven for a few hours. When the metal is very hot, he carefully measures the mass and volume again. (b) What has happened to his readings? Tick one box in each row. Increase Decrease _| Stay the same Mass Volume (2) (c) As the metal is heated up, the particles inside it change their behaviour. What happens to the particles as they get hotter? l ®UCLES 2009 111OVANLOD | 361 375 Science (1113) . = 766368014" INI IAI “ BLANK PAGE +1130 1AM09 Seu/375 Seiense (1115) PastPapers 2 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint + 765358015 Hil " 7 BLANK PAGE e AMMAM MMO MAMMA MMM MAM AMMA MMMM MMM Mm mmm mmm Mmm Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint - 766358916" IAA s BLANK PAGE Permission to toredice Heme whore tet party owned materi pleted by copyright Inca has been sought and dete whee posse. Ev ‘easorabio fo has been made by the piano {UCLES) owe opyrgt hdr, Bu any Roms rqrg coro have wll Dobe ced Pubisher wi be pleased 1 make amends a he ears! posse opportiny. \oiversity of Cambridge Inemational Exainatons is pat of be Camdye Assastment Group, Cambigge Assessment isthe brand name of Universy of ‘Cambridge Local Examinations Syeicato (UCLES), which Iso @ department he Univer of Carbisye +1130 VANAIO8 364375 _| Science (1113) PastPapers 2009-2019 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint Cle cle cl cl cle Cle CIE cle cl cl cle co CIE Cle CIE Cle

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