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The following are the legal steps we are to take while registering the business;

Search for the business name : this was our First step we did put into consideration while registering the business, the
process is conducted at URSB where a search is conducted and made by cross checking the existing names in the
register of business names in order to find out whether the already existing business names are not similar to that of
the starting company , here we came up with various and several names to ensure that a perfect name is obtained and
the rational for this is that it builds a strong brand identity and stand out from the competitors, further more at a legal
perspective, a unique business name simplifies legal activities like a company being sued in its unique name and also
sueing under its name
NB: This search is for free of charge at URSB

Reserving the business name : having successfully made a name search, we found out that the existing company
names were not conflicting with the our formulated name which laid out a basis of reservation of our name where still
process was also conducted at URSB and of a set fee of" shs. 24,000 as per the URSB web site " which fee we did pay
at URSB .

Drafting of the memorandum and articles of association: our next step was drafting the memorandum of association
the document shows the desires we had for forming the company, it indicates the company name and objects and it
lays down the constitution and objectives of the company and some of the company's objectives we included in our
memorandum was ;
i). To be the leading distributors of attractive and long lasting outfits " fashion attires " in Kampala with in a period of 2
years and within Uganda over a period of 10 years
NB.After its drafting, the memorandum was delivered to the registrar who retained it and registered it and later on
assigned a Registration number to the company ( this was done in line with Section 19 of the companies Act of 2012)

Futher more , the articles of association was also drafted together with the memorandum of association, and for these
laid out the rules and regulations which will govern the business for example the articles have a regulation of each
share holder having the responsibility of collecting a specified sum of share capital that will help when starting the
business, they contain a company to be managed by a board of directors among others.
NB: steps in sections 19 of the companies Act also do apply here just like they do for the memorandum of association
,Putting also sections 21 into consideration.

Another step was coming up with the application for registration :this application was done with the launching being
done at URSB , and the application was done with aid of various forms for example ;
Form A1 ,which shows and indicates the statement of nominal share capital in the company .
Form A2, lays out the declaration of the company's compliance with requirements of the companies Act of 2012.

Another step we came up with was the Registration, issuance and obtaining of the certificate of incorporation , having
provided and presented all the particulars and requirements legally needed to start up the company, the certificate of
incorporation was issued to us by the registrar which on it did bare his signature with rational of aiding its validity and
this implied that the company was incorporated and it was noted that the certificate was issued basing on the law
under sec.22 of the companies Act which pointed out that this certificate was conclusive evidence thus the company
was actually born and could commence its activities.

Applying for a TIN " Taxpayer Identification number ".this application is done at URA .this is a mandatory legal step
where by any person, business or company that is likely to transact in any tax related business qualifies to get the TIN
number and it's unique from that of other tax payer's numbers , and so our company needed one to ensure tax
compliance in its operations
NB: the application of this TIN number was done using the URA online portal

Other legal steps included

i). Obtaining a trade license from the local municipal Authority of the area in which the business was located ,this was
done at a cost

ii). Registering with NSSF at their premises at free of charge which did apply to our business since it's a law to register
with NSSF where the business employs morethan five employees and the Employers registration form together with the
employees Registration Form are required there under in this step .

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