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*713294001* UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS | Cambridge Checkpoint CANDIDATE NAME NUMBER CENTRE SCIENCE Paper 2 Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Additional Materials are required, CANDIDATE NUMBER 1113/02 ApriliMay 2009 45 minutes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. ‘You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working, Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. ‘You should show all your working in the booklet. The number of marks is given in brackets [ J at the end of each question or part question. The total number of marks for this paper is 50. This document consists of 12 printed pages. 109 05.1119. 02RP UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE © UCLES 2000 365375 International Examinations [Turn over _ Science (1113) PastPapers 2008-2019 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint | jm UH) 2 The chart below compares the diet of people in country A and country B. [5 country A [EE country 8 80 3 ' 60 : a : i g percentage 4y : : g of diet o E ci § ei * i e : § i ¢ : ci Or ‘l protein starch sugar nutrient type (a) What is the percentage of fat in the diet of people in country A? (b) What is the total percentage of carbohydrate in the diet of people in country B? ({c) What is the major use of protein in the body? (d) Name one disease which may occur as a result of the high fat consumption in country A. . Mi mibled by NS. 366/378 Science (1113) PastPapers 2009-2019) ‘Groups Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint : | @UCLES 2009 111302/AM09 | rises fe ¢ MOA ‘ mG : 3 (a) Draw an ammeter symbol (@) on this circuit diagram where it would measure the current through the electric motor (). I {Ht (a) wy ia] (b) Which circuit diagram below shows the correct position of the ammeter to measure the current in the circuit when the switch is closed? Tick the correct answer. 4, t rst te 3673375 l ‘© UCLES 2009 111302/AN09 | Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint c c c c c C c c c c c c c c c c c c s + 713204005 * IAA : 7 (c) Complete the table to show the reading on each ammeter in this circuit. ® i 1) S ) tJ @) —_R Ammeter Currentiamps 0 1 5 a >of — _ 4 3 5 13) l © UCLES 2000 ‘rvoziauon 368375 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint -rra 4 The diagrams show organs of the human body. Give the names of these organs. 5 (a) What characteristic do all vertebrates share? (b) To which group of vertebrates does each of the following animals belong? (i) snake (ii) frog 1o (c) Which type of body covering is characteristic of both reptiles and fish? Venener ener oO ‘n73/02/ANa09 369375 Science (1113) Pas Cambridge Second _CpCRONG: (MOA ’ 7 6 Bromothymo! blue is an indicator. The chart shows the colour of bromothymol blue at different pH values. pH 123 4 5 6 7 8B 9 10 11 12 13 14 ee colour yellow green blue Bromothymol blue was added to hydrochloric acid in a conical flask. Then sodium hydroxide solution was added from a burette. -]— sodium hydroxide solution hydrochloric acid + bromothymol blue (a) (i) What was the colour of the bromothymol blue before any sodium hydroxide solution was added? (1) (li) What was the colour of the bromothymol blue after excess sodium hydroxide ‘solution was added? . (iii) What was the pH of the solution when it was neutral? . (1 (iv) Give the name of the salt formed in this reaction. (b) Underline the names of two other chemicals that react with hydrochloric acid to form salts. copper ; magnesium _ potassium copper magnesium PP carbonate 9 sulfate chloride [2] l @UCLES 2009 1113/02/09 [Turn over ] ". 113) Fasraprs 2009-019 mibled by NS. 3701375 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint 13204008 * IOAN : 7 7 The distance-time graph shows the movement of a car along a straight road after passing a particular point. 300 200 distance from starting point (m) 100 time (s) {a) Calculate the average speed during the time 0 to 15s. Show your working. (b) Describe what happens during the time 15s to 20s. (1) (c) Where is the car after 308? (d) Compare the average speed from 208 to 30s with that in (a) Underline the correct answer. faster slower the same (1) l © ucts 2008 1 113102/AM/09 ] 370378 7 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint c c c c c c ¢ ¢ c c c c c ¢c c c 713294909 * MOLI , 7 ‘A man has a garden centre. He grows his plants in a glasshouse. He does this so that he can produce large, healthy plants for sale. “mi 200 NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN mmmmmmmmos (a) Plants use photosynthesis to grow. Complete the word equation for photosynthesis. chlorophyll water os +] oxygen (21 (b) The man has to create the best growing conditions for his plants. He cleans the windows regularly and uses a paraffin heater to keep the air warm. The waste gas from the paraffin heater is circulated through the glasshouse. He waters the plants with a fertiliser which contains magnesium salts. Explain how each of these actions improves the rate of photosynthesis in his plants. (i) keeping the windows clean 1 {ii) circulating the waste gas from the burned paraffin through the greenhouse . U1 IE | cucies 2000 111102009 [urn o by NS, 372375, se (1113) PastPapers Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint (W001 ‘0 f ¢ 9 The diagram shows a beaker containing some water. fk beaker. _ water {a) The depth of the water in the beaker is increased cl . & el c What effect does this have on the pressure on the base of the beaker? 3 (b) A beaker with a greater base area is filed to the same depth as the original beaker. What effect does this have on the pressure on the base of the beaker? (c) The air exerts a pressure on the sides of the beaker. What causes this pressure? ' E : ‘ a @UCLES 2009 bled by NS Groups 13204011 ™ ES 2 10 The element fluorine is shown in the Periodic Table as: e 19 oS a F 38) = fluorine 31 a 9 Use the numbers listed below to complete the sentences that follow. 9 10 19 28 A fluorine atom has: en a a SS SS memo remem tm AE mM mos. (a) an atomic number of i] > i (b) __ electrons in its orbit. tt) (c) __ Neutrons in its nucleus. t (d) an atomic mass of . tt] Sa pe yee a ea Nees er tom pin oe ia =, hr ne a: mmm mi ——. l @UCLES 2008 ‘11302109 [Turn over | Ns. 374375 Science (1113) Pas Cambridge Second inmmamammmm + 713294912" IOAN " . 1 1 (a) A book lies on top of a table. A light bulb hangs from the ceiling, but is not directly above the table. This is the only source of light in the room. aoe bulb light bulb o— A D ‘book book. table—_=-——— =, f—table c B side view plan view Four people are standing in the room, at positions A, B, C and D. (i) Explain why all four people can see the book. The book is replaced by a plane mirror lying flat on the table. (ii) How many of the people can see the bulb reflected in the mirror? {b) On the diagram below, label the angle of incidence, i, and draw in the reflected ray. incident ray normal plane mirror 2] emission to reproduce ems where tice pory owned mataral prteced by copyright is included hes been sought and cleared where posse. Ever, ‘asonabe efor nas been made by he publaher (UCLES) race copyright hota, bu any ams requing Uearance have unetingly been ieuded, he ‘ublaher willbe pleased maxe amands atthe wares! posible oppor. Universy of Camargo ntrnatonal Examinations ie part ofthe Camardge Assessment Group. Cambrge Assossment sth brand name of Unveraty of Imbrdye Local Examinations Syndcae (UCLES), whlch self a department of the Univers of Camis. sn1a02/AnN09 375375 Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint

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