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+ 1490802201 * IN 7 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge Checkpoint (er-Taalolale(e(-} Pete tell CANDIDATE NAME CANDIDATE NUMBER SCIENCE 4113/01 Paper 1 April 2012 45 minutes CENTRE NUMBER l i | Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Additional Materials: Ruler ysieizes READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. ‘rite in dark blue or black pen. ‘You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working For Examiner's Use Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid 1 D0 NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. 2 Answer all questions. 5 You should show all your working in the booklet At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. 4 The number of marks is given in brackets { ]at the end of each question or part 3 weston The total umber of marks for this paper is 60. . 7 8 9 10 jo Total This document consists of 17 printed pages and 3 blank pages. ‘a120s 1119.01"? ELH UNIVERSITY0/ CAMBRIDGE Suctes 208 $€) International Examinations [Turn over Science (1113) PasPapers 20 Cambridge Secondary Ct + 1490802202 * O00 WE 1 The diagram shows a moving truck. Forces A, B, C and D are acting on the truck. direction of D movement + (a) Draw a line from each force to its name. The first one has been done for you force aamne) driving force —— A weight B mass c friction D reaction EB IOR. reagan Science (1118) Paap 210.2 Groups Cambridge Secondary Ch (2) oaneanee 200000000@ a00 20000200000 c Nad] ODO D000000000NNANA PLoogg ooo = 1490802203 * WENN : 7 (b) The truck travels 45 metres in 10 seconds. Calculate the average speed of the truck. Show your working. average speed = ms, [2] (c) The speed of the truck is increasing, Complete the sentence. The speed of the truck is increasing because force A is than force C. (1 [Turn over Science (113) PastPabers 2009-2 Cambri FL ke em mem ome eT Em EEE secondary Ch c * 1490802208 * c MONT ‘ a: ¢ 2. This diagram shows part of the Periodic Table of elements. ¢ ¢ cd ra He ¢. ¢ ui c olF ' Na si s|cr K (a) Name the elements shown in the table that are metals. (1) (b) Write the symbol for hydrogen in the appropriate empty box. 1] (c) Whatis the symbol for silicon? a) (d)_ Which is the least reactive metal shown in the table? 22299990000900000xM 0000000000000 (1) eo 2 (e) Which element shown in the table could be used to kill bacteria in a swimming pool? gece (1) 22990 (f) Which element shown in the table has the highest atomic (proton) number? 2° " ° Q cli cil ci cil cul cit cit Ch cit cit l ©UCLES 2012 by NS, = Groups Camb Science (1113) PastPapers + 1490802206 * MONA : 3. The diagram shows a mother fox and her cubs. There are seven characteristics that all living organisms show. One of these is movement. The mother fox is moving towards the cubs. {a) Explain how the diagram shows two other characteristics. characteristic 1, explanation, characteristic 2 explanation, [4] (b) A fox is a mammal How does the diagram show this? (1) SEAM enrggyaayee Science (1 Groups Cambri venedtonover | secondary Ch + 1490802206 * INVA ‘ 4 (a) Modern wheat plants were developed from wild wheat by selective breeding. modern wheat Id wheat Wild wheat has only a small number of small grains Modern wheat plants have a large number of large grains. Read these sentences about selective breeding. A__| The two selected wheat plants were bred with each other. The selection and breeding process was continued for many B | generations. ¢__| The offspring with the largest and most grains were selected, These plants were bred with each other again. p__| The two wild wheat plants with the largest and most grains were originally selected. Write the letters of the sentences in order so that they describe the process of selective breeding, Science (1113) PastPapers (2) + 1490802207 * nner " 7 Giraffes have evolved by a process of natural selection. They have evolved from leaf-eating animals that did not have long necks. Read these sentences about natural selection. A. | These animals had an advantage because they get more food. Animals with a longer neck were able to reach leaves higher up in trees. C__| After many generations most animals had longer necks. D__| Their offspring inherited the genes for longer necks. These animals were more likely to survive and breed with each other. Write the letters of these sentences in order so that they describe the process of natural selection. One has been done for you. (2) (c) _ Inwhich part of a cell is the genetic material found? ut) Science (1 3) PasPapers 200 secondary Ch Cambri * 1490802208 * IMO A ' 5 Magnesium sulfate is a salt. It can be prepared by the reaction between magnesium carbonate and dilute sulfuric acid. Here are the instructions to prepare magnesium sulfate. The instructions are not in the correct order. Stir the reaction mixture of magnesium carbonate and dilute sulfuric acid until it stops bubbling. B | Pour the hot filtrate into a crystallising dish. Measure 25.0 cm? of dilute sulfuric acid using a measuring cylinder. D__| Measure out 3.0 g of magnesium carbonate powder. Heat the filtrate in the beaker until the volume has decreased by E halt. F__ | Leave the contents of the crystallising dish in a warm place unti the magnesium sulfate has crystallised. G Pour the dilute sulfuric acid from the measuring cylinder into a beaker. H Slowly, add the magnesium carbonate powder to the beaker containing dilute sulfuric acid. Filter the reaction mixture so that the filtrate drips into a clean glass beaker. Write the letters of the instructions in the correct order. Three have been done for you. ©.UCLES 2012 sled by NS, Groups Cambri Science (1 3) PastPapers 2009-2 secondary Ch [3] cll cli cil cil cil ch cil cit cli ci cl 6 The Earth is made of different layers, The diagram shows the structure of the Earth, (a) Complete the labels of the diagram of the Earth. 3] (b) The core contains some metal elements. Name one of these metals. (1) ' ugpyagre urn over Be 1994 Science (1115 Paap over_ Cambridge Secondary Ch + 490902210" 10 7 The diagrams show four objects. A parachute falling at steady speed B train climbing up a hill at steady speed D football stationary on a table (a) Complete the table about the type of energy each object has. Put one tick (¥) in each row. only both kinetic nether pinetic object | Only Kinetic | gravitational | energy and Sonal energy potential | gravitational aotential energy | potentialenergy | "Sneray A B c D Levee. AUPws, TSR? Science (1113) PastPapers Cambridge Secondary + 1490802211 * MOUNT " 7 (b) Which two objects are losing gravitational potential energy? Choose from A, B, C or D. (1) (c) Which object is gaining kinetic energy? Choose from A, B, C or D. (d) The diagram shows a football rolling along level ground. _@ The football is losing kinetic energy. What is happening to the speed of the football? ce sig uaeut2 + 1490802212 * WME A " 8 Usman makes a prediction about the planets in the Solar system. The time to orbit the Sun increases the further away the planet is from the Sun. Prediction 1 To find evidence to support his prediction he uses the internet. The table shows the information he finds. distance time to relative fromthe | 2¥F9° | strength | orbit the planet mi Sunin of gravity | Sunin compared | jrittions | temperature | in nykg | Earth toEarth | muon in°c yaar Mercury | 0.05 58 169 37 02 Venus 0.8 108 460 89 06 Earth 4.00 150 14 98 4.0 Mars ont 228 63 37 19 (a) Does the information in the table support Prediction 17 Explain your answer (1) Le Sa Ns 2 Oroups Comb Science (1113) PastPapers + agae02213 * 0M " 7 b) Usman makes another prediction The average surface temperature of a planet decreases the further away the planet is from the Sun. (i) Does the information in the table support Prediction 2? Explain your answer. (2 (ii) Usman thinks he needs more evidence related to Prediction 2. Suggest one extra piece of evidence he could use. (1) (c) Usman correctly predicts he will weigh more on Earth than on Mars. Explain how the information in the table supports his prediction. [Turn over | Science (1113) Pastas SON Cambri Ll UCLES 2012 ned by NS, secondary Ch + y4g0802214" 9 Hassan investigates the reaction of four different metal powders with dilute sulfuric acid. Each reaction produces hydrogen gas. Hassan measures the time it takes to produce 100 cm’ of hydrogen. The bar chart shows Hassan’s results. 70; time to produce 40 100cm? of hydrogen in seconds 30. 10: o magnesium iron calcium zine metal powders (a) How long did it take to produce 100 cm® of hydrogen using magnesium powder? (b) Which metal takes the longest time to produce 100 cm? of hydrogen? Levaseamas aggyamne Science (1118) PasPapers 2009. — ‘Success Groups ‘Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint MA “ 7 ‘iii a 15 (c) Ih the metals in order of reactivity. Use the results to help. most reactive least reactive rragyayayre Turn ov RIN Science (1118) Paneer DOD ed Cambridge Secondary Ch + 1490802218 * (ON . 10 Joe uses the enzyme amylase to break down starch into sugar. (a) His graph shows how pH affects the rate of the breakdown of starch. rate of the breakdown of starch in arbitrary units 2 4 6 8 10 12 {i) Use information from his graph to complete the sentence, As the pH increases the rate of the breakdown of starch (2) (ii) At what pH is the rate of the breakdown of starch the highest? (1 (b) State one variable that Joe has to keep constant in order to get the results shown in the graph. (1) (c) What is an enzyme? mM euctes 2012 saraguaaye Le aay. ed Science (1113) PastPapers Success Groups Cambridge Secondary cli cli cll cil cli cil cil cil cil cit chi ci cit E + 1490802217 * ILL ” 7 11 The table shows how the population of people in the world has changed since the year 1300. | year 1300 | 1500 1700 1900 | 2000 | population | | Lin millions l 600 | 700 | «800 | 1700 5500 (a) The population figures are estimates. ‘Suggest why. (b) Describe how the population has changed since the year 1300. (c) Write one factor that affects the size of the population. (4) A scientist wants to predict the population of the world in one hundred years’ time. Write one reason why it will be difficult to make an accurate prediction riiagyaayre Science (1113) PastPapers Cambridge Secondary HON " BLANK PAGE LER PAN. sagen? Science (1113) PastPapers 2009-24 Groups Cambridge Secondary Ch + 1490802210" UNM MU ALM ° 7 BLANK PAGE E : E E E E — — E E E E E E E E 5 € E E — E E E E E E E E E E — E E E E E £ é HERI ws. egy Science (1113) PastPapers 2000. wl + 1490802220 * OTN 7 BLANK PAGE Pemason 1 reproduce ems where tht pany owned mata proeces by copyright i Incuded has een sought and cleared where possible. Every reaconatie efor has been mace by he publsher (UCLES) lo trace copynght Moers. but any tems requng clearance have unwtgy been clue, the publehor wl be plesod te make amanda athe earestpeesblecppornty Unversity of Camtrige Intrnatonal Examination i pr ofthe Cambie Assessment Group. Cambie Assessments the brand name of Unversiy of Camiviage Local Examinations Syedcate (UCLES), which sofa deparment ofthe Unversity el Carencge Lava srragugte access Groups ano 0@ cocccnann NDCC CO 00000 0R0RC000NFOFA.

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