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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana - General
1. Introduction
2. Objectives of PMKVY
3. Approach to roll out PMKVY
4. Training Target
5. Implementation Structure
6. Implementation Strategy
7. Financial Management
8. Convergence
9. Administrative Structure of the Scheme
10. Components of the Scheme
11. Modes of Training
12. Features under PMKVY
13. Branding
14. IT Support

Chapter 2: Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana - Short Term Training

1. Introduction
2. Target Beneficiaries
3. Target and Job Role Allocation
4. Identifying the Skill Gap
5. Selection/Empanelment of Training Providers
6. Centre Accreditation and Affiliation
7. Mobilisation of Candidates
8. Counselling
9. Registration of Candidates and Formation of Batches
10. Training of Candidates
11. Training of Trainers and Assessors
12. Assessment and Certification of Candidates
13. Placement and Post Training Support
14. Monitoring and Supervision
15. Grievance Redressal
16. Deployment of Staff
17. Capacity Building
Chapter 3: Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana - Recognition of Prior Learning
1. Introduction
2. Objectives of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
3. Project Types, Eligibility and Stakeholders Involved
4. Project Sanction
5. Project Finance
6. RPL Process
7. Branding and Publicity
8. Monitoring Framework
9. Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Chapter 4: Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana – Special Projects

1. Overview of Special Projects under PMKVY
2. Type of Projects to be taken up under Special Projects of PMKVY
3. Type of Organizations, Who Can Apply
4. Permissible Flexibility
5. Process for Special Projects
6. Target Beneficiary
7. Curriculum and Standards
8. Project Cost
9. Receipt of Project Proposal, Evaluation and Approval
10. Registration and Enrolment of Candidates
11. Monitoring
12. Branding and Communication
13. Impact Assessment

Annexure 1: Detailed Mechanism for Financial Management

Annexure 2: Composition of Steering Committee and Executive Committee

Annexure 3: Additional Support under PMKVY

Annexure 4: Summary of Project Types

Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

1. Introduction Implemented on pilot basis during the year

2020-21 known as PMKVY . The scheme shall
1.1 The first version of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal
initiate the creation of implementation framework
VikasYojana (PMKVY) scheme was launched
for the second phase (2021-2026) of thescheme.
in 2015 to encourage and promote skill
This Guideline document is meant for the first
development in the country by providing free
phase of PMKVY .
short durationskill training and incentivizing
this by providingmonetary rewards to youth 1.4 The scheme shall supplement the support of
for skill certification.The overall idea was to various schemes being run by the Central and
boost employability of youth corresponding to StateGovernments, including but not limited to,
the industrial demand. NationalApprenticeship Promotion Scheme
(NAPS), MUDRAloans under Pradhan Mantri
1.2 After the successful implementation of
MUDRA Yojana
PMKVY(2015-16) and learnings from the
(PMMY), Dindayal Antyodaya Yojana-National
past, PMKVY
Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) / Dindayal
2.0 (2016-20) was launched by scaling up sectors,
Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods
geographies and by greater alignment with
Mission (DAY-NULM), Mahatma Gandhi
other missions / programs of Government of
National Employment Guarantee Act
India such as ‘Make in India’, ‘Digital India’ and
(MGNREGA) and othersimilar programs that
‘Swatch Bharat Mission’. PMKVY 2.0 is being
have goals similar to PMKVY
implemented since 15th July 2016 and was
for generation of livelihood opportunities forthe
scheduled to be completedby 31st March 2020.
candidates trained under the scheme.
The scheme has been extended for one year for
skilling of migrant workers. 1.5 A comprehensive mapping of the schemes
beingrun by Central / State Governments shall
1.3 Based on the learnings of PMKVY 2.0 and to
be done, in order to create a mechanism for
reorient the scheme to be in sync with the
presentscenario of policy changes and changing
Convergence, in a phased manner, with PMKVY .
priority in different sectors, it is decided to speed
This will ensure a greater linkage of the schemes
up the implementation of PMKVY . The scheme
with the skills ecosystem.
shall be implemented in two phases: 1st phase
shall be

2. Objectives of PMKVY Education or Skill Development through
handholding, strategic and funding
The objectives of the scheme are to: support.
2.1 Create an ecosystem for the youth to make 3.2.4 Create a pool of certified trainers for which
informed choices on the available skilling avenues. direct funding shall be provided for the
Training of Trainers (ToT) programs.
2.2 Provide support to youth for skill training and 3.2.5 Major focus on up-skilling / re-skilling
certification. with a focus on future skills (industry 4.0)
2.3 Promote sustainable Skill Centers for greater Courses to increase productivity of existing
participation of private sector. workforce.
3.2.6 Focus on Online / Digital mode of Training
2.4 Benefit 8 lakh youth over the scheme period for wider coverage.
3.2.7 Introduce significant reforms in assessment
ecosystem which would include Common
3. Approach to roll out of PMKVY Assessment Centers (CACs) and the use of
online assessments tools.
3.1 The basic premise for the scheme is to create skilled
3.2.8 Large scale grass-root publicity (including
and certified workforce, who not only contribute
Booklet and Pamphlet distribution) Media
towards the growth of India but also drive the
Campaigns /Awareness Programs shall be
country into becoming the global skills capital. To
achieve this more holistically, significant core and
peripheral reforms have been envisaged for the 3.3 To support the scheme to achieve its objectives, the
implementation approach for the scheme. With following support structure has been planned:
The limited window available for implementation,
3.3.1 Initiate creation of nodal skill information
the focus of the scheme shall be to create detailed
and service centers at the district level.
framework for the new provisions and pilot them
for larger roll out in the second phase of the 3.3.2 Create awareness about skill development
scheme. training and mobilizing youth to take up-
skill training and become employable to
3.2 The core principles of the scheme shall be as earn their livelihood.
3.3.3 Skill gap survey and analysis on a
3.2.1 Trainee / learner-centric from the earlier continuous basis to address the industry
training provider-driven model. needs and contemporary market demand.
3.2.2 Planning from below, with District-level 3.3.4 Encourage further standardization through
plans being the fundamental instruments the complete training process and create a
for implementation. registry of skills.
3.2.3 Enhance the role of State / UTs in entire 3.3.5 Strive to create state-of-the-art and
implementation process of the scheme. sustainable skill Training Centers.
Strengthening District Skill Committees 3.3.6 Encourage Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) to
(DSCs), State Skill Development Missions create Centers of Excellence (CoE).
(SSDMs) /State Directorate of Technical 3.3.7 Private sector participation in the PMKVY
to be further encouraged with a greaterfocus
on training in industries.
3.3.8 Greater cross utilization of available
infrastructure with Universities / Colleges /
5. Implementation Structure
ITIs /Polytechnics / Schools. 5.1 This scheme will have two components:
3.3.9 Initiate coordination with Ministry
5.1.1 Centrally Sponsored Centrally Managed
of Education (MoE) for phase-wise
(CSCM) known as the Central Component
Introduction of vocational courses in
to be implemented by the National Skill
Development Corporation (NSDC).
3.3.10 Broad-based process convergence of
5.1.2 Centrally Sponsored State Managed
multiple skill development schemes of the
(CSSM) known as the State Component
Central Ministries with this scheme in a
to be implemented by the State Skill
phased manner.
Development Missions (SSDMs) / respective
3.3.11 Preferential target allocation shall be done Departments of the States / UTs.
for Aspirational, Left-wing Extremism (LWE),
North Eastern Regions (NER), Hilly Regions 5.2 Total target of the scheme will be divided
and any other focused districts / regions as Approximately in the ratio of 75:25 between
identified by the Government of India. Central and State Components respectively.
3.3.12 Providing monetary reward to youth post However, States having performed well and
skill certification. Willing to take higher targets shall be allocated
accordingly based on assessment of their
3.3.13 Provision of add-on bridge courses and
language courses for making scheme
compatible internationally, to provide 5.3 The Steering Committee of the scheme is
international employment opportunities to Empowered for taking appropriate decisions
the Indian youth. in the matters of dynamic fixation of targets,
without affecting the overall financial outlay.
Steering Committee can reallocate the target,
4. Training Target If the situation so warrants under CSCM / CSSM
4.1 PMKVY , being a demand-driven scheme, training component at any time in any appropriate ratio.
target may be dynamically fixed as per This will generate competitiveness among States
recommendations of Steering Committee. Based towards effective implementation of Skill India
on the experiences from PMKVY 2.0 (2016-20), the Initiatives of the Government.
tentative training target is as under:
6. Implementation Strategy
Table 1: Training Target under PMKVY
6.1 The scheme envisages working more closely
Sl. Types of Training No of Candidates with the State and District machineries through
No. under PMKVY (in lakh) SSDMs and DSCs. DSCs would be playing a pivotal
1 PMKVY Short Term 2.20 role under the guidance of SSDMs in PMKVY
Training (STT) . In addition to mobilization, counselling and batch-
2 PMKVY Recognition of 5.80 formation, DSCs would also be involved in
Prior Learning (RPL) monitoring and supervision of the scheme at the
district level, coordinating with nodal and other ITIs
for implementation of STT, provide post-training
Total (1& 2) 8.00
support including handholding for placements /
self-employment, verification of placements and
grievance redressed. Table 2 outlines the roles
Table 2: Roles and responsibilities of Key Stakeholders in PMKVY

Sl. No. Scope of Work CSCM CSSM

1 Skill Gap Study NSDC / SSDM /SSCs / DSC NSDC / SSDM / SSC / DSC
2 Target Allocation MSDE / NSDC MSDE / SSDM
3 Mobilization (Kaushal Mela + DSC / SSDM / State DSC / SSDM / State Government
Awareness and Advocacy + Government
4 Counselling of Candidates DSC / SSDM / State DSC / SSDM / State Government
(Identifying training needs) Government / Training
5 Formation of training batches DSC /SSDM / State DSC / SSDM / State Government
Government / Training / Training Provider
6 Appointing / Selecting Training NSDC SSDM
7 Training of the Candidates Training Provider Training Provider
8 Payments to Training Providers NSDC SSDM
9 Assessment and Certification SSC / Any other NCVET SSC / Any other NCVET
approved awarding body approved awarding body
10 Monitoring and Supervision of Main: NSDC / SSC Main: SSDM / DSC
Training Quality.
Support: SSDM / DSC Support: NSDC / SSC
11 Post Training Support (Rozgar Main: TP / SSDM / DSC Main: TP / SSDM / DSC
Mela / Placement Linkages /Self
-employment schemes linkages /
Support: NSDC / SSC Support: NSDC / SSC
12 Handholding Support after DSC / SSDM DSC / SSDM
Placements / Self-employment
13 Verification of Placements Main: NSDC SSDM / DSC
Support: SSDM / DSC
14 Grievance Redressal NSDC/DSC SSDM/ DSC

and responsibilities as identified for various Development (NIESBUD), and Indian Institute of
stakeholders during the training lifecycle. Entrepreneurship (IIE).

6.2 The handholding and mentoring shall be 6.3 Strategic support in areas such as Information
provided by institutions such as Directorate Technology (IT) interventions, capacity building
General of Training (DGT), National Skill of SSDMs, empanelment of Training Providers,
Development Corporation (NSDC), Sector curriculum development and any other need-
Skill Councils (SSCs), National Institute based support for smooth implementation
For Entrepreneurship and Small Business Of the scheme will be provided by NSDC.

National Skill Training Institutes (NSTIs) may Table 3: Division of expenditure between DSC /
also be utilized for Training of Trainers (ToT) of SSDM / SSC
Short-Term Training (STT) trainers. A reformed
assessment and certification system shall be Funds Flow CSCM CSSM
built under the scheme which will be done (75% of total (25% of
outlay) total outlay)
through unified regulatory framework of
National Council of Vocational Education and Awareness: 3% of 2% to DSC 2% to DSC
scheme outlay 1% to MSDE / 1% to SSDM
Training (NCVET).
6.4 A PMU shall be set up at MSDE for supporting Post-training 1% to DSC 1% to DSC
MSDE in the implementation of PMKVY . The Incentive: 2% of 1% to NSDC 1% to SSDM
cost for setting up of PMU may be retainedout outlay
of the Administrative Expenditure of CSCM Administrative 2% to DSC 2% to DSC
component. /Monitoring 4% to MSDE / 4% to SSDM
expenditure: 6% NSDC
6.5 Academic Institutions, Industry Bodies,
of outlay
Government ITIs or any other institution as
identified and empaneled by NCVET may
6.9 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to be
be added to the pool of assessment and
implemented by both NSDC and SSDM. Special
certification bodies to maintain a robust focus shall be on RPL on Demand, RPL through
and smooth process of accreditation and SSC and SSDM. RPL Guidelines shall be revised
certification. accordingly.
6.6 Efforts shall be made for capacity enhancement 6.10 PMKVY shall also aim for phase-wise
of SSCs through: introduction of vocational courses in school
curriculum in coordination with Ministry of
6.6.1 Setting up regional Centers of
Education (MoE) through technical support
Excellence (CoEs) by SSCs
under the scheme.
6.6.2 State level chapters of SSCs
Note 4: DSC’s role is central to the implementation of PMKVY
6.6.3 Round the year ToTs by the SSCs
. The SSDMs may provide support to DSCs with additional
6.6.4 Coordination with 33 NSTIs for ToT and handholding by NSDC, if required. In case DSC is not able to
developing CoEs perform its role, NSDC / SSDMs may extend support of Training
Providers to carry out activities under PMKVY .
6.7 Post-training linkages with Apprenticeship
(registration support on apprenticeship portal).

6.8 The overall administrative expenditure shall 7. Financial Management

be earmarked for DSC / SSDM / NSDC. The
7.1 The General Financial Rules (GFR) shall be
components of the administrative expenditure
followed by SSDM and NSDC in regards to
as a percentage of the overall funds are as
PMKVY . NSDC and SSDM shall adhere to the
Guidelines regarding expenditure and
6.8.1 Administrative 6% of total submission of Utilization Certificates (UCs).
expenditure: scheme outlay Funds under the scheme will be transacted
6.8.2 Awareness and under Public Financial Management System
3% of total
Mobilization (PFMS) platform. Direct monetary rewards as
scheme outlay
expenditure: paid to the candidates shall be done through
6.8.3 Post-placement 2% of total PFMS linking with Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
expenditure: scheme outlay Bharat Portal. The detail mechanism has been
mentioned at Annexure 1.
8. Convergence operational Guidelines, and dynamic fixation
of targets with corresponding reallocation of
8.1 To remove duplication, lack of standardization, funds between CSCM and CSSM and between
varied norms for enrolment and training PMKVY STT, RPL and Special Projects beyond
seeks convergence with other skill the powers of the Executive Committee,
development schemes of all Central Ministries periodic review, monitoring and mid-course
and States / UTs in a phased manner. This correction.
convergence may happen in the following way:
9.2 Executive Committee: An Executive
8.1.1 Phase 1: NSQF alignment of more Committee shall be constituted for
than 3,000 job roles, implementation overseeing the regular functioning
of Common Cost Norms, and of the scheme, recommending to
establishment of a unified regulator Steering Committee any policy or
through NCVET. This is an ongoing operational corrections for improving the
process and already significant implementation of PMKVY , reviewing and
convergence has been achieved. approving of proposals in accordance with
8.1.2 Phase 2: Creation of a common the Guidelines or any other functions as
database through Skill India deemed fit by Steering Committee.
Portal (SIP), Training Centre
9.3 Composition of Steering Committee and
(TC) quality regulation through
Executive Committee: Steering Committee
SIP, implementation of SIP for
shall be chaired by the Secretary, MSDE.
Accreditation and certification, and
Executive Committee shall be chaired by
integration with State Management the Additional /Joint Secretary, MSDE. The
Information System (MIS). Application detailed composition of both the Committees
Programming Interface (API) are as per Annexure 2.
integration with National Council of
Vocational Training MIS portal and
Apprenticeship Portal shall also be 10. Components of the Scheme
done. The process has already started.
10.1 Under the proposed scheme, skill training will
8.1.3 Phase 3: Initiate the Aadhaar-based
be imparted into three categories, namely:
selection of trainees through Skill
India Portal for all skilling schemes. 10.1.1 Short Term Training (STT): The
Further the registration, selection training under the STT courses
and enrolment procedure for skilling generally range between 200-600
programs under Central Ministries shall hours (2 to 6 months). The courses
be done through a common single are National Skills Qualification
portal / App. Framework (NSQF) aligned and
imparted at accredited & affiliated
Training Centres. School / college
9. Administrative Structure of dropouts or unemployed youth of
the Scheme Indian nationality shall benefit from
the scheme. Successfully certified
9.1 Steering Committee: A Steering Committee candidates shall be provided placement
shall be constituted by MSDE, at the apex /entrepreneurship / apprenticeship
level, for broad policy direction, framing assistance.

10.1.2 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): Centre, by using the physical training
RPL enables Indian youth to obtain infrastructure.
industry-relevant skill certification.
Individuals with prior learning
experience or skills can register 12. Features under PMKVY
themselves and get assessed and 12.1 The scheme will be aligned with Common
certified under the RPL component of Cost Norms and National Skill Qualification
the scheme. RPL mainly focuses on the Framework (NSQF). The amendment in these
individuals engaged in unregulated will be effective after approval from Steering
sectors. The duration of the training / Committee constituted under the scheme.
orientation under RPL ranges between
12-80 hours. 12.2 Payment to Training Providers will be broken
10.1.3 Special Projects: This component into tranches namely 30% on commencement
is meant for projects that require of training batches, 40% on successful
some deviation from the terms and certification and 30% on placement verification
conditions of Short-Term Training under subject to revisions by Common Cost Norms
PMKVY depending on special needs committee. Other incentives like boarding &
in terms of geography, demography lodging, post-placement support, conveyance
and social groups. Special Projects and other support will be as per Common Cost
component envisages training in Norms.
special areas and / or premises of
12.3 A candidate may enroll not more than twice
Government institutions, Corporates
for training under PMKVY in the same sector
or Industry bodies, and trainings
(the second time to be for a higher NSQF
pertaining to special job roles that
aligned job role only), or, for a fresh training of a
are not defined under the available
different course in the scheme, provided there
Qualification Packs (QPs) / National
is a six month gap between the certification
Occupational Standards (NOSs).
date of the first course and batch start date
Financial outlay and physical target for
of the subsequent course. The payout against
the Special Projects will be the part of
such candidates (which include payouts to
STT component of scheme.
candidates, PIAs and SSCs) shall only be given
for enrolment, for a maximum of two job roles.

11. Modes of Training 12.4 A special research cell shall be created at NSDC
for continuous matching of demand and supply
11.1 The modes of training that may be adopted
and strengthening the Aatmanirbhar Skilled
under PMKVY are:
Employee-Employer Mapping (ASEEM) portal.
11.1.1 100% classroom-based approach:
12.5 SSCs or other suitable institutions shall be
Both theory and practical shall be
encouraged to create Centres of Excellence
conducted physically at PMKVY
(CoE) which shall act as the master training and
affiliated Training Centres.
resource center for that sector. The plan is to set
11.1.2 Blended approach: Theory portion of up at least one Coe for each sector.
course may be delivered through digital
/ online mode and the practical portion 12.6 Further, a phase-wise introduction of
to be delivered at the affiliated Training vocational courses in schools shall be initiated
In coordination with Moe. This component Centers shall also promote activities conducted
shall be implemented for classes 9 to 12, at their centers on various social media
aimed to expose students to avenues of skill platforms. The Branding and Communications
development for vocational training roles. Guidelines of the scheme shall be issued
12.7 MSDE shall coordinate with Central Ministries
and State Governments for recognition of
NSQF certification as a pre-requisite for hiring
of contractual employees and also mandating 14. IT Support
the vendors / contractors to hire NSQF certified 14.1 NSDC shall provide the IT and technical support
workforce, as a part of their contract. for the implementation of both Central and
State component of the scheme. Broadly,
There are three stages of the training, i.e. pre-
13. Branding training (center accreditation, target allocation,
candidate registration and enrolment), training
13.1 Branding is an important aspect of
and post-training (placement, placement
communicating the scheme. All the Training
tracking). Since each of these activities would
Centers need to brand their respective centers
require support from multiple stakeholders, the
with collaterals for promotional activities in
IT architecture would be designed to support
accordance with these Guidelines. The Training
the scheme.
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana -
Short Term Training

1. Introduction 2. Target Beneficiaries

1.1 The Short-Term Training (STT) shall be 2.1 This scheme is applicable to any candidate of
implemented under both Central and State Indian nationality who:
component of the scheme. STT shall have provision
2.1.1 Is aged between 15-45 years.
for both fresh skilling for trainees, who are first time
learners and re-skilling for the trainees / existing 2.1.2 Possesses an Adjara card and an Aadhaar-
workforce, who have already undergone formal / linked bank account.
informal skilling and need additional skill sets. 2.1.3 Fulfils other criteria for the respective job
role as defined by the awarding body.
1.2 Apart from providing training according to the
National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF),
additional training shall also be imparted in 3. Target and Job Role
English, Employability & Entrepreneurship (EEE)
modules. Process shall be initiated for imparting
add-on bridge courses and language courses 3.1 Total Short-Term Training target of the scheme
for making schemes compatible to international will be divided approximately in the ratio of 75:25
standards and requirements. This will enhance between Centrally Sponsored Centrally Managed
The potential for international employment of the (CSCM) and Centrally Sponsored State Managed
Indian youth. Duration of the training shall vary as (CSSM). The job role identification for both CSCM &
per job role. CSSM component shall be done as following:
1.3 It is also envisaged that the scheme shall promote 3.1.1 Centrally Sponsored Centrally Managed
fee-based courses in higher level skills and courses (CSCM) component of: For the CSCM
that are NSQF level 5 and above. Review of the component of PMKVY , which will be
courses under PMKVY shall be carried out for implemented by NationalSkill Development
introducing fees in popular courses with higher Corporation (NSDC),
industry demand and above average wages. The Government would allocate targets
However, PMKVY would continue to support district-wise for training to be taken up
weaker and marginalized sections of youth. in each district under STT. Of this initially,
each Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra

14 |
(PMKK) training centre in a district, NSDC / SSC. A comprehensive job role matrix as
would be allocated a target of 120** a part of NSDP shall form the basis of demand-
for maximum 3 job roles and minimum based target allocation.
2 job roles. Subsequently, target
4.4 However, since the period is short, in case the
allocation would be done through a
SSDMs / DSCs are unable to arrive at district-
transparent Request for Proposal (RFP)
level skill development plan, then the estimates
given by NSDC and SSCs may be used.
[**If, remaining targets in a district (left after
allocation of 120 to a PMKK) is less than 60 then it
shall be distributed to PMKK and if it is more than
or equal to 60 then the distribution of target will 5. Selection / Empanelment of
happen via RFP route]

3.1.2 Centrally Sponsored State Managed

Training Providers
(CSSM) component of PMKVY : For 5.1 The selection and empanelment of Training
the CSSM component ofPMKVY , which Providers and Training Centres shall be done in
will be implemented by State Skill line with target allocation methodology. NSDC
Development Missions (SSDMs) of the and SSDM shall be responsible for selection and
States / UTs, the targets would be empanelment of Training Providers / Training
given to SSDMs state-wise. SSDMs will Centres for the CSCM and CSSM, respectively.
have the flexibility to allocate district-
wise target as per transparent 5.2 Training Centres empanelled under PMKVY
methodology, based on demands shall be allocated the targets. No further
received from DSCs. If the SSDMs / DSCs subletting of the targets shall be allowed
fail to identify the job roles within the under the scheme.
specified time, the balance allocation
5.3 These allocations shall be done with the
shall be made basedon method
objective to promote self-sustainability in
prescribed for CSCM.
the Training Centres in the medium and long
term. PMKKs and ITIs shall be the preferred
4. Identifying the Skill Gap vehicle for implementation of the training
programs at district / block-level. Amongst
4.1 A skill gap study in the short-term shall be other training partners, preference would
initiated by NSDC / SSC in coordination with be given to partners who have invested in
industries and SSDM / DSC, to identify the fixed assets and are seen to be committed for
manpower requirements in the various sectors participation in the scheme for long-term.
of the economy and the skill-sets required for
the respective job roles. 5.4 Specific proposals may be invited for
implementation of future skills (industry
4.2 A District-level Skill Development Plan (DSDP) 4.0 skills) / re-skilling / up-skilling. In these
shall be prepared by the DSCs under the proposals, partial payment by candidates,
guidance of SSDMs. SSDMs will compile the corporations, and other sources may be
DSDPs to create a State-level Skill Development allowed. These proposals can be shortlisted
Plan (SSDP), which shall be shared with MSDE. by NSDC / SSDMs and should be approved
by PMKVY Executive Committee (in case of
4.3 A composite National Skill Development Plan
NSDC) or State Empowered Committee (in
(NSDP) shall be prepared basis the State Skill
case of SSDM).
Development Plans and the skill-gap study by
5.5 A transparent selection process should be Verification of availability of premises and
followed by NSDC / SSDM while selecting trainers would be carried out through the
Training Providers. process as defined in the centre accreditation
and affiliation Guidelines. DSC’s support may be
5.6 Selection and allocation of training targets
sought for field verification.
to PMKKs, Government ITIs, institutions
owned by the Central or State Governments, 6.2 High standard of monitoring of Training
Government universities and Government Centres will be ascertained. Quarterly progress
colleges may be done without undergoing an report, geo-tagging, audit, etc. will be carried
open request for proposal process. Executive out. Penalties, blacklisting, will be imposed
Committee of PMKVY may issue the requisite against the Training Providers in case of
Guidelines for allocation of targets to such discrepancy and non-compliance to Guidelines.
institutions and / or Approval of Executive
6.3 Through Skill India Portal, automatic on-
Committee of PMKVY may be made
boarding of the following entities as Training
mandatory on case-to-case basis.
Provider shall be initiated under PMKVY :
5.7 Sub-contracting, sub-letting, franchisee
a) Government ITIs
arrangement of any kind for the targets
allocated is not allowed for any Training b) Pvt. ITIs with grading & above in
Provider. The training infrastructure used by participation with Industries
the Training Provider including building and c) NSTI / NIESBUD / IIE
equipment should be owned or rented by d) Government Institutions / Institutions
the Training Providers. Also, key staff such as Identified by the State
centre managers and trainers should be on the
e) Training Providers meeting the
payrolls of the Training Providers. The NSDC /
accreditation and affiliation
SSDM will be empowered to take actions on
protocols and in receipt of Letter of
any Training Providers who are found violating
Recommendation by SSDM.
this provision of the Guidelines. These actions
6.4 Active participation shall be encouraged by
may include target revocation, financial
universities and colleges to participate in
penalties, and blacklisting of Training Provider
the skill development programs. Targets for
for the entire scheme duration. No further
correspondence shall be tenable in this matter. training under PMKVY may be directly givento
Government Universities / Government
5.8 A concurrent monitoring mechanism shall Colleges.
be put in place to periodically monitor the
progress of these centres and unlocking 6.5 Reputed industrial establishments and NGOs
of the assigned target shall be done if the having a long-standing track record of quality
defined performance criteria are met. training program implementation shall also
be on-boarded on a case-to-case basis for
providing training.

6. Centre Accreditation and 6.6 Applicants who create permanent structures

for trainings and have appropriate faculty shall
Affiliation be given long term targets. In addition, focus
6.1 Training Centres / Training Providers shall would be to on-board those Training Providers,
be empanelled through a digital platform. who show commitment of being a part of the
skill development movement, for a long haul,
through evidence of ownership / long lease of maintain a platform for this purpose. This
infrastructure created for providing training. platform shall be integrated with Skill India
Portal so that post registration lifecycle of the
6.7 The quality of the training staff is of utmost
candidate is mapped coherently.
importance. The training and certification of
trainers shall be given utmost attention. 7.3 DSCs and SSDMs would be roped in for
mobilization under both Central and State
6.8 Creation of hub and spoke models at District-
components of the schemes.
level shall be encouraged under the scheme.
State of art Training Centres through PMKKs, 7.4 DSCs / SSDM may utilize the services of
have already been established / are under existing field functionaries such as Banking
establishment at District level. PMKKs are Correspondents, Asha Workers and Nehru Yuva
envisaged as hubs of skill development with Kendra Volunteers from other ministries and
smaller centres at block level acting as spokes department.
to these hubs.
7.5 Other traditional and innovative methods of
6.9 The scheme also proposes feedback-based information dissemination may be employed
rating mechanism along with existing Grading by DSCs / SSDMs.
(SMART rating) received during accreditation
7.6 In case, the DSCs are not able to mobilize
and affiliation of Training Centres. This
and register adequate number of training
mechanism of rating will help identify the most
aspirants (at least 1.5 time of district-level
preferred Training Centres in the long run.
target) within 30 days of target allocation to
Under recalibrated rating system, empanelled
TP, the mobilization and registration activity
PMKVY Training Centres would receive
may be carried out by the Training Providers
feedback based on following mechanism:
themselves to meet the given target.
6.9.1 Feedback on Training Centres from
candidates regarding training delivery,
infrastructure, quality of trainers 8. Counselling
and support provided for gainful 8.1 One of the major impediments of skill
employment. development in India is the lack of aspirations
6.9.2 Feedback from industry / placement among the youth for skilling. It is important
partners regarding job readiness that prevailing information asymmetry is
(technical and soft skills) of placed removed, and unbiased counselling is provided
candidates. so that needy and motivated youth are
encouraged to join the skilling movement.
Hence, multi-layered information / counselling
7. Mobilisation of candidates eco-system are proposed in PMKVY . This
7.1 PMKVY is a trainee-centric need-based and structure shall include the following:
demand driven scheme. The focus of the
8.1.1 Online Information / Counselling
scheme shall be on unemployed / drop-out
Platform – Relevant information
youth of age
regarding the job roles / sectors,
15-45 years. online psychometric test, livelihood
7.2 Registrations, enrolment and selection of the opportunities post training, career
candidate will be done through common progression profiles, information on
digital platform. NSDC shall develop and Training Centres including the rating of

| 17
the centres and options for registration 9.3 Post-registration, in case of Target Allocation
shall be made available through this process 1, DSCs will prepare a long list of
portal. candidates, which shall not be less than 1.5
8.1.2 Through Counselling Helpline – times the target allocated to district. Once the
An information desk / counselling Training Provider is identified under this model,
helpdesk shall be created which will be this list of registered candidates shall be shared
voice / chat based. with Training Providers for further short-listing
and enrolment.
8.1.3 Through District-level skill
information centre – For a better 9.4 In case adequate candidates for batch
outreach, district level skill information formation for a Job Role / Training Centre are
/ service centres under the aegis of not available for registration, the Training
DSCs shall be created (at least one in Provider can mobilize, counsel and register for
each district to start with, where an the shortfall number.
existing institution would be equipped
to act as a counselling centre) where 9.5 In case of demand-based target allocation or
prospective beneficiaries can get Target Allocation process 2, the identification of
necessary information regarding skill Training Providers is dependent on the job roles
gaps / requirements in various sectors, demanded at district-level. Here, the long list
location of the training centres, present of candidates whose preferred job roles are not
employment opportunity, market covered under Target Allocation process 1, shall
relevant job roles and avail counselling be prepared and shared with NSDC / SSDM
sessions. at the earliest for selection / identification of
8.1.4 All the above activities shall be Training Providers, who in turn will short list
supplemented by an extensive media candidates for batch-wise enrolment.
campaign to sensitize and create 9.6 Each stakeholder mentioned above shall be
awareness. facilitated for using IT-enabled platforms.
Trainees, Training Providers, SSDM, DSCs, SSC
and MSDE will be given a dedicated login
9. Registration of Candidates credential to access the Skill India Portal.
and Formation of Batches Entire candidate lifecycle from registration to
placement would be captured and monitored
9.1 PMKVY is trainee-centric scheme and under Skill India Portal.
therefore, candidates shall be encouraged to
self-register on a portal / app on the choice of 9.7 It is envisaged that DSCs shall access the course
the job role and Training Centre. However, in information of not only PMKVY but also for
case that is not possible DSCs / SSDM / TP shall all other skilling schemes operational in the
enable them for registration. district. A consolidated database will help DSCs
to recommend the most suitable course to the
9.2 Once the counselling of the candidate candidate in case same is not available under
is complete, the candidate will provide PMKVY. This consolidated database shall also
preferences for trades / courses out of the enable DSCs to get on-ground support through
identified list for the district / state. The the IT system. The integrated Skill India Portal
candidate shall also provide the preference will provide unified and assimilated training
for district / place of training. Aadhaar will be information on real-time basis.
mandatory for this registration.
10. Training of candidates 10.3 All candidates must be provided with the
participant handbook along with the induction
10.1 Training shall be done in accordance to the kit.
10.4 Use of digital content to supplement classroom
10.1.1 Job Roles which have been approved training shall be encouraged. NSDC shall
by NCVET and are compliant to NSQF. curate the digital content on e-Skill India portal
10.1.2 Job Roles which are NSQF level 3, (
4 and 5. Other NSQF level job roles 10.5 The training program shall be conducted as per
may be considered basis approval the social distancing and hygiene Guidelines /
from Executive Committee / Steering Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) issued by
Committee. Any exceptions may be
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW)
considered in case of PWD, special
and Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
groups with the approval of the
executive committee. 10.6 Details of the training program shall be
10.1.3 Job Roles aligned with the identified communicated by the DSCs and the Training
skill gaps captured in the skill gap Provider to people’s representatives such
study. as Member of Parliament and Members of
Legislative Assembly.
10.1.4 Job Roles having the potential of
employment – wage and self. 10.7 Additional support to improve the outcome of
10.1.5 The training hours will be as per the scheme shall be provided to the candidates,
the approved hours of NCVET. The including special groups in the form of:
approved training hours of the job
10.7.1 One-time incentive to all certified
role should be less than 600 hours
excluding hours allocated for EEE.
COVID-19 related modules also to be 10.7.2 Boarding and lodging cost support
part of the training hours. 10.7.3 Conveyance cost
10.1.6 The model curriculum and content for 10.7.4 Post Placement Stipend
the respective Qualification Packs (QPs), 10.7.5 Additional support to PwD candidates
should be in place, and preferably
10.7.6 Accidental insurance
developed by awarding bodies
10.7.7 Induction kit and participant handbook
(including SSCs).
10.7.8 Yearly incentive to Training Provider
10.1.7 Add-on bridge courses and language
courses for making schemes 10.7.9 One-time placement travel cost
compatible internationally shall also 10.7.10 Career progression support
be planned, to provide international 10.7.11 Special Incentive for foreign placements
employment opportunities to the
10.7.12 Post Placement Tracking Allowance
Indian youth.
The detail on the above support is attached as
10.2 It is mandatory for the candidates to have an
Annexure 3.
Aadhaar ID during the enrolment process. It is
also mandatory for the students to maintain Existing provisions under the Common Cost
70% attendance to be eligible to appear in the Norms shall also be followed, wherever
assessments. applicable.

| 19
11. Training of Trainers 12.4 Assessment fees – Assessment fees shall be funded
under the scheme.
and Assessors
12.5 2nd chance shall be provided to unsuccessful
11.1 To ensure the quality assurance in skill training candidates under STT who have > 70% attendance.
under PMKVY , training and assessment shall Assessment fees for these candidates shall also be
be delivered through certified trainers and paid under the scheme.
assessors only. These trainers and assessors shall
be certified by awarding bodies through a training 12.6 Certificates shall be made available to the
and assessment program outlined in the Training candidates in Digital Form.
of Trainer and Training of Assessor Guidelines.
Funding support shall be provided from the
13. Placement and Post
Training Support
12. Assessment and Certification 13.1 Facilitation of wage employment / self-
employment / apprenticeship shall be provided to
of candidates the certified candidates under the STT component
12.1 The assessment and certification process shall be of the scheme.
strengthened and reformed in coordination with 13.2 PMKKs shall act as nodal centres at districts for
NCVET. providing self-employment support. The schedule
12.2 The skill assessment is the prime responsibility of of activities related to placements shall be
the SSC / Awarding Bodies and is conducted by circulated to DSCs for wider publicity.
an empaneled third-party organization called as 13.3 Training linked to captive placements (training
Assessment Agency (AA). and placement within the same industry) will be
12.3 Following methods will be adopted to increase promoted under the scheme.
quality of assessments and transparency in 13.4 Training Partner shall work in coordination with
assessments: DSC / SSDM for placement of the candidates. NSDC
12.3.1 Assessment & Certification will be the and SSC shall actively support in this process.
responsibility of NCVET approved Awarding 13.5 Rozgar Melas to be organized on regular interval
Bodies and Assessment Agencies. at district and regional level by TP / DSCs / SSDMs /
12.3.2 Online assessment system and proctored SSCs for placement and apprenticeship.
assessment will be prioritized for
theoretical and practical assessment 13.6 Post training linkages with apprenticeship
(wherever possible). (registration support on apprenticeship portal) for
certified candidates shall be provided.
12.3.3 As far as possible, endeavour will be made
to establish Common Assessment Centres 13.7 A three-month placement / self-employment
(CACs) to ensure quality and transparency monitoring shall be done by Training Providers,
during the assessment process. The DSCs, SSDMs.
CACs shall be responsible for hosting
assessments as per the requirements laid 13.8 All certified candidates shall be on-boarded onto
out by the Awarding Body / SSCs. ASEEM portal seamlessly to make them available to
potential employers at click of a mouse.
13.9 Post placement verification shall be done by NSDC
& DSC for central component and SSDM & DSC for
16. Deployment of Staff
state component of the scheme. NSDC may seek 16.1 To ensure smooth implementation of the scheme in
support of SSDM, if required. both CSCM and CSSM component, SSDMs through
their respective State Government, DSCs through
their respective District Administration and NSDC
14. Monitoring and Supervision are required to put in place a dedicated functional
14.1 Monitoring and Supervision shall be done at team to oversee the execution and monitoring
various levels to ensure quality outcome. SSDM of scheme. NSDC / SSC shall also augment their
and DSCs shall be roped in along with NSDC capacity at state-level for handholding and support
for concurrent and continuous monitoring to SSDMs and DSCs.
& supervision of the scheme including post
placement. Monitoring would be done via
technology-driven interventions as well as physical
17. Capacity Building
inspections for transparency and scalability. 17.1 NSDC / SSDM shall play the key roles in building the
capacity of the participating stakeholders through
training sessions, IT-based webinars, refresher
15. Grievance Redressal course, regional / zonal review meetings, ideas
15.1 A Grievance Redressal mechanism for Applicant, exchange and knowledge exchange.
Training Partners and Assessors shall be set up with
the appropriate authority at District / State / Central
level for a time bound resolution of grievances.

| 21
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana -
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

1. Introduction improving their employability, lifelong learning,

social inclusion, and self-esteem.
1.1 Recognition of Prior Learning is a skill certification
2.2 The objectives of RPL are primarily three-fold:
component to enable a large number of Indian
youth to take on industry-relevant skill certification 2.2.1 To align the competencies of the pre-
which will help them to secure a better livelihood. existing workforce of the country to the
Individuals with prior learning experience or skills standardized National Skills Qualification
can register themselves and get assessed and Framework (NSQF)
certified under the Recognition of Prior Learning
2.2.2 To enhance the employability and / or
(RPL) component of the scheme. RPL focuses
entrepreneurial opportunities of an
mainly on individuals engaged in unregulated
individual, and
2.2.3 To provide opportunities for reducing
1.2 Any revisions made to these Guidelines will be inequalities based on privileging certain
uploaded on the official website of PMKVY (www. forms of knowledge over others All stakeholders are advised
2.3 RPL under PMKVY also seeks to:
to regularly check for amendments / changes, if
any. 2.3.1 Create value by making it aspirational both
from the standpoint of the candidate and
the employer. Upskilling / reskilling and
2. Objectives of Recognition of inclusivity by certifying people are ways to
Prior Learning (RPL) make RPL aspirational.
2.3.2 Leverage technological interventions
2.1 To actively contribute to existing skill development
in programme delivery by providing
in India by establishing an outcome-driven
standardized content on digital and
implementation framework which evaluates and
financial literacy, online assessments, etc.
recognizes skills and knowledge acquired outside
the classroom (informal learning or learning 2.3.3 Forge strong links with industry by
through work), helps people acquire a formal gauging industry requirements, factoring
qualification that matches their knowledge and these requirements into RPL, and thereby
skills, and if required up-skills / re-skills (through creating industry acceptance for people
bridge courses) and thereby contributes to going through an RPL program and being
2.3.4 Deploy demand-based selective RPL (NGOs), cluster-based associations
models by restructuring and designing such as cooperatives (for example,
demand-based selective models for agriculture, industry associations,
different sectors (organized / unorganized) etc).
and improve target allocation by targeting ii Central and state government
geographies and sectors based on skill ministries, their institutions.
gaps / industry surveys / requirements, etc.
iii Central / state universities, skill
universities, Government ITIs, KVKs,
3. Project Types, Eligibility and etc.
iv Training Providers in response to
Stakeholders involved demand aggregation by District Skill
3.1 Project Types in RPL : RPL project types Committees, State Skill Development
predominantly talks about the RPL execution Missions, SSCs, and Demand Portal.
strategy with respect to target beneficiaries. Five Some examples of RPL in camp mode
types of RPL projects will be available in PMKVY . are:
i Automotive cluster of Mumbai-Pune,
3.1.1 RPL Type 1(Camps): The salient features
garment manufacturing cluster
for this project type are:
of Tiruppur district (Tamil Nadu), This is proposed to be conducted for footwear cluster of Agra, farmer
target beneficiaries in a location where community, etc.
workers of a sector are consolidated
ii RPL at designated centres / camps
(such as industrial and / or traditional
for geographically scattered workers
skill clusters).
who need to be mobilized. Orientation hours proposed is 12 hours.
3.1.2 RPL Type 2 (Employer Premises): The Bridge Course, up to additional 68 salient features of this project type are:
hours, based on need and relevance can This type of RPL is conducted on site at
be added over and above the 12 hours
the employer’s premises.
of orientation. Orientation hours proposed is 12 Target Allocation will be implemented
hours. In case of employees not being
through RFP mode.
available for 12 hours, a 4-hour, one day This will cover both CSCM and CSSM RPL, may be offered with discounted
components. pay-outs. PIA Cost and Tranches: Rs. 2,000/- with Bridge Course, up to additional 68
payment in 2 tranches. hours, based on need and relevance can Candidates going for this RPL type will be added over and above the 12 hours
receive an RPL kit. of orientation. A certified trainer will provide the Target Allocation will be implemented
orientation through RFP mode. The following can be Project This will cover both CSCM and CSSM
Implementing Agencies (PIAs): components.
i Private and public expert bodies PIA Cost and Tranches: Rs.1,700/- (for 12
in the sector recommended by the hours) and Rs. 1,200/- (for 4 hours) with
SSCs, Non-government organizations payment made in 2 tranches. Candidates going for this RPL type will 3.1.4 RPL Type 4 (RPL with Best-in-Class
receive an RPL kit. Employers (BICE)-Large Corporations / A certified trainer will provide the Industry and Medium Scale Enterprises):
orientation This type of RPL entails: The following can be Project Best-in-Class employer in both large and
Implementing Agencies (PIAs): medium enterprise as per SSC criteria
will be selected.
i Registered employers / industry Employees of Best-In-Class employers
ii SSC recommended industry
from all the sectors shall be certified.
associations, bodies, and institutions Senior employees such as supervisors
iii Training Providers in response to
/ managers shall act as ‘Employer
demand aggregation by District
-Assessors’ in this mode.
Skill Committees (DSCs), State Skill
Development Missions (SSDMs), There is no orientation module in this
Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) and type. It only has assessment.
Demand Aggregation Portal (DAP) This type will not have a bridge course.
3.1.3 RPL Type 3 (RPL by Demand): The salient This will cover the CSCM component.
features for this project type are: PIA cost and tranches: Rs. 1,200/- with This type involves RPL at designated payment made in 1 tranche.
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Kendra (PMKK)/ Candidates going for this RPL type will
PMKVY centers. not receive an RPL kit. Any individual or District Skill The following can be Project
Committees (DSCs) can request for RPL Implementing Agencies (PIAs):
at the available centre for a job role. i Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) Orientation hours proposed is 12 hours.
ii SSC recommended industry bodies / This type will not have a bridge Course. associations Target Allocation will be based on iii Best in Class employer for its own
demand generated through Demand employees
Aggregation Portal (DAP) at NSDC or by 3.1.5 RPL Type 5 (Online RPL): This type of
District Skill Committees (DSCs). demand based RPL is: This will cover both the CSCM and CSSM Open to all skill seekers, who wish to
components. take an online exam and get certified. PIA Cost and Tranches: Rs. 1,400/- with This applies to specific job roles where
payment made in 2 tranches. theory and practical are both amenable Candidates going for this RPL type will to be conducted online.
receive an RPL kit. Proctoring is executed through video A certified trainer will provide the links and other tools, and there is no
orientation. physical proctoring. Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs): There is no orientation module in this
PMKKs / PMKVY which have been type.
allocated Short Term Training (STT) This type will not have a bridge course.
targets in PMKVY will be eligible. Target Allocation will be based on candidates will be remotely proctored,
demand generated through Demand assessed and will then be provided a
Aggregation Portal at NSDC. certificate. This will cover only the CSCM 3.1.6 For all the five project types under RPL
component. these would be common elements: Kaushal PIA cost and tranches: Rs. 1,200/- with Bima (3 years accident insurance), Skill
payment made in 1 tranche. Card, Assessment by SSC, Reward Money,
reassessment module, study material to Candidates going for this RPL type will
be provided by Training Provider, Monthly
not receive an RPL kit.
Performance Report submission by TP, The following can be Project
penalty grid, revocation matrix, passing
Implementing Agencies (PIAs):
criteria, branding guidelines, term sheet
• SSCs (for example, IT-ITES offering signing process.
industry certificates)
3.1.7 For a summary of the five project types The collective names / demand Annexure 4: Summary of Project Types can be
from demand portal can go to SSCs referred to.
which then forms a batch on SIP. The

3.2 Key Stakeholders in RPL under PMKVY

Table 1: Key Stakeholders in RPL

Ministry of Skill  Provides the funding for the scheme.

Development &  Provides the necessary policy decisions for implementing the RPL scheme.
Entrepreneurship  Works as the grievance redressal for the RPL related queries from State Government and
(MSDE) other Central Government Ministries.
National Skill  The project implementing body of RPL from policy implementation to fund disbursement
Development and quality check.
Corporation  Manages the flow of RPL right from coming of proposal to closure of the execution.
Training Provider  The proposing entity which is responsible for overall execution and implementation of the
(TP) / / Project RPL project.
Implementing  Receives financial payout for the project.
Agency(PIA)  Legal entity that signs term sheet with NSDC.
RPL Facilitator  Responsible for conducting on-ground mobilization, counselling, pre-screening, and
Organization orientation/bridge course of the beneficiaries to function as extended arm of the Training
Provider (TP). This is applicable generally if the TP does not have inherent capacity to train
like SSDMs, SSCs, and Government departments.
 Facilitator organizations will be tracked by Skill India Portal.

Trainers  Trainers who are qualified as per the standards defined by SSC or any other approved
awarding body, to provide orientation under PMKVY on the lines of NSQF.
 Mandatory orientation to be given by ToT certified trainers.
 Exception may be provided by the PMKVY Executive Committee, if required.

| 25
Assessors  Assessors who are qualified as per the standards defined by SSC or any other approved
awarding body, to undertake assessments under PMKVY on the lines of NSQF.
 Apart from certified assessors from SSCs, assessment by ‘Employer Assessor’ for Best-in-
Class industries in RPL BICE (Type 4) and directly by remote proctoring in case of ‘Online
Certification’ (RPL Type 5) will be allowed.

Sector Skill Council  PIA in RPL types 4 and 5 and primary drivers for these RPL types.
 Validate orientation and bridge course content.
 Conduct ToT programs for RPL Facilitator Organizations whose trainers are not certified.
 Assign Assessment Agencies to batches.
 Approve the result submitted by assessor and verified by AAs.
 Collect evidence for neutral and free fair assessment.
 Certify candidates.
 Notify the eligible job roles for RPL type 5.
 Monitoring RPL project implementation.
Assessment  AAs will conduct assessments of beneficiaries.
Agency (AA)  The AA shall be an independent third party (neither the PIA nor RPL Facilitator
Demand  For mobilizing the candidates based on availability of RPL centers in the vicinity a Demand
Aggregation Portal Aggregation Portal would be used primarily for RPL by Demand (Type 4) and Online RPL
(DAP) (Type 5).
Skill India Portal  This is a Management Information System for PMKVY which is an online repository of
(SIP) integrated database relating to value chain of RPL program initiating from registration to
certification process.
District Skill  DSCs as defined in PMKVY Guidelines.
Committees (DSCs)  In addition to mobilization, counselling, and batch formation, DSCs would also be involved
in monitoring and supervision at the district-level.
State Skill  SSDMs / respective Departments in States / UTs will review the district-level skill
Development development plan prepared by DSCs.
Mission (SSDM)  SSDMs / respective Departments will aggregate skill gap from all districts and share the
consolidated skill development plan with MSDE.
Kaushal Mitras  Kaushal Mitras are village / field level functionaries who would assist in identifying,
preliminary counselling and handholding of the beneficiaries who need skill development
PMKVY  The PMKVY SC conducts the screening of RPL proposals as per the Guidelines and
Screening provides its recommendations for suitability of proposal and number of targets to be
Committee (SC) allocated.
Project  This is a tangible document signed by PIA while awarding the RPL execution targets.
Sanction Mail and
PMKVY  The PMKVY Executive Committee (EC) accords final approval to RPL proposals as perthe
Executive Guidelines and merit of the proposal.
Committee  The PMKVY EC conducts screening of RPL proposals presented in and recommendedby
the PMKVY Screening Committee.
3.3 Eligibility Criteria Any department / organization
registered with any State / UTs
3.3.1 Who can go for RPL? Government under the union of RPL is applicable for any candidate of India
Indian nationality who: Specific eligibility criteria as notified Is of age between 18-45 years. by Ministry of Skill Development and Has prior experience in the job role Entrepreneurship (MSDE) be defined
for which they want RPL certification / altered time to time.
and as specified by the SSCs for SSCs will not be encouraged to
those job roles. become PIAs in RPL except RPL Type Possesses an Aadhaar card and 4 and 5.
Aadhaar linked bank account. Assessment Agencies will not be Fulfils other criteria related to work permitted as PIA under RPL in
experience, as defined by the SSCs PMKVY.
for the respective job roles. In order to be eligible to apply as a PIA, If target beneficiaries belong to higher an entity should be:
age groups than those specified in point Any form of corporate entity or legal
1, the Project Implementing Agency entity.
(PIA) would have to get this approved Has been incorporated for more than
during the sanction from the PMKVY
03 years at the time project proposal
Executive Committee / State level
is submitted to NSDC with at least 1
Empowered Committee. year of experience in the proposed
3.3.2 Who can become a Project Implementing sector(s), and
Agency (PIA)? Should have an average annual RPL Implementation Agency refers to turnover of last 3 financial years that
the proposing entity for RPL project, is at least 25% of the total project
which is responsible for the overall cost proposed.
execution and implementation of the The PIA may propose a maximum
of two projects, included rejected Any legal entity such as private proposals, across all available sectors
companies, non-profit organizations, in a given financial year.
NGOs, industrial associations, The PIA should have a positive net
cooperatives, etc. which have been
worth for the last two consecutive
working in the sector and have financial years.
been recognised for such work. Minimum three months gap from
Recognition would include state
the date of return of proposal
and national level awards, SSC
to resubmission of a returned or
recommendation, etc.
rejected proposal. Best-in-Class employers as The conditions may be exempted
determined by SSC criteria.
in case of Government / semi- Central and state government
Government organizations.
ministries, departments, associations,

| 27
4. Project Sanction 4.4 SSDM shall implement projects under CSSM
component either through an RFP process or
4.1 Coverage of Beneficiaries: PMKVY RPL target is through NSDC empanelled PIAs with the approval
5.80 lakh and will be divided in the ratio of 75:25 of PMKVY State level Empowered Committee.
between the central and state components. Based
4.5 The projects with bridge courses either in CSCM /
on demand / performance, the ratio of State
CSSM component shall be approved by the PMKVY
component may be increased / decreased.
Executive Committee at MSDE.
4.2 Identification and selection of RPL projects
4.6 RPL under PMKVY should be focused on job
4.2.1 The identification of projects for RPL shall roles of NSQF level 3,4 or 5.
be done as follows:
4.7 Proposal Review MSDE will allocate targets for states for
Central and State component of RPL, 4.7.1 For CSCM component: PMKVY
based on objective parameters. Executive Committee (EC) at MSDE shall Central Component: The be the apex committee for smooth
implementation of the project shall implementation and monitoring of RPL
be done through NSDC for the entire under the central component. For overall
central component target of a state. target allocation, the recommendations
NSDC will identify projects as per of the RFP evaluation committee will be
assessment done by SSC / NSDC / self approved by the EC.
demand by candidates on Portal / SSDM 4.7.2 For CSSM component: A State Screening
/ DSC. SSDM and DSCs will be free to Committee shall be formed by SSDM /
suggest projects under the Central Nodal Skill Development Department in
component, based on local demand, the State / UT chaired by Mission Director
and same may be included by NSDC for or any other officer of equivalent or higher
implementation if found otherwise to rank for implementing of RPL under the
be fit and suitable. state component. The recommendations State Component: The state of the State Screening Committee shall be
component of the target shall be approved by the State level Empowered
implemented by SSDMs. They shall Committee.
identify suitable projects with the help
of DSCs having such a demand and
shall implement it as State component.
5. Project Finance
PMKVY State level Empowered 5.1 Four types of pay-outs have been covered in the
Committee to sanction such projects. total project cost:
Selection of most suitable RPL
Implementation Agencies (PIAs) to be 5.1.1 Pay-out to PIA
done in transparent and competitive 5.1.2 Pay-out to SSC
manner. 5.1.3 Pay-out for Kaushal Bima
4.3 NSDC shall further through RFP process identify 5.1.4 Pay-out to the Candidate
PIAs for implementation of entire projects under
5.2 The indicative project cost per candidate is given in
CSCM Component. the table 2:
Table 2: Indicative Project Cost per Candidate. - In Rs. per Candidate

Sl. Particulars Project Type Project Type Project Type Project Project
No. 1 - Camps 2 - Employer 3 - RPL by Type 4 - Type 5 -
Premises Demand BICE Online RPL
1 Pay-out to PIA
1.a 12 hours Orientation Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 1,700/- Rs. 1,400/- NA NA
1.b 4 hours Orientation NA Rs. 1,200/- NA NA NA
1.c Pay-out for Bridge course As per Common Norms, if approved as per Guidelines (not applicable for
project types 3, 4 and 5.
2 Pay-out for Kaushal Bima * The Total Cost has been calculated after considering the maximum
orientation cost, average assessment cost of Rs.975/- and not the bridge
course cost. For all RPL project types, the insurance payout is not a part of
the PIA payout.
Kaushal Bima Rs. 76.7/- Rs. 76.7/- Rs. 76.7/- Rs. 76.7/- Rs. 76.7/-
(3 years insurance under Pradhan
Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana-
3 Pay-out to Candidate
3.a Reward Money Rs.500/- Rs. 500/- Rs. 500/- Rs. 500/- Rs. 500/-
4 Pay-out to SSC As per Common Norms, in line with the matrix given below Rs. 1,200 Rs. 1,200
NSQF Level Common Norms Category Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
10 Senior Level / Specialized, Rs. 1,125/- Rs. 937.5/- Rs. 750/-
9 Executive level
7 Mid-Level / Administrative Rs. 975/- Rs. 825/- Rs. 675/-
6 Employment
4 Entry level / Operational Rs. 900/- Rs. 750/- Rs. 600/-
3 Employment
2 Pre- employment (For schools) / Rs. 525/- Rs. 450/- Rs. 375/-
1 Non – Organizational
5 Total Cost per Rs. 3,551.7/- Rs. 3,251.7/- Rs. 2,951.7/- Rs. 1,776.7/- Rs. 1,776.7/-

5.3 The pay-out for bridge courses would be as per 5.5 Pay-outs will be directly transferred to the RPL
Common Norms for the hours of bridge, subject to PIA’s bank account (DBT) on the completion of the
a maximum of 68 hours. following milestones:

5.4 In projects where utilization of Government-owned 5.5.1 Tranche 1: 80% payment on result
infrastructure, equipment, trainers supported by approval by the SSC. 100% for RPL 4 and 5
other projects or Government agencies is involved, post successful certification of candidates
project cost will be discounted. and submission / upload of relevant

| 29
5.5.2 Tranche 2: 20% payment upon submission SSCs) shall only be given for enrolment for a
/ uploading of Monthly Performance maximum of two job roles, only if there is a six-
Report (MPR) and submission of proof for month gap between the certification date of the
certificate handover, with or without the first job role enrolled for and the subsequent
distribution ceremony. enrolment date under RPL (or the batch start date).
5.6 Pay-out to the SSC: The assessment pay-out will
be provided for overseeing and facilitating final
assessments, as per the NSQF level of job roles as
6. RPL Process
given in the PMKVY Guidelines. 6.1 Process Overview:
5.7 Pay-out for Kaushal Bima: Every certified 6.1.1 The overall RPL process comprises of five
candidate will be provided with 3-year accidental steps, as specified below. While this is
insurance of Rs. 2 lakh. general process for RPL types 1, 2, and 3,
the Guidelines need to be referred to for
5.8 Pay-out to Candidates / Reward for Certification:
project types 4 and 5.
Every certified candidate will get a reward of
Rs. 500/- for clearing the exam as encouragement. 6.2 For RPL project types 4 and 5:
The pay-out to candidates will be processed 6.2.1 Kindly refer to the Guidelines of RPL by
centrally and will be transferred directly to the bank Best-in-Class employers on the PMKVY
account of the candidate. portal for details.
6.2.2 Type 5 online RPL will also follow the
5.9 Candidates may choose to enrol for the second
same model for Demand Aggregation.
time in a different job role / related job role /
However, the candidates will be assigned to
higher job role, under RPL, during the duration of
concerned SSCs which will create a batch
the scheme. The pay-out against such candidates
and then carry out remotely proctored
(which includes pay-out to candidates, PIAs and

Mobilization and
01 Pre-Assessment

Screening and
Counselling 02 03 Orientation

Final Assessment 04 05 Certification

Reassessment 06
6.3 Five-Step RPL Process Potential candidates must be counselled
6.3.1 Step 1: Mobilization: Mobilization by the PIA / trainer in the following
of candidates shall be driven through areas:
following modes: i A brief about MSDE, Skill India
i TP itself programme, and RPL processes.
ii DSCs / SSDM / SSC / Demand Portal ii Eligibility criteria for appearing for
RPL certification.
ii Online Demand Aggregation Portal
created by NSDC (only for types 3 and 5) iii The benefits of RPL certification and
for CSCM. how to avail those benefits.
6.3.2 Pre-registration of candidates is mandatory iv Possible Career Progression (vertical
for enrolment in the program. and horizontal).
6.3.3 Candidates mobilized should strictly follow v Employment opportunity (both
the overall eligibility criteria as specified wage and self) with learned skill.
in the Guidelines. PIAs must ensure In addition to this, the Induction Video
candidate’s willingness to participate in the on RPL under PMKVY should be shown
RPL program. to the candidates at this stage.
6.3.4 RPL by Demand, Type 3, will use the After counselling, the RPL facilitator
Demand Aggregation Portal (DAP) would need to conduct a robust
capturing the direct demand for RPL and thorough pre-screening of the
certification by interested candidates. candidates to ascertain which job role
Candidates here have the option of matches with their prior knowledge
choosing the location of a PMKK centre and and experience most, and to identify
specific job role on which they wish to take knowledge gaps, if any. The pre-
the training. screening process is divided into
6.3.5 Online RPL, Type 5, direct demand for following two parts:
RPL certification by interested candidates i PART 1: The collection of supporting
shall be captured through Demand documentation and evidence from
Aggregation Portal. SSCs will conduct the candidate - SSCs to specify the
remotely proctored online assessment for personal information required and
candidates. the supporting documentation that
6.3.6 Step 2: Pre-Screening and Counselling: may be available for the job role.
For all RPL project types, the following ii PART 2: Candidate self-assessment
pre-screening and counselling instructions for assessing the previous
should be adopted: knowledge of the candidate. PIAs shall engage SSC / Awarding Candidates shall be enrolled under
Body approved trainers who have the scheme upon completion of
completed the Training of Trainers (ToT) counselling, pre-screening and
programme, for counselling and pre- registration. At the time of enrolment,
screening of candidates. it is mandatory for candidates to PIAs are to evaluate the existing skill have valid Aadhaar and active bank
sets and experience of the candidates accounts. If a candidate does not
based on pre-screening format set by have an Aadhaar number and / or
respective SSCs for each job role and a a bank account, the PIA is required
self-assessment test.

| 31
to facilitate the same prior to the Bridge Course Option for Upskilling:
enrolment of candidate under the In addition to the 12 hours of
scheme. Orientation, a PIA may also propose a
6.3.7 Step 3: Orientation: The following bridge course for RPL Type 1 and 2 to
orientation Guidelines shall be adopted for be imparted to target beneficiaries, as
all RPL project types deemed appropriate. Given below are
the salient features of bridge course: Minimum Duration of Orientation (12
Hours and 4 Hours) i Bridge course duration will be upto
68 hours and will be an addition
i PIA shall ensure that each enrolled
to the standard 12 hours of the
candidate mandatorily undergoes
orientation module. The Executive
a basic module of 12 hours of
Committee may increase the total
duration beyond 80 hours for a
ii This orientation must be delivered
specific project.
in a classroom setting. The PIA shall
ii The proposed bridge course may
arrange the necessary training
be, but not necessarily based on
infrastructure and required
both core NOSs and Non-Core NOSs
laboratory / equipment at the RPL
of the job role. PIAs may undertake
location, as per the requirements
customized content subject to
defined by respective Sector Skill
the approval of the Executive
Council (SSC) for the identified job
iii The content for bridge courses will
iii Orientation content will be designed
need to be validated by the SSC. The
by the TP, industry experts and
additional topics and sub-topics that
vetted by the SSC.
will be covered in the bridge course
need to be aligned with skill gaps
Table 3: Orientation Activities (12 Hours)
and demand / requirement of target
Sl. Name of the Activity Minimum audience, as substantiated in the
No. Duration project proposal.
1. Domain Training 6 Hours iv If approved, pay-out to PIA for the
(clarification of any bridge course will be in accordance
doubts / gaps a with Common Norms. The same shall
candidate may have be over and above the base RPL (12-
with respect to the job hour orientation) pay-out to PIA per
role) candidate.
2. Soft Skills and 4 Hours v Where on-the-job-training with
Entrepreneurship tips employers / industry is weaved into
specific to the Job Role the bridge course the pay-out for
the bridge will remain the same to
3. Familiarization with 2 Hours promote OJT / industry exposure for
Assessment Process candidates.
and Terms RPL Kit: For RPL Types 1, 2 and 3, the
PIA shall provide an RPL Kit that will
mandatorily have the following items:
i 01 Standard PMKVY T-shirt (For The following may be added to the
males) / Jacket or T-shirt (For females pool of assessment and certification
and Transgender) [*Females and process in consultation with NCVET to
transgender will be allowed to opt maintain a robust and smooth process
either for T-shirt or Jacket] of accreditation and certification:
ii 01 Standard PMKVY Cap i Academic Institutions
iii Study material for that the job role ii Industry Bodies
iv Job role related items such as iii Government ITIs / NSTIs / RDSDEs /
tools, items which can be useful at State Directorate
workplace, etc. (this is optional). Marks scored in the Core NOSs of a
6.3.8 Step 4: Final Assessment: For all Project QP shall be given 70% weightage in
Types, the following assessment Guidelines the total score. The remaining 30%
shall be adopted. weightage shall be from the Non-Core The scores of self-assessment and NOSs.
online training modules (if taken) will i For example: A QP has five NOSs
be available to the candidate and (three Core and two Non-Core). A
monitors during visit. candidate scores 240 marks out of Assessments under RPL shall be 300 in the three Core NOS, and 160
conducted in a manner like the Short- out of 200 in the two Non-Core NOSs.
Term Training component of PMKVY The total score of the candidate will
(2020-2021) in accordance with the be (240 / 300 x 70) + (160 / 200 x 30)
NSQF. = 80 out of 100. Common Assessment Centre (CAC) The pass percentage for a QP basis the
s are proposed under PMKVY to NSQF levels is outlined in the table
ensure quality and transparency below.
during the assessment process with
emphasis on online assessment
Table 4.1: Pass percentage for a QP based on
system for theoretical and practical
the NSQF Levels
assessment (as far as possible,
endeavour will be made) shall be NSQF Level Percentage required
planned. Such initiatives will further for passing a QP
increase the overall credibility of 1, 2, and 3 50%
certification. Every CAC will be 4 and above 70%
available with the necessary tools
and infrastructure for conducting Candidates, who achieve greater than or
assessment of the job roles.
equal to the pass percentage for a QP, It is the responsibility of PIA to make shall be awarded the Skill Certificate,
sure that the equipment specified marksheet, and a pay-out of Rs. 500/-.
by SSC is available for assessment. Certified candidates will also receive a
The same should be checked by the grade (A / B / C) on the Skill Certificate
assessor and monitors. (Kindly refer table 4.2 for the grading Online assessments will be promoted criteria).
wherever possible.

| 33
Table 4.2: Grades provided on Skill Certificate Candidates will be provided skill
certificate / marksheet / Pay-out (Rs.
Grade Score Range 500/-) based on their eligibility.
NSQF Level 1, 2, and 3 The pay-out of Rs. 500/- will be
A 85% and above directly deposited to the candidate’s
B > 70% to < 85% bank account. Only candidates with
C 50% to 70% valid bank account details are to be
NSQF Level 4 and above considered for processing of the pay-
A 85% and above out amount.
B 70% to < 85% PIAs need to ensure that accurate bank
details of candidates are captured on Candidates who score less than 30% SIP upon enrolment.
of the total score, shall receive only All RPL certified candidates shall
the marksheet and be encouraged to
receive accident insurance of three
undergo Short Term Training under
years. A unique policy number of the
accident insurance is mentioned on Only those candidates who have the certificate that is to be awarded to
valid Aadhaar and an Aadhaar linked respective certified candidates.
bank account shall be issued the Skill Candidates eligible for the Skill
Certificate / marksheet / pay-out, as
applicable, in accordance with criteria Certificate shall also be provided grades
mentioned. (A / B / C) as per table 4.2. Capturing high quality pictures and High resolution pictures and videos
videos, attendance sheets, and other needs to be taken for the Certificate
documents as a proof of training are to and marksheet distribution ceremony,
be retained by the PIA for at least one including the batch-wise photos of
year after the closure of the project. candidates. PIAs need to upload images Towards the end of final assessment, the and videos on a portal designated by
PIA shall ensure candidates fill up the NSDC.
Candidate Feedback Form available in 6.3.10 Step 6: Reassessment
regional languages. These forms should A failed or a dropped out candidate
be confidential and the process for the can undergo a reassessment. A second
same will be developed. chance for undergoing assessment shall
6.3.9 Step 5: Certification: For all project types, be provided to unsuccessful candidates.
the following instructions shall be adopted Reassessments will be carried out as per
in relation to certification and pay-out PMKVY Guidelines and will be paid by
Guidelines. the TP. SSCs need to quickly validate and
approve the results uploaded by the
CACs / AAs of the final assessment 7. Branding and Publicity
within a specified timeline.
7.1 Branding will be undertaken in accordance with the It is the responsibility of the TP to PMKVY Branding and Communication Guidelines.
ensure that candidates receive their RPL Any deviation from the norms may result in
certificates, along with the RPL skill card cancellation of project or penalty as decided by the
and marksheet. MSDE / NSDC / SSDM.
7.2 NSDC / SSDM / SSC shall publicize and promote RPL 8.1.5 Monitoring parameters would also
program at National and State level. DSC/PIA shall include the provision of infrastructure, the
be responsible for promotion of RPL projects at availability of tools and equipment during
local level, through the following medium: orientation and assessment (as validated
by the SSC), the provision of mandatory kits
7.2.1 Print Media: Advertisements in local to all participants, the provision of study
newspapers, photo opportunities, and material to all participants, etc.
press release.
8.1.6 All the trainings conducted under are to
7.2.2 Outdoor Advertising: Wall Paintings, be supported by a biometric attendance
installation of outdoor hoardings, and system unless mentioned otherwise during
posters in populated areas. approval.
7.2.3 Electronic Media: SMS, WhatsApp, 8.1.7 The implementation of the training project
pictures and videos on Facebook, YouTube, by a PIA will be subject to monitoring
Twitter, and NSDC / PMKVY / SSC / Trade under the PMKVY scheme. The PIA must be
Associations websites, local and community willing to declare the accounts and bank
radio stations. statements (pertaining to the project) to
7.3 The PIA will be responsible for the arrangement the Government and / or Government /
of necessary collaterals for branding and NSDC empanelled auditors at any time
communication in accordance with the PMKVY during and after completion of the project.
Branding and Communication Guidelines. 8.1.8 The training programs of PIAs will be
evaluated through onsite monitoring and
8. Monitoring Framework random physical verification visits by DSC /
8.1 Monitoring Framework and Quality Evaluation 8.1.9 SSCs may be involved in monitoring of
ongoing training programs at various
8.1.1 If the project does not start within a stages of implementation.
month after project approval, it will be
8.1.10 The implementing agency / coordinating
automatically cancelled.
agency will be required to submit the
8.1.2 The project will be evaluated against progress reports in the given formats from
certain time milestones and if the progress time to time.
is not satisfactory, one or all of the
following will be adopted, as per Penalty
Matrix: 9. Grievance Redressal Revocation of targets. Mechanism Deduction from pay-outs as monetary
penalization. 9.1 A Grievance Redressal mechanism shall be created
for PMKVY wherein DSC shall play the role at Closure of the project.
District level for both Central and State component
8.1.3 NSDC, SSDM, and DSC will be actively with escalation matrix to include NSDC for Central
involved in the monitoring of projects. component and SSDM for State component. The
8.1.4 Monitoring and Evaluation will have final escalation of the unresolved queries shall be to
specific emphasis on ensuring quality in MSDE. A detailed SOP shall be released separately
assessment and making RPL certification for the same.
aspirational in the country.

| 35
36 |
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana –
Special Projects

1. Overview of Special Projects competency and adeptness to the marginalized

sections of the country.
under PMKVY
1.4 The targets under Special Projects will constitute
1.1 The objective of Special Projects of PMKVY is to 12% in Centrally Sponsored Centrally Managed
undertake project-based skilling interventions, (CSCM) component of the total allocated targets
primarily to meet the skilling needs of under Short-Term Training (STT) of PMKVY . Such
marginalized or vulnerable groups (to mean projects will be approved by PMKVY Executive
hereafter such as Scheduled Castes and Tribes, Committee.
transgender, persons with disabilities, women,
economically backward people, any other category 1.5 During PMKVY 2.0, states were also permitted to
which identifies as marginalized/vulnerable and utilize 15% of their targets towards Special Projects.
is recognized by Government of India and State Similarly, in PMKVY , MSDE permit States to
governments) and those of difficult/remote implement 15% of their STT targets as per these
geographies, hard to reach areas (such as LWE, Special Projects guidelines, within the state STT
aspirational districts, J&K, Ladakh, North East states, budget. Such projects will be approved at the State
Island territories) which may not meet all the level by State Empowered Committee.
parameters as laid down in the Guidelines of Short
Term Training (STT) of PMKVY due to special
2. Type of projects to be taken
up under Special Projects of
1.2 Special Projects also envisages of covering short-
term skilling initiatives undertaken by reputed PMKVY
industry bodies offering captive placements
2.1 Projects targeting marginalized and vulnerable
opportunities; projects with innovative strategies;
projects offering local livelihood through creative
market linked entrepreneurship, and/or projects 2.1.1 The target group may include groups as
assuring international placements. mentioned in Section 1.1 above. Special
focus may also be given to rural artisans,
1.3 By its very intent, the projects falling under the
women, jail inmates, inmates of juvenile
Special Projects of PMKVY are required to be
homes, members of the transgender and
dynamic in approach and need to go beyond the
beggars communities, with an aim to
routine short-term skilling to enhance the all-round
provide income generation opportunity in institutional settings like jails, juvenile homes,
and ease their entry into the mainstream police stations, and similar other institutions. The
society. Government organizations can opt to become a
2.1.2 Project proposals from organizations SPIA themselves or implement the project through
primarily Non-Government Organizations Training Providers (TPs) as SPIAs. However, the
(NGOs), Organizations of Persons with overall responsibility of the project will remain
Disabilities (DPOs), various Development with the concerned Government Department /
Agencies working for Particularly organization. The selection of TPs in such cases
Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), and should be done through a competitive and
similar other organizations, who are transparent process.
already working and have established
2.4 Targeting difficult geographies such as tribal areas,
some model for supporting these groups.
LWE, Aspirational districts, which have very remote
These organization in course of their
access shall be considered under Special Projects.
work with vulnerable/marginalized
communities should have skilled them, 2.5 Micro-entrepreneurship projects, which provide
leading to economic upliftment. Such end-to-end linkages from skilling to market-
organizations would be expected to have connect/self-employment opportunities for
been awarded or recognized for their work local artisans and candidates belonging to
by the State Governments, Government the marginalized communities, and have an
of India or international organizations established model of promoting entrepreneurship
linked to UN, etc. Further, recognized for such groups, could include setting-up training-
organizations/NGOs/Government bodies cum-production centre, and employing certified
under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs candidates in such centres, or providing candidates
(MoTA) and Ministry of Social Justice and support to produce goods and market them, shall
Empowerment (MoSJE), who have niche be considered as Special Projects.
in training the marginalized communities,
2.6 Projects involving job roles, which are not there
tribal forest areas shall also be considered
in Short Term Training (STT) of PMKVY shall be
as Special Projects Implementing Agency
considered under Special Projects provided that,
they are catering to uplift the standard of living
2.2 Project proposals submitted by industry
of the marginalized communities/special groups.
bodies, Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) sponsored
However, non-PMKVY confirming job roles will
organizations or reputed industry associations at
not be the sole criterion for consideringas a
the national/state-level, committing 90% captive
Special Projects. Exceptional projects may also
placement shall be a SPIA for their projects. Training
be considered by the PMKVY Executive
will be conducted within the premises of SPIA or
Committee/State Empowered Committee on merit
premises hired by them.
for such job roles catering to the need of a specific
2.3 Project proposals through Government local culture or economy.
organizations, would include Central and State
2.7 To train the marginalized communities or
Government including Union Territories (UTs), their
backward-societies, any other type of proposals
ministries/departments, institutions, organizations,
may be considered with the approval of Executive
autonomous bodies, Public Sector Undertakings
Committee/State Empowered Committee.
(PSUs) and similar agencies shall be considered
under Special Projects. Government organizations 2.8 Organizations providing international placements
would be permitted to submit proposals for skilling or innovative skill projects will also be permitted
in their respective domains including skill trainings under Special Projects.
3. Type of Organizations, Who Can 4.2 Particularly, the modalities relating mobilization,
counselling, registration, enrolment, training,
Apply assessment, certification and placement of
candidates, monetary benefits to candidates,
3.1 Specialist Organizations: Such organizations could
duration of training programs, inclusion of soft
be NGOs, research labs, educational or financial
skills, digital literacy, etc., EEE module, will be as per
institutions and other expert organizations, who
STT Guidelines of PMKVY , unless an exception is
are experienced and specialize in working with and
approved for a project by PMKVY Executive
skilling of marginalized communities or specialize
Committee/State Empowered Committee.
in working in proposed difficult geographies.
4.3 Infrastructure
3.2 Captive Placement: Corporate, Industry bodies,
associations, and Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) on 4.3.1 All Training Centres (TCs) should apply and
behalf of/by aggregating demand from industry qualify the process of Skill Management
clusters sponsored organization with assurance of and Accreditation of Training Centres
providing 90% captive placement/placement. (SMART), for accreditation and affiliation
under PMKVY .
3.3 Government organizations/departments: With
the domain support of Government schemes 4.3.2 Certain relaxation in terms of lower
and institutional settings, Ministries, Government space available/not meeting exact space
departments or organizations or private training specifications in the infrastructure of TCs
institutions on behalf of government departments, may be provided as per the need of the
can propose for training programs. project or as decided by the PMKVY
Executive Committee/State Empowered
3.4 Organizations already providing/proposing Committee.
innovative models of skilling linked to 4.3.3 However, all TCs should have the
entrepreneurship and those providing international mandatory equipment and machineries
placements. as specified by the respective Sector Skill
3.5 Entities or Training Providers, who have skilling as Councils (SSCs).
their primary business and/or, which are already 4.4 Unique identification of the Candidate
skilling in Short Term Training (STT) of PMKVY can
4.4.1 Additional IDs may be permitted by PMKVY
implement programs on behalf of and under
EC in exceptional cases such as jail inmates.
ownership of various ministries and government
The permissible id and/or authorized
departments. Similarly, SSCs are encouraged to
signatory will be approved by the PMKVY
implement the programs through industry bodies/
Executive Committee/State EmpoweredCommittee.
associations for captive placements.
4.5 Trainer

4.5.1 Flexibility in terms of required qualification

4. Permissible Flexibility for trainers and relaxations in terms of
4.1 Special Projects shall follow the STT Guidelines of Training of Trainers (ToT) may be extended
PMKVY . However, some Special Projects may not in cases, where the PMKVY Executive
fit to the strict Guidelines of PMKVY STT and Committee/State Empowered Committee
flexibility may be required. Thus, relaxations may be decides that trainers are qualified enough
permitted by the PMKVY Executive Committee/ and do not require any such ToT. Any
State Empowered Committee on the merit of the relaxation or flexibility is to be vetted and
projects. certified by the concerned SSCs.

| 39
4.6 Assessment regular or contractual or outsourced staff) of any
company or organization.
4.6.1 Awarding bodies permitted under PMKVY
will be able to do assessment in Special
Projects. 7. Curriculum and Standards
4.7 Additional Benefits to Candidates
7.1 All job roles are required to be aligned with
4.7.1 Additional services such as conveyance, National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF).
boarding & lodging and transportation may SPIAs are required to follow the course curriculum
be extended by the PMKVY Executive as prescribed by the concerned SSCs/awarding
Committee/State Empowered Committee body for the job role.
for a project beyond the criteria laid down
7.2 In case the SPIA wants to train under a new job role,
under the Guidelines of Short-Term Training
they may connect with SSCs at their level before
(STT) of PMKVY .
applying for Special Projects under PMKVY . The
4.8 Teaching Methodology (Pedagogy) applications for Special Projects of PMKVY will be
4.8.1 Flexibility may be provided in pedagogy accepted only after the job roles are approved by
(promoting innovative ways of training/ National Skill Qualification Committee (NSQC), and
using attractive aids during training, other course/curriculum is ready.
ways would be permitted on merit basis).

8. Project Cost
5. Process for Special Projects
8.1 Pay-outs will be as per Common Cost Norms and
5.1 The overall process for Special Projects of PMKVY in line with the Guidelines of Short-Term Training
comprises of the following steps, as specified (STT) of PMKVY .
below. Steps from mobilization to placement
remain the same as laid down in the Guidelines for 8.2 In case of Government infrastructure or
Short Term Training (STT) of PMKVY . Government arranged infrastructure being used for
training, the expenditure to be incurred should be
5.1.1 Submission of projects and its approval. reduced as per the Guidelines of PMKVY .
5.1.2 Mobilization and Training
8.3 In case of projects approved on captive
5.1.3 Assessment and Certification
placements, the entire third tranche will become
5.1.4 Placement due on achievement of the specified placement
5.1.5 Post-placement support percentage and there will be no pro-rata payment.
No other incentives payment based on placement
percentage will accrue for these projects.
6. Target Beneficiary
6.1 The candidates must fulfil other criteria, as defined
by the Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) for the respective 9. Receipt of Project Proposal,
job roles. Relaxations in required qualifications
may be proposed by the SSCs and approved by Evaluation and Approval
PMKVY Executive Committee/State Empowered 9.1 There will be two target allocation routes, project-
Committee, if deemed fit. based route and RFP route.
6.2 In case of projects under captive placement, 9.1.1 Project-based route - Targets shall be
candidates should not be an employee (either directly allocated to Ministries, reputed

40 |
government organizations, SSCs/industries/ 11.3 The project will be evaluated against certain time
association for captive placements and milestones and if the progress is not satisfactory,
ScPwD. There proposals shall be evaluated one or all of the following will be adopted as per
at NSDC and further approved by PMKVY the Penalty matrix:
Executive Committee for the CSCM
11.3.1 Revocation of targets,
component and State Empowered
Committee for CSSM component. 11.3.2 Deduction from pay-outs as a monetary
9.1.2 RFP route - Online RFP route will be
adopted to invite, screen, and evaluate 11.3.3 Closure of the project.
project proposals for training of focused
group or in special areas as identified by 11.4 The SPIAs will abide by all monitoring and audit
implementing agencies (NSDC/SSDMs) (if related instructions.
not included in 9.1.1.) with the approval
of PMKVY Executive Committee/State
Empowered Committee. 12. Branding and
10. Registration and Enrolment 12.1 SPIA shall abide by the Guidelines of branding
of Candidates and communication collaterals of PMKVY . Any
addition/alteration to the said Guidelines shall
After creation of projects, SPIA will be able to enrol require prior approval of the branding team of
candidates for training. SPIA is expected to conduct PMKVY . Any deviation from the norms may
mobilization and counselling of candidates prior to result in cancellation of the project or penalty, as
enrolment. A manual is available on the Skill India decided by the NSDC / SSDMs.
Portal (SIP) website ( for
12.2 All the latest communication and branding
understanding the process. SPIAs shall be responsible
collaterals will be exclusively available on the
for entering details of the candidates on Skill India Portal
website PMKVY (

11. Monitoring 13. Impact Assessment

11.1 Implementation of training by an SPIA will be 13.1 NSDC/SSDM may empanel external impact
assessment agencies, which will conduct the
subjected to the monitoring STT Guidelines of
baseline and end-line survey of the approved
projects. The cost for impact assessment will be
11.2 Projects, which do not commence within three deducted from the project cost of the SPIA. Report
months from the date of approval, will be submitted by the agency will be used to assess
automatically cancelled. the impact of the project and future allocation of
targets, if any.

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Annexure 1
Detailed mechanism for Financial

1. The Central Component CSCM (Centrally Sponsored 6. The unspent balance of PMKVY 2.0, if any, may be
Centrally Managed) of PMKVY to be implemented utilized for PMKVY . In order to meet remaining
through National Skill Development Corporation liabilities of PMKVY 2.0, if any, funds of PMKVY may
(NSDC) by availing of an interest free grant from be made available in the form of grant from NSDF.
National Skill Development Fund (NSDF).The grant Taking into fact that there would not be any fund
will be given to NSDC from the fund. available in the current budget of the MSDE to meet
the fund requirement of the CSSM componentof
2. The Centrally Sponsored State Managed (CSSM)
PMKVY , the NSDF grant may be used to meet part
under PMKVY will be met out of budgetary grant.
of the current liabilities of PMKVY 2.0 relating to
3. The fund flow mechanisms to the States/UTs under CSCM, and utilize the resultant savings to meet the
the State Component CSSM (Centrally Sponsored CSSM liability of PMKVY .
State Managed) shall continue to remain same
7. The existing Steering Committee constituted for
under the defined head of the Budget provision.
the Scheme are empowered for taking appropriate
4. A Committee shall be formed in the Ministry which decision in matters relating to broad policy
shall be headed by Secretary (MSDE) for overseeing direction, dynamic fixation of targets and any
the release and usage of funds to NSDC from NSDF. deviation in scheme concept note/guidelines,
AS&FA (MSDE) to be part of the Committee and without affecting the financial provisions.
any fund to be released to NSDC from NSDF for
8. Regarding setting up of PMU and hiring of
implementation of the scheme should be done
manpower, DoE’s OM No. 7(2)/E.Coord/2020 dated
with the concurrence of this Committee with AS&FA
04.09.2020 should strictly be adhered.
(MSDE) appraising, in the same manner as for
Government expenditure.
5. The grant given to NSDC from NSDF would be
replenished in next 3 years from the budget of the
MSDE. However, replenishment of this grant will
not be taken as a reason for claiming budgetary
augmentation by the Ministry.
Annexure 2
Composition of Steering Committee and
Executive Committee
Steering Committee (SC)
Details of SC Members Roles to be played in SC
Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) Chairman
Additional/Joint Secretary (Skill Development), Ministry of Skill Development and Member Secretary
Entrepreneurship (MSDE)
Officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Member
Finance, Govt. Of India
Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of Skill Development and Member
Entrepreneurship (MSDE)
MD & CEO, National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) Member
Officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary from two different Central Ministries* Members

Officers not below the rank of Principal Secretary, Skill Development (or equivalent) Members
from two States*
Chairman of two SSCs** Members
Special Invitees as decided by the Chairman, Steering Committee
*On rotational basis (nominated by Secretary, MSDE)
** On rotational basis (nominated by CEO, NSDC)

Executive Committee (EC)

Details of EC Members Roles to be played in EC
Additional/Joint Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Chairman
Chief Program Officer, NSDC Member 1
Director/Joint Director, MSDE Member Secretary
Head, NSDC, Monitoring & MIS, PMKVY Member 3
Head, NSDC, SSC Governance Member 4
Chief Financial Officer, NSDC or his representative Member 5
Head, NSDC, RPL & Special Projects Member 6
Annexure 3
Additional Support under PMKVY
Sl. No. Particulars Coverage Paid Amount (in Rs.)
directly to
1 Cost for STT All candidates Training As per Common Cost Norms
2 Assessment and All candidates SSCs As per Common Cost Norms/PMKVY 2.0
Certification Norms
3 One-time incentive All candidates Candidate Rs. 500/- per candidate
for successfully

4 Cost for Boarding For Deprived group (D1, Training As per Common Cost Norms
and Lodging D5, D6, D7 category – as Provider
mentioned in the Socio
Economic and Caste
Census 2011)*, Women,
PwD, Transgender
(Only in the case of the
centre for training is
outside the district)
5 Conveyance Cost For Deprived group (D1, Candidate For Conveyance outside Rs. 1,500/- per
D5, D6, D7 category – as the Home District month.
mentioned in the Socio (In case of Boarding and
Economic and Caste Lodging support is not
Census 2011)*, Women, availed)
PwD, Transgender.
For conveyance within Rs 1,000/- per
the home district month.
Sl. No. Particulars Coverage Paid Amount (in Rs.)
directly to
6 One-time For Deprived group (D1, Candidate One-time travel cost up to a maximum
Placement Travel D5, D6, D7 category – as of Rs. 4,500/- per candidate
Cost to candidates mentioned in the Socio
Economic and Caste
Census 2011)*, Women,
PwD, Transgender
7 Post Placement For Women, PwD, Candidate Rs. 1,500/- per month per candidate.
Stipend Transgender and
Deprived group (D1, D5, Placement Male 1 month
D6, D7 category – as within
Female 2 months
mentioned in the Socio domicile of
Economic and Caste district.
Census 2011)* Placement Male 2 months
of the Female 3 months
domicile of
8 Career progression For Women, PwD, Training Rs. 5,000/- per candidate for every
support Transgender and Provider Candidate who gets Rs 15,000/- per
Deprived group (D1, D5, month job and holds the job for 3
D6, D7 category – as months within 1 year of training
mentioned in the Socio
Economic and Caste
Census 2011)*
9 Special incentive All candidates Training Rs. 10,000/- per candidate
for Foreign Provider
10 Additional Support All PwD candidates Training Rs. 5,000/- towards assistive devices, aid
to PwD Candidates Provider and appliances

11 Post Placement All candidates Training Rs. 50/- per candidate

Tracking Provider
12 Induction Kit, All candidates Vendor / As per prevalent rates
Participant’s Training
Handbook Provider
13 Accidental All candidates Insurance As per prevalent rates
Insurance company
14 Training of Trainers Trainer SSCs As per ToT/ToA Guidelines/SSC rates
(ToT Fee)
15 Training of Assessor SSCs As per ToT/ToA Guidelines/SSC rates
Assessors (ToA) Fee

Note7: Existing provisions under the Common Cost Norms shall also be followed wherever applicable.
SECC Deprivation Category
*(Source is SECC website
Category Name Criteria
D1. Households with one or less room, kuccha walls and kuccha roof
D2. No adult member in household between age 18 and 59
D3. Female headed household with no adult male member between the age of16 and 59
D4. Households with differently abled member with no other able-bodied adult member
D5. SC/ST Households
D6. Households with no literate adult above the age of 25 years
D7. Landless households deriving a major part of their income through manual labour

Note: Definition of ‘Special Group’ - In the context of PMKVY , ‘Special Group’ consists of deprived categories such as D1, D5, D6, D7 as mentioned
in the Socio Economic and Caste Census 2011 (refer to annexure 3 of the PMKVY Guidelines), Women, PwD, and Transgender whowill be entitled
to avail additional support under PMKVY .

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Annexure 4
Summary of Project Types

RPL Type Orientation Bridge Target CSCM / PIA Cost / Who are eligible to apply for RPL Kit
Hours Course allocation CSSM #Tranches Target Allocation (Yes /
(Yes / No)
RPL at Camps 12 Yes Via RFP Both Rs. 2,000/- / 2  Private and public Yes
expert bodies in the
sector recommended
by the SSCs, Non-
(NGOs), cluster-based
associations such
as cooperatives (for
example, agriculture,
industry associations,
 Central and State
Government ministries,
their institutions.
 Central / state
universities, skill
Government ITIs, KVKs,
 Training Providers in
response to demand
aggregation by District
Skill Committees, State
Skill Development
Missions, SSCs and
Demand Portal.
RPL Type Orientation Bridge Target CSCM / PIA Cost / Who are eligible to apply RPL Kit
Hours Course allocation CSSM #Tranches for Target Allocation (Yes /
(Yes / No)
Employer 12 and 4 Yes Via RFP Both Rs.1,700/-  Registered employers / Yes
Premises (for 12 hrs) industry
1200  SSC recommended
(for 4 hrs) / 2 industry associations,
bodies, and institutions
 Training Providers in
response to demand
aggregation by District
Skill Committees, State
Skill Development
Missions, SSCs and
Demand Portal

RPL by 12 No Allocation Both Rs. 1,400/- / 2  Designated Pradhan Yes

Demand - based on Mantri Kaushal Kendra
Through demand (PMKK) centers
Demand generated  PMKKs with approved
Aggregation through job roles will be
Portal (DAP) DAP Direct considered to become
and District candidate PIA
Allotment demand
DAP and
allocated to
centres (ii)
The district
under RPL
RPL Type Orientation Bridge Target CSCM / PIA Cost / Who are eligible to apply RPL Kit
Hours Course allocation CSSM #Tranches for Target Allocation (Yes /
(Yes / No)
RPL BICE- 0 No Allocation CSCM Rs. 1,200/-  SSCs No
Best-in-Class based on only (includes  SSC recommended
Employers demand assessment industry bodies /
(BICE)-Large cost) / 1 associations
 Best-in-Class Employer
/ industry and
for its own employees
Medium Scale

Online RPL 0 No Allocation CSCM Rs.1,200/-  SSCs (for example, IT- No

based on only (includes ITes offering industry
demand assessment certificates)
generated cost) / 1
All Types Kaushal Bima, RPL Card, Assessment by SSC, Reward Money, Reassessment module, Study Material,
Monthly Performance Report, Penalty Grid, Revocation Matrix, Passing Criteria, Branding guideline, Term
sheet signing process
Guidelines for Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana

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