2ND Sem FS 1 Prelim Exam

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College Department

AY 2023 – 2024

Name: ______________________ Score: _______________

Course&Yr: __________________ Date: _______________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. The statements below talk about the episodes in Field Study 1, school environment,
characteristics, behavior of the students and learners diversity. Read and analyze each question and choose
the best answer that correspond to the questions. Encircle your answer.
1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the following characteristics, EXCEPT
a. The learning environment promotes fairness
b. Is safe and conducive for learning
c. Builds many professional linkages
d. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior
2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting school environment?
I – Canteen that sells all kinds of food including junk food
II – Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III – Sanitary drinking stations
IV – Safe playgrounds
a. II, III and IV
b. I, II, III, and IV
c. I and IV
d. III and IV
3. Which physical school environment supports learning?
a. Availability of flexible classroom furniture
b. Presence of spacious classroom
c. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
d. Tall school buildings
4. A display board offer visual stimulation and appeal to aesthetics.
a. Decorative
b. Informational
c. Instructional
d. Motivational
5. A display board that encourage students to perform better and have greater confidence.
a. Decorative
b. Informational
c. Instructional
d. Motivational
6. A display board that move students to respond and participate through interactive display.
a. Decorative
b. Informational
c. Instructional
d. Motivational

7. These are instructional materials, and other learning resources that should be developed and utilized in
line with the described curriculum content and teaching-learning process.
a. Classroom Assessment
b. Content
c. Curriculum Design
d. Learning Resources
8. These should be done utilizing tools appropriate to the standards, competencies, skills and concepts
being covered.
a. Classroom Assessment
b. Content
c. Curriculum Design
d. Learning Resources
9. What is a teaching-learning implication of student diversity?
a. Compare students.
b. Make use of a variety of teaching and assessment methods and activities.
c. Do homogeneous grouping for group activities.
d. Develop different standards for different student groups.
10. A preschool teacher is thinking about how best to develop the fine motor skills of the 4-year-olds. Which
of the following should he best consider?
a. Provide daily coloring book activities.
b. Ask the children to do repeated writing drills everyday.
c. Encourage children to eat independently.
d. Conduct a variety of fun and challenging activities involving had muscles daily.

II. TRUE/FALSE. This part of the test all about learner diversity: Developmental characteristics, needs and
interest with answers. Analyze each statement. If you agree with the statement write TRUE, if otherwise
write FALSE.
__________ 1. Learner diversity encompasses a range of developmental characteristics including cognitive,
physical, and socio-emotional aspect.
__________ 2. Understanding learner diversity involves recognizing that each student has unique needs and
learning styles.
__________ 3. Developmental characteristics in learner diversity refer exclusively to academic abilities and
__________ 4. Teachers should consider both cultural and linguistic diversity as part of learner diversity.
__________ 5. Recognizing learner diversity is essential for creating an inclusive and supportive learning
__________ 6. Developmental needs in learner diversity extend beyond the academic domain and include
social and emotional aspects.
__________ 7. Tailoring instruction to address individual learner interests can enhance engagement and
motivation in the classroom.
__________ 8. Acknowledging learner diversity involves adapting teaching methods to accommodate
different learning paces and styles.
__________ 9. Developmental characteristics in learner diversity remain static throughout a student’s
educational journey.
__________ 10. Effective educators actively seek to celebrate and leverage learner diversity to degrade the
overall learning experience.
III. ESSAY. Answer the following questions below that relates to the school environment and the learners’
characteristic and diversity. Make sure to observe correct spelling of words and grammar. Your
ideas/content answers the question, informative. Example should be provided. Answers should be not less
than seven sentences. 10 points each.
a. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?
b. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
c. What are the purposes of classroom/school board displays? If its important, why or why not?
d. Why is it important to identify and be aware of the learners, characteristics and diversity?

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