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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Rizal

Baras - Pinugay Phase2 National High School

Phase 2, Southville 9, Brgy. Pinugay, Baras, Rizal

Week 4-5

Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________

Grade & Section: _______________________________ Week: 4-5 Quarter: 4

Prepare and use Suitable Marinades for a variety of Meat Cuts

I. Learning Competency with Code

o Prepare and use suitable marinades for a variety of meat cuts
o Identify appropriate cooking methods for meat.
II. References,slide #344-345

III. Background Information

MARINADES -a sauce, typically made of oil, vinegar, spices, and herbs, in which meat, fish,
or other food is soaked before cooking in order to flavor or soften it Good marinades will add
flavour to your favorite meat and make it more tender and juicier Making marinade is quite
simple. All you need are three basic components: First, is an acid, such as lemon juice,
vinegar, yogurt, or wine. The acid is vital as it breaks down the meat and tenderizes it. Second
is oil. Oil protects and preserves the food while marinated and also when it is being cooked.
The third, is any herb and /or spice. This is what gives a marinade its unique flavor and zest.
Guidelines for marinating:
• Meat and poultry are generally marinated for 2 hours up to 2 days.
• Seafood and fish should be marinated for no longer than one hour.
• Use a non-reactive container -steer clear of aluminum, copper or cast iron.
• Wait for your marinade to cool down before pouring over the meat of your choice.
• Always refrigerate your meat while it is marinating.
• Never reuse marinades.
Types of Marinades:
1. Pineapple Marinade –This sweet, fruity marinade hasthe power of pineapple and cider
vinegar to work its way into the meat. Honey may enhance the taste too. Add to this a collection
of flavors that turn any cut of pork or chicken into something truly great.
2.Pork Chop Marinade -This is a great Asian style marinade that works well on all cuts of
particularly porkchops, reminiscent of a Teriyaki marinade with a hint of heat from the chill
You may heat this up with some extra chili sauce or perhaps a pinch of cayenne.
3.Jamaican Jerk Marinade -Spicy, smoky and slightly sweet, this Jamaican jerk marinade is
perfect for chicken, pork, fish and vegetables.
4.Pork Rib Marinade- Pork ribs are a perennial favorite - these are slow-cooked so that they
become a melt-in-the-mouth delight.
5. Teriyaki Marinade - Want to get that great Teriyaki flavor into your favorite dish? This
marinade will surely add flavor to whatever you're grilling. This marinade works particularly
well with pork and poultry.
6. Pork Chop and Tenderloin Marinade - Doug Freeman sent in this marinade recipe for
grilled pork. You may leave out the liquid smoke if you are so inclined.
7. Bourbon Marinade - This is a great, sweet bourbon marinade that works perfectly on any
food. This is a mild marinade so you will want several hours marinating time with it before you
8. Mustard- Vinegar Marinade - This is a simple mustard marinade that tenderizes and adds
flavor. It works well on pork or poultry.

Learning Task 1:
Directions: Fill in the blanks. Write the missing word that completes the sentence on your
answer sheet.
1. Meat and poultry are generally ________ for 2 hours up to 2 days.
2. Seafood and fish should be marinated for no longer than ________ hour.
3. Use a non-reactive container – steer clear of ________, copper, or cast iron.
4. Wait for your marinade to ________ down before pouring over the meat of your
5. Always ________ your meat while its marinating. Never reuse marinade

Learning Task 2: FIND ME!

Directions: Find the word in the puzzle. Words can go in any direction. Words can share letters
as they cross over each other. After finding these words make a short description about it base
on your own understanding.
Cooking Methods
Cooking methods are a set of techniques and steps for preparing, cooking, and
presenting food.
Dry heat cooking
Dry heat cooking refers to any cooking technique where the heat is transferred to the
food item without using any moisture.
Baking or roasting
It uses hot air to conduct the heat.
Grilling & Broiling
It is a cooking method that rely on heat being conducted through the air from an open
Sautéing & Pan-Frying
Sautéing is a form of dry-heat cooking that uses a very hot pan and a small amount
of fat to cook the food very quickly.
It involves submerging food in hot liquid fat.
Moist heat cooking
Moist heat cooking methods include any technique that involves cooking with
moisture whether it's steam, water, stock, wine, or some other liquid.
With simmering, the cooking liquid is a bit hotter than poaching from 180°F to 205°F.
It is a method of cooking food in a relatively hot temperature.
Steaming is a moist-heat cooking technique that employs hot steam to conduct the
heat to the food item.
Braising & Stewing
Braising is a form of moist-heat cooking in which the item to be cooked is partially
covered with liquid and then simmered slowly at a low temperature.
Methods of cooking meat
1. Dry heat cooking 2. Moist heat cooking
a. Baking or Roasting a. Simmering
b. Grilling & Broiling b. Boiling
c. Sautéing & Pan-Frying c. Steaming
d. Deep-Frying d. Braising & Stewing
Learning Task 3:
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter that corresponds the correct
_____1. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to dry heat method?
A. baking B. broiling C. roasting D. stewing
_____2. Which of the cooking methods does not belong to moist heat method?
A. simmering B. boiling C. roasting D. stewing
_____3. What cooking method is being practiced when meat is cooked in steaming liquid,
and bubbles are breaking on the surface?
A. simmering B. boiling C. roasting D. stewing
_____4. What cookery method is suitable for the less tender cuts?
A. simmering B. boiling C. roasting D. stewing
_____5. What cookery method is used for a matured meat?
A. simmering B. boiling C. roasting D. stewing

Learning Task 4: Directions: With the use of indigenous materials, create your own recipe
scrapbook with methods of cooking meat as the main content. Submit your actual
scrapbook. Your output will be graded based on the score sheet below.
IV. Guide Questions:
1. What is the importance of marinades in meat preparation?
2. Is it important to identify the cooking methods for a particular meat cuts? Explain.

V. Reflection
Write three (3) things that you learned from the lesson.

Write two (2) things that YOU DO NOT want to forget from the lesson.

Write one (1) thing that you want to apply in your daily life from the lesson.

Prepared by

TLE 10 Teacher Checked by



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