Improved ANFIS Based MRAC Observer For Sensorless Control of PMSM

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Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems xx (20xx) x–xx 1

IOS Press

1 Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for

2 sensorless control of PMSM

3 Suryakant∗ , Mini Sreejeth and Madhusudan Singh
4 Electrical Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

5 Abstract. Detection of the rotor position is an important prerequisite for controlling the speed and developed torque in
6 permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). Even though use of incremental encoder and resolver is one of the popular

7 schemes for sensing the rotor position in a PMSM drive, it increases the size and weight of the drive and reduces its
8 reliability. Dynamic modeling of the motor and control algorithms are often used in sensor-less control of PMSM to estimate
9 rotor position and motor speed. Most sensor-less control algorithms use machine parameters like torque constant, stator
10 inductances and stator resistance for estimating the rotor position and speed. However, with accuracy of such estimation
11 and the performance of the motor degrades with variation in motor parameters. Model reference adaptive control (MRAC)
12 provides a simple solution to this issue. An improved Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based MRAC observer
13 for speed control of PMSM drive is presented in this paper. In the proposed method adaptive model and adaptive mechanism
14 are replaced by an improved ANFIS controller, which neutralize the effect of parametric variation and results in improved
15 performance of the drive. The modeling equations of PMSM are used to estimate the rotor position for speed and torque
16 control of the drive. Simulation studies have been carried out under various operating condition using MATLAB/Simulink.
17 In addition, a comparative analysis of the conventional MRAC based observer and improved ANFIS based MRAC observer

18 is carried out. It is observed that the proposed method results in better performance of the PMSM drive.

19 Keywords: PMSM, space vector PWM (SVPWM), model reference adaptive control, PI controller, adaptive neuro-fuzzy
20 inference system

21 1. Introduction control of PMSM it is essential to know the rotor posi- 33

tion, which can either be obtained using resolvers / 34

22 Nowadays, alternating current (AC) motors are encoders or estimated using the measured stator cur- 35

23 widely used for industrial, robotic and automobile rents and back emf. Position sensors like resolver and 36

24 applications in comparison to direct current (DC) encoder are mounted on the motor shaft, which results 37

25 motors due to their better efficiency, small size for in reduced reliability due to sensitivity to vibration, 38

26 the same power output and low maintenance. How- high temperature, and noise. This also increases the 39

27 ever, the control of AC motor is more complex than volume, weight and the machine cost. These issues 40

28 that of DC motor. Induction motor (IM) and PMSM can be addressed by estimation of the rotor position 41

29 are the most widely used AC motors. PMSMs are pre- rather than using resolvers / encoders. The reported 42

30 ferred in industrial applications over IM, due to their methods for sensor-less control of PMSM drives 43

31 better reliability, compactness, higher power density include: 1) flux linkage and back-emf based esti- 44

32 and higher efficiency [1–5]. However, for efficient mation of rotor position [6, 7]; 2) high frequency 45

(HF) signal injection for tracking the rotor saliency 46

∗ Corresponding author. Suryakant, Delhi Technological Uni- [8, 9] and 3) nonlinear state observer-based estima- 47

versity, Delhi, India. E-mail: tion of rotor position and speed [10]. Based on these 48

ISSN 1064-1246/$35.00 © 2021 – IOS Press. All rights reserved.

2 Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM

49 categories many established algorithms are used to • This paper focuses on the effect of load variation 100

50 estimate the rotor position and motor speed in PMSM on the speed response in terms of settling time, 101

51 drives [11–16]. rise time and overshoot. 102

52 The back-EMF based method is generally

The proposed improved ANFIS based MRAC 103
53 employed for medium to high speed operation of
observer is investigated through simulation studies 104
54 the PMSM drive; while HF signal injection method
using MATLAB/Simulink for sensor-less speed con- 105
55 is used for low operation. In HF signal injection
trol of PMSM drive over a wide varying operating 106
56 method, the position of the rotor is obtained by

condition. The performance of drive with the pro- 107
57 analyzing the injected HF signal. The observer-

posed MRAC is also demonstrated for low-speed 108
58 based sliding mode observer techniques are easy to
operation at low load torque. This paper is orga- 109
59 implement and immune to parametric variations but
nized into six sections with Introduction in Section 110
60 often results in the chattering problem. MRAC based
1, Sections 2 to 6 cover Modeling of PMSM in d- 111
61 observer is a direct control approach [17], which
q Coordinates, Design of Improved ANFIS based 112
62 can effectively manage any systems with paramet-

MRAC Observer, Principal of SVPWM, Results and 113
63 ric variations using the models, viz- reference model
Discussions followed by the Conclusion. 114
64 and adjustable model. An adaptive mechanism is
65 implemented to adjust the motor parameters continu-
66 ously. While adjustable model depends on unknown

67 parameter, reference model is not parameter depen-
68 dent. The error signal of two models is applied to an 2. Dynamic modeling of PMSM in d-q 115

69 adaptive mechanism to estimate unknown quantities coordinates 116

70 which tunes the adjustable model. Adaptive control is

71 widely used for both the linear and nonlinear systems. The PMSM is modelled in the d-q rotating refer-
ence frame as
However, the estimation of unknown quantities of the
 r    r    r 

73 motor in nonlinear system is complex to implement. vqs Rs 0 iqs ρ ωr λqs

This paper proposes an improved ANFIS-based = +
74 r
vds 0 Rs r
ids −ωr ρ λrds
75 MRAC technique to solve these problems related to
76 uncertain parameters and input saturation [18, 19]. (1)
 r    r   
In the proposed method, the adaptive model and

77 λqs Lq 0 iqs 0
78 mechanism to minimize the stator current error are r = + (2)
λds 0 Ld irds λpm

79 replaced by ANFIS controller. In the architecture of

80 ANFIS, fuzzy has the ability to handle uncertainties Where vrqs , vrds , irqs , irds , Lq , Ld and λrqs , λrds are
81 and artificial neural network (ANN) has the abil- defined as the stator voltages, currents, inductances
82 ity to learn from the process. An adaptive model and flux in the d-q coordinates respectively. Rs , ωr
83 of PMSM is developed using ANFIS at undefined and λpm are stator winding resistance, electrical rotor

84 operating conditions, which automatically compen- speed and flux linkage of permanent magnet respec-
85 sates for variations in resistance, inductance etc. The tively. ρ is the differential function and P is number
86 PMSM drive is modeled using the rotating reference of poles. The electromagnetic motor torque, Te is
87 frame. This mitigates the issues associated with adap- derived as:

88 tive control in estimating PMSM’s rotor position with    

unknown parameters. The novelties of the proposed 3 P
Te = λrds irqs − λrqs irds (3)
90 improved ANFIS based MRAC observer include: - 2 2
The load torque, TL is defined in terms of Te ,

91 • Performance of the proposed observer is

mechanical speed (ωm ), inertia constant (J) and
92 improved by using adaptive normalization
damping coefficient (B) as:
93 method to normalize the inputs and output data
94 extracted from the Proportional-plus-integral dωm
TL = Te − Bωm − J (4)
95 (PI) controller, which is further applied to reduce dt
96 the error of two models to fine tune the member-
The mechanical motor speed of given by
97 ship function near the desired speed.
98 • The PI controller is replaced by an improved 1
ωm = ∫ (Te − TL − Bωm ) dt (5)
99 ANFIS controller. J
Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM 3

Fig. 1. A Block diagram of PMSM Drive with Improved ANFIS based MRAC Observer.
The rotor electrical speed, ωr and rotor position, θ
ω r = ωm (6)

θ = ∫ ωm dt (7)

117 Figure 1 shows the block diagram of PMSM Drive

118 with improved ANFIS based MRAC observer. It
119 includes an improved ANFIS based MRAC observer
120 with SVPWM and a speed controller in outer loop
121 and two current controllers in inner loop. The rotor

122 position and motor speed and are assessed through the
123 proposed observer using (8), (9) and (10). The mea-
124 sured terminal voltage and current are transformed
125 into the d-q axes using vector transformation. The

126 PWM pulses are generated by SVPWM and fed to

127 voltage source inverter (VSI) which produces the
128 voltage signal for the operation of PMSM.

129 3. Design of improved ANFIS based MRAC

130 observer

131 The rotor position and speed of the PMSM are

132 effectively estimated through MRAC based observer.
133 Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the conventional MRAC Fig. 2. A Block diagram of: (a) Conventional MRAC, (b) Improved
134 based observer and improved ANFIS based MRAC
135 observer used for sensor less control of the PMSM.
4 Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM

136 In MRAC based observers the reference model is membership function are used and input vari- 174

137 derived from PMSM model and adjustable model is ables are delivered to the next layer at every 175

138 derived from stator winding currents, which is reg- node. 176

139 ulated by estimated value of speed [20–22]. In the • Layer 2: It is defined as membership func- 177

140 conventional MRAC adjustable model is regulated tion (MF) layer in which the weights of every 178

141 by a PI controller used in the adaptive mechanism; membership function can be checked. It accepts 179

142 while in the proposed method, the adjustable model the input variables from the input layer and 180

143 is regulated by the improved ANFIS based adaptive determined the MFs for the corresponding input 181

144 mechanism. variable’s fuzzy sets. It also calculates the mem- 182

145 Adjustable model is derived with the help of stator bership values in order to identify the degree 183

146 current equation. Speed error is continuously moni- of the respective input value that is transferred 184

147 tored for negative feedback to ensure system stability. to the next layer to determine the input of that 185

The stator current equation of PMSM is given as layer. 186

• Layer 3: Every neuron matches the required 187

did Rs vd
= − i d + ω r iq + (8) necessary conditions of fuzzy rules in this layer. 188
dt Ls Ls The number of layers is equal to number of fuzzy 189

rules and the normalized weights are estimated 190

diq Rs ψr vq by each node of these layers. It is called rule

= − i q − ω r id − ωr +

dt Ls Ls Ls layer. 192

• Layer 4: This layer is termed as the defuzzifica- 193

148 here Ls is defined as stator inductance and ψr is rotor
tion layer, which generates output values based 194
149 flux
on application of rules. Links between layers 3 195
The Equations (8) and (9) can be expressed as
and layer 4 is weighted by the fuzzy singletons 196
   ⎡ Rs ⎤     
− Ls ωr that characterizes another set of parameters for 197
id id 1 vd
ρ  =⎣ ⎦  +  (10) the neuro-fuzzy network. 198
iq −ωr − LsRs
iq L s vq • Layer 5: It combines all deliverable inputs from 199

defuzzification layer and converts the fuzzy sets 200

 ψr   Rs ψr
150 Where id = id + Ls , iq = iq , vd = vd + Ls and into a crisp value. It is called the output layer. 201


151 vq = vq . Figure 4 shows the flow chart of proposed MRAC 202

152 Replacing the conventional adjustable model and observer, which summarizes how the proposed 203

153 adaptive mechanism by improved adjustable model observer is designed to estimate the motor speed and 204

154 and ANFIS based adaptive mechanism mitigates rotor position. 205

155 parameter uncertainties. The ANFIS strategy is based

156 of Takagi-Sugeno (TS) system. The rules are defined
in linguistic forms hence transitional results can be 4. Principal of SVPWM

157 206
158 evaluated and understood easily [23]. The rules can
159 be changed during training and optimization process. SVPWM method of PWM generation is the most
160 The data set required for training of the ANFIS prevalent among all the methods of PWM generation
161 learning is the I/O data pairs of the defined system. as it provides high DC voltage, Vdc and is easy for

162 The broad outline of the architecture of the ANFIS implementation in the digital domain [24–27]. The
163 controller involves the i) defining of fuzzy inference output voltages of the inverters are represented as
164 systems; ii) defining of training data set and checking space vectors. The spatial position of the three phase
the data sets; iii) defining number of data pairs; iv)

165 voltages (van , vbn and vcn ) fed to the stator windings,
166 defining number of epochs; and v) Learning from the determines the magnitude and position of the space
167 results. vector, v. The axis and the length of their coordinates
168 The architecture of ANFIS is given in Fig. 3. It is define the voltage vectors direction.
169 similar to the fuzzy inference system, expect for the
170 neural network block. It is structured in five layers v = van + vbn + vcn (11)
171 linked to each other and termed as follows:
Figure 5 shows the block diagram of the VSI. The 207

• Layer 1: It is defined as the input layer con- SVPWM consists of 6 active inverter switching states 208
−→ −
→ −


173 sisting input variables. In this layer triangular which are defined as (100)V1 , (110)V2 , (010)V3 , 209
Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM 5

d Au

Fig. 3. Architecture of (a) Fuzzy inference system (b) Corresponding ANFIS.

→ −
→ −→ that the voltage components Vdref and Vqref can con-

210 (001)V4 , (011)V5 , (101)V6 and two null voltage vec-

→ −
→ verted into V∝ and Vβ by inverse park transformation. 228
211 tors which are defined as (000)V0 , (111) V7 . When the
This is executed in four stages as given below: 229
212 status is ’1’, the switch is on and when the status is ’0’,
Step-I. Sector selection 230
213 the switch is off. Figure 6 shows the corresponding
The Sector, N, is selected based on the relationship
space vectors.

between V∝ and Vβ in each sector as:
215 The active voltage vectors are spaced apart with
a phase angle of 600 and null vectors are situated ⎧
⎪ Vref 1 = Vβ
at the zero. The desired output voltage vector can ⎪
⎪  √ 
⎨ −Vβ + 3Vα

218 be situated in any of the six sectors, which make a Vref 2 = (12)
hexagon. ⎪
⎪  2

⎩V −Vβ − 3Vα
220 The reference voltage vector. Vref , is created by ref 3 = 2
221 null vector at operating time TK and adjacent vec-
222 tor at operating times, TK+1 , in the sector where If
Vref resides. At any given sampling instance, the ⎧
> 0; A = 1

224 duration of the active and null vectors should fol- ⎪ V

⎨ ref 1
low the voltage-seconds balance, TS . The SVPWM Vref 2 > 0; B = 1 (13)

226 input should be in the ␣-␤ reference coordinates, so ref 3 > 0; C = 1
6 Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM

Fig. 6. Space voltage vectors.

Table 1
Evolution of TK and TK+1

TK -z y x z -y -x
TK+1 x z -y -x -z y

Table 2
Vector Switching Points
Vector switching points Sector
Fig. 4. Flow chart of proposed Improved ANFIS based MRAC Tsp1 Ta Tb Tc Tc Tb Ta
Observer. Tsp2 Tb Ta Ta Tb Tc Tc
Tsp3 Tc Tc Tb Ta Ta Tb

⎧ √

⎪ X= 3
⎪ Vdc TVβ

⎨ √ √ 
Y= 3
2Vdc T 3V α + V β (15)

⎪ √  √ 

⎩Z = 3
T − 3V + V

2Vdc α β

where, T is the absolute period of switching. Now the 232

functioning time can be found from Table 1. 233

The mathematical addition of TK and TK+1 should


Fig. 5. Block diagram of VSI.

be less than the total switching period T. If the sum-
mation is more than zero, it is revised as:
The sector, N in which the voltage vector lies is TK T

determined by the relationship: TK = (16)

TK + TK+1

N = A + 2B + 4C (14)
TK+1 T
TK+1 = (17)
TK + TK+1
231 Step-II. Calculation of vector switching time
The operating time, X, Y and Z of respective volt- Step-III. Identifying the vector switching points 234

age in current sector TK and TK+1 are calculated as By using symmetrical PWM arrangement the volt-
follows: age vectors are switched and the switching points can
Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM 7

Table 3 be evaluated as below:

Rated parameter of PMSM
Parameter Symbols Ratings ⎧  
Power Pin 3.4 kW ⎪
⎪ T = 1
T − TK − T K+1
Voltage V 380 V
⎨ a 4

Stator current is 6.9 A Tb = Ta + 21 T K (18)

Rated Speed ωm 314 rad/s ⎩ Tc = Tb + 1
Rated Torque Te 11 Nm 2 T K+1
d-q axes inductances Ld , Lq 0.0114 H

Stator Resistance RS 1.93 Table 2 defines the switching points Tsp1 , Tsp2 and 235

Pair of poles p 4 Tsp3 . 236
PM Flux linkage λpm 0.865 Wb
Inertia of rotor J 0.11 kgm2 Step-IV. Generation of the PWM signal 237

Tsp1 , Tsp2 and Tsp3 are compared with repeating 238

sequence wave with different frequencies to generate 239

the PWM signals PWM1,3,5 and PWM4,6,2 are the 240

compliments of PWM1,3,5 , 241

d Au



Fig. 7. Dynamic characteristics of sensor less PMSM drive at rated speed with: (a) conventional MRAC, (b) Improved ANFIS based MRAC.
8 Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM

d Au


Fig. 8. Dynamic characteristics of sensor less PMSM drive under speed variation with: (a) conventional MRAC, (b) Improved ANFIS based

242 5. Results and discussions sampling time is set at 10μ sec. The parameters of 250

the PMSM is tabulated in Table 3. 251

243 A 3-phase 3.4 kW, 314rad/s vector controlled

244 PMSM drive is modeled and simulated in MAT-
245 LAB/Simulink. 5.1. Dynamic characteristics of PMSM at 252

246 The drive performance is studied and examined 314rad/s 253

247 under various operating conditions using the con-

248 ventional MRAC observer and the improved ANFIS Figure 7(a) and 7(b) show the dynamic character- 254

249 based MRAC observer. For simulation studies the istics of sensor less PMSM drive at a rated speed 255
Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM 9

d Au


Fig. 9. Dynamic characteristics of sensorless PMSM drive in reverse speed with: (a) conventional MRAC, (b) Improved ANFIS based

256 operation with the conventional MRAC observer and starting, the stator current is high, as expected, to pro- 264

257 the improved ANFIS based MRAC observer. The vide the required dynamic torque needed to overcome 265

258 motor is started without any load torque at rated speed the motor inertia. No variation is observed in the esti- 266

259 of 314 rad/s. mated position of the rotor with change in load torque 267

260 At 0.03 sec, when full load is applied to the motor, as observed from 268

261 there is a mild dip in the speed during this transi- Figure 7(a) and 7(b). It is also noted that the settling 269

262 tion, however, the motor immediately recovers and time and time rise in MRAC based on adaptive ANFIS 270

263 follow the commanded speed smoothly. During the is less than the conventional MRAC, hence PMSM 271
10 Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM

d Au


Fig. 10. Dynamic characteristics of sensorless PMSM drive under load variation with: (a) Conventional MRAC, (b) Improved ANFIS based


272 response with MRAC based on adaptive ANFIS is the MRAC observer and the improved ANFIS 278

273 faster. based MRAC observer for step change in speed 279

and torque. The motor is started with no-load at 280

274 5.2. Dynamic characteristics of PMSM under half of the rated speed i.e. 157rad/s. At 0.03 sec 281

275 speed variation rated load torque of 11 Nm is applied to the motor 282

and the motor is observed to follow the com- 283

276 Figure 8(a) and 8(b) show the dynamic character- manded speed smoothly. At 0.05 sec the motor 284

277 istics of sensor less PMSM drive with conventional speed is increased to rated speed of 314rad/s. It is 285
Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM 11


d Au


Fig. 11. Dynamic characteristics of sensor less PMSM drive at low speed and low load torque with: (a) Conventional MRAC, (b) Improved

286 observed that motor follows the commanded speed MRAC observe and the improved ANFIS based 297

287 smoothly. MRAC observer during speed reversal. 298

288 In the case of the conventional MRAC a mild over- The motor is started at rated speed of 314 rad/s 299

289 shoot in torque is observed during the transition in under no load condition and the rated load of 11 Nm 300

290 load, while in the improved ANFIS based MRAC no is applied at 0.03 sec. At 0.05 s a speed of the motor 301

291 such overshoot is observed. Thus, improved dynamic is reversed. 302

292 torque is achieved with proposed method. Some oscillations are observed in the torque 303

response when load torque is applied with the con- 304

293 5.3. Dynamic characteristics of PMSM during ventional MRAC, while with the proposed method, 305

294 speed reversal the load transition is smooth without any oscilla- 306

tions. However, no change is speed is observed during 307

295 Figure 9(a) and 9(b) show the dynamic characteris- this load transition. During speed reversal, the motor 308

296 tics of sensor less PMSM drive with the conventional tracks the changes commanded speed smoothly. It is 309
12 Suryakant et al. / Improved ANFIS based MRAC observer for sensorless control of PMSM

310 also observed that while achieving steady state speed, In proposed MRAC observer, an improved ANFIS 355

311 there is an overshoot in torque with the conventional based adaptation technique is employed which esti- 356

312 MRAC, which is not there in the improved MRAC mates the speed of the rotor by minimizing the error 357

313 based on ANFIS. of the reference model and adjustable model. The 358

simulation results obtained confirms the improved 359

314 5.4. Dynamic characteristics of PMSM under performance of proposed observer for all operating 360

315 variations in load speeds and different load conditions. The proposed 361

ANFIS based MRAC observer provides improved 362

316 Figure 10(a) and 10(b) illustrate the dynamic steady state and dynamic characteristics of the motor 363

317 characteristics of the sensor less PMSM drive with at different speed and load change operation as com- 364

318 conventional MRAC observer and improved ANFIS pared to the conventional MRAC observer. 365

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