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A Street Car Named Desire

1. ‘Stella is the lynchpin within the play for better or for worse’ In light of this statement, explore
William’s presentation of relationships in A Streetcar Named Desire.
2. ‘Shame lies at the heart of each character’ In light of this statement, explore William’s
presentation of self and identity in A Streetcar Named Desire.
3. ‘A Streetcar Named Desire is a play emblematic of the modern era’ In light of this statement,
explore William’s presentation of time and place in A Streetcar Named Desire.
4. ‘Abuse is normalised as the strong dominate the weak’ In light of this statement, explore
William’s presentation of power in A Streetcar Named Desire.
5. Examine the view that the conflict between Stanley and Blanche is primarily based on their
difference in social class.
6. ‘A play about secrets and the catastrophic consequences of their exposure’ In light of this
statement explore Williams’ presentation of secrets and their revelation in A Streetcar named
7. To what extent can Blanche DuBois be considered a victim in A Streetcar named Desire?
8. ‘This play explores the clash between two cultures not, two individuals’ Consider this
perspective in A Streetcar named Desire.
9. ‘The play essentially reveals to us the vulnerability of human beings’ Examine this view in A
Streetcar named Desire.
10. Blanche believes the opposite to death is desire. How is this theme developed throughout the
11. Explore themes of morality in A Streetcar named Desire.
12. Analyze the role of masculinity in the play “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

13. Discuss how the conflict between the past and present values is expressed in “A Streetcar
Named Desire.”

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE: A Midsummer Night's Dream

1. How does Shakespeare’s portrayal of Oberon contribute to the dramatic impact of the play?
2. In what ways does Shakespeare make Puck such a fascinating character?
3. Explore two moments in the play where Shakespeare vividly portrays feelings of jealousy.
4. How far does Shakespeare’s portrayal of Lysander make you feel that he deserves to be
5. How far does Shakespeare portray Helena as a loyal wife to Demetrius?
6. In what ways does Shakespeare encourage you to feel sympathy for Bottom?

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