22 MYP 1 Dance Process Journal

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Artistic Intent - Your artistic intent is simply a paragraph explaining what you intend your

piece to show and how you intend to show it.

Follow this plan to write your artistic intention. This covers assessment criteria Ci

★ Opening sentence stating what your stimulus is and what your dance idea is.

★ 3 or 4 sentences to describe how you will show your dance idea using;

★ Explain what accompaniment you have chosen and how it creates the right mood/atmosphere
to reinforce your dance idea.

★ Tell me anything else that is important to your piece, this could be the locations you have use,
the camera angles, the costume, set or props or lighting (you donʼt need to have any of these
things, they are extra)
Unit 1: Making Dance that Matters
Year 7 MYP 1
Statement of enquiry
Humans can interpret non-verbal language as a means of expression.

Can everyone
What skills are
What do I needed and How can
already know we improve them?
about dance?
How do i feel about Why do humans
dancing? dance?
Task 1 - REflect on the 5 questions on the previous slide.
yes they all can dance if they want to or not, Its their opinion if they can dance.

I know how to wiggle, do the floss To get better so you dont need to go
dance, lion dancing ( Lion dance is back and learn again?
from Lunar new year ) and dab

So they can be strong and moody.

I feel a bit ok and a bit cool enough.
Arts Assessment criteria

Criterion A: Criterion B: Criterion C: Criterion D:

Knowing and Understanding Developing Skills Thinking Creatively Responding

i) demonstrate awareness of i) demonstrate the acquisition i) identify an artistic intention i) identify connections
the art form studied, including and development of the skills between art forms, art and
the use of appropriate and techniques of the art form ii) identify alternatives and context, or art and prior
language studied perspectives learning

ii) demonstrate awareness of ii) demonstrate the application iii) demonstrate the ii) recognize that the world
the relationship between the of skills and techniques to exploration of ideas. contains inspiration or
art form and it’s context create, perform and/or influence for art
present art
iii) demonstrate awareness of iii) evaluate certain elements
the links between the or principles of artwork.
knowledge acquired and the
artwork created
There are 8 physical skills There are 4 expressive skills


You can present this information however you like, but you will need to review it at the end of the unit. There is an
example they you can use on the next slide. You need to reflect on your skills as they are right now, be honest with
yourself, itʼs Ok to have weaknesses thatʼs how we grow and improve as people.

There are 5 mental skills

There are 5 safe working practices
Dance Skills - key words

Physical Skills Expressive Skills Safe Dance Practice Mental Skills

● Strength ● Projection
● safe execution ● movement
● Coordination ● Focus
● appropriate memory
● Stamina ● Musicality
dancewear: ● commitment
● Flexibility ● Communication of artistic
○ clothing ● concentration
● Posture intent ○ hairstyle ● response to
● Alignment ○ absence of feedback
● Balance jewellery. ● capacity to
● Control ● warming up improve.
● nutrition
● hydration.
30 minutes to dancing

Getting packs

Losing weight Why do you have to dance?

Task 3 - developing movement

● Choose an emotion Once you have made the changes

and rehearsed so you can perform it
● Change the sequence to make it fluently and confidently.

show that emotion. Film your new sequence, save it in

● You might change your Google Drive and put the link in
the box below. Instructions on how
○ the speed of the movements, to record on an iPad Pro.

○ the dynamic Donʼt forget to change the share

permissions to ʻanyone with the link
(sharp/soft/heavy/fluid etc), can viewʼ otherwise I canʼt watch.
○ your facial expressions
○ the music you dance to. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbeWKCnq1iFLP
Task 4 - Evaluate
Watch the video individually and answer the questions on the next slide.

Once youʼve watched the video and written your notes, spend 2 or 3 minutes sharing your
thoughts with your group.
Task 4 - Evaluate

As you watch notice the following and make notes. You can make your own
template or use the one on the next slide;

▸ How did the dancerʼs body change to show different emotions?

▸ What did you notice about the choreography? How did it help support the
▸ How did the accompaniment (music) help to create the mood/atmosphere?

You will share your thoughts with your group.

Starting to Choreograph

Create short sequences for one emotion below, remember to use the
6 dance action ****https://drive.google.com/fil
▸ Travel OZpRtaOMIR4c/view?usp=drive
▸ Turn
▸ Jump **https://drive.google.com/file/
▸ Gesture 9qikk_F6qS/view?usp=drivesdk
▸ Stillness IdsmEx/view?usp=drivesdk****h
▸ Fall M05IbBLRq_j63lS5wLf5d3J4mlI

Choreography final task
Your piece will be,
se 1 option
Over the next week of ▸ between 30 seconds and
lessons you will use what ▸ Explore 1 emotion 1 ½ minutes long.
you have learned to perhaps building in
choreograph your final intensity
▸ Travelling and ▸ Be filmed
piece for Dance.
▸ Explore 2 ▸ Have suitable
Your deadline is contrasting accompaniment (music)
Wednesday 22nd emotions
September (next week) ▸ Running and
spinning ▸ Be completed by
Wednesday 22nd
▸ Have your own idea
You should also have...

● A Mind Map showing ● Videos of bits of dance that

all of your ideas. you made that might not be
in the final piece.
● Your Artistic Intent,
this could be written, ● Any mistakes or ʻbad bitsʼ
typed or a film of you that you decided not to use.
speaking about it. You can write these as
reflections, or add the
Task Specific Assessment Criteria
Criteria What Do I Need To Do?

Bi) demonstrate the acquisition Show that you have made progress in your physical skills (your strength, stamina,
and development of the skills and flexibility, coordination etc) and your choreography skills (making dance) Includes
techniques of the art form studied
your Dance Skills Audit done and reviewed, reflections you have made about how
you have improved, practice videos vs your final piece.

Bii) demonstrate the application The video of your final piece that is rehearsed and refined - the best you can make it.
of skills and techniques to create, You piece should show off your physical skill (your strength, stamina, flexibility,
perform and/or present art
coordination etc) and also show your dance idea clearly.

Ci) identify an artistic intention A piece of writing (handwritten or typed) or a video of you describing what your piece
is about and how you plan to show your themes.

Cii) identify alternatives and Videos and reflections about all the ideas you had, especially the ones you didn’t
perspectives use. Details of problems you faced and how you overcame them. Videos of different
versions of your piece - including mistakes and parts you don’t like

Ciii) demonstrate the exploration Your Mind Map and videos and reflections of how you tried out different ideas,
of ideas. especially ones you didn’t use.
Upload your Mind Map of ideas on this slide - this can be done electronically or by hand.
Upload your Artistic Intent on this slide, it can be typed or handwritten

So I chose a Sad and travelling emotion to dance, I started to make my legs moving and my arms
too. Whenever I dance some cool and funny moves, I want to impress my teacher Miss Brown
and my parents, I want to reach my highest record even though if my dancing is bad I shouldnʼt
move on or otherwise Il just give up. I will keep dancing and focused the people that treated me
as a nice friend, the one who keeps impressing me. I will not give up and focused on the people
that hated me, so when I started to dance I get a bit nervous. one person told me to not give up
on something so I copied him and continued.
This slide is for all of the practise videos you have made, including the ones that went wrong or you
donʼt like. They show you developing and exploring your ideas and cover assessment criteria Cii and Ciii.

R4c/view?usp=drivesdk =drivesdk

This slide is for any reflections you have written about how your work is progressing. They show you
identifying different perspectives and developing your ideas and cover assessment criteria Cii and Ciii.
Upload your final video on this slide and complete the checklist below

Checklist - My Dance... Y/N

Is between 30 seconds and 1 ½ minutes long.

Has been filmed

Has suitable accompaniment (music)

Is completed by Wednesday 22nd September

Choreography - key words

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