PJRODRIGUEZ Chapter 1 The Problem Its Setting

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Chapter I



Change is certain thus it is the only constant thus endless in this evolving
world. Thus, change leads to innovations, modifications, modernization, progress
and development. These transformations affect all sectors, educational system is
as expected not relieved. Eventually, in a global context, the 21st-Century learning
environment underwent significant changes with the onset of the COVID-19
pandemic. In the Philippines, the abrupt shift to online learning platforms and digital
tools became a necessity as schools closed to prevent the spread of the virus. This
transition highlighted the importance of technology in education, pushing
educators and students to adapt new methods of teaching and learning. The
pandemic accelerated the integration of digital tools into the curriculum, fostering
an environment where virtual classrooms, digital assignments, and remote
collaboration became the norm. It also brought to light the digital divide,
emphasizing the need for equitable access to technology and internet services to
ensure all students can participate in the new educational landscape. As we move
forward, the lessons learned during the pandemic are likely to influence
educational strategies, potentially leading to a more flexible and technology-
integrated approach to learning.

In consonance to the aforesaid transformations, a progression from

Education 4.0 to Education 5.0 evolved in response to the Industrial Revolution
4.0. These shifts have significant implications for the future of work and education.
Education 5.0 is a term that describes a new approach to education that focuses
on the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity,
and collaboration, rather than just knowledge acquisition. Industry 4.0, on the other
hand, is a term that describes the fourth industrial revolution, characterized by the
integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and
the Internet of Things into manufacturing and other industries1.

Relative to the abovementioned, the 21st-Century learning environment in

the Philippines also progresses to meet the demands of Education 5.0, a concept
that aligns with the fourth industrial revolution's focus on innovation and
knowledge-based society. This approach emphasizes critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, and communication, moving beyond traditional rote learning to
prepare students for future challenges. With the integration of technology and
project-based learning, Philippine educational institutions are adapting to provide
a more interactive, engaging, and relevant learning experience.

This study will therefore initially revisit the composition of the Framework for
21st-Century Learning. It illustratively shows the inclusion of the learning
environments in the four (4) support systems (21st Century Standards and
Assessments, 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction, 21st Century Professional
Development, and 21st Century Learning Environments) with the four (4) student
outcomes (Core subjects and 21st Century Themes, Learning and Innovation
Skills, Information Media and Technology Skills, and Life and Career Skills) set by
global NGO Partnership for 21st Century Skills2. Hence, states:

“To help practitioners integrate skills into the teaching of core

academic subjects, the Partnership has developed a unified,
collective vision for learning known as the Framework for 21st
Century Learning. This Framework describes the skills,
knowledge and expertise students must master to succeed in
work and life; it is a blend of content knowledge, specific skills,
expertise and literacies. While the graphic represents each
element distinctly for descriptive purposes, the Partnership
views all the components as fully interconnected in the process
of 21st century teaching and learning.”

In DepEd’s “MATATAG Agenda: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa”

that was launched last August 10, 2023, as its 3rd critical component, it highlights
the promotion of learners’ well-being, inclusive education and positive learning

environment in taking good care of learners. This sets the new direction of the
agency and stakeholders in resolving basic education challenges and improve the
learning system in the country for every Filipino child. The Agenda highlights the
four (4) critical components as follows3,4:

“MATATAG will have four critical components:

• MAke the curriculum relevant to produce competent and

job-ready, active, and responsible citizens;
• TAke steps to accelerate delivery of basic education
facilities and services;
• TAke good care of learners by promoting learner well-
being, inclusive education, and a positive learning
environment; and
• Give support to teachers to teach better.”

Currently, the MATATAG Agenda will be rolling its pilot phased

implementation as MATATAG Curriculum this S.Y. 2024-2025 in selected regions
in reference to DM.54s.20235.

In the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030) of DepEd

Order 24, s.2022, a strategic initiative launched by the Department of Education
(DepEd) to enhance the delivery and quality of basic education. The BEDP 2030
is structured around four main pillars: access, equity, quality, and resiliency and
wellbeing. The 5th pillar as the Enabling Mechanisms: Governance which are
divided into six (6) enabling mechanisms. The third (3rd) enabling mechanism
encompasses the Ideal Learning Environment And Adequate Learning Resources
for Learners Ensured6 . Specifically, it states that:

Enabling Mechanism 3: Ideal learning environment and

adequate learning resources for learners ensured. The
pandemic has highlighted the gaps in educational resource

provision between schools, divisions, and even regions. The

period of recovery post-pandemic must identify the gaps through
an urgent inventory of standards. This will then be followed by
the equitable distribution of essential education resources, …
The wide discrepancy in access to effective digital learning
devices between and within the major cities as well as in the
rural and remote marginalized areas demands a management
response that restores equity in the provision of such essential
services. This will require a transparent and robust national audit
of resources against both quantity and quality in all schools
followed by a prioritization of support so that at least the
minimum standards can be reached in every school. The ideal
learning environment takes into account not only of the
availability of facilities, equipment, and learning resources, but
should also ensure that the culture, practices, processes, and
systems in the school or learning center uphold quality,
inclusive, learner-centered, and rights upholding climate and
environment promoting the well-being of learners.

Outputs: • Standards for a quality and inclusive learning

environment for different learner groups for the new normal post
COVID-19 adopted and implemented; • Standards for the
integration of educational technology in teaching and learning
developed and implemented; • Standards for learning resource
development accessible to all types of learners formulated and
implemented; and • System for granting access to learning
resources developed and implemented.

The identified main pillars aim to address the pandemic's immediate

impacts on learning, participation, and education delivery, and to improve
education quality and build resilience. An ideal learning environment, as
envisioned by the BEDP 2030, would be one that supports these pillars by

ensuring that all learners have access to education that is not only available but
also adaptable to their needs.

Sustainable Development Goal for (SDG 4)7 is one of the 17 sustainable

development goals established by the United nations as part of the 2030 agenda
for sustainable development. SDG 4 specifically focuses on education and is titled
“quality education.” Its primary aim is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education for all.

Learning is ‘not bound to a specific age (childhood and adolescence)

but continues throughout life.’ Hence, learning education should be
available for every age and; In all contexts (family, school,
community, workplace, etcetera.)

Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) aims to ensure inclusive and

equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. A
key aspect of this goal is the focus on 21st-century learning environments, which
are designed to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world. These
environments emphasize not only academic knowledge but also critical thinking,
problem-solving, and the ability to engage with complex global issues.
The 21st-century learning environment is characterized by its learner-
centered approach, integrating technology and digital literacy, promoting creativity
and innovation, and encouraging collaboration and communication. It also involves
teaching methods that are adaptive and flexible, capable of meeting the diverse
needs of students.
Furthermore, SDG 4 has specific targets to create effective learning
environments, such as building and upgrading education facilities that are child,
disability, and gender-sensitive, and providing safe, non-violent, inclusive, and
effective learning environments for all.
In summary, SDG 4's vision for the 21st-century learning environment is one
that not only equips learners with traditional academic skills but also prepares them
to be global citizens who can contribute to a sustainable future. This involves a

holistic approach to education that values emotional intelligence, cultural diversity,

and the ability to navigate an increasingly interconnected world.
This study is worth exploring because its novelty and utility in the teaching-
learning processes will be an avenue to adapt substantial programs. It is highly
interesting to dive in considering that the present conditions of the public learning
environments have a lot to transform. Furthermore, this study does not pose any
ethical impediment hence it can be an avenue for improvement.

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the responsiveness of schools in the demands of

the 21st-Century learning environment of the S.Y. 2023-2024. Specifically, it will
answer the following problems:
1. What are the demands of the 21st-Century learning environment in
2. What is the level of responsiveness of schools to the demands of the
21st-Century learning environment along:
a. Learning space
b. Learning Management system
c. Technology integration
d. Assessment
e. Standards
3. What activities are conducted by the schools to meet the demands
of the 21st-Century learning environment?
4. What are the challenges encountered by schools in meeting the
demands of the 21st-Century learning environment?
5. What action plan may be proposed to address the challenges
encountered by the schools in meeting the demands of the 21st-Century learning


The researcher is guided by the following assumptions:

1. The demands of the 21st-Century learning environment in schools
2. The levels of responsiveness of schools to the demands of the 21st-
Century learning environment along learning space, learning management
system, technology integration, Assessment and standards are diverse.
3. The activities conducted by the schools to meet the demands of the
21st-Century learning environment are inadequate.
4. There are various challenges encountered by schools in meeting the
demands of the 21st century learning environment.
5. An action plan may be proposed to address the challenges
encountered by the schools in meeting the demands of the 21st century learning

Scope and Delimitation

The research will determine the responsiveness of the schools in the

demands of the 21st-Century learning environment in Malinao District. The
respondents of this study will be the Elementary and Secondary School Heads and
Teachers of Malinao District, Albay Division. There are three (3) secondary schools
in Malinao namely Malinao National High School, Labnig National High School and
Estancia National High School. For the elementary schools there are 25, which are
Awang, Bagatangki, Balading, Balza, Bariw, Baybay, Bulang, Burabod, Comun,
Diaro, Estancia, Jonop, Labnig, Libod, Malinao Central School, Malolos, Matalipni,
Ogob, Quinarabasahan, Soa, Sta. Elena, Sugcad, Tagoytoy, Tanawan and Tuliw.
Specifically, the respondents of this study will be the Elementary and
Secondary School Heads, Assistant Principals or SHS Coordinators, Master
Teachers who are subject-area experts, Department Chairpersons, SHS Subject
Group Heads, Curriculum Chairpersons, elementary Key Teachers and
elementary Subject Area Coordinators. The researcher will be excluded from this
study since the instrument to be used is researcher-made.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study may be deemed significant to the following:

Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The study could be used as
reference material for courses leading to the administration and advancement of
human resources. Graduate students may utilize these as resources in class
Department of Education (DepEd). The result of this study can provide
the Department with data on the concrete needs of schools, thus helping them
formulate plans and programs that would elevate the competence of the students
that are geared towards 21st-Century skills through enhancing the actual learning
Education Program Supervisors (EPSs). Data will enable the aforesaid
to closely monitor the present learning environments in schools. The results of this
study can be used as a basis to prepare essential and relevant topics to fully equip
and train technically the school heads and teachers.
Teacher Learning Institutions. Findings of this study will help them plan
and organize appropriate programs, trainings, projects and support system for the
teachers’ continuing development in response to the mandate of DepEd Order No.
35 s. 2016. Likewise, it's versus quality education through improving the teaching-
learning processes.
Policy Makers. This document may be used as a resource material by
policymakers who are discussing how to fund the initiatives to remodel the existing
learning environments in schools.
Schools Division Offices (SDOs). The success of responding proactively
to the demands of the 21st-Century learning environment can be replicated in other
learning institutions.
Local Government Unit (LGUs). The result of the study may inspire them
to fully support the secondary and elementary schools of Malinao by formulating a
memorandum of agreement in the provision of funds in response to the demands
of the 21st-Century learning environment.

School Heads. The results of this study may enlighten the aforesaid to work
committedly in addressing the favorable learning environment needs of the
students by looking into their welfare in the classrooms. Thus, deliberate on
approaches to enhance the existing learning environments get accustomed to the
21st-Century learning environments. Teaching-learning processes in the 21st-
Century learning environments will foster competent, productive, responsible,
innovative, job and life-ready 21st-Century analytical learners in this dynamic
contemporary world.
Teachers. The responses of teachers in the demands of the 21st-Century
learning environments depend on their commitment to facilitate the aforesaid. It
will aid in achieving the optimal teaching-learning practices in the classroom
settings, allow accessibility to work and learn productively thus, create nurturing
relationships among teachers and students while achieving attainable results.
Every teacher will have the necessary knowledge and abilities to efficiently and
effectively teach in the present century to attain visible results.
Parents. As an essential part of the educational system parents will come
to understand the importance of the 21st-Century learning environment initiatives.
If the parents observe that the schools are responding to the demands of the 21 st-
Century learning environment, they are assured that the learners are equipped
with necessary skills and competence for the dynamic world.
Students. Considering that the students are the primary motivation of the
educational institutions, they will greatly benefit from a 21st-Century Learning
Environment because the learning spaces, learning management system,
technology integration, assessment methods and standards will guarantee a firm
Researcher. In this study, the researcher may acquire more insights about
learning environment models, facilities and services that can be adapted in the
school for the students’ welfare and development.
Future researchers. This study may benefit those who decide to venture
in a parallel study about the 21st century learning environment models.

The direct recipients of this study are the abovementioned individuals and
organizations. The researcher’s action plan which includes partnering with external
stakeholders like LGU, Provincial School Board and DOST to materialize the 21st-
Century Learning Environment Model (CLEM) as a noteworthy response to the
demands of the 21st-Century learning environment for students’ welfare and
teachers’ ease of facilitating the teaching-learning processes. This may also add
to the body of knowledge and research about how learning environments affect
students’ achievements.

Setting of the Study

The study will be conducted in Malinao District, Division of Albay. Malinao

District is comprised of three (3) secondary schools and twenty-five (25)
elementary schools. The three (3) secondary schools in Malinao are Malinao
National High School, Labnig National High School and Estancia National High
School. The twenty-five (25) elementary schools are Awang, Bagatangki,
Balading, Balza, Bariw, Baybay, Bulang, Burabod, Comun, Diaro, Estancia, Jonop,
Labnig, Libod, Malinao Central School, Malolos, Matalipni, Ogob,
Quinarabasahan, Soa, Sta. Elena, Sugcad, Tagoytoy, Tanawan and Tuliw. The
population of the elementary school teachers where the School Year 2023 to 2024
is three hundred twenty (320) while the secondary teachers are two hundred (200).
Responding to the demands of 21st-Century learning environments are vital
for students and teachers as it prepares them for a globalized world. It involves a
shift from traditional rote learning to developing the 3Ls of the 21st-Century Skills
which are the learning, literacy and life skills. In terms of the learning skills, the
critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication skills (4Cs) of the
learners must be honed. While literacy skills include the proper and responsible
use of media, information and technology (MIT). Lastly, the life skills that develop
flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity and social skills (FLIPS)8. For teachers,
it means adopting innovative strategies to create inclusive classrooms that foster
appropriate, applicable and/or contextualized competencies. This approach is
essential for equipping learners with the skills necessary to thrive in the fast-

Figure 1: Map of the Setting of the Study


changing contemporary world. While there are many educators who are concerned
about improving their learning environments in varied ways, some schools have
scarce resources, facilities and initiatives which lead to varying degrees of
setbacks in students’ learning outcomes and teachers’ sentiments.

The elementary and secondary schools of Malinao have been pillars of

excellence, it produced winners in division, national and international levels in
sports and academic contests. Participation in extracurricular activities is both
enjoyable and substantially significant for students and teachers’ development,
academic success and social growth and development. The learning institutions
prepare the students with a wide range of proficiencies and experiences that
furnish their general well-being and triumphs.
The 21st-Century learning environment will enable the educational
institutions to stay abreast of the developments that will ensure adaptive teaching
strategies to meet the evolving educational standards and incorporate innovative
approaches. There are existing programs and projects in the schools which are
reflected on the Learning Recovery Plans like the “School of CHARACTER” for
Malinao National High School that highlight teachers’ development, assessment,
reading enhancement, and numeracy interventions.
Malinao District teachers are active in training students that compete
internationally like the Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad (TIMO) held
in Pattaya, Thailand on April 1, 2023. The student-mathletes from the secondary
school won major awards which continue to compete in other International
Mathematical Olympiads this present school year.
The map of the Municipality of Malinao shows the location of Elementary
and Secondary Schools in Figure 1.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and understanding the following terms used in this study are
defined contextually and operationally.

21st-Century. The twenty-first (21st) century is the current century in the

Anno Domini era or Common Era, under the Gregorian calendar. It began on 1

January 2001 (MMI) and will end on 31 December 2100 (MMC)9. It refers to the
modern era's rapid technological advancements, globalization, and significant
socio-economic changes. It's an era that emphasizes digital literacy, innovation,
and interconnectedness10. As used in this research, it is about the practical
application of preparing individuals with skills for the era. It involves teaching
critical thinking, creativity, communication, problem-solving, and collaboration—
skills deemed essential for success in today's knowledge-based, global
economy11. Both definitions will help frame the 21st-Century in terms of its distinct
features and the competencies needed to navigate it effectively.

21st-Century Learning Environment. It means as the modern, dynamic

educational setting designed to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st
century. It emphasizes the development of critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, and communication skills. A 21CLE is characterized by its
adaptability, student-centered learning focus and technology integration to
enhance educational experiences12. In this research, a 21CLE involves the
practical implementation of its concept into the physical and virtual spaces where
learning occurs. It includes equipping classrooms with advanced technology like
interactive whiteboards, learner response devices, and robust digital contents.
Moreover, adopting pedagogical approaches that foster project-based learning,
encourage active engagement, and provide opportunities for students to apply
their learning in real-world contexts13. Furthermore, it involves the educators’
effective integration of its elements with innovative teaching methods to create a
holistic and engaging learning experience14,15,16.

Action Plan. It is a detailed strategy designed to achieve specific goals. It

outlines the necessary steps, tasks, and resources required to turn objectives into
reality. It’s like a roadmap for a journey, guiding you from where you are to where
you want to be17. As applied in this study, action plan involves the actual
application of this strategy which includes the creation of enlisted tasks,
assignment of responsibilities, setting deadlines, and identifying required
resources. It's the execution phase where the plan is put into action, ensuring that

each step is completed on time and the overall goal is achieved 18. It is essential in
project management, as it breaks down complex objectives into manageable
actions, facilitates coordination among team members, and helps track progress
towards the goal.

Assessment. It is a process that is used to keep track of learners’ progress

in relation to learning standards and in the development of 21st century skills; To
promote self-reflection and personal accountability among students about their
own learning; and the provide bases for the profiling of student performance on the
learning competencies and standards of the curriculum19. As applied in this
research, assessment is the gathering of baseline data from the needs of the
students and the teachers in the locality.

Challenges. It is defined as a demanding or stimulating situation20. Per

study, these are situations or circumstances that put you to the test, obstacles or
difficulties that require effort and determination to overcome. It can be seen as
tests of one's abilities or resources in the pursuit of a goal. It includes measurable
indicators such as the number of tasks completed under time constraints, or the
level of difficulty perceived by participants21. It lays out the practical aspects on
how challenges are recognized and evaluated in real-world scenarios.

Demands. These are the desires for goods or services combined with the
ability and willingness to pay for them as it encompasses the consumer's needs
and preferences within an economic framework 22. In this manuscript, it involves
the specific criteria and measurements used to quantify and analyze. This can
include the quantity of items and equipment purchased at various price points,
consumer surveys, and other data-driven methods23.

Learning Management System. It is the software application for the

administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation, and delivery of
educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs 24.
It emerged from e-Learning and is used to manage all types of content, such as

videos, courses, and documents, in an educational or corporate setting 25. Per

study, a framework for managing educational content and processes. It's
designed to support the delivery, tracking, and reporting of learning activities,
ensuring that educational resources are accessible and effective for both teachers
and students26. It includes the actual tools and processes implemented to facilitate
learning through the Learning Resources Management and Development System
(LRMDS). It is a platform that provides increased distribution and access to
learning, teaching, and professional development resources at various
administrative levels within DepEd27. The LMS is used for planning, implementing,
and assessing specific learning processes, such as trainings and asynchronous
seminars28. In practice, DepEd's LMS aims to enhance educational experience by
leveraging technology to create a more integrated and coordinated approach to
learning resource management and development.

Learning space. It is the environment or setting where learning takes place.

This includes traditional classrooms, digital platforms, outdoor areas, and informal
settings like homes or community centers. It’s understood as any place that
supports educational processes and fosters the acquisition of knowledge and
skills29. In the context of this study, Department of Education (DepEd)
Philippines refers this as the evolving educational environments that are being
designed to meet the needs of modern Filipino learners. These spaces are not
limited to physical classrooms but extend to any setting that can facilitate learning,
such as digital platforms and community centers. The concept emphasizes
adaptability, inclusivity, and the integration of new technologies to support a
comprehensive learning experience30. DepEd's framework involves the actual
implementation of these concepts into tangible learning environments. This
includes the creation of age-appropriate and green learning spaces, the use of
digital technologies for remote learning, and the development of digital capability
centers for basic education. It also encompasses the adoption of immersive
technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for skill
development, and the preparation of learning spaces for future work demands 31.

DepEd's approach to learning spaces is part of its broader Education Futures

Programme (Educ Futures), which aims to co-create future learning spaces over
the next 30 years to deliver quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic
education for Filipinos.

Responsiveness. It generally refers to the ability of a system, organization,

or individual to react quickly and positively to changes or requests. It's about being
sensitive to the needs of a situation or the demands of the environment 32.
Operationally in this manuscript, it involves the specific measures and criteria
used to evaluate how responsive a system or entity is. This could include metrics
like response time, the accuracy of the response, and the effectiveness of actions
taken in response to stimuli or feedback33. Responsiveness is a key component in
various fields, from customer service to governance and its operationalization can
vary depending on the context and objectives of the assessment.

Standards. It refers to the established norms or requirements in various

fields, such as quality, education, or technical specifications. These are generally
agreed-upon criteria within a community, organization, or industry that serve as a
basis for comparison or judgment34. In this research, the 21st-Century Learning
Environment Standards in the Department of Education (DepEd) Philippines refers
to the set of criteria that outline the essential components and expectations for a
learning environment that is conducive to educating students in the 21st century.
This includes the integration of technology, promotion of critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, and communication skills, as well as the adaptability of learning
spaces to various teaching methods and learning styles35. It is the practical
application of these standards within the educational system. It includes specific
guidelines and practices that schools and educators should follow to create and
maintain learning environments that meet these standards. This could involve the
use of digital tools, the implementation of project-based learning, and the
development of curricula that are relevant to the needs of the 21st-century
workforce36. These standards are part of DepEd's commitment to providing quality

education that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the
modern world.
Technology Integration. It is the process of incorporating technology into
various aspects of educational practice to enhance learning. It's about creating a
seamless blend of technology and pedagogy to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of teaching and learning37. Operationally in this study, the Department
of Education (DepEd) Philippines refers to it as the strategic use of technology to
enhance the educational process. It involves leveraging digital tools and resources
to improve teaching and learning outcomes, making education more effective and
accessible38. Within DepEd's framework, it includes the actual implementation of
technology in the classroom and beyond. This encompasses the use of various
educational technology tools, such as TV, radio, authoring tools for Open
Educational Resources (OER), and Learning Management Systems (LMS). These
tools are scaled up to support the educational needs of teachers and students
across the country39. DepEd's commitment to technology integration is evident in
its efforts to equip stakeholders, particularly teachers, with the necessary
educational technology skills. This is part of a broader initiative to ensure that
Filipino learners receive quality education that is globally competitive and aligned
with the demands of the 21st century.

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does-Education-5-0-dovetail-with-industry-4-0-20-marks. Accessed:
February 24, 2024, 3:40 PM.

2Framework for 21st-Century Learning. P21:Partnership for 21st Century Skills.

https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED519462.pdf. Accessed: February 24,
2024, 5:30 PM.

3MATATAG: DepEd’s new agenda to resolve basic education woes.

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4MaTaTaG Curriculum of DepEd. Public Hearing of the Committee on Basic

Education. Legislative Research Service Quick Notes. October 18, 2023.
%20Basic%20Ed-MATATAG%20curriculum%20(2).pdf. Accessed: March
02, 2024, 3:50 PM.

5Phased implementation of the MATATAG Curriculum starting SY 2024-2025. DM

54, s. 2023. https://www.deped.gov.ph/matatag-curriculum/. Accessed:
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https://files.deped.gov.ph/uploads/2022/05/DO_s2022_024.pdf Accessed:
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7United Nations. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.
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Policy Guidelines on k12 Basic Education Program. Scribd.
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