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t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.

Dr Sławomir Wyciślak
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
ORCID: 0000-0002-8913-1634

Real-time visibility transportation

platform deployment. Evidence from
business practice and insights for theory
Problem wdrożenia platformy transportowej zapewniającej widoczność
w czasie rzeczywistym. Wnioski z badań i rekomendacje dla teorii

Abstract Streszczenie
The aim of the study is to contribute to supply chain Celem artykułu jest wniesienie wkładu w rozwój dyskusji
visibility literature by addressing a gap between the naukowej dotyczącej widoczności łańcucha dostaw poprzez
expectations on the benefits of supply chain visibility and dociekania na temat luki między oczekiwaniami dotyczący-
the successfully implemented cases. Determinants of a real- mi korzyści z widoczności łańcucha dostaw a pomyślnymi
-time transportation visibility platform implementation wdrożeniami. Zidentyfikowano i wyjaśniono czynniki wa-
were identified and explained and the reasons for not runkujące wdrożenie platformy widoczności transportu
achieving the expected real-time visibility benefits w czasie rzeczywistym. Uszeregowano przyczyny nieosią-
from a platform in the transportation network with gnięcia oczekiwanych korzyści z widoczności w czasie rze-
a predominant share of subcontracting were ranked. czywistym za pomocą platformy w sieci transportowej
A complex network of fast-moving consumer goods z przeważającym udziałem podwykonawstwa. Do badań wy-
companies was chosen for the research because of their brano złożoną sieć z branży produktów szybko rotujących.
greater need for visibility; visibility improvement is also Uczyniono tak dlatego, że w przypadku takiej sieci istnieje
more challenging for such companies. Asymmetry of risk, większa potrzeba widoczności, a jej poprawa jest trudniejsza.
rewards, and benefits for freight forwarders and a real-time Asymetria ryzyka i korzyści dla spedytorów oraz platformy
visibility platform hinder information sharing willingness. zmniejszają gotowość do wymiany informacji. Dogłębna ana-
The in-depth analysis of entities involved in the platform liza zachowań podmiotów zaangażowanych we wdrażanie
deployment shows the tensions that platform governance platformy wskazuje na napięcia, które może rozwiązać za-
can address. This study also provides insights on information rządzanie platformą. Przeprowadzone badania skupiają się
utilization, including automating, informational, and na analizie wykorzystania informacji w kontekście automa-
transformational characteristics. This paper contributes to tyzacji, informatyzacji i transformacji cyfrowej. Niniejszy ar-
the supply chain visibility theoretical field by focusing on the tykuł przyczynia się do rozwoju rozważań dotyczących wi-
practical development of real-time visibility from the doczności w łańcuchu dostaw.
standpoint of supply chain professionals.

Keywords: Słowa kluczowe:

supply chain visibility, transportation visibility platform, widoczność w łańcuchu dostaw, platforma widoczności w
supply chain, complexity, digitization sieci transportowej, łańcuch dostaw, złożoność, cyfryzacja

JEL: L22, L23, L66, L9

Introduction been viewed as an essential criterion to the long-term

competitiveness of the increasingly complex supply
network (Bartlett et al., 2007).
Supply chain complexity has been increasingly Organizations operating in complex supply chains
recognized as one of the critical areas of managerial with real-time information about products,
concern (Dubey et al., 2020). Real-time visibility has customers, and order fulfillment can improve

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t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

customer service (Yang et al., 2021), responsiveness RO2: To explain and rank reasons for not
(Barratt & Oke, 2007), agility (Dubey et al., 2018; achieving real-time visibility with a platform in the
Brusset, 2016), flexibility (Prajogo & Olhager, 2012), transportation network.
increase operating efficiencies and effectiveness RO3: To identify conditions under which a real-
(Holcomb et al., 2011), reduce distribution and -time transportation visibility platform can meet
inventory costs (Barratt & Oke, 2007), reduce expectations and provide benefits.
waiting time, create resilience (Brandon-Jones et al., Therefore main research questions encompass:
2014), (Mubarik et al., 2021; Sá et al., 2019; Dubey et RQ1: What are the antecedents of successful
al., 2018; Jain et al., 2017; Mandal et al., 2016; deployment of real-time visibility platforms?
Christopher & Peck, 2004; Al-Talib et al., 2020) and RQ2: What are the most critical blocking factors
sustainability (de Vass et al., 2020), (Brun et al., in achieving real-time visibility with a platform in the
2020; Kim & Shin, 2019), fight counterfeiting transportation network?
(Munuzuri et al., 2016), shrinkage of all forms RQ3: Under what conditions should managers
including theft, damage, and delay (McKinney et al., decide on implementing a real-time visibility
2015), help to detect quality issues proactively platform?
(Anitha et al., 2021). Despite many articles, research The article is organized as follows: first, it is
on the actual benefits of visibility is still mainly defined understanding visibility and real-time
theoretical (Caridi et al., 2014). visibility and related concepts from a supply chain
Although real-time visibility has been discussed perspective. Secondly, it discusses antecedents of
for years, it is hard to find guidance for visibility in a supply chain; third, it presents digital
operationalizing visibility in complex supply chains platforms ecosystems. The following section presents
(Wang & Potter, 2007) compelling cases for the methodology, whereas the next part includes
practitioners to leverage (Leung et al., 2017). The findings from the action study, in other words, a case
cause-effect relationship between supply chain study in the form of action research. The final part
visibility and business performance can be encompasses conclusions for theory and
ambiguous (Somapa et al., 2018). The term visibility recommendations for supply chain managers.
itself is misunderstood (Francis, 2008). Little
consensus is on what visibility in the supply chain
means (Somapa et al., 2018). Scholars call for
a better understanding of how visibility within Literature review
a supply chain emerges, develops, and must be
implemented to be successful (Somapa et al., 2018). Understanding visibility, traceability,
One of the concerning areas of supply chain visibility track and trace, and transparency
is transportation shipments (Holcomb et al., 2011). in a supply chain
A gap in the literature regarding antecedents, factors
affecting real-time visibility on shipments in the The concept of supply chain visibility has been
network where subcontracting is in the majority studied by many authors including: Barratt & Oke
persists. (2007), Brandon-Jones et al. (2014), Francis (2008),
Theoretical contributions regarding real-time Wei & Wang (2010), Tse & Tan (2012), Holcomb et
visibility in supply chain and platform design are al. (2011); however, conceptualized and defined
fragmented. They can be identified within the differently (Caridi et al., 2010). There is still a lack of
Internet of Things (de Vass et al., 2020; Fahim et al., a well-defined common understanding of visibility in
2021; Lee & Lee, 2015), track and trace (Hajdul a supply chain and how it can be applied in practice
& Kawa, 2015), (Papatheocharous & Gouvas, 2011; (Leung et al., 2017).
A. Shamsuzzoha et al., 2021), synchronized logistics Somapa et al. (2018) analyzed 27 articles and
(Giusti et al., 2019). The discussion on the general synthesized the key concepts of supply chain visibility
phenomenon of digital platforms is broad and from a process-based perspective, and characterized
diverse (Hein et al., 2020); however, there is a lack of supply chain visibility by automation (the ability to
clear definitions of what is meant by the terms access information), informational (the quality of the
"digital platform" and "digital ecosystem" (de Reuver information), and transformational (the utilization
et al., 2018). The next gap in the literature regards of information) characteristics. Automational
understanding the design and governance of characteristics refer to capturing and transferring the
a platform for real-time visibility in the network necessary information on time by using ICT in
where subcontracting predominates. diverse forms and methods. Automated information
The research objectives of the paper include: capturing is prominent in tracking products during
RO1: To understand antecedents regarding shipment and determining the status of inventory in
deployment of a real-time transportation visibility the pipelines. Informational characteristics are
platform. determined by the accuracy, timeliness, and

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037 3
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completeness of the information. Real-time or near- information-based (Barratt & Oke, 2007) generated
real-time information is frequently used as a proxy from bundling technological and non-technological
for the highest quality of timeliness. resources. Two critical resources in the development
Transformational characteristics are determined by of supply chain visibility are supply chain
the actual utilization of the exchanged information, connectivity and information sharing (Dubey et al.,
either to improve decision-making in business 2018). Connectivity relates to the technological
processes or to increase strategic competencies. infrastructure through which information is
Visibility is often used interchangeably with conveyed to supply chain partners, and information
traceability (Roy, 2021). For example, Tse & Tan sharing links to the quality of the information being
(2012) define supply chain visibility as "traceability shared (Brandon-Jones et al., 2014; Nguyen et al.,
and transparency of the supply chain process." 2019). Technology may provide a medium for supply
However, visibility appears to be the superset of chain visibility, but it does not mean that information
traceability (Roy, 2021). Supply chain traceability is is shared because the use of the supply chain
the prerequisite for superior supply chain visibility. connectivity depends on the existence and quality of
Traceability is defined as the ability to identify and popular data (Anitha et al., 2021).
trace the history, distribution, location, and Enabling technologies that support real-time
application of products, parts, materials, and visibility include Global System for Mobile
services (Shou et al., 2021) and operates under the Communications (Kandel et al., 2011), a global
logistical unit of analysis (Roy, 2021). The term positioning system (GPS) (Wang & Potter, 2007;
"track" is added to "trace", and "track and trace" A. H. M. Shamsuzzoha et al., 2013; Kandel et al.,
phrase is used (Pizzuti & Mirabelli, 2015; 2011; Klumpp & Kandel, 2011), geographical
Shamsuzzoha et al., 2013; Jakobs et al., 2001; information system (GIS), radio frequency
Montecchi et al., 2021; Brun et al., 2020). The term identification (RFID) and embedded real-time
"track" can be identified as the collecting and system design and implementation technologies
managing the information of the present location of (Wang & Potter, 2007). The maritime sector uses the
a product(s) or delivery item(s) (Shamsuzzoha Automatic Identification System (AIS), which
& Helo, 2011; Shamsuzzoha et al., 2013). automatically provides information about a ship's
Transparency in process control has emerged as identity, type, position, course, speed, and
an advanced traceability emphasis. It is a highly navigational status. This information can then be
emerging area to strengthen inter-firm integration by used to enable improved tracking within the supply
demanding information management that enhances chain and to predict the ETAs of shipments (Anitha
the extent to which the information is readily et al., 2021). Smart sensors, such as temperature,
available to supply chain partners and in real-time. impact, and humidity sensors, are used to detect
Transparency is defined as the disclosure of changes in the environment and the condition of
information (Nilsson et al., 2019). Therefore, goods (Anitha et al., 2021).
transparency can expand visibility and traceability Smartphones provide integrated communication
boundaries by highlighting newer information and processing features as integrated sensors, such as
acquisition areas via technological integration in digital compasses, accelerometers, gyroscopes, and
supply chain processes (Roy, 2021). GPS systems. Functions including Quick Response
The notions of traceability and visibility operate in (QR) code reading, real-time GPS monitoring,
a highly abstract space, and non-qualitative automatic reply warnings, and a multiple-level data
approaches can only capture peripheries by answering access control can be made available from these
straightforward questions such as when does it pay sensors (Anitha et al., 2021). All technologies
with traceability/visibility or what advantages can enabling visibility should be combined to maximize
traceability/visibility ensue (Roy, 2021). efficiency and reduce costs (Mintsis et al., 2004).
In the light of discussed terminological nuances Often the two RFID and GPS technologies are used
and interpretations, the real-time visibility in by different parties as separate entities with their
a supply chain is understood in this paper as the own features and purposes. If both technologies can
ability to receive information automatically in be combined to become one integrated system to
requested time intervals completely and accurately track and trace goods in the supply chain, greater
to use information retrospectively and proactively in gains can be achieved. In particular, GPS mapping
decision-making. systems, when linked to enterprise resource
planning, could facilitate inbound and outbound
logistic scheduling (He et al., 2009).
Antecedents of visibility in a supply chain Automated information transfer includes
connectivities such as EDI (Electronic Data
Connectivity. Real-time visibility is perceived as Interchange), APIs (Application Programming
the capability (Wei & Wang, 2007) which is Interfaces), FTP (file transfer protocol) (Giusti et

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al., 2019; Somapa et al., 2018; Holcomb et al., 2011). Visibility in a supply chain
Own different systems standards make in the context of the platform
interoperability a significant concern (Wang
& Potter, 2007). In many cases, current I&CTs Real-time visibility requires integrating data from
supporting the various activities of the supply telematics systems and enterprise resource planning,
network process are diverse and disconnected transport management systems, and warehouse
because they have typically evolved throughout the management systems. As a result of incompatibilities
years based on local — often functional — and of vendors, rules, processes, timeliness, and so forth,
companywide requirements that were rarely it is challenging to share helpful information
integrated (Romano, 2003). externally, sometimes even internally (Lee & Rim,
The utility of supply chain connectivity is 2016). Having disparate systems makes it challenging
dependent on the nature and quality of information, to coordinate with partners, and differences by
and information sharing and connectivity may be vendors and a lack of compatibility of the
seen as complementary resources (Brandon-Jones et applications that are used prevent access to valuable
al., 2014). For the successful development of external data.
visibility within the supply chain network, The leveraging of an internet-based platform to
connectivity is a prerequisite for sharing information facilitate the exchange of information between
(Anitha et al., 2021). supply chain partners has shown itself to be
Information sharing. The value of information- a powerful approach to avoid the complexities of
sharing can be defined as the benefits derived from integrating IT systems across the partner
sharing information minus the associated costs (Kaipia organizations (Schreieck et al., 2017).
& Hartiala, 2006). Information integration refers to Digital platforms utilize an ecosystem of
sharing information and knowledge among the supply autonomous agents to co-create value (Hein et al.,
chain members (Mujuni Katunzi, 2011). The focus of 2020). The term platform ecosystem refers to the
visibility development should be on sharing platform and all stakeholders interacting on the
information that can be used to improve performance. platform. (Schreieck et al., 2017). A digital platform
The shared data should enable the best business ecosystem comprises a platform owner that
decisions to be made on the basis of the best available implements governance to facilitate value-creating
information (Kaipia & Hartiala, 2006). Information mechanisms on a digital platform between the
integration refers to the sharing of information and platform owner and an ecosystem of autonomous
knowledge among the members of the supply chain. complementors and consumers (Hein et al., 2020).
Building good communication and trust are essential Three aspects can characterize platform
for information sharing information (Prajogo organizations: (1) they coordinate actors who can
& Olhager, 2012). Cooperation and coordination both compete and innovate, (2) make use of
among stakeholders are fundamental for sharing economies of scope in both supply and/or demand,
information (Dubey et al., 2020; Wang & Potter, 2007). and (3) consist of modular technological architecture
However, asymmetry of risk, rewards, and benefits with a core and peripheral components. As for
for shippers, carriers hinder information sharing supply chain platforms, interfaces are selectively
willingness (Wang & Potter, 2007). Silo mentality, open; interface specification is shared exclusively
lack of time, lack of rewarding systems, lack of trust, across the supply chain, the coordination mechanism
lack of knowledge, and increased levels of work are should be between supply chain member
the primary concerns when sharing information organizations (Gawer, 2014).
(Somapa et al., 2018; Mujuni Katunzi, 2011; Kaipia Digital industrial platforms are platforms as (1)
& Hartiala, 2006). Usually, the organizations distrust collect and integrate data from a heterogeneous set
their supplier, primarily on information sharing of industrial assets and devices, (2) provide this data
(Pradhan & Routroy, 2018). What is more, sharing and additional technical support to an ecosystem of
commercially sensitive information is perceived as third-party organizations who develop and enable
risky (Bartlett et al., 2007). complementary solutions that (3) affect the
A problem of trust that hinders information operation of industrial assets and devices, and (4)
sharing can be addressed by blockchain. provide a marketplace to facilitate interactions
A blockchain can certify information sharing across a between platform owner, third-parties and business
network of different entities, even when two parties customers (Pauli et al., 2021).
never met and do not trust each other, and without Depending on the ownership status of platforms,
the need for a trusted middle or central entity. For the platform owners establish governance
this reason, blockchains are credited to be able to mechanisms that define the ground rules for
create trust and greater collaboration among orchestrating interactions in the ecosystems (Hein et
potential partners that may be far away from each al., 2020). These platforms need tools to orchestrate
other (Astarita et al., 2019). the interactions between the different sides involved,

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so-called platform governance mechanisms to a real-time transportation visibility platform.

(Schreieck et al., 2017). This emergent form of From the perspective of a platform design, a focal
digital platforms in the business-to-business (B2B) company is a customer, whereas transport service
context requires a profound holistic perspective providers, GPS providers, IT providers are
encompassing the co-evolution of platform complementors.
architecture, platform services, and platform The research program was divided into three
governance (Jovanovic et al., 2021). parts. The first phase was devoted to understanding
The likelihood of competition amongst platforms antecedents of a real-time visibility platform
constitutive agents is higher when innovative agents deployment. The second phase, the case research, is
are more autonomous (Gawer, 2014). Mini based on a research project to deploy a real-time
& Widjaja (2019) identify 21 tensions that are transportation visibility platform. The cycle of
relevant when platform owners want to manage their research in the second phase encompassed diagnosis,
digital platform business model. planning, taking, and evaluating action. The
Out of theoretical concepts on digital platforms, literature study concerning real-time visibility
the multi-sided (de Reuver et al., 2018) digital platforms, real-time visibility, and supply chain
industry (Pauli et al., 2021) supply chain platform visibility was carried out in parallel with the first and
with contractual relationships is a model following second phases. The literature review is organized
which real-time visibility platforms can be classified. into three sections. The first one presents a review of
scientific contributions to understanding visibility in
a supply chain and its part of a transportation
network, its benefits, and antecedents. The second
Methodology one discusses papers on factors affecting achieving
visibility in a supply chain. Finally, the third section
Background describes digital platform papers as such and related
to the supply chain.
Understanding of factors affecting the
deployment of a real-time visibility platform in the
transportation network represents uncharted Information collection and coding
territory. There is still an insufficient understanding
of the reasons behind a gap between expectations on The data for this study came primarily from a few
real-time visibility and successfully implemented sources: business and technical documents, reason
cases. As a result, the author adopted the action codes form, transport management system, real-time
research case study approach, which is in line with transportation visibility platform, and observations.
the postulates regarding the implementation of Process maps and flows are in technical documents.
action research (Näslund, 2002) ). A complex Trackers show progress on digitization projects.
network was chosen for research because there is One-pagers and presentations prepared for
a greater need for visibility, and visibility governance meetings encompass synthesis of "as-is"
improvement is also more challenging. situation and next steps recommendations for senior
The author was a Logistics Research and management.
Development center team member in the European Reason codes form was a tool to gather
Control Tower of the fast-moving consumer goods information from transport service providers on
company. The company is part of a multi-national reasons behind not tracked shipments. The idea of
group. Its role was to support researching, designing, reason codes is to simplify data collection by giving
and executing digitalization projects. The first area interviewees a limited choice of responses. More
which should unlock opportunities in the importantly, reason codes facilitate internal
transportation network of a supply chain was communication and reporting to ensure repeatability
achieving real-time visibility. The real-time visibility and reproducibility. A brainstorming session with
platform deployment scope encompassed the onboarding team members helped to create the
transportation network of 45 own factories and reason codes. The procurement team provided its
260 co-packers, 60 warehouses from which Logistics input to ensure consistency of reason codes. The
Service Providers managed the vast majority. Yearly email containing reason codes has been sent to about
the number of full truckloads amounted to 110 transport service providers weekly over 40 weeks
260 thousands whereas the number of companies (between months 13 and 23). An effective response
provided transport services accounted for 110. rate was nearly 35%. Transport service providers
Logistics Control Tower acts as a focal company should attribute a reason code to each untracked
and coordinator from the point of view of material shipment and had the option to add comments. The
and information flows. The role of an integrator of author coded responses in weekly trackers wherein
data necessary to achieve real-time visibility belongs the number of weeks, reason code number, the

6 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

meaning of a reason code, the number of shipments destination city and mode of transport was extracted
with attributed reason code, conclusions from to calculate compliance.
transport service providers comments, and the Data regarding expected time of arrival per
number of shipments ID with attributed reason code transport service provider, pick-up, and destination
divided the total number of shipments. cities was extracted from the real-time transportation
Every week, the compliance per transport service visibility platform.
provider has been discussed with internal
stakeholders, including procurement, transport
planning, internal customers service, and external Data and information analysis
stakeholders, i.e., the real-time visibility platform
team. During weekly meetings, actions have been As the first step, senior management accepted
agreed and planned to improve compliance. The KPIs as-is performance. The compliance was
onboarding team has been checking the execution of measured by the number of tracked loads (both in the
planned activities and their impact on compliance pick-up and delivery locations) divided by the total
the following week. If the responsible entity did not number of loads. The other crucial KPI was regarding
execute the action, the onboarding team carried it the expected time of arrival accuracy. The latter
over to the next week. The effect of agreed actions indicator was calculated by dividing the number of
on compliance has been checked in the following loads delivered within the time predicated at the pick-
weeks. If no improvement in terms of compliance up in the range of +/– 1 hour by the number of loads
has been observed, the onboarding team escalated delivered and multiplied by 100%. The expected time
the case to senior management. The control tower of arrival of high accuracy was assumed if the result of
should decide whether to take further actions, the calculation was equal to or greater than 80%.
including decisions on the business reduction or Data on the expected time of arrival calculated at the
termination against transport service providers that pick-up location was compared to the planned arrival
did not improve compliance. If the activities from time data extracted from the transportation
the director of the control tower did not provide any management system of a focal company.
improvement transport service provider has been In the second step, senior management accepted
still considered in a weekly tracker, and its progress the performance gap identification. The
has been still monitored. The researcher coded performance gap is the difference between the
information in a weekly tracker where compliance current performance level and the target. More
per transport service provider was updated, importantly, the steering committee decided on the
transport service providers attributed to one of identification of the causes of the gap. Responses of
three groups — "freight forwarders," "asset-based," transport service providers should explain the
"mixed"; actions entered and statuses including performance gap, and reason codes analysis was,
"completed," "in progress," "on hold," "escalated" respectively, categorized by a transport service
attributed accordingly as per transport service provider and A-lane. To identify causes behind a gap
provider. Under "freight forwarders" was performance on the accuracy of the expected arrival
understood transport service provider with 100% of time, tracking consistency and geofence zone
subcontracted shipments whereas "mixed" status accuracy should explain. Tracking consistency was
meant transport service provider of both divided into three categories: high, medium, and low
subcontracted shipments and shipments executed on quality, for which criteria were the frequency of
own fleet, "asset-based" status was attributed to received pings which the real-time visibility platform
transport service providers with only own fleet. The should receive every 15 minutes by default. The
author coded information from participatory and number of received pings was divided by the number
non-participatory observations in weekly trackers of theoretical pings which should be received during
where the roles of involved persons are available in a trip. If the KPI was over 80%, tracking consistency
the first column. The number of weeks is present in was classified as of high quality. If in the range
the consecutive columns. Participatory and non- between 60–80% and 40–60%, tracking, respectively,
participatory observations encompassed exper- was ranked as of medium and low quality.
iencing, which involves seeing, hearing, Authors' reflection of content, process, and
remembering, imaging. premises drove the synthesis of information collected
Data from the transport management system in trackers. Interpretation of information should
including parameters shipment ID, A lane ID, answer the following questions: 1) What do we get?
source location name, source location vendor Id, 2) Why do we do what we do? 3) How do we decide
destination location name, destination location what is right? Is this the best solution? What haven't
vendor ID, carrier name, carrier ID, destination city, we thought of?
carrier ID, carrier name, GPS carrier, category, Experiencing as a part of the research was because
cancellation, week number, source city, and of participatory and non-participatory observations

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037 7
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

with which the author was involved and embraced Screening the results suggested reports from
seeing, hearing, remembering, imaging. The author research company Gartner were the only sources
combined inductive and deductive methods encompassing real-time visibility transportation
composing an abductive approach (Kovács & Spens, platforms per se apart from blogs and web pages of
2005). As recommended by Yin (2018), case studies real-time visibility providers.
are valuable in the first stages of theory As searched terms were too narrow, keywords
development, primarily when they are aimed at encompassing more general keywords combined
examining phenomena with a bit of or theoretical with the word "platform" constituted the next
background. literature search phase (Table 1).
The number of found records showed substantial
variations per keyword, with the predominance of
Literature search the results found for the searched term "supply chain
visibility." In the case of, the
The author conducted a narrative literature author decided to review the ten first pages of found
review to describe and critically evaluate a body of results. The number of found records as per the
work regarding the real-time visibility transportation "supply chain visibility" keyword suggested narrowing
platform. The criteria to choose database was searched terms.
open-access. Selected databases encompassed Refined keywords were "transport track and trace,", iEEEXplore, Arxiv, ScienceDirect. "logistics track and trace," "supply chain track and
Google Scholar is a mighty open-access database trace," "logistics Internet of Things," "supply chain
that archives journal articles and "gray literature," Internet of Things," supply chain "track and trace,"
including conference proceedings, thesis, and transport "track and trace," platform "track and
reports. (Norris et al., 2008) compared Google and trace," "Internet of Things platform," "track and trace
Google Scholar to other open-access search engines. platform" and combinations of these terms (Table 2).
They found that Google and Google Scholar The author also used more open searched terms
performed the best. These two sources combined without quotes as per Table 3. Reviewing
could discover more than three-quarters of open a maximum of ten first pages of the found results was
access publications identified in their study. The the applied rule.
assumption was also to use and After the initial screening of the titles, a total of to contact authors when papers are 117 studies were identified. The author read the
not available in the open-access. abstracts of them to decide their relevance to the
Research questions were the drivers for the research topics further. A total of 80 studies were
selection of keywords. The author started the deemed relevant. The author skimmed through the
literature search using the keywords "real-time full-text articles to further evaluate the quality and
transportation visibility platform" and eligibility of the studies. After review, a total of
"transportation visibility platform." The outcomes of nineteen studies were excluded. Four were excluded
the research suggested no contributions regarding because they lacked clear guidance on methodology;
searched keywords in the chosen databases. As nine studies were excluded because they were too
a result, the author used the Google database to find general, out of a topic, reviewed a specific topic, the
any indications on selected keywords. The outcome author could not find the full text for six articles. The
from Google suggested 4,150 records. After checking latter is although the author wrote the messages to
pages with results, it turned out that only eight of authors of papers via and
them were available, which translated into 73 results. platforms. Overall, sixty-one studies

Table 1
The number of found records in databases with the second step of literature search

Transportation visibility Supply chain visibility Transportation platform Supply chain platform 184 8 720 1 500 838

iEEEXplore 2 57 28 9
Arxiv 0 2 5 1
ScienceDirect 6 478 131 76

Source: own study.

8 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

Table 2
The number of found records in databases with the third step of literature search


Database Transport Logistics Supply chain Logistics Supply chain Internet Track and
track track track Internet Internet of Things trace
and trace and trace and trace of Things of Things platform platform 14 35 87 264 183 3 620 27
iEEEXplore 94 81 138 787 783 7 629 176
Arxiv 18 24 5 24 30 373 18
ScienceDirect 0 1 5 5 13 147 1

Source: own study.

Table 3
The number of found records in databases with the fourth step of literature search

Database Supply chain Transport Platform Supply chain Freight forwarders
"track and trace" "track and trace" "track and trace" platform transport platform 11 200 9 630 7 310 127 000 14 700

iEEEXplore 36 94 176 983 1
Arxiv 0 18 18 40 0
ScienceDirect 883 792 1 77 009 1 918

Source: own study.

Table 4 Findings
The number of the reviewed papers as for used
methodology Antecedents

The type of thereviewed The number of The global IT procurement team from Bangalore,
papers the reviewed papers which conceptualized the global solution for real-
Case study 33
-time visibility, chose a supplier of a real-time
Conceptual model 13 visibility platform also for the focal company
Literature review 9 European transportation network. Although real-
Mathematical model 3 -time visibility should be an enabler of the
Simulation model 1 digitalization of supply chain operations deploying
Protype 2 real-time visibility on shipments was assumed to
deliver measurable benefits.
Source: own study. The transportation visibility platform's
deployment goals were to improve internal customer
service and reduce waste like demurrages by
from the initial search were included in the next understanding where the shipment is. The single
stage of text analysis. The difference between the version of data should reduce workload amongst all
number of studies in the bibliography, which stakeholders involved in tracking and tracing
accounts for 67, is because of including papers on shipments by sending emails and making phone calls.
methodological matters. Transport planners from the European Control
Case study methodology plays the predominant Tower received 200 emails and 50 calls a day on
role in the included papers and is followed by average asking where the truck with a shipment is,
conceptual studies (Table 4). whereas 1.5 hours was the average time to find out
As supply chain visibility is a developing field, the from transport service providers where a truck with
research using case studies is in the majority. a load is. Accurate delivery and on-time collection

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037 9
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

data should also be indicated during transportation of full truckloads tracked in real-time mode after
tenders and help resolve tensions among involved three months and, respectively, 90% after nine
stakeholders, including demurrage calculations. The months. The implementation team of 2.5 Full-Time
calculation of demurrages thanks to real-time Equivalents should onboard carriers, monitor
updates on the on-time delivery and on-time compliance, and quickly escalate any deployment
collection should be automated. For factories, issues. A focal company onboarding team was
notifications on the entry geofence zone should help located in the European control tower. In contrast,
to manage deliveries and avoid production a transportation visibility platform owner's
blockages. geographical locations' onboarding team witnessed
Thanks to the updated expected time of arrival, changes amongst the US, India, and Poland. Teams
teams responsible for loading and unloading can from the European control tower should provide
manage their time more efficiently. Updated support in relations with transport service providers.
expected time of arrival should also enable In contrast, enterprise technical support from
automation of slots and dock booking management Bangalore should deliver IT support.
which consumes the time of customer service Regarding direct communication to transport
specialists. In the "to-be" processes changing time service providers, the conversation should be led
slots should be automated and based on the expected depending on a case either by a focal company or
arrival time (Table 5). transport service provider team. Once no
The steering committee encompasses European intervention from a focal company, the real-time
Supply Chain Vice president, Logistics Director transportation visibility platform team should lead
Primary & Inbound Europe and Control Tower the onboarding process. A focal company only
Director, Procurement Director Manufacturing ensures that the transport service provider delivered
Partners, Logistics and Capex, IT Director Make the required contact details to data suppliers
& Deliver. They set an ambitious goal to reach 60% encompassing the GPS provider and IT provider if

Table 5
Expected benefits from a deployment of a real-time visibility transportation platform

Who What How Benefits

Control Tower Information flow improvement Transport planners have no need Workload reduction and deliberate
to share truck locations resources from non-adding value
to requesting stakeholder activities

Carrier performance On-Time Delivery/On-Time Reduction of demurrages

management Collection from notifications
when the truck enters geofence Reliable input data for the tender
and leaves geofence zone for transport lanes

Distribution Centres Time slots and docks Notifications are sent via email They know if it makes sense to wait
utilization improvement to the distribution center for every for the missing load, not losing time,
early or late transport two combining shipments differently
hours before the expected time
of arrival Reduction of costs related to
demurrage charges thanks to early
Automated changes in booked information about the truck delay
time slots based on updated and the possibility to free up this slot
expected time of arrival for another truck already waiting
at the distribution center

Factories No pending deliveries Notifications are sent when No production blockages

the truck enters the geofence

Notifications are sent when

the truck should have reached
the geofence by a specific time
and didn't

Source: own study.

10 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

necessary. The obligation of the transport service contain: a) unique to the carrier identification number
provider was to streamline communication with data in TMS of a focal company, b) shipment number,
suppliers and chase them if necessary. Once issues c) trailer plate numbers. There are possibilities to send
occurred, the procurement business team should be a file in CSV, XLS, or XLSX format and sent via FTP,
involved in a conversation with carriers. The business or information is sent in JSON format via a call to real-
transport team with designated project champions -time visibility provider API.
should support the onboarding team to resolve Real-time visibility provider connects directly with
potential operational issues. The latter encompasses carrier GPS providers via API web service REST or
setting geofence zone boundaries around focal SOAP. If a carrier does not want to share a GPS
company sites in Europe, potential cases occurring provider name, they can send all data through their
with transport operations because of real-time TMS. They can send it through API in JSON format
transportation visibility platform deployment, and only if the TMS and GPS data are integrated. The
monitoring benefits from a deployment. The data GPS provider sends data on the long and latitude
flow process to have real-time visibility on the coordinates of track and trailer. Real-time visibility
shipment of a focal company is presented in Figure 1. provider matches a shipment number and trailer
The first step is a creation of a shipment in plate numbers. The position of a truck is visible on
a transport management system of a focal company. a dashboard (Figure 1).
Afterward, the TSM of a focal company automa-tically Using an application for smartphones was the
tenders a load. If transport service providers accept other method of assigning shipments (Figure 2). The
a shipment, a focal company calls a real-time visibility driver had to download the application and enter the
platform via API with a shipment ID. Transport service shipment number and PIN to assign shipments. PIN
providers start sending a file from their transport was sent in the email containing order details. The
system management two hours before the planned application can be downloaded for free in the
pick-up every 15 minutes. The automated file must GoogePlay (Android) store or the App Store

Figure 1
Data process flow to have real-time tracking

Source: own study.

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037 11
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

Figure 2
Data process flow to use application for real-time tracking

Source: own study.

(iPhone). With the application, data usage is less Longer than expected by the senior management
than 1MB per day; no data roaming charges within time of onboarding can be attributed to
EU countries; the driver can turn off tracking. miscommunication because of cultural differences in
The assumption was to deploy a real-time visibility corporate and national specifics. Confusions resulted
platform over six months using two solutions: 1) from shortcuts used in communication because
integrating information systems of focal company, corporates specifics were multiplied by diverse mindsets
transport service provider, and Global Positioning due to national cultures. Discussing the same agreed
System provider 2) smartphone application for topics consumed 40–50% of communication time.
drivers. The deployment should encompass two For the onboarding of transport service provider, it
steps: 1) carriers on-boarding 2) achieving was required 30 emails on the average, out of which
compliance of 60% of tracked shipments. In senior almost 20% was on account of the need for further
management's view, compliance of 60% should be clarification and fix misunderstandings in elementary
high enough to make the platform usable in practice. vocabulary like transport management system, GPS,
fleet management system. Subcontractors should be
included in a communication loop depending on the
Factors affecting onboarding process flow, GPS provider, external IT system
and compliance supplier, and other transportation visibility platforms
that provided carriers' services.
The average time for onboarding a transport Due to business and contractual relationships
service provider on a transportation visibility issues, transport service providers withdraw from
platform was about 90 days. The median was hardly sending data, which explains the decrease in the
above 80 days and recorded the longest time of 250 days, percentage of onboarded transport service providers
whereas the shortest was about ten days. (Figure 3).

12 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

Figure 3
The percentage of onboarded carriers

Source: own study.

Silo mentality, lack of time, lack of rewarding 1) drivers did not have a smartphone to use
systems, lack of trust, lack of knowledge, and application — 35%,
increased levels of work are the primary concerns 2) drivers not being able to use the application for
when sharing information (Somapa et al., 2018; smartphones correctly — 23%,
Mujuni Katunzi, 2011; Kaipia & Hartiala, 2006; 3) technical problems within the integration of IT
Somapa et al., 2011). Usually, the organizations systems — 19%,
distrust their supplier, primarily on information 4) drivers' phone had roaming disabled — 12%,
sharing (Pradhan & Routroy, 2018). What is 5) data privacy concerns to be resolved — 8%,
even more interesting, sharing commercially 6) others — 3%.
sensitive information is perceived as risky (Bartlett The lack of a smartphone was given as the most
et al., 2007). common reason behind not-tracked shipments.
Before a transportation visibility platform Drivers have either personal smartphones or old-
deployment, the steering committee ignored that fashioned phones on which installation of
65% of all shipments are subcontracted, resulting in applications was not doable. What is more, according
low compliance. Complexity because of the large to the General Data Protection Regulation, drivers
scale of subcontracting was propagated with were only allowed to use applications developed to
a fragmented group of transport service providers. enable tracking in real-time with company-owned
The most significant transport service provider smartphones.
accounted only for a 5% share in the total number of Many drivers did take only a few shipments per
shipments. As a solution for subcontracted loads, the year. Because of the small number of shipments,
application for a smartphone was developed. On top drivers showed little willingness to use the
of that, tracking was unstable with gaps during smartphone application. Moreover, carriers did not
transit; hence expected time of arrival cannot be effectively transfer the user manual and personal
calculated accurately. identification number to drivers within a multi-level
Figure 4 shows the real-time visibility subcontracting network. Insufficient digital skills of
transportation platform implementation dynamics drivers and low willingness made downloading and
measured with the indicator calculated as operating the smartphone application very time and
a percentage of tracked shipments in pick-up and effort-consuming. Moreover, since manual data
delivery locations. entry is error-prone, it affects data quality,
The compliance has been on the growth path until preventing real-time tracking. Low saturation of
month number 15 after the deployment started, and company-owned smartphones combined with
the percentage of tracked shipments reached 30% disabled roaming because of cost factor reflects low
(Figure 4). Reasons behind not tracked shipments technological maturity level amongst transport
are: service providers in a scope. Drivers use personal

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037 13
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

Figure 4
Compliance — interpreted as the percentage of tracked shipments

Source: own study.

smartphones for the other shipments' execution- Freight forwarders reflected on the value of data
related activities like confirmation of delivery, shared with a transportation visibility platform can
however. overreach the associated costs. Asymmetry of risk,
Freight forwarders also pointed to disabled rewards, and benefits for freight forwarders and
roaming as a blocker to the usage of applications on a real-time visibility platform started to hinder
international routes. Subcontractors turned off information sharing willingness. Freight forwarders
roaming because they feared that costs would realized that they could have control over data they
increase due to unjustified use by drivers. share with a real-time visibility transportation
Problems with the connectivity of systems of the platform. Freight forwarders integrated
focal company, real-time transportation visibility subcontractors within their own platform. They
platform, freight forwarders, Global Positioning started to be indirect competitors to the
System service providers, was the following reason transportation visibility platform and also
behind untracked shipments. collaborate by sharing data on the real-time position
Because of the lack of a system for storing track of loads of a focal company. The latter resulted in
and trailer plate numbers, about 15% of carriers coopetition tensions.
entered the truck and trailer plate numbers manually Freight forwarders can be real-time transportation
on the real-time transportation visibility platform visibility platform owners and gain a position of
web page. The vast majority of carriers use file a network integrator. Willingness to earn a role of
transfer protocol for sending excel files to real-time a network integrator triggered tensions between
transportation visibility platforms. 15% of carriers autonomy and control. Both needs for autonomy and
used application interface programming. Frequent aspiration to be a network integrator are reasons
updates of planned pick-up time by the focal behind competition between freight forwarders and
company resulted in the fact that plate numbers of the real-time transportation visibility platform.
amended trucks and trailers plate numbers have not Some freight forwarders requested from a focal
been updated accordingly in the system both of company financial compensation for developing
transport service providers and focal company. The infrastructure needful for capturing and sending data
latter was a reason behind the lack of real-time to have real-time visibility. However, these costs
tracking. would overreach benefits for a focal company.
Due to the subcontracting, data needful for Transport service providers gave privacy concerns
tracking had to be fetched either directly from the as the following reason behind the not tracked
subcontractor's system for storing track and trailer shipment. Transport Service Providers claimed that
plate numbers or freight forwarder that fetched data application usage is against drivers' privacy and can
from a subcontractor system. break General Data Protection Regulation if an

14 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

application follows drivers in private time. The risk timeliness, and completeness in terms of low
of tracking drivers when they carry shipments of compliance and not accurate enough expected time
other customers and goods from at least two shippers of arrival are reasons behind not commercial using
inside a trailer has also raised concerns among the real-time transportation visibility platform.
carriers. Information sharing is impacted by carriers' There is also evidence of why the compliance is
privacy concerns, which reflect fears of new low and the expected arrival time is not repeatedly
technology and contractual agreements with their accurate. Factors affecting not achieving real-time
other customers on data access restrictions. visibility with a transportation network platform are
When it comes to "others," issues with data related to connectivity and willingness to share
quality, including incomplete, incorrect timestamps, information. Asymmetry of benefits and risks affect
delayed updates of pick-up time and delivery times, the willingness of subcontractors to share
inefficient shipment planning processes, have been information both by smartphones and integration of
highlighted by transport service providers. systems for storing trucks and trailers plate numbers.
Because of low compliance, the average accuracy Dependence on drivers' willingness towards sharing
of the expected arrival time amounted to 40% in information is a risky and not efficient approach. As
month number 23. On top of that, the expected time for connectivity, the lack of a system for storing track
of arrival of high accuracy has not been achieved in and trailer plates and common standards for data
a repeated manner. The reason for that was gaps in transmission affect compliance by far. What is more,
tracking between pick and delivery locations and own different systems standards and communication
frequent change of drivers on subcontracted protocols make interoperability a deployment
shipments with different driving patterns, making it blocker.
difficult to calculate the exact time of arrival in The in-depth analysis of entities involved in the
a repeatable manner. platform deployment points to emerging developing
Internal customers of a focal company first gave tensions. There is a tension between governance
the low compliance and then not accurate enough costs and the tangible and intangible benefits
expected time of arrival as reasons behind not using resulting from the combination of resources of the
the real-time transportation visibility platform. partners as well as platform complexity and
development costs. The internal complexity of
partners is multiplied by the number of involved
entities, including subcontractors. For example,
Conclusion complexity because of the large scale of
subcontracting was propagated with a fragmented
This paper provides theoretical and practical group of transport service providers. Freight
implications. It responds to calls for a better forwarders as complementors can become
understanding of how visibility within a supply chain competitors to a real-time transport visibility
emerges, develops, and must be implemented to be platform, resulting in coopetion and control versus
successful (Somapa et al., 2018) and in-depth autonomy tensions. Bonus malus system for carriers
identifying the critical building blocks, antecedents, can compensate risks and costs as partners of real-
supply chain visibility concept (Nguyen et al., 2019). -time visibility transportation platforms.
This article also responds to calls for more studies The value of a real-time transportation visibility
that identify the transformational effects of supply platform network grows exponentially in line with an
chain visibility as metrics tracing the utilization of increasing number of members. They benefit from
information in business processes under research. a platform customer and complementors data,
(Somapa et al., 2018). The paper also provides information, and knowledge. By adding the
insights on understanding the governance and successive carriers as well as GPS providers, they
behaviors of supply chain members involved in develop its network.
a real-time transportation visibility platform in the When it comes to platform governance: the
network where subcontracting is in the majority. This onboarding process should be led by the real-
work fills a gap in literature contributions on supply visibility transportation platform, operational teams
chain visibility regarding the decline in visibility on must be involved from the start and accept key
transportation shipments (Holcomb et al., 2011). performance indicators, the key to success is to
From a theory-building perspective, the sustain compliance after onboarding the carriers,
propositions provide insights on automational operational teams should have easy access to
characteristics, informational and transformational dashboards and access to reliable and repeatable
characteristics. When it comes to transformational information. When it comes to internal governance
characteristics, it is discussed how a focal company for strategic stakeholders of a focal company, there is
should utilize information. However, informational evidence against attributing decision capabilities of
characteristics that determine the accuracy, choosing a transportation visibility platform to the

Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037 15
t. LXXIII „ nr 10/2021 „ DOI 10.33226/1231-2037.2021.10.1

hands of the IT global team. The final decision In future studies, recommendations for theory
should make the European Supply chain advised by building, the relationships, and causal loops among
logistics procurement. The deployment scope should partners of a real-time transportation visibility platform
be narrowed to transportation lanes where short lead need to be investigated from a dual theoretical
time, high gross margins, and repeated operational perspective of system approach and network theory.
issues would justify deploying a transportation Therefore, future research could investigate context
visibility platform. Supply chain managers should specifics of tensions and the manifestation of tensions
consider trade-offs. The latter should be between as paradox on digital platforms.
transport service providers with own fleet in which A problem of trust that hinders information
achieving real-time visibility is more controllable and sharing can be addressed by blockchain. However,
freight forwarders of multi-level subcontracting and the full implementation of real-time visibility
frequently changing subcontractors wherein requires machine-machine relations. New
compliance is low. Over-optimistic assumptions on infrastructure with autonomous trucks and
a quick win based on an oversimplified approach do interoperable connections is needful to unlock
not sit with a deployment of a real-time visibility a total potential of real-time visibility and enable no-
transportation platform in the network where touch processes. Like during the previous
subcontracting is in the majority. technological revolutions, an increase in productivity
Further research should analyze relationships will occur if new infrastructure is ready.
within the network of subcontractors, which impacts As with any inductive study, this study suffers from
behaviors and motivations towards enabling a lack of external validity has some pronounced
shipments for real-time tracking. The in-depth limitations. The issue of generalizability is because of
analysis should focus on freight forwarders' strategies the focal company's supply chain model in the fast-
for building a competitive advantage to provide real- moving consumer goods industry.
-time visibility. There should also be investigated the Nonetheless, the study offers valuable insights for
strategy of other complementors as partners of directing future research into a digital platform for
a real-time visibility transportation platform. real-time visibility.

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Dr Sławomir Wyciślak Dr Sławomir Wyciślak

PhD, currently works at the Institute of Economics, Finance Obecnie pracuje w Katedrze Zarządzania Jakością Instytutu
and Management of the Jagiellonian University. He has Ekonomii, Finansów i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Jagielloń-
almost 20 years of experience in working with companies of skiego. Ma prawie 20-letnie doświadczenie we współpracy
various sizes. Over the last seven years, he has been involved z firmami różnej klasy wielkości. Przez ostatnie 7 lat był za-
with digitization projects in the European research and angażowany w prace nad projektami w zakresie cyfryzacji
development center of one of the supply chains. w europejskim centrum badawczo-rozwojowym łańcucha do-
staw jednej z firm międzynarodowych.

18 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka „ Material Economy and Logistics Journal ISSN 1231-2037

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