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Parental Consent and Waiver Form for Student Business Plan Implementation Days and Contributions

I, Erlinda Ragos, hereby acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this consent and waiver form for the student
contribution AMOUNTING TO: (3,900 PESOS) towards the Business Plan Implementation Days organized by Quezon City University-
College of Business Administration and Accountancy (Entrepreneurship Department). I understand that the purpose of these Business
Plan Implementation Days is to provide students with practical experience in entrepreneurship and real-world problem-solving.

Student Information:
Student's Full Name: Joan Elain D. Ragos
Year/Section: 4th Year BAENT4B
Parent/Guardian's Name: Erlinda Ragos

Student Mentor Information:

Student Mentor's Full Name: Mrs. Hermilinda Sumagpao
Email: [Mentor Email]
Phone: [Mentor Phone]

General Manager Information:

General Manager's Full Name:Jessa Mae Bermudo


Phone: 09185536890

Student Contribution:
I understand that student contribution is required to support the successful execution of the Business Plan Implementation
Days. This contribution will cover expenses related to materials, resources, and logistical arrangements for the business projects.
Payment Deadline:
I acknowledge that the student contribution must be paid by [Due Date]. Failure to submit the contribution by the specified
date may result in my child's inability to participate in the Business Implementation Days.
Business Implementation Days:
I acknowledge that the Business Plan Implementation Days will take place on days when there are no regular classes, and
students will engage in practical business projects under the guidance of the student mentor and with oversight from the general
Utilization of Contributions:
I acknowledge that the student contributions collected will be utilized exclusively for the purpose of funding the Business Plan
Implementation Days. The school administration is committed to ensuring transparency and appropriate use of the funds.
Liability and Indemnity:
I understand and agree that Quezon City University-College of Business Administration and Accountancy (Entrepreneurship
Department), its staff, the Student Mentor, and the General Manager will take reasonable measures to ensure the safety and well-being
of participating students during the Business Plan Implementation Days. However, I hereby waive any claims against these parties for
any injuries, accidents, or incidents that may occur during the course of the activities.
I have read and understood the terms and conditions outlined in this consent and waiver form. By signing below, I indicate my
consent for my child to participate in the Business Plan Implementation Days and agree to adhere to the terms specified herein.

Signature over printed name of General Manager: _______________________

Date: _______________________

Signature over Printed Name of Student Mentor: _______________________

Date: _______________________

Signature over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian: _______________________

Date: _______________________
Please complete and return this form by the specified due date. Your support and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

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