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Name of the country: Cheese-soufflé-land


Because it is funny and it is the favorite snack of all of our team members.

Flag of the country:

National anthem:

In Cheese-soufflé-land we eat Cheese soufflé ,

It is so good and tasteful we eat it every day.
The cheese gods are supreme,
Just like mister bean.
They are so mighty and powerful,
Just like the land it always has the upper hand.
The Cheese soufflé is available at any corner
Just like your favorite Big Mac
The land is a lot of snacks
And this are hard facts.

Chapter 3

There live normal people, they live in normal houses and they eat cheese souffles every day.
When traveling to this country you need to know that you will be given free cheese souffles every

This country is only for those who like cheese souffles.

Chapter 4


This planet goes back years. 200 million years ago, two planets collided. The names of those planets
were Cheese and Soufflé. Before the collision, there were a lot of people on both planets. Before the
planets collided they did not know each other. But after the collision they became friends. The people
on the new planet are all descended from those people. Because they all honor the people from the
original planets and the god who made them, they called the new planet: The land of Cheese-Soufflé.
The people are called: The people of Cheese Soufflé.

When the planets collided, they became one new planet. and there arose a giant volcano of frying fat.
Since the first eruption the volcano is always active, there is always hot frying fat on the planet. When
the Cheese-seeds from the planet Cheese mixed with the Soufflé-seeds from the planet Soufflé, a new
tree was created, The Cheese-Soufflé-Tree. One day the frying fat from the volcano hit one of those
trees. The Cheese-soufflé's from the tree were fried. It smelled awesome and the people loved to eat

All the people on the planet Cheese-Soufflé love to eat Cheese soufflé every day.
Chapter 5

There are no people who are in charge. That’s why the people in the land are making there own rules.
So there are no elections. And they live all in peace. The most important laws are that there is no
discrimination. Also no stealing. And no bullying people. There are also some traffic laws and
everyone is following the laws. But if you don’t follow the laws everyone is hating you so that’s why
everyone. But if people are doing really illegal things they get banned from the country and send to
Prison island. But luckily not much people are doing illegal things so the island is not very full of bad

Chapter 6

The people in Cheese-soufflé-land believe in the cheese-soufflé-god. Everyone believes in this god.
There are some people who don’t believe in this god but they are also accepted. They honor it by
eating a Cheese-soufflé every day. The Cheese-soufflés are free in this land. That’s why this is
possible. The people come to a special place to be together there.

Script :

Chapter 7

There are multiple tourist hotspots an example is:

1. The cheesey church

2. The cheese river
3. The snack bar

Don’t jump in the river because you can’t swim in it and then you suffocate. The most beautiful about
the place where the people come for their religion is when they are all there at the same time this is
around 8pm. And the tip is that you have to go early in the morning to the snack bar, because if you
are to late they are already sold out. A little fact the cheesey church is made out of cheese bricks

Chapter 8

Script :

This are the traffic regulation there are a lot of traffic signs in the country an this are a few of them.
The cars in this land are powered on cheese. And this is the end of the presentation.

They are riding in a normal car that is powered on cheese. These are the traffic signs:
Traffic sign 1

traffic sign 2

traffic sign 3

Work in progress
traffic sign 4

Bushalte Bus stop

traffic sign 5


We have learned a lot about the making of our own country and thinking about making rules and
thinking about religion we did al of this in our group the tasks where divided good and everybody did
their own chapters.

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