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D Fandawertals 0 ease! Mechanice] Gudnecvng: Ve ay Ompyneeeng: bean} Prak onbire engineeving PYYMCAU rnathenahica principle, with paler) Acimce te devign ,cralyse, mannfaichoe & heithain mechanics] Apher. Hb da oe oF De cldaf it © beoadert of the Magi recriy, breanchen - What will we andy a an NE Abdel) x Fae, wadhion Abeba — Stalica, dynarica , kine natica , mechanica of old © fh. i* Cnesgy: — Meame dy nanica, hea feamafes yx. Naleriob— Makrtah engineering -6 peeceing ranrfachiring Mocking: — Crraphicn, legn madrine eamerh, corels Hye. Comrie: Gypeat'g Corre spalgsla OA mgnecciny © ye Overall fourdations— Mah, phyid chentaby , blolgys , analyta ee 1 Comma nication Akh, computation Ak A. hel Hodathen ore. Hor ee pincipla, mechanical cng wt fb acy Conpster side! Atupe (cap), CngAre CAM -& poodac I Fug de al : Tang waft the inet Sef v great adie NAk uhe igo Impoed Be bpofed rtean engre of his. dao tf he Way He femme the Father of fhe Shen age & fie finde of Mahan Coypheer ivy (Nw a. 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Nene She folbving PE the of Theore dgnaniG= ) A porta neo? POC) cam pooceed only Buk the Preak Jar ga w J 2) The tisk tas doe nt limit the extenl of amy energy Conevaion vor IY gives 1 Yndication OX-fo whether ory paoticala, proced mde connicleration poanbe ox rot. in a patale alivection Egmedion abart diveclion The Wrihefion ah He reed ef qrothe Saw of ~Pheo rmedy nani & hich uke oH of Phere Nirifahorn - The He gencal stateynent of” record Saw oF Dreoredgnanics VA, Het om foe Todh. fom old body ba het bob: SL com Feu only when Fore exdernd uk 1A Mpylied serbian. iS the seb germ nyrlem Vein Plande_Steferent ; ah abta: & is jmpoaciie Fe Contra, Or Engine “wwokhg cycle peeced , wheat zle por pe Re i te covert all the heok aupylied to if info fron 3 RO ar’ Weal Sevrce & [esl (ea ey poral (hy Tope RAIEIE (x Iw) 5. tw) ce) fe ARC if Clavaian Sinker’ “Sd ia impoarible cd he heat 45 Shu foo a body ok \ours tenp. to cnetho- body a higher emp. val fhe expendiee of Yackor| cg) Werk Bod at Hisho | temp. | AAI Dee fe’ =@-&) ! ty Te (A) Smpoan ble & Poaritle ah ok ia ~pRapsrwed 4s teanxler heak ent*3 Qe fam atvoly at bow deny “ht orcther bedy eck higher forge Th, meee Eee eae) bee do be: de BO- BO + ColhQi cient of \eoer weer) GR 999 ynanee (co-P) of dwice yihpsee Thiet Law of sherme dg pa Oo Extye py TAR shear Serato py? Team tears torn fio gee Ee Sh th wm Var tod Ther ne dy rar) pe poly, of 4 oa Kg aakatance which Noe at wifh Fhe add) toy of hel & der ease vith Yb pemval. V5, opbty Par ov He tenperatee of Ayrlon ie appreacheh cibeclle xero 7 1b efropy becane Comat pote chanse \n embropes (As) Yah yera, ow The fad law of hes Wedaran jor \4 aldo Called New law 9 uO x /=25 C | -489-06 kei Avackke sa° 3 de Ty adiabatic chase (1 heal a alkeed to embe or \rae the éyden J&~O Neto the charye zero. Se nr ad iabalc id ARS comfort. ts eaferpo., 3» Ae Charye the erfropy © emaIn patel % Dey 4 yeuerable care 1 the ofepy f a RaAten ema Unrharytd- AENTHALPY t— Gxthalpy or tehl heal energy of 4 ix fhe Btn Of Ib wkomal Energy (¥) @ Ryton exferal egy Wo daw ee ID r(P) © velo (Wy) H- Uf R IS AH= hh. ¢ (hk —4) Kel for WS an Change jn enPralya. Nice acpic Vs Mace & cops ‘ @ Wicoor epic appscah cowdess the Lehaviow of Gey yl erale be UAY stabialical rrebheds - MR Roop apps oat Wwe amet CO Crone} wilh fre goes OF areage ches of Ty relecule, | xfeachos.- phos tir eb ecbs ; Bach an ppcrend and Lenpesshet pcan Woe pesceived by ons ARR cmd com. oe meareed with Joby nok, Chavlelx Law os TNA Jas 6 Rum by chase jn (F8F. Tx das may be ateted lw tus porb- fy Sf The senainn comfak jhe Vehume of 9 9a iA divecly peepattowl de The abachte, femperctur ye (tp Nota dele) ie (2 5 —U by Sf the Vole yemaia coufark the pserad of a 3a iA drwedly pepoti ond fo fhe - adaolute Aenp- ra (DW Grag- Laywac Lav: j- bam ES ig dn ga Lato Ahoy hel Dre prerre exerted by «gar (& 4 given MD Kept od 9 conan’ Veh) arid) dteedly hy dhe ak soe, dene. of the go- Tk fou wor fomuleked by The Loe cenit: Joreph - Gag Ladaac in Be year (yob- Pitas, P/r =(R—contet pt — Bogle Law Wa daw ws find by Robot Bayle iN \e@.- {the Aenyodine of a gad erainy Conta A \yclane oF 2g UK verdy pro postions) fe fh l ue vee) Ne Camsta nk ale ® fv, =RNE CE

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