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Discuss the Big Five factors and describe someone who is high and low on each
of the five traits

The Big Five personality traits are Openness to experience, Conscientiousness,

Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. The five trait dimensions can be
remembered by using the acronym OCEAN, in which each of the letters is the first letter
of one of the five dimensions of personality and each trait represents a range between
two extremes and each person has five traits, each scored on a continuum from high to
low. Here’s a brief description of someone who is high and low on each of the five traits:

 Openness to experience: High scorers tend to be creative, curious and imaginative.

They enjoy trying new things and are open to new ideas. Low scorers tend to be more
conventional and prefer familiar routines.
 Conscientiousness: High scorers tend to be organized, reliable and responsible. They
are goal-oriented and work hard to achieve their goals. Low scorers tend to be more
laid-back and spontaneous.
 Extraversion: High scorers tend to be outgoing, sociable and assertive. They enjoy
being around people and are energized by social interactions. Low scorers tend to be
more reserved and prefer solitary activities.
 Agreeableness: High scorers tend to be cooperative, empathetic and compassionate.
They are considerate of others’ feelings and try to avoid conflict. Low scorers tend to be
more competitive and less concerned with others’ feelings.
 Neuroticism: High scorers tend to be anxious, moody and emotionally unstable. They
are more likely to experience negative emotions such as anxiety, depression and
anger. Low scorers tend to be more emotionally stable and resilient.


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