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Realistic individuals are active and stable and enjoy hands-on or manual activities,

such as building, mechanics, machinery operation and athletics.

Investigative individuals are analytical, intellectual and observant and enjoy
research, mathematical or scientific activities. They are drawn to ambiguous
challenges and may be stifled in highly structured environments. L
Artistic is one of the Holland Code Career Types. Artistic types prefer to deal with
Ideas and People. A person with an Artistic Personality tends to be Complicated,
Original, Impulsive, Independent, Expressive, and Creative.
Social type people are outgoing, friendly, and empathetic. If you are Social on the
Holland code scale, then others probably describe you as responsible and cooperative.
You are idealistic with a strong personal values system that guides your every
decision in life.
People who fall into the Enterprising Holland code category are adventurous and
enthusiastic. If you are Enterprising, you face challenges head-on. You are a natural
leader—confident and self-assured—and you have a talent for persuading others to
see things your way. You are driven and ambitious.
Individuals who identify most strongly with the Conventional Holland personality
type are organizers—logical, efficient, and detail-oriented. If you are Conventional,
you like structure, rules, and clear procedures. You are methodical and tend to be
great at math and handling data.

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