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A generational divide refers to the differences in attitudes, beliefs, values, and
behaviours between individuals of different generations. These gaps often
arise due to variations in experiences, upbringing, societal standards,
technological advancements, and historical events that shape each
generation's worldview.

People can be identified based on the year they were born in for example
people born from 1996 until 2008 are known as “generation z” or gen z for
short.Up until 2024 there are 7 groups that categorise individuals based on
when they were born starting with The greatest generation,The silent
generation,Baby boomers Generation X MIllennials Generation Z and ending
with Generation Alpha.

These categorizations can be helpful to us giving us a rough idea as to what

each generation went through for instance the baby boomers were born into a
period of peace and economic prosperity.

Now that we have a rough idea on the different generations we can dwell into
how these gaps can be influential

For starters:
● Generational gaps provide the next generation the chance to adapt to
new surroundings which could lead them to a path not sought off before
leading to new innovations such as the invention of Wi-Fi made by a
boomer which lead future generations to use this opportunity to produce
greater things a prominent example would be Artificial Intelligence
● These gaps in time also provided the world time to right their wrongs
especially in work where employers from an older generation may have
mistreated their workers but learnt and employed better practices such
as less working hours this can be seen with a 10 percent decline in
working hours from 1980 till 2020.

However not everything is optimal when there is a generational gap

for example:
● The older generation may be stubborn with their values and traditions
and might ignore that the world is changing needing us to adapt to it
which may cause many disputes like the topic of mental health which is
not prioritised by the older generation,so often times people especially
young people suffer internally not being able to receive help from their
elders being too stubborn and oblivious to present problems.

● Another obstacle is the limited interactions between people from one

generation to another which could be caused by one of the very thing
that helped them - technology.Even though technology can bring people
together it can even tear people apart almost like segregating the old
generation from the younger generation since most communication
takes place through social media which is more accustomed to the
younger generation to use and as tech evolves more and more the gap
separating the older and younger generation only continue to grow.

When navigating generational divides, it becomes evident that there are both
advantages and challenges inherent in the disparities between age groups.
These differences can spark conflict and misunderstanding even though they
also have the potential to spur innovation and growth. However, amidst these
complexities, it is imperative to be respectful and understanding towards
everyoneᅳtowards everyone, regardless of their age or generational
differences. ⁤

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