Java Assignment 4

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BCA-502 Java Programming and

Dynamic webpage Design

Assignment 4
Date of Assignment:13/12/2023 Date of Submission:18/12/2023

CO Course Outcome Statement Bloom’sName
CO1 To understand the fundamental of java,Data types, control K2
structured, arrays, strings,and vector, classes (inheritance, package,
exception handling) multithreaded programming.

CO2 To Appply the concept of applets, AWT controls (Button, Labels, K3

Combo box, list and other Listeners, menu bar) layout manager, string
handling (only main functions)

CO3 To understand the fundamental of java Networking (datagram socket K3

and TCP/IP based server socket)
event handling,JDBC: Introduction, Drivers, Establishing Connection,
Connection Pooling.

CO4 To Appply the tag use of commenting, headers, text styling, images, K2
formatting text with<FONT>

CO5 To understand the use of commenting, headers, text styling, images, K2

formatting text with<FONT>

CO6 To understand the fundamental ofJava Server Pages: Introducing Java K2

Server Pages, JSP Overview,Setting Up the JSP Environment

Assignment is from CO3

Question1: What is HTML?

Question2: What are HTML tags?
Question3: Define the list types in HTML?

Question4: Differentiate between an Ordered list and an Unordered list?

Question 5: What is the difference between HTML and CSS?

Question6: How do you display a table in an HTML webpage?

(Mr.Sonu Kumar)
Assistant Professor

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