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Ton Duc Thang University Listening 1 (Code: 001120)

Faculty of Foreign Languages REVIEW UNIT 3-4

Instructor: Nguyễn Ngọc Diễm Phương Student’s name:
( _____________________________
Group: ______

Task 1. Listening comprehension 1

Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.
1. Maya has an interview with ...
A. a phone company B. an advertising company C. an Internet company
2. Kyle's phone interview ...
A. is next week B. was last month C. was last week
3. For a phone interview, it is important to ...
A. wear a suit B. use a cell phone C. talk in private
4. Talking on the phone ... disturbs other people.
A. in public B. in private C. in an interview
5. It's bad manners to call from ...
A. a private place B. your cell phone C. a crowed place
6. Maya should ...
A. use polite phrases B. ask casual questions C. repeat herself
7. You should never ... when you are on a business call
A. take other calls B. repeat yourself C. use formal language
8. If you take other calls, the interviewer might think you ...
A. don't care enough B. say too much C. are too casual
9. It is bad etiquette to ... during the call.
A. give the wrong answer B. be attentive C. check your email
10. If you aren't attentive, you might ...
A. use impolite language B. give the wrong answer C. check your email
Task 2. Listening skill 1
You are going to listen to a radio show about the etiquette of online social networking. Write Y (Yes) or N(No).
__ 1. Today people' social lives include both face-to-face relationships and online friendships.
__ 2. Online, it's common to get invitations from people you don't know.
__ 3. It's rude to say 'no' or ignore an invitation to be someone's 'friend' online.
__ 4. One of the great things about social networks is that a person can have hundreds of friends.
__ 5. You should ask people before your post pictures of them on a social networking site.
__ 6. It's a bad idea to post things like personal dinner invitations on your 'wall' where everyone can see them.
__ 7. One problem with social sites is that they don't have a place for private messages.
__ 8. It's usually OK to share any information about yourself on social networks.
Listening 1 Instructed by Nguyen Ngoc Diem Phuong Page 1
3. Listening comprehension 2
Listen to the conversation. Then choose the correct words or phrases to complete the
1. Tim Brown's lecture was at a ... A. company B. school C. conference
2. Tim Brown works for a ... A. game company B. design company C. university
3. Tim Brown first asked the people in the lecture to ...
A. play a game B. draw pictures C. tell a joke
4. Adults feel ... their drawings. A. afraid of B. embarrassed by C. annoyed by
5. ... are not embarrassed by their creative work.
A. Children B. Adults C. Companies
6. Companies encourage ... in the workplace.
A. brainstorming B. drawing C. judging
7. The speaker mentions ... rules for brainstorming.
A. two B. three C. four
8. When you brainstorm, it is most important to have ... ideas.
A. many B. new C. good
9. The rules are important so that no one will ... if an idea seems strange.
A. brainstorm B. laugh C. speak
10. One of Brown's games is to draw ... A. 30 people B. 30 pictures C. for 30 minutes
11. The main idea of Tim Brown's lecture was about importance of ...
A. creativity B. brainstorming C. drawing

4. Listening skills 2
Listen and complete the paragraph with information from the word bank. You do not need to use all the information.

France 2010 Gary Kasparov 1972 1475 1951

500 1851 1000 1985 Bobby Fischer 1993
2001 Adolf Anderssen Persia 1975 Russia Magnus Carlsen

In the year 1. ________________, the number one chess player in the world was 2. ________________ from Norway. At
the age of 19, he was the youngest person ever to hold this position. Chess, however, is one of the oldest games in the
world. The modern game of chess that we know today began in 3. ________________, but we know that people were
playing a similar game in India and 4. ________________ in the year 5. ________________ AD. From there, the game
spread and reached Europe in about 6. ________________ AD. It became very popular in Europe, especially in 7.
________________ and England. This first modern chess competition was in London in 8. ________________. A German
man, 9. ________________ won and became famous as the best player of his time. In more recent times, famous players
include American 10. ________________, who was the champion from 11. ________________ to 12. ________________
and Russian 13. ________________. He was the champion from 14. ________________ to 15. ________________.

Listening 1 Instructed by Nguyen Ngoc Diem Phuong Page 2

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