Straight Lines

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Straight Lines & Pair of St.




Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

::: C on t en t s :::

1. Coordinate Geometry ........................................................................................ 03

1.1. Cartesian Co-ordinates .............................................................................. 03

1.2. Distance between two points ................................................................... 04

1.3. Area of a triangle ...................................................................................... 04

1.4. Centres connected with a Triangle ......................................................... 05

1.5. Slope ............................................................................................................. 07

1.6. The angle between two Straight Line ..................................................... 07

Practice Problems - 01 .............................................. 09

2. 2.1. Standard equations of straight lines ...................................................... 12

2.2. Position of a given point relative to a given line ................................. 14

Practice Problems - 02 .............................................. 15

3. 3.1. Length of the Perpendicular from a Point on a Line ............................ 18

3.2. Reflection of a point about a line .......................................................... 18

3.3. Family of Lines ........................................................................................... 19

3.4. Concurrency of Straight Lines ............................................................... 20

Practice Problems - 03 .............................................. 21

4. 4.1. Transformation of axis ............................................................................. 24

4.2. Rotation of the axes .................................................................................. 24

4.3. Bisectors of the Angles between two given Lines ............................... 25

4.4. Locus ............................................................................................................. 28

Practice Problems - 04 .............................................. 30

5. Pair of Straight Lines ....................................................................................... 33

5.1.General Equation of pair of lines ............................................................. 33

5.2. Homogenization .......................................................................................... 34

Practice Problems - 05 .............................................. 35

6. Answer Sheet ......................................................... 38

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Straight Lines
1. Coordinate Geometry

The co-ordination of algebra and geometry is called co-ordinate geometry. Historically, co-ordinates
were introduced to help geometry. And so well did they do this job, that the very identity of geometry
was changed. The word geometry today generally means coordinate geometry.

In co-ordinate geometry all the properties of geometrical figures are studied with the help of algebraic
equations. Students should note that the object of coordinate geometry is to use some known facts
about a curve in order to obtain its equation and then deduce other properties of the curve from the
equation so obtained. For this purpose we require a co-ordinate system. There are various types of
co-ordinate systems present in two dimension e.g. rectangular, oblique, polar, triangular system etc.
Here we will only discuss rectangular co-ordinate system in detail.
1.1. Cartesian Co-ordinates:

Let X¢OX and Y¢OY be two fixed straight lines at right angles. X¢OX is called axis of x and Y¢OY is
called axis of y and O is named as origin.

From any point P a line is drawn parallel to OY. The directed line OM = x and MP = y. Here OM is
abscissa and MP is ordinate of the point P . The abscissa OM and the ordinate MP together written
as (x, y) are called co-ordinates of point P . Here (x , y) is an ordered pair of real numbers x and y,
which determine the position of point P .

Since X¢OX ^ Y¢OY, this system of representation is called rectangular (or orthogonal)
co-ordinate system.

When the axes of co-ordinates X¢OX and Y¢OY are not at right angles, they are said to be oblique

Remarks :
II quadrant st
I quadrant

x¢ X
III quadrant
IV quadrant

y¢ First Quadrant + +
Second Quadrant +
Third Quadrant
Fourth Quadrant +

Lattice Point : A point whose abscissa and ordinate both are integers.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
1.2. Distance between two points :
y Q(x2, y2)
The distance between two points P(x1, y1) and Q(x2, y2 ) is given by P
PQ = (x1 - x 2 )2 + (y1 - y 2 )2 y1


1.3 Area of a triangle :

Let (x 1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) respectively be the coordinates of the vertices A, B, C of a triangle
ABC. Then the area of triangle ABC, is

[x1 (y2 y3)+ x2 (y3 y1) + x3 (y1 y2)] .......(1)
x1 y1 1
1 x2 y2 1
= .......(2)
2 x3 y3 1
While using formula (1) or (2), order of the points (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) has not been taken into
account. If we plot the points A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3), then the area of the triangle as obtained
by using formula (1) or (2) will be positive or negative as the point A, B, C are in anti-clockwise or
clockwise directions,

So, while finding the area of triangle ABC, we take modulus.

Remarks :

In case of polygon with vertices (x1, y1), (x2, y2), ....... (xn, yn) in order, the area of polygon is
given by |(x1y2 y1x2) + (x2y3 y2x3) + .....+ (xn 1yn yn 1xn) ) + (xny1 ynx1)|

If the area of a triangle is zero then three points are said to be collinear
Illustration : 01
The vertices of DABC are ( 2, 1), (5, 4) and (2, 3) respectively. Find the area of the triangle
Solution :
x1 y1 1
1 x2 y2 1
Area of the DABC =
2 x3 y3 1

2 1 1
1 5 4 1
Þ = = 20 square unit
2 2 3 1

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Illustration : 02

1 1
Prove that the points (p, 0), (0, g) and (1, 1) are collinear if + g =1

Solution :
p 0 1
1 0 g 1
Area of the triangle with vertices (p, 0), (0, g) and (1, 1) is given by =
2 1 1 1
These points are collinear if area of triangle is zero

p 0 1
1 0 g 1 1 1
Þ =0 Þ pg (p + g) = 0 Þ + g =1
2 1 1 1 p

1.4 Centres connected with a Triangle :

(w.r.t. DABC, where A º (x1, y1), B º (x2, y2), C º (x3, y3), BC = a, CA = b & AB = c).
Centroid : The point of concurrency of the medians of a triangle is called the centroid of the triangle.
The centroid of a triangle divides each median in the ratio 2 : 1. The coordinates of centroid are given

æ x1 + x 2 + x3 y1 + y2 + y3 ö
Gº ç , ÷.
è 3 3 ø

Orthocentre : The point of concurrency of the altitudes of a triangle is called the orthocentre of the
triangle. The co-ordinates of the orthocentre are given by

æ x1tanA + x2 tanB + x3 tanC y1tanA + y 2 tanB + y3 tanC ö

Hº ç , ÷.
è tanA + tanB + tanC tanA + tanB + tanC ø

The triangle formed by joining the feet of altitudes in a D is called the orthic triangle. Here DDEF is
the orthic triangle of DABC.

BD : DC =

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Incentre : The point of concurrency of the internal bisectors of the angles of a triangle is called the
incentre of the triangle. The coordinates of the incentre are given by

æ ax1 + bx 2 + cx 3 ay1 + by 2 + cy 3 ö
Iº ç , ÷.
è a+b +c a+b +c ø

Excentre : Co-ordinate of excentre opposite to ÐA is given by

æ -ax1 + bx 2 + cx 3 -ay1 + by 2 + cy 3 ö
I1 º ç , ÷ and similarly for excentres (I2 & I3) opposite to
è -a + b + c -a + b + c ø

æ ax1 - bx 2 + cx 3 ay1 - by 2 + cy 3 ö
ÐB and ÐC are given by I2 º ç , ÷
è a-b+c a -b +c ø


BL c AI1 b+c
= , also =-
LC b I1 L a
æ ax1 + bx 2 - cx 3 ay1 + by 2 - cy 3 ö
I3 º ç a + b - c , a + b - c ÷
è ø

Circumcentre : The point of concurrency of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle is
called circumcentre of the triangle. The coordinates of the circumcentre are given by

æ x1sin2A + x 2sin2B + x 3sin2C y1sin2A + y 2sin2B + y 3sin2C ö

O ºç , ÷.
è sin2A + sin2B + sin2C sin2A + sin2B + sin2C ø

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Remarks :

1. Students are advised to derive the result in all above cases namely centroid, orthocentre, incentre,
excentre, circumcentre. Rather than the end result, process is more important. For this very purpose,
self explained diagrams have been given.

2. Circumcentre O, Centroid G and Orthocentre H of a DABC are collinear. G Divides OH in the ratio
1 : 2, i.e. OG : GH = 1 : 2

3. In an isosceles triangle centroid, orthocenter, incentre and circumcentre lie on the same line and in an
equilateral triangle all these four points coincide.

Illustration : 03
If the orthocentre and centroid of a triangle are ( 3, 5) and (3, 3) respectively then find the
co-ordinate of circumcentre
Solution :
Circumcentre O, Centroid G and Orthocentre H of a DABC are collinear. G Divides OH in the ratio
1 : 2. Let (x1, y1) be the co-ordinate of the circumcentre then

2x1 3 2y1 + 5
3= and 3 = Þ x1 = 6 and y1 = 2
3 3

1.5 Slope

If a straight line makes an angle q in anticlockwise direction with the positive direction of x-axis,

0º £ q < 180º, q ¹90º, then the slope of the line, denoted by m is tanq. i.e. m = tanq.

If A(x1, y1 ) and B(x2, y2 ), x1 ¹ x2 are any two points, then slope of the line passing through

y 2 - y1
A and B is given by m = x - x .
2 1

Remarks :

1. If q = 900 , m does not exist and line is parallel to y - axis.

2. If q = 0°, m = 0 and the line is parallel to x-axis.

1.6 The angle between two Straight Line:

In fig. given below, GAH and LAM are two straight lines meeting the

f f
q1 q2

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

x-axis at G and L and intersecting at A. The angles of slope are q1 and q2; the corresponding gradients
are given by

Let, m1 = tan q1 , m2 = tanq2.......(1)

f = q2 q1 ........(2)

Thus, f is the angle through which GA has to be rotated about G in the counter-clockwise direction to
be parallel to, and in the same sense as, LA.

tan q2 - tan q1
From (2), tanf = tan(q2 q1). = 1 + tan q tan q ,
2 1

m2 - m1
or, by means of (1), tanf = 1 + m m .........(3)
1 2

This is the formula required ; from it we can calculate f from the given-or deducible-values of the
gradients of the two given lines.

In numerical examples the value of the right-hand side of (3) may be positive or negative ; if the value
is positive, the angle f is acute ; if the value is negative, the angle f is obtuse..

Remarks :

1. It is a convention to tell acute angle for the angle between the two lines. For this purpose
m2 - m1
tan f = 1 + m m , where f is the acute angle.
1 2

2. If the lines are parallel then q2 = q1 and, by (2), f = 0 that tanf = 0; thus, from (3), m2 = m1, which is
otherwise obvious from (1).

1 + m1m2
3. If the lines are parallel then f = 90º so that cotf = 0 ; from (3), cotf = m - m and it follows that, since
2 1

m1 and m2 are unequal, then 1 + m1m2 = 0 or m1m2 = 1, which is the condition that the two lines
should be perpendicular.

Collinerity of Three Given Points:

Three given points A, B, C are collinear if any one of the following conditions is satisfied.

(i) Area of triangle ABC is zero.

(ii) Slope of AB = slope of BC = slope of AC.

(iii) AC = AB + BC.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Single answer choice type

Q.1 Distance between points (a sin60º, 0) and (0, a cos30º) is

3 3 3 2
(A ) - a (B) a (C) a (D) a
2 2 2 3
Q.2 If < a < p , then the distance between the points ( tan a,2 ) , (0, 1) is
(A) coseca (B) -coseca (C) seca (D) -seca

Q.3 A (2, 3), B (x, y) and if C (3, 4) divides AB in the ratio 1 : 5 internally then point B is

(A) (8, 9) (B) (8, 9) (C) ( 8, 9) (D) ( 8, 9)

Q.4 If A ( 2, 5), B( 3, 1) and P,Q are the points of trisection of AB, then mid point of PQ is

æ1 ö æ -1 ö
(A) (2, 3) (B) çè ,3÷ø (C) çè ,4÷ø (D) (1, 4)
2 2

Q.5 The points A, B, P may not be collinear if

(A) PA : PB = 1 : 3 (B) P is the mid point of AB

(C) P is a point of trisection of AB (D) P divides AB

Q.6 If ( 2, 2), (1, 0), (x, 0), (1, y) form a parallelogram then (x, y) is

(A) ( 4, 2) (B) (4, 2) (C) ( 4, 2) (D) (4, 2)

Q.7 If the centroid of the triangle formed by (a, b), (b, c) and (c, a) is the origin then a3 + b3 + c3 =
(A) 0 (B) 3 abc (C) a + b + c (D) abc

Q.8 The mid points of AB, BC and CA of DABC are (6, 1), ( 4, 3), (2, 5). The centroid of the
æ4 ö
(A) (4, 9) (B) çè , -3÷ø (C) (4, 12) (D) ( 4, 12)

æ 1ö æ1 1ö æ 3 -1 ö
Q.9 Orthocentre of the triangle whose vertices are ç 2, - ÷ , ç , - ÷ , çç 2, ÷ is
è 2ø è2 2ø è 2 ÷ø

æ 1ö æ1 1ö æ 3 - 1ö æ1 3 - 1ö
(A) çè 2, - ÷ø (B) çè , - ÷ø (C) ç 2, - 2 ÷ø (D) ç 2 , - 2 ÷ø
2 2 2 è è

Q.10 The vertices of a triangle are (0, 6) (6, 6) and (6, 0) The distance between its circumcentre and
centroid is
(A) 2 2 (B) 2 (C) 2 (D) 1

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.11 In DABC , orthocentre and circumcentre are at (2, 3) and (5, 6) respectively. Then the centroid is

æ7 3ö
(A) (3, 0) (B) (4, 3) (C) (4, 4) (D) çè , - ÷ø
2 2

Q.12 Area of the triangle formed by (a, b + c), (b, c + a), (c, a + b) is

(A) 0 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2

Q.13 The maximum area of the triangle formed by the points (0, 0), ( a cos q , b sin q ) and ( a cos q , -b sin q )
is (in square units)

3 ab ab
(A) ab (B) | ab | (C) (D)
4 2 4

Q.14 The centroid of a triangle is (1, 4) and the two of its vertices are (4, 3) and ( 9, 7). Then the area of
the triangle is
(A) 183 sq.units (B) sq.units (C) 366 sq.units (D) 122 sq.units
Q.15 The area of the quadrilateral with vertices at (2, 1), (4, 3), ( 1, 2) and ( 3, 2) is

(A) 54 (B) 36 (C) 18 (D) 14

Q.16 The mid points of the sides of a triangle are D (6,1), E (3,5) and F ( 1, 2) then the vertex opposite
to D is

(A) ( 4, 2) (B) ( 4, 5) (C) (2, 5) (D) (10, 8)

Q.17 If A, B, C are collinear points such that A (3, 4), C(11, 10) and AB = 2.5 then point B is

(A) (5, 11/2) (B) (5/2, 11) (C) (5, 5) (D) (5, 6)

æ bö
Q.18 If (1, a), (3, 9a), (4, b), (6, 18) are collinear, then ç a, ÷ is
è aø

æ6 ö æ 6 13 ö
(A) (6, 13) (B) çè ,13÷ø (C) çè , ÷ø (D) (21, 13)
7 7 7

Q.19 If the points (0, 0) (3, 3 ), (p, q) form an equilateral triangle and q1, q2 are the two values of q, then
value of ( q1 + q2 ) is

(A) 2 3 (B) 3 (C) - 3 (D) 0

One or more than one type

Q.20 If the points ( k, 2 2k ), ( 1 k, 2k ) and ( 4 k, 6 2k ) are collinear, then value of k may be
(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) 1/2
Q.21 If the vertices of a triangle are (3, 2), ( 4, 1) and ( 5, 8) then, which of the following is not the
(A) (4, 1) (B) (4, 1) (C) ( 1, 4) (D) ( 4, 1)

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.22 In a triangle ABC, AB = AC and the coordinates of B and C are (1, 3) and ( 2, 7) respectively. The
coordinates of A cannot be

æ 1 ö æ 1ö æ5 ö
(A) ç - ,5 ÷ (B) ç -7, ÷ (C) (1, 6) (D) ç ,6 ÷
è ø è 8 ø è6 ø

æ 8ö
Q.23 The points çç0, ÷÷ , (1, 3) and (82, 30)
çè 3 ø÷
(A) do not form a triangle (B) form an acute angled triangle
(C) form a right angled triangle (D) are collinear
Matrix match type
Q.24 If A (2, 3), B (2, 4), C (3, 4) are the vertices of a triangle ABC then
Column I Column II
A) Centroid P) (2, 4)

æ 7 11 ö
B) Ortho-centre Q) çè , ÷ø
3 3

æ6- 2 6+ 2 ö
C) Circum-centre R) çç , ÷
è 2 2 ÷ø

æ 5 7ö
D) In-centre S) çè , ÷ø
2 2

Integer type

Q.25 If A a 2 , 2a B = ç ) æ 1 -2 ö
, ÷ , P = (1, 0) then
èa2 a ø

Q.26 A string of length 12 is bent first into a square PQRS and then into an isosceles triangle triangle PQT

æ area of PQRS ö÷2

by keeping the side PQ of the square as base. Then çç ÷ =
çè area of PQT ø÷÷

Q.27 If the line joining A ( 3cosa ,3sina ) & B ( 2 cos b , 2sin b ) is produced to a point c ( h, k ) such
AC 3
that = then value of h + k tan æç a + b ö
÷+4 =
BC 2 è 2 ø

Q.28 P ( 3,1) , Q ( 6,5 ) & R ( x, y ) are three points such that PRQ is a right angle. If area of triangle PQR
is 7 sq.units, then number of such points R is

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
2.1. Standard equations of straight lines :

Slope-intercept form :

y = mx + c,

where m = slope of the line = tanq

c = y intercept

Slope point form :

Equation : y y1 = m(x x1), where

(a) One point on the straight line is (x1, y1) and

(b) The direction of the straight line i.e., the slope of the line = m

Two point form :

y 2 - y1
Equation : y y1 = x - x (x x1), where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the two given points. Here
2 1
y 2 - y1
m= .
x 2 - x1

Intercept form :
x/a + y/b = 1
x y
(0, b) + =1
x intercept = a, length of x intercept = |a| a b

y intercept = b, length of y intercept = |b| x

(0, 0) (a, 0)
Normal form :

x cosa + y sina = p, where a, is the angle which the perpendicular to the line makes with the axis of x
and p is the length of the perpendicular from the origin to the line. 0 £ a < 2p and p is always positive.


Parametric equations of a straight line :

In figure given below let BAP be a straight line through a given point A (x1, y1), the angle of slope being
q. The positive direction of the line is in the sense BAP. (Direction of increasing ordinate is called the
positive direction of the line).

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

For the points P (x,y) and Q (X, Y) Shown in the figure AP is regarded as a positive vector and AQ as
a negative vector, as indicated by the arrows.
From the general definitions of cosq and sinq we have
P (x, y)
x - x1 y - y1
cosq = , sinq = A
AP AP (x1,y1 )

or x x1 = AP cosq, y y1 = AP sinq. Q (X, Y)

x - x1 y - y1 O B X
= = ±r
cos q sin q

Illustration : 04
Reduce the line 2x 3y + 5 = 0, in slope- intercept, intercept and normal forms.
Solution :
Slop-intercept from :
2x 5 5
y= + , tan q = m = 2/3, c =
3 3 3
Intercept form :

x y 5 5
+ = 1, a= , b=
æ 5ö æ5ö 2 3
ç- 2÷ ç3÷
è ø è ø
2x 3y 5
Normal form : + =
13 13 13

3 -2 5
sina = , cosa = ,p =
13 13 13

Illustration : 05
Find the distance between A(2, 3), on the line of gradient 3/4 and the point of intersection, P, of this line
with 5x + 7y + 40 = 0.
Solution :
Since m = 3/4, then cosq = 4/5 and sinq = 3/5. Any point on the line through A has, the coordinates
(2 + 4r/5, 3 + 3r/5). If this point is also the point of intersection, P, then these coordinates satisfy the
equation of the given line : hence
4 3
5(2 + r) + 7 (3 + r) + 40 = 0
5 5
21 355
or r (4 + ) + 71 = 0 or r= .
5 41
The distance between A and P is thus 355/41 units, the vector AP being in the negative direction of the

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Illustration : 06
Find the acute angle between the lines 2x + y + 11 = 0, x 6y + 7 = 0.

Solution :

The gradients are 2 and 1/6 ; the angle of slope of the first line is in the second quadrant while that of
the second line is in the first quadrant ; accordingly, we write :

-2 - 1/ 6 13
m2 = 2, m1 = 1/6, tanf = 1 + ( -2)(1/ 6)
= ,

And hence f is an obtuse angle, If a is the acute angle between the lines then f = 180º a, from which
tanf = tan(180º a). But tan(180º a) = tan a . Hence tanq = tana and, by (i),

tan a = Þ a = tan 1

2.2. Position of a given point relative to a given line :

The fig. shows a point P(x1, y1) lying above a given line. If an ordinate is dropped from P to meet the
line L at N, then the x coordinate of N will be x1.

Putting x = x1 in the equation ax + by + c = 0 gives

(ax1 + c)
y coordinate of N =

If P(x1, y1) lies above the line, then we have

(ax1 + c) (ax1 + c)
y1 > i.e. y1 + >0
b b

(ax1 + by1 + c)
i.e. >0
L(x1, y1 )
i.e. >0 .......(1)

Hence, if P(x1, y1) satisfies equation (1), it would mean that P lies above the line ax + by + c = 0, and
L(x1,y1 )
if < 0, it would mean that P lies below the line ax + by + c = 0.

Remark :

If (ax1 + by1 + c) and (ax2 + by2 + c) have same signs, it implies that (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) both lie on the
same side of the line ax + by + c = 0. If the quantities ax 1 + by1 + c and ax2 + by2 + c have opposite
signs, then they lie on the opposite sides of the line.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Single answer choice type

Q.1 If a line L intersects three sides BC, CA& AB of D ABC in points P, Q & R then × × =
(A) -1 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) -2
Q.2 The intercepts a, b of a straight line on the co-ordinate axes are given by a + b = 5, ab=6 then the
equation of the line is
(A) 2x - 3y = 6 (B) 2x + 3y - 6 = 0 (C) 2x + 3y + 6 = 0 (D) 2x - 3y + 5 = 0

Q.3 The equation of the line which is 10 units from the origin and the normal ray from the origin to it makes
an angle with positive direction of x-axis measured in the clock direction is

(A) x + y = 10 (B) x + y = 20 (C) x - y = 10 2 (D) x + y = 10 2

Q.4 A straight line makes an angle with positve direction of x-axis measured in anti clock direction and
makes positive intercept on y-axis and the line is at a distance of 5 units from origin then its equation is
(A) y= 3x - 10 (B) y= 3x + 10 (C) y= 3x + 8 (D) y= 3x - 8
Q.5 Find the equation of straight line when the portion of it intercepted between the axes is divided by
the point (3,1) in the ratio 1 :3.

(A) x + 9 y = 11 (B) x + 9 y = 12 (C) x + y = 7 (D) x + y = 3

Q.6 A straight line passes through a point A(1, 2) and makes an angle 60º with the x-axis. This line inter-
sects the line x + y = 6 at P. Then AP will be

(A) 3( 3 + 1) (B) 3( 3 - 1) (C) ( 3 + 1) (D) ( 3, 3 )

Q.7 The range of value of a such that ( 0,a ) lies on or inside the triangle formed by the lines
y + 3x + 2 = 0, 3y 2x 5 = 0, 4y +x 14 = 0 is

1 5 7
(A) 5 < a £ 7 (B) £ a £1 (C) £a£ (D) none of these
2 3 2
Q.8 The straight lines 7x 2y + 10 = 0 and 7x + 2y 10 = 0 forms an isosceles triangle with the line
y = 2. Area of this triangle is equal to

15 10 18 10
(A) sq. units (B) sq. units (C) sq. units (D) sq. units
7 7 7 13

Q.9 The slope of a straight line passing through A ( 2, 3) is 4/3. The points on the line that are 10 unit
away from A are
(A) ( 8, 11), (4, 5) (B) ( 7, 9), (17, 1) (C) (7, 5), ( 1, 1) (D) (6, 10), (3, 5)

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.10 The equation of the line passing through (1, 1) and makes an angle p / 4 with the line 2x y + 7 = 0
(A) 3x + y + 4 = 0 (B) 3x y + 4 = 0 (C) 3x + y 4 = 0 (D) 3x y 4 = 0
Q.11 The area of the triangle formed by the line xcos a +y sin a = p with the coordinate axes is

(A) p 2 sin 2a (B) p 2 cos2a (C) p 2 sec2a (D) p 2 cosec 2a

One or more than one type

Q.12 If one of the diagonals of a square is along the line x = 2y and one of its vertices is (3, 0) then its sides
through this vertex are given by equations
(A) y 3x + 9 =0 (B) 3y + x 3 = 0 (C) x 9 = 0 (D) 3y + x + 9 = 0
Q.13 The coordinates of B and C are (1, 2) and (2, 3). A lies on the line 2x + y 2 = 0. The area of the
triangle ABC is 8 sq. units then the vertex A may be

æ 1 13 ö æ 25 36 ö
(A) (1, 2) (B) ( 1, 4) (C) ç , ÷ (D) ç , - ÷
è 7 14 ø è 7 7 ø

Q.14 A (1, 3) and C(7, 5) are two opposite vertices of a square. The equation of a side through A is
(A) x +2y 7=0 (B) 2x +y 5=0 (C) x 2y +5=0 (D) 2x y +1=0
Q.15 One diagonal of a square is the portion of the line 7x + 5y = 35 intercepted by the axes. The other
extremities may be
(A) (6, 6) (B) (5, 7) (C) ( 1, 1) (D) (7, 5)
Q.16 All points lying inside the triangle formed by the points (1, 3), (5, 0) and ( 1, 2) satisfy

(A) 3x + 2y ³ 0 (B) 2x + y - 13 ³ 0 (C) 2x - 3y - 12 £ 0 (D) -2x + y ³ 0

x y
Q.17 The line + = 1 meets the x-axis at A and y-axis at B, and the line y = x at C such that the area of the
a b
triangle AOC is twice the area of the triangle BCO, (O being the origin) then the coordinates of C are
(A) (a/3, a/3) (B) (2a/3, 2a/3) (C) (b/3, b/3) (D) (2b/3, 2b/3)
Linked comprehension type
Passage - 1
If a square is formed on the side of an equilateral triangle and one side is common to both the square
and the triangle. If the length of one side of an equilateral triangle is 4 unit. The mid point of a side of the
triangle is at the origin and the side containing origin coincide with the x-axis. See the given figure.
Q.18 The equation of the side BC be
(A) x + y = 8 (B) y = x

(C) 3x + y = 2 3 (D) x - 3y = 2

Q.19 Equation of the side BE is

(A) x - 3y + 6 = 0 (B) x +y = 0

(C) 2x + y + 3 = 0 (D) x + y = 2
Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.20 Which of the following is correct?

(A) Slope of BC = 3 (B) Slope of DE = - 3

(C) Slope of BE = 3 (D) Slope of CD = - 3

Passage - 2
Let L1(x, y) = 0, L2(x, y) = 0 be two lines and P and Q be two points then the meaning of L1(P) is the
consequence of putting the coordinates of the points P in the equation of the line L1 = 0 etc.
(i) The points P & Q are contained in the same region formed by L1=0, L2 = 0 if L1(P). L1(Q) >0,
L2(P) L2(Q) > 0. i.e. they are on the same sides of both the lines.
(ii) Will be contained in opposite angles if L1(P)L1(Q) < 0, L1(P)L2(Q) < 0 i.e. they are on the opposite
sides of both the lines.
(iii) And will be contained in the adjacent angles if L1(P) L1(Q) > 0, L2(P)L2(Q) < 0
or L1(P) L1(Q) < 0, L2(P) L2(Q) > 0 i.e. they are on same side of line and opposite sides of another
Q.21 2x + y 7 = 0, 3x y 11 = 0 be two lines F (1, 0), D(-2, 5) be two points then they are contained,
(A) in the same angle (B) in the opposite angle
(C) in the adjacent angle (D) none of these
Q.22 A(1, 2) and B(-3, 0) be two points and L : 5x + 2y 11 = 0 be a line then the segment AB
(A) cuts the line L = 0 (B) does not cut the line L = 0
(C) is equal to 5 (D) none of these
Q.23 For what values of a will origin and (a,3) lie in the same angle formed by the lines x+y 5 = 0,
2x y + 6 = 0?

(A) ( - ¥ , 2) (B) (0, 3) (C) ( -3 / 2, 2 ) (D) (2, ¥ )

Matrix match type

Q.24 ABCD is a rectangle in the clockwise direction. The coordinates of A are (1, 3) and of C are (5, 1)
vertices B and D lie on the y =2x + c, the coordinates of the

Column - I Column - II

A) middle point of BD P) (2,0)

B) middle point of AB Q) (3,2)

C) middle point of BC R) (5/2,7/2)

D) the point D S) (9/2,5/2)

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Integer type
Q.25 If the angle between two lines is p / 4 and slope of one line is x and of another line is y such that
xy > 0. If y = 1/2 then the value of x is

Q.27 If P1 , P2 , P3 ,..........., Pn are points on the line y = x lying in the positive quadrant such that
OPn = n × OPn -1 where O is the origin. If OP1 = 1 & P8 º 3a 2, 3a 2 then value of) 1344

Q.27 The area of the triangle formed by the axes and the line e-a x + ea y = 2 , in square units is
Q.28 The line segment joining the points (1, 2) and (k, 1) is divided by the line 3x+4y 7=0 in the ratio
4 : 9 then value of |k| is

3.1 Length of the Perpendicular from a Point on a Line:

ax1 + by1 + c
The length of the perpendicular from P(x1, y1) on ax + by + c = 0 is .
a2 + b2

The length of the perpendicular from origin on ax + by + c = 0 is .
a + b2

The distance between two parallel lines :

| c1 - c 2 |
The distance between two parallel lines ax + by + c1 = 0 and ax + by + c2 = 0 is .
a2 + b 2

3.2 Reflection of a point about a line :

The image of a point (x1, y1) about the line ax + by + c = 0 is

x - x1 y - y1 ax1 + by1 + c
= = 2
a b a2 + b2

and the foot of perpendicular from a point (x1, y1) on the line ax + by + c = 0 is

x - x1 y - y1 ax1 + by1 + c
= = .
a b a2 + b2

Illustration : 07
Find the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point (2, 3) to the line 3x 4y + 5 = 0. Also,
find the image of (2, 3) in the given line.
Solution :

Let AB º 3x 4y + 5 = 0, P º (2, 3) and PM ^ AB. Slope of AB =

Þ slope of PM = = tanq (say)

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
4 -3
Þ sinq = , cosq =
5 5

3 ´2 - 4´ 3 + 5 6 - 12 + 5 -1
Now, r = p = = =
9 + 16 5 5

Which is the foot of the perpendicular.

æ 1 1 ö æ 53 71
Þ M = ç 2 - 5 cos q,3 - 5 sin q ÷ = ç 25 , 25 ÷
è ø è ø

Let Q be the image of P

æ 2 2 ö æ 56 67
Þ Q = ç 2 - 5 cos q,3 - 5 sin q ÷ = ç 25 , 25 ÷
è ø è ø

3.3. Family of Lines:

(Equation of any straight line through the point of intersection of two given straight lines).
The equation of any straight line passing through the intersection of the two lines
ax + by + c = 0, Ax + By + C = 0
has the general form
ax + by + c + l (Ax + By + C) = 0
In which l can have any real value ; here, l is parameter which can be evaluated specifically if some
further condition is imposed.

Hence the general equation of the family of lines through the point of intersection of two given lines is
L + lL¢ = 0 where L = 0 and L¢ = 0 are the two given lines, and l is a parameter.

Conversely, any line of the form L1 + lL2 = 0 passes through a fixed point which is the point of
intersection of the lines L1 = 0 and L2 = 0. In other words if a linear expression L contains an unknown
coefficient, then the line L = 0 can not be a fixed line. Rather it represents a family of straight lines.
Remarks :
1. If L1 = 0 and L2 = 0 are parallel lines, they will meet at infinity.
2. The family of lines perpendicular to a given line ax + by + c = 0 is given by bx - ay + k = 0, where
k is a parameter.
3. The family of lines parallel to a given line ax + by + c = 0 is given by ax + by + k = 0, where k is a
Illustration : 08
Find the straight line passing through the point of intersection of 2x + 3y + 5 = 0, 5x 2y 16 = 0 and
through the point ( 1, 3).
Solution :
The equation of any line through the point of intersection of the given lines is
2x + 3y + 5 + l(5x 2y 16) = 0 ........(i)
Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

But the required line passes through ( 1, 3), hence 2 + 9 + 5 + l( 5 6 16) = 0.

whence l = . Insert this value of l in (i) and the required line is
9(2x + 3y + 5) + 4 (5x 2y 16) = 0
or, on simplification, 2x + y 1 = 0.
Illustration : 09

Find the equations of the two lines, each passing through (5, 6) and each making an acute angle of 45º
with the line 2x y + 1 = 0.

Solution :

For the given line, m = 2 corresponding to an angle of slope, q, which is greatest than 45º (since tan45º
= 1) and less then 90º. Clearly, there will be two lines satisfying the stated requirements : one line (i) will
have an angle of slope greater than q with M denoting the corresponding gradient so that M > m; the
other line (ii) will have an angle of slope less than q with M¢ denoting the corresponding gradient so that
m > M¢.

M-m M-2
(i) Since f = 45º, tan 45º º 1 = = ; hence 1 + 2M = M 2, from which
1 + Mn 1 + 2M
M = 3. The line is then y 6 = 3(x 5) or 3x + y 21 = 0.

m - M¢ 2 - M¢
(ii) Similarly, tan45º º 1 = = from which M¢ = 1/3.
1 + mM¢ 1 + 2M¢

The line is y 6 = (x 5) or x 3y + 13 = 0.

3.4. Concurrency of Straight Lines:

The condition for three lines a1x + b1y + c1 = 0, a2x + b2y + c2 = 0, a3x + b3y + c3 = 0 to be concurrent
is -

a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2
(i) = 0.
a3 b3 c3

(ii) There exist three constants l , m, n (not all zero the same time) such that
l L1 + mL2 + nL3 = 0, where L1 = 0, L2 = 0 and L3 = 0 are the three given straight lines.
(iii) The three lines are concurrent if any one of the lines passes through the point of intersection of
the other two lines.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Single answer choice type

Q.1 If k1a k2b + k3c = 0, family of straight lines ax + by + c = 0 are always concurrent at a point whose
coordinate is
æk k ö æ k k ö æ k1 k2 ö æ k k ö
(A) ç k , k ÷ (B) ç - k , k ÷ (C) ç k , - k ÷ (D) ç - k , - k ÷
1 2 1 2 1 2

è 3 3ø è 3 3ø è 3 3 ø è 3 3 ø

Q.2 If l, m, n are in A.P then the lines represented by lx + my + n = 0 are concurrent at the point
(A) (1, 2) (B) (2, 4) (C) (-2, 1) (D) (1, -2)
Q.3 The straight lines 2x + 3y 1= 0, 3x + 4y 6 = 0 and ax + by + 1 = 0 are concurrent if the straight line
14x + 9y + 1 = 0 passes through the point
(A) (a, -b) (B) (a, b) (C) (-a, -b) (D) (-a, b)
Q.4 Given a family of lines a (2x + y + 4) + b(x 2y 3) = 0. The number of lines belonging to the family
at a distance 10 from P(2, 3) is

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4

x y
Q.5 The perpendicular distance from origin to the line p sec a + p cos ec a = 1 is

(A) p sin 2a (B) p cos 2a (C) p tan 2a (D) p

x y 1 1
Q.6 If p is the perpendicular distance from the origin to the straight line + = 1 , then 2 + 2 =
a b a b
1 1 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
p p2 p p2
Q.7 The equation of the line passing through the point (2, 3) and parallel to the line joining the points
(1, 2) and ( 1, 5) is
(A) 3x + 2y = 0 (B) 2x + 3y 1 = 0 (C) x 3y + 6 = 0 (D) x + 3y + 12 = 0
Q.8 If a straight line perpendicular to 2x 3y + 7 = 0 forms a triangle with the coordinate axes whose area
is 3 sq. units, then the equation of the lines are
(A) 3 x + 2 y = ± 4 (B) 3 x + 2 y = ± 6 (C) 3 x + 2 y = ± 8 (D) 3 x + 2 y = ± 2
Q.9 A straight line L is perpendicular to the line 5x y = 1. The area of the triangle formed by the line L and
coordinate axes is 5. The equation of the line L is
(A) x + 5y = ± 5 2 (B) x + 5y = ± 2 5 (C)5x y = ±5 2 (D) 5x y = ± 2 5
Q.10 The equation of the line perpendicular to the line 2x + 3y 4 = 0 and passing through the origin is
(A) y = 0 (B) 4x + 5y 38 = 0 (C) 3x 2y = 0 (D) 3x 2y 1 = 0
Q.11 The equation of the line passing through (2, 3) and perpendicular to the line joining (-5, 6) and
(-6, 5) is
(A) x + y + 5 = 0 (B) x - y + 5 = 0 (C) x - y - 5 = 0 (D) x + y - 5 = 0

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.12 The equation to the base of an equilateral triangle is x+y =2 and one vertex is (2, 1). The length of the
side is
(A) 2/3 (B) 1 / 2 3 (C) 3/ 2 (D) 2 / 3
Q.13 The algebraic sum of the perpendicular distances from A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3) to a variable
line is zero, then the line passes through
(A) the centroid of DABC (B) the orthocentre of DABC
(C) the circumcentre of DABC (D) the incentre of DABC
Q.14 The line parallel to the x-axis and passing through the intersection of the lines ax+2by+3b= 0 and
bx 2ay 3a = 0, where (a, b) ¹ (0, 0) is
(A) Above the x-axis at a distance of 3/2 from it
(B) Above the x-axis at a distance of 2/3 from it
(C) Below the x-axis at a distance of 3/2 from it
(D) Below the x-axis at a distance of 2/3 from it

Q.15 There is a line with positive slope m which passes through (0,0) & cuts off a segment of length 10
between parallel lines 2 x - y + 5 = 0 & 2 x - y + 10 = 0 then m should be
(A)1/2 (B) 1/3 (C) 1/5 (D) None of these
Q.16 In triangle ABC, equation of the right bisectors of the sides AB and AC are x + y = 0 and
y x = 0 respectively. If A º (5, 7) then equation of side BC is
(A) 7y = 5x (B) 5x = y (C) 5y = 7x (D) 5y = x
Q.17 The distance of the point (2, 3) from the line 2x 3y + 9 = 0 measured along a line x y + 1 = 0 is
(A) 4 2 (B) 2 2 (C) 2 (D) 1 / 2
One or more than one type
Q.18 If the lines 3x + y + 2 = 0, 2x y + 3 =0 and a2 x + 2ay + 6 =0 are concurrent, then a is equal to

(A) 7 + 1 (B) 7 - 1 (C) 1 - 7 (D) any real number

Q.19 Equation(s) of the straight line(s), inclined at 30° to the positive x-axis such that the length of its (each
of their line segment(s) between the coordinate axes is 10 units, is

(A) x - 3y + 5 3 = 0 (B) x + 3y + 5 3 = 0

(C) x - 3y - 5 3 = 0 (D) x + 3y - 5 3 = 0

Q.20 The points on the line x + y = 4 which are at a unit distance from the line 4 x + 3 y = 10 are

(A) (3, 1) (B) ( -7,11) (C) (7, 11) (D) ( -7, -11)

Q.21 The area of a triangle is 5 and two of its vertices are A(2,1) and B (3, -2) . The third vertex which lies
on line y = x + 3 is

æ 7 13 ö æ5 5ö æ 3 3ö
(A) ç , ÷ (B) ç , ÷ (C) ç - , ÷ (D) (0, 0)
è2 2 ø è 2 2ø è 2 2ø
Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.22 If a2 + b2 c2 2ab =0, then the family of lines ax + by = c =0 are concurrent at the points
(A) (1, 1) (B) ( 1, 1) (C) (1, 1) (D) ( 1, 1)
Matrix match type
Q.23 Match the following
Column-I Column-II
A) The straight line of the family (x + y) + l (2x y +1) = 0 that P) 5x + 2y + 1 = 0

is nearest from the point (1, 3) is

B) The straight line of the family (x + y) + l (2x y +1) = 0 that Q) y = 1

is farthest from the point (1, 3) is

C) In triangle ABC, A(1, 1), B(4, 2), C(5, 5). Equation of the R) 15y 6x = 7
internal angle bisector of angle A is
D) The diagonals AC and BD of a rhombus intersect at (5, 6) S) 2y + x = 17
If A = (3, 2) then equation of diagonal BD is
Q.24 Match the following
Column -I Column- II
A) For all values of l the family of lines P) æç 1 , 1 ö÷
è3 3ø
(1 + l ) x + ( 2 - l ) y + 5 = 0 passes through
the fixed point
æ3 5ö
B) For different values of a and b the family of lines Q) ç , ÷
è8 7ø
( a + 2b ) x + ( a - 3b ) y = a - b passes through
the fixed point
æ 2 3ö
C) Straight lines cut intercepts from the axes of R) ç , ÷
è 5 5ø
coordinates the sum of reciprocals of which is 3.
All these lines pass through the fixed point.
æ 5 5ö
D) If a, b, c are variables such that 21a + 40b+56c = 0 S) ç - , - ÷
è 3 3ø
then each member of the family of lines
ax + by + c = 0 passes through the fixed point
Integer type

Q.25 If the straight lines ax + by + c = 0 and x cos a + y sin a = c, enclose an angle p / 4 between them
and meet the straight line x sin a - y cos a = 0 in the same point then write the value of a 2 + b 2 .

Q.26 If 3a + 2b + c = 0 the family of straight lines ax + by + c = 0 passes through the fixed point ( p, q )
then p + q =
Q.27 If the orthocentre of the triangle formed by 2x + 3y - 1 = 0, x + 2y - 1 = 0, ax + by - 1 = 0 is at (0, 0)
then (a + 2b) =
Q.28 The distance between the straight lines xcos a + ysin a = sec2 a and xcos a + ysin a = tan2 a is

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
4.1. Transformation of axis: (Shifting of origin without rotation of axes)

Let P º (x, y) with respect to axes OX and OY.

Let O¢ º (a, b) with respect to axes OX and OY and let P º (x¢, y¢) with respect to axes O¢X¢ and O¢Y¢
where OX and O¢X¢ are parallel and OY and O¢Y¢ are parallel.

then x=x + ,y=y +

or x =x ,y =y
Thus if origin is shifted to point (a, b ) without rotation of axes, then new equation of curve can be
obtained by putting x + a in place of x and y + b in place of y.
Illustration : 10
Shift the origin to a suitable point so that the equation y2 + 4y + 8x 2 = 0 will not contain term in y and
the constant.
Solution :
Let the origin be shifted to the point (h, k) and let P (x, y) be any point on the curve and (x1, y1) be the
coordinates of P with respect to new axes then
x = x 1 + h and y = y1 + k
Hence, new equation will be
(y1 + k)2 + 4(y1 + k) + 8 (x1 + h) 2 = 0
y12 + (2k + 4) y1 + 8x1 + (k2 + 4k + 8h 2) = 0
Thus new equation of the curve will be
y2 + (2k + 4) y + 8x + (k2 + 4k + 8h 2) = 0
Since this equation is required to be free from the term containing y and the constant, we have
2k + 4 = 0 and k2 + 4k + 8h 2 = 0
\ k = 2 and h =
æ3 ö
Hence, the point to which the origin be shifted is ç 4 , -2 ÷
è ø
4.2. Rotation of the axes (To change the direction of the axes of co-ordinates, without
changing the origin, both systems of co-ordinates being rectangular) :

Let OX, OY be given rectangular axes with respect to which the coordinates of a point P are
(x, y). Suppose that OU, OV are the two perpendicular lines obtained by rotating OX, OY respectively
through an angle a in the counter-clockwise sense. We take OU, OV as a new pair of coordinate axes,
with respect to which the coordinates of P are (x¢, y¢), then

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
x = x¢ cos q - y¢ sin q
y = x¢ sin q + y¢ cos q

éxù écos q - sin q ù é x¢ ù

or, êyú = ê sin q cos q ú ê y¢ú (in matrix form)
ë û ë ûë û

Illustration : 11
If (x, y) and (X, Y) be the co-ordinate of the same point referred to two sets of rectangular axes with
the same origin and if ux + vy, where u and v are independent of x and y, becomes VX + UY, show that
u2 + v2 = U2 + V2.
Solution :
Let the axes rotate an angle q, and if (x, y) be the point with respect to old axes and (X, Y) be the
coordinates with respect to new axes then
ì x = Xcos q - Y sin q
we get í y = X sin q + Y cos q
ux + vy = u(X cos q Y sin q) + v(X sin q + Y cos q)
= (u cos q + v sin q) X + ( u sin q + v cos q) Y
but given new cure VX + UY
then VX + UY = (u cos q + v sin q) X + ( u sin q + v cos q) Y
On comparing the coefficients of X & Y, we get
u cos q + v sin q = V . . . (1)
and u sin q + v cos q = U . . . (2)
squaring and adding (1) and (2), we get
u 2 + v 2 = U2 + V2
4.3. Bisectors of the Angles between two given Lines:

Angle bisector is the locus of a point which moves in such a way so that its distance from two intersecting
lines remains same.
The equations of the two bisectors of the angles between the lines a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and

a1x + b1y + c1
a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 are = ± a2 x + b2 y + c2
a12 + b12 a22 + b22

If the two given lines are not perpendicular i.e. a1 a2 + b1b2 ¹ 0 and not

parallel i.e. a1 b2 ¹ a2b1 then one of these equations is the equation of

the bisector of the acute angle between two given lines and the other that

of the obtuse angle between two given lines.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Whether both given lines are perpendicular or not but the angular bisectors of these lines will always be
mutually perpendicular.

The bisectors of the acute and the obtuse angles

Take one of the lines and let its slope be m1 and take one of the bisectors and let its slope be m2. If q
m1 - m2
be the acute angle between them, then find tan q = 1 + m m
1 2

If tan q > 1 then the bisector taken is the bisector of the obtuse angle and the other one will be the
bisector of the acute angle.

If 0 < tan q < 1 then the bisector taken is the bisector of the acute angle and the other one will be the
bisector of the obtuse angles.

If two lines are a1 x + b1y + c1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0, then

a1x + b1y + c1 a2 x + b 2 y + c 2
= C
a12 + b12 a 22 + b 22
will represent the equation of the bisector of the acute or obtuse angle A q
P(x, y)
between the lines according as M
a1a2 + b1b2 is negative or positive.

The equation of the bisector of the angle which contains a given point :
a1x + b1y + c1
The equation of the bisector of the angle between the two lines containing the point (a,b) is a12 + b12
a2 x + b2 y + c 2 a1x + b1y + c1 a2 x + b2 y + c 2
= or =
a22 + b22 a12 + b12 a22 + b22

according as a1a + b1b + c1 and a2a + b2b + c2 are of the same signs or of opposite signs.

For example the equation of the bisector of the angle containing the origin is given by

a1x + b1y + c1 a2 x + b 2 y + c 2
=+ for same sign of c1 and c2
a12 + b12 a22 + b22

(for opposite sign take ve sign in place of +ve sign)


1. If c 1 c 2 (a 1 a 2 + b 1 b 2 ) < 0, then the origin will lie in the acute angle and if
c1c2 (a1a2 + b1b2) > 0, then origin will lie in the obtuse angle.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
2. Equation of straight lines passing through P(x1, y1) and equally inclined with the lines

a1x + b1y + c1= 0 and a2x + b2y + c2 = 0 are those which are parallel to the bisectors between these
two lines and passing through the point P.

Illustration : 12

For the straight lines 4x + 3y 6 = 0 and 5x + 12y + 9 = 0, find the equation of the -

(i) Bisector of the obtuse angle between them,

(ii) Bisector of the acute angle between them,

(iii) Bisector of the angle which contains origin and

(iv) Bisector of the angle which contains (1, 2).


Equations of bisectors of the angles between the given lines are

4x + 3y - 6 5x + 12y + 9 4x + 3y - 6 5x + 12y + 9
2 2 =± 2 2 Þ =±
4 +3 5 + 12 5 13

Þ 52x + 39y 78 = ± (25x + 60y + 45)

Þ 27x 21y 123 = 0, 77x + 99y 33 = 0

Þ 9x 7y 41 = 0 , 7x + 9y 3 = 0. Let the angle between the line 4x + 3y 6 = 0 and the

4 9
- - 11
bisector 9x 7y 41 = 0 be q , then tanq = 3 7 = >1
æ -4 ö 9 3
1+ ç ÷
è 3 ø7

(i) The bisector of the obtuse angle is 9x 7y 41 = 0

(ii) The bisector of the acute angle is 7x + 9y 3 = 0

(iii) The bisector of the angle containing the origin

-4x - 3y + 6 5x + 12y + 9
2 2 = Þ 7x + 9y 3 = 0
( -4) + (-3) 52 + 122

(iv) For the point (1, 2), 4x + 3y 6 = 4 × 1 + 3 × 2 6 > 0

5x + 12y + 9 = 12× 2 + 9 > 0

Hence equation of the bisector of the angle containing the point (1, 2) is

4x + 3y - 6 5x + 12y + 9
5 13

Þ 9x 7y 41 = 0
Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
4.4 Locus:

When a point moves in a plane under certain geometrical conditions, the point traces out a path. This
path of the moving point is called its locus.

Equation of locus

The equation to a locus is the relation which exists between the coordinates of any point on the path,
and which holds for no other point except those lying on the path. In other words equation to a curve
(or locus) is merely the equation connecting the x and the y coordinates of every point on the curve.

Procedure for finding the equation of the locus of a point :

(i) If we are finding the equation of the locus of a point P, assign coordinates (h, k) or (x 1, y1)
to P.

(ii) Express the given conditions in terms of the known quantities to facilitate calculations. We sometimes
include some unknown quantities known as parameters.

(iii) Eliminate the parameter. So that the eliminant contains only h, k and known quantities. If h and k
coordinates of the moving point are obtained in terms of a third variable t called the parameter,
eliminate t to obtain the relation in h and k and simplify this relation.

(iv) Replace h by x, and k by y, in the eliminant. The resulting equation would be the equation of the locus
of P.

Illustration : 13
A rod of length 2 units moves so that one end is on x axis and other end on y + x = 0. Then find the
equation of locus of the mid point of the rod
Solution :
2h a + 2k = 0
AB = 2
(2h 2a)2 + 4k2 = 4 Þ x2 + 5y2 + 4xy 1 = 0
Illustration : 14
Find the locus of a variable point which is at a distance of 2 units from the y-axis.
Solution :
If points on the locus are on the positive side of the y-axis, the abscissa of any point P (x, y) on the locus
is given, according to the condition, by x = 2, whatever the value of y may be; thus, (2, 1),
(2, 10) and (2, 100) are points on the locus.

Similarly, if points on the locus are on the negative side of the y-axis, the abscissa of any point on this
part of the locus is given by x = 2, whatever the value of the ordinate may be.

The complete equation of the locus is then x = ± 2.

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Illustration : 15

Find the locus of a variable point whose distance from A (4, 0) is equal to its distance from B (0, 2).

Solution :

Let the coordinates of P be (x, y).

AP2 = (x 4)2 + (y 0)2 = x2 + y2 8x + 16

and BP2 = (x 0)2 + (y 2)2 = x2 + y2 4y + 4.

Since AP2 = BP2

Þ x2 + y2 8x + 16 = x2 + y2 4y + 4

from which 8x 4y 12 = 0 or, 2x y 3 = 0

Illustration : 16

Q is a variable point whose locus is 2x + 3y + 4 = 0; corresponding to a particular position of

Q, P is the point of section of OQ , O being the origin, such that OP : PQ = 3 : 1.

Find the locus of P.

Solution :

Let Q be the point (X, Y) and P the point (x, y) ; the coordinates of Q satisfy the equation

2x + 3y + 4 = 0, so that 2X + 3Y + 4 = 0.

Apply the section-formula for OQ, O being (0, 0) ; then

0 + 3X 0 + 3Y
x= ,y=
1+ 3 1+ 3

4 4
from which X = x, Y = y.
3 3

Substitute these values, then the locus of P is x + 4y + 4 = 0

Þ 2x + 3y + 3 = 0.

Illustration : 17

Find the locus of a variable point whose distance from (1, 0) is half its distance from the line x = 4.

Solution :

Let S be the given point, RT the line x = 4 and P (x, y) any point on the locus PQ is perpendicular to RT.

The given condition is equivalent to : PQ2 = 4PS2. Now PQ2 = (4 x)2 and PS2 = (x 1)2 + y2 ; hence
(4 x)2 = 4[(x 1)2 + y]2 or, on simplification, 3x2 + 4y2 = 12 .

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Single answer choice type

Q.1 The equation of the locus of the point whose distance from x-axis is twice its distance from the
y-axis is
(A) y2 = 4x2 (B) 4y2 = x 2 (C) y = 3x (D) 4x + y = 0
Q.2 The locus of a point whose distance from the y-axis is half of its distance from origin is
(A) 2x2 = y2 (B) x2 = 3y2 (C) 3x2 = y2 (D) x2 = 2y2
Q.3 If A(a, 0) B ( a, 0) then the locus of the point P such that PA2 + PB2 = 2c2 is
(A) x2 + y2 + a2 c2 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 + a2 + c2 = 0
(C) 2x2 + y2 + 3a2 c2= 0 (D) x2 y2 + a2 c2 = 0
Q. 4 The equation of the locus P such that the join of (a, b) and (b, a) subtend a right angle at P, is
(A) x2 + y2 ax by + ab = 0 (B) x2 + y2 ax by + 2ab = 0
(C) x2 + y2 (a + b) (x + y) + ab = 0 (D) x2 + y2 (a + b) (x + y) + 2ab = 0
Q.5 The locus of a point which is collinear with the points (3, 4) and ( 4, 3) is
(A) 2 x + 3 y - 12 = 0 (B) 2 x + 3 y + 12 = 0 (C) 3 x + 2 y + 12 = 0 (D) x - 7 y + 25 = 0
Q.6 The locus of the point of intersection of the lines xcos a + ysin a = a and x sin a ycos a = b, where
a is a parameter is
(A) x 2 - y 2 = a 2 + b 2 (B) x 2 + y2 = a 2 + b2 (C) x 2 + y 2 = a 2 - b 2 (D) x 2 - y 2 = a 2 - b2
Q.7 If the point (3,4) lies on the locus of the point of intersection of the lines x cos a + y sin a = a and
x sin a - y cos a = b ( a is a variable ), the point (a,b) lies on the line 3 x - 4 y = 0 then the value of
a + b is
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 10 (D) 5
Q.8 If vertices of a triangle are (1, 2) ( ) (
5 cos q , 5 sin q & )
5 sin q , - 5 cos q Then Locus of
orthocentre is
(A) ( x - y + 3) + ( x + y - 1) = 20 (B) ( x + y - 3) + ( x - y + 1) = 20
2 2 2 2

(C) ( x + y - 1) + ( x + y + 1) = 19 (D) ( x + y - 4 ) + ( x - y + 4 ) = 25
2 2 2 2

Q.9 A line segment of length 2l sliding with ends on the axes, then the locus of the middle point of the line
segment is
(A) x2 + y2 = 4l2 (B) x2 + y2 = l2 (C) x2 y2 = 4l2 (D) x2 y2 = l2
Q.10 The locus of the point x = a + l 2, y = b l where l is a parameter is
(A) (x a)2 = b y (B) x a = (b y) 2 (C) x + a = y2 (D) x a = y2
x y
Q.11 A variable line + = 1 is such that a+b= 10. The locus of the midpoint of the portion of the line
a b
intercepted between the axes is
(A) x + y = 10 (B) 10x + 5y = 1 (C) x + y = 5 (D) 5x + 10y = 1

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.12 If 2x + y 4= 0 is a bisector of angles between the lines a(x 1) + b(y 2) = 0,
c(x 1) + d(y 2) = 0 the other angular bisector is
(A) x 2y + 1 = 0 (B) x 2y 3 = 0 (C) x 2y + 3 = 0 (D) x + 2y 5 = 0
Q.13 If p1, p2 are the perpendicular distances from the origin to the two straight lines which are perpendicular
to each other, then the locus of the point of intersection of the perpendicular lines is

(A) x + y = p1 + p2
2 2
(B) x + y = P12 + P22
2 2
(C) 2 + =1 (D) xy = p1 p2
p1 p 2
Q.14 The equation of sides of a triangle ABC are AB : x + y = 1, BC : 7x y = 15, AC : 3x y = 7, the
equation of angular bisector containing origin of angle B is
(A) 2x + y = 3 (B) 3x + y = 5 (C) x + 3y = 7 (D) 3y x = 5
Q.15 When (0, 0) shifted to (2, 2) the transformed equation of (x 2)2+(y+2)2 = 9 is
(A) x2 + y2 = 9 (B) x2 + 3y2 = 9 (C) x2 +y2 2x+6y = 0 (D) 4x2+9y2=36
Q.16 Shift the origin to a suitable point so that the equation y2 + 4y + 8x 2 = 0 will not contain y, constant
terms is
(A) ( 3/ 4, -2) (B) ( 3/ 4, 2) (C) ( 2,3/ 4) (D) ( 2, -3/ 4)
Q.17 (6,6) is a point on the circle x2 + y2 4x 6y 12 = 0 by translation of origin to a certain point the
translated equation is x2 + y2 = 25 the new co-ordinates of (6,6) are
(A) (3,4) (B) (3,2) (C) (4,3) (D) (6,6)

Q.18 If the axes are rotated through an angle of 450 and the point P has new co-ordinates 2 2, 2 then )
original coordinates of P are
(A) (1, 3) (B) ( 1, 3) (C) (3, 1) (D) (3, 3)
Q.19 When angle of rotation of axes is tan 1 2 the transformed equation of 4xy 3x2 = a2 is
(A) 2xy + a2 =0 (B) xy a2 = 0 (C) x2 4y2 = a2 (D) x2 2y2 = a2
Q.20 The angle of rotation of axes so that 2x + 3y 7 = 0 transformed as x = k is

3 -1 æ - 2 ö p p
(B) tan ç
(A) tan ÷ (C) (D)
2 è 3 ø 4 6
Q.21 If sum of the distances of a point from two perpendicular lines in a plane is 1, then its locus is

(A) a square (B) a circle (C) a straight line (D) 2 intersecting lines.
One or more than one type
Q.22 A ray of light is sent along the line x 2y 3 =0. Upon reaching the line 3x 2y 5 = 0, the ray is
reflected from it, then

(A) The equation of reflected ray must be of the form x - 2y - 3 + l ( 3x - 2y - 5 ) = 0

(B) The equation of reflected ray must be 29x 2y 33 =0
(C) The equation of reflected ray must be 29x 2y 31 =0
(D) The equation of reflected ray must be x +2y =0

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.23 L1 : x + y 3 =0, L2 : 2x y 1 = 0 be two lines and P1 (0, 0) and P2 ( 2, 1) be two points then
(A) P1, P2 are contained in the same angle formed by L1 and L2
(B) P1, P2 are contained in the adjacent angle formed by L1 and L2
(C) P1, P2 are contained in the opposite angle formed by L1 and L2
(D) The segment P1P2 does not cut L1 and L2
Linked comprehension type
Passage - 1
The equation of adjacent sides is of a parallelogram are x + y + 1 = 0 and 2x y + 2 = 0. If the
equation of one of its diagonals is 13x 2y 32 = 0 then answer the following questions

D C (4, 10)


-2 y-

2x - y
A x + y + 1 =0 B
(2, -3) (-1, 0)

Q.24 Equation of the other diagonal is

(A) 7x 8y + 1 = 0 (B) 2x y = 0 (C) 2x y = 7 (D) 7x 8y + 7 = 0
Q.25 Area of the parallelogram is

(A) 45 sq.units (B) 45/2 sq.units (C) 3 5 sq.units (D) 48 sq.units

Q.26 Equation of the side of the parallelogram opposite to the given side 2x y + 2 = 0 is
(A) 2x y + 5 = 0 (B) 2x y = 0 (C) 2x y = 7 (D) 2x y 5 = 0
Matrix match type
Q.27 To remove the first degree terms in the following equations origin should be shifted to the another point
then calculate the new origins from list -II
Column-I Column-II
A) x2 y2 + 2x + 4y = 0 P) (5,-7)
B) 4x2 + 9y2 8x + 36y + 4 = 0 Q) (1,-2)
C) x2 + 3y2 + 2x + 12y + 1 = 0 R) (-1,2)
D) 2 (x 5) 2 + 3 (y + 7 ) 2 = 10 S) (-1,-2)
Q.28 Reflection of the line x + y + 1=0 in the line
Column - I Column - II
A) 2x + y + 1 = 0 P) x + 7y 11 = 0
B) x 2y + 1 = 0 Q) 7x + y + 1 = 0
C) x + 2y 1 = 0 R) 7x + y 11 = 0
D) 2x + y 1 = 0 S) 7x + y + 7 = 0

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
5.1. General Equation of pair of lines:

The general equation second of degree ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a pair of
a h g

straight lines if h b f = 0
g f c

Þ abc + 2fgh af 2 bg2 ch2 = 0 and h2 ³ ab.

The homogeneous second degree equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines
through the origin.

If lines through the origin whose joint equation is ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, are y = m1x and y = m2x, then

2h a
y2 (m1 + m2)xy + m1m2x2 = 0 and y2 + xy + x2 = 0 are identical. If q is the angle between the
b b
(m1 + m2 )2 4m1m2 2 h2 ab
two lines, then tan q = ± =±
1 + m1m2 a +b

The lines are perpendicular if a + b = 0 and coincident if h2 = ab.

Note :

(i) (a) h2 > ab Þ lines are real & distinct.

(b) h2 = ab Þ lines are coincident

(c) h2 < ab Þ lines are imaginary with real point of intersection i.e. (0, 0).

(ii) If y = m1x & y = m 2x be the two equations represented by ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, then ;
2h a
m1 + m2 = - & m1m2 = .
b b

(iii) The equation to the straight lines bisecting the angle between the straight lines
x 2 - y 2 xy
ax 2 + 2hxy + by 2 = 0 is = .
a-b h

(iv) A homogeneous equation of degree n represents n straight lines (in general) passing through

(v) If ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents two parallel straight lines then distance
g2 - ac
between them = 2 a a + b
( )

(vi) If joint equation of L1 and L2 is ax 2 + 2hxy + by 2 = 0 then joint equation of lines perpendicular
to L and L and passing through origin is given by bx 2 - 2hxy + ay 2 = 0

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
5.2. Homogenization:

(Joint Equation of Pair of lines joining the Origin & the Points of Intersection of a Line & a Curve)

If the lines l x + my + n = 0, ((n ¹ 0) i.e. the line not passing through origin) cuts the curve
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 at two points A and B, then the joint equation of straight lines
passing through A and B and the origin is given by homogenizing the equation of the curve by the
equation of the line i.e.

æ lx + my ö æ lx + my ö
ax 2 + 2hxy + by2 + (2gx + 2fy) ç ÷+ cç ÷ = 0 is the equation of the lines
è -n ø è -n ø
OA and OB where O is the origin.

Illustration : 18
Prove that the straight lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of the straight line
hx + ky = 2hk and the curve (x k) 2 + (y h)2 = c2 are at right angles if h 2 + k2 = c2.
Making the equation of the curve homogeneous with the help of that of the line, we get
æ hx + ky ö æ hx + ky ö
x2 + y2 2(kx + hy) ç ÷ + (h2 + k2 c 2 ) ç ÷ =0
è 2hk ø è 2hk ø

or 4h2k2x2 + 4h2k2y2 4hk2x (hx + ky) 4h2ky(hx + ky)+(h2 + k2 c2)(h2x2 + k2y2 + 2hxy) = 0
This is the equation of the pair of lines joining the origin to the points of intersection of the given line and
the curve. They will be at right angles if coefficient of x2 + coefficient of y2 = 0 i.e.

(h2 + k2) (h2 + k2 c2) = 0

Þ h2 + k2 = c2 (since h2 + k2 ¹ 0)

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Q.1 If one of the lines given by 6x 2 xy + 4cy2 = 0 is 3x + 4y = 0 , then c equals

(A) - 3 (B) - 1 (C) 3 (D) 1
Q.2 Angle between the lines x2 ( cos2 q 1) xy sin2 q + y2 sin2 q = 0 is

p p p p
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 3 6 2
Q.3 If the pair of lines (x2 + y2) tan2 a =(x y tan a )2 are perpendicular to each other, then a =

p p p p
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 3 8 4
Q.4 The equation of pair of angular bisectors of (a b) x2 + 4hxy (a b)y2 = 0 is

( )
(A) h x 2 - y 2 + xy (a - b) = 0 ( )
(B) h x 2 - y 2 - xy(a - b) = 0

( )
(C) h x 2 - y 2 + abxy = 0 (D) ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0

Q.5 The point of intersection of the straight lines represented by 6x2 + xy 40y2 35x 83y + 11 = 0 is
(A) (3, 1) (B) (3, -1) (C) (-3, 1) (D) (-3, -1)
Q.6 The acute angle between the pair of lines 2x2 + 5xy + 2y2 + 3x + 3y + 1 = 0 is

(A) cos
-1 4
5 () (B) tan
( 54 ) (C) 0 (D)

Q.7 The equation to the pair of straight lines passing through (2, 1) and perpendicular to the pair of lines
4xy + 2x + 6y + 3 = 0 is
(A) xy + x + 2y + 2 = 0 (B) xy + x + 2y - 2 = 0
(C) xy + x - 2y - 2 = 0 (D) xy - x - 2y + 2 = 0
Q.8 If the pair of lines ax2 + 2(a+b) xy + by2 =0, lie along diameters of a circle and divide the circle into four
sectors such that the area of one of the sectors is thrice the area of another sector, then
(A) 3a2 +10ab + 3b2 = 0 (B) 3a2 +2ab + 3b2 = 0
(C) 3a2 10ab + 3b2 = 0 (D) 3a2 2ab + 3b2 = 0
Q.9 If the product of the perpendicular distances from (l, k) to the pair of lines x2- 4xy + y2=0 is units,
then k =
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 8
Q.10 The equation to the pair of lines passing through the point ( 2, 3) and parallel to the pair of lines
x2 + 4xy + y2 = 0 is
(A) x2 4xy + y2 8x + 2y 11 = 0 (B) x2 + 4xy + y2 8x + 2y 11 = 0
(C) x2 + 4xy y2 8x 2y 11 = 0 (D) x2 4xy + y2 8x 2y 11 = 0
Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

Q.11 The equation of pair of lines passing through ( -1, 4) & perpendicular to 2 x 2 - xy - 3 y 2 = 0 is given

(A) 3 x 2 - xy + 2 y 2 + 10 x + 17 y - 33 = 0 (B) 3 x 2 + xy - 2 y 2 - 10 x - 17 y + 25 = 0

(C) 3 x 2 + xy - 2 y 2 + 10 x + 17 y + 25 = 0 (D) 3 x 2 - xy - 2 y 2 + 10 x + 15 y - 25 = 0

Q.12 The centroid of the triangle formed by the pair of straight line 12x2 20xy + 7y2 = 0 and the line
2x 3y + 4 = 0 is

æ 7 7ö æ 8 8ö æ8 8ö æ4 4ö
(A) ç - , ÷ (B) ç - , ÷ (C) ç , ÷ (D) ç , ÷
è3 3 ø è3 3 ø è3 3ø è3 3ø

Q.13 If the angle between the lines represented by 2 x 2 + 5 xy + 3 y 2 + 6 x + 7 y + 4 = 0 is tan -1 ( m ) and

a 2 + b 2 - ab - a - b + 1 £ 0 , then 2a + 3b =
(A) 1 m (B) m (C) -m (D) m 2

Q.14 Distance between the parallel lines ( x + 2 y )2 + 13 5 ( x + 2 y ) + 180 = 0 is

(A) 5 (B) 4 5 (C) 5 (D) 4

Q.15 Orthocentre of triangle formed by the lines x 2 - xy - x + y = 0 and 2 x - y + 4 = 0 is

(A) (11, 4) (B) (11, -4) (C) (-11, -4) (D) (-11, 4)
Q.16 The combined equation of three sides of a triangle is (x 2
- y 2 ( 2x + 3y - 6) = 0 . If
( 2, a) is an interior point of the triangle, then

10 10
(A) 2 < a < (B) -2 < a < (C) a < -2 (D) a < 2
3 3
One or more than one type
Q.17 If x2 + 2hxy + y2 = 0 represents the equation of the straight lines through the origin which make an
angle a with the straight line y + x = 0, then

1+h 1+h h+1

(A) sec 2 a = h (B) cos a = (C) 2 sin a = (D) cot a =
2h h h -1

Q.18 If the line y = mx is one of the bisector of the lines x 2 + 4 xy - y 2 = 0 , then the value of m is equal

-1 + 5 1+ 5 -1 - 5 1- 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

Q.19 The equation ax 2 + by 2 + cx + cy = 0 represents a pair of straight lines, if

(A) a + b = 0 (B) c = 0 (C) a + c = 0 (D) c ( a + b ) = 0

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines
Q.20 If the two lines represented by x ( tan q + cos q ) - 2 xy tan q + y 2 sin 2 q = 0 make angles a , b
2 2 2

with the x - axis , then

(A) tan a + tan b = 4 cos ec 2q (B) tan a tan b = sec 2 q + tan 2 q

tan a 2 + sin 2q
(C) tan a - tan b = 2 (D) =
tan b 2 - sin 2q

Q.21 If the angle between the lines x 2 - xy + ay 2 = 0 is 450 , then value ( s ) of a is / are
(A) -6 (B) 0 (C) 6 (D) 12
Q.22 9x2 + 2hxy + 4y2 + 6x + 2fy 3 = 0 represent two parallel lines if
(A) h = 6, f = 2 (B) h = 6, f = 2 (C) h = 6, f = 2 (D) h = 6, f = 2
Integer type

Q.23 If the area of the triangle formed by the lines y 2 - 9 xy + 18x 2 = 0 and y = 9 is l sq unit ,then the
value of must be
Q.24 Area of the triangle formed by the line x + y = 3 and angle bisector of pair of straight lines
x2 y2 + 2y = 1
Q.25 2x2 + 7xy + 3y2 + 8x + 14y + l = 0, will represent a pair of straight lines, when l is equal to

Q.26 x 2 + 4 xy + 3 y 2 = 0 & x 2 + l xy - 3 y 2 = 0 be two sets of pair of straight lines such that one line is
common to both having negative slope & the other two are perpendicular to each other then value of
l is
Q.27 If the sum of the slopes of the lines given by x2 2cxy 7y2 = 0 is four times their product, then c has
the value

Q.28 If m1 and m2 are the slopes of the pair of straight lines 3 x 2 - 4 xy + y 2 = 0 then value of m1 - m2 is

Straight Lines & Pair of St.Lines

1. [C] 2. [D] 3. [A] 4. [B] 5. [A]
6. [D] 7. [B] 8. [B] 9. [A] 10. [C]
11. [B] 12. [A] 13. [C] 14. [B] 15. [C]
16. [A] 17. [A] 18. [B] 19. [B] 20. [AB]
21. [ABC] 22. [ABC] 23. [AD] 24. [A - Q ; B - P ; C - S ; D -R]
25. [1] 26. [2] 27. [4] 28. [0]
1. [A] 2. [B] 3. [C] 4. [B] 5. [B]
6. [B] 7. [C] 8. [C] 9. [A] 10. [C]
11. [D] 12. [AB] 13. [BD] 14. [AD] 15. [AC]
16. [ACD] 17. [AD] 18. [C] 19. [A] 20. [B]
21. [A] 22. [A] 23. [C] 24. [A - Q ; B - R ; C - S ; D - P]
25. [3] 26. [5] 27. [2] 28. [2]
1. [C] 2. [D] 3. [A] 4. [B] 5. [D]
6. [B] 7. [A] 8. [B] 9. [A] 10. [C]
11. [D] 12. [A] 13. [A] 14. [C] 15. [B]
16. [A] 17. [A] 18. [AC] 19. [AC] 20. [AB]
21. [AC] 22. [BC] 23. [A - P ; B - R ; C - Q ; D - S]
24. [A - S ; B - R ; C - P ; D - Q] 25. [2] 26. [5] 27. [8]
28. [1]
1. [A] 2. [C] 3. [A] 4. [D] 5. [D]
6. [B] 7. [B] 8. [B] 9. [B] 10. [B]
11. [C] 12. [C] 13. [B] 14. [D] 15. [A]
16. [A] 17. [C] 18. [A] 19. [C] 20. [A]
21. [A] 22. [AC] 23. [AD] 24. [D] 25. [A]
26. [C] 27. [A - R ; B - Q ; C - S ; D - P] 28. [A - Q ; B - S ; C - P ; D - R]
1. [A] 2. [D] 3. [D] 4. [B] 5. [B]
6. [A] 7. [D] 8. [B] 9. [B] 10. [B]
11. [D] 12. [C] 13. [A] 14. [C] 15. [B]
16. [A] 17. [ABD] 18. [AC] 19. [ABD] 20. [ACD]
21. [AB] 22. [ABCD] 23. [9] 24. [2] 25. [8]
26. [2] 27. [2] 28. [2]


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