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Homework has been a long-standing tradition in the education system, with the belief that it helps

students reinforce their learning and develop good study habits. However, in recent years, there has
been a growing debate on the effectiveness and necessity of homework, especially in Finland schools.

Finland is known for its top-performing education system, and one of the key factors contributing to
its success is the minimal amount of homework given to students. In fact, Finland has one of the
lowest homework loads in the world, with an average of only 2.8 hours per week for 15-year-olds,
compared to the global average of 4.9 hours per week. This begs the question: why do Finland
schools give such little homework?

One of the main reasons is that Finland has a strong focus on the well-being and happiness of
students. The education system is designed to promote a healthy work-life balance, and excessive
homework is seen as a hindrance to this. Students are encouraged to spend their free time pursuing
other interests and activities, which can lead to a more well-rounded and fulfilled individual.

Moreover, Finland schools believe in the importance of quality over quantity when it comes to
homework. Instead of giving students a large amount of busywork, they focus on meaningful and
purposeful assignments that reinforce what has been taught in class. This approach not only saves
time but also ensures that students are not overwhelmed with unnecessary work.

Another factor is the trust and responsibility given to students in Finland schools. Students are given
a lot of autonomy in their learning, and this includes managing their own time and completing
assignments on their own. This level of trust and independence can lead to a more motivated and
self-directed student, as well as better time management skills.

However, for students outside of Finland, the struggle of homework can still be a daily reality. The
pressure to excel academically and the fear of falling behind can lead to overwhelming amounts of
homework and stress. This is where ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable resource for students.

⇒ ⇔ is a reputable and reliable academic writing service that offers assistance with
various assignments, including homework. With a team of experienced writers and editors, they can
provide high-quality and customized papers that meet the specific requirements of each student. This
can help alleviate the burden of homework and allow students to focus on other important aspects of
their life.

In conclusion, while homework may still be a necessary part of education, it is important to consider
the impact it has on students' well-being and learning. The minimal homework approach of Finland
schools has shown that less can indeed be more when it comes to academic success. And for students
struggling with excessive homework, ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable tool in achieving a
healthy balance in their academic and personal lives.
Why Finland’s school system is the best in the world. With all our standardized testing, long school
days, mountains of homework and relatively high expenditure per student, we’re still falling behind.
Parents trust teachers because they are always highly qualified and do love their job. This can
improve brain performance, something which teachers will see the benefits of. Reading Answers, is a
reading passage that consists of 13 questions. If there is one, individual tendencies for various
professions are to be discovered. During that time, the country didn’t lose it’s educational edge.
Student-Oriented Model The school teachers believe in a simple thumb rule; students are children
who need to be happy when they attend school to learn and give their best. Teaching will be
“phenomenon-based”, meaning that teachers will work “experimentally” with schoolchildren outside
the conventional school setting. If you fail in a test, you can try again later, and learn things in
between,” says Anneli Rautiainen. In addition, the state subsidizes parents, paying them around 150
euros per month for every child until he or she turns 17. There exists an urgent need to educate and
train people to meet the requirements of future jobs. We have 33 hours a week and we indeed get
alot of homework. It is also about remembering that kids are humans too, and deserve to enjoy their
childhoods. In recent years, a group of Wall Street financiers and philanthropists such as Bill Gates
have put money behind private-sector ideas, such as charter schools, which have doubled in number
in the past decade. The important aspect about these frequent breaks is that they allow free play. For
them, equity in education is exceptionally important — and one of the main reasons why their
students are successful. “Since the 1980s, the main driver of Finnish education policy has been the
idea that every child should have exactly the same opportunity to learn, regardless of family
background, income, or geographic location. As well as restricting the amount of time dedicated to
recess each day, some schools also use detention as a way of punishing bad behaviour. From then on,
she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. You can also demonstrate your ability by realising projects
or through oral presentations. This can teach life lessons and have a therapeutic stress-relieving effect
on children. SCORE 2041 When people ask me “Plz” because it’s shorter. In line with the Finnish
model, Delhi government schools have adopted 'Happiness Classes' to ensure students' mental
wellness through courses on mindfulness, problem-solving, social and emotional relationships, etc.,
from 1st to 8th classes. Each student is provided with free school meals, straightforward access to
health care, psychological counseling and personalized student guidance. If you continue to use this
site we will assume that you are happy with it. Technological skills and coding will be taught together
with other subjects. It’s important that varied pedagogical methods are used. Public schools were
organized into one system of comprehensive schools for ages 7 through 16. As a nutritionist, natural
foods chef and wellness coach, Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of
organic living, gratefulness and joyful orientation for over 13 years. Suffering? Here are 4 Reasons
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Health care is even free for students taking degree courses.”. In this way, it is shown that Paragraph
E mentions various support that is provided to families working and living in Finland. There are no
punishments even for the laziest students. Hence, the answer is vii (Statistical proof of education
success). Decisions related to education are not taken with the Pisa ratings in mind. There is a risk
that students capable of high grades will only aim for low grades, so they can have an easy time.
China recognizes the value of teaching children to think (contrary to Western media sentiments) and
does a decent job of teaching them to think in the Chinese style. It’s hard to say for sure, but some
good guesses as to the source of their success include respecting their teachers highly, assigning
students less homework and more recess time, and keeping standardized testing to a minimum.
Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Tumblr Reddit Flipboard Copy Link. Through these endeavours,
India is steadily investing in creating human resources that can get employment and generate
employment for themselves. Decisions related to education are not taken with the Pisa ratings in
mind. Instead of soliciting donations, we're exploring win-win solutions with our readers to remain
financially viable. Still, in elder classes, there is generally a teacher for every subject. Indian schools
tend to give a lot of homework to prove their commitment to studying and constantly revise what
they learn in school. SCORE 28 24hr time makes way more sense prove me wrong. Economic
Inequality is the Problem, Not Diversity While Finland is more or less a homogenous country, it’s
seen a twofold increase in foreign-born residents between 2000 and 2010. It’s good to learn from
Finland, but the more important thing is that we have to be aware of the prevailing infrastructure in
India. In 2014 only 9% of applicants sitting the entrance exam for Helsinki University’s training for
class teachers were admitted. To support teachers there will be people like digital tutors, for
instance,” explains Anneli Rautiainen. Education is an essential factor in utilising this considerable
advantage to grow economically and socially. We have 33 hours a week and we indeed get alot of
homework. Training in the Laws and Policies, Fire service, Self Defense, First Aid. Their practices
are the best for the needs of the Chinese. Top marks. United States The United States model is either
brilliant or horrible, depending on which parts you look at, and who’s talking about it. The goal is to
give youngsters a broadly-based education, and not to make them learn single subjects well,” says
the Finnish educational expert Pasi Sahlberg, who is currently a visiting professor at Harvard
Graduate School of Education. In 2014 only 9% of applicants sitting the entrance exam for Helsinki
University’s training for class teachers were admitted. Instead the essential factor is the information
that children and young people will need in the future,” says Pasi Sahlberg. The greatest challenge is
the change in their role. And it is worth to mention that the success begins with the school education.
In line with the Finnish model, Delhi government schools have adopted 'Happiness Classes' to ensure
students' mental wellness through courses on mindfulness, problem-solving, social and emotional
relationships, etc., from 1st to 8th classes. As a nutritionist, natural foods chef and wellness coach,
Carolanne has encouraged others to embrace a healthy lifestyle of organic living, gratefulness and
joyful orientation for over 13 years. They are seen as a kind of blood pressure check, enabling us to
occasionally consider which way we are heading, but they are not a permanent focus.
So, today we are see some interesting fact about education system of Finland. It means to reduce
burden of too many subjects, reducing number of working hours in a planned manner by adding a
few activity based sessions on a serious note by every school private or govt, big or small ans ensure
that students are industry ready as per their financial status. On the contrary, it will be more
important than ever for teachers to be close to their pupils,” Anneli Rautiainen says. Learning groups
will be formed so as to ensure the goals set in the curriculum can be reached. There are spaces for
individual work, beanbags to sit on, and everything is flexible and light and easy to move around.
Their education policy doesn’t foster competition, but rather relies on cooperation. Delve into its
pages away from screen glare and notifications, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the
transformative practices within. There are several actions that could trigger this block including
submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Hence, the answer is vii
(Statistical proof of education success). The play is not teacher-led, instead the children are allowed
to make their own fun. The truth is that there is nearly no homework in the country with one of the
top education systems in the world. In these learning spaces, teachers usually move around the
classroom to allow everyone hear and see them. Look to Finland — Where Play, Cooperation and
Little Homework are the Key to High Student Performance Print Friendly or Save Article as PDF
By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World America’s public school system is in
crisis, with burned-out teachers and failing literacy rates, along with ongoing issues of bullying and
violence. There is no competition between students, schools or regions. The feedback is individual
and it is aimed to help students to see if there are any gaps in understanding of the material. They’re
still tinkering with it — and so they should — but their system makes sense for them. With such a
huge difference, is it logical to bring this change. Its already strangling with so many updates and
too much of documentation. The greatest challenge is the change in their role. All the kids who play
the game know that Neon consists of 10 protons. The teachers are trusted and are largely responsible
for developing their own curriculum within basic guidelines given by the national curriculum.
Finnish people believe that besides homework, there are many more things that can improve child’s
performance in school, such as having dinner with their families, exercising or getting a good night’s
sleep. We are see the system of examination, assessment, quality of education, staff etc. They are
seen as a kind of blood pressure check, enabling us to occasionally consider which way we are
heading, but they are not a permanent focus. All the components are aimed to improve students’
ability to learn. Though there is a system of assessment, it is aimed to highlight areas where students
have a lack of understanding. Everyone has an answer, a promising new way of thinking, a potential
magic bullet. Though students will be more active, this doesn’t mean that they’ll take over all
responsibility for learning. What we need is to simplify and signification does not mean
westernization of education. For example, did you know that in average, students in Finland only
have three to four classes a day.

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