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Santiago, Nicole Justine C.

Section 40

Assignment 1
Among all the hundreds of literary works that Rizal has written I chose his poem
titled “To the Child Jesus”. This is a rather short poem which only has 8 lines and
follows the Spanish pattern of poetry, he wrote this short poem when he was only
14 years old. The first four lines of the poem was addressed to Jesus when he
was only an infant. In my drawing the infant there signifies the simplicity that
Jesus has chosen to enter and how to start his journey here in humanity. Him
being sound asleep in the drawing signifies peace and innocence that he has
brought into our lives. The position baby Jesus in the drawing signifies two
possible perspectives: First, it when you look at it as if he is with or inside the
globe which implies how he is to us, or us his presence is within the earth and is
truly felt. Second, is when you look at it as if he is above and looking down on
earth. This signifies how he sees or for some of us how we perceive him as
someone who is up there that is watching and guiding us through life. Another
highlight in the drawing is the star and simply it just represents the light the He
brings which is in a way the light that all have, and we each follow a different light
coming from him.

How we start out in life is no different from Jesus, this just goes to show that the
innocence and bareness of our beginning is such a special event. It starts this
chapter that all have experience, but we seldom remember or recall. This
drawing represents our humble beginnings that serves as our starting point
though achieving greatness. It shows that we must learn how see through his
perspectives so that we can better understand our life and to better strengthen
our faith.

This simple artwork that I created is my own interpretation of how I see humble
beginnings. This will help me be a better citizen by being a humble and
persevering student. It also signifies where we start and how we continue is
completely in our hands but we must accompany it his guidance.

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