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Personnel Administration

The configuration of personnel number assignment consists of the below steps.

1. Maintain SAP Number Range Intervals

In this step, the various number range intervals are defined. This includes specifying
the interval limits (From number, To number) and the type of interval

2. Determine Defaults for Number Ranges Using the

NUMKR Feature
When an employee is hired, this feature is used to determine which number range
should be defaulted for the employee based on various fields of the enterprise or
personnel structure. Which fields should be used to control the applicable number
range is based on the client’s policy and requirement.

For example, in the simplest case, the number range can be assigned based on a
company code. That means all employees in a given company can be assigned a
personnel number within a specific number range.

In other cases, the number range could differ based on employee category, that is,
Employee Group or Employee Subgroup. For example, all regular employees should
be assigned a personnel number within a certain number range, while pensioners
should be assigned a number in a different number range. This is useful as it
enables quick identification of an employee’s category based on his/her personnel

Configuration Steps for SAP Personnel Number

Let’s consider an example. For company code A001 (Country grouping 04 – Spain),
you want to define two number ranges:

78000– 78999 (Internal number range) which is applicable to all regular employees.

79000 – 79999 (Internal number range) which is applicable to all Pensioners.

Let us go through the step-by-step configuration to be done.

Define number range intervals

There are two ways to reach this configuration node.

1. Enter transaction code SPRO and then follow the below mentioned customizing

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Basic settings – Maintain

number range intervals for personnel numbers

This is shown in picture below.

SPRO – Define Number Range Intervals

2. Enter transaction code PA04. This directly takes you to the same configuration
step, which is shown in the picture below.

PA04 – SAP Number Range Maintenance

In this step, you can do three things:

Display Intervals – 1

Display Intervals – 2

Here is a brief explanation of the columns on pictures above:

No. – This contains a two-character code to uniquely identify each interval.

From No. – This contains the lower limit of the interval.

To Number – This contains the upper limit of the interval.

NR status – This is relevant only for internal number ranges (NR). It contains the last
assigned number. The system increments this by 1 when the next employee, for
whom the number range is applicable, is hired.

Ext. – This flag is set to indicate that a number range is External.

2. Change intervals. As below.

Maintain Intervals – 1

Maintain Intervals – 2

You can carry out the following changes in this screen:

 Edit the From number (if not already assigned)

 Edit the To number (if not already assigned)
 Select or deselect the Ext. flag (if the field NR status is 0)

3. Change Number Range status. The third pushbutton takes you to the screen
shown in the screenshot below.
Change NR Status

In this screen, you can change the value of the last assigned number. This is
applicable to internal number ranges.

Now, for our requirement, we want to create two new intervals. Click on
the Change Intervals pushbutton. In the next screen, click on the Insert Line icon as
shown in the picture below. You will need to click this icon as many times as the
number of new intervals that are to be added. In our case, click the icon twice, so
that two intervals can be added.

Insert Lines

Enter the required interval details as shown. Leave the Ext. flag unchecked in
accordance with our requirement of internal numbering.

Create New Intervals

Then click on the Save icon.

Changes Saved Successfully

The two new intervals 13 (78000 – 78999) and 14 (79000 – 79999) have been

Update the NUMKR feature

We now need to update the NUMKR feature to default the number range 13 (78000
– 78999) for regular employees and 14 (79000 – 79999) for Pensioners.

There are two ways to reach this configuration node.

1. Enter transaction code SPRO and then follow the below mentioned customizing

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Basic settings – Determine

defaults for number ranges

This is shown in the screenshot below.

Determine Defaults for Number Ranges

2. Enter transaction code PE03. Enter feature NUMKR. This directly takes you to the
feature shown in the picture below.

NUMKR Feature

We need to make the below changes as shown in the next picture.

Updating NUMKR Feature

Let’s interpret the changes we have made. Our changes imply that for Country
grouping 04 (Spain), if the company code is A001, the system will then check the
Employee Group. If the Employee group is 1 (Regular employees), then the return
value is 13. This means that for Regular employees, the system defaults the number
range to 13 (78000 – 78999). If the Employee group is 2 (Pensioners), then the
return value is 14. This means that for Pensioners, the system defaults the number
range to 14 (79000 – 79999).

Let’s test our changes by hiring two employees using the transaction code PA40.

1. Regular employee. Select the Hire action as shown in Figure 14. Leave the
Personnel Number blank as this will be internally generated as per the number

PA40 – Hire Action

Enter the Organizational assignment details and assign the employee to Employee
group 1 (Employee).

Enter Organizational assignment details

On saving, the Personnel number is internally assigned as 78000 which is as per our
requirement for Regular employees.

Personnel Number Internally Assigned

2. Pensioner. Select the Hire action. Leave the Personnel Number blank as this will
be internally generated as per the Pensioner number range.

Hiring a Pensioner

Enter the Organizational assignment details and assign the employee to Employee
group 2 (Pensioner).

Enter Organizational Assignment Details

On saving the data, the Personnel number is internally assigned as 79000 which is
as per our requirement for Pensioners.

Personnel Number Internally Assigned

We can go back to check the intervals using transaction PA04. The NR status is
updated to indicate the last personnel number assigned.

NR Status in Maintain Intervals Transaction

SAP HR Personnel Actions

SAP HR personnel actions allow users to maintain employee master data using a set
of relevant infotypes that is sequentially maintained one after the other. The use of a
personnel action to enter employee master data ensures that all core data is entered
in the system. SAP HR personnel actions can represent a specific step in the
employee lifecycle such as hiring, promotion and termination.

In every personnel action there is a corresponding reason for action which provides
further detail on the action used. For example, for a hiring action, the reason for the
action may be replacement or a new hire.

Below are some examples of SAP HR personnel actions and their corresponding
reasons and infotypes:

Personnel Action
Reason for Action Infotypes Maintained

Organizational Assignment

Personal Data

New hire

Planned Working Time

Hiring Special Projects

Basic Pay

Contract Elements


Bank Details

Organizational Assignment
Lateral Transfer
Basic Pay
Employee Transfer
Planned Working Time
Contract Elements

Pay scale
Pay scale increase

Basic Pay
Additional Payments
Change of Pay Annual increase



Organizational Assignment
Retirement Basic Pay

Health Reasons Recurring


Management Conflict
Termination Additional Payments

Death of employee
Absence Quotas

Did Not Return From

Leave Contract Elements


Configure SAP HR Personnel Actions

Setup of SAP HR personnel actions consists of the following configuration activities:

1. Assign user group dependency on menus and info groups

2. Configure info group
3. Create personnel action type
4. Create reasons for action
5. Change action menu

We will describe each of these activities in detail in the following sections.

Assign User Group Dependency on Menus and Info Groups

A user group is used to group together users based on their function or role in SAP.
It is a 2-digit number stored in the info group, that drives the infotypes that will be
included in the personnel action. It must be assigned to the user profile of a system
user as user parameter UGR.

In this configuration step, the info group is created and flagged if it is user group
dependent. This step should be completed first as the info group will be assigned to
the personnel action upon creation. This customizing activity can can be accessed
via the path below in transaction code SPRO:

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Customizing Procedures –

Actions – Define Infogroup – User Group Dependency on Menus and Info Groups

To create a new info group, click on New Entries. Enter the following information:

1. Assign a 2-digit menu number that will be assigned to personnel action types
2. Enter text description of the info group
3. Select user-dependent tickbox if the user group is used for the info group
4. Specify whether the system reaction should be a warning, error or nothing if no user
group is defined in the parameters of the system user
5. Specify a reference user group that should be used if no user group is defined in the
parameters of the system user

Create Info Group Screen

Configure Info Group

In this step, the series of infotypes and their sequence are stored in the info group.
The infotypes will appear in this order when a personnel action is carried out. This
activity can can be accessed via the path below in transaction code SPRO:

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Customizing Procedures –

Actions – Define infogroups – Info group

To add a new infotype to the info group, click on New Entries. Enter the following

1. User group (2-digit number)

2. Infogroup modifier (this is the return value of feature IGMOD)
3. The sequence number is the order in which the infotypes are maintained during a
personnel action
4. Enter INS (insert) or COP (copy) in the operation column (this is the mode used to
process the infotype in an action)
5. Identify the the 4-digit key of the infotype (once entered, infotype text is automatically
6. Specify infotype screen control if it is an infotype with subtypes and multiple screens may
be used
7. The subtype is the default subtype of the infotype that will be displayed during a
personnel action

Configure Infotypes for Info Groups

Create Personnel Action Types

In this step, the action type is created and linked to the info group. This activity can
can be accessed via the path below in transaction code SPRO:

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Customizing Procedures –

Actions – Set up personnel actions – Personnel Action Types

To create a new action type, click on New Entries. Enter the following information:

1. Action type (2-digit alphanumeric key)

2. Name of action type
3. Function character for action (1 is default for first hiring and 0 for other actions)
4. Customer specific status (can be used for additional customization, not required)
5. Employment status represents the default employment status for the employee upon
execution of the action (0 – Employee not with company; 1 – Employee with company,
but inactive; 2 – Employee with company, but as retiree; 3 – Employee active in
6. Special payment status (only used in Austria and Spain)
7. Feature for checking action sequence is an additional system check that validates if the
current action matches the previous action of the employee (MSN20 – for
Withdrawal; MSN21 – for Reentry / Rehire; MSN32 – for Early Retirement / Retirement)
8. Tick the position indicator (P) if the position field in the action infotype should be editable
for this action type
9. Tick the personnel area indicator (PA) if the personnel area field in the action infotype
should be editable for this action type
10. Tick the employee group indicator (EG) if the employee group field in the action infotype
should be editable for this action type
11. Tick the employee subgroup indicator (ES) if the employee subgroup field in the action
infotype should be editable for this action type
12. Link the 2-digit info group to the action type
13. Date control refers to the behaviour of the date entered in the personnel action and can
be entered (BLANK – the start date entered in the personnel action screen is the start
date of the action; 1 – the start date entered is the delimit date of the previous record and
the start date of the new action is start date +1 day; usually used for termination action
with reference to the employee’s last day)
14. Tick the U0000 indicator flag if the action type should be stored in action infotype
15. Tick the U0302 indicator flag if the action type should be stored in additional action
16. Tick the country reassignment flag if the action type is a country reassignment

Create Action Type

Create Reason for Action

Every personnel action has its own reason for action which further describes the
purpose of the personnel action. There can be multiple reasons for action per
personnel action type. To create reasons for action, use the below path in
transaction code SPRO:

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Customizing Procedures –

Actions – Create reasons for personnel actions

To create a new action type, click on New Entries. Enter the following information:

1. Specify the 2-digit action type (once entered, name of action type is automatically
2. Action reason code (2-digit alphanumeric)
3. Text of the reason for action

Create Reason for Action

Change Action Menu

In this step, the display list of action types in the personnel action is configured.
When the personnel action is executed, the list of action types defined in the
respective user groups will appear by default. To change the action menu, use the
below path in transaction code SPRO:

Personnel Management – Personnel Administration – Customizing Procedures –

Actions – Change action menu – Action menu

Enter menu type 01 and hit enter. Click on New Entries. Enter the following

1. User group (2-digit alphanumeric value)

2. Specify the order of display of the action types as the sequence number
3. 2-digit action type (once entered, name of action type is automatically displayed)

Configure Action Menu

As an example, the above configured action menu will be displayed as shown below
in personnel actions. SAP HR personnel actions can be accessed via transaction
code PA40 or from SAP Menu:

Human Resources – Personnel Management – Administration – HR Master

Data – Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions Screen


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