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The Sublime Science Academy Rajanpur

Test Math (1st Year) Chapter 01 & 14 Total Marks :- 50

Roll No:__________ Time: 1 hour Name:___________
Q1. Tick the correct answer. (20)
1. √ 3 is __________
(a) Rational (b) Irrational (c) Integer (d) Prime
2. Product √ −2 × √ −2 is equal to _____
(a) -2 (b) 2 (c) 0 (d) 4
3. The imaginary part of the complex number (b , a) is _________
(a) a (b) b (c) ia (d) None of these
4. If z=−1−i then z=¿ ______
(a) (−1 ,−1) (b) (−1 , 1) (c) (1 ,−1) (d) (1 , 1)
5. The property 7.8+ (−7.8 )=0 is______
(a) Commutative (b)‘.’ inverse (c) ‘+ ’ inverse (d) Associative
6. If x=0 then multiplicative inverse of x is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) (d) None of these
7. (−i )15 =¿_______
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) i (d) – i
8. If z 1 and z 2 are complex numbers then ¿ z 1|-| z 2| is _______
(a) ¿| z 1+ z 2| (b) ≤| z 1+ z 2| (c) ≥∨z 1+ z 2| (d) None of these
9. A recurring decimal represents_____
(a) Real number (b) Natural number (c) Rational number (d) None of these
10. (−1 ) =¿ ______

(a) i (b) – i (c) 1 (d) -1

11. Every recurring decimal is
(a) a rational number (b) an irrational number (c) a prime number (d) a whole number
12. The set {1,-1} possess closure property w .r . t
(a) Addition (b) multiplication (c) division (d) subtraction
13. Imaginary part of (−2+3 i 3 ) is
(a) -2 (b) 9 (c) 26 (d) -8
14. The product of two conjugate complex numbers is
(a) A real number (b) an imaginary number (c) may be an irrational number (d) not defined
15. ( 0 , 3 ) (0 , 5) is equal to:
(a) 15 (b) -15 (c) −8 i (d) 8 i
16. ( 0 , 1 ) is equal to:
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) i (d) – i
17. If n is an even integer, then ( i ) is equal to:
(a) i (b) – i (c) ± 1 (d) 1
18. Multiplicative inverse of (−4 , 7)
−4 7 4 7 −4 7 4 7
(a) ( , ) (b) ( ,− ) (c) ( ,− ) (d) ( ,− )
65 65 65 65 √ 65 √ 65 √ 65 √ 65
19. Factors of 3(x 2 + y 2 ) are:
(a) 3 ( x+ y ) ( x− y ) (b) 3 ( x+ iy ) ( x−iy) (c) √ 3 ( x+iy ) (x−iy) (d) None of these
2+ i
20. Real part of is:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) -1 (d)
Q2. Short Questions (30)
a c
i. Prove that = < ¿>ad=bc
b d
ii. Separate into real and imaginary parts
1+ i
iii. Express the complex number 1+ √ 3 i into polar form
iv. Find the multiplicative inverse of (1 , 2)
v. Simplify i 101 and i−3
vi. Define Rational and Irrational numbers.
vii. Prove that a .0=0
viii. Show that ∀ z ∈ C , z 2+ z 2 isa real number .
ix. Simplify ( a−ib )
x. Simplify by expressing in the form of a+ bi ,
√5+ √−8
The Sublime Science Academy Rajanpur
2 3
xi. Solve sin x= ∈[0 , 2 π ]
xii. Solve the equation sinx=
xiii. Define trigonometric equation.
2 1
xiv. Solve ta n x=
xv. Find the values of θ satisfying the equation 2 si n2 θ−sinθ=0

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