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Table of Contents Pages

I. Introduction 3
II. Space Requirements 4
III. Project Objective 12
IV. General Information Regarding Embassy Design Standards 12
V. Selected Site Analysis 14
VI. References 15

I. Introduction
The official home of American diplomats and government personnel stationed
abroad is called an embassy. It is the foundation of a nation's diplomatic mission
overseas, or the political, cultural, and social ties between the nations. Since it serves
as the location of the ambassador's office and occasionally residence, there can only
be one embassy representing a single nation abroad. The ambassador of a country is
often the U.S. the president's envoy to the receiving nation. An embassy is typically
found in the capital city of a nation, although it is also possible for it to establish
consulates, or satellite offices, in other places.
Moreover, numerous buildings can be found in a large embassy. The chancery
is the name of the main diplomatic building; the other structures are referred to as
annexes. Embassies serve as the public faces of the United States in its host nations
and are frequently stunning architectural structures. For safety reasons, American
employees may reside on the embassy grounds in some nations. Both foreign
embassies and consulates in the United States and those of the United States
overseas have a unique status. Although the security around an embassy and
American diplomats are within the jurisdiction of the host government, the embassy
itself is the property of the nation it represents. An embassy cannot be entered by
representatives of the host nation without authorization. An embassy's attack is
deemed an attack on the nation it represents.
On the other hand, the term "mission" has several connotations in diplomacy.
The term "mission" refers to all embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic facilities
located abroad. The accomplishment of American foreign policy goals is the shared
objective of these missions. authorities. The US participates in a wide range of
international organizations. The United States' representation in foreign organizations
is also referred to as a diplomatic mission. These missions, like the U.S., are typically
indicated with a capital M. The United Nations Mission. An ambassador oversees a
mission, which performs some of the same functions as an embassy. The personnel
in a mission are different in that they pay particular attention to multilateral issues.
Consider the U.S. The activities of the New York City Mission to the UN are diverse.
It's the biggest American mission to a foreign organization. More than 200 employees
follow and report on global news, interact with the media, and have talks with delegates
of other UN member states. The advancement of American objectives that foster
global peace and prosperity is the primary objective of mission staff.

The U.S. government has been represented in the Philippines since the
Republic of the Philippines attained independence in 1946 and it’s called embassy. As
the Philippine government's official representative, the Embassy performs a wide
range of duties. These include consular affairs, public diplomacy, political,
administrative, and economic matters overseen by advisors from the Department of
State under the direction of the ambassador. Bilateral development initiatives are
overseen by the US Agency for International Development. The Embassy's Defense
Attaché office handles military matters. The Embassy serves as the sole overseas

location for the U.S. Veterans Administration. Many American and Filipino veterans
who live in the Philippines have their veterans' affairs handled by this agency.


a. Office of the Ambassador

- The ambassador, who holds the position of highest-ranking diplomatic representative

of the sending country in the host country, operates out of this area principally. It is
used for formal gatherings, policy talks, and decision-making.

• Private Secretary - The private secretary works closely with the ambassador,
organizing schedules, taking care of administrative duties, and frequently acting
as the ambassador's point of contact with other staff members.
• Deputy Chief of Mission - Serving as the ambassador's primary deputy, the
deputy chief of mission is the second-highest ranked official in the embassy.
This person could take the obligations as an ambassador when they are away.
• Chief of Liaison - In charge of overseeing coordination and communication
between the embassy and regional authorities or organizations in the host
nation is the Chief of Liaison.
• Offices of Liaison Officers - Support personnel in charge of correspondence,
administrative duties, and cooperation among the liaison office's staff.

b. Administrative Section

• Administrative Officer - An officer in charge of controlling and supervising

administrative duties carried out by the embassy. Usually, this position entails
organizing different administrative chores, making sure everything runs well,
and helping out other departments as required.
c. Budget and Fiscal

- The officer in charge of budget and finances is in charge of overseeing the

embassy's financial resources, creating budgets, and managing money-related
issues to guarantee adherence to financial rules and guidelines.
d. Liaison Attache

• Principal Liaison Officer - The senior person in the embassy's Liaison Attache
division, who is in charge of managing and organizing contacts with other
• Officer of Liaison - An official tasked with fostering and upholding collaboration
and communication between the Embassy and other foreign institutions,
administrations, or agencies.
• Secretaries - Individuals in charge of handling paperwork, communicating
inside the section on Liaison Attache

e. Military Attache
- Office of a military expert assigned to a diplomatic mission, usually an embassy,
is known as a military attaché or defense attaché. Typically, a senior military
officer holds a commission and serves in a diplomatic capacity for this kind of
attaché role. There are occasionally opportunities to serve in the military of
another sovereign state. The attaché enjoys all of the rights of an ambassador
from abroad.
f. Information Services, Radio and Press Area

- Planning, organizing, and directing the actions that will most efficiently gather
news about events inside the Executive branch of the government and
distribute it to the media falls within the primary purview of the Communications
Group. The Group's other responsibility is to strengthen support for and
understanding of government policies and activities among Filipinos.
g. Press
- Press conferences are meetings when information is presented and questions
from the media are accepted. These occasions are arranged in response to
both good and bad news, to introduce new products, or to provide the public
and media with any further information about the company.
h. Publication Affairs and Exhibition Section

- the section of the virtual event where all of the exhibitors will assemble and
maintain their virtual booths.
i. General Amenities

- This is an adaptable area set aside for several uses that might not fall under
one particular category. Depending on the requirements of the embassy, it can
be utilized for various purposes.
• Mail Room - a specific location inside the embassy where mail and packages
are received, processed, and distributed. Usually, it has stations for sorting mail,
storage for parcels, as well as tools for managing postal services.
• Units of Distribution and Mail - the embassy's distribution and postal units are
areas or divisions where mail is sorted and delivered to the right people.
Sorting, packing, and arranging may be required the mail delivery to various
embassy departments or personnel.
• Conference Room - a section of the embassy set aside for talks, seminars, and
meetings. It has the amenities, seating configurations, and audio-visual
equipment required to encourage productive dialogue and cooperation
between embassy employees and outside partners. Meetings, briefings, and
other official business require conference rooms.

j. Garage and Parking Area

• Parking area: a facility or place set aside for parking cars that offers a safe and
arranged parking space for guests and embassy employees.
• Dispatchers Office: A space or room where dispatchers oversee and plan the
flow of Several automobiles, guaranteeing effective transit inside the embassy
• Wash and Grease Rack: A location outfitted with tools for servicing and cleaning
cars, to guarantee optimal performance and hygiene, cleaning and oiling are
• Drivers' Dayroom and Rest Area: A specially designed area for drivers to relax
during breaks, furnished with including amenities like restrooms, beverages,
and seats.
• Motor Pool: A central location for the upkeep and storage of embassy vehicles,
usually incorporating vehicle management administrative agencies.
k. Functional and Service Areas

• Marine Guard Room: a safe haven where marine guards are in charge of
Security personnel stationed at embassies oversee access control.
• Medical - a space set aside to offer embassy workers medical services and
amenities, such as exam rooms, first aid kits, and additional medical supplies.
• VIP Officers: Designated areas or spaces for receiving and entertaining high-
ranking visitors (Very Important People) on the grounds of the embassy.
• General Supply Room - a general supply room is a place to keep necessary
materials, equipment, and supplies for the embassy's day-to-day activities.
• Snack Bar - a tiny cafeteria or snack section where employees of embassies
can buy food and drinks.
• Communication Room - a room set aside for housing facilities and equipment
used for communication vital for effective and safe communication inside the
• Power House - the building in charge of producing and distributing power inside
the embassy, which frequently houses electrical infrastructure and generators.
• Electrical Room - an area set aside for storing and arranging electrical devices
is known as an electrical room, an infrastructure that is required to run the
• Messengers Quarters - residential spaces for messengers who are in charge
of receiving and delivering official correspondence and papers inside the
• Quarters for Security Units - residential spaces for guards in charge of
protecting the embassy.
• Restrooms - establishments offering amenities for embassy personnel and
guests to use.

• Laundry - a space set aside for cleaning and laundry clothes, linens, and other
objects utilized inside the embassy.
• Mess Hall and Kitchen - are a shared dining facility and kitchen for diplomatic
personnel where food is cooked and served

l. US Agencies

• Asian Development Bank

- Office of the U.S. The United States is represented on the Asian
Development Bank (ADB) Board of Directors by the Executive Director
(OUSED), with whom the country has 12.75% voting power and 15.57%
capital stock. The Office collaborates closely with the U.S. in its
representation of the United States on the ADB Board. the State, Treasury,
and Commerce departments, as well as with other U. S. Government
departments and agencies to make sure that American opinions are voiced
and taken into consideration when the Board makes decisions about
project/sector lending, grants and technical assistance, policy issues,
budgetary, administrative, and other matters.
• Customs and Border Protection
- One of the biggest and most intricate divisions of the Department of
Homeland Security is Customs and Border Protection, whose main goal is
to prevent terrorists and their weapons from entering the country. It is also
accountable for maintaining hundreds of U.S. laws, such as those pertaining
to immigration and drugs, and for protecting and facilitating trade and travel.
• Drug Enforcement Administration
- The goal of the DEA is to uphold U.S. controlled substances act and to
prosecute individuals and organizations engaged in the production and sale
of chemicals and other restricted substances meant for black market drug
markets. The DEA Country Office counsels the United States and is in
charge of promoting American counterdrug policies. ambassador on
Philippine-related drug-related concerns. DEA collaborates with Philippine
law enforcement organizations on major drug investigations that have an
impact both internationally and regionally, including the Philippine National
Police, the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, and the National Bureau
of Investigation.
• Federal Bureau of Investigation
- The main law enforcement organization for the federal government of the
United States is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which is tasked
with upholding more than 200 federal statutes and offering assistance to
other law enforcement organizations in the form of fingerprint identification,
lab testing, and police training. The FBI conducts investigations in the
following areas: financial crimes, cybercrimes, organized crime and drugs,
civil rights, violent crimes and serious offenders, and counterterrorism.

• Homeland Security Investigations
- The directorate of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is in charge of
looking into a broad variety of domestic and foreign operations related to the
unauthorized entry, transit, and departure of persons and property into and
from the United States. The Human Rights Institute (HSI) looks into
immigration offenses, human rights abuses, drug and weapon smuggling,
financial crimes, cybercrime, and export control matters. Investigative work
by HSI special agents is done to safeguard industries that are vital to the
nation and are susceptible to exploitation, sabotage, and attacks.
• International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program
- Working with foreign governments, the International Criminal Investigative
Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) aims to create transparent,
professional law enforcement organizations that uphold human rights, fight
corruption, and lessen the threat of terrorism and transnational crime.
ICITAP, which is housed in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice
and is mostly supported by the State Department, offers foreign policy and
national security goals through international development assistance.
• Joint US Military Assistance Group
- JUSMAGPHIL, or the Joint US Military Assistance Group to the Republic of
the Philippines, is the U.S. The Philippines' Security Assistance
Organization (SAO). The Senior Defense Official is also the Chief of
JUSMAGPHIL. JUSMAGPHIL reports to the US Ambassador to the
Republic of the Philippines in addition to the military chain of command. In
addition to non-security assistance missions, JUSMAGPHIL is in charge of
managing security assistance missions. The second-largest International
Military Education and Training (IMET) program in Southeast Asia, Joint
Combined Bilateral Exercise Programs, and the coordination of joint U.S.
and Republic of the Philippines military to military engagement programs
mandated by the Mutual Defense Board are a few examples.
• The Millennium Challenge Corporation
- MCC is an American company that was founded in the year 2000. A
government organization spearheading the battle against world poverty by
promoting sustainable economic expansion. Congress established it in
2004 and it functions on the tenets of results-driven planning, country-led
execution, competitive selection, and country-led design. The world's
poorest nations have received more than $10 billion to fund initiatives that
strengthen essential infrastructure, encourage good governance, increase
access to and delivery of social services, and provide opportunities for
business and finance. With a performance-based methodology, MCC may
cease funding if our partner nations don't show a commitment to economic
freedom, good governance, and investing in their people.

• Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training
- To create and manage technical assistance programs aimed at
strengthening the capacities of foreign justice sector organizations and their
law enforcement officers so they can work together with the Department of
Justice to combat financial crimes, organized crime, terrorism, human
trafficking, and corruption. To improve foreign justice sector collaboration,
OPDAT conducts justice sector institution construction, including technical
assistance and skills development support.
• Peace Corps
- The Philippines is now receiving assistance from Peace Corps in four areas:
education; disaster management; children, youth, and families; and coastal
resource management. In addition to co-teaching English, Peace Corps
volunteers also work in basic literacy programs, life skills training, coastal
resource assessments, the creation of marine protected areas, and system
and process development for efficient disaster management.
• Social Security Administration
- With many of the same services and functions, the Social Security
Administration (SSA) is set up to resemble a stateside office in the United
States. The administration of SSA services and programs for residents of
the East Asia Pacific Region is the main goal.
• U.S. Agency for International Development
- The main organization in charge of overseeing U.S. foreign aid programs is
the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Government support initiatives in over 100 developing nations worldwide.
USAID works to establish and maintain democratic, well-governed states
that address the needs of their citizens, lessen pervasive poverty, and
behave honorably in the international community. These states fall under
the general foreign policy direction of the Secretary of State.
• U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
• U.S. Department of Justice
- The actual criminal investigations carried out by law enforcement agencies
in the Philippines and the United States are supported by the U.S.
prosecutor known as the DOJ Attaché. This covers inquiries into
transgressions of both Philippine and American laws. The DOJ Attaché,
among other things, drafts and supports official treaty requests in order to:
a) extradite defendants to or from the Philippines as needed by the case;
and b) obtain evidence for use in US and Philippine court prosecutions.
• U.S. Department of Agriculture – Foreign Agricultural Service
- The American Embassy hosts the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) office,
which serves to facilitate U.S. agricultural trade and helps Philippine
consumers find American food products. In addition to providing trade
services, preparing commodity reports, and organizing promotional events

for the grocery, lodging, and restaurant businesses, FAS also gives
technical information on USDA standards.
• U.S. Department of Agriculture – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
- The purpose of APHIS is to "safeguard the health, welfare, and value of
American agriculture and natural resources." The APHIS Office in Embassy
Manila directly supports this goal by collaborating with Philippine local
• U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Being an essential component of the United States. In order to assist people
who have served both of our countries, VA Manila's Mission to the
Philippines collaborates with numerous veteran’s service organizations and
its Philippine counterparts. The honor, privilege, and duty entrusted to us—
"to care for those to whom we owe so much”—are held sacred by VA Manila
and its partners by offering a comprehensive range of timely and
compassionate benefits and services. Both American veterans and some
citizens of the Philippines are eligible for veteran's benefits programs offered
by the US government. military personnel stationed in the Philippines.
• U.S. Foreign Commercial Services
- In addition to conducting due diligence, arranging trade missions from the
United States, arranging participation at specific trade events in Southeast
Asia and the United States, and identifying and screening local partners,
distributors, and agents for their products and services, the U.S.
Commercial Service Philippines helps American businesses enter the
vibrant Philippine market. Through formal trade delegations to trade shows
in the United States, the U.S. Commercial Service also works closely with
eligible Filipino companies interested in doing business with American
enterprises, assisting them in locating American suppliers and investigating
new business opportunities. By use of its SelectUSA portal, the U.S.
Additionally, greenfield investments made by Filipino businesses in the US
are made easier by Commercial Service. These includes:
- banks
- restaurants
- coffee shop
- computer shop
- mini mart

m. US Department Sections

• U.S. Department of State Consular Section

- It’s the Visa Units and American Citizen Services comprise the Embassy in
the Philippines. In addition to processing applications for federal benefits,
notarial, reports of births and deaths overseas, emergency services for
American citizens in need, and passport applications, the American Citizen

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Services unit helps American citizens residing overseas. For a variety of
purposes, including general business, tourism, research, exchange,
temporary employment, and more, the Visa Units assist anyone wishing to
enter the country temporarily under a U.S. nonimmigrant visa. Visas for
immigrants are intended for people who want to live permanently or
indefinitely in the United States.
• U.S. Department of State Economic Section
- The Department of State's economic statecraft agenda is furthered by the
economic department, with the goal of bolstering domestic American
employment and prosperity. Free trade, level playing fields for US
businesses, US exports, energy security, environmental sustainability,
innovation via strong science, entrepreneurship, and technology practices,
US job-creating investment, and US values via corporate social
responsibility are all supported. It promotes areas of mutual interest with the
Philippines, including international economic cooperation in fora like the
World Trade Organization, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, and
ASEAN, in order to sustain a more democratic, secure, and prosperous
world through the Bilateral Strategic Dialogue, Trade and Investment
Framework Agreement, Partnership for Growth, and other bilateral
mechanisms. It seeks to give American companies doing business in the
Philippines access to the American government while also giving Americans
thinking about doing business here fast and pertinent information.
• U.S. Department of State Management Section
- The 27 agencies of the Mission receive management, administrative, and
logistical support from the U.S. Embassy Management Office. In addition to
acting as the ambassador's representative at neighborhood schools, the
Inter-Agency Housing Board, the American Recreation Club, the USEFEA
(U.S. Embassy Filipino Employees Association), and the USEFECC (U.S.
Embassy Filipino Employees Credit Cooperative), section responsibilities
also include negotiating reciprocity issues with our host government. The
Facilities Management (FAC), Financial Management (FMC), Human
Resources (HR), Information Management (IM), General Services Office
(GSO), Medical Unit (MED), and Community Liaison Office (CLO) sub-
sections are under the direction of the Management Counselor. More than
344 American and Filipino employees work for the Management Section
(MGT) in Manila, where they offer the Mission a wide range of management,
liaison, administrative, and support services.
• U.S. Department of State Political Section
- The Political Section is in charge of reporting on significant happenings in
the Philippines and delivering official US positions on political issues to the
Philippine government. Issues that are brought before the UN, military
cooperation between our two governments, and disarmament are examples

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of topics that may be represented. Campaigns and elections, human rights,
international relations, and regional affairs are all included in reporting.
• U.S. Department of State Public Affairs Section
- The Public Affairs Section, or PAS, is in charge of carrying out the U.S. The
information, educational, and cultural exchange activities of the
government. Press events for visiting USG officials and Embassy staff are
organized by the Press Office, which also keeps an eye on Philippine media.
The news Office also disseminates a variety of publications outlining and
clarifying USG policy, such as the wireless file, and provides news releases
on USG policy and Embassy operations.
n. Building Flexibility and Ease of Expansion

- Future American embassy building designs need to consider taking into

account the reality that the tasks carried out within them will always need to
expand, contract, and transform in various ways, and occasionally during the
process that are not and cannot be predicted original construction and design

o. Employee Dormitory

III. Project Objectives

Given its proximity to Clark International Airport, the primary goal of the
proposed relocation of the US embassy is to facilitate easy access to the many
papers the embassy will supply. The location is easily accessible, particularly for
Pampanga residents. Furthermore, the location has a bigger lot and almost serves
as a one-stop shop, which facilitates future consumers' responsibilities.
Additionally, the proposal offers improved security, particularly for staff safety, for
the main offices. The Philippine fire code and accessibility rules are also given

IV. General Information Regarding Embassy Design Standards

Nowadays, every structure is made to abide by a number of life safety

regulations. One of the most typical building typologies are those found in
embassies. which, particularly in its design, is directly impacted by increased life
safety issues as well as building design. An ambassador's official apartment or
offices are known as an embassy from a nation. Prior to discussing architecture
and aesthetics, it is important to keep in mind that an embassy is a diplomatic
structure that is more about safety than beauty. The wealth and diversity of the
climatic and geographical settings in which embassy buildings will be located must
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be taken into consideration. The design problems faced by each embassy building
are distinct and formidable: an embassy is a building that needs to respect its
setting, wherever it may be, while also best capturing the essence and advantages
of the nation. Money and cultural affinities are the two key elements influencing the
value of U.S. embassies. These criteria also impact how an embassy is designed.
These days, embassies have a greater impact on international relations,
supporting current alliances and influencing the political goals of other nations.
Instead, other than using the dominant iconography that most embassies are
known for, embassies can get greater awareness through context by experimenting
with different forms and design techniques.
Additionally, embassy buildings need to fulfill a number of intricate and
technically challenging functional requirements, many of which have been
introduced recently to increase protection. Early in its discussions, the Committee
recognized that there could not be a single, consistent set of answers to all the
different factors and requirements in engineering and architectural design. Rather
than being defined in terms of defined, static, structured, generic design solutions,
the State Department's design specifications, parameters, and standards should
be developed and evaluated in terms of the necessary performance
characteristics. Embassy structures are the real-life representations of other
countries. At their best, embassies may pave the way for nations to create bridges;
at their worst, they can exacerbate tense relations. As a powerful tool, embassy
architecture is employed to make audacious political statements about world
The power and symbolism of architecture are so profound that the structures
themselves are seen as symbols of dominance and power. An important building
could be taken over or destroyed to demonstrate one person's superiority over
another. This devastation has often occurred throughout history and is still
happening now. A nation's embassy is among the most significant structures on a
global scale. They are granted exceptional political rights, privileges, and
immunities in a foreign nation. Sadly, assaults against embassies happen
frequently. Protests and the use of vehicle-borne IEDs (VBIEDs) that completely
demolish embassy structures are examples of attacks against embassies. The
design strategy for embassy design is therefore constantly scrutinized because
previous attempts to strike a balance between security and beauty have failed. This
proposed Embassy building has an American Bald Eagle shaped on its master
development plan view. Aside from it being the national bird of United States since
1782, Like other eagles around the world, bald eagles have long been regarded by
many as emblems of bravery, strength, independence, and immortality.
Furthermore, the bald eagle was native to North America alone, unlike other eagle
species. A few eagles have made history in the United States.

Moreover, the general architectural character that the designer used in this
proposed US Embassy is Neoclassical Architecture. An architectural style known

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as "neoclassical architecture" was developed during the 1750s–1760s resurgence
of Classical Greek and Roman architecture, which reached its zenith in the 18th
and 19th centuries. Numerous characteristics define neoclassical architecture,
including dramatic columns, bare walls, Greek or Roman detail (particularly Doric),
large scale, and basic geometric forms. Its rococo style was a protest to the
excesses of the period. The popularity of neoclassical design produced some of
the most recognizable structures in the United States, even though the style
produced landmark buildings all over the world. Neoclassical architecture first
appeared in France and Italy in the late 18th century, and as it expanded
throughout Europe, it was widely adopted in American architecture throughout that
period and into the early 20th century for use in public and private buildings. Early
American neoclassicism gained popularity as a result of the emergence of
neoclassical structures in Europe that imitated Greco-Roman forms. This fashion
was noteworthy because it embodied the ideas of democracy and justice. The
Roman Republic's concepts of a representative government served as the
inspiration for the American and French Revolutions. Therefore, the neoclassical
style was a deliberate attempt to mimic the impact of representative government
and democracy in the recently established United States.

V. Selected Site Analysis

The location of selected site is in the Gil Puyat Avenue, Zone, Clark Freeport,
Mabalacat, Pampanga. The site is near in the Clark International Airport.
Geographically speaking, Clark is among the safest SEZs in the Philippines when
compared to other SEZs. Being surrounded by mountain ranges, 130 meters
above sea level, and distant from active fault lines makes it disaster-proof. With its
favorable advantages for foreign investors, Clark, Pampanga is quickly becoming
one of the Philippines' top investment destinations and establishing itself as an
economic zone on the international map. Pampanga's Clark is not a city. Since
Clark is a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), companies who locate here benefit from
favorable investment and tax laws. Enhanced deductions, non-fiscal incentives,
and fiscal incentives are some of these programs. The Clark Freeport Zone, Clark
International Airport, Clark Global City, and Clark are the four districts that are

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The site's proximity to the Clark International Airport makes it easier to access,
particularly for citizens from various areas who must land at the airport. The site
has also lots of vegetations. The site also is quite accessible, especially to the
people of Pampanga. Additionally, the site features a larger lot and nearly functions
as a one-stop offices, making it simpler for future users to do their tasks.

VI. References:

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