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" Lizale lay Ladily Ladi lo Lale gill Chemistry 1st Practical exam S24 Redox titration Weiteise Titration with KMn0O4 in Acidic medium Titration of potassium permanganate solution against standard ferrous ammonium sulfate CERTIORARI ATLLN solution: Aim: To determine the strength of a given potassium permanganate solution against a Theory Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant in the presence of sulfuric acid. Mohr salt is a double salt forming a single crystalline structure having the formula | (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H20. }Unt chemical name for Mohr's salt is ferrous ammonium sulfate. In this titration Mohr salt acts as a reducing agent and potassium permanganate acts as an oxidising agent. So, the reaction between Mohr’s salt and potassium permanganate is a redox reaction. In this redox reaction, ferrous en from Mohr's salt gets oxidised to Fe 4nd pink coloured of manganese present in potassium permanganate, which is is in the( Mn) oxidation state gets reduced to alae The ionic equation involved in the process is given below. Oxidation half reaction [ fe ~ be +e ]------ > x5 Reduction half reaction 2+ Mn04+8H +5e Mn +4H20 Overall ionic equation = + 2+ 2+ 3+ Mn0O4 +8H +5Fe —=Mn +5Fe +4H20 Materials Required: Mohr's salt (ferrous ammonium sulfate) Potassium permanganate solution Dilute sulfuric acid Chemical balance Burette Burette stand Pipette Conical flask Funnel Measuring flask Apparatus Setup: In burette - KMn04 acidified solution unknown concentration ????_>_ titrant In Conical flask - 10ml of Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate (Mohr’'s salt) Indicator - Self indicator (KMn04) End Point — Colourless to permanent pale pink colour. V, initial KMnO, Veinat 7 End point: pale Ferrous Ammonium it sulphate (Mohr’s salt) + permanen' Sulphuric acid pink color ® ® Procedure Titration of potassium permanganate solution against standard ferrous ammonium sulfate (Mohr’s salt) solution: G_ Record the reading in the observation table given below in order to calculate the molarity of KMn04 given. Observations: ' Volume o Burette V of KMn04 | Average V Trials (Mohr's salt) ~~ Reading Used . : V1+V2+ V3 0o- 10 ml Vi Vf vO 3 10 ml v1 = ml 1- Vi VE — = 10 ml v2 vi VE os 10 ml v3 Calculations: Strength of KMn04 solution: - + 2+ ag Mn04_ +8H +5Fe -—Mn +5Fe +4H20 M1 V1 = M2 V2 1 5 Example of calculation OQ _ Say the standerd solution of Mohr's solution is 0.15 M OQ The volume used in titration is 10 ml OQ _ The average KMn04 volume used is 15 ml OQ So the the Molarity of KMnO4is...........M M1 x15 = 0.15 x 10 1 5 QO The Molarity of given KMn04 = 0.02 M O The S=MxMm GO -S= 0.02 x 158 = 3.16-9/L Precautions: Potassium permanganate is dark, so always read the upper meniscus. Lower Upper meniscus meniscus Transparent Colored or liquid non- transparent liquid Why is dil.sulfuric acid suitable for permanganate titration? KMn04 acts as a good oxidising agent in acidic medium. If acid is not used KMn04 may be oxidised to MnO2 giving a brown precipitate. Why is dil. Hydrochloric_acid NOT suitable for permanganate titration? 2KMn04+16HCI | 2MnCl2+2KCI+8H20+5Cl21 As KMn04 is strong & oxidant It oxidised HCl used to Cl2 gas evolved as above equation + calculated average volume used in titration not accurate, as some of KIVinO4 is used in oxidation process of HCl What is the standard solution? A standard solution is a solution whose concentration is known. The normality and molarity of the solution is known Best wishes @W love all guy's B Royal society of chemistry With Dr saif soliman

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