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Sound and light Doppler effects

Denis Michel
Université de Rennes1, Irset, Rennes, France. E-mail:

Although electromagnetic and acoustic waves pro- 1 Introduction

foundly differ in their nature, comparing their
Doppler effects is instructive and reveals persistent One of the major results of the theory of the special rela-
arXiv:2112.13661v1 [physics.class-ph] 20 Dec 2021

conceptual traps. The principle of the Doppler ef- tivity theory was the establishment of the laws of light
fect was presented by Christain Doppler in 1842 aberration and Doppler effect, but the Doppler effect
long before the advent of relativity theory, but named for its inventor, extends beyond electromagnetic
while the relativistic Doppler effect is now well waves and also exists for waves obeying Galilean rules. Al-
established, its classical version still suffers from though relativistic transformations are more subtle than
misleading intuitions such as: (1) there is no trans- Galilean transformations, Galilean Doppler effects appear
verse classical Doppler effect; (2) the relativistic more complicated and, as a matter of fact, their current
Doppler effect corresponds to the Galilean Doppler formulations are misled. According to the historical re-
effect modified by Lorentz dilation factor. Addi- minders of [1], one of the difficulties encountered by Chris-
tional pitfalls concern the sound Doppler effect tian Doppler was that his theory seemed too simple math-
which, in addition to being Galilean, results from ematically to describe physics, at the time when the most
asymmetric contributions of the sources and re- celebrated tool was the differential equations. However, if
ceptors and depends on a material medium for some differential systems present technical subtleties, they
its propagation, possibly modifying the effective remain globally intuitive while conversely, the conception
velocity of the wave. Moreover, contrary to light, of mathematically simple processes may be tricky, as is
the information on the sound Doppler effect and typically illustrated by the classical Doppler effect. The
the location of the source are transmitted through first sections of this study will focus on the Doppler ef-
different channels, sound and light respectively, fect understood as Galilean in the mathematical sense, by
thereby complicating the interpretation of records considering the receiver as immobile. Then the additional
and increasing confusion. A thorough revision is particularities of the sound Doppler will be introduced,
proposed here, addressing these issues and provid- including the source-receiver asymmetry and the displace-
ing a complete set of new candidate Doppler for- ment of the propagation medium.
mulas, non-collinear, two- and three-dimensional
and in their angular and linear versions.
2 Problems with the angular ver-
sion of the classical Doppler ef-
Sound Doppler effect; Transverse Doppler effect. 2.1 The currently accepted formula
The current Doppler formula describing the change in fre-
quency of a moving source perceived by a static observer
Highlights: is
• Two- and three-dimensional angular Doppler formulas are
f mov 1
reconstructed. = (1)
f 1 − β cos θ
• The Galilean transverse Doppler effect exists.
• It is technically unfeasible to verify the relativistic transverse where β is the ratio of the source velocity to the wave
Doppler effect of Einstein. velocity (β = v/c). A first ambiguity in this formula con-
• The traditional formula for non-collinear sound Doppler ef- cerns the nature of the angle θ between the trajectory of
fect is disqualified. the source and the direction of the receiver. Its origin is the
• A general candidate Doppler formula is proposed for the source but in addition it is necessary to specify whether
sound Doppler effect in the presence of wind. the position of the source is to be considered when the
• Longitudinal non-collinear and non-angular Doppler formu- wave is emitted or received. As the Doppler effect is nat-
las are presented. urally carried and detected through the same wave, the

first possibility appears reasonable and it would therefore that the classical Doppler formula is based on several lay-
be the angle θ0 of Fig.1, ers of misleading intuitions. To make matters worse, these
errors are likely to have been supported by a resemblance
f mov 1 with the relativistic Doppler effect.
= (2)
f 1 − β cos θ0

even if this angle is considered as apparent by the observer 2.2 How the relativistic Doppler effect
who knows that it no longer corresponds to the true posi- could have reinforced a flawed classi-
tion of the source when the Doppler effect is received. cal approach
The formula of the classical Doppler effect (Eq.(2)), has
likely been consolidated by the advent of the relativistic
Doppler effect, whose form can suggest the confusing idea
that it is simply the classical Doppler effect corrected by
the relativistic dilation factor.

2.2.1 The puzzling idea that the classical Doppler

effect is the primary effect of the relativistic
According to approximate relativistic theories, the classi-
cal formula would be a ”primary” Doppler effect of purely
kinetic nature, which must be completed with a so-called
”secondary” effect of time dilationpby the Lorentz factor
(multiplication of the periods by 1/ 1 − β 2 ) to obtain the
relativistic Doppler effect. In fact, in relativity the kinetic
and temporal effects cannot be dissociated and, as recalled
Figure 1. Parameters used to represent the sound Doppler in the appendix B, the Lorentz factor itself includes the
effect. (A) Angular representation. As the speed of light can change of kinetic energy. Nevertheless, this questionable
be considered as infinite compared to that of sound, the sound principle was accepted because it apparently works. In
wave carrying the Doppler effect emitted by the source S un- the famous longitudinal relativistic Doppler formulas, for
der an angle θ0 towards the receiver R, and the light carrying the approach,
the image of the source, emitted under an angle θ towards s
the receiver, arrive together at the receiver. On the whole f mov 1 − β2 1+β
trajectory, D is the shortest distance separating the source = = (5a)
f 1−β 1−β
and the receiver. (B) In this linear representation, the X axis
corresponds to the trajectory of the source. The unit of length and for the recession,
chosen here is the shortest distance D, which allows to define p s
the normalized distance x = X/D. f mov 1 − β2 1−β
= = (5b)
f 1+β 1+β
Eq.(2) is given in textbooks [2] and online courses [3], but
disagrees with the hypothesis of a spherical propagation It can be extended to all intermediate points, not collinear
of the wave around its point of emission, which predicts a to the source path, by applying the same correction to the
Doppler formula of the form [4] general equation Eq.(2).
f mov 1 f mov 1 − β2
=p (3) = (5c)
f 1 + β 2 − 2β cos θ0 f 1 − β cos θ0
It happens that this latter equation is indeed Einstein’s
In an attempt to reconcile the traditional (Eq.(2)) and
relativistic Doppler formula where θ0 is the reception an-
exact (Eq.(3)) formulas, the former could be rewritten as
gle. This unfortunate identity has logically reinforced the
a square root of a square,
supposed validity of the classical Doppler effect formula
f mov
1 for generations of researchers and teachers, and convinced
=p (4) them that the relativistic Doppler effect of Eq.(5c) is sim-
f 1 + β 2 cos2 θ0 − 2β cos θ0
ply the classical Doppler effect of Eq.(2) corrected by the
But Eq.(3) and Eq.(4) are still different and in addi- dilatation factor of special relativity. The consensus gener-
tion one cannot invoke the approximation of a very small ated by this apparent evidence likely inhibited naive ques-
angle θ0 (which would make cos2 θ0 ≈ 1) because of the tions such as, for instance, if the only difference between
alleged prediction that the Doppler effect must vanish the classical and relativistic Doppler effects is the dilation
(λmov /λ = 1) when θ0 = π/2 and cos θ0 = 0. So we see of the periods for the latter, then why would the classical

and relativistic aberration rules be different? Indeed, the this relativistic secondary Doppler effect is the only one
generalized correction by the dilation factor has a homo- perceptible in the transverse situation, was based on a mis-
thetic effect unable in itself to modify the angles. But a conception of the Galilean Doppler effect which presents
majority consensus in the scientific community naturally in fact a very similar transverse Doppler effect.
tends to inhibit legitimate questions.

2.2.2 The mistaken Doppler averaging

3 Galilean and relativistic wave
The concept of secondary Doppler effect supposedly spe-
bubble equations arising from
cific to relativity, was further consolidated by the inappro- their respective transformations
priate use of the arithmetic mean for averaging Doppler
effects. Mathematically, there are several modes of av- Galilean Doppler and aberration formulas can be deduced
eraging which apply differently to the specific situations. from the rays connecting the source to the wavefront,
For example, which type of mean is appropriate for av- taking into account that the wavefront of a classical wave
eraging the Doppler effects obtained in front of and be- is the surface of a sphere and that of a relativistic wave
hind the source? Applying the intuitive arithmetic mean is the surface of an ellipsoid with rotational symmetry
to the longitudinal classical Doppler effect expressed in around the axis of the trajectory [7].
wavelengths, gives
λ 1
= [(1 − β) + (1 + β)] = 1 3.1 The Galilean wave bubble
λ 2
The Galilean transformations are simple: x0 = x+vt, y 0 =
In spite of its pleasant appearance, this result is mis-
y, z 0 = z and t0 = t. Hence, the surface of the Galilean
leading because the same calculation using frequencies
wavefront emitted from a source moving at speed v in the
does not give the same result.
x direction, is a sphere of Cartesian equation

f mov (x + vt)2 + y 2 + z 2 = (ct)2

1 1 1 (7a)
= + 6= 1
f 2 1−β 1+β For a single period wave bubble (t = T = 1) and using the
However, this arithmetic mean has been used in the most parameter β = v/c
famous validation tests of the relativistic Doppler effect, (x + β)2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 (7b)
either longitudinal [5] or transversal [6] (appendix B). But
the arithmetic average of Doppler effects cannot work for The wavelengths are directly obtained by converting
both frequencies and wavelengths. There are different this Cartesian equation in polar equations [4], as the
types of averages including, when applied to two Doppler radii ρ using polar and deviation angles such that x =
effects, ρ sin θ cos ϕ, y = ρ sin θ sin ϕ and z = ρ cos θ. The radius
of the Galilean wave bubble derived from the complete
 mov mov
 Cartesian equation Eq.(7b) reads
1 f1 f
• The arithmetic mean: + 2 q
2 f f
ρ = 1 − β 2 (1 − sin2 θ cos2 ϕ) − β sin θ cos ϕ (8)
 mov mov  21
f1 f2 shown in Fig.2A and which reduces in the two spatial di-
• The geometric mean:
f f mensions x = ρ cos θ and y = ρ sin θ, to the Galilean circle
• The harmonic mean: mov ρ= = 1 − β 2 sin2 θ − β cos θ (9)
f1 + f2mov λ
which is equivalent to a Doppler effect formula ex-
The appropriate one is necessarily the geometric mean, pressed using wavelentghs.
because it is the only one holding for both periods and
frequencies, such that 3.2 The relativistic wave bubble
1 Lorentz transformations rewritten by Poincaré [8] assum-
hf1 , f2 i = (6) x + βt
hT1 , T2 i ing c = 1, are: x0 = p , y 0 = y, z 0 = z and
1 − β 2
Besides, the use of geometric averages for wavelengths
has already been applied empirically and satisfies the rule t0 = pt + βx . They transform the coordinate x into
of color reflectance fusion. The inappropriate use of the p1 − β
arithmetic mean instead of the geometric one, favored the x = x 1 − β 2 + βt0 , so that the relativistic wavefront

theory of the secondary relativistic Doppler effect (ap- is, for one period t0 = T = 1 and the wavelength cT = 1,
pendix B). Finally, as we will see in section 6, the idea that the surface of the single-period ellipsoid:

p 4.2 The Galilean formulas
(x 1 − β 2 + β)2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1 (10)
The reciprocal relations of aberration linking these two
which gives upon conversion in polar coordinates the angles are
remarkably elegant equation !
cos θ − β
p θ = cos−1 p (13a)
1 − β2 1 + β 2 − 2β cos θ0
ρ= (11)
1 + β sin θ cos ϕ
shown in Fig.2B and reducing in 2D polar coordinates to  
the relativistic ellipse, better known in normal coordinates 0 −1 2 2 2
θ = cos cos θ 1 − β sin θ + β sin θ (13b)
as the relativistic Doppler effect

Finally, two Doppler formulas related through the aberra-

λmov 1 − β2
ρ= = (12) tion relations, can be established according to the angle
λ 1 + β cos θ
considered. The Doppler effect is, in function of θ,
f 1
=p (14a)
f θ 1 − β sin2 θ − β cos θ

and in function of θ0
f 1
=p (14b)
f θ0 1 + β − 2β cos θ0

corresponding to Eq.(3).

Figure 2. Perspective view of the shapes of the Galilean (A) 4.3 The relativistic formulas
and relativistic (B) single period wavefront surfaces, drawn to
The above formulas are Galilean and do not apply to elec-
Eq.(8) and Eq.(11) respectively, for β = 0.9. The source is
tromagnetic waves whose wavefronts are ellipsoidal sur-
located at the intersection of the axes.
faces [7, 9]. The aberration relations are in this case

cos θ0 − β
cos θ = (15a)
1 − β cos θ0
4 Galilean and relativistic Doppler
cos θ + β
and aberration formulas cos θ0 = (15b)
1 + β cos θ
The above equations of wave bubbles are also those of and the Doppler effect can also be written in two ways
Doppler effects expressed in wavelengths. They can be  mov 
f 1 + β cos θ
more appropriately expressed with frequencies, in the = p (16a)
Galilean case for an immobile receptor in a stationary f θ 1 − β2
propagation medium. The angle θ used in these equa-  mov  p
f 1 − β2
tions takes into account the position of the source when = (16b)
the Doppler effect is received, but as this position is not f θ0 1 − β cos θ0
visible by the observer in the case of light, it is useful to For geometric demonstrations of all these formulas, see
define another angle, θ0 taking into account the former [4]. The Galilean and relativistic formulas have very dif-
position of the source precisely when it emitted the wave ferent appearances. Although the Galilean transforma-
whose Doppler effect is detected. tions are much simpler than the relativistic (or Lorentz)
ones, paradoxically the relativistic Doppler and aberra-
4.1 Two usable angles and two sets of for- tion formulas appear simpler and more elegant than their
Galilean counterparts, even before applying them addi-
tional complications detailed later, including the propa-
Two angles, linked together by aberration relations, can gation medium and the source-receptor asymmetry. The
be used to describe Doppler effects: Doppler profiles described by these equations are shown
• the angle θ, defined between the source path and the di- in Fig.3 and Fig.4, in which the Doppler effects are repre-
rection of the source-receiver line when the Doppler effect sented as functions of θ and θ0 . θ0 refers to the real point
is received, and of emission of the wave and θ refers to the real position of
• the angle θ0 , defined between the trajectory of the source the source, the difference between the two being due to the
and the line connecting the point of emission to the re- delay in the travel of the wave whose speed is finite. This
ceiver (Fig.1A). comparison of the Galilean and relativistic profiles clearly

shows that: (i) The only common point between them, 4.4 Dual information on the Doppler ef-
giving the same Doppler effect, is (θ, θ0 ) = (π/2, cos−1 β). fect and the position of the source
(ii) The difference between the Galilean and relativistic
Doppler effects is not due to the absence of a transverse Since no information can exceed the speed of light, rel-
effect for the first one contrary to the second one, because ativistic formulas do not suffer from any ambiguity in
the ratio f mov /f = 1 is never obtained for an angle of π/2. their measurement, because the information on the posi-
(iii) Contrary to popular belief, the relativistic Doppler ef- tion of the source and on the Doppler effect necessarily
fect is not merely the Galilean Doppler effect corrected by pass through the same channel. This is not the case for
the Lorentz expansion factor, as erroneously suggested by the Doppler effect of low speed waves because the actual
the usual Eq.(2) supposed to be the relativistic formula position of the source can be determined visually, i.e.
Eq.(16b) lacking the Lorentz factor. As a matter of fact, transmitted by light [10]. Therefore, the information on
the polar curve described by Eq.(2) is an ellipse but not a the sound and the position of the source, arriving through
circle, which definitely disqualifies it as a Galilean Doppler different channels (Fig.1A) can be combined (appendix D).

5 Doppler effects as functions of

5.1 Converting angles to distances
The representations of the Doppler effect as a function
of the angle of the source varying from 0 to π shown in
Figs.3 and 4, amplify the central part of the trajectory
around π/2, and compress the more distant locations un-
til infinity. They are poorly appropriate to ordinary mea-
surements for a source evolving at constant speed along
a linear coordinate X, as that shown in the appendix D.
To superimpose these records on a theoretical curve, it
is first necessary to establish the correspondence between
angles and distances. Several units can be chosen for the
X axis, one of the simplest consists in giving to the incre-
ment of X the value of the minimum distance D between
the source a the receiver. We can then define a relative
Figure 3. Angular representation of the Doppler effect of a distance x = X/D (Fig.1B) which allows to standardize
Galilean wave emitted towards a fixed receiver by a moving all the data for sources passing more or less far away. The
source. correspondence of any angle ϑ with the distance is
D = −X tan ϑ (17)

X cos ϑ
= x = −√ (18)
D 1 − cos2 ϑ
cos ϑ = − √ (19)
1 + x2
By applying this relation to the angles θ and θ0 pre-
sented previously, we obtain, for the classical Doppler for-
f 1
= (20)
f classical
1+ √
1 + x02
and for the formulas deduced from the spherical wave-
front, the Doppler effects are described as functions of the
coordinates of the position of the source (P ) and of the
emission point (E), by setting ϑ = θ or θ0 respectively.
Figure 4. Angular representation of the Doppler effect of  mov  √
electromagnetic waves, called relativistic. f 1 + x2
= p (21)
f P βx + 1 − β 2 + x2

and In this form, Eq.(24) is clearly analogous to the aber-
f mov
1 ration formula Eq.(13a), recovered here from a linear rep-
=s (22)
f E x 0 resentation, as illustrated in Fig.5. The introduction of
1 + β 2 + 2β √ Eq.(24) in the Doppler formula Eq.(14a), indeed gives back
1 + x02
the curve of Eq.(22). Conversely, the introduction in the
Doppler formula Eq.(14b) of  the angle θ obtained by con-
5.2 Linear Galilean aberration −1 x
version of cos −√ by the aberration formula
The light Doppler effect of a star is naturally measured by 1 + x2
Eq.(13b), gives the curve of Eq.(21).
pointing the telescope at this star, but we are aware that
it has changed location while the light was flying towards
the telescope, so that its true position is invisible. By con-
trast for the sound, the informations on the Doppler effect
and on the location of the source are carried by different
channels and can be recovered simultaneously. Indeed,
the Doppler effect of the sound is naturally carried by
the acoustic wave but the information on the position of
the source is generally visual, i.e. carried by a light wave
(Fig.1A). When the wave emitted in X arrives at the level
of the receiver, the source will have continued to progress
over a distance depending on the duration ∆t of the flight
of the wave from the source to the receiver. This path
of length c∆t is the hypotenuse of a right triangle whose
other two sides are the shortest distance D and the dis-
tance X separating the source from the nearest point, and
so Pythagoras says Figure 5. Representation of the Galilean angular aberration
as a function of distances. Dashed curve: angle θ between
2 2 2 the trajectory of the source and the direction source-receiver
(c∆t) = D + X (23a)
according to Eq.(24). Solid line curve: angle θ0 between the
from which trajectory of the source and the axis connecting the emission
√ √ point to the receiver.
D2 + X 2 1 + x2
∆t = =D (23b)
c c
During this time, the source will have traveled
6 The Galilean transverse Doppler
∆X = v∆t = βD 1 + x2 (23c) effect
or in normalized distance The acceptance by the scientific community of the classi-
p cal Doppler effect (dotted line in Fig.6), could have been
∆x = β 1 + x2 (23d) favored by the misleading intuition that the Doppler ef-
fect cancels (f mov /f = 1) when the source is the closest
The point of emission can be calculated from the actual (x = 0). The absence of Doppler effect predicted by Eq.(2)
position of the source when
 the Doppler
 effect is detected. seems very reasonable [3]. It can indeed seem reasonable
The angle θ = cos −1
−√ whose origin is the but it is nevertheless erroneous, as revealed by a rigorous
1 + x2 analysis of the spherical wave (Table 1). This is typically
point of emission, is expected to become θ when replacing a misleading intuition. For a moving source and static
x by x + ∆x: receiver, the transverse Doppler effect of sound, obtained
for a reception angle θ0 = π/2, is

 
−1  −(x + β 1 + x2 )  f 1
θ = cos q √ =p (25)
f 1 + β2
1 + (x + β 1 + x2 )2 transverse

which can be rewritten When this effect is heard, the source is at the distance βD
  (24) from the nearest point (Table 1). By comparison, the fa-
x mous relativistic transverse effect envisioned by Einstein
 −√ −β 
as a possible confirmation of special relativity theory [11],
−1 
 1 + x2 
= cos  s  


1 + β 2 − 2β − √
 f p
= 1 − β2 (26)
1 + x2 f transverse

For small values of β, these effects are almost identical tainty margin on the result of Eq.(26) exceeds the value
since both are 1 − β2 + O(β 4 ) and differ only by β 4 /4. of Eq.(25), especially as the authors explained that they
The difference between the transverse Doppler effects cal- had to widen their angle to 91◦ to measure this effect. (ii)
culated in the Galilean and relativistic ways, would be The experimental setup of these authors (see the Fig.1 of
only 1.5% for a speed as phenomenal as half the speed [6]) is intriguing since the rays at 90◦ to the trajectory are
of light, making the discrimination proposed by Einstein canalized while the reception angle is diluted in a cascade
technically very delicate. In spite of the importance of of mirrors, when it is the reception angle that should be
the verification suggested by Einstein, only one study has π/2 for the transverse effect (Fig.4 and Table 2). (iii) Fi-
confirmed this prediction [6]. In addition, a retrospective nally these authors used the arithmetic mean to average
analysis of this work raises some concerns: (i) The uncer- wavelengths and define the so-called secondary Doppler
effect (appendix B).

Figure 6. Doppler effect of the sound as a function of the relative position of a moving source on its path, for a stationary
receiver in the absence of wind, expressed as a function of either the coordinate of the emission point (lower red curve drawn
to Eq.(22)), or of the position of the source detected visually (upper blue curve drawn to Eq.(21)). The dashed curve is that
of the classical Doppler formula drawn to Eq.(20), shown for comparison. The increment of the x coordinate is the minimum
distance between the source and the receiver. Some remarkable points from these curves are listed in the appendix A (Table 1)
in comparison with those of the relativistic Doppler effect (Table 2).

The Galilean Doppler effect studied above for a moving are now translated non-symmetrically apart from its tra-
source must now be completed with a series of additional jectory. However, this displacement of wavefronts by the
subtleties for the sound. wind between stationary sources and receivers, does not
induce any change in the perceived frequency, by compen-
sation between wave speed and wavelength. Indeed, in
7 The steady wind the direction of the wind, the wave fronts progress more
rapidly but their spacing lengthens in the same ratio be-
An additional difficulty for the sound is that its medium of
cause the wavefronts are emitted at the same rate f0 by
propagation can itself move. The sound wave has in fact
the source whether there is wind or not. The successive
no intrinsic material existence other than alternating com-
wave crests are separated by the same time interval but
pressions and depressions in the medium. A general move-
by a larger spatial interval:
ment of this medium, banally known as wind, is therefore
expected to move the waves it contains and can of course f0
facilitate or hinder their propagation. A first overview can λw =
c + vw
be obtained for a mobile source and immobile receiver. In
the same way that β is the ratio between the velocity of
the source v and that of the wave c, the ratio between Hence, these wavefronts which are more spaced but
the wind velocity vw and that of the wave will be noted ω. travel faster arrive at the same frequency. Inversely, in the
The wave bubbles decentered by the velocity of the source, direction opposite to the wind, the wave fronts progress

more slowly but their spacing is reduced in the same ratio.
These wavefronts that are denser but travel more slowly
also arrive at the same frequency. So in all cases for static
and comobile S and R,
c cwind
= =f
λ λwind

This reasoning holds for all directions, that is to say

for any arbitrary angle θ in the Doppler formula. But
contrary to the velocity of the wave, that of the source
is considered independent of the wind, so if the source
moves in the wind, the basal reference condition should
be the presence of wind only. For each angle θ, the wave-
crest spacing for the combined motion of the wind and the
source ρω+β should be weighted by that caused by wind
only ρω , to give the Doppler effect
f ρω
= (27)
f wind ρω+β
The distances between the source and the wavefront
surface depend not only on the velocity of the source com-
pared to that of the sound (β), but also on the velocity
of the wind compared to the sound (ω), according to the Figure 7. Influence of wind on the wave bubble offset illus-
Galilean law of velocity addition β + ω. These values of ρ trated by a few pairs of values (ψ, φ), drawn to Eq.(32). All
can be calculated by repeating the approach of Cartesian angular combinations maintain the spherical surface.
to polar conversion (section 3, [4]).

Using three-dimensional polar coordinates, the sound wave bubble is shifted by the wind blowing with zenithal
and asimuthal angles such that

(x + β + ω sin ψ cos φ)2 + (y + ω sin ψ sin φ)2 + (z + ω cos ψ)2 (28)

It is converted in polar coordinates by replacing x by ρ sin θ cos ϕ, y by sin θ sin ϕ and y by ρ cos θ, yielding the equation
for ρ
ρ2 + 2ρ (β sin θ cos ϕ + ω(cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))) + ω 2 + β 2 + 2βω sin ψ cos φ − 1 = 0 (29)
A = sin θ cos ϕ
B = cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ)
C = sin ψ cos φ
the above quadratic equation reads

ρ2 + 2ρ (βA + ωB) + ω 2 + β 2 + 2βωC − 1 = 0 (30)

and its solution is p

ρβ+ω = 1 − β 2 (1 − A2 ) − ω 2 (1 − B 2 ) − 2βω(C − AB) − βA − ωB (31)
or, retranslated in elementary components,
ρβ+ω = 1 − β 2 [1 − (sin θ cos ϕ)2 ] − ω 2 [1 − (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))2 ]
−2βω [sin ψ cos φ − sin θ cos ϕ (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))] (32)
− β sin θ cos ϕ − ω (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))

The three-dimensional representation of this equation in Fig.7 for the angles θ and ϕ shows that it still yields spheres.
This equation in absence and presence of source motion, gives the full Doppler formula for an immobile receiver.
ρω 1 − ω 2 (1 − B 2 ) − ωB
= p (33)
ρβ+ω 1 − β 2 (1 − A2 ) − ω 2 (1 − B 2 ) − 2βω(C − AB) − βA − ωB

~ ω
which is developed in the appendix Eq.(C.4). In the plane (β, ~ ), this formula reduces to
f 1 − ω 2 sin2 (θ − ψ) − ω cos(θ − ψ)
=q (34)
f 2
wind 1 − [ω sin(θ − ψ) + β sin θ] − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ
of which a direct step-by-step demonstration is proposed in the appendix C, and which is illustrated in Fig.8 for the
set of values: β = 0.5, ω = 0.3 and ψ = π/4 or 3π/4.

Figure 8. Effect of an homogenous wind on the Doppler effect perceived by a static receiver. (A) Doppler effects for a mobile
source and immobile detector in absence of wind (red surface) or in presence of wind blowing under the angle ψ shown in the
bottom inset and ranging from 0 to π. (B) Examples of Doppler profiles extracted from the panel A in the absence of wind
(red continous curve) or in the presence of wind blowing either with the sound (ψ = 3π/4, dashed blue curve) or against the
sound (ψ = π/4, dotted blue curve). Curves drawn to Eq.(34) with β = 0.5 and ω = 0.3.

When the wind is collinear to the trajectory (ψ = θ = velocity. By contrast for the sound wave, it is possible to
0), Eq.(34) reduces to specify the precise contributions of S and R in their rel-
ative motion, thanks to an additional point of reference
 mov  offered by a sort of substratum grid. In the simple dia-
f 1±ω c ± vw
= = (35) grams of Fig.9, this grid can be compared to the fibers of
f 1±ω±β c ± vw ± vS
wind the paper of the printed article or to the pixel coordinates
on the screen, which make it possible to distinguish the
which depends on the relative velocity signs (otherwise absolute movements of S and R. Note that this spatial
given by the cosines). A headwind (ω negative) naturally reference grid is not the propagation medium, because in
hinders the progression of the wavefront in the x direction case of wind one can also define an absolute velocity of
while a downwind (ω positive) favors it. the medium itself, relatively to some absolutely static ref-
erence grid. In ordinary experiments, the fixed spatial ref-
8 Asymmetric roles of the source erence chosen is concretely the terrestrial ground assumed
fixed. This major difference with light explains why for
and receiver the sound, for the same relative velocity v, the Doppler
effect can take different values depending on whether the
When a source S and a receiver R move one with respect to displacement on the grid is made by S or R. The resolu-
the other with a relative velocity v, for the electromagnetic tion of this asymmetry, which is simple but subtle, is an
waves one cannot attribute the movement specifically to S additional illustration of the fact underlined in the intro-
or R and therefore define anything other than the relative

duction that sophisticated mathematics are challenged in
this field by simple algebra associated to good diagrams. DR cTR f0
= =
A convenient approach in case of dual motion of the source D0 cT0 fR
and receiver with and without wind, is based on a princi-
and the Doppler effect is
ple of conservation of the wave phase [12]. A visualization
is proposed below in the case of a distancing (because it fR 1
is easier to draw) between S and R (Fig.9). = v (36d)
f0 1+

8.2 The source is immobile

In this case (bottom situation of Fig.9), the sound travel
is longer because the wavefront must reach the receiver
which is concommitantly escaping.

tR − t0 = DR /c (37a)

DR = D0 + v(tR − t0 ) (37b)

Replacing the duration in Eq.(37b) by the value given by

Eq.(37a), yields the Doppler effect
Figure 9. A sound pulse is emitted at t0 by the source S
when spaced from the receiver R by D0 . The sound travels fR v
through a static medium relatively to which either R (middle
=1− (37c)
f0 c
line) or S (bottom line), is immobile.

S and R recede form each other at relative velocity v

and in addition, move relative to the static medium sup- Since the relative velocity v can be precisely attributed to
porting sound propagation at speed c. At time t0 , when S and R, it is split into vS and vR components. The gen-
spaced from the receiver by D0 , the source emits a light eral formula for collinear recession Doppler effect is, using
beam towards the receiver. Different results are expected velocity magnitudes,
depending on whether this is the source or the receiver
which moves relatively to the static background. 
= c (38)
f0 vS
r 1+
8.1 The receiver is immobile c

When only the source moves, as shown in the middle This simple reasoning can be repeated in the case of
scheme of Fig.9, its movement no longer affects the dis- collinear approach
tance to travel by the sound already emitted at t0 . Hence,
the sound reaches the receiver at time tR after crossing   1+
fR c
the initial distance D0 . The duration of the sound travel = vS (39)
f0 a 1 −
is therefore c

tR − t0 = D0 /c (36a) and generalized to non-collinear movements using angles.

The asymmetry of the sound Doppler effect has strange
At tR , the new spacing between the source and the receiver consequences. Dor example let us consider three cases of
has become approach where the relative velocity between S and R is
DR = D0 + v(tR − t0 ) (36b) the speed of sound.
Replacing the duration (tR − t0 ) in in this equation by the
value given by Eq.(36a), yields a distance ratio c = vS + vR

DR v If only the source moves, the Doppler effect will be

=1+ (36c) fR /f0 = ∞ (sound barrier). If only the receiver ad-
D0 c
vances towards the immobile source, the Doppler effect
For a single period, as the source moves back, the next is fR /f0 = 2, and if both the source and the receiver ad-
wavefront following that sent at t0 will be necessarily de- vance one towards the other at c/2, the resulting Doppler
layed such that effect is fR /f0 = 3. Such subtleties do not exist for light.

8.3 No background medium for light so that
fR 1
In absence of substratum grid, it is impossible to assign = vS (43c)
f0 1+
the relative movement to either the source or the observer. c + vw
As the contributions of S and R in the relative velocity are • Headwind
undistinguishable, it seems natural to average the two ex- D0
treme situations described above (only S moves or only R ∆t = (44a)
c − vw
moves). As discussed previously, the type of mathematical
Replacing ∆t by this value in Eq.(42) gives
mean appropriate for averaging frequencies is the geomet-
ric mean. Interestingly, the geometric mean of Eq.(36d) 

and Eq.(37c) is DR = D0 1 + (44b)
c − vw
  u u1 − so that
fR c fR 1
=t (40)
f0 v = vS (44c)
1+ f 0 1+
c c − vw
In the special relativity theory, uniform motion cannot
be attributed specifically to one of the relatively moving 8.4.2 Immobile source
objects, so that the total distance crossed by light DL , is When only the source moves as in the bottom of Fig.9,
not DR nor D0 as above, but
c DR = D0 + vR ∆t (45)
DL = c(tR − t0 ) = (DR − D0 ) (41)
v • Downwind
This should be the fundamental principle of distance ∆t = (46a)
c + vw
calculation in astronomy [13]. As an exercise, the rela-
tionships between DR , D0 , DL and the resulting Doppler Replacing ∆t by this value in Eq.(45) gives
effect have been calculated for different theoretical modes  
of space expansion in [14]. But the differences between vR
DR 1 − = D0 (46b)
the sound and the light do not stop there. c + vw

so that
8.4 Triple collinear motion of the source, fR vR
=1− (46c)
receiver and medium f0 c + vw
• Headwind
A wind blowing in the direction of the sound (called down- DR
wind, from left to right in Fig.9), is expected to decrease ∆t = (47a)
c − vw
frequency whereas a headwind blowing against the sound
(from right to left in Fig.9), is expected to increase fre- Replacing ∆t by this value in Eq.(45) gives
quency. The calculations can be summarized in the ex-  
treme cases of recession illustrated in Fig.9, in which ei- DR 1 − = D0 (47b)
ther the receiver or the source remains completely immo- c − vw
bile. The duration tR −t0 of the sound travel, noted below so that
∆t, depends on the velocity of the wind vw . fR vR
=1− (47c)
f0 c − vw
8.4.1 Immobile receiver When both the source and the receiver are moving,
When only the source moves, as shown in the middle sit- the complete formulas for collinear recession are, using
uation of Fig.9, velocity magnitudes,
DR = D0 + vS ∆t (42)
• Downwind
• Downwind. A wind blowing as the sound path increases 1−
fR c + vw
it speed and push the wavefront forward, = vS (48)
f0 1+
D0 c + vw
∆t = (43a)
c + vw • Headwind
Replacing ∆t by this value in Eq.(42) gives fR c − vw
= vS (49)
f0 1+

 c − vw
DR = D0 1 + (43b)
c + vw

In summary, the simplest writing, easiest to remember A reduced version is obtained by confining the receiver
~ ω
for all the collinear situations using velocity magnitudes, is velocity vector in the plane (x, y) = (β, ~ ). Instead of
staying static in the wind as in section 6, the detector
• For the recession moves with a velocity γ = vR /c, making an angle α with
fR cw − vR the source trajectory.
= (50)
f0 cw + vS
with cw = c + vw when the wind blows with the sound
and cw = c − vw when it blows against the sound.

• For the approach

fR cw + vR
= (51)
f0 cw − vS
still with cw = c + vw when the wind blows in the same
direction as the sound and cw = c − vw when the wind is
opposite to the direction of the sound.

The extension of these collinear equations to a general

formula holding for all the combinations of relative veloc-
ities: of the source (β = vs /c), the receiver (γ = vR /c)
and the medium itself (ω = vw /c) and for arbitrary
angles, would require splitting the velocity components
and repeating the polar conversion approach in three-
dimensional coordinates.

Figure 11. Snapshots of source-receiver configurations (A)

The doppler effect depends on the density of wavecrests along
the line connecting R to S, and on the magnitude of the re-
vocity of R toward S, which depends itself on the combination
of θ and α. (B) Doppler profiles drawn to Eq.(52) in absence
of wind and for different values of the angle α).

While the propagation of the wavefront results from a

combination of the source and wind velocity vectors, the
motion of the receiver is assumed to be autonomous and
to follow a linear path whose polar equation is
sin(α − θ)

crossing the successive spherical wavecrests. Depending on

Figure 10. Doppler effects drawn to Eq.(52) for the dual its direction, the receiver either comes in front of the wave-
motion of the source (β = 0.5) and of the detector (γ = 0.4), crests increasing their perceived frequency or moves away
without wind (bottom surface) or in presence of wind (ω = 0.3) reducing the frequency. The magnitude of the receiver ve-
blowing with an angle ψ of π/4 (top surface). locity component towards the source is γ cos(α − θ), lead-
ing to the following formula

f mov 1 − ω 2 sin2 (θ − ψ) − ω cos(θ − ψ) + γ cos(α − θ)
= q (52)
f 2
1 − [ω sin(θ − ψ) + β sin θ] − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ

of which a numerical example is shown in Fig.10. This V = c/n, where c is its speed in vacuum, the wavelengths
candidate reduced formula differs in several aspects from are lengthened in the same proportion but the frequencies
those proposed in [15, 12, 10] but is not yet satisfactory do not change. We have all noticed that our bathing suit
and usable in practice because θ also evolves with the does not change color when seen through water although
movement of the receiver. As illustrated in Fig.11 drawn its wavelength has changed. The color is unchanged be-
to Eq.(52) simplified in the absence of wind cause it depends on the frequency only. Variations in wave
velocity are even more critical for sound due in particular
f mov 1 + γ cos(α − θ) to the presence of wind, real or apparent, in the propaga-
f 1 − (β sin θ)2 − β cos θ tion medium (air in ordinary conditions). A particularly
instructive situation to illustrate this question is shown in
the frequency perceived by the detector results from the Fig.12.
combination of two main parameters: (i) the magnitude
of its angular velocity towards the source, itself depending
on the relative values of α and θ, and (ii) the spacing be-
tween the successive wave crests it crosses. As these two
parameters are not parallel functions of θ, this can gener-
ate internal peaks in the Doppler profiles, as illustrated in
Fig.10 and Fig.11. In the examples shown in Fig.11A, on
the one hand, an increase in θ reduces the angle α − θ and
therefore increases the magnitude of γ cos(α − θ), but on
the other hand the increase of θ also goes with a spacing
of the wavecrests, with inverse effects on the frequency.

9 Can wavelengths and frequen- Figure 12. Two cars, one of which is equipped with a siren
cies be used indifferently to de- of known frequency, drive in parallel at the same speed. The
relative velocity of the two vehicles is zero and yet the wave-
scribe Doppler effects? lengths are shortened on the axis connecting them, because of
the apparent wind due to the speed of the cars, which shifts
Doppler effects are often described in terms of wavelength
the wavefronts backwards. This shortening of the wavelengths
when the effects generated by waves such as the Doppler p
(by a factor of 1 − β 2 ) does not generate a Doppler effect
effect, sound and colors, are not determined by wave-
because the velocity of sound is reduced in the same propor-
lengths λ but by frequencies f . Frequencies and wave-
tion, which keeps the frequency unchanged.
lengths are mutually constrained by the velocity of the
Two cars are driving at the same speed and in par-
c = fλ
allel, with the siren of the one shown below emitting a
So as long as c is constant, f and λ can be used indif- continuous sound. The relative speed of the two vehicles
ferently to describe the colors, the Doppler effect and is zero, yet the wavelength
p received by the other vehicle is
the sound, but one should keep in mind that the real shortened by a factor of 1 − β 2 in the direction orthogo-
determinant is the frequency, itself proportional for elec- nal to the travel, because the wavefronts are shifted back-
tromagnetic waves to the energy through E = hf where ward by the ”apparent wind” of the propagation medium.
h is a constant (of Planck). In this case, according to the However, the driver of the upper car does not perceive
fundamental law of nature of the conservation of energy, any Doppler effect owing to the principle explained in sec-
the frequency is an invariant, so that in the absence of tion 7. The wavelength decreases by the same factor as
energy variation between reference points, any modifica- the wave velocity, so that the frequency is unchanged, in
tion of c necessarily leads to a joint modification of λ agreement with the absence of relative motion of the two
leaving f unchanged, as are the Doppler effect and colors. drivers. We know that one swims more slowly to cross a
However the colors are commonly associated with wave- river with a current and that the crossing period is there-
lengths (520nm for green, 630nm for red, etc), but this fore longer. It is the same in the case of Fig.12 where the
relation is valid only under the implicit assumption that c role of the current is played by the apparent wind. The
is constant. If the speed of light is more or less decreased, wavelength is the adjustment variable that guarantees the
for example by passing through materials with a higher invariance of the frequency. The joint decrease of the wave
refractive index n, which changes the speed of light to speed is not only valid in the direction orthogonal to the

trajectory but in all directions. Accordingly, the modifi- absolute velocity is the relative velocity [7]. The absence of
cation by the wind of the velocity of sound found in [12] the absolute substratum simplifies things considerably and
is is much more comfortable conceptually than the strange
q immaterial Galilean reference frame, in respect to which
2 2 2
cw = c − vw sin ψ + vw cos ψ (53) one can define absolute velocities for everything, in the
case of sound for the air, the source and the detector.
which is equivalent to the Doppler effect of Eq.(9) if
replacing vw /c by −β.
The situation in Fig.12 is also worth considering for [1] Nolte D.D. The fall and rise of the Doppler effect. Phys.
a light wave (by increasing the speed of luminous cars). Today 73 (2020) 30-35.
In this case, there is no apparent wind since there is no
propagation medium. The speed of the wave c is con- [2] Halliday D., Resnick R., Walker J. Fundamentals of
stant, but the Lorentz factor will play its rolepby expanding Physics. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 10th ed. 2013.
the wavelengths precisely by the factor 1/ 1 − β , thus [3] Fowler M. The Doppler effect.
restoring the original wavelength and maintaining both
the frequency and the wavelength unchanged. DopplerEffect.htm

[4] Michel D. Galilean and relativistic Doppler/aberration ef-

10 Conclusions fects deduced from spherical and ellipsoidal wavefronts re-
spectively. Optik 250 (2022) 168242.
The Doppler effect is generally envisioned as a long estab- [5] Iver H.E., Stillwell G.R., An experimental study of the rate
lished phenomenon corresponding to a dead branch of ba- of a moving atomic clock. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 28 (1938) 215-
sic physics now confined to general education. However, 226.
a critical look reveals that the research on the acoustic
Doppler effect is currently incomplete and paved with false [6] Hasselkamp D., Mondry E., Scharmann A. Direct observa-
ideas and invalid formulas. This joint study of the light tion of the transversal Doppler-shift. Z. Phys. A 289 (1979)
and sound Doppler effects allows to perceive the specifici-
ties of each type of wave and clearly shows that the latter [7] Poincaré H. Le principe de Relativité. La dynamique de
has been strangely shaped from the knowledge of the for- l’électron. Revue Générale des Sciences Pures et Appliquées,
mer, while the two Doppler effects obey radically different 19 (1918) 386-402.
laws. The most frequent sources of error concerning the
sound Doppler effect are reviewed here. In particular, the [8] Poincaré H. Sur la dynamique de l’électron. C.R. Acad. Sci,
140 (1905) 1504-1508.
relativistic Doppler effect is not merely a classical effect
corrected by the relativistic dilatation factor. Besides, [9] Einstein A. Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper (On the
from a pedagogical point of view, we should in general electrodynamics of moving bodies), Annal. Phys. 17 (1905)
be wary of the famous representations of wave crests as 891-921.
shifted nested circles to predict Doppler effects. Indeed, on
[10] Mangiarotty R.A., Turner B.A. Wave radiation doppler
the one hand, light wavefronts are not perceived as circles
effect correction for motion of a source, observer and the
but as ellipses [4], and on the other hand even for sound, surrounding medium. J. Sound Vib. 6 (1967) 110-116.
as explained in sections 7 and 9, the nested spheres some-
times describe accurately wavelength distortions without [11] Einstein A. Possibility of a new examination of the rela-
affecting frequencies and therefore the Doppler effects ei- tivity principle, Annal. Phys. 23 (1907) 197-198.
ther. Many more subtleties could be added to the com-
[12] Spees A.H. Acoustic doppler effect and phase invariance.
plexity of the sound. For instance, not only does the wind Am. J. Phys. 24 (1956) 7-10.
modify the sounds, but it also adds its own sound. Con-
versely, a sound emitted by a fast source may neither be [13] Harrison E. The redshift-distance and velocity-distance
the sound of the wind nor correspond to any sound of the laws. Astrophys. J. 403 (1993) 28-31.
source at rest. The number of parameters to be taken into
[14] Michel D. Analytical relationships between source-receiver
account to predict the Doppler effect of sound as well as distances, redshifts and luminosity distances under pure
the complexity of its three-dimensional formulation, show modes of expansion. Adv. Astrophys. 2 (2017) 217-230.
how elegant the Doppler effect of light is comparatively.
For light, the absence of a propagation medium, formerly [15] Young R.W. The Doppler effect for sound in a moving
postulated under the name of ether, means that the only medium. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 6 (1934) 112-114.


A Key points to compare the Galilean and relativistic Doppler effects

Table 1: Some Galilean correspondences between angles, relative distances and Doppler effects. The angle unit is the radian
and the distance unit is the minimum distance between the source and the receiver. These values hold for a stationary receiver
and correspond to the Doppler profiles of Fig.6. The line highlighted in gray corresponds to the transverse Doppler effect and
that highlighted in yellow color is the only common point with the relativistic Doppler effect (Table 2).

Origin of the angle Distance to the nearest point Doppler effect

source point of emission of the source (image) of the emission point (sound)

θ θ0 x x0 f mov /f

0 0 −∞ −∞

π β 1
cos−1 β 0 −p p
2 1 − β2 1 − β2

β β β β
cos−1 − cos−1 p −p 1
2 2 4− β2 4 − β2

β π 1
cos−1 − p β 0 p
1+ β2 2 1 + β2

π π +∞ +∞

Table 2: Some relativistic correspondences between angles, distances and Doppler effects. The line highlighted in gray
corresponds to the transverse Doppler effect and that highlighted in yellow color is the only common point with the Galilean
Doppler effect of Table 1.

Origin of the angle Distance to the nearest point Doppler effect

source emission point of the source of the emission point

θ θ0 x x0 f mov /f

0 0 −∞ −∞

π β 1
cos−1 β 0 −p p
2 1 − β2 1 − β2

p p s s
−1 1− 1 − β2 −1 1− 1 − β2 1 1 1 1
cos − cos √ p −1 −√ p −1 1
β β 2 1 − β2 2 1 − β2

π β p
cos−1 −β p 0 1 − β2
2 1 − β2

π π +∞ +∞

B The erroneous demonstration of the so-called secondary relativistic

Doppler effect
The celebrated articles validating the relativistic They concluded that λmean 6= λ0 due to transverse
Doppler effect, longitudinal [5] and transverse [6], claimed Doppler shift
that the relativistic Doppler effects differs from the classi-
cal one by the secondary transverse effect through a curi- ∆λ λmean − λ0 1 v2
ous reasoning. Ives and Stilwell simultaneously measured = ∼
λ0 λ0 2 c2
the longitudinal wavelengths of approach (λa ) and reces-
sion (λr ), with and against the motion of the particles. The conclusion of these authors comes from an erro-
They then compared the wavelength shifts to their so- neous use of the arithmetic mean. Perhaps judging the
called ”center of gravity” conceived as an arithmetic mean. appearance of Eq.(B.1) satisfactory, they did not look at
Knowing the relativistic longitudinal effects to be demon- what is going on for the frequency fmean corresponding
strated, they calculated to this λmean . Yet, since the Doppler effect during the
approach for wavelengths corresponds to Doppler effect
during the recession for frequencies and vice-versa, they
λa + λr would have found that the result is the same
λmean =
2 s s !
v v f0
1 1− 1+
= λ0 c
v + λ0 c
fmean = q (B.2)
2 1+ c 1− c
(B.1) 1− v2
λ0 λ0 v 2
=q ∼ λ0 + But for any photon, the product: frequency × wavelength
1− v2 2 c2
c2 is a well known constant

tionality between frequency and energy for electromag-
fλ = c (B.3) netic waves. For an inertial observer seeing the source
moving and therefore including a kinetic energy in addi-
and therefore the above approach is obviously wrong as
tion to its invariant mass m,
we would have
ν0 λ0
fmean λmean = 2 6= c (B.4) fv hfv Ev mv c2 mc2 + 12 mv 2
1 − vc2 = = = 2
f0 hf0 E0 mc mc2
1 v2 1 (B.5)
=1+ ≈r
It is rather the average frequency given by Eq.(B.2) 2 c2 v2
that would make sense considering the expected propor- 1− 2

C Step-by-step establishment of the 2D combination of speed and wind

The sphere Cartesian equation

(ρ cos θ + β + ω cos ψ)2 + (ρ sin θ + ω sin ψ)2 = 1 (C.1a)

developed in polar coordinates is

ρ2 + ω 2 + β 2 + 2ωρ sin θ sin ψ + 2ωρ cos θ cos ψ + 2βρ cos θ + 2βω cos ψ = 1 (C.1b)

and since
2ωρ sin θ sin ψ + 2ωρ cos θ cos ψ = 2ωρ cos(θ − ψ)
the quadratic equation for ρ is:

ρ2 + 2ρ(ω cos(θ − ψ) + β cos θ) + (β 2 + ω 2 + 2βω cos ψ − 1) = 0 (C.1c)

Its solution is
ρ= (ω cos(θ − ψ) + β cos θ)2 − ω 2 − β 2 − 2βω cos ψ + 1 − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ (C.2a)
ρ= 1 + ω 2 cos2 (θ − ψ) + β 2 cos2 θ + 2βω cos(θ − ψ) cos θ − ω 2 − β 2 − 2βω cos ψ − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ (C.2b)
ρ = 1 − ω 2 + ω 2 cos2 (θ − ψ) − β 2 + β 2 cos2 θ − 2βω cos ψ + 2βω cos(θ − ψ) cos θ − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ (C.2c)
ρ = 1 − ω 2 (1 − cos2 (θ − ψ)) − β 2 (1 − cos2 θ) − 2βω(cos ψ − cos(θ − ψ) cos θ) − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ (C.2d)
and given that: cos ψ − cos(θ − ψ) cos θ = sin θ sin(θ − ψ),
ρ = 1 − ω 2 sin2 (θ − ψ) − β 2 sin2 θ − 2βω sin θ sin(θ − ψ) − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ (C.2e)

and finally q
ρ= 1 − [ω sin(θ − ψ) + β sin θ] − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ (C.2f)
This wavefront bubble shifted by the wind is the denominator of the Doppler effect, whose numerator is, in the
absence of movement of the detector, the same equation reduced to the wind only (β = 0)
f mov 1 − ω 2 sin2 (θ − ψ) − ω cos(θ − ψ)
=q (C.3)
f 2
1 − [ω sin(θ − ψ) + β sin θ] − ω cos(θ − ψ) − β cos θ
With an additional dimension, the same approach gives the three-dimensional Doppler formula:
f mov 1 − ω 2 [1 − (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))2 ] − ω (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))
= (C.4)
f p
1 − β 2 [1 − (sin θ cos ϕ)2 ] − ω 2 [1 − (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))2 ]
−2βω [sin ψ cos φ − sin θ cos ϕ (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))]
−β sin θ cos ϕ − ω (cos θ cos ψ + sin θ sin ψ cos(ϕ − φ))

D Classical Doppler measurement
This section aims at: (1) validating the linear Doppler they describe in fact separate moments in the immediate
approach described in this study; and (2) addressing the past. To illustrate concretely this subtlety, let us analyse
question of the classical transverse effect currently con- the shift in sound frequency during the passage of an air-
sidered inexistent. Any ordinary film is a co-recording craft, through the parallel analysis of image and sound.
of image and sound, but since these two types of waves
reached the camera and microphone at different speeds,

Figure D1. Doppler effect illustrated by a dominant frequency recorded during the passage of an aircraft at low altitude. The
blue lines connecting the images of the planes to the spectrogram indicate the actual concomitance of the sound and images on
the film, while the red lines connect the recorded frequencies to their real points of emission.

D.1 Determination of the aircraft speed km/h). Once β is known, the equalities of Eq.(D.1a) then
and rest frequency allow to find the rest frequency: f0 = 5282 Hz. Note that
although it is called rest frequency, f0 may not exist when
The asympotic values of the apparent frequencies heard the aircraft is stopped with the engines on, for instance if
when the source arrives, written fa and that measured this sound is generated by the flux of apparent wind.
when the source goes away, written fr , are sufficient to
determine the source velocity, even in absence of knowl-
edge of the source frequency f0 . fa and fr are related D.2 Curve fitting and conclusions
through The theoretical equation combining the image and sound
recorded simultaneously, is Eq.(21):
f0 = fa (1 − β) = fr (1 + β) (D.1a) √
f mov 1 + x2
from which = p
fa − fr f0 βx + 1 − β 2 + x2
β= (D.1b)
fa + fr
where the ordinate is the sound Doppler effect and the ab-
The frequencies given by the spectrogram fa =6750 Hz scissa x is the spatial coordinate of the source determined
and fr =4338 Hz, give β = 0.2175 (at 15◦ C, 74 m/s or 266 visually. Introducing the value of β measured previously

in this equation gives the horizontal increment x = 1. At • x = 0 → f mov = f0 / p1 − β 2
x = 0 (5156 Hz, Doppler effect of 1.025) the line of sight • x = β → f mov = f0 / 1 + β 2
of the observer is perpendicular to the plane trajectory. • In addition for the agreement between the image and
The Doppler effect for x = 0 is expected to be sound, x = 0 must coincide with the most transverse
f mov 1 position of the source. This can be appreciated here for
=p instance through the inclination of the wings and the
f0 orthogonal 1 − β2
alignment of the side windows of the cockpit.
As explained in the main text, this is not the transverse
Doppler effect which is
Once these three criteria are fulfilled, the rest of the
f mov 1
=p curve fits remarkably well (Fig.D1). On Fig.D1, the blue
f0 transverse 1 + β2 lines join the images and the sounds which are superim-
This effect (5156 Hz, Doppler effect of 0.977) is re- posed on the video. But this apparent simultaneity is only
ceived only when the aircraft has moved away from the an illusion of reception, as shown by the red lines which
transverse position. Upon reception of the transverse link the sounds to the positions of the plane where they
Doppler effect, the plane it located at a distance βD from were actually emitted. This offset is naturally due to the
the closest point corresponding, given the delay of 0.323 difference in speed between light and sound to get from
seconds measured from the video, to 110 m from the the plane to the camera, as explained in [10] but with a
transverse position. In summary, the accuracy of curve different quantitative result. The sound received when the
fitting shown in Fig.D1 can be checked by verifying the airplane is
pseen perfectly in profile was sent at the position
frequencies for the following two points: x = −β/ 1 + β 2 , which would belong to the curve drawn
to Eq.(22) if added on the same diagram.


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