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Website chia sé tai liéu, hgc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: conceptual (Adj) | Thude nhan thtic, {The main weakness of the proposal is conceptual thude quan diém jconceivable (Adj)| C6 thé nh4n thie [Books on every conceivable subject lined one \duge, o6 thé tudnghwall. tuong duge occupy (V) | Chiém déng, chiéim [The rest of the time was occupied with writing a 19 git report. occupied (Adj) ang sir dung, ban|This table is already occupied. én, kin (ngudi) lunoccupied (Adj)|_ Nhanrdi bo [Are there any unoccupied seats in that row? khong preoccupy (V) | Chiém truéc, am |Bé6nomic concerns are preoccupying the voters anh inthis election. occupation (N) | Su chiém déng, |Hemisséd the bell in his occupation with the céng vig, computer game occupational «|. ‘Thudenghé — Back problems are an occupational hazard for (Adi) nghi¢p ny desk-bound office worker. IV.LUYEN TAP VE CAU TAO TU -TU LOAI Question Ta¥our must be typed into 3 copies to hand in for our company. A. applicants B. application C. applicating D. applying Question 2: Well, I think that the prices in BIG C supermarket are ‘A. reason B. reasonable C. reasonably D. reasoning Question 3: This company offered a lot of _____jobs. Website chia sé tai lieu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps:// Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS:,htt ww Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: https: v facebook Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: A. attractive B. attraction C. attract D. attractively Question 4: The of the moon for the earth causes tides. A. attract B. attracted C. attraction D. attractive Question 5: What are the between women’s in old times and women in, modern times? A. differs B. different C. difference D. differences Question 6: In the past people believed that women’s roles Were as mothers and wives. A. nature B. natural C. naturism D. naturalist Question 7: It is necessary for students to listen to theirtéacher) A. attentive B. attentively C. attention D. attend ‘Question 8: Our company believes it is the best__t0)handle the account. A. organizing B. organizationaly® °C. organizational _D. disorganization Question ms should be made for School. A. Educational —_B. Educational GeEducated D. Educate Question 10: He apologized for the he had caused. A. convenient B.ineonyenient — C.convenience__D inconvenience ‘Question 11: They gavea clear of their intentions. A. demonstrate \B. demonstrative C. demonstration _D. demonstrating, ‘Question(#2: Information technology is very to our lives. A.tiseful B. useless C.use D. usefully ‘Question 3: A computer is a typewriter which allows you to type and print any kind of documents, A. magically B. magical C. magic D. magician Question 14: Hue is famous for its spots. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt w. facet Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: ft Website chia sé tai liéu, hec Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully Question 15: Three films are in for the same contract. A. compete B. compete C. competition D. competitor Question 16: You must place these events in their context. A. history B. historical C. historic D. historian, Question 17: We need information before we can decide. A. far B. further C. farther D. farthest Question 18: The day was so __ that we decided to take a pictie:lunch to the beach. A. clear and warmly B. clearly and warmly C. dearly and warm D. clear and warm Question 19: Health care have been riging buitso has the quality. A. cost B. costs C. costing D. costly Question 20: She is to understand the matter. A. enough intelligentB. so intelligent \\, Geintelligent enough D. very intelligent Question 21: What. A. an exciting story “B, is an exciting storyC. a story exciting __D. the exciting story Question 22: How I A. the roomvis dirty B. is the room dirty C. dirty the room is _D. the dirty room is ‘Question23: The loye for books is helpful in the pupils’ knowledge. A.@eveloping B. development _C. developed D. being developed ‘Question 24: Sport is sometimes used by governments as a tool of foreign ‘A. political B. policy C. polities D. politician ‘Quiestion 25: He spoke to her, and she began crying immediately. A. insensitivity __B. insensitiveness__C. insensitively_D. insensitive Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt Nhém Ting Anh luyén thi TOEIC— 1ELT Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: https: Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 26: When the automobile salesman described the car so we became very uneasy about buying it. A. ambiguity B.ambiguousness _C. ambiguous D. ambiguously Question 27: The meeting was and all left satisfied. A. harmony B. harmoniousness_C. harmonious D. harmonize Question 28: “Since the goal seems Tbelieve we should begin at once,” Tim argued. A.achievements —_B. achieve achievable D. achieving Question 29: Scientists in their opinions of how snow crystals originate. A. difference B. differ C. differentiate D. differentiate Question 30: Writer Ernest Hemingway is known forhis language and his lively dialogue. A. simplification _B. simple C. simplistic D. simplicity Vv. BAI TAP NANG CAO VE CAU TAOTU - TULOAT Question 1. The judge told him it was to drink and drive and banned him for a year. A.responsible B.irresponsible C. responsibilty _D. irresponsibility Question 2. Most doctors aré’ after they learn general medicine. A.special B. specialists C. especially D. specialist Question’. Peter’$ gained so much weight because he can’t stop A.Rat B. edible C.eatable D. overeating Question & The sun and the moon are often in poetry. 'A.person B. personal C. personalize D. personified ‘Question 5. The work is still at very level. Acxperimental _B. experiment C.experimental _D. expire Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www facebook. i Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: ww Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https: v Website chia sé tai liéu, hec Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: ‘Question 6. She wants to be an actress but her parents, of her intention. A.approve of B. approval C. disapprove D. disapproval Question 7. In the Middle Ages, salt was very valuable so that slaves were. with it. B. comparable C. comparative D. incomparable Question 8. The of the trains and the buses causes frustration and annoyance. A.frequent B. frequency C. infrequent D. infreqtiency Question 9. It is usually forbidden to destroy buildings. Ahhistory B. historic C. historical D. historically Question 10. This matter is very Don’t discuss it Outside the office. A.confident B. confidential G confidence D. confide Supply the correct word form. Question 11. I didn’t know .who\she Was with a mask on. She was completely, A.recognize B. récognizable —_C. recognition D. unrecognizable Question 12. I felt to speak on the subject. In fact, I could have done it perfectly. A.qualify B. qualified C.unqualified qualification Question(13. Theyiwere totally. by the girl's disappearance A.thystery: B. mysterious C. mysterified D. mystified Question 4. They are an incredibly family. You should see how much food they throw away. A.wasted B. wasteful C. wastefully D. waste Question 15. To be successful, an artist must show great Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: htt Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt w. fac p Nhém Ting Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELT Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: https: Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Acrigin B. original originally D. originality Supply the correct forms of the words. Question 16.He__ goes to the pub before lunch on Sunday. Awariable B. various C. variety D. invariably Question 17. The judge described John as a“ criminal” who was adangér to members of the public. Award B. hard-working — C. hardship D. hardened Question 18. The flowers are a small of your great kindness) Aknow B. knowledge C. knowledgeable Deackiowledgement Question 19. The idea that the sun “rises” is a popular, A. conceive B. concept C. conception D. misconception Question 20. You look rather__. Are you worried about something? A.occupy B. occupied . preoccupy D. preoccupied DAP AN IV. LUYEN TAP VE CAU TAO TU VA TU LOAI 1B | 2B |@,A0\ 4C*/ 5D | 6B | 7B | &C | 9A | 10D 11¢ | 12, A9/"43.B\jo14.A | 15.¢ | 16.B | 17.B | 18D | 19.B | 20.¢ 21.A |22C ).23.A | 24.B | 25.C | 26.D | 27.C | 28.C | 29.B | 30.B V. BALTAP NANG CAO VE CAU TAO TU VA TU LOAI 1B /2B [3D |4D [5A Joc |7D [8D [9B |10B MD /12C (13D |14.B /15.D [16D |17.D |18.D |19.D |20.D B. LUYEN Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: LUYEN TAP 1: Question 1: How many took part in the 22 nd SEA Games? A. competitors B. competitive C. competes D. competitions Question 2: Boys often enjoy doing things in a way. A. create B. creative C. creativity D. creatively. Question 3: The problem of among young people is hard to solve. A.employment —_B. employee C. employers D. {unemployment Question 4: The children igh grade at school. A. achieve B. achievement C. achievable D. achieving Question 5: She was the first in her family to enjoV@the privilege of a university A. educated B. educational G educating D. education ‘Question 6: Buckingham Palace is a majortourist in London. Av attract B. attraction, Clattractive D. attractiveness Question ;ome species of rare‘animalSiare in of extinction. A. danger B. dangerous C.dangerously —_D. endanger Question 8: Electronic\music_is a kind of music in which sounds are produced A. electron B. electric C. electronic D. electronically Question: Are you sure that boys are more __than girls? Avact B. active C. action D. activity ‘Question 10: These quick and easy ____ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost. A. solve B. solvable C. solutions D. solvability (Question 11: Housework is shared between them. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: / Nhém Ting Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: ft ing Anh mién phi Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: A. equally B. equal C. equality D. equalizing Question 12: Don't forget to say goodbye to the before leaving the office. A. interviewer B. interviewing C. interviewee D. interview Question 13: Vietnamese athletes performed____ and won a lot of gold medals. As, excellent B. excellently C. excellence D. excel A. excellent B. excellently C. excellence D. excel Question 14: WHO's main activities are carrying out research on medical and improving international health care. A. develop B. developing C. development —\D. develops ‘Question 15: The panda’s habitat is the bamboo forest. A.nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured Question 16: To Americans, it is impolite t ask Someone about age, and salary. A. marry B. married Co marriage D. marrying Question 17: Life here is very _@ A. peaceful B. peacefitlly C. peace D. peacefulness (Question 18: Farmers can entich the soil by using A. fertile B. fertility C. fertilize D. fertilizer Question 19: Nowadays, chemicals are _into some fruits to reduce decay. A. injection B. injecting C. inject D. injected Question 20: What's your__?- I'm Vietnamese. ‘Avnation B. national C. nationality D. international DAP AN tA (2B |3.D [4A |5.D |6B 8D |9B | 10.C WA /12A /13.B [14.C |15.B | 16.C 18.D |19.D | 20.C Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: htt Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: https://www facebook Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps:// Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: LUYEN TAP 2: Question : A book may be evaluated by a reader or professional writer to create a book A. review B. reviewing C. reviewer D. reviewed Question 2: Read the book and you can find the information you need. B. careful C. carefulness D. carefully Question 3: Not many people find reading more than watching TV. A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. interestingly Question 4: To become a novelist, you need to be A. imagine B. imagination _C. imaginative \\_D. imaginarily ‘Question 5: They are going to the pool to 1.8 meter. A. deep B. depth G deepen D. deeply ‘Question 6: The referee had no hesitationyin awarding the visiting team a A. penalty B. penalize C. penal D. penalization Question 7: The sick man still finds it tosstand without support. A. discomfort B. comforting C. uncomfortable D. comfortable Question 8: You will have to work hard if you want to A, succeed B. stigcessfully C. success D. successful Question 9: Their. has lasted for more than 20 years. A. friendly B. friend C. friends D. friendship Question 10: English is an __language to learn, A. easiness B. easily C.easy D. ease Question 11: Physical___ are good for our health. A. activities B. activists C. actions D. acts Question 12: You should write a letter of ..... to that institute. Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt w. facet Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: https Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: Website chia sé tai liéu, hec Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: A. inquire B. inquiry C. inquisition D. inquisitor Question 13: Don't eat those vegetables. They're A. poison B. poisoning C. poisoned D. poisonous Question 14: We'll live a happier and ...... life if we keep our environment clean. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. healthier, Question 15: He decided, very ., Not to drive when he was so tired A. sense B. sensitively C. sensibly D. sensible Question 16: Environmental ....... is everybody's responsibility. A. protect B. protection C. destruction, D. damage Question 17: In the future, many buildings will be ......By,solar energy. A. hot B. hoter C. hottest D. hotter Question 18: My brother can repair electric ... 4,.... very well. A. apply B. applicator C. application D. appliances Question 19: These ..... will conserve the earth’s resources. (INNOVATE) A. innovate B. innovation Geinnovations —_.. innovative ‘Question 20: ...... is now a geriolis problem in many countries. A. Forest B, Forestry C. Deforestation _D, Forestall Question 21: Burning toal is\an ..... way to heat the house. Gas is much cheaper. A. economy) B. economic C. uneconomical D.B&C Question’22: Sometimes I have some .... which can't be explained A. fell B. felling C. feel D. feelings Question 23: The earthquake caused terrible ....... ‘A. destroying B. destroyed C. destruction D. destroys ‘Question 24: The cost of the ..... must be paid by the buyer. A.carry B. carrying C. carried D. carriage Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: htt, Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— (ELT Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: v fo Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 25: Why don't you call the ....... if the lights don’t work? A. electricity B. electric C. electrician D. electrics Question 26: Everyone has a number of . but no one has many true friends. A. acquaint B. acquaintances —_C. acquainting D. acquainters Question 27: His son's has not improved much. A. behave B. behaviour C.behavourist. —_D. behavourism ‘Question 28: He draws cartoons for a ........ magazine, A. humour B. humourous C. human, D. humotrously Question 29: You shouldn't ........ others if you also have allot of mistakes. A. critic B. critical C. criticize’ D. critically ‘Question 30: They tried to win but their efforts are A. success B. successful G successfully ‘unsuccessful DAP AN 1A 2D 3-C 4c 56 6A 8A 9D 10-C WA | 12-B | 13-D | 14-D (| 15-C |,.16-B 18-D | 19-C | 20-C 2-C | 22-D | 23-C | 24D | 25-C | 26-B 28-A | 29-C | 30-D LUYEN TAP 3: Question 1: That little girl cat dance A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify ‘Question(2: Since her ..... the room has been full of laughter. A. arrival B. arrive C. arriver D. arriveness Question 3: Most modern buildings have underground ...... lots. ‘A. park B. parking C. parks D. no answer is correct Qtiestion 4: I went to the ..... store to buy something. A. grocer B. grocery C. grow D. growing Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hitty fac Nhém Ting Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 5: There is no water left in the ....... well. A.nearby B. near C. nearly D. no answer is correct Question 6: He is now studying in the USA as an ..... student. A. change B. changeable C. changing D. exchange Question 7: They have a good .... of stamps. A. collect B. collected C. collecting D. collection ‘Question 8: Goods are .... as long as they are returned in good condition. A. change B. changes C. changing D. changeable ‘Question 9: The party .... twenty bottles from various parts 6f thelhousé yesterday. A. collect B. collected C. collecting, D. collection Question 10: When did you start ..... antique glass? A. collecting B. collection G collective D. collectively Question 11: The more__and positive you look, the better you will feel. A. confide B. confident C. confidently D. confidence Question 12: My parents will have celebrated 30/years of __ by next week. A. marry B. married C.marriageable —_D. marriage ‘Question 13: Many, Vietnamese people ____ their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation A. sacrifice B. sacrificed C. sacrificial D. sacrificially Question/14: Mostof us would maintain that physical __ does not play major part in hoWwe react to the people we meet. Avattract B. attractive C. attractiveness _D. attractively Question 15: They had a _____candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage. A. romance B. romantic C.romantically _D. romanticize Website chia sé tai lieu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hetps://www facebook. \Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: /ttps://www.f Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi TAPT Quoc Gia: hittos ac Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 16: They started, as gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few years. A. informal B. informally C. informalize D. informality Question 17: Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor languagé and. A.communicate _B. communication C. communicative D. communicator ‘Question 18: The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and islways, "in response to questions. A. attention B. attentive C. attentively, D. attentiveness Question 19: If a boss wants to have a well-qualified/staff, he should have to pay his employees A. appropriate B. appropriately G,appropriation —_D. appropriating ‘Question 20: Mrs. Pike was so angry thatshelmadea__gesture at the driver. A.mude B. rudeness, Cirtidely D. rudest Question 21: He is not really frieAdly andimakes'no attempt to be__. A. society B. social C. socialize D. sociable ‘Question 22: She sent mea letter thanking me for my invitation. A. polite B. politely C. politeness D. impoliteness Question 23:Mr. Timpson's behavior and comments on occasions were inappropriate and fell below the standards. A. Accept B. acceptable C. acceptance D. accepting Question 24: In England, primary education is provided by state schools run by the government and by __ fee-paying schools. A. independent —_B. independently __C. depended D. independence Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: htt Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hitty w.facebook.c Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— 1ELT 3s NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hom Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 25: The United Nations Secretary-General has often spoken of the need for individual__and human rights in his speeches A. free B. freedom C. freely D. freeing Question 26: He did not do well at school and left with few _ qualifications. A. academic B. academy C. academician D. academically ‘Question 27: The .... from Genoa enjoyed wearing jeans. A. work B. workers C. working D. workaholic Question 28: A. Selling B. Sell C. Sold D. Sales, . of clothes always goes up. Question 29: At the .... to the village, we saw the acciderity A.enter B. entering C. enteric D. entrance Question 30: Air pollution in the city had reached four times the levels A. accept B. acceptable C. acceptance D. accepting (Question 31: They had an .... day by.the tiver. A.enjoy B. enjoying Geenjoyed D. enjoyable ‘Question 32: They are .... - Gualified teachers. A. good B, better C. best D. well ‘Question 33: We need'further:.. A. inform B. information C. informal D. informative Question($4: This book is very ....... A-inform, B. information C. informal D. informative Question 35: Look at the ......! Rain Bi looks so handsome. ‘A. advertise B. advertising C.advertisement —_D. advertiser ‘Question 36: It is an ..... program. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: h Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: htt Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https: Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 37: The song is .... to me. A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly Question 38: We felt .... in the show. A. interest B. interesting C interested D. interestingly, Question 39: Her language is Korean. A.native nation national D. nationality Question 40: It is cheap. It's ....... (expensive) A. expensive B.unexpensive _C. inexpensive D. expensively Question 41: TV is available now. A. Interact B. Interaction C. Interactive D. interactively Question 42: The ..... between this computer and the others is'good. A. Interact B. Interaction G Interactive D. interactivity ‘Question 43: The ..... of TV is always fasty A. develop B. developed, C. developing D. development Question 44: The Internet has ...°developed nowadays. A. increase B. increased C. increasingly D. incredible Question 45: The Internet is one of the most important .... of our life. A. invent B. invent C. inventing D. inventions Question 46: Everyone has their ........ which are hardly recognized by themselves. A. limit B. limited C. limitation D. limitations Question 47: Their .... is always good. A. communicate B. communicative | C. communication D. communications Question 48: She isa .... girl. A.communicate B. communicative C. communication _D. communications Question 49: The website is not ... for teenagers. It’s unusable. Website chia sé tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: he Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hte Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— 1EL Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: /ittps: Website chia sé tai liéu, hec Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: A. usage B. using C. use D. used ‘Question 50: Libraries are helpful in .... children’s love for books. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. development pAP AN we |. 4B ep [7p [sp [oR |a0-4 we [12D |13B | 14-C 18-B | 19-B | 20-4 aD [22-4 | 23-R | 24-4 28-D | 29-D 4 30-R arp |32n [33R |34-n [35-c [36k |37-R | 38-C | 39-A6 | 40-C arc j4azR | 43-n |4aa-c | 45-p | 46-D | 47-C \/48-B 0) 49-0 | 50-C TUYEN TAP 4 Question 1: We like their A. friends B. friendly G friendliness D.a&e Question 2: The .... between Vietnam and China isigood. A. friends B. friendly CG. friendliness D. friendship Question 3: They seem to be ..... We dislike them. A. friends B. friendly C. friendliness D. unfriendly Question 4: There will béa ...ninhis street. A. meet B. meeting C.met D.a&b Question 5: We saw . girls there A. beailty B. beautiful C. beautifully D. beautify Question 62\The garden is ... with trees and flowers. A. Beauty B. beautified C. beautifully D. beautify Question 7: They enjoy the .... atmosphere here. ‘A. peaceably B. peace C. peaceful D.A&C Question 8: The .... unit of currency is the Ringgit. Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: hittps://www Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC— IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: ht Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT Quéc Gia: A. Malaysia B, Malaysian Malay D. no answer is correct Question 9: In.....,, there are other religions. A. addition B. additionally C.add D. addiction Question 10: The of old buildings should be taken into consideration. A. preserve B. preservation _—C. preservative —_D. preserves Question 11: You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the of wildlife. A. extinct B. extinctive C.extin ms D. extinetion (Question 12: The language of ...... is Bahasa Malaysia. A. instruction B. instruct C. instructive, D. instructing ‘Question 13: The problem of among young people i8 hard to solve. A.employment —_B. employers employees D. unemployment ‘Question 14: The will judge you’on'your quality and performance. A. examining B. examinees, C. examiners D. examination Question 15: A (An) _____ corporation is a company that operates in more than one country. A. national B. international —C. multinational__—_‘D. nationwide Question 16: Excessive to direct sunlight should of course be avoided. A. disposition B. disposal C. exposition D. exposure Question(17: Theréwas quite a crowd at the match. A. fespective B. respectable C. respectable D. respected Question 18: He was finally in his final attempt. 1A. successful B. successive C. unsuccessful. unsuccessful ‘Quiestion 19: Our education will help with the of knowledge for the young. A. enrichment B. rich C. riches D. richness Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: .gAnhF Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: jttos:// Nhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: https: w fac Website chia sé tai ligu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: httos:// Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: NNhém Tiéng Anh 6n thi THPT Quéc Gia: Question 20: There is an .... match between Vietnam and Lebanon on VTV3. ‘A. national B. international —C. multinational‘. nationwide Question 21: We're worried about the ..... here. A. pollute B. polluted C. pollution D. polluting Question 22: This river is extremely A. pollute B. polluted pollution D. polluting ‘Question 23: Her appearance is .... today. A. needful B. need C. necessary D. A&G Question 24: Artists must be ........., otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear. A. create B. created C. creating D. creative ‘Question 25: Farm .... are always exported. A, production B. productivity @ products D. produce ‘Question 26: This plant's .... is high, so itattracts aot of investment. A. production B. productivity C. products D. produce Question 27: The ....... of this machine réquiresthe latest techniques. A. production B. pfoduttivity —_C. products D. produce Question 28: This energy,- ..

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