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Segment of Drawing:
“A trip that embroidered in my mind”

Everyone has their very own special occasions or certain individuals in their life,
but I would say the arrival of my girlfriend is particularly important for me, she taught
me a lot of things and she is even a sort of mentor for me who guided me through the
hardships, but this time I’m going to talk about the occasion of me meeting my
girlfriend for the first time in the real life.
It was in the middle of March 2023 the time the thought of meeting her emerged in
my mind, (planning a trip was indeed challenging as I am facing the predicament of
public exams and I’m not very familiar with planning a solo trip). When I told my
parents about the idea in my mind, they showed a very supportive attitude at first, but
they soon rejected my offer when I was finished with my public exam. I had to find
another way to meet my girlfriend that’s why I “fostered up” another plan, in which I
told my parents that I would head to Italy with another friend of mine (obviously, I
plan to head to Italy and Turkey at the same time) Fortunately, they went well with
my plan and shown their approval when I proposed my plan to them, but this also
brought me to another problem, money.
I managed to find a job at the end of the day, and acquired a few skills from the
work, just like the way how I interact with people that I encounter every day. It was
surely challenging for me to take on all of the newly emerged knowledge. After a few
months of working, I have managed to find myself a sufficient amount of money to
afford my tickets and expenses (it was also a meaningful process for me to understand
how to plan a trip.) It is finally the day when I met my girlfriend, I can vividly
remember the weather on that day, there were no clouds and such, there’s only me and
my girlfriend staring right at the sea, everything was very calming and it also gave a
good ending to my hard work. I would say the hardships that I have been through in
the last few months paid off.
Lastly, when I look back to this occasion in my life, I feel like perseverance is the
biggest and the best trait a person should ever possess, remain steadfast during
adversary is important, no matter how my parents stopped me from going to the trip, I
believe that as long as I keep my target straight, I would be able to achieve whatever I
want. Apart from the perseverance, I would say everything is about perspective, my
original plan was rejected by my parents, but after seeing the whole picture in another
way I managed to come up with a plan that is satisfactory for all people around me.
This is why seeing a certain thing in a few ways is going to help me to achieve my
goal. Last but not least, this occasion taught me to cherish everyone I meet, grasp
every single opportunity and not let myself regret, cherish every single occasion in my
life as they might change the trajectory of my life. (546 Words)

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