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Environmental Stress Screening Approach Based on MIL-HDBK-

344A Military Standard

H. Esat. Acar, ASELSAN Inc.
N. Can Yilmaz, ASELSAN Inc.
I. Feriha Kilic, ASELSAN Inc.

Key Words: Environmental Stress Screening, Failure Rate, MTBF, Random Vibration, Temperature Cycling

ABSTRACT Assembly : A number of parts joined together to perform a

specific function and capable of disassembly, for example a
This paper proposes to use MIL-HDBK-344A for
printed circuit board.
Environmental Stress Screening instead of MIL-HDBK-2164.
Baseline Stress : Factory ESS stress levels consistent with
When determining ESS parameters which are related to random
R&M 2000 guidelines.
vibration (duration in minutes and level in GRMS) and to
Chamber : Enclosure in which system / equipment is
temperature cycling (number of cycles and temperature rate of
placed in order to apply stress to it.
change in ºC/min.) for various complex systems/equipments
Defect Density (D) : Average number of latent defects per
based on MIL-HBDK-344A military standard, the outcome
reveals as many latent defects as possible in the factory, and
Detection Efficiency (DE) : A measure of the capability of
consumes less product useful life. This methodology is
detecting a patent defect.
described by steps with some theoritical assumptions. The study
     The number of failures experienced or
is intended to be used as a guide to make MIL-HDBK-344A
expected for a device divided by the total equipment operating
easier to implement in practice for electronic systems /
time. For constant failure rate items, i.e. exponentially
distributed failures, the failure rate is the numerical inverse of
1 INTRODUCTION the mean time between failures (MTBF).
Latent Defect : An inherent or induced weakness, not
This section outlines the procedure for determining random
detectable by ordinary means, which will either be precipitated
vibration and temperature cycling parameters to conduct an
to early failure under environmental stress screening conditions
efficient factory ESS program for electronic equipments. The
or eventually fail in the intended use environment.
procedure steps are prepared in accordance with MIL-HDBK-
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) : The mean time
344 A and the approach behind the whole document reflects the
expected between failures, typically measured in hours. MTBF
procedures in MIL-HDBK-344 A.
is a statistical value and is meant to be the mean over a long
Random vibration parameters which are calculated in
period of time and large number of units. For constant failure
accordance with the following procedure steps are Acceleration
rate systems, MTBF is the inverse of the failure rate. If failure
Level in GRMS and Duration in minutes. Temperature cycling
rate is in failures/million hours, then MTBF = 1,000,000 /
parameters which are calculated in accordance with the
Failure Rate for components with exponential distributions.
following procedure steps are Number of cycles and
Technically MTBF should be used only in reference to
Temperature rate of change of chamber in ºC/min.
repairable items.
2 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS Part : Any identifiable item within the product which can
be removed or repaired (e.g., discrete semiconductor, resistor,
2.1 Definitions
IC, solder joint, connector).
Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) : ESS is a process Patent Defect : An inherent or induced weakness which
or series of processes in which environmental stimuli, such as can be detected by inspection, functional test, or other defined
rapid thermal cycling and random vibration, are applied to means.
electronic items in order to precipitate latent defects to early Precipitation : The process of transforming a latent defect
failure. An equally important an inseparable aspect of the into a patent defect through the application of stress screens.
screening process is the testing which is done as part of the Precipitation Efficiency (PE) : A measure of the capability
screen, so as to detect and properly identify the defects which of a screen to precipitate latent defects to failure.
have been precipitated to failure. ESS is the vehicle by which Screen Parameters : Parameters which relate to screening
latent defects are accelerated to early failure in the factory. strength (e.g., vibration G-levels, temperature rate of change


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and time duration). determine DREMAINING follows.
Screening Strength (SS) : The probability that a specific DFIELD (t )
screen will precipitate a latent defect to failure and detect it by FRLATENT (2.2)
test, given that a latent defect susceptible to the screen is
present. It is the product of precipitation efficiency and where t is the period over which MTBF is to be measured and
detection efficiency. DFIELD is the number of field failures due to latent defects
Stress Adjustment Factor (SAF) : The ratio of the incoming occuring during the interval t.
defect density at the anticipated field stress level to the DFIELD (t ) DREMAINING u SS FIELD (t ) (2.3)
incoming defect density at the baseline stress level.
where SSFIELD (t) is the equivalent screening strength of the field
Stress Screening : The process of applying mechanical,
environment for a period t.
electical and/or thermal stresses to an equipment item for the
purpose of precipitating latent part and workmanship defects to SS FIELD (t ) 1  e  k ˜t (2.4)
early failure. where k is the field precipitation rate (If the field application
System / Equipment : A group of units interconnected or stresses are not known, a suitable average value can be used.
assembled to perform some overall electronic function. Typical values are 1/500 to 1/2000).
2.2 Acronyms Substituting (2.3) and (2.4) into (2.2) gives :

D Defect Density (1  e  k ˜t )
DE Detection Efficiency t
DI Damage Index Solving for DREMAINING yields :
ESS Environmental Stress Screening
FR Failure Rate DREMAINING (2.6)
IC Integrated Circuit (1  e  k ˜t )
k Stress Constant In this expression DREMAINING (the number of defects
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures remaining after factory screening), t and k are all defined with
PE Precipitation Efficiency respect to the field stress. It is thus necessary to modify this
PPM Parts Per Million expression by the stress adjustment factor (SAF) to determine
PWA Printed Wiring Assembly the remaining defects at factory stress.
RMS Root Mean Square
RV Random Vibration DREMAINING (2.7)
SAF Stress Adjustment Factor SAF ˜ (1  e  k ˜t )
SM Safety Margin This expression is applicable to both RV and TC sensitive
SS Screening Strength defect populations. Solving for FRLATENT yields :
t Stress Duration
TC Temperature Cycling DREMAINING ˜ SAF ˜ (1  e  k ˜t )
Substituting (2.8) into (2.1) and solving for DREMAINING gives :
The field reliability is determined by the latent defects § · § 1 ·
1 1
remaining at the time of shipment and the existence of non- t ˜¨  ¸¸ ˜ ¨ ¸
screenable defects that result in a constant failure rate. The DREMAINING d © REQUIRED MTBFINHERENT ¹ © SM ¹ (2.9)
SAF ˜ (1  e  k ˜t )
objective is to optimize the cost of reducing the latent defect
population to an acceptable level defined as that which achieves Having determined the maximum allowable remaining
the required field reliability. defects, the required factory screening strength (SSESS) is
The first step is to determine the maximum allowable determined from the estimated defects by solving the equation:
remaining latent defects that allow the required reliability to be DREMOVED
achieved. Given the required MTBF and inherent MTBF of the SS ESS (2.10)
equipment by reliability prediction and using a suitable design
safety margin (SM) to allow for estimation errors (typically 1.5 where
to 2.0), the permissible failure rate (FR) due to latent defects is DREMOVED = DIN – DREMAINING (2.11)
calculated using the following expression : Substituting (2.11) into (2.10) gives :
§ · 1

¸¸ ˜ (2.1) DIN  DREMAINING
To determine the maximum number of defects permissible
Knowing the required factory screening strength (SSESS),
at the time of shipment, it is necessary to determine the
the next step is to optimize the screen selection and placement.
relationship between failure rate and remaining defects
The screening strength is characterized by a precipitation term
DREMAINING. The derivation of the equation to be used to

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and a detection term and determines the fraction of existing s 0.0046 ˜ G1.71 (2.18)
flaws that are removed by ESS. The precipitation and detection where G = Acceleration Level in GRMS .
terms are estimated separately and it is their product that Substituting (2.17) into (2.16) gives the precipitation
determines the screening strength. That is : efficiency for the latent defects (PETC) sensitive to temperature
SS ESS PE ˜ DE (2.13) cycling :
0.6 3
where PE stands for “precipitation efficiency” and DE stands 0.0017 ˜ 'T  0.6 ˜ ª¬ln RATE  2.718 º¼ ˜t
PETC 1 e (2.19)
for “detection efficiency”.
Precipitation is defined as the conversion of flaws with where t = Number of cycles .
some residual strength (latent defect) into a flaw with no Substituting (2.18) into (2.16) gives the precipitation
strength (patent defect) – for example the propagation of a crack efficiency for the latent defects (PERV) sensitive to random
through a wire until the wire is broken. The application of stress vibration :
precipitates a certain fraction of the existing flaws. This .
 = 1   , . . (2.20)
fraction is assumed to be constant for a specified stress level
where t = Duration in minutes .
and duration.
The final step is to solve the righthand side of the inequality
Precipitation by itself does not ensure that flaws can be
in (2.15) and to choose from various temperature cycling pairs
detected. In many instances a concurrent stress may be required
(RATE and t) and random vibration pairs (G and t) providing
to detect and isolate the failure. For example, a broken wire
the inequality in (2.15). After choosing the pairs, the inequality
may make intermittent contact at low, ambient stresses. Also,
in (2.15) is resolved by using the pairs selected to validate that
depending upon the function affected, the defect may only
ESS profile chosen is adequate to meet the field reliability
cause degraded performance. Either condition could require
extended testing and may require concurrent stress. The
After optimizing the screen selection and placement
capability of detecting a patent defect is measured by the
(selecting temperature rate of change of chamber in ºC/min
detection efficiency.
(RATE) and number of cycles (t) for temperature cycling and
The removal of a potential defect or flaw requires the flaw
acceleration Level in GRMS and duration in minutes (t) for
to be precipitated and subsequently detected and removed. The
random vibration), it is necessary to ensure that the ESS is not
detection efficiency is defined as the capability of detecting,
too stressful and does not consume too much of the useful life.
isolating and removing the defect once it has precipitated. It is
This is determined by calculating the damage index (DI) from
the product of the following factors and considerations :
the equation :
x Probability of observing functional and parametric defects
x Necessity for concurrent stress DI N ˜SB (2.21)
x Probability of isolating and then removing the defect where N = Stress duration, S = Stress level, B = Fatigue
without creating an additional defect(s) exponent.
x Substituting (2.13) into (2.12) and solving for DREMAINING The damage index should be calculated for both ESS and
gives: useful life.
DREMAINING DIN ˜ (1  PE ˜ DE ) (2.14) For Temperature Cycling (TC) :
N = number of cycles
Substituting (2.14) into (2.9) and solving for PE gives :
S = temperature range in ºC
§ § 1 1 · § 1 · ·¸
¨ t ˜¨  ¸˜¨ ¸ B = 2.5 (thermal fatigue exponent for solder)
¨ ¨ MTBF MTBF ¸ © SM ¹¸
˜ ¨1  © ¹
1 REQUIRED INHERENT For Random Vibration (RV) :
PE t ¸ (2.15)
DE ¨ SAF ˜ (1  e  k ˜t ) ˜ DIN ¸ N = duration of vibration in minutes
¨¨ ¸¸ S = GRMS vibration level
© ¹
B = 6.4 (vibration fatigue exponent for solder)
Precipitation efficiency (PE) is expressed as a function of
stress duration and stress constant. DI ESS
% of useful life consumed by ESS = (2.22)
PE 1  e  s ˜t (2.16)
where t is the stress duration in minutes, cycles, etc. and s is a 3.1 A Practical Example of ESS Profiles for an IC:
stress constant determined for each type of stress according to STEP 1 : Estimating Incoming Defect Density (DIN)
the following formulae : The initial number of defects at baseline stress (DIN) was
For Temperature Cycling (TC) : taken from Table 5.1 of MIL-HDBK-344A.
0.6 3
s 0.0017 ˜ 'T  0.6 ˜ ª¬ ln RATE  2.718 º¼ (2.17) DIN = 209,7 PPM (For Quality Level B)
MAX - TMIN in ºC (Operating temperature range of STEP 2 : Determining Stress Adjustment Factor (SAF)
the system / equipment), RATE = Temperature rate of change Airborne Rotary Winged (ARW) was considered as the
of chamber in ºC/min . anticipated operating environment and THE field stress defect
For Random Vibration (RV) : density vector was taken from Table 5.2 of MIL-HDBK-344A.

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DFIELD = 96,4 PPM (For Quality Level B) Table 1 – IC ESS Parameters
DFIELD 209.7
SAF 2,175 Initial Defect (DIN) (PPM)
Required MTBF (Hours) 1000000
STEP 3 : Determining The Detection Efficiency (DE)
Inherent MTBF (Hours) 1008000
Three factors and their respective values for estimating the
detection efficiency (DE) : Detection Efficiency (DE) 1
x Functional and Parametric Testing: 1.0 Safety Margin (SM) 1.75
x Testing Performed Concurrently with Stress: 1.0 Precipitation Efficiency (PE) 0.8
x The Ability to Observe and Isolate the Defect And the
Probability of Successfully Removing the Defect without STEP 5 : Validating ESS (RV and TC) Parameters
Introducing Another: 1.0 0.0017 ˜ 'T  0.6
0.6 3
˜ ¬ªln RATE  2.718 ¼º ˜t
DE 1.0 ˜1.0 ˜1.0 PETC 1 e (2.19)
DE = 1 (This value indicates that all latent defects are  !"#$ ! min and t = 5, PETC = 0.88
STEP 4 : Calculating ESS (RV and TC) Parameters 1.71

The values which were used to calculate the righthand side PERV 1  e 0.0046˜G ˜t
of the inequality in (2.15) : For : G = 6 GRMS and t = 21 minutes, PERV = 0.87  
x DE from STEP 3 STEP 6 : Life Calculations
x DIN from STEP 1 For Temperature Cycling :
x SAF from STEP 2
x t = 19847 hours (For newly designed systems, the maturity DI LIFE N ˜SB (2.21)
of the production process takes approximately 2 years. where N = 4000 (=8000 FH / 2 FH) (8000 FH : Useful life
During this period, the field MTBF should be measured in assumption, 2 FH : This is the mean flight time assumption.)
order to optimize the ESS levels.) S = 95 ºC (This is the temperature range assumption to which
x k = 0.00125 (The mean value of the typical range) the equipment is exposed for each flight.)
x SM = 1.75 (The mean value of the typical range) DI LIFE 4000 ˜ 952.5 351859275.8476
x MTBFREQUIRED : 10^6 hours (Failure rate was aasumed to
DI ESS N ˜SB (2.21)
be 1 Fpmh for the IC)
x MTBFINHERENT : 1008000 hours (Obtained from IC N=5, B=2.5, S=95 DI ESS 439824.0948
Reliability Prediction Analysis).
If the PE is equal to zero or a negative value, it means that % of useful life consumed by ESS = DI ESS (2.22)
no ESS is required which is unrealistic. On the other hand, if
the PE is equal to or greater than 1, it means that over ESS is DI ESS 439824.0948
required which is also unrealistic. So, theoretically the proper DI LIFE 351859275.8476036
range for the PE is between 0 and 1. But for some inherent and For Random Vibration :
required MTBF pairs, the PE can become less than zero or
greater than one which is theoretically impossible. We also DI LIFE N ˜SB (2.21)
limited the PE value between 0.3 and 0.95, since we wanted the where N = 480000 (=8000 FH x 60 min.) (8000 FH : Useful
equipment to expose good amount of ESS even if the PE is life assumption.) S = 2 GRMS (This value is calculated using the
between 0 and 0.3. Also we did not want the equipment to vibration spectrum graph in MIL-STD-810G Figure 514.6D-3
expose over ESS which consumes the considerable portion of Category 14 – Helicopter Vibration Exposure – Instrument
the useful life when the PE is between 0.95 and 1. Panel.)
§ § 1 1 · § 1 ··
¨ t ˜ ¨¨  ˜
¸¸ ¨ ¸¸ (2.15) DI LIFE 480000 ˜ 26.4 40535283.01894333
PE t
1 ¨
DE ¨¨ SAF ˜ (1  e  k ˜t ) ˜ DIN ¸
¸ DI LIFE N ˜SB (2.21)
¨ ¸
© ¹
N=21, B=6.4, S=6 DI ESS 2006260.382
% of useful life consumed by ESS = DI ESS (2.22)
Table 1 summarizes the ESS parameters. We tried to DI LIFE
choose the temperature cycling and random vibration pairs
DI ESS 2006260.382
taking into account that % of equipment life consumed by ESS 5%
DI LIFE 40535283.01894333
is less than 10% as a common practice. We did not choose the
pairs which meet the PE values but may result in insufficient CONCLUSION
In this paper, the procedure for determining random
vibration and thermal cycling paremeters is described under the

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on October 05,2020 at 10:04:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
guidance of the MIL-HDBK-344A military standard to perform ASELSAN Inc., Microelectronics, Guidance and Electro-
an effective factory ESS program for electronic systems / Optics Business Sector
equipments. In the classical ESS approach (MIL-HDBK-2164) Balikhisar Mahallesi Koca Seyit Onbasi Caddesi No:1 Akyurt /
the same type of profile is applied to all the systems / ANKARA / TURKEY
equipments, but through this approach different ESS profiles
can be applied to different systems / equipments based on the
complexity of the equipment. ESS parameters determined by '!*>?JZ$[ received her \]_`{|}+|~>€~€€
the method in this paper can be used at the begining of the of Technology Electrical and Electronics Engineering
factory ESS tests, but should be revised as required based on Department in 2017. Currently she is doing her master degree
test results and field reliability data. in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at
Istanbul ‚>~‚*; ƒ>~„~€†" }€*>‡;  Also, Z ?JZ$[
has been working in ASELSAN Inc, Flight Safety Engineering
1. Department of Defence, USA, (1993), Military Handbook, Department as a System Reliability Engineer since 2017. She
MIL-HDBK-344A, Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) is performing Reliability, Maintainability, Testability,
of Electronic Equipment. Availability, and FMEA Analysis according to military
2. Department of Defence, USA, (1995), Military Handbook, standards. Besides, she carries out technical duties for the
MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2, Reliability Prediction of Avionics and Electro-Optic projects in her company.
Electronic Equipment.
Ipek Feriha KILIC
BIOGRAPHIES Flight Safety Engineering Department - Avionic Systems
Design Directorate
Hasan Esat ACAR
ASELSAN Inc., Microelectronics, Guidance and Electro-
Flight Safety Engineering Department - Avionic Systems
Optics Business Sector
Design Directorate
Balikhisar Mahallesi Koca Seyit Onbasi Caddesi No:1 Akyurt /
ASELSAN Inc., Microelectronics, Guidance and Electro-
Optics Business Sector
Balikhisar Mahallesi Koca Seyit Onbasi Caddesi No:1 Akyurt / e-mail:
I. Feriha KILIC graduated from TOBB University of
e-mail: Economics and Technology in 2016 with a degree in
Electrical&Electronical Engineering Department. Ms. KILIC
H. Esat ACAR graduated from Bogazici University, Istanbul in
has been working for the ASELSAN INC in Flight Safety
1998 with a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Engineering Department as a Reliability and Maintainability,
He has worked for Quality Department for two years and has
Testability (RMT) Engineer since 2016. She is performing
been working for Flight Safety Engineering Department since
Reliability, Maintainability, Testability, Availability, and
2002 as a Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) Lead
FMEA analysis according to military standards. Besides, she
Engineer in ASELSAN Inc.
carries out technical duties for the Avionics and Electro-Optic
'*+;<!*>?JZ$[ projects in her company. Her main research and work area is
Flight Safety Engineering Department - Avionic Systems RMT engineering activities within the Systems Engineering
Design Directorate process.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Canberra. Downloaded on October 05,2020 at 10:04:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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