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Athlete idolizing in popular sports

In today’s time, there are many celebrities who have become

famous because of their wrong doings and negative attitude,
but also on the other hand the number and value of sports has
increased to such an extent that famous sport players are idols
to millions of people around the world. Professional players are
thought to be good role models for their admirers but
nonetheless it is not necessary for them to be perfect because
after all even they are humans too.
Over the years, a great number of professional players have
applied themselves to develop and improve their skills,
capacities and manifested attempts, determination and
ambition which can be extremely inspirational to adolescents
to find their interests and furthermore develop their talents.
Cristiano Ronaldo, Sachin Tendulkar, Sania Mirza, Kobe Bryant,
Saina Nehwal etc are one of the few sportsmen who are
idolized by the young ones. For instance, Mbappe - a very
young and famous football player used to idolize Ronaldo who
is a superstar in the football world. When being asked, Mbappe
said that Ronaldo was the main reason he decided to practice
diligently to become a professional player.
However, no one is perfect and so are the sportsmen. With the
perks of being famous athletes there are also its consequences
that come along with it. Being in the lime light and being asked
about your personal life all the time could easily take a toll on
your mental health. Rooney, a well known football player who
used to play for Manchester United is a typical example. A few
years ago, having been in charge of being a good role model all
the time and been scrutinized by the press made him so
depressed that he drank a lot and fought with his team mates
to release his bad mood.
It is all over the news when celebrities such as actors or actress
mess up but for that purpose only they are famous and messed
up. But when an athlete messes up and makes a mistake, it is
assumed that there are millions of kids looking up to him/her
and how could they disappoint their fans like that. Athletes are
under a presumption that they are supposed to be these great
people that everyone should want to be like when they did
nothing to accept such a feat.

As for the parent, they are always scared that will their kid
idolize the perfect athlete and will their child be able to get the
best out of it. Therefore being a parent, the only thing you can
do is be prepared for the worst although it may never come.
After all athletes are ordinary people with extraordinary
talents. But that doesn’t mean they won’t slip up, but it also
means that the kids shouldn’t stop striving to be in their shoes
one day.
To sum it up, I think that it is not necessary for professional
players to set a good example at all times because nobody is
perfect and normal people are those who have good and bad
aspects but nevertheless they should always try to put their
best foot forward to set a better example.

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