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Customer Service Desk Manual

and Code of Conduct

6th edition: 14th August 2023


Purpose of the Customer Service Desk..................................................................................................5
Job Description......................................................................................................................................6
My Key Responsibilities.....................................................................................................................6
Code of Conduct....................................................................................................................................8
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)..................................................................................................10
Personal Property and Security.......................................................................................................11
Dress Regulations............................................................................................................................11
Personal Presentation and Hygiene.................................................................................................11
Telephone Use.................................................................................................................................12
Computer Communications Policy...................................................................................................12
Electronic Communications Policy...............................................................................................12
Prohibited Communications........................................................................................................12
Access to Employee Communication...........................................................................................13
Use of Personal Mobile Phones.......................................................................................................14
Collectively Camberley - BID................................................................................................................17
Traffic Light System (Tenants Store Performance Monitor)................................................................19
Wheelchair Loan Procedure................................................................................................................22
Gift Card..............................................................................................................................................24
How to access the sales system.......................................................................................................24
How do I load a card with value?.....................................................................................................25
How do I load multiple cards with value?........................................................................................26
How do I void a card?......................................................................................................................27
How do I search for a gift card?.......................................................................................................27
Z Report and other functionalities of the card reader.....................................................................28
Where can the gift card be used?....................................................................................................29
Gift Card FAQ...................................................................................................................................30
Collect Plus..........................................................................................................................................31
Customer Collecting Parcel..............................................................................................................32
Customer Send/Return Parcel.........................................................................................................32
Driver Deliveries (and Collections).................................................................................................32
Scan Expired Parcels........................................................................................................................33
Refusing A Parcel.............................................................................................................................33
Print Parcel Label............................................................................................................................33
Inventory Scan.................................................................................................................................34
Print Expired Parcels Report............................................................................................................34
Scan Expired Parcel..........................................................................................................................34
Missing ECP......................................................................................................................................34
Procedure for Power Cut – Collect Plus...........................................................................................35
Start and End of Day Procedure..........................................................................................................36
Start of the Day................................................................................................................................36
End of the Day.................................................................................................................................36

I would like to welcome you to the front of house role that is the
Customer Service Desk. This is an important role and you are a
primary Ambassador for the shopping centre. Your presence here
will be seen as the face of The Square Camberley and your attitude
and helpfulness will be the memory of The Square Camberley that
customers take with them.

You will meet all types of people and be able to assist them in a
myriad of ways. Please greet them with a smile but remember not to
make promises you cannot keep which includes confirming action
that colleagues will take. You can confirm the action you can take without problem as you know the
parameters within which you can fulfil your duties.

You are the first point of contact and you will get to know regular customers and site visitors well.
Be careful not to overshare or give confidences or information away thinking you are being helpful.
There is a balance and sometimes, especially when dealing with difficult customers, you will need to
summon your colleagues from the security team or management office to assist. This is the correct
completion of your duties and is to be applauded for dealing with a situation in a timely, professional
and correct manner.

If at any time you are unsure of the scope of your duties, or you feel uncomfortable with the actions
that a member of the public, tenant, visitor, contractor or colleague ask you to complete, then do
not hesitate to contact your line manager.

It is easy and satisfying to give excellent levels of customer service when you are sure of the scope
you can stretch to. We would like you to have the confidence to deliver exceptional customer
service which stems from a clear understanding of the role, the avenues for remedies available to
you and when to pass on the situation to a colleague.

We seek to provide enrichment to the role of the Customer Service Team and welcome ideas you
have how to achieve this which includes efficiencies in current practices as well as innovations.

If you have any questions, your line manager is the first point of contact.

I hope you have a great day at work today.

Rhoda Joseph

Rhoda C Joseph
Centre Manager
Purpose of the Customer Service Desk

The primary welcome point for direct contact with internal and external customers to include visitor
and tenant enquiries, centre management reception, visitor and tenant assistance with problems,
first point of contact for tenant liaison, collection and administration of tenant performance data,
gift card sales, lost and found property and customer and tenant feedback on centre services.

The Customer Service Desk team are ambassadors for the centre delivering professional, accurate,
timely information in an informative and friendly manner. They improve the customers experience
with The Square and enhance the brand value.

Your purpose is to reinforce the impression that The Square is a clean, well-managed, secure and
welcoming place offering a range of quality shops, venues and experiences with friendly,
knowledgeable and approachable staff which combine to make customers and visitors want to
return again and again.

To facilitate a variety of administrative duties following the procedures and guidelines.

To deliver excellent customer service and maintain high standards of customer satisfaction.
Job Description

To provide a pivotal link between customers, visitors and retailers, and to act as an ambassador and
communicator for the shopping centre and reception for the centre management office. The
Customer Service Desk Assistant will deliver excellent standards of service to all customers, while
contributing to the achievement of the Annual Business Plan.

Key Responsibilities


 To sell Love Camberley gift cards

 To facilitate Collect Plus collection and delivery services
 To ensure responsible use of time, consumables and resources


 To coordinate the Traffic Light Store Performance system

 To report on stores trading and operational issues
 To ensure all letters, memorandums, newsletters and updates to tenants are delivered
 To respond to emails in a timely and appropriate manner
 To provide accurate reports and updates as required


 To deal professionally and positively with all customer questions and enquiries
 To develop an excellent relationship with retailers
 To develop professional and informative relationships with members of the public
 To work alongside the centre management team to promote the brand values
 To review customer facilities to ensure shopping centre standards are maintained

Product & Service

 To provide exceptional levels of customer service delivery ensuring ‘Best In Class’

 To have a global knowledge of retailers within the shopping centre and the town centre so
as to be able to advise customers
 To communicate with the BID Manager for key updates on local events when needed
 To develop sound local knowledge, so as to be able to respond to customers queries on the
shopping centre events, local transport queries and local/community events
 To assist the Marketing/Centre Manager and Marketing Assistant with respect to marketing
events and promotions
 To promote and sell Love Camberley Gift Cards
 To promote and update as instructed The Square Loyalty scheme
 To promote Centre events and activities
 To support and promote retailer’s recruitment
 To log customer comments and respond where possible
 To forward any potential RMU/promotional space occupiers to Administration Manager
 To provide daily feedback to management team on observations and customer feedback
 To act on behalf of the management team in safety and hygiene matters
 To ensure an excellent level of customer service is provided
 Having a global knowledge of retailers within The Square and Camberley to advise
 To develop a close relationship with retailers and be able to report on trading issues.
 To co-ordinate the Traffic Light System figures and circulate monthly footfall reports to each
 In liaison with Marketing update the website with retailer information
 To maintain the appearance of the desk and ensure it is always clear and tidy and to keep
the leaflet dispensers updated
 To fill out wheelchair booking loan form and arrange the wheelchair to be brought to the
 Through a sound local knowledge be able to respond to customers on Camberley events,
local transport queries and local/community events
 Where appropriate, ensure those with disability shop easily
 To reply and/or forward incoming emails from customers, retailers or third parties
 To forward to the Centre Manager any enquiries from potential new retailers
 To provide regular feedback to the Management Team on observations and customer
 To manage the glass display pods used by retailers so product is on display at all times
 To manage the Camberley Rewards Programme:
o Collect new offers from retailers
o Update the Centre/Marketing Manager and Marketing Assistant on updates to the
quarterly leaflet
o To collect new sign ups from customers, explaining how the programme works and
add new contacts to the database
o To collect weekly redemption figures from retailers
 To provide the Collect Plus service


 To ensure all company policies are understood, communicated and adhered to as

Code of Conduct

To work on the Customer Service Desk you would be a lively energetic person with excellent front of
house skills gained in a customer-facing role such as retail or hospitality. A strong, flexible team
player, you will have the ability to build good working relationships with colleagues, retailers and

The Customer Service Desk assistant will be a highly effective communicator. They will have a
naturally outgoing character and will be able to deal with potentially difficult situations. They will be
energetic, self-motivated and able to resolve problems and to deliver solutions. They will be an
organised individual with a commercial flair who can act with pace when the situation necessitates.

All the information found on this document does not replace the Montagu Evans guidelines that can
be found on Montranet (

Why do we need to deliver excellent customer service?

Quite simply, if our customer service is merely adequate then it will probably be invisible to our
customers. Only excellent customer service gets noticed. We want visitors and shoppers to want to
return to The Square again and again. We want our retailers to feel they are valued and to promote
The Square as the location of choice in Camberley town centre. The best way we can do that is by
offering excellent customer service which puts us a way ahead of other shopping centres – our

So, what is excellent customer service?

Excellent customer service means continually and consistently providing customers with the level of
service which they demand before they demand it. Additionally, exceptional customer service is
about exceeding customer expectations where possible.
To consistently meet and exceed customers’ expectations is difficult because customers expect more
and more. If customers don’t get what they want, or the level of service they expect, they choose an
alternative e.g. a different car park, a different shop, a different shopping centre.

Providing excellent customer service is one of

many things that makes us stand out from the
others. It makes us different. It makes us
better. It makes people want to come to us
because they know we will always deliver the
best possible visitor experience and that is
enjoyable for themselves.

The strong connections The Square has formed

with retailers and shoppers are based on
honest, open and fair dealings and a desire for
engagement and dialogue. We are extremely pro-active in our approach to retailing and mixed-use
business, but we also listen and learn. If we don’t get it right first time, we reconsider, analyse,
review, and try again until we do.

Honesty, openness, and fairness are at the heart of our “house style” and they apply to our dealings
with each other as well as to retailers, shoppers and investors. You can expect us to be honest and
open in our communication with you, and we hope for the same from you as we go forward

Attitude comes first because above all else it is the one thing that can make a huge difference to
delivering first class customer service. There will be a number of buzzwords you recognise such as
‘going the extra mile’, ‘above and beyond’, ‘world class not just first class’ ‘deliver the high standard
of service you would want’.

 Always be polite and courteous with both external and internal customers – particularly if
you are working under pressure which includes with queuing customers, multiple demands
at the same time, working to deadlines.
 Be willing and be interested to help.
 Be interested in your work, in your colleagues and the centre stakeholders.
 Pay attention to your own personal appearance. It is a reflection on you and The Square.
 Be positive about work, the organisation and your colleagues.
 If you have a good idea, don’t keep it to yourself – share it and discuss it. If it hasn’t been
developed in the past maybe it’s because nobody thought about it.
 Accept responsibility for your work. Take a pride in it as there is a reason for everything you
are asked to do. It is important.
 Strive for quality and excellence in all aspects of your work.
 Don’t prejudge people. We are all different – diversity is important and welcome. Treat
everyone with respect. Act with dignity. Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.
 Be a team player by encouraging and supporting others and by listening to their ideas.
 Cooperate with people and be friendly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Customers and Retailers will ask you a variety of questions. Below you can see some examples of the
most frequently asked questions by the retailers. Please have the answers ready to use.

 Where are the toilets?

 Where are the bus stops for Old Dean/Bracknell/Aldershot/Bagshot/etc
 How do I get to the train station?
 Where is The Atrium?
 Where are the Amazon lockers?
 Where is TK Maxx/Ping Pong Parlour/Argos?
 Where is the bowling alley/cinema?
 How far away are the Council Offices/The Theatre?
 Where is the nearest cash machine/Photo booth?
 What time do the shops close?
 Is there Shopmobility in Camberley?
 Which way is the car park? (check which one they mean)
 Is there a XXX in Camberley?
 Where is there a dry cleaners or dry cleaner agency in Camberley town centre?
 How do I get to Places Leisure Centre?


You are expected to arrive for your shift in at least 10 to 15 minutes before the start time of your
shift and to be ready to work at the CSD at the allotted shift start time. If you are going to be late for
work on a particular day you must inform your manager directly at least one hour before. If your
manager is not available, please call Centre Management (01276 404 110) and speak to a Duty
Manager. Calling in will not excuse the lateness and in the event that such behaviour is repeated,
disciplinary action may result. You are expected to remain at your place of work throughout your
shift, unless you have prior consent from your line manager.
Personal Property and Security

The Company cannot accept responsibility for the security of your personal property and valuables
which are lost on Company premises if they are left unattended during working hours or left
overnight. All personal property should be stored in your locker or handed to your manager or a
duty manager on site for safekeeping. Goods or property belonging to the company must not be
removed from the premises.

Personal phones are not to be used in work time and will not be permitted on the CSD during shift
hours unless there are exceptional circumstances and in agreement with your manager. Keep your
mobiles in your locker or other safe place.

You shall not enter or leave the premises by any other way than the appointed entrances.

Searches are a standard security procedure in this Company and do not represent any indication of
suspicion or misconduct on the part of the Company of any employee subjected to such searching.


The company believes the security of our employees, premises and

property is of paramount importance. To facilitate this, we may
from time to time employ the use of both overt and covert CCTV
camera systems. For investigation purposes, we may also gather
information that is specific to an employee. Should there be a
conduct or punctuality issue it would be dealt with according to HR

Dress Regulations

The Company provides a standard uniform. This should be worn correctly at all times. It is your
responsibility to ensure that any uniform provided by the Company is clean and presentable at all
times and name badges/company ID are clearly visible.

Personal Presentation and Hygiene

You should make all reasonable efforts to maintain cleanliness, including bathing or showering
before coming to work. In addition, you should wear a deodorant or antiperspirant to help keep you
fresh throughout the working day.

You should not wear excessive amounts of perfume or aftershave.
As you are liable to come into contact with customers and members of the public, it is important
that you present a professional image with regard to appearance and standards of dress. You should
wear appropriate clothes relative to your job responsibilities. Line managers may provide further
rules on occasion which employees should adhere to.

Any breach of these dress regulations may be addressed under the disciplinary procedure.

Telephone Use

The use of Company telephones is strictly limited to Company business calls, however in an
emergency and with your manager’s permission, personal calls may be made. All Company
telephone bills are audited and monitored, and abuse of the Company telephones will be treated as
a disciplinary issue.

Computer Communications Policy

The use of company IT equipment must be in

accordance with Company regulations. This includes
awareness of cyber security and related issues as
well as ensuring there is no misuse of computers for
personal or Company use such as research, online
shopping, etc. unless you have express permission
from your line manager.

Electronic Communications Policy

Our employees have access to one or more forms of electronic media including computers, email,
telephone, voicemail and the Internet in order to complete their business tasks and responsibilities.
We encourage the use of this media to support business purposes. They are not provided for
personal use.

Prohibited Communications

During or outside office hours, office equipment should not be used for knowingly transmitting,
retrieving or storing any communication that is:

 Discriminatory or harassing or may contribute to bullying

 Derogatory to any individual or group
 Obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic
 Defamatory or threatening
 Engaged in any purpose that is illegal or contrary to company policy or business interests
Access to Employee Communication

The Company is entitled to monitor internet and e-mail usage without prior notice to employees and
employees should not assume that electronic communication provided by the company is totally

The libel and defamation laws apply to the contents of all forms of correspondence including e-mail
and furthermore, electronic communication may have to be disclosed in any litigation involving the
Company. So please always take care when using e-mail, which (potentially) has a far more
extensive circulation than more traditional forms of communication.

 In order to protect our network from virus infection, computer software should not be
copied from one machine to another and external hardware or software should not be
introduced to any computer or to the network.
 Do not download any software from the internet, including games, jokes, screen savers etc
without first getting approval from your line manager. You will be referred to the Group IT
Services who will arrange for the download and deal with any licensing and other issues
which may arise. Any licence conditions related to the commercial use of software available
on the internet must be observed by all employees.
 Do not plug anything into your computer that has not been provided by Group IT Services.
 Be aware of cyber security. Always be vigilant when opening attachments and do not open
anything if there is any doubt as to its source or content. Never open links which are not
recognised as permitted by the company. E-mails with software programmes, including
software downloaded from the internet, and/or applications attached should never be
opened and should always be referred to the Group IT Services.
 The use of instant messenger software (e.g. Microsoft Instant Messenger) and accessing
external third-party email systems (e.g. Microsoft Hotmail) that have not been provided by
the Company is prohibited unless permission has been granted by your line manager and
referred to Group IT Services.
 Nobody must access another company’s network or system in a manner that violates the
policies of the operator of that other network or system.
 A breach of this Policy by any employee will be treated
seriously. Access may be revoked and disciplinary action
may be taken, up to and including summary dismissal.
 The company computers must not be used at any times for
personal usage such as (but not exclusively):
o Internet browsing/shopping
o House search
o Home banking
o Access personal emails
 You can use the company computer to search for local
news, stake-holders website and searches related to your
work for The Square.
Use of Personal Mobile Phones

The use of personal mobile phones is prohibited at the Customer Service Desk and mobiles must be
always kept away from the public eye. In an event of needing to take a personal call this must be
taken away from the Customer Service Desk with express management permission.


Your contracted hours may contain unpaid breaks.

During these breaks you are entitled to leave the
shopping centre.

Additionally, you may need additional breaks such as

toilet breaks. These can be done putting a “5 minute”
sign on the Customer Service Desk and accessing the
Management Office toilets. You must inform Security
Control when you are leaving the CSD for a 5-minute
break so they can alert patrolling security officers that
they may be needed to cover the desk should a
customer arrive. Keys must be left in a safe place for
cover staff to use if required. Due to the nature of your role during these breaks you cannot leave
the Management Office. You should always keep your radio with you.

Any unauthorised absences from the Customer Service Desk could be taken from your working hours
resulting in loss of pay. If you do need to leave the Customer Service Desk you must seek
authorisation from your manager (or a duty manager on his/her absence) beforehand.

Lost and Found Property Procedure

Found property needs to be reported to security so that they can complete the paperwork with the
person who found the item. This is held in the Control Room. The best method is by phone so the
controller can arrange for a s/o to collect the lost property book and bring this to the CSD. This is
better than asking security to escort the person who found the property to the Control Room.
Security then return the LP book and take the found property to the control room at the time it is

Customers asking about lost property – phone the control room and enquire if it is handed in. If so,
to be reunited with their property they have to sign for the return of the property. The controller
arranges for a s/o to bring the book and the property to the CSD.
Incident Response

1. If assistance or a first aid check is required you must radio security – radio is quickest as all
security officers and the duty manager will hear your message. If you phone the control room then
the controller has to relay the message on the radio to the mall s/o’s. This is a delay.

2. Security will then attend immediately and take the details required from the incident members
and deliver necessary support/actions.

3. An email is to be sent by the CSDA to the duty manager so it can be added to the daily diary and
enable follow up as required.

4. The incident/response is then shown in the 24 hour report the following day that is circulated to
duty managers by the controller.

5. If any action is promised by the CSDA then this can only be stated if it is within the CSDA power to
ensure this is deliverable. Therefore, a response will not be ‘A duty manager will contact you’ but
should be ‘I will report this so further action can be taken as required. Thank you for letting us know
about this’. At this point, the customers contact details and name should be taken. This information
is then included in the email to the duty manager.

Procedure for post

 Post will be delivered to the customer service desk, and needs to be date stamped, then
scanned and sent to the recipient.
 Place the hard copies on Millie’s desk, as she will handle the post.
Seasonal Events

School Holidays

There are often ‘treasure hunt’ style events in the school holidays to entertain children while they
aren’t at school. As the CSD ambassador, your role includes informing customers about the event,
transferring data into spreadsheets and handing out prizes for completion of trails.

Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday

In the lead up to Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday, customers will be able to purchase
poppies from the customer service desk. They are provided with a lock and chain (the key for which
is located in the glass pods folder.) They are to be locked away each night, then brought out each
morning. Money should be placed in the donation tub (for this reason customers must give exact
change only as any extra will be taken as a donation!)


Giving Tree Hampers: The rotary club run a collection whereby they give hampers to those in need.
The general public are encouraged to donate food items such as mince pies, tins of chocolate and
stuffing to contribute to the boxes and at present, the CSD is a drop-off point for these donations. In
the lead up to Christmas, there will be two plastic tubs in the cupboard which the donations should
be placed in.

Frimley Park Hampers: In addition, Hope Hub and Frimley Park Hospital run a collection, which
contains a variety of items, including clothing, toiletries, and biscuits. There will be separate boxes
labelled for the donations and the volunteers will be using the old JJB Sports unit to make and wrap
the bundles. At approximately 4.45pm each day, they will call and ask if there is enough donations to
collect. If there is, the donations will be transferred to JJB at 5.15pm, and security will let them in. If
not, they will call again the following day.
Collectively Camberley - BID

Collectively Camberley BID (Business Improvement District), also known as Love Camberley, is an
organisation whose aim is to keep the town centre vibrant, safe, clean and friendly, so that
customers will want to visit and businesses have the chance to prosper. The Collectively Camberley
BID has become increasingly popular with local businesses, residents and consumers over the last 10
years. It has played an essential part in raising awareness of the town and its offer, delivering
events, driving up footfall and spend, and developing pride of place.

The services and projects provided to date by Collectively Camberley BID were as a result of an
extensive consultation process in 2016 with the local businesses. This focused upon the success of
projects delivered by the BID in its first 5-year term after initially being voted in 2011. The
Collectively Camberley BID is business run and led and responds directly to the needs and wants of
Camberley Town Centre businesses.

Working in collaboration with a range of other partners, Collectively Camberley BID’s Board of
Directors (drawn from local business representatives and who work on a voluntary basis) have
diligently, over the past years, delivered the business plan projects. They have also been proactive in
seeking new avenues for funding and these efforts have added substantial value to the investment
of local businesses.

The Camberley BID levy raises over £250,000 each year to deliver the agreed projects. When this is
coupled with additional income, it totals a spend of well over £1M in 5 years.

BID Renewal Ballot took place in June 2021 and has successfully secured a third 5-year term to
continue support and investment into the town centre.
The BID provides, amongst other services and events the following:

 A comprehensive website with over 2,500 page views per month

 Social Media with over 3400 Twitter followers, over 6000 Facebook followers and over 1800
Instagram followers, along with an extensive public and business mailing list
 Annual Town Centre Events attracting large crowds with the Car Show (50,000), Christmas
Lights (60,000), Camberley Armed Forces Day (25,000) and Rooftop Film Festival (1,850)
 Christmas magazine to 60,000+ homes each year
 Little Book of Offers with over 200 businesses taking part
 Supporting of Small Business Saturday
 Supporting the Remembrance Sunday parade
 Annual Business Awards with over 50 businesses attending each year
 Monthly Farmers’ and Artisan Market, plus new monthly Vegan Market
 Seasonal Town Centre Hunts including Easter, Halloween and Christmas, decorated by local
schools and community groups
 Best Dressed Business promotions
 ‘Spotlight’ feature for professional services
 Industry Insider Card for Town Centre Employees with 80+ businesses participating
 Christmas Decorations on the streets in Camberley Town Centre
 Floral Displays
Traffic Light System (Tenants Store Performance Monitor)

Every month we collect sales figures from our retailers. Working with the security team, it is part of
the Customer Service Desk responsibilities to distribute and collect trading forms and to populate
the Traffic Light Data Spreadsheet.

To do this we complete the following procedure:

Day 1 - All forms, updated with correct dates, are sent via email or printed for hand delivery using a
signed for distribution system.

Forms are available on the shared folder:

 P:\AMP Camberley\Traffic Light System\Handout Forms

Email addresses are available on the shared drive:

 P:\AMP Camberley\Traffic Light System -> Traffic Light System Response Sheet

All replies - including performance ranking and supporting

comments on reasons for trading performance - need to
be entered into the spreadsheet:

 P:\AMP Camberley\Traffic Light System -> Traffic

Light Figures

Day 4 – Returned form check. Hand delivered ones are

visited to chase up face to face by CSD team. Take spare
forms to be completed while waiting or left for collection
the following day. Emails not read or not returned are
then sent out by direct email with a ‘Read Receipt’

Day 6 – Returned form check. Stores who have not returned their forms are listed and sent to your
line manager. These stores are contacted again by the line manager.

Day 10 – wash up meeting for outstanding forms and visit stores with spare forms to chase.

If there are some retailers that haven’t returned the form, please inform Kim or Rhoda.

A visitor for Centre Management can either be pre-arranged or speculative. Pre-arranged visitors
will be notified to the CSD in advance either by phone or by email. Please add them to the handover
book so the desk is attended when they arrive or control have been informed if the desk is
unmanned. Speculative visitors should have their details taken and ID checked if they are not
recognized. If they are a tenant, they do not need to sign in. In an emergency they would return to
their unit and be accounted for in that way. Ring the relevant member of the Centre Management
Team to establish if they are able to see them or if they need to make an appointment. If they need
to make an appointment, provide the email address. Do not issue mobile numbers.

The visitor will have been told to report to the CSD on arrival. Use the Visitors Book with its pre-
printed register to create a visitors pass with a unique pass number for each visitor. Do not handle
the same pen as the visitor. Always use your own pen or a clean pen and have a pen container for
clean pens and a separate container for used pens. Put the completed pass into a clear pass display
holder (in the black container) and ask the visitor to wear it with the date side out. In quiet times,
sanitise the used pens and return to the clean pens container and sanitise the Pass Folder. This is to
prevent transmission of Covid-19 and other transmissible diseases. Make sure all pens are sanitised
and in the correct pen holder at the end of the day.

The following information is needed and should be completed by the visitor.

 Name
 Company
 Who they are visiting
 Date
 Time arrived
 Signature
 As we do not provide visitor parking, vehicle details are not required but can be collected if
offered as there is a space on the pass.
 Ideally ask for their mobile number in this space

1. The top copy of the pass is removed and folded neatly into a visitor pass wallet with a clip.
When worn, the date of the visit should be showing for security purposes.
2. The CSD member must alert the visitor to the H&S and Fire Safety information on the pass
regarding centre evacuation and other points.
3. If the visitor is for Sec Control, ring them and ask if you are to send the visitor to them or if
they will come down and meet them at the CSD.
4. If the visitor is for the CMT, ring the relevant person and advise their visitor has arrived. You
will be advised to either ask them to wait while the member of the CMT comes to the CSD or
you will be asked to send them up to the first floor and to wait in reception.
5. When the visitor has filled the Pass in, the Pass is removed carefully from the sheet, folded
in half with the date showing when worn. The date side is the same side as the opening at
the top of the wallet. Hand this to the visitor reminding them it must be visible at all times.
6. If the visitor is waiting at the CSD, politely ask them to stand at the CSD by H Samuels so they
are not blocking the CSD for other customers.
7. At the end of the visit, the visitor pass must be returned to the CSD and the Visitors Book
updated with the visitor signing out and time. This can be completed by the host if the pass
has been received from the visitor.
8. On return, the pass wallet is to be sanitised using wipes.
9. Return the back sheet to your line manager for shredding when all passes used.


As part of the Customer Service Desk duties the team is responsible for updating the posters that are
on display at The Square.

A spreadsheet with the poster locations and description needs to be filled in for us to keep track of
the posters currently in display. The spreadsheet is located at the shared folder and it should be

Pop Up Banner Bookings

Retailers may ask to book a pop-up banner or wedge board in either Cambridge Square or Main
Square (depending on current events.) Print out a form for them and ask them to fill it in, which
should be returned to Ava when complete. The form can be found at: P:\AMP Camberley\Pop up
banner booking form

Job Sheet
Jobs are to be kept up to date as and when you have received a request to either remove or add.
Tuesday: Job sheet to be sent to email recipient’s found in jobs file, remember to use bcc.
At the end of the month all jobs are to be checked to see if the vacancy has been filled - make sure
to check that dates are current.
Each evening make sure there is sufficient job sheets for the next day or weekend, if not, print
sheets in colour from the upstairs printer.
Wheelchair Loan Procedure

1. Telephone enquiry, email or F2F enquiry received by Management or Customer Service

2. Check on booking spreadsheet to confirm availability of wheelchair P:\AMP Camberley\
3. If chair is available highlight in yellow on spread sheet.
4. Advise customer to report to Customer Service Desk on arrival at the centre.
5. Customer Service Desk staff to ask customer to complete their details on booking form.
6. If customer does not have ID then please check with Duty Manager.
7. Booking Form should be filed in ring binder and placed in locked cupboard until the
customer returns the wheelchair to the CSD.
8. Customer Service Desk to call Security and request that they unlock available wheelchair and
bring to the CSD.
9. If Security are busy, then CSD staff can close the desk and collect the wheelchair.
10. Wheelchairs will be number 1, 2 and 3.
11. Time limit per wheelchair is 7.5 hours (9.30am – 5pm).
12. All wheelchairs should be returned by 5pm.
13. Wheelchairs can be prebooked or booked on the day.
14. Once wheel chair has been returned then the form should be removed from the folder and
15. Check the wheelchair for damage and ask the customer that all was in order with it. If a
defect is reported or found, place Out Of Service notice on it and report to Control.
16. If wheelchair has not been retuned then please telephone the number given on the booking
form and advise a Duty Manager.

If you have any questions then please ask a Duty Manager.

Please note that we do NOT need to ask what the disability is of the person hiring the wheelchair.






ID CHECKED Driving Licence Passport Bank Card Other

   


This information is held in the strictest of confidence and only kept for the duration of time that the wheelchair is in use. Once the
wheelchair has been returned then this information is destroyed. This information is not and will not be shared with any third party.
Love Camberley Gift Card

The new Gift Card is a Collectively Camberley product and has replaced The Square’s gift card.

How to access the sales system

Website is saved under bookmarks on google chrome browser
How do I load a card with value?

1) Please take the money first with the card reader

 Press any button to get off the home screen to where it reads: “READY Merchant”
 Enter the amount
 Press OK (Green Button)
 Take Payment
 Contactless and Apple/Android, just tap, Chip and Pin insert card customer enter pin
 Tear off merchant copy and keep.
 If customer requires a copy, reprint or if you have missed the opportunity press Menu –
Duplicate Receipt – OK (Can only do this for the last sale)

2) Visit the EML Cardspot webpage at

3) Select the property TCGC Camberley and The Square

4) Open the Card Sales

5) Navigate to Card Sales and click “Add cards one at a time”

6) Type or scan the number on the back of the blank card and press “Add”

7) Keep Card Type as Regular

8) Type in the value (£XXX) to be loaded

9) If the card is being loaded as part of a campaign - select the campaign. This is usually not the case.

10) Press done to move to the payment details screen.
11) Select the payment method of the transaction - Card

12) Enter the amount of the payment

13) Choose the sales channel (In Person, Online)

14) Add the authorization code in the notes section

15) Click “Complete Sale” to load the gift card with value.

15) This next screen will allow you to email or print a customer receipt. We would recommend doing
this as, it gives the customer a record of the transaction ID. Emailing the customer receipt does not
store any customer data.

16) If using card holders, it’s good practice to write the expiry date of the card on the card holder.

How do I load multiple cards with value?

1) Please take the money first with the card reader

2) If you need to load multiple cards for a customer, type or scan the card number for the first card

3) Type in the value (£XXX) to be loaded onto the card

4) If the card is being loaded as part of a campaign - select the campaign.
5) To add an additional card, click back into the card number box and scan the card a second box will
show. You can load up to 10 cards at a time under one transaction

6) Press done to load the cards with value

7) Follow instruction as per ‘1. How do I load a card with value?’ above.

How do I void a card?

1) Note - you can only void a card on the same day (within 24 hours) it has been loaded.

2) To void a gift card, click “Search”

3) “Search Cards” on the left-hand side.

4) Enter the card number from the back of the card or scan using the manual scanner.

5) Click the ‘i’ - View Activation Details” beside the card number, this will take you to a new screen.

6) Click the “Void” button to void the card.

How do I search for a gift card?

1) Click “Search” and then “Search Cards” on the left-hand side.

2) Enter the card number from the back of the card.

3) This will give you basic info on the card, as well as the option to view balance and transactions.
Z Report and other functionalities of the card reader

A Z report needs to be generated at the end of the day. To do this you need to:

- Press Menu button x2

- Press enter on Totals

- Press enter on end of day banking

- Enter the supervisor code (1506)

- Press enter on end of day banking.

Please put the Z report for the gift card sales in the clear punched pocket which is hanging by Kim’s
desk. The collect plus receipts can be placed on Kim’s desk.

Reboot Machine

• Reboot/Reconnect Terminal

• Hold yellow button and . , ‘ button together for 5 seconds.


• Menu – Refund – Ok – Enter refund amount – Card (contactless, Chip and pin or
Apple/Android) – Receipt

Customer Service/ Technical Support: 01606 566600

Supervisor Code: 1506

Where can the gift card be used?

The Collectively Camberley gift card can be used throughout the town centre at participating stores.

Participating Stores in The Square
Across the town centre

Updated list:
Gift Card FAQ

Where can customers buy the Love Camberley Gift Card?

Gift Cards can be purchased at the Customer Service Desk or online:

What is the expiry date of the card?

12 months after purchase. When selling a gift card please write the expiry date on the wallet.

Where can the gift card be spent?

At selected locations around the town centre. Interactive map can be found on the gift card website:

Is The Square gift card still valid?

Yes, the cards are valid until one year after the issue date. Please note that customers can request an
extension to the expiry date at their own expense. To do this they need to call the number on the
back of the card.

Can we check the gift card balance at the Customer Service Desk?

Yes, doing a search or on the check balance website:

Camberley Rewards
When a customer asks about Camberley Rewards, give them a form to fill in. Once they have filled
the form, give them a reward card, and a copy of the monthly rewards flyer. Once the customer has
left, look at the form. If they have ticked the box at the bottom, that means they would like to
receive marketing information and so their details must be entered in the sign up data spreadsheet:
P:\AMP Camberley\Camberley Rewards\Camberley Rewards card sign up data CSD 2022.xlsx

If the customer has not ticked this box, their information is not recorded, and on the daily figures
spreadsheet, the tally goes up by +1 (make sure to enter on the correct day!) The spreadsheet is
located at: P:\AMP Camberley\Camberley Rewards\Sign Ups (Daily Figures) 2022.xlsx
Collect Plus

At the Customer Service Desk, we provide the Collect Plus

service. Collect Plus is a service for customers to receive and
send parcels with a maximum parcel length 60cm and 10kg
weight. Collect Plus partners with over 90 online retailers and
uses a range of courier companies enabling customers to collect
or return their parcel at the local drop-off point in The Square
rather than waiting at home for the driver.

The Collect Plus operation hours are from 9.30am – 5.15pm

Monday to Saturday, and 10.30am – 4.15pm on Sundays. If there
are customers who arrive after 5.15pm and you are able to
process the request, then it would be helpful to do on a case by
case basis, depending on the circumstances and considering
elements such as the actual time, brand reputation and excellent
customer service. Any parcels taken in on this basis will be in the following days records so make
sure they are fully logged.

All the Collect Plus transactions are made through the Collect Plus dedicated machine.

Below you can see all the transactions that are currently available:

1) Select Collect Plus option from main touch screen.

2) You will then see nine different options on the screen.

Customer Customer Driver Deliveries

collecting parcel send/return parcel

Scan Expired Refuse Parcels Print Parcel Label


Inventory Scan Print Expired Parcels Missing ECP?


Note 1: Don’t be a victim of fraud, never process a PayPoint transaction over the phone. If you
receive a phone call asking you to carry out any transaction on the PayPoint terminal, please do not
proceed, even if the caller claims to be from PayPoint or a service provider. Ring the PayPoint centre
immediately on 08457 600 633.

Note 2: Always keep customer deliveries and returns in the cupboard.
Customer Collecting Parcel

If a customer is collecting a parcel, they will be required to show

proof of address or photo ID matching the name on the
parcel/screen. The following items are acceptable:

1) Utility Bill
2) Bank Statement
3) Council Tax Bill
4) Official Photo ID document (Driving Licence or Passport)
5) Credit or Debit Card
6) Old Style Driving Licence

Select Customer collecting parcel and then follow instructions on screen. A receipt should be
produced which can be given to the customer. We need to retain a copy so please print duplicate
and note on the back the type of ID or address confirmation that was provided.

To print the receipt, you need to press “return to main menu” at the end of the operation.

Record in the book under ‘Customer Collections’ column the origin of the Parcel (, House
of Fraser, John Lewis, etc) – please see image 1.

Customer Send/Return Parcel

If you receive a parcel for return, please select Customer Send/Return Parcel option and follow the
instructions on the screen. Give the customer a receipt.

Driver Deliveries and Collections

When you receive the parcels from the driver select Driver Deliveries and scan them in and put them
in the cupboard. Please put them in alphabetical order under the customer surname so that this will
help you to locate the parcel when the customer arrives to collect and write the date that the parcel
arrived on the delivery.

Record in the login book the name of the customer, the brand and the day of the delivery – please
see image 2

When a driver is collecting parcels to be returned, please ask for driver ID. Even if it is an Agency
Driver, they should still have ID.

There is no need to scan parcels out. You can just give the parcels to the driver. The driver does not
need to scan the parcels at the time of collection.
Scan Expired Parcels

If a parcel is not collected for more than 7-10 days please return to the driver (expired parcels
option). To make sure what parcels are expired please press the button that says “Expired Parcels
Report” report and check what parcels have expired. If there are any press “Expired Parcels” and
scan the parcels that are on the report and hand them to the driver. Please do not forget to write
them off from the log book.

Refusing A Parcel

1) We should refuse a parcel if it is over the size or weight we are permitted to take.

We accept parcels measuring up to 60cmx50cmx50cm, and our maximum allowed parcel weight
is 10kg.

2) To refuse a parcel from the driver, if it’s too big/heavy or damaged use the Refuse Parcel
scan on the collect plus machine
3) If the customer refuses a parcel select Refuse Parcel scan, then Customer refusal.

Print Parcel Label

1) Scan the customers barcode with the sunmi scanner, which will automatically print the label
2) Stick the label to the parcel
3) Scan the printed label as a normal return – don’t forget to give the customer their receipt.
Inventory Scan

We should use this facility to check the status of all of our parcels. It’s a good idea to do it regularly
to keep on top of expired parcels, etc.

Print Expired Parcels Report

We should use this facility every morning, it will show any Yodel or Ebay parcels that have expired
and need to be sent back.

Scan Expired Parcel

1) Scan the expired parcel, it will automatically generate a returns label

2) Put the returns label in a sticky wallet and attach it to the front of the expired parcel

Missing ECP

1) Enter customers’ name

2) Enter customers surname, this will then bring up the correct ECP number

If this doesn’t work call Ebay on 0208 610 0139
Procedure for Power Cut – Collect Plus

Please note that in case of a power cut we should continue the Collect Plus service. Below you can
find what to do in case of a customer collection, driver delivery or customer return/send. Please
always explain to the customer the current problem and ask for their consent before proceeding.

1) Customer Collection:

In case of a customer collection please fill in Appendix 1 with the customer code, customer parcel
number, email/address and name. This will allow us to do the transaction when we are live again.
Please note that we should only keep the email address and the name if the customer wants a copy
of the receipt. If the customer doesn’t want the receipt there is no need to keep name and address.

2) Driver Delivery:

Please fill in Appendix 2 with the parcel number and keep these parcels aside. If possible, take
pictures of the parcels barcode in case that of a mistake when writing the parcels numbers. If a
customer is able to give you a collection code you should go ahead with the customer collection
(situation 1) and register that information in Appendix 2.

3) Customer Return/Send

In case of a customer return/send please fill in Appendix 3 with the customer parcel number,
email/address and name. This will allow us to do the transaction when we are live again.

Please note that we should keep the email address and the name to send the copy of the receipt to
the customer.


On occasion, customers drop off Podback parcels and will use the same barcode twice (and will often
walk off and leave the parcel!)

1. To generate a new label, visit the Nespresso recycling webpage (bookmarked in chrome) and
click on Podback drop off.

2. Select print in store, then fill in the boxes with ‘Recycling my Nespresso pods’ and enter as the email.

3. Click on view barcode, and scan as usual with the orange and yellow machines.
Start and End of Day Procedure

Start of the Day

 Collect radio and keys from security control prior to shift starting
 Put lights on and sanitise all touch points.
 Open all shutters and cupboards and remove CSD closed sign.
 Get Visitors Book out of cupboard and put on desk above printer.
 Put the Induction Hearing Loop on the counter.
 Turn on and log in to the computer (password is Coffee2016)
 Make sure the Collect Plus is working and put the day’s date in
the Collect Plus book ready for the day’s deliveries.
 Check the sanitised pens and used pen holders are ready for use.
 Check the Handover Book for any info that’s needed for that day.
 Check emails see if anything needs actioning. Make sure to
highlight any emails from the previous day that need actioning.

End of the Day

 Print off job sheets ready for the following day.

 Write anything in the Handover Book that the next day staff will need to know or what has
happened/ problems previously.
 Use wet wipes, clean the Visitors Book cover, all used pens and put into sanitised pens
 Run an Expired Parcel report.
 At 17.20, run a Z report on the card reader machine. This can be done by pressing the white
button, then selecting sale, totals, then Z totals. When prompted, enter the code 1506 and
place the receipt into the clear receipts bag.
 At 17:25 - 17.30 run a Collect Plus admin report and file with the other Collect Plus receipts.
To do this press: Admin, Z Totals, Swipe Supervisors card.
 Put the Induction Hearing Loop and Visitors Book in the cupboard.
 At 17:30, sign out of the computer and turn it off. Lock up all the cupboards and tidy away
everything ready for the cleaners – leave the desk clear.
 Remove all your personal items from the cupboard and desk and throw rubbish away.
 Turn the lights off outside and inside the cupboard and push the chair under the counter.
 If someone arrives just before 5.30pm (4.30pm Sunday) we still need to serve them; late
shift finish time allows for this.
 Take keys and radio back to security control
 Please leave all the Collect Plus and the gift card receipts at Marketing Assistant’s desk.
 Lock the gate on leaving.

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