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Describe an interesting job

A job that I find interesting is being a pilot. You hear about planes all the time, and whenever
I’ve been on trips, I’ve always wondered what it takes to be a pilot. I imagine it must require
a lot of training and years of continuous practice. It doesn’t seem like a job that anyone can
do either, especially considering that there are various physical examinations you have to
pass. On top of this, you also need to be able to maintain good mental health, make sure you
do not have any anxieties, and know how to cope in situations that could be volatile. These
are all important, given that you are essentially transporting up to 100-500 people on a
vehicle that flies in the air. I think, when it comes to skills, you have to have some mastery
over your own emotions because, in the event of danger, you have to remain calm and try to
keep the passengers at ease until you are able to diffuse the situation or land safely. I think it
is an interesting job because not everyone can successfully become a pilot; it takes extreme
discipline to maintain the physical requirements and have a great ability to cope with stress.
For these reasons, I don’t think I can be a pilot because my vision is not that good, and I can
get frustrated quite easily if situations out of my own comfort zone appear. Other than this, I
think it’s an interesting job because I cannot think of someone having the goal of being a pilot
from a very young age, unless they have immediate family members who are also pilots. Of
course, it is financially rewarding, but it is also a job that has huge risks. So, this is why it is
interesting because why would you want to put yourself in danger all the time? I guess
ultimately it depends on whether you really want to pursue this career. That’s why I think it’s
interesting because everyone has their own reasons for being a pilot, but the responsibility
that comes with being a pilot is huge. Therefore, you have to make sure that you can deal
with this kind of responsibility.

1. What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?

Based on current trends, I think a lot of the more popular jobs are centred around social
media and e-commerce. The rise of internet celebrities and streaming platforms like Tik Tok,
have made it easy for individuals to have huge influence on the habits of young individuals,
especially among teenagers and people who are in their twenties. Seeing the success of so
many internet celebrities, especially in terms of generating profit, the live-streaming industry
has become a multi-billion dollar industry, with millions of people opening up a live-
streaming account every day, in hopes of emulating the same success as hugely successful
internet celebrities, such as Li Jiaqi, Xiao Yang Ge, who happen to be two people who took
advantage of this phenomenon in its early stages.

2. What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your


High-income jobs provide people with a comfortable lifestyle, in which individuals do not
have to second-guess their decisions when purchasing something. These individuals can
probably afford luxury items and purchase multiple properties and cars that low-income
families cannot. You can quite clearly see the difference between people who are high-
income and low-income, down to the transportation they use, what area of the city they live
in, and how they choose to spend their lives. In a way, it actually highlights the huge income
disparity between people, as income is not evenly distributed.

3. Is it common for people to do the same jobs all their lives?

I guess it really depends on the individual, if they are happy with their career choice and
entirely comfortable with the job they are in, then they may choose to stay in the same field
their whole lives. However, people do change their jobs in the sense that they may move to
another company. In some cases, when people become extremely proficient in a certain area,
they may choose to challenge themselves and enter a new industry. Nevertheless, this is
entirely dependent on whether they have transferrable skills that can be applied in any given
field, with a rich background of experience, roughly 10-20 years of experience. So, it’s not as
easy as it is made out to be.

4. Which jobs have the highest salaries?

I guess professional athletes and film and music industry stars will have access to the highest
salaries, since they will have multiple incomes coming in based on what their agent is
booking them. Since they have access to these incomes, it is easy for them to accumulate
their wealth over a short period of time. This is why, these industries are seen as being
extremely lucrative, because talent alone cannot help you get into this industry or provide you
with the fame and money you think you will obtain, it is all about the connections you have
and the way you present yourself. Even if you get into this industry, you may not earn a high
salary until you are booking multiple gigs.

5. Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?

Jobs that require a lot of manual labour and focus on specific hand-work, such as
embroidery or crafts, actually require an extremely high level of skill, but the reality is
that people who work in these fields, are severely under-paid, with some even earning a
salary that is lower than the average. Unfortunately, this is something that cannot be
changed, without increasing the number of hours they work.

2. Describe an adventure you like to go on

Adventure is such an ambiguous term; I guess what I’m trying to say is what constitutes an
adventure is entirely subjective and depends on the individual person. For me, I would like to
travel to Iceland and then spend a couple of weeks just biking around. I would prefer to do
this by myself because I think it’s more interesting to challenge myself. When I think about it,
I have yet to travel solo, so I think this would be a good opportunity to really test my limits.
It’s more of an adventure if you go on a trip by yourself because you only have yourself to
rely on. As for why I think Iceland would be the best adventure to go on, well, frankly
speaking, it’s quite a remote location, 10,000 km away from China. Also, there are several
volcanoes dotted around the island, so there’s always the risk of these volcanoes becoming
active – but as far as I know, almost 95% of the volcanoes on the island are dormant. Iceland
is also known for its ethereal natural landscapes, both during the day and nighttime; you can
really experience different vibes depending on the time of day. I think if I were to go on this
adventure, I would be able to experience new things. Thinking about it now, I would love to
do this when I’m 18, perhaps for my eighteenth birthday, but I guess it totally depends on my
family, who are still quite protective over me.

1. Who likes to read adventure books?

I think adventure books as a standalone genre are more geared towards teenagers or very
young children. Adventure books are essentially supposed to open your eyes to a world filled
with wonder, and almost always it crosses over into fictional territory. So, outside of very
young children and early teens, I don’t think anyone enjoys reading adventure books, unless
there is a level of realism attached to it, like adventure books that follow the narrative of
personal adventures that people take on a regular basis, or an adventure that pushes an
individual to discover something about themselves.

2. Do people prefer adventure movies or books?

I guess most people would prefer adventure movies, since it’s an easier watch, compared to
reading a lengthy novel. With novels, it requires a level of understanding that goes beyond
the surface level. As is the case with any piece of literature, but the way a book is written, can
help you to understand the themes being explored in more-depth. For this reason, I believe it
is better to watch an adventure movie, because you don’t have to focus so deeply.

3. Why do people like to read adventure books rather than go on an adventure?

I guess it has a lot to do with the price, you can easily purchase an adventure book for a
meagre 10rmb. Whereas going on an adventure would require a large sum of money, and
careful planning. It is not something you can do without preparation either, as going on an
adventure will always be filled with risks both during the journey and after it. Under these
conditions, and purely due to financial constraints, it is no wonder people prefer to read
adventure books instead of taking an adventure of their own.

4. Who doesn’t like to go on adventures?

Well, among the people I know, I think my parents would totally be against going on an
adventure. As they are not the type to put themselves in situations that could bring a lot of
stress or create unnecessary risks, even when they were young, I don’t think they grew up in a
generation where going on adventures was something that was openly discussed, because
adventure implies going against the norm, and anything that is construed as going against the
norm, is typically frowned upon or seen as being problematic.

5. What kind of personality should people have in order to experience a lot of


I guess you would need to have somewhat of an outgoing personality, but I think what’s more
important is having the capacity to remain calm in situations that have the potential to cause a
spike in anxiety or stress levels. You have to remember that when going on an adventure,
especially to an area or country that you are not familiar with, you will be facing different
situations, and given that you may not be able to speak the language, it is easy to feel
frustrated. So, I would expect people who go on adventures to have both an outgoing
personality and have the capacity to allow them to remain extremely calm and reactive in
situations that impose danger.

6. Will experiencing adventures broaden people’s horizons?

Yes, I guess in a way it does, because you are exposed to new settings, and different
situations that put you out of your own comfort-zone. Seeing as you are already out of your
comfort-zone, adventures test your ability to deal with situations that can change minute-by-
minute, it also trains your capacity to deal with the spike in emotions, as an adventure is not
just a simple walk in the park. In that respect, it does broaden your horizons, because you
gain an opportunity to develop your skills and also learn more things about yourself that you
may not have known prior to going on the adventure.

3. Describe a film you watched but felt disappointed in

Recently, I watched the latest Flash superhero film produced by DC Studios. I was pretty
interested in how they were going to do this film because I do have some interest in DC and
Marvel Studios, so prior to watching it, I already had huge expectations for the film. If you
don’t know, The Flash revolves around a superhero that can move at a pace that surpasses the
regular laws of physics, surpassing the speed of light. Within the mythology, there is the idea
that based on how fast he moves, he also has the ability to travel in time. Bearing this in
mind, I thought the film adaptation had huge potential. In the film zeitgeist, the film explores
the need to redo our own lives, and save those we couldn’t, and of course, there’s this
overarching villain in the story who he has to battle because the world is in danger. What I
didn’t really like about the film is that the stylistic choices utilized were completely different
from previous DC films, where you had this grand out-of-this-world feeling with the
superheroes, but in this one, The Flash felt completely humanised, lacking any unique
aspects. In terms of the narrative, a lot of parts felt completely rushed and underdeveloped; I
guess that is partially due to the script and writing, but the narrative left a lot to be desired. If
I were to redo this film, I would suggest focusing on the genre conventions more and
developing the characters more so that we as spectators can connect with them more. Overall,
the film was completely disappointing because it didn’t leave a strong impression on me.

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