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1 Blood Is Thicker than Water Cons Affirmative 1/ You work He / She / It works We / You / They work FORM | Negative 1/ You do not (don’t) work He/She / It does not (doesn’t) work We You / They do not (don’t) work Interrogative Do I /you work? Does he / she / it work? Do we / you / they work? | Uses Examples | A regular habit or routine My mum Ieaves early for A general truth or scientific fact I think she likes jazs Stative verbs Forma ‘Afirmativa: es como la forma base del verbo (es deci, el infnitivo sin to) excepto en la 3° persona del singular, que termina en -s 0-6. Para formar correctamente la 3° persona del singular hay que toner en cuenta las siguientes reglas ortogréficas segin la terminacién del verbo © En-o, ss, sh, -ch o-x afiaden -es: do - does, miss - misses, wish - wishes, touch - touches, fx - © Envocal + y afiaden una-s: say - says. © Enconsonante + y cambian la y por i antes de afadir es: ty- ties. Nogativa: sujeto + do not (don't) o does not (doesn't) para Ja 3* persona del singular + forma base del verbo. Interrogativa: do 0 does + sujeto + forma base del verbo, Recuerda que have got, to be y los verbos modales no necesitan auxiliar do / does en negativa ni en interrogativa Usos ‘© Hablar de acciones habituales o rutinas. ‘© Hablar do hochos gonerales o cientifcos. © Con los stative verbs (mira en la pagina siguiente), ‘The sun rises every morning. | ‘Adverbs of frequency / Time expressions work, always, usually, generally regularly, “occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never at | o'clock, at night, in the morning, on Fridays, every week, once 2 month, how often .. + Con horarios y programas, The train leaves at 9 o'clock (Eltren sale a as 9.) Los adverbios de frecuencia van delante del verbo principal, pero si se trata del verbo to be se colocan detrés. Brad and his brother always go on holiday together in the summer. (Brad y su hermano siempre se van de vacaciones junt en verano.) Cecile is never late for school. (Cecile nunce lega tarde al colegio.) Las expresiones temporales siempre se ponen al principio 0 final de la frase They do the washing up every day. (Lavan los platos todos los dias.) Con How often ..? se pregunta con qué frecuencia se hace alg. How often do you go to the cinema? (Gon qué frecuencia vas al cine?) + Indica usos adicionales a los presentados en las tabas. Interrogative PRESENT CONTINUOU: FORM Affirmative Negative Lam singing Lam (I'm) not singing | You are singing He / She /Itis singing We/ You / They are singing We / You / They are not Uses Examples An action which is happening now ‘A temporary action Iam going for a drive in A definite plan for the near future) (7 evening ‘You are not (aren’) singing He/She /Itis not (isn't) singing Sarah is studying for the exam now. Parents are giving their children unusual names these days. Am I singing? Are you singin; Is he/ she /it singing? Are we / you / they singing \t (aren't) singing ‘now, right now, at the moment this year, at present, today, these days this month ane Paul's sports this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next Friday / week / year

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