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February 07, 2004
1. Be systematic and show all your work clearly. Candidates are warned that, if we cannot read it then we cannot grade it,
and penalties will apply.

2. There are four problems, attempt all. All problems carry equal weight, maximum scores of individual parts are shown.

3. Closed book exam. Time allotted 2 hours. Average time per problem is 30 minutes, some problems may take longer while others
take shorter.

Problem 1: The mine car C is being pulled up the incline using motor M and the rope-and-pulley
arrangement shown in Figure 1.
(a) Determine the speed vP at which the cable must be taken up by the motor in order to move the
crate up the incline with a constant speed v of 2.5m/s. (10-pts)
(b) If the motor pulls the cable P at an acceleration aP of 2t2 m/sec2 and the cart starts from rest
at the bottom of the incline, what will be the velocity v of the cart after 3 sec. (10-pts)
(c) The car rolls down 10 meters after unloading its contents at the top of the incline, what is the
length of the cable that will be unwound by the motor?(5-pts)

Figure 1: Problem 1 Figure 2: Problem 2

Problem 2: The snowmobile is traveling at a constant speed of 10 m/s when it leaves the embarkment at
A at an angle of 40◦ as shown in Figure 2. If the snowmobile falls on an incline with triangular sides
ratio of 3 : 4 : 5 as shown, determine:
(a) The time of flight from A to B and the range R of the trajectory. (10-pts)
(b) Speed and acceleration at which it strikes the ground at B.(15-pts)
Problem 3: The airplane P is being tracked by radar located at O as shown in Figure 3. At the bottom
of a loop in the vertical plane at an altitude 400 m, the airplane P has a speed of 600 km/h and it is
decreasing at constant rate of 15 m/sec2 ; the radius of curvature of the loop is 1200 m.
(a) Make a sketch that shows the orientation of the n − t coordinate system for the airplane P and
the orientation of the r − θ coordinate system for an observer at O. (3-pts)
(b) If the unit vectors in the n- and t- axes are ~un and ~ut respectively, determine the velocity vector
and the acceleration vector for the airplane using normal and tangential components. (6-pts)
(c) Transform the obtained velocity vector and acceleration vector from n − t coordinates into r − θ
coordinates where the unit vectors in the r- and θ- axes are ~ur and ~uθ respectively. (6-pts)
(d) If your results in parts (b) and (c) are correct then determine the values of r̈ and θ̈. (10-pts)

(NOTE: Use SI units throughout)

Figure 3: Problem 3 Figure 4: Problem 4

Problem 4: Figure 4 shows a section of a top view of a football stadium. After starting from the position
marked with the “×”, a football receiver B runs the slant-in pattern shown in the figure at a constant
speed of speed vB = 3.92 yd/sec making a cut of 30◦ at P as shown and thereafter running with a
constant acceleration aB = 10 yd/sec2 in the direction shown. The quarterback releases the ball with
a constant horizontal velocity at the instant the receiver passes point P. If the receiver catches this
ball after 0.616 sec without changing his acceleration, determine:

(a) The x and y coordinates of the position at which the receiver will catch the ball. (8-pts)
(b) The angle α and the constant horizontal speed vA at which the quarterback must throw the ball
for the receiver to catch it without changing his acceleration.(8-pts)
(c) The velocity vector of the ball and its magnitude as seen by the receiver at the time of catching
it; use the x − y coordinate system shown in Figure 4. (9-pts)

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