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KIPP AMP Debate Update

KIPP AMP Debates to the TOP!

KIPP AMP Debate participated in their second NYC Urban Debate League Tournament over the weekend at Acorn Community High School. Entering only two teams, KIPP AMP faced schools from the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn in a grueling debate over United States space policy. With over 50 teams in the middle school division, KIPP debaters argued using a new style of performance-centric debate that the team has been working on since the beginning of October. All of their hard worked paid off, with KIPP AMP demonstrating one of their most successful showings over the past two years. Eighth grader Kobe dazzled his opponents, using a debate practice deemed Organic Intellectualism, where he bridges personal poetic styling with critical argumentation. His hard work yielded him the 1st place Speaker Award, demonstrating that he was the top speaker out of over 75 middle school students. His partner, Nakami, also showed his cool under pressure, surging 13 spots from the last tournament, earning himself a 7th place Speaker Award. Adrian continued his streak from last year of consistently winning a speaker award at every tournament, placing 12th.
This years debate resolution is: Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its exploration and/or development of space beyond the earths mesosphere. A special shout out to all our brand new 7th graders for their first debate tournament ever! They made fantastic arguments and had lots of fun.

November 7, 2011 Vol. 1

NYC UDL Restructuring

The New York Urban Debate League is currently in the process of restructuring. We are refocusing our efforts to make sure that everyone in an underserved community has an opportunity to participate and debate. As such, the league is looking for new member schools. Remember that this program is free to ANY Title 1 middle or high school. If you are interested or know someone that would like to start a team, please have them contact Mr. McIntosh at We have all the resources needed to start a debate team!

Nicolette, Stanley, Adrian, Nakami, Kobe, and Jason

Topic Discussion and Challenge

Our KIPP students are discussing some very challenging domestic policy issues. The KIPP debate case argues that the United States Federal Government should fully restore funding for NASAs solar sails project. We would love for you to carry the discussion forward. Ask our debaters what their thoughts are, challenge them on their opinions, and push them forward; together, we can create a democratic space for discourse and political empowerment.

Next: East Bronx Academy

The KIPP AMP Debate Team would like to put out a call for all parents and staff for the next debate tournament on December 10 at the East Bronx Academy. Please come out, watch some debates, judge some rounds, and show some KIPP AMP pride!

In the team division, the team of Kobe and Nakami narrowly missed first place to one of the top teams in Manhattan from the Institute of Collaborative Education. Adrian and Nicolette also had a strong showing, finishing 12th out of over 50 middle school teams.

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