3 Year Analysis of Wealth Maximisation of Nestle

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3 year analysis of wealth maximisation of nestle

Investment in Research and Development

Product Innovation

Nestle invests heavily in developing exciting and innovative products, such as its recent launch of
plant-based meat alternatives.

Technological Advancement

Nestle uses innovative technologies to maximise production efficiency and sustainability, including
implementing artificial intelligence and data analytics.

Research and Partnerships

Nestle collaborates with academic institutions and research organisations to identify new
opportunities in food science and health research.

Cost Efficiency Measures

Sustainable Production Techniques

In order to reduce costs and minimise its environmental impact, Nestle is committed to producing
goods sustainably by using eco-friendly methods such as recycling and energy-saving processes.

Efficient Supply Chain Management

Nestle enhances its supply chain performance through cost-cutting measures and risk-reduction
strategies, including reducing distribution times and implementing effective inventory management

Key financial indicators for the past 3 years

2019 2020 2021

Revenue ($ billions) 93.5 84.3 91.1
Net profit margin (%) 14.9 15.8 16.9
Earnings per share ($) 3.75 3.85 4.00

Revenue Growth Strategies

In 2020, Nestle's overall sales growth was 3.6%, primarily driven by strong performances in North
America and Europe. Nestle’s strategy to focus on its core brands and businesses has resulted in the
expansion of its market share in key regions.

Impact of Global Economic Trends

Pandemic-Driven Increase in Demand

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased demand for packaged foods. Nestle's quick, adaptive business
response allowed it to meet the growing customer needs, thereby increasing profits.

Trade Uncertainty

Nestle also faced challenges, with tariffs and trade restrictions leading to some market disruption.
The company leveraged its scale to mitigate these issues and implemented cost reduction strategies.

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