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Student name: Trần Ngọc Lê Uyên Student ID number: 31211022133


Unit name: Managing in the Global Environment Unit number:

Tutorial/Lecture: Class day and time: 8:00am - 11:15am
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Khanh Ngo


Title: Assessment 2: In-class experiential exercises - International Spotlight 5 (Poland)

Length: 443 words Due date: 02/03/2024 Date submitted: 02/03/2024


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Poland, a Central European nation with a rich history and a population of approximately
37.95 million, has undergone significant economic and political transformations since its
independence. With its transition from communism to a market economy and its integration
into institutions like NATO and the European Union, Poland has become a key player in the
region. However, its heavy reliance on Russian energy sources poses significant challenges to
its energy security and geopolitical stability.

1. Advising Policies for Energy Independence:

As a consultant for the Polish government, the recommendation would lean towards policies
aimed at reducing reliance on Russian energy sources, despite the cost advantage they may
offer. Poland's historical experiences, such as the energy disruptions caused by conflicts
between Russia and Ukraine, highlight the vulnerabilities associated with dependency on
Russian energy. Diversification of energy sources, investment in renewable energy
infrastructure, and strengthening partnerships with alternative energy suppliers would
enhance Poland's energy security in the long term, reducing exposure to geopolitical risks and
ensuring sustainable economic growth.

2. Recommendations for American LNG Companies:

If consulting for American LNG companies, it would be advisable to target Polish customers
strategically. Poland's efforts to diversify its energy sources present a significant opportunity
for American LNG exporters. Given Poland's plans to reduce reliance on Russian energy,
American LNG companies can capitalize on this demand by offering competitive pricing,
reliable supply, and fostering long-term partnerships. Moreover, Poland's strategic location in
Central Europe positions it as a potential hub for LNG distribution to neighboring countries,
further expanding market opportunities for American LNG companies.

3. Strategies for Gazprom:

As a consultant for Gazprom, addressing the issue of countries attempting to separate
themselves from Russian energy requires a multifaceted approach. Firstly, Gazprom should
prioritize enhancing the reliability and flexibility of its supply infrastructure to mitigate
concerns about energy disruptions. Additionally, fostering diplomatic relations and offering
competitive pricing packages could incentivize countries like Poland to maintain their energy
partnerships with Gazprom. Moreover, Gazprom should explore diversification strategies,
such as investing in renewable energy projects or expanding its LNG portfolio, to adapt to
changing market dynamics and maintain its competitive edge in the energy sector.

In summary, the recommendations provided for the Polish government, American LNG
companies, and Gazprom underscore the intricate interplay of geopolitical, economic, and
environmental factors shaping Poland's energy landscape. By embracing policies aimed at
energy independence, leveraging market opportunities, and implementing strategic
diversification measures, Poland can bolster its energy security, stimulate economic growth,
and mitigate risks associated with overreliance on Russian energy sources. Effective
collaboration among stakeholders, proactive decision-making, and substantial investments in
sustainable energy infrastructure will be pivotal in steering Poland toward a resilient energy

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